Philo of Man Grade 11-12 Modules Q1-Wk 1-4 (26 Pages)

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Introduction to the Person

the Human Philosophy of
Self-Learning Modules
Quarter 1
Module 1-4



Self-Learning Modules
Lesson 1: Doing Philosophy
Name: ______________________________________________ Q1W1
Section: _____________________________________________Date: ______________

What is It?

Background Information for Learners (Key Concept)

Human beings are inquisitive; we often ask questions throughout our lives. The
search for life’s questions lies on the essence of philosophy. The ancient Greeks used the
term Philosophy to refer to “Love of wisdom” and it is the study or discipline that uses human
reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and principles which governs all things.
People tend to apply an analytical perspective when looking at problems or
situations. They may apply a Holistic thinking or Partial thinking. Holistic thinking refers to a
perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems. This is often described to as
looking at the “big
picture” when describing and analyzing a situation or problem. It requires an
individual to have an open mindset and an ability to get the general sense regarding a
For instance, doctors often focus on a specific set of symptoms to determine the
cause of a patient’s illness. Once a particular cause has been identified, the doctor then
prescribes the appropriate medicine and other treatments to address the illness. In the case
of a person who experiences stomachache, a doctor may prescribe the appropriate medicine
that will address the physical cause of the problem. However, a holistic perspective requires
the doctor to look at the “big picture” and view the patient’s illness as an aspect of his/her
lifestyle and personal circumstances. In the case of the patient with stomach problem, the
doctor’s inquiry into his/her habits and lifestyle may lead to the discovery that fatigue and
stress may be factors that cause the illness. Knowing this, the doctor can advise the patient
to make changes in his/her habits to reduce stress and eventually improve his/her well-
A holistic perspective can enable a person to step back and consider the general
aspects of a certain problem. It also gives rise to a more appreciative perspective about life,
as we are able to look life in its totality. It looks at all aspects of the given situation or
problem. All aspects are given importance when making conclusions and are tied together to
form a general overview of the problem or situation.

Partial thinking looks at only a limited number of aspects of the given problem or
situation. It is an important component of analytical thinking, as an individual focuses on
certain areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand. Conclusions are made
considering some but not all sides of the problem or situation.
Though partial thinking is useful, philosophy uses holistic thinking in making sense of
problems and issues related to human experience.
Reflection requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and
actions to learn more about one’s life and experiences. It helps us understand ourselves and
our actions better. When we reflect, we can judge whether our actions or decisions are
reasonable or not. Taking time to analyze your decisions and actions is one vital skill that will
greatly help you as you encounter more challenges in life.

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view (PPT11/12-Ia-1.1);
2. realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life
(PPT11/12-Ib-1.2); and
3. do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective

What I Know

Directions: Look at the pictures below. What can you say about them? Describe their
similarities and differences. Write your observations on a separate answer sheet. After that,
answer the guide questions that follow on the same answer sheet.



Guide questions
1. How are these two pictures related to holistic perspective and partial thinking?
2. Why is holistic perspective in philosophy always required in formulating conclusion about
certain concern?
3. Is doing philosophy possible without engaging in philosophical reflection? Why?

What’s New?

Directions: Discuss with your family members a problem or issue in your family. Write their
views and use them as basis to come up with a solution based on a holistic perspective. Use
the text boxes as your guide in conducting the discussion. Write your answers on separate
sheet of paper.
Problem or issue in my family

My mother’s view/s My father’s view/s

My brother’s/ sister’s view/s My own view

Others important view/s or things to consider


What’s More?

Directions: Make a poster showing a holistic view of your life. Come up with a creative
visualization that will show how your various experiences contributed to give meaning to
your life. Use a separate paper in creating the poster. A rubric for scoring is provided and
listed as the criteria in the development of your poster.

