P4-4 Report Comment Term 3

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No Name Comment
1 Angelina Veronica S Angelina enjoys her lessons, and is showing good results.

She always pays attention and finishes her tasks on time.

Hopefully, she will be be more punctual during Zoom time.

Keep studying and learning, Angelina!

2 Bridget Quincy Quincy always tries to do the best in all tasks but, she still

needs to develop a clearer understanding of the instructions.

She has worked well for her marks . Good Job, Quincy!

3 Elden Culver P Elden has worked well, he is always actively involved in

each lesson. He always shows his enthusiasm and is active
during the Zoom class. However, he is easily distracted in
class and is encouraged to be more focused during lesson
time. Good job, Elden!
4 Emerald Aubree Emerald is a good student who always listens to her teacher.
However, she needs to be more confident and active during
discussions and to be more careful in doing her assignments
given. It will help to improve her performance. Well done,

5 Gabriella Isabel V Gabby is a kind student in the Zoom class. She has good
concentration during the lesson. However, she needs to be
confident and speak loudly during t class activities. You can
do it, Gabby!

6 Genevieve Janicesale Janice is a nice student who always smiles and shares a
happy face in the class. She has good concentration during
the lesson. However, she needs to be more confident and
speak loudly during the Zoom class. You can do it, Janice!
7 Jaden Shane Jaden has put a lot of effort into learning. He is attentive
during the lessons. He would achieve better results if he
focuses more on the lessons taught. You can do it, Jaden!
8 Jayden Bhastian Jayden always listens to the teachers but, he still needs to
develop a clearer understanding of the instructions. Keep
studying, Jayden !

9 Jason Mulyono Jason always tries to do his best in all tasks. However,
paying more attention to the teachers’ explanations and
reviewing the lessons regularly will help him to increase his
performance in class. Put in more effort, Jason!
10 Jessica Kannitha Jessica is able to follow the lessons well and has good
understanding of all subjects. She always pays attention and

finishes her tasks on time. Keep studying and learning,


11 Jevan Lucius Ludy Jevan always tries to do his best in all tasks. However,
paying more attention to the teachers’ explanations and
reviewing the lessons regularly will help him to increase his
performance in class. Put in more effort, Jevan!
12 Jezreel Letticia Jezreel is kind and has good manners during the Zoom class.
She has good concentration during the lesson. However, she
needs to be more confident and speak loudly during the
Zoom class. You can do it, Jezreel!

13 Jolin Navarette T Jolin always enjoys her time at school. She loves mingling
with her friends and spends her free time having
conversations with them. She always shows her enthusiasm
and is active during the Zoom class. Good job, Jolin!
14 Jonathan Kenzo G Jonathan has worked well, he is always actively involved in
each lesson. He always shows his enthusiasm and is active
during the Zoom class. Good job, Jonathan!
15 Justin Kenzo Kenzo has put a lot of effort into learning. He is attentive
during the lessons. He would achieve better results if he
focuses more on the lessons taught. You can do it, Kenzo!
16 Kezia Graciana Liem Kezia has studied very well and got her good scores. She is
always actively involved in each lesson, shows her
enthusiasm and is active during the Zoom class. Good job,
17 Maxwell Maverick Maxwell is a good listener and always pays attention to his
teachers’ instructions. He works well with others and spends his
free time with friends in a positive way . Keep doing in a good
way, Maxwell!
18 Nicole Madeline Nicole follows and enjoys the lesson with great attitude
towards learning. She loves mingling with her friends and
spends her free time having conversations with them. She’s
also able to finish her tasks given in the allotted time. Good
effort, Nicole!
19 Othniel Yosua Jose follows and enjoys the lesson with great attitude
towards learning. He loves mingling with his friends and
spends his free time having conversations with them. He’s
also able to finish his tasks given in the allotted time. Keep it
up, Jose!

20 Rafael Maiken Rafael is a very enthusiastic, curious and a cheerful

individual who often contributes ideas and information to the
Zoom classes . He’s also able to finish his tasks given in the
allotted time. He is showing great improvement as the class
progresses. You’re amazing, Rafael!

21 Shannon Gunardi Shannon has put a lot of effort into learning. She loves
mingling with her friends and spends her free time having
conversations with them. She would achieve better results if
she focuses more on the lessons taught. You can do it,
22 Vincentius Hartono Vincent is a nice student who always smiles and shares a
happy face in the class. He always shows his enthusiasm and
is active during the Zoom class. Good job, Vincent!

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