B Application Form

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ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020

1-(1) Application Form

Master's Degree and Internship Program of African Business Education Initiative for Youth
/ SDGs Global Leadership Program for FY2022

1. Handwritten form is NOT acceptable
2. Fill in the form in English
3. It is a MUST to fill all the YELLOW columns (Please write "N/A" if not applicable)
4. Write years in western calendar
5. Write proper nouns in full without abbreviation
6. Sign all pages on the bottom of right-hand corner after printing
7. Check your application form using the check list at the bottom of this application form

1. Personal Information

1-1. Course (JICA may suggest appropriate course during the 2nd Selection)
Master's Degree and Internship Program of African
Education Initiative for Youth Color Photo
● Leadership
1-2. Number (Not need to fill in. JICA will inform after selection Procedures) Paste your photo
Program taken within
6 months.

1-3. Information about the applicant

Family Name

First Name

Other Name
(If any)
Date of Birth
Sex (Day/Month/Year / /
Nationality (As of

Resident Country


1-4. Contact Person in Emergency (2 people)

Name Relationship

Province &
TEL Email
Name Relationship

Province &
TEL Email

ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020
1-(1) Application Form

2. Declaration of desired university placement

1) All applicants are required to specify first, second and third choice of Universities by reference to "2-(1):
University Information for the Applicants".

Name of Selected
Course (Master ONLY
Priority Code University and Graduate School Course / Program / Degree Supervisor of choice*
if you apply for
Graduate School
ABE Initiative)

* If you wish to apply for a PhD, please make sure to fill in "Supervisor of choice".
In case of Master's program, please fill in if your desired university requires to choose the
Please check the list of universities for details.

ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020
1-(1) Application Form

3. Educational Background

1.Exclude kindergarden education and nursery school education.
2.Preparatory education for university admission is included in upper secondary education.
3.If you attended multiple schools at the same level of education due to moving house or readmission to university,
modify level column and write the schools in the separate rows.
4.Any school years or levels skipped or repeated should be indicated in the Remarks column.
5. End date for Higher Education should match with the date on the guraduate certificate which you submit.
6. Academic Degree must be filled for Higher Education level. (If not obtained any degree, write "N/A")

Name of School Province, Years of From (Month)/(Year)

Level Academic Degree
Faculty / Department Country schooling To (Month)/(Year)

From /
To /

From /
To /

From /
To /

From /
To /

From /

To /

From /

To /

From /

To /

Total Years of Education: 0 years of schooling

Please write the reasons in Remarks if you need to make a supplement or explanation for the instruction 4, 5, or 6.


ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020
1-(1) Application Form

1) Language Proficiency
Excellent: Refined fluency skills and topic-controlled
Listening discussions, debates & presentations. Formulates
strategies to deal with various essay types,
including narrative, comparison, cause-effect &
Speaking argumentative essays.

Good: Conversational accuracy & fluency in a wide range

English Reading of situations: discussions, short presentations &
Proficiency interviews. Compound complex sentences.
Extended essay formation.
Fair: Broader range of language related to expressing
opinions, giving advice, making suggestions.
Certificate Limited compound and complex sentences &
(if any) expanded paragraph formation.
Poor: Simple conversation level, such as self-
Mother Tongue introduction,
ex. French brief question & answer using the present and
past tenses.
Other Language
(if any)

Proficiency of the other language

2)  Have you ever been awarded a scholarship for studying abroad?

Name of scholarship

Duration From / To /

3) Are you currently applying for any scholarship(s), other than ABE Initiative?

Name of scholarship

4) Have you ever participated in any training course in your country or abroad including any offered by JICA?

Name of the course

Name of the
Country you visited
institution or agency

Duration From / To /

ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020
1-(1) Application Form

4. Present Organization and Nomination

4-1. Present Organization and Position

if others,
Type of Organization Local Government


Department / Division

Date of assignment
Date of employment / / to the present / /
Province &
TEL Email

Cateory of Organization Type of Organization Description

A. Private Sector Private Private company including Private school
National Government Ministry or Federal Institution
B. Ministry /
Local Government Governmental Institution run by state/province or city/town
Government Institution
Public Enterprise Government-owned corporation or facilities
C. Higher Education
University Either public or Private University
and TVET
NGO/Private(non-profit) NGO or non-profit organization
Self-employed Freelancer (if you own a company, chose "Private")
Just graduated or will Graduate soon from University and not
D. Others Fresh Graduate
Unemployed not working
Others Any status not applying to all above

4-2. Questionnaire on Relationship with the Military / the Ministry of Defense

*please mark with ✓ below in the box below which best describes the relationship with the
the Military, an active military personnel or a military personnel listed in the muster roll/military
an organization affiliated with the Military, or a personnel who does not belong to the military at
present but is listed in the muster roll/military register
the Department or the Ministry of Defense, an organization affiliated with the Ministry of Defense, or
staff of the Ministry of Defense
an civilian organization but with military personnel or a military division within the organization
an organization which will be affiliated with or under the control of the Military in times of emergency
as specified clearly in its organic law/law of establishment
No, I do not have any relationship with the Military / the Ministry of Defense

4-3. Confirmation of the nomination by the applicant's present organization

I agree to nominate this person on behalf of our organization

Date Signature


Department /



* This confirmation is necessary if the applicant's present organization is

the ministry / government institution or any higher education and TVET institution

ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020
1-(1) Application Form

5. Work Experience

Provide the information of your work experience following the most recent one.
The first row (most recent one) will be filled automatically if 4-1 is correctly filled.
* Please write the month and year as of you apply for this program.
Ex,If you applied for this program end of October in 2021, Please choose October as month and 2021 as

Period of Full/
Organization Department Position From / To Type
Working Part

From /

*To /

From /

To /

From /

To /

From /

To /

From /

To /

From /

To /

From /

To /

**For the type of organization, please choose from the followings:

A. Private Sector B. Ministry / Government Institution

C. Higher Education and TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Institutions
D. Others (non-profit organization etc.)
*Please refer to Category of Organization on page 5 (4. Present Organization and Nomination)

Total years of full-time job experience: 0 year and 0 month

Total years of part-time job experience 0 year and 0 month

ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020
1-(1) Application Form

6. Medical History

6-1. Present Medical Status

a) Do you currently use any medicine or have regular medical checkup by a physician for your illness?

Name of illness, and condition

Name of medicine

If yes, please attach your doctor's letter (preferably, written in English) that describes current status of
your illness and agreement to join the program

b) Are you pregnant?

Months of pregnancy month Expected date of delivery /

c) Are you allegic to any medication or food?

What are you allegic to?

d) Please indicate any needs arising from disabilities that might necessitate additional support or facilities.

NOTES: Disability does not lead to exclusion of persons with disability from the program. However, upon
the situation, you may be directly inquired by the JICA official in charge for a more detailed account of
your condition.

6-2. Past Medical History

a) Have you had any significant or serious illness?

if yes, please specify

b) Have you ever been a patient in a mental clinic or been treated by a psychiatrist?

if yes, please specify

6-3. Other Medical Problems

If you have any medical problems that are not described above, please indicate below.

ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020
1-(1) Application Form

7. Declaration

declare that I apply for the Master’s Degree and Internship Program of African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE Initiative) /
SDGs Global Leader with a full understanding of the “General Information”, especially the articles stipulated below:with a full
understanding of the “General Information”, especially the articles stipulated below:
1. all the information answered and provided in this application form by me, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and
ability. My application will be cancelled if any information is proven to be false.
2. all the information provided by me in this application form had been approved by my supervisor in my organization
(Required only for Governmental Officials (including public organizations) and/or Educators.)
3. an application form which is incomplete or missing any necessary document(s) will be deemed ineligible and not considered.
4. the selection procedure and results rest entirely with JICA as the secretariat of ABE Initiative. No inquiries or objections by
applicants regarding the result of the selection process will be considered.