View of My Life

Rubric for scoring

Level of Quality
Criteria Excellent (5) Proficient (4) Adequate (3) Limited (2-1) Score
Content Poster evidently Poster depicts Poster Poster
depicts the the purpose of evidently communicate
purpose of the the lesson and depicts the s the
lesson and communicates purpose of the message
clearly the message lesson
the message
Imagination Poster shows Poster shows Poster shows Poster shows
and ingenuity and thoughtfulness awareness little
Creativeness effectively and completely and imagination
enhance enhance developing and do little
creativeness creativeness and enhance creativeness
Design/ Layout and Layout and Layout and Layout and
Layout designs are design are design are not design are not
creatively and attractive

neatly done creatively done enough attractive

What I Have Learned

Directions: Read the following situations then reflect on the reasonable decision or action
you must do to solve the following concerns or issues. Write your answers on separate
sheet of paper.
1. You heard that one of your friends was hurt in a fight with some students from a
nearby school. Your other friends approach you saying that they want you to go with
them after class to look for the students who hurt your friend.
2. Your family has already made plans to go on vacation but two days before your trip,
your father had an accident and your planned vacation had to be cancelled. Your
younger sister was really looking forward to the trip and was upset thinking your
father ruined the plan.
3. You have been saving part of your allowance in order to buy a new pair of rubber
shoes. Your mother, however, is asking you to give your money to your sister so she
can buy a new school bag.

What I Can Do

Direction: Life today is not easy due to the threat of the Covid 19 pandemic. With the table
below, write possible holistic approach for each challenge in order to cope up with our
present difficulty. Copy the table below on separate sheet of paper and write your holistic

Challenge Holistic approach

1. schooling/studies

2. finances/money matters

3. boredom/mental stability

4. employment/job hunting

5. quarantine/being always inside the house


What can you say about the quotation below? Do you agree with this? Express your answer







on separate sheet of paper.


K to 12 MELCs-SHS Core Subjects

Abella, Roberto. Introduction to the Philosophy of the human Person. South Triangle, Quezon City: C & E
Publishing Inc. 2016.


“Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person Activity Sheets”. Accessed July 16, 2020


(First Quarter) Department of Education June 16, 2020 Grade 11 or 12. Accessed
July 17, 2020. /

Prepared by: Submitted to:


Self-Learning Module
Module 2: Methods of Philosophizing
Name: ______________________________________________ Q1W2

Section: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________

What is It?

Background Information for Learners (Key Concept)

In today’s society, we encounter a lot of information from various sources such as the

media and our interactions with friends, family, and members. Most of the information we

receive is helpful, but some may mislead us or may even be utterly false. How do we know

if something is true?

It is through knowing that we are able to determine what is true. Knowledge is the

clear awareness and understanding of something. It is comprised of ideas and beliefs that

we know to be true. It is the product of questions that allow for clear answers provided by

facts. Facts are propositions or statements which are observed to be real or truthful. There

are statements, however, that are not evidently or immediately known to be true. This

statement is a claim. Further examination is required to establish whether it is true or false.

Philosophizing is to think or express oneself in a philosophical manner. It considers

or discusses (a matter) from a philosophical standpoint. This seems to imply that the

philosopher is partially in possession of the truth, or he could not seek it successfully.

 Philosophy introduces methods of looking at truth and what will be considered as

mere “opinions”.

Phenomenology: on consciousness

Edmund Husserl founded the phenomenology. It is the study of structures of

consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. It does not require too

much analysis but the experience of a person. Truth is based on the person’s


Existentialism: on freedom

It is philosophy that emphasizes the importance of free individual choice, regardless

of the power of other people to influence and coerce our desires, beliefs, and decisions. It is

the view that humans define their own meaning in life and try to make rational decisions

despite existing in an irrational universe. Truth is based in exercising choices and personal


Analytic tradition

This philosophy was founded by Gottlob Frege in the late 19th century. It is said that

the Philosophy should apply logical techniques to attain conceptual clarity. It is also called

linguistic philosophy, a related set of approaches to philosophical problems. This philosophy

means using common experience and ordinary language to analyze concepts and language

in philosophy.

Logic and critical thinking: tools in reasoning

It is the analysis and construction of arguments and serves as the path to freedom

from half-truths and deception. Truth is based on reasoning and critical thinking.

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. distinguish opinion from truth (PPT11/12-Ic-2.1);

2. realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth (PPT11/12-Id-2.2); and

3. evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the methods of philosophizing


What I Know

Directions: Read each statement and then answer whether it is a fact or opinion. Write your

answers on a separate sheet of paper.

