Daily Current Affairs 01 Sep 2021

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Daily Current Affairs 1 September 2021

Ranking/ Reports/ Indices

News- 1

Amul ranks 18th in Rabobank 2021 Global Dairy Top 20 Report

राबोबैंक 2021 ग्लोबल डे यरी टॉप 20 ररपोटट में अमूल 18वें स्थान पर है

Title 2021 Global Top 20 Dairy Companies

Released Rabobank (Headquartered at Utrecht, Netherlands)


Topped by French-based dairy company Lactalis (Annual Turnover - US $23.0 billion)

From India Rank- 18th - Amul, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) Annual
Turnover- $5.3 billion

News- 2

Delhi has world’s most CCTV Cameras in Public Places: Forbes India Report
दिल्ली में सावटजदनक स्थानोों पर हैं िु दनया के सबसे ज्यािा सीसीटीवी कैमरे : फोर्ब्ट इों दडया ररपोटट

Report Title Most surveilled cities across the world

Released by Forbes India

Topped by Delhi with 1,826.6 CCTV cameras per square mile

Followed by London with 1,138 cameras per square mile

Third Place Chennai with 609.9 CCTV cameras.

Revision Point- QS Best Student Cities Ranking: Top 5 World’s Best Student Cities

Rank 1 London (UK)

Rank 2 Munich (Germany)

Rank 3 Seoul (South Korea)

Rank 4 Tokyo (Japan)

Rank 5 Berlin (Germany)

Rank 106 Mumbai

Rank 110 Bengaluru

Revision Point- Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021 by StartupBlink

Index Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021

Released by Startup Blink

India’s Rank 20th

Total Countries 100

Topped by US followed by UK, Israel, Canada, and Germany

Ranking Parameters Quantity, Quality, and Business Environment

Revision Point- Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021 (City Wise Ranking) by StartupBlink

Index Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021 (City Wise Ranking)

Released by StartupBlink

Topped by San Francisco, United States followed by New York (2nd), Beijing
(3rd), Los Angeles (4th), and London (5th)

Total Indian Cities got 43

Placed in the List

Indian Cities Ranking Bengaluru (10th) (Highest ranked Indian city) & New Delhi (14) and
Mumbai (16) are the other Indian cities in the top 20

Appointment & Resignation

News- 1

Former SBI Chief Rajnish Kumar appointed as independent director of HSBC Asia
एसबीआई के पूवट प्रमुख रजनीश कुमार को एचएसबीसी एदशया का स्वतोंत्र दनिे शक दनयुक्त दकया गया

• The former State Bank of India (SBI) chairman Rajnish Kumar has been appointed as an
independent director of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Asia
• भारतीय स्टे ट बैंक (एसबीआई) के पूर्व अध्यक्ष रजनीश कुमार को हाां गकाां ग और शांघाई बैंककांग कनगम (एचएसबीसी)
एकशया इकाई के एक स्वतांत्र कनदे शक के रूप में कनयुक्त ककया गया है ।
• He has also been appointed as a member of the Audit Committee and Risk Committee of the
• उन्हें कांपनी की लेखा परीक्षा सकमकत और जोखखम सकमकत के सदस्य के रूप में भी कनयुक्त ककया गया है।

About HSBC India

CEO Surendra Rosha

Headquarters Mumbai

Parent organization HSBC

Revision Points

• HSBC India announced the launch of HSBC SmartServe and HSBC IntelliSign, a digital banking
solution aimed at ensuring a quick, secure and seamless onboarding process for corporate
• HSBC India has collaborated with Google Pay (GPay) and VISA to enable secure tokenization on
its credit cards.
• Global financial services major HSBC inaugurated its International Banking Unit (IBU) branch at
GIFT City near Gandhinagar city in Gujarat.