 (2-1) When I am accepted for the Master’s Degree and Internship Program of African Business Education Initiative for Youth program, I
2-1-1. that the objective of the program which is written in G.I. Therefore, I will participate in observation tours of companies, summer
internship, and post graduate internship as designated by JICA,
2-1-2. that I am required to contribute to the development of my nation’s relationship with Japan after completing the Master’s course and
Internships in Japan,
2-1-3. that the objective of the program is not provision of employment in Japan upon completion of the program.

 (2-2) When I am accepted for the SDGs Global Leadership Program, I agree
2-2-1. that the objective of the program which is written in G.I. Therefore, I will participate in additional programs as being instructed in G.I
if necessary.
2-2-2. that I am required to contribute to the development of my nation’s long-term good relationship with Japan after completing the
course in Japan,
2-2-3. that the objective of the program is not provision of employment in Japan upon completion of the program.


【General Rules】
1. to invite family to Japan (spouse and children only), participants should be responsible for all expenses and necessary procedures
in Japan by themselves. JICA does not provide any support or additional financial assistance except issuing necessary
documents for the process. If the participants wish to invite families, JICA strongly recommend doing so AFTER 6 MONTHS upon
arrival in Japan at the earliest,
2. all the information answered in 8. MEDICAL HISTORY is true, and to accept that medical conditions resulting from an undisclosed
pre- existing condition may not be financially compensated by JICA and may result in termination of the program,
3. to carry out such instructions and abide by such conditions as may be stipulated by both the nominating government and the
Japanese Government regarding the program,
4. to follow the program, and abide by the rules of the institution or establishment that implements the program,
5. to refrain from engaging in political activity or any form of employment for profit or gain
6. to return to my home country at the end of the activities in Japan on the designated flight schedule arranged by JICA,
7. to discontinue the program if JICA and the applicatn’s current organizations agree on any reason for such discontinuation and
not to claim any cost or damage due to the said discontinuation,
  8. to consent to waive exercise of my copyright holder’s rights for documents or products that are produced during the course of the
program, against duplication and/or translation by JICA, as long as they are used for the purposes of the program,
  9. to discontinue the program, should the participants violate Japanese laws or JICA’s regulations, or the participants commit illegal or
immoral conduct, or get critical illness or serious injury and be considered unable to continue the course
10. to observe Japanese laws and ordinances (including, for example, such as ‘Sexual Harassment’) during my stay, if I violate,
will return the total amount or a part of the expenditure required for ABE Initiative depending on the extent of the violation,
11. to understand that JICA does not assure issuance of Japan entry visa even after JICA decide to accept me.
I understand the Embassy of Japan will decide it according to necessary formalities upon the submission of visa application
from each participant.

【Information Security Policy in relation to Personal Information Protection】

● JICA will properly and safely manage personal information collected through this application form in accordance with JICA’s
privacy policy and the relevant laws of Japan concerning protection of personal information and take protection measures to
prevent divulgation, loss or damages of such personal information. Any information able to identify individuals that is acquired
from applicants/participants shall be entered into and stored in a platform, used or analysed within the scope of ABE Initiative
Programs/SDGs Global leader and activities of concerned parties: JICA, Japanese Universities and registered Japanese enterprises.
● Unless otherwise obtained approval from an applicant itself or there are valid reasons such as disclosure under laws and
ordinances, etc., and except for the following 1.-3., JICA will neither provide nor disclose personal information to any third party.
JICA will use personal information provided only for the purposes in the following 1.-3 and will not use for any purpose other than
the following 1.-3 without prior approval of an applicant itself.
1. To provide ABE initiative/SDGs Global leader's participants.
2. To provide ABE initiative/SDGs Global leader's participants from developing countries under the Citizens’ Cooperation Activities.
3. In addition to 1. and 2. above, if the government of Japan or JICA determines necessary in the course of technical

【Privacy Policy】
(1) Scope of Use
Any information used for identifying individuals that is acquired by JICA will be stored, used, or analyzed only within the scope of JICA
activities. JICA reserves the right to use such identifying information and other materials in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy
(2) Limitations on Use and Provision
JICA shall never intentionally provide information to a third party that can be used to identify individuals, with the following three exceptions:
(a) legally mandated disclosure requests;
(b) the information provider grants permission for information disclosure to a third party;
(c) JICA commissions a party to process information collected, in which case the information provided will be within the scope of the
commissioned tasks.
(3) Security Notice
JICA takes any measures required to prevent leakage, loss, or destruction of acquired information, and to otherwise properly manage such

【Portrait Right Policy】

During the implementation period of the programs,JICA (including hired photographer and program implementing partners) will shoot
photographs and video footage mainly for the following purposes:
・ Use on the website or in SNS administrated/operated by JICA,
・ Use in JICA publications (public relations magazines, annual reports, journals, etc.) in printed or electronic form,
*Photos and images taken will not be used for commercial purposes and the participants’ personal information will not be disclosed to any
third party without the consent of the participants.

JICA would appreciate it if the participants of the programs grant the participants themselves portrait right license to JICA for photos and
images taken described above.
It is, however, not a requirement of the programs. The participants do not agree to grant the participants themselves portrait right license to
JICA, has absolutely no problem in participating the programs. JICA respects the intention of each Participant.

・I understand and fully agree to the following terms and conditions set forth above.
・I will be subject to any penalties imposed as a consequence of my failure to abide by the above terms and conditions.
・I understand the intention of JICA on “Portrait Right Policy” mentioned above, and my intention for usage/publication of photographs
 and videos including the portrait of myself by JICA for the purpose above is as follows:

Agree Disagree
・I certify that the statements I made in this form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name of Applicant:


DATE (Day / Month / Year): / /

ABE Initiative 7th Batch/SDGs Global Leadership Program FY2020
1-(1) Application Form

Check List

Please check the following BEFORE printing

Page Check Point Applicant JICA
All Are all the Yellow columns (MANDATORY) filled?

Is the full name written as shown on the Passport? (Wrong spelling etc.)
(National ID is acceptable if the applicant does not own a Passport)
Is the date of birth same as on the Passport or ID?

Is your age between 22 to 39? (if not, check qualified age at JICA overseas office in charge of your country)

Is the name of supervisors chosen from the professor list in the University Information?

(If applying for ABE Initiative) Are you applying for Master course (Not doctor course)?
(If applying for PhD(SDGs course) Is the section "supervisor of choice " filled out?
Did you check the deadline of Submission Period of Application Documents to the University?
Please note that some universities have earlier application deadline.
Is the schooling years corresponded to the years specified in University Diploma and Academic Transcript?

Is the name of the degree same as in the "University Diploma" and "Academic Transcript"?
3 Is the total schooling years over minimum academic years for Bachelor's degree? your total schooling
years-> 0 years
If the schooling years does not match with the regular academic period, is it explained in the Remarks
4 Is the applicant applying for any scholarship other than ABE Initiative?

Is the name of organization, department, and position correctly mentioned? (No abbreviation is allowed)

5 Did you confirm that your present orantization is not private sector If appying for SDGs course ?

Is your present organization related to the Military / the Ministry of Defense?

Is the working history and period correctly filled?