__________1. The sun is the center of the solar system.

__________2. Asia is the largest continent in the world.

__________3. Copying homework assignments is wrong.

__________4. China’s continued presence in the Spratly’s is a violation of international law.

__________5. A person must always consider the interests of his or her family before his or

her own happiness.

__________6. Sometimes curly hair looks better than straight hair.

__________7. Boracay is located in the island of Visayas of the Philippines.  

__________8. Mammals are warm-blooded animals.  

__________ 9. Dogs are the best pets among all animals. 

__________10. One of the most beautiful place to visit in Southeast Asia is the Philippines.

What’s New?

Directions: Pick a topic from the list below. Explore both sides of the argument by being on

both sides of the debate (debate with yourself). Write your response on separate sheet of

paper. Use the rubric for scoring below as your guide.

1. Philippine National Meal: Adobo vs. Sinigang

2. Presidential Office: Davao or Malacañang?

3. Road Order Contributor: Traffic Enforcers vs. Traffic Light



Rubric for scoring (self-debate)

Criteria Very Satisfactory (10) Satisfactory (6-9) Unsatisfactory (1-5)

Factual Information Used many facts to Used some facts to Used few facts to
support arguments support arguments support arguments

Comprehension Demonstrated thorough Demonstrated Demonstrated minimal

understanding of accurate understanding of
information understanding of information

Persuasiveness All arguments were Most arguments Some arguments were

logical and convincing were logical and logical and convincing

Extra Credit (If

there is any)


What’s More?

Option 1: (with gadgets and internet connection)


● Make your own mini- Anchor Chart

● Think of a situation or an object, and then provide Fact and Opinion about it.
● You may search for the picture or images of the situation in search engines.
● Paste the image on the letter size page of the Microsoft Word.
● You may design your work by using the Microsoft word tool.

● Use the rubric for scoring below as your guide.

● Submit output to the teacher online. See example below.

Option 2: (without gadgets and no internet connectivity)

● Make a mini Anchor Chart
● Think of a situation or an object, and then provide Fact and Opinion about it
● Draw the picture of that situation or object on the paper.
● You may design your work by using whatever drawing tool/materials available in your
● Use the rubric for scoring below as your guide.

Rubric for Scoring Anchor Chart

Outstanding (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (1-2)

Following All directions Most directions Some directions Directions were

project were followed were followed were followed not followed
Use of Own ideas were Own ideas were Used some Did not use own
Creativity used used most of imagination ideas or
the time imagination
Effort put in the Worked hard on Tried hard to Put a small No effort to
task the activity and finish the task effort finish task
put extra effort

What I Have Learned

Directions: Give your own thoughts to complete the following statements. Rewrite the
incomplete statements with your answers on a sheet of paper.

1. Some people tend to judge negatively what they see even before knowing the truth so I
will ______________________________________________________________________

2. In doing what is morally right, one may encounter obstacles so it is important to


3. I am free to do whatever I want but___________________________________________


What I Can Do

Directions: In your life, you have encountered and seen different situations. Write an
experience you had or an event that you have seen that match each of the following
philosophy. Explain why the philosophy is related to the experience or event you have
chosen. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Phenomenology: on consciousness
2. Existentialism: on freedom
3. Analytic tradition
4. Logic and critical thinking: tools in reasoning


Directions: Read and reflect on the message of the quotation below. Write your reflection
on separate sheet of paper.

“See the false as false,

The true as true.
Look into your heart,
Follow your nature.”


K to 12 MELCs-SHS Core Subjects

Christine Carmel R. Ramos PhD, “Introduction to the Human Philosophy of the Human Person”, (Manila: Rex
Book Store Inc., 2016), 47-64
Evangelista, Francis Julius N, PH.D. Critical Thinking A College Students Introduction to Logic.


Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, Activity Sheets (First Quarter), Department of Education
2016, Retrieved July 16, 2020 file:///C:/Users/PC/Documents/Learning%20Activity


Tiemeyer, Nathan Truth vs. Opinions. Retrieved July 18, 2020.