National News
News- 1

PM Modi to release special commemorative coin on 125th Birth Anniversary of Srila Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
श्रील भक्तक्तवेिाोंत स्वामी प्रभुपाि की 125वी ों जयोंती पर दवशेष स्मारक दसक्का जारी करें गे पीएम मोिी

• Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 1, 2021, will release a special commemorative
coin of Rs 125 via video conferencing on the 125th Birth Anniversary of Srila Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada.
• प्रधान मांत्री नरें द्र मोदी 1 कसतांबर, 2021 को, श्रील भखक्तर्ेदाां त स्वामी प्रभुपाद की 125 र्ीां जयांती पर र्ीकियो कॉन्फ्रेंकसांग
के माध्यम से 125 रुपये का एक कर्शेष स्मारक कसक्का जारी करें गे।
• Swami Prabhupada was the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
(ISKCON), commonly known as the ‘Hare Krishna Movement'.
• स्वामी प्रभुपाद इां टरनेशनल सोसाइटी फॉर कृष्णा कॉखन्फ्शयसनेस (इस्कॉन) के सांस्थापक थे, कजसे आमतौर पर 'हरे कृष्ण
आां दोलन' के रूप में जाना जाता है ।

Revision Points

• PM Modi will launch Ujjwala 2.0 (Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana-PMUY) by handing over LPG
connections at Mahoba Uttar Pradesh
• PM Modi announced a National Edible Oil Mission-Oil Palm (NMEO-OP): Rs 11,000 crore will be
invested in the edible oil ecosystem.
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set the target of becoming an ‘energy independent’ country
by the year 2047, the year when India will celebrate its 100th year of Independence.
• The Modi government has decided to set up the National Hydrogen Mission to make India a new
global hub and the exporter of green hydrogen.
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a Rs 100 lakh crore Pradhan Mantri Gatishakti
scheme, while addressing the nation on the 75th Independence Day from Red Fort.

News- 2

Govt sets up panel to develop technological platform for revenue litigation

राजस्व मुकिमेबाजी के दलए तकनीकी मोंच दवकदसत करने के दलए सरकार ने पैनल का गठन दकया

• The Central Govt has set up a committee to develop a technological platform streamlining the
appeal filing process related to direct and indirect taxation matters.
• केंद्र सरकार ने प्रत्यक्ष और अप्रत्यक्ष कराधान मामलोां से सांबांकधत अपील दाखखल करने की प्रकिया को सुव्यर्खस्थत करने
के कलए एक तकनीकी मांच कर्ककसत करने के कलए एक सकमकत का गठन ककया है ।
• Committee is headed by Ashish Shiradhonkar, head of e-courts project in National Informatics
Centre (NIC).
• सकमकत की अध्यक्षता राष्ट्रीय सूचना कर्ज्ञान केंद्र (एनआईसी) में ई-कोटव पररयोजना के प्रमुख आशीष कशराधोांकर कर रहे
हैं ।

News- 3

Union Government extends the deadlines for e-filing of various forms under the Income Tax Act
केंद्र सरकार ने आयकर अदिदनयम के तहत दवदभन्न प्रपत्रोों की ई-फाइदलोंग की समय सीमा बढाई
• The Union Ministry of Finance extended the deadlines for e-filing of various forms that come
under the Income-Tax Act 1961, after taxpayers reported difficulties in filing these forms online.
• केंद्रीय कर्त्त मांत्रालय ने आयकर अकधकनयम 1961 के तहत आने र्ाले कर्कभन्न रूपोां की ई-फाइकलांग की समय सीमा बढा
दी है , जब करदाताओां ने इन फॉमों को ऑनलाइन दाखखल करने में ककठनाइयोां की सूचना दी थी।
• The application for registration or intimation or approval under various sections of the Income Tax
Act in Form No. 10A required to be filed on or before 30 June, has been extended from 31
August 2021 to 31 March 2022.
• फॉमव सांख्या 10ए में आयकर अकधकनयम की कर्कभन्न धाराओां के तहत पांजीकरण या सूचना या अनुमोदन के कलए आर्ेदन
30 जून या उससे पहले दाखखल करने के कलए 31 अगस्त 2021 से 31 माचव 2022 तक बढा कदया गया है ।

Revision Points: Date Extended

• Govt Extends Current Foreign Trade Policy Till September Due to Covid-19
• Government further extends Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme to September 30, 2021
• Govt extends Aadhaar-PAN linking deadline to September 30, 2021.
• Govt to extend payment of provisional pension up to a period of 1 year from the date of
retirement in view of the pandemic situation.
• RBI extends deadline for processing auto-debit payments by 6 months till September 30, 2021
• Government extends the gap between two doses of Covishield to 12-16 weeks.
• The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) extended the basic customs duty and
integrated goods and service tax exemptions for export oriented units, by a year till March 31,
• Government extended the waiver of Inter-State Transmission system (ISTS) charges on the
transmission of electricity generated from solar and wind sources up to 30th June 2025.
• Atma Nirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojana was extended from June 30, 2021 till March 31, 2022.