6 ・Any employment before university completion is not considered as working history.
・Only full-time working with acquisition of diploma, such as night school, is approved as working experience.

Is the research plan written with enough amount of words?

Annex 3 (Extreme lack of words may not be accepted)
Research Plan
Is the "Title", "Introduction", "Objective" and "Conclusion", respectively followed?

Please check the following AFTER printing

Page Check Point Applicant JICA
All Is there a signature on the bottom-right corner of all pages?
1 Is the applicant's photo attached on the Application form?
5 Is there official stamp/signature of current organization?
8 In the Declaration Form, is the signed date within the application period?

Is the notary seal* affixed to University Diploma?

The copied document of original one is approved only with the original notary seal affixed.
*The notary seal: To officially notarize the copied document, affixed by authorized public
University institutions or lawyers.
Is the name and date of birth as shown on the Passport or ID? If not, please describe the
reason in the letter.
If not written in English, is the official English translation attached?
Is the notary seal affixed to Academic Transcript for all the grades earned in the university?
Academic Is the name and date of birth as shown on the Passport or ID? If not, please describe the
Transcript reason in the letter.
If not written in English, is the official English translation attached?
Is the copy of valid Passport (or National ID) attached?
Copy of
Passport(ID) If not written in English, is the official English translation attached?

Photos Is 6 photos attached other than attaching on page 1 of Application Form?

If yes in 6-1(a), is the doctor's letter (written in English) attached? The letter should describe
current status of the applicant's illness and has a consent for an applicant to join the program

Please check the following BEFORE submission

Page Check Point Applicant JICA
All Are all attachments submitted?

Reg.No Name of Applicant:

School CoName

0101A Hokkaido University

0102A Hokkaido University

0103A Hokkaido University

0104A Hokkaido University

0104B Hokkaido University

0104C Hokkaido University

0104D Hokkaido University

0104E Hokkaido University

0104F Hokkaido University

0104G Hokkaido University

0104H Hokkaido University

0104I Hokkaido University

0104J Hokkaido University

0104K Hokkaido University

0104L Hokkaido University

0104M Hokkaido University

0105A Hokkaido University

0106A Hokkaido University

0107A Hokkaido University
0107B Hokkaido University
0108A Hokkaido University
0108B Hokkaido University

0109B Hokkaido University

Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

0301A Tohoku University

0302A Tohoku University
0302B Tohoku University
0302C Tohoku University
0302D Tohoku University
0303A Tohoku University
0304A Tohoku University
0305A Tohoku University
0306A Tohoku University
0401A Akita University
0402A Akita University
0501A Yamagata University
0501B Yamagata University
0501C Yamagata University
0501D Yamagata University
0501E Yamagata University
0501F Yamagata University
0501G Yamagata University
0501H Yamagata University
0501I Yamagata University
0501J Yamagata University
0601A Iwate University
0601B Iwate University
0601C Iwate University
0601D Iwate University
0601E Iwate University
0601F Iwate University
0601G Iwate University
0601H Iwate University
0601I Iwate University

0701A University of Tsukuba

0701B University of Tsukuba

0701C University of Tsukuba

0701D University of Tsukuba

0701E University of Tsukuba

0702A University of Tsukuba

0702B University of Tsukuba

0702C University of Tsukuba

0702D University of Tsukuba

0702E University of Tsukuba

0702F University of Tsukuba

0702G University of Tsukuba

0702H University of Tsukuba

0702I University of Tsukuba

0702J University of Tsukuba

0702K University of Tsukuba

0702L University of Tsukuba

0703A University of Tsukuba

0703B University of Tsukuba

0703C University of Tsukuba

0703D University of Tsukuba

0703E University of Tsukuba

0703F University of Tsukuba

0801A Ibaraki University

0901A Ashikaga University
1001A Utsunomiya University
1001B Utsunomiya University
1001C Utsunomiya University
1001D Utsunomiya University
1001E Utsunomiya University
1001F Utsunomiya University
1001G Utsunomiya University

1001H Utsunomiya University

1001I Utsunomiya University

1001J Utsunomiya University
1001K Utsunomiya University

1001L Utsunomiya University

1101A Yokohama National University

1101B Yokohama National University

1101C Yokohama National University

1102A Yokohama National University

1102B Yokohama National University

1102C Yokohama National University

1102D Yokohama National University

1201A Yokohama City University

1202A Yokohama City University
1203A Yokohama City University
1203B Yokohama City University
1204A Yokohama City University
1205A Yokohama City University
1301A Tokai University
1301B Tokai University
1301C Tokai University
1301D Tokai University

1302A Tokai University

1302B Tokai University

1401A Tokyo City University
1402B Tokyo City University

1501A University of Yamanashi

1501B University of Yamanashi

1501C University of Yamanashi

1501D University of Yamanashi

1501E University of Yamanashi

1501F University of Yamanashi
1601A The University of Tokyo
1602A The University of Tokyo
1602B The University of Tokyo
1602C The University of Tokyo
1602D The University of Tokyo
1603A The University of Tokyo
1603B The University of Tokyo
1603C The University of Tokyo
1604A The University of Tokyo
1701A Hitotsubashi University
1701B Hitotsubashi University
1801A Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
1802A Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
1802B Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

1803A Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

1804A Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

1901A Tokyo Institute of Technology

1901B Tokyo Institute of Technology

1901C Tokyo Institute of Technology

1901D Tokyo Institute of Technology

1902A Tokyo Institute of Technology
1902B Tokyo Institute of Technology
1903A Tokyo Institute of Technology
1904A Tokyo Institute of Technology
2001A Tokyo Medical and Dental University
2201A Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
2301A WASEDA University
2302A Waseda University
2303A WASEDA University
2303B WASEDA University
2304A WASEDA University
2305A Waseda University
2305B Waseda University
2306A WASEDA University
2306B WASEDA University

2307A WASEDA University

2308A WASEDA University

2309A WASEDA University
2401A Shibaura Institute of Technology
2501A Tokyo University of Agriculture
2502A Tokyo University of Agriculture
2503A Tokyo University of Agriculture
2504A Tokyo University of Agriculture
2505A Tokyo University of Agriculture
2506A Tokyo University of Agriculture
2601A Sophia University
2602A Sophia University
2603A Sophia University
2604A Sophia University
2701A Hosei University
2702A Hosei University
2801A Toyo University
2802A Toyo University
2802B Toyo University
2803A Toyo University
2804A Toyo University
3001A Meiji University
3101A Kogakuin University of Technology and Engineering
3101B Kogakuin University of Technology and Engineering
3101C Kogakuin University of Technology and Engineering
3101D Kogakuin University of Technology and Engineering
3101E Kogakuin University of Technology and Engineering
3101F Kogakuin University of Technology and Engineering
3201A National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
3201B National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
3201C National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
3201D National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
3201E National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
3201F National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
3201G National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
3301A Saitama University
3301B Saitama University
3301C Saitama University
3401A Niigata University
3402A Niigata University
3402B Niigata University
3402C Niigata University

3402D Niigata University

3402E Niigata University

3402F Niigata University

3402G Niigata University
3402H Niigata University

3402I Niigata University

3402J Niigata University

3402K Niigata University
3402L Niigata University
3402M Niigata University
3402N Niigata University
3402O Niigata University
3402P Niigata University
3402Q Niigata University
3402R Niigata University
3402S Niigata University
3402T Niigata University
3402U Niigata University
3402V Niigata University
3402W Niigata University

3402X Niigata University

3402Y Niigata University

3402Z Niigata University

3403A Niigata University

3403B Niigata University

3403C Niigata University

3403D Niigata University

3403E Niigata University

3403F Niigata University

3403G Niigata University

3403H Niigata University

3403I Niigata University

3403J Niigata University

3403K Niigata University

3403L Niigata University

3403M Niigata University

3403N Niigata University

3403O Niigata University

3403P Niigata University

3403Q Niigata University

3403R Niigata University

3403S Niigata University

3403T Niigata University

3403U Niigata University

3403V Niigata University

3403W Niigata University

3403X Niigata University

3403Y Niigata University

3403Z Niigata University

3404A Niigata University

3404B Niigata University

3404C Niigata University

3501A University of Niigata Prefecture

3601A Nagaoka University of Technology
3701A International University of Japan
3701B International University of Japan
3701C International University of Japan

3701D International University of Japan

3701E International University of Japan

3701F International University of Japan

3701G International University of Japan
3701H International University of Japan
3702A International University of Japan
3702B International University of Japan
3801A Kanazawa University
3801B Kanazawa University
3801C Kanazawa University

3802A Kanazawa University

3802B Kanazawa University

3802C Kanazawa University
3802D Kanazawa University

3802E Kanazawa University

4001A University of Fukui

4101A Nagoya University

4102A Nagoya University
4103A Nagoya University
4104A Nagoya University
4105A Nagoya University
4201A Nagoya Institute of Technology
4201B Nagoya Institute of Technology
4201C Nagoya Institute of Technology
4201D Nagoya Institute of Technology
4201E Nagoya Institute of Technology
4301A Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
4301B Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
4401A Gifu University
4402A Gifu University
4402B Gifu University
4402C Gifu University
4402D Gifu University
4402E Gifu University
4501A Mie University
4502A Mie University
4601A Shizuoka University
4602A Shizuoka University
4602B Shizuoka University
4701A Toyohashi University of Technology
4701B Toyohashi University of Technology
4701C Toyohashi University of Technology
4701D Toyohashi University of Technology
4701E Toyohashi University of Technology
4801A Kyoto University

4802A Kyoto University

4803A Kyoto University

4804A Kyoto University
4805A Kyoto University
4806A Kyoto University
4806B Kyoto University
4901A Kobe University

5001A Kyoto Institute of Technology

5101A Ritsumeikan University

5102A Ritsumeikan University
5103A Ritsumeikan University
5104A Ritsumeikan University
5105A Ritsumeikan University
5106A Ritsumeikan University

5201A Kobe Institute of Computing, Graduate School of Information Technology

5301A Kwansei Gakuin University
5302A Kwansei Gakuin University
5401A Kansai University
5402A Kansai University

5501A Doshisha University

5502A Doshisha University

5601A Ryukoku University
5701A Hiroshima University
5701B Hiroshima University
5701C Hiroshima University

5701D Hiroshima University

5701E Hiroshima University

5702A Hiroshima University
5703A Hiroshima University
5703B Hiroshima University
5703C Hiroshima University
5704A Hiroshima University
5704B Hiroshima University
5704C Hiroshima University
5704D Hiroshima University
5704E Hiroshima University
5704F Hiroshima University
5704G Hiroshima University
5704H Hiroshima University

5704I Hiroshima University

5901A Yamaguchi University

5902A Yamaguchi University
5903A Yamaguchi University
5904A Yamaguchi University
5905A Yamaguchi University
5905B Yamaguchi University
5905C Yamaguchi University
5905D Yamaguchi University
5905E Yamaguchi University
5905F Yamaguchi University
5905G Yamaguchi University
6001A Shimane University
6001B Shimane University
6001C Shimane University
6101A Tottori University
6102A Tottori University
6103A Tottori University
6103B Tottori University
6104A Tottori University
6104B Tottori University

6105A Tottori University

6105B Tottori University

6106A Tottori University

6201A Ehime University

6202A Ehime University

6202B Ehime University
6202C Ehime University
6202D Ehime University
6202E Ehime University
6202F Ehime University
6202G Ehime University
6202H Ehime University
6202I Ehime University

6203A Ehime University

6301A Kagawa University

6301B Kagawa University
6301C Kagawa University
6301D Kagawa University
6301E Kagawa University
6302A Kagawa University
6302B Kagawa University
6302C Kagawa University
6302D Kagawa University

6303A Kagawa University

6401A Tokushima University

6501A Kochi University
6501B Kochi University
6501C Kochi University
6501D Kochi University

6501E Kochi University

6501F Kochi University

6501G Kochi University

6501H Kochi University

6501I Kochi University

6501J Kochi University

6501K Kochi University

6501L Kochi University
6601A Naruto University of Education
6701A Kyushu University
6701B Kyushu University
6702A Kyushu University
6702B Kyushu University
6702C Kyushu University
6703A Kyushu University
6703B Kyushu University
6704A Kyushu University
6704B Kyushu University
6705A Kyushu University
6706A Kyushu University
6706B Kyushu University
6707A Kyushu University
6708A Kyushu University
6708B Kyushu University
6801A Kyushu Institute of Technology
6801B Kyushu Institute of Technology
6802A Kyushu Institute of Technology
6901A Nagasaki University
6902A Nagasaki University

6902B Nagasaki University

6902C Nagasaki University

6903A Nagasaki University

6904A Nagasaki University

6904B Nagasaki University

7001A Kumamoto University

7001B Kumamoto University

7001C Kumamoto University

7001D Kumamoto University

7001E Kumamoto University

7001F Kumamoto University

7001G Kumamoto University

7001H Kumamoto University

7001I Kumamoto University

7001J Kumamoto University

7001K Kumamoto University

7001L Kumamoto University

7001M Kumamoto University

7001N Kumamoto University

7001O Kumamoto University

7001P Kumamoto University

7001Q Kumamoto University

7001R Kumamoto University

7001S Kumamoto University

7001T Kumamoto University

7001U Kumamoto University

7001V Kumamoto University

7001W Kumamoto University

7001X Kumamoto University

7001Y Kumamoto University

7001Z Kumamoto University

7002A Kumamoto University

7002B Kumamoto University
7002C Kumamoto University
7101A SAGA University
7102A SAGA University
7103A SAGA University
7103B SAGA University
7103C SAGA University
7103D SAGA University
7103E SAGA University
7104A SAGA University
7104B SAGA University
7104C SAGA University
7105A SAGA University
7201A University of Miyazaki
7201B University of Miyazaki
7202A University of Miyazaki
7203A University of Miyazaki
7203B University of Miyazaki
7203C University of Miyazaki
7203D University of Miyazaki
7203E University of Miyazaki
7301A Kagoshima University
7301B Kagoshima University
7301C Kagoshima University
7301D Kagoshima University
7301E Kagoshima University
7302A Kagoshima University
7302B Kagoshima University
7302C Kagoshima University
7302D Kagoshima University
7302E Kagoshima University
7401A The University of Kitakyushu
7401B The University of Kitakyushu
7401C The University of Kitakyushu
7501A Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7501B Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7501C Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7501D Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7501E Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7501F Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7502A Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7502B Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7502C Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7502D Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
7601A University of the Ryukyus
7602A University of the Ryukyus
7602B University of the Ryukyus

7602C University of the Ryukyus

7602D University of the Ryukyus

7701A Gunma University

7801A Chiba University
7901A Ishikawa Prefectural University
7901B Ishikawa Prefectural University
7901C Ishikawa Prefectural University
7901D Ishikawa Prefectural University
7901E Ishikawa Prefectural University
7901F Ishikawa Prefectural University
8001A Juntendo University
8101A Kitasato University

8201A Osaka University

8301A Prefectural University of Hiroshima

8301B Prefectural University of Hiroshima
8401A Shinshu University
8401B Shinshu University
8401C Shinshu University
8401D Shinshu University
8401E Shinshu University
8401F Shinshu University

8401G Shinshu University

8402A Shinshu University

8402B Shinshu University

8402C Shinshu University

8402D Shinshu University

8402E Shinshu University

8402F Shinshu University

8402G Shinshu University

8402H Shinshu University

8402I Shinshu University

8501A St. Luke's International University

8501B St. Luke's International University
8502A St. Luke's International University
8601A Teikyo University
8701A Tokyo Metropolitan University
8901A Oita University
9001A The University of Electro-Communications
9101A Nara Institute of Science and Technology
9201A Kitami Institute of Technology
9201B Kitami Institute of Technology
9201C Kitami Institute of Technology
9301A Rakuno Gakuen University
9301B Rakuno Gakuen University
9301C Rakuno Gakuen University
9301D Rakuno Gakuen University
9301E Rakuno Gakuen University
9301F Rakuno Gakuen University
9301G Rakuno Gakuen University
9301H Rakuno Gakuen University
9301I Rakuno Gakuen University
9302A Rakuno Gakuen University
9302B Rakuno Gakuen University
9302C Rakuno Gakuen University
9302D Rakuno Gakuen University
9302E Rakuno Gakuen University
9302F Rakuno Gakuen University

Graduate School of Agriculture

Graduate School of Global Food Resources [Special entrance exam only for international
Graduate School of Environmental Science

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate school of Economics and Business

Graduate school of Science

Graduate school of Life Science
Graduate school of Life Science
Graduate school of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate school of Infectious Diseases

Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences

Graduate School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Agriculture

Graduate School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Agriculture

Graduate school of Science

Graduate School of Dentistry
Graduate School of Dentistry
Graduate School of Dentistry
Graduate School of Dentistry
The Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of International Cultural Studies
Grauate School of Agricultural Science
Graduate school of International Resource Sciences
Graduate school of Engineering Science
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences

Graduate school of Comprehensive Human Sciences

Graduate school of Comprehensive Human Sciences

Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Cmprehensive Human Sciences

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Cmprehensive Human Sciences

Graduate school of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Cmprehensive Human Sciences

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Cmprehensive Human Sciences

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Cmprehensive Human Sciences

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Cmprehensive Human Sciences

Graduate school of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences

Graduate school of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences

Graduate school of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences

Graduate school of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences

Graduate school of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences

Graduate school of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences

Graduate School of Agriculture

Master of Engineering
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity

Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity

Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity

Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity

Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity

Graduate school of Engineering Science

Graduate School of Engineering Science

Graduate school of engineering science

Graduate school of Urban Innovation

Graduate school of Urban Innovation

Graduate school of Urban Innovation

Graduate school of Urban Innovation

Graduate School of Data Science

Graduate School of International Management
Graduate School of Nanobioscience
Graduate School of Nanobioscience
Graduate School of Medical Life Science
Graduate School of Urban Social and Cultural Studies
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Environmental and Information Studies

Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences

Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences

Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences

Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences

Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research

Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Graduate School of Public Policy
School of International and Public Policy
School of Internarional and Public Policy
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering

Graduate School of Agriculture

United Graduate School of Agricultural Science

School of Society and Environment

School of Environment and Society
School of Environment and Society
School of Environment and Society
School of Engineering
School of Engineering
Life Science and Technology
School of Materials and Chemical Technology
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Graduate school of Marine Science and Technology
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Fundamental Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems
Creative Science and Engineering
Creative Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Business and Finance
Graduate School of Business and Finance

Graduate School of Economics

Graduate School of Commerce

Graduate School of Political Science
Graduate School of Engineering and Science
Graduate School of Applied Bioscience
Graduate School of International Food and Agricultural Studies
Graduate School of Bioindustry
Graduate School of Life Sciences
Graduate School of Regional Environment Science
Graduate School of Agriculture
Global Studies
Graduate School in Human Sciences
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
Graduate Scool of Science and Technology
Computer and Information Sciences
Science and Engineering
Graduate school of Economics
Graduate school of Global and Reginal Studies
Graduate school of Global and Reginal Studies
Graduate school of International Tourism Management
Graduate school of Life Sciences
Graduate School of Business
Graduate School of Business
Graduate School of Social Design Studies
Graduate school of Governance Studies
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate School of Policy Studies
Graduate School of Policy Studies
Graduate School of Policy Studies
Graduate School of Policy Studies
Graduate School of Policy Studies
Graduate School of Policy Studies
Graduate School of Policy Studies
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science & Engineering
Graduate school of science and Engineering
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of International Studies and Regional Development

Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of International Relations
Graduate School of International Relations
Graduate School of International Relations

Graduate School of International Relations

Graduate School of International Relations

Graduate School of International Relations

Graduate School of International Relations
Graduate School of International Relations
Graduate School of International Management
Graduate School of International Management
Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology

Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate school of International Development

Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
Graduate school of law
Graduate School of Engineering (Graduate School of Environmental Studies)
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Graduate School of Management
Graduate School of Management
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Bioresources
Graduated School of Integrated Science and Technology Department of Science
Graduate school of Integrated Science and Technology,Department of Agriculture
Graduate school of Inbtegrated Science and Technology,Department of Agriculture
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate School of Economics

Graduate school of Engineering

Graduate School of Informatics

Graduate school of Global Environmental Studies
Graduate School of Agriculture
Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies
Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies
Graduate school of International Cooperation Studies

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Economics

Graduate School of International Relations
Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Policy Science
Graduate School of Life Sciences
Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Department of Information Systems

Graduate School of Institute of Business and Accounting
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Societal Safety Sciences
Graduate School of Law

Graduate school of Global Studies

Graduate School of Business

Graduate school of economics
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life

Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life

Graduate School of integrated Sciences for Life

Grafuate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management

Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation
Graduate School of East Asian Studies
Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences
Graduate School of Engineering
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate school of Sustainability Science
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Sustainability Science
(Department of Agricultural Science)
Graduate School of Sustainability Science
(Department of Agricultural Science)
Graduate School of Sustainability Science
(Department of Dryland Science)
Graduate school of Agriculture
(Master Program)
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate school of Science and Engineering
Graduate school of Science and Engineering
Graduate school of Science and Engineering
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences
(Doctor Program)
Graduate school of Medicine
Graduate school of Medicine
Graduate school of Medicine
Graduate school of Medicine
Graduate school of medicine
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Agriculture

Graduate School of Health Sciences Doctoral Course

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University

Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Graduate school of Education
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Graduate school of Economics
Graduate school of Economics
Graduate school of Economics
Graduate school of Design
Graduate school of Design
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Human -Environment Studies
Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences
Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences
Graduate School of Law
Graduate school of Law
Graduate school of Life Science and Systems Engineering
Graduate school of Life Science and Systems Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Graduate school of Engineering

Graduate school of Engineering

Graduate school of Engineering

Graduate school of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences

School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health

School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Graduate school of Advanced Health Sciences
Graduate school of Agriculture
Graduate school of science and engineering
Graduate school of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate school of science and engineering
Graduate school of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Agriculture
Graduate school of Agriculture
Graduate school of Agriculture
Graduate school of Agriculture
Graduate school of Agriculture
Graduagete School of Agriculture, Foresty and Fisheries
Graduagete School of Agriculture, Foresty and Fisheries
Graduagete School of Agriculture, Foresty and Fisheries
Graduagete School of Agriculture, Foresty and Fisheries
Graduagete School of Agriculture, Foresty and Fisheries
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences,
Graduate school of Environmental Engineering
Graduate school of Environmental Engineering
Graduate school of Environmental Engineering
Graduate school of Asia Pacific Studies
Graduate school of Asia Pacific Studies
Graduate school of Asia Pacific Studies
Graduate school of Asia Pacific Studies
Graduate school of Asia Pacific Studies
Graduate school of Asia Pacific Studies
Graduate school of Management
Graduate school of Management
Graduate school of Management
Graduate school of Management
Graduate School of Health Sciences
Graduate school of Engeneering and Science
Graduate school of Engeneering and Science

Graduate School of Engineering and Science

Graduate School of Engineering and Science

Graduate school of Gunma University

Graduate School of Horticulture
Graduate school of Bioresource and Environmental Science
Graduate school of Bioresource and Environmental Science
Graduate school of Bioresource and Environmental Science
Graduate school of Bioresource and Environmental Science
Graduate school of Bioresource and Environmental Science
Graduate school of Bioresource and Environmental Science
Graduate school of Medicine
Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Graduate School of Engineering Science

Graduate school of Comprehensive Scientific Reserch

Graduate school of Comprehensive Scientific Reserch
Graduate School of Medicine, Science ad Technology
Graduate School of Medicine, Science ad Technology
Graduate School of Medicine, Science ad Technology
Graduate School of Medicine, Science ad Technology
Graduate School of Medicine, Science ad Technology
Graduate School of Medicine, Science ad Technology

Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Science and Technology

Graduate school of Nursing Science

Graduate school of Nursing Science
Graduate school of Public Health
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate school of Systems Design
Graduate school of Medicine
Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate school of Engineering
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Graduate School of Dairy Science
Graduate School of Dairy Science
Graduate School of Dairy Science
Graduate School of Dairy Science
Graduate School of Dairy Science
Graduate School of Dairy Science

The Global Education Program for AgriScience Frontiers

Graduate School of Global Food Resources [Special entrance exam only for international students]

Division of Environmental Science Development

English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Applied Physics】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Materials Science and Engineering】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Mechanical and Space Engineering】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Human Mechanical Systems and Design】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Energy and Environmental Systems】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Quantum Science and Engineering】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Field Engineering for the Environment】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Engineering and Policy for Sustainable Environment】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Architectural and Structural Design】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Human Environmental Systems 】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Environmental Engineering】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering】
English Engineering Education program(e3)
【Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering】
Devision of Modern Economics and Business Administration

Master's Program
Doctoral Course
Specialized Course
-Economic Policy Course
-Business Management Course

Doctoral Program

Transdisplinary Life Science Course ,Biosystems Science Course, Division of Soft Matter
Biosystems Science Course
Veterinary Medicine
Infectious Diseases
1 Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science

2 Marine Life Science

Animal Science and Agriculture

Veterinary Science

Department of Geophysics
Dentistry Program / Fundarmental Dentistry Course
Dentistry Program / Oral Health Science Course
Dentistry Program / Medical Engineering Course
Dentistry Program / Food and Eating Science [Shokugaku] Course
Department of Environmental Studies for Advanced Society
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Global Governance and Sustainable Development(G2SD)
Divison of Biological Resource Sciences, Department of Resource and Environmental Economics

Cooperative Major in Sustainable Engineering

Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science
Department of Agricultural Sciences/Bioenvironmental Science

Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences

Master's Program in Education

Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences

Master's and Doctoral Programs in Informatics

Degree Program in Design

Degree Program in Life Science Innovation(Disease Mechanism)

Degree Program in Life Science Innovation(Drug Discovery)

Degree Program in Pure and Applied Sciences

Master's/Doctral Program in Engineering Sciences ( Subprogram in Applied Physics)

Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering

Mastre's / Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering

Degree programs in Systems
and Information Engineering

Mastre's / Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy

Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences

Degree Program in Agricultural Sciences

Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences

Degree Program in Agricultural Sciences

Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences

Degree Program in Agricultural Sciences

Degree Programs in
Life and Earth

Mater’s Program in Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology

Degree Program in Life and Earth Sciences

Master's Program in Environmental Sciences

Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies
SUSTEP Program

Degree Program in Life Science Innovation(Bioinformatics)

Degree Program in Life Science Innovation(Food Innovation)

Degree Program in Life Science Innovation( Environmental Management)

Degree Program in Life Science Innovation( Biomolecular Engineering)

Degree Programs inHumanities and Social Sciences

Master's Program in International Public Policy

Program in Economic and Public Policy

Degree Programs inHumanities and Social Sciences

Master's Program in International Public Policy

African Business Education Initiative for Youth

Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences

Master's Program in International Public Policy

Degree Programs in
Humanities and
Social Sciences

Doctoral Program in International Public Policy

Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences

Master's program in International and Advanced Japanese Studies

Degree Programs in
Humanities and
Social Sciences

Doctoral program in International and Advanced Japanese Studies

Course in Applied Asian Agriculture

Division of Social Design/Graduate Program in Agricultural and Rural Economics

Division of Social Design/Graduate Program in Architecture and Building Engineering
Division of Social Design/Graduate Program in Civil Engineering
Division of Social Design/Graduate Program in Global and Area Studies
Division of Social Design/Graduate Program in Multicultural Studies
Division of Engineering and Agriculture/Graduate Program in Optical Engineering
Division of Engineering and Agriculture/Graduate Program in Molecular Agriculture

Division of Engineering and Agriculture/Graduate Program in Agricultural Biochemical Chemistry

Division of Engineering and Agriculture/Graduate Program in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Division of Advanced Trans-disciplinary Science/Optics Bio Design Program
Advanced Engineering System Design Program

Division of Advanced Trans-disciplinary Science/Global and Regional Development Design Program

Specialization in
Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, and Ocean
Specialization in Systems Design for Ocean-Space, and
Specialization in Aerospace Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, and
Ocean Engineering
Specialization in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Specialization in Applied Physics, and
Specialization in Information Systems, Department of Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Specialization in Infrastructure and Urban Society (Urban Infrastructure Field), and Specialization in
International Infrastructure (IGSI), Department of Infrastructure and Urban Society
Department of Urban Innovation
Specialization in Infrastructure and Urban Society (Humanities and Social Studies Field), Department of
Infrastructure and Urban Societyy
Department of Urban Innovation
Department of Data Science
Department of International Management
Department of Materials System Science
Department of Life and Environmental System Science
Department of Medical Life Science
Department of Urban Social and Cultural Studies
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Applied Science
Architecture and Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Science and Technology/Course of Physics and Mathematical Science, Course of Information Science and
Technology, Course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Course of Life Science and Technology,
Course of Materials Science and Chemistry, Course of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Course of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Course of Marine Science and Technology,
Course of Earth and Environmental Science
Science and Technology/ Course of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Engineering・Special Doctoral Program for Green Energy Conversion Science and
Energy Materials Science Course
Department of Engineering・Special Educational Program on River Basin Environmental Sciences
Department of Engineering・Environmental and Social System Science Course・River Basin
Environmental Science Major
Environmental and Social System Science Course
Civil and Environmental Engineering Course
International Graduate Program in the Field of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Studies
Department of Environment Systems
Department of International Studies
Department of International Studies
Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
International Program in Agricultural Development Studies (IPADS)
Department of Global Agricultural Sciences
Master of Public Policy, International Program (MPP/IP)
Foreign Service Sub-Program within the Global Governance program
Asian Public Policy Program
Department of Biotechnology and Life Science
Department of Bio-Functions and Systems Science
Department of Food and Energy Systems Science
Department of Agriculture
International Innovative Agricultural Science Cource
International Innovative Agricultural Science Program
(Special Program)
Department of Biological Production Science
Department of Applied Life Science
Department of Symbiotic Science of Environment and Natural Resources
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
Department of Science on Agricultural Economy and Symbiotic Society
Department of Architecture and buiding Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering

Department of Social and Human Sciences

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department of Information and Communications Engineering
Department of Life Science and Technology
Department of Chemical Science and Engineering
Master of Public Health in Global Health Course

International Studies
Department of Computer Science and Communications Engineering
Major in Global Society
Major in Policy Sciences
Information, Production and Systems Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Earth Sciences, Resources and Environmental Engineering
International MBA
MSc in Finance
Economics Course

Global Political Economy Course

Political Science Major / Political Science Course

Graduate Program in Global Studies

Graduate Program in Education
Graduate Program in Global Environmental Studies
Graduate Program in Green Science and Engineering Division
IIST(Institute of Integrated Science and Technology)
IIST(Institute of Integrated Science and Technology)
Course of Public-Private Partnership
Course of Global Innovation Studies
Course of Regional Development Studies
Course of International Tourism Management
Course of Life Sciences
MIB(Master in International Business )
Master of Public Management and Administration Course
Master of Social Development and Administration Course

Mechanical Engineering
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering
Systems Design
One-year Master’s Program of Public Policy (MP1)
Two-year Master’s Program of Public Policy (MP2)
Macroeconomic Policy Program (1year)
Macroeconomic Policy Program (2years)
GRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)
Policy Analysis Program
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Program
International Graduate Program on Civil and Environmental Engineering
International Graduate Program on Renewable Enegy System Engineering
Interdisciplinary Education Program for Applied Science and Technology in Global Environment
Biological Functions and Medical Control
Physics Course, Dept of Fundamental Sciences
Chemistry Course, Dept of Fundamental Sciences
Materials Science and Technology Course, Dept of Advanced Materials Science and Technology
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Course, Dept of Advanced Materials Science and
Advanced Mechanical Science and Engineering Course, Dept of Advanced Materials Science and
Social Systems Engineering Course, Dept of Advanced Materials Science and Technology
Information Engineering Course, Dept of Electrical and Information Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course, Dept of Electrical and Information Engineering
Human Sciences and Assistive Technology Course,
Dept of Electrical and Information Engineering
Life Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Applied Life and Food Sciences Course, Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Agriculture and Bioresources Course,
Dept of Life and Food Sciences
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Architecture and Civil Engineering Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Earth Science Course,
Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Natural Disaster and Environmental Science Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology

Field Research in the Enviromental Sciences Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology

Field Research in the Enviromental Sciences Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology

Field Research in the Enviromental Sciences Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology

Field Research in the Enviromental Sciences Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology
Field Research in the Enviromental Sciences Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology

Field Research in the Enviromental Sciences Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology

Field Research in the Enviromental Sciences Course, Dept of Environmental Science and Technology

International Development Program (IDP)

International Relations Program (IRP)
Public Management and Policy Analysis Program (PMPP)
Japan-Global Development program (JGDP): Select concentration areas:
Foreign Policy,
Economic Policy,
Development Policy
or Public Management
International Public Policy Program (IPPP): Select concentration areas:
International Affairs or Public Policy
Economics Cluster
Internatioal Relations Cluster
Public Management Cluster
MBA Program
Japan-Global Development Program (JGDP) (Management area)
Division of Medicine (Doctoral Course)
Division of Medicine (Doctoral Course)
Division of Medicine (Doctoral Course)
Division of
Environmental Design
Division of Natural System
Division of Material Chemistry
Division of Material Chemistry
Environmental and Energy Technologies International Course
・Global Engineering Program for International Students (GEPIS)

・Global Engineering Program for Research and Development

(GEP for R & D)

LL.M.&LL.D.(Comparative Law) program in Law and Political Science

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Group of Sustainable Development)
Environmental Law and Politics, Department of Social and Human Environment
Department of Life Science and Applied Chemistry
Department of Physical Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Department of Architecture ,Civil Engineering and Industrial Management Engineering
Global Leader Program
Global Leader Program

Advanced Global Program (for Engineering)

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science
Department of Life Science and Chemistry

Applied Life Sciences Course

Applied Life Sciences Course
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Applied Chemistry and Life Science
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
East Asia Sustainable Economic Development Studies
Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering

Department of Urban Management

Department of Social Informatics
Environmental Management/ Global Environmental Studies
Special Corse in Agricultural Sciences
Division of Southeast Asian Area Studies
Division of African Area Studies

International Graduate
Program for Interdisciplinary Study in Science and Technology

Information Science and Engineering

Advanced Electrical, Electronic and Computer Systems;
Advanced Mechanical Engineering and Robotics;
Advanced Architectural, Environmental and Civil Engineering

International Management Course

International Masters Program
Ph.D. of Disaster Management Program
Global Cooperation Course
・American Studies Cluster
・Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster
・Global Society Studies Cluster
Global Business and Management Studies
Department of Economics
Program of Basic Biology
Program of Mathematical and Life Sciences
Program of Biomedical Science
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life
Program of Food and AgriLife Science/
Program of Bioresource Science

Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life/Program of Life and Environmental Sciences

Division of Humanities and Social Sciences / International Peace and Co-existence Program
Division of Humanities and Social Sciences / International Economic Development Program
Division of Educational Sciences / International Education Development Program
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Transportation and Environmental Systems Program
Mechanical Engineering Program
Mechanical Engineering Program
Mathematics Program
Physics Program
Earth and Planetary Systems Science Program
Basic Chemistry Program

Division of Advanced Science and Engineering / Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program

Public Administration Cource

Division of Agricultural Sciences

Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
Graduate Course in Earth and Geoenvironental Science

Joint Major of Veterinary Sciences

Department of Engineering
Bioproduction and Bioenvironmental Sciences
Bioresource and Life Sciences
Department of Engineering
Global Dryland Science

Special program in bioresource utilization science
of fungus and mushroom/ Master of Agriculture
Special Program in English

Special Course for Asia, Africa and the Pasific Rim

Molecular Science
Molecular Science
Molecular Science
Mathematical Sciences
Biology and Environmental Science
Earth's Evolution and Environment
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Course
Chemistry and Biology/Biology and Envilonmental Science

Doctoral course■Division of Medicine

Doctoral course■Division of Medicine
Doctoral course■Division of Medicine
Doctoral course■Division of Medicine
Division of Medicine
Division of Safety Systems Construction Engineering
Division of Reliability-based Information Systems Engineering
Division of Intelligent Mechanical Systems Engineering
Division of Advanced Materials Science
Division of Applied Biological and Rare Sugar Sciences/Special Course for International Students from
Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim

Public Health Course (Master's Course)

Course of Health Promotion, Nursing Science (Master's Course)
Clinical Science Course (Doctoral Course)
Life Science Course (Doctoral Course)
Agricultural Science (Special Course for
International Students from Asia,Africa and the Pacific Rim)
Agricultural Science (Special Course for
International Students from Asia,Africa and the Pacific Rim)
Agricultural Science (Special Course for
International Students from Asia,Africa and the Pacific Rim)
Agricultural Science (Special Course for
International Students from Asia,Africa and the Pacific Rim)
Agricultural Science (Special Course for
International Students from Asia,Africa and the Pacific Rim)
Agricultural Science (Special Course for
International Students from Asia,Africa and the Pacific Rim)
Agricultural Science (Special Course for
International Students from Asia,Africa and the Pacific Rim)
Kuroshio Science Program
Global Education Course
Department of Information Science and Technology/ International Doctoral Program
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering/ International Doctoral Program
International Program in Public Economics
International Program in Financial and Business Economics
International Program in Management and Accounting
Department of Design, Environmental Design Course
Department of Design, Environmental Design Course
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Department of Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering
International Master's Course in Sustainable Architecture and Urban Systems
International Graduate Program
International Graduate Program
Intellectual Exchange and Innovation (IEI) Program
International Programs in Law
CSPA (Comparative Studies of Politics and Administration in Asia)
Department of Human Intelligence Systems Engineering
Department of Human Intelligence Systems Engineering
Space Engineering International Course
Division of Disater and Radiation Medical Sciences Joint Degree
Water and Environmental Science Program
(Master Course)
Computer and Information Science Program
(Doctoral Course)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Program

Masters Programme,
Tropical Medicine Course
Masters Programme,
Health Innovation Course
Department of Science/
Department of Science/
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture/
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture/
Urban and Regional Planning and Design
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture/
Architecture and Building Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Mathematical Engineering/
Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Mathematical Engineering/
Mechanical Systems
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering/
Electrical Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering/
Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering/
Computer Science
Department of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry/
Chemistry and Bioscience
Department of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry/
Chemistry and Materials
Department of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry/
Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Science/
Department of Science/
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Environmental Conservation Engineering
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Environmental Management and Planning
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Architecture and Environment Planning
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Building Materials and Structures
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Advanced Mechanical Systems
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Intelligent Mechanical Systems
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Computer Science and Communication Engineering
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Frontier Technology for Energy and Devices
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Human and Environmental Informatics
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Applied chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Advanced Industrial Science/
Materials Science and Engineering
Master course Medical science major
Master course Medical science major
Master course Medical science major
Education Program for Global Advancement (EPGA) in Environmental, Energy and Health Science

Electronic device course, Electric power course

Civil Engineering Course/Architectural Design Course
Education Program for Global Advancement (EPGA) in Environmental, Energy and Health Science
Civil Engineering Course
Course of Civil Engineering, Department of Science and Engineering
Civil Engineering Course/Architectural Design Course
Education Program for Global Advancement (EPGA) in Environmental, Energy and Health Science
Course of Architecture and Environment Design
Course of Architecture and Environment Design
Medical and Veterinary Sciences (Master's Courses)
Medicine and Veterinary Medicine(Doctoral Courses)

International course of agriculture

International course of agriculture
International course of agriculture

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Forestry

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Forestry
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Forestry
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Forestry
Fisheries Resource Science/Environmental and Conservation Sciences
Tropical Bioresource and Plant Resource Production
Tropical Bioresource and Plant Resource Production
Tropical Bioresource and Plant Resource Production
Environmental Sciences and Conservation Biology
Fisheries Science on Resources and Environments
Graduate Programs in Environmental Systems / Resources and Chemical Systems Course
Graduate Programs in Information Engineering / Applied Information Systems Course
Graduate Programs in Environmental Systems / Environmental and Ecological Systems Course
International Relations
Society and Culture
International Public Administration
Development Economics
Sustainability Science
Tourism and Hospitarity
Major of Management / Specializtion in Japanese Management
Major of Management / Specializtion in Accounting and Finance
Major of Management / Specializtion in Marketing and Management
Major of Management / Specializtion in Innovation and Operations Management
Okinawa Global Health Sciences Course
Chemistry,Biology and Marine Science
Chemistry,Biology and Marine Science
[Master's Degree]
Engineering Course
[Doctoral Degree]
Material, Structural and Energy Engineering
Interdisciplinary Intelligent Systems Engineering
Mechanical Science and Technology
Division of Environmental Horticulture
Department of Food Science
Department of Food Science
Department of Environmental Science
Department of Environmental Science
Department of Environmental Science
Department of Production Science
Doctoral (PhD) Program in Medicine

1) Department of Materials Engineering Science

2) Department of Mechanical Science and Bioengineering
3) Department of Systems Innovation
Program in Biological System Sciences
Program in Biological System Sciences
Department of Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology Division
Department of Science and Technology/Biological and Agricultural Sciences Division
Department of Science and Technology/Biological and Agricultural Sciences Division
Department of Science and Technology/Biological and Agricultural Sciences Division
Department of Science and Technology/Biological and Agricultural Sciences Division
Department of Science and Technology/Mountain and Environmental Sciences Division
Department of Science and Technology

Department of Biomedical Engineering 3-year course

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Department of Agriculture/International Graduate Program for Agricultural and Biological Science

Master Course
Doctor Course
Public Health
Division of Integrated Science and Engineering

Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Cold Regions Engineering, Environmental and Energy Engineering
Cold Regions Engineering, Environmental and Energy Engineering
Master's Course Veterinary Science
Doctoral Course Veterinary Medicine
Doctoral Course Veterinary Medicine
Doctoral Course Veterinary Medicine
Doctoral Course Veterinary Medicine
Doctoral Course Veterinary Medicine
Doctoral Course Veterinary Medicine
Doctoral Course Veterinary Medicine
Doctoral Course Veterinary Medicine
Master's Course Dairy Science
Master's Course Dairy Science
Master's Course Dairy Science
Master's Course Dairy Science
Doctoral Course Food Production and Utility Development
Doctoral Course Food Production and Utility Development
Day Month Months Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sex Nationality

1 Jan 1 1971 2017 2020 Male

2 Feb 2 1972 2018 2021 Female

Rather not
3 Mar 3 1973 2019 2022

4 Apr 4 1974 2020

5 May 5 1975 2021

6 Jun 6 1976 2022

7 Jul 7 1977 2023

8 Aug 8 1978 2024
9 Sep 9 1979 2025
10 Oct 10 1980 2026
11 Nov 11 1981 2027
12 Dec 12 1982 2028
13 1983 2029
14 1984 2030
15 1985 2031
16 1986 2032
17 1987
18 1988
19 1989
20 1990
21 1991
22 1992
23 1993
24 1994
25 1995
26 1996
27 1997
28 1998
29 1999
30 2000
31 2001
Religion Type of Organization Relationship with military Relationship

National Government No relationship Father

the Military, an active military personnel or a

Local Government military personnel listed in the muster Mother
roll/military register

an organization affiliated with the Military, or

a personnel who does not belong to the
Public Enterprise Husband
military at present but is listed in the muster
roll/military register

the Department or the Ministry of Defense, an

Private(profit) organization affiliated with the Ministry of Wife
Defense, or staff of the Ministry of Defense

an civilian organization but with military

NGO/Private(Non-profit) personnel or a military division within the Brother

an organization which will be affiliated with or

under the control of the Military in times of
University Sister
emergency as specified clearly in its organic
law/law of establishment

Self-employed Uncle
Unemployed Aunt
Fresh Graduate Son
Others Daughter
Education Level Yes/No Full/Part Type English year4 month2 month3

Primary Education Yes Full A Excellent 1 0 0

Lower Secondary Education No Part B Good 2 1 1

Upper Secondary Education N/A C Fair 2 2

Higher Education D Poor 3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

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