Shalee Baan Hofman, Fact and Opininon (2016), “How to tell the Difference?”,

Maria Jessa Lacerna1, “Methods of Philosophizing” (1999), Retrieved July 19, 2020

Jo Marie Nel C. Garcia, Lesson 2: Methods of Philisophizing, (2010), Retrieved July 19,

Debate Scoring Rubric Template l Education World. Retrieved July 20, 2020.

Portfolio assessment Rubric Sample Reference Art Rubrics Elementary Grade Level-
Daxaydung.Co. Retrieved July 20, 2020.
41711376997#imgrc=1KmWLDk9cecLXM, Retrieved July18, 2020.

Key to correction

Answer Key: What I know

1. Fact 6. Opinion
2. Fact 7. Fact
3. Opinion 8. Fact
4. Fact 9. Opinion
5. Opinion 10. Fact

Prepared by:

Gov. Rafael L. Lazatin Integrated School

Malabaǹas Integrated School

Submitted to:

EPSvr 1- EsP
Self-Learning Modules
Lesson 3: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit

Name: ___________________________________ Q1W3

Section: ___________________________________ Date: _______________

What is It

Background Information for Learners (Key Concept)

We, as human being together with our body has its limitations, which means that we
are not equipped with the best physical attributes among all the beings in the world. There
are things that we humans don’t possess or capable of doing compared to other living
creatures here on earth. For example, human beings are not capable of flying like the birds,
nor we cannot breathe underwater without the aid of a breathing apparatus, but the thing
that makes man different from other living things is that man do possess spirit. As an
embodied spirit, we, human persons have numerous opportunities to explore everything
around us and even within ourselves. Though we enjoy a number of advantages compared
to other beings, still there are a number of things that we naturally cannot do. Despite these
natural limitations, we have used our intellect to devise means to achieve several feats. We
now use airplanes to fly, employ scuba gear to swim underwater for extended periods, and

invented tools and machines to lift gear weights and perform other feats well beyond our
physical capabilities.
Now that we are living in this new era, we tend to surpass limits in order to achieve
our goals in life and this is called as TRANSCENDENCE.  Our mind is an important tool that
allows us to go beyond our physical limits. As persons, we are able to exercise our
imagination and reflection to go beyond our own thoughts and experiences. Although we
have physical limitations, we can transcend them because of our spiritual dimensions. Being
physically limited in our abilities does not prevent us from hoping and aspiring for greater
things. Transcendence also means overcoming oneself or being in control even if the body
reminds us of certain tendencies. Although these tendencies are felt, the person can govern
them and ensure that they are exercised within the bounds of reason.  A person who has no
control over his or her eating habit eventually becomes unhealthy and develops an eating
disorder. A person who allows the pleasures of dangerous drugs to rule over him becomes a
drug addict. In summary, the essence of transcendence is to acknowledge our limitations,
identify possibilities for development, and change ourselves for the better.

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence
(PPT11/12-If-3.1.); and
2. valuate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence

What I Know

Directions: Identify whether each statement is a LIMITATION or TRANSCENDENCE.

Write your answer on the space/box right next each statement. Write your answers on
separate sheet of paper.

1. Humans cannot breathe underwater.

2. Humans needs to ride on a plane in order to

experience like flying.

3. Humans needs to use diving gear to breathe


4. Humans do not have the ability to fly.

5. Humans use their intellect to devise means to

achieve several feats.

What’s New?

Directions: Fill-out the first column with your limitations as learner according to different
aspects, and the second column with your actions/plans toward transcendence based on the
limitations you gave on the first column. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.

Limitations Plan Towards Transcendence

1. Physical

2. Mental/ Intellectual

3. Social

4. Spiritual

What’s More

Option 1 (For learners with stable internet connection only)

Directions: Watch a video TV/movie drama clip from Youtube or other website showing
story with features on Limitations and/or Transcendence. Fill in the table below after viewing.
Submit accomplished activity to the teacher through online.

Describe the limitations observed in Describe the transcendence

the movie/drama clip in the movie/drama clip

(Place the URL of

the TV/movie
drama here)

Option 2 (For learners without internet connection)

Directions: Conduct an interview with your family member/s regarding the limitations and
transcendence they experienced. Let your family member narrate his/her story relative to
this. Fill in the table with appropriate information needed. Write your answers on separate
sheet of paper.
Family Member
Describe the limitations Describe the transcendence
(Indicate your relationship to experienced by the family experienced by the family
the family member you member interviewed member interviewed

What I Have Learned

Option 1 (For learners with stable internet connection only)

Directions: Make or create a meme based on your own personal Limitations and
Transcendence. Do not download meme/s. Make your own. Use the rubric for scoring meme
as your guide. (Please be reminded that there’s no need to print your output/meme instead
submission will be through online.). See the example below.

Limitation: I cannot launch a school activity by myself

Transcendence: I made a partnership and collaboration with my co-worker to launch

the school activity

Option 2 (For learners without internet connection)

Directions: Create a slogan based on your own Limitations and Transcendence. Make your
slogan attractive by writing it in the separate sheet of paper. You may use
markers/pen/pencil and coloring materials or any available coloring materials at your home.
Show your creativity in your work. Use the rubric for scoring slogan as your guide.
“No internet connection and gadget for online classes,
I chose modular approach form of learning modality”.

Limitation: I have no internet connection and gadget for online classes

Transcendence: I chose modular learning modality approach to continue my studies.

Your slogan here

Limitation: __________________________________________________________
Transcendence: _____________________________________________________

Rubric for Scoring Meme and Slogan

Criteria Very Good (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2)
Craftsmanship The The The The
Meme/Slogan is Meme/Slogan is Meme/Slogan is Meme/Slogan
exceptionally attractive in acceptably is distracting
Scores: attractive in terms of attractive and messy.

a. meme- terms of neatness. though it may

neatness. Well- Constructed be a bit messy
constructed and good and not
b. slogan - not messy. very mess

Creativity Meme/Slogan is Meme/Slogan is Meme/Slogan is The

exceptionally creative and a creative and Meme/Slogan
creative. A lot of good amount of some though does not reflect
Scores: thought and though was put was put into any degree of

a. meme- effort was used into decorating. decorating it. creativity.

to make the
b. slogan-
Originality Exceptional use Good use of Average use of No use of new

of new ideas new ideas and new ideas and ideas and
and originality originality to originality to originality to
to create create create create
Scores: Meme/Slogan. Meme/Slogan. Meme/Slogan. Meme/Slogan

a. meme-

b. slogan-
Total Scores:

a. meme-

b. slogan-

What I Can Do

Direction: Make a short analysis on how you can apply Limitation and Transcendence in
your daily life by answering the following questions. Write your answers on separate sheet of

Question: How does Limitation and Transcendence help you to become a better decision


Direction: Read and analyze each question carefully before answering. Write your answers
on separate sheet of paper.
1) Have you experienced wherein your body or your mind had reached its limits? How did
you overcome this experience based on transcendence?
2) How are you going to apply transcendence in your daily life as a student so as to achieve
your goals?

K to 12 MELCs-SHS Core Subjects
Ramos, Christine Carmel R. PhD., Introduction to the Human Philosophy of the
Human Person (Manila:Rex Book Store Inc., 2016), pp. 47-64

Basuga, Allan “The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit.” Accessed July 16, 2020,
Castelo, Jerome “The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit.” Updated date
Yoon, Mayo “Human Person as an Embodied Spirit.” Updated date
Kazekage15 “The Human Person as an embodied Spirit limitations and
Transcendence.” Accessed July 16, 2020,

Prepared by:
Rommel De Leon (ACNHS)
Karen B. Estacio (SDIS)

Submitted to:
EPSvr 1 : EsP


Self-Learning Modules
Lesson 4: The Human Person in the Environment

Name : _______________________________________________Q1W4
Section: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

What is It

Background Information for Learners (Key Concept)

Humankind is part of the world, and we significantly affect our environment in the
same way that changes in our environment affects us. We interact not only with our fellow
human beings but also with other living and non-living elements in our environment.

Philosophers believed that the human being has the ability to change the environment to suit
his purpose.
As a rational being, humans is not only capable of transforming the world, but also
understanding the laws which govern nature. He may treat it as a source of raw materials to
be used in any way he pleases and/or as something that enveloped and surrounds him, and
thus have a unique relationship with it.
The values of Prudence and Frugality can guide us in our own personal use of
resources. Prudence is the ability to regulate one’s activities and behavior, while Frugality
is being thrifty with the use of one’s resources.
As human person, it is our responsibility to treat with respect not only our fellow
humans but also everything in our world. Upholding environmentalism and sustainability will
enable us to take the first steps in addressing environmental issues and contribute to solving
the greater environmental challenge of climate change.
We must make wise decisions regarding the use of natural resources to ensure that
there is still enough left for future use. Persons have unique ability of cultivating nature,
bringing it closer to their intended ends. This means that person can help preserve and
nurture the environment if they take the task.

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way
2. show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being and sustainable
development (PPT11/12-Ii-4.2); and
3. demonstrate the virtues of Prudence and Frugality towards environment(PPT11/12-Ij-4.3).

What I Know
Directions: Look closely at the pictures below. Then answer the guide questions. Write
your answers on separate sheet of paper.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Guide questions:

1. What have you observed in

the 2 pictures?
2. Which would you prefer to
visit? Why?
3. Do you imagine yourself doing the same things in the second picture? How will you
assist in saving our environment?

What’s New

Directions: Analyze the following situations and determine whether each shows the right
and moral choices with regard to the environment. Cite your thoughts and answer the guide
questions. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.

1. A mining corporation decided to save costs and did not construct an effective storing
facility for mining waste. The improperly stored waste leaked and polluted the nearby river,
poisoned marine life, and caused people in the nearby village to get sick.
2. A businessman bought a large piece of farmland and decided to convert it into a
subdivision. During construction, hundreds of trees were uprooted and streams were
covered in cement.
Guide questions
1. After analyzing the situations, what changes have you seen in our environment?
2. Do you think environment plays a vital role in a person’s development? Why or why not?

What’s More

Directions: Make a slogan or poster that shows environmental concerns to protect our
planet in any kind of harmful acts of man. If it is a poster, think of a title of your poster. You
may also use coloring materials available in your home and show your creativity. Post your
slogan or poster on separate sheet of paper. Use the rubric for scoring below as your guide.

Your slogan or poster here

Rubric for
Criteria Very Good (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2)
Craftsmanship The slogan/poster is The slogan/poster is The The
exceptionally attractive in terms of slogan/poster is slogan/poster is
attractive in terms of neatness. It was acceptably distracting and
Score:_____ neatness. Well- constructed good attractive messy.
constructed and not and not very messy though it may
messy. be a bit messy
Creativity The slogan/poster is The slogan/poster is The The
exceptionally creative and a good slogan/poster is slogan/poster
creative. A lot of amount of thought creative and does not reflect
Score:______ thought and effort was put into some thought any degree of
was used decorating it. was put into creativity.
decorating it.
Originality Exceptional use of Good use of new Average use of No use of new
Score:______ new ideas and ideas and originality new ideas and ideas and
originality originality originality
Total Score
_______ pts.

What I Have Learned

Directions: After discovering that you can help preserve and nurture the environment, what
special learning, realization and plan you have to help our environment? Write your answers
on separate sheet of paper.

What I Can Do

Option 1 (For learners with stable internet connection only)

Directions: Search laws regarding the protection of our environment. Enumerate three (3)
laws and give the importance of each law. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.

Option 2 (For learners without internet connection)

Directions: Make a list of 7 ways that you can do as a student in order to preserve and
protect our environment. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.


Directions: Base on the given picture below what could be the best way for you in order to
solve this perennial problem. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.

Picture A

Picture B

K to 12 MELCs-SHS Core Subjects
Roberto D. Abella, M. Div, D. Min., Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person,

Copyright @ 2016 by C&E Publishing, INC. Published in 2016 by C&E Publishing,
INC. 839 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon City
Farjana, Drawing Academy,
KAJ6BQgBEPsB&biw=1349&bih=657#imgrc=JcQE5mM7GtJZyM. October 4, 2017.

Prepared by: Submitted to:

Henry F. Tallorin MR. EDGARDO S. NUNAG

Teacher II, ACNTS-SHS Philo Teacher EPSvr 1 - EsP


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