International News
News- 1

US ends 20-year war in Afghanistan

अमेररका ने अफगादनस्तान में 20 साल से चल रहे युद्ध को समाप्त दकया
• The United States announced the end of its 20-year-old war in Afghanistan before the deadline
of August 31, 2021.
• सांयुक्त राज्य अमेररका ने 31 अगस्त, 2021 की समय सीमा से पहले अफगाकनस्तान में अपने 20 साल पुराने युद्ध को
समाप्त करने की घोषणा की।
• This announcement was made after the last American military flight flew out of the Hamid
Karzai International Airport in Kabul before the August 31 deadline.
• यह घोषणा 31 अगस्त की समय सीमा से पहले काबुल में हाकमद करजई अांतरराष्ट्रीय हर्ाई अड्डे से आखखरी अमेररकी
सैन्य उडान के उडान भरने के बाद की गई थी।
• America announced the formal end of America’s longest war, just before the 20th anniversary of
September 9/11, in which Al Qaeda terrorists hit the twin towers in New York.
• अमेररका ने 9/11 की 20र्ीां बरसी से ठीक पहले अमेररका के सबसे लांबे युद्ध की औपचाररक समाखप्त की घोषणा की,
कजसमें अल कायदा के आतांकर्ाकदयोां ने न्यूयॉकव में जुडर्ाां टार्रोां पर हमला ककया था।
• It was a conflict, took place from 2001 to 2021, in Afghanistan.
• यह एक सांघषव था, जो 2001 से 2021 तक अफगाकनस्तान में हुआ था।

Merger & Acquisition

News- 1

PayU to acquire Indian digital payments provider BillDesk for $4.7 bn

PayU भारतीय दडदजटल भुगतान प्रिाता दबलडे स्क का $4.7 दबदलयन में अदिग्रहण करे गा

• Netherlands-based Prosus NV has acquired the Indian digital payments provider BillDesk and
merged it with its own fintech service business PayU.
• नीदरलैंि खस्थत प्रोसस एनर्ी ने भारतीय किकजटल भुगतान प्रदाता कबलिे स्क का अकधग्रहण ककया है और इसे अपने स्वयां
के कफनटे क सेर्ा व्यर्साय पेयू के साथ कमला कदया है ।
• The size of the deal is $4.7 billion.
• सौदे का आकार 4.7 अरब िॉलर है ।
Revision Points

• Razorpay has acquired artificial intelligence (AI)-based risk analysis platform TERA Finlabs,
marking its third acquisition since inception.
• Microsoft buys AI speech firm Nuance for $19.7 billion
• Tech Mahindra acquired a 70 percent stake in Ireland-based Perigord Asset Holdings Ltd for
around Rs 182 crore
• Power Grid acquired balance 74% stake in JV Jaypee PowerGrid at an aggregate consideration
of Rs 351.64 crore
• Edelweiss Infrastructure Yield Plus (EIYP) acquired 74% stake in Engie’s solar assets inIndia
• Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited (PCHFL) acquired troubled Dewan Housing
Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) at an aggregate consideration of Rs.34,250 crore

Defence News
News- 1

India Conducts Maiden Maritime Partnership Exercise with Algerian Navy

भारत ने अल्जीररयाई नौसेना के साथ पहली समुद्री साझेिारी अभ्यास आयोदजत दकया

• As part of her ongoing goodwill visit to Europe and Africa, INS Tabar took part in a Maritime
Partnership Exercise with Algerian Navy warship ‘Ezzadjer’.
• यूरोप और अरीका की अपनी चल रही सद्भार्ना यात्रा के कहस्से के रूप में, आईएनएस ताबर ने अल्जीररयाई नौसेना के
युद्धपोत 'एज्जादर' के साथ एक समुद्री साझेदारी अभ्यास में भाग कलया।
• The landmark exercise, held off the Algerian coast, saw the participation of a frontline Algerian
warