Health Supplement

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Date : 28/05/2021

Introductory Paragraph
1.”Health supplement improve our health and well-being”
2. supplement is very helpful for became healthy.
3.this is because our body need nutrients and cannot find them in nature.
4.for example,health supplement has omega-3,zink and other vitamin added.
5.However,beside consume health supplement there have other ways to become healthy.
Content Paragraph (Point 1)
1. healthy lifestyle is one of the way to become healthy.
2.There are many ways that one can live such a life. Getting an appropriate amount of sleep
is important to everyone. Without rest, the human body will not function properly. The
immune system weakens and people are more susceptible to everyday illnesses. Along
with eating well, one should get plenty of exercise.
3. We also need to taka care about hygiene and our invironment ,this is because can help
our life more comfortable.
4.that lifestyle can change yourself more healthy.
5.thus,i believe that when we change our lifestyle we don’t need other supplement.
Content Paragraph (Point 2)
1.the other ways to be more healthy is we must take a balanced diet.
2.we should eat in the right amount that suitable with our calori needed.
3.that can helps us to ovoid overweight.
4.beside that ,we need to take food that has nutriens ,protien,vitamins and minerals.
5.that why we must take a balanced died to make sure our body health
Content Paragraph (Point 3)
1.we also can exercise
2.can do exercise 2 days per week
3.exercise can remove our toxin in your body.futhermore exercise can help us to release
4.its very important for us to keep moving so our body can having movement.
5.exercise can help to strenghen our bones.
Concluding Paragraph make sure our life is healthy we must find many ways to keep healthy.
2.try to loving yourself first so that your lives become meaningful. of the body must be taken care of because health cannot be bought with money.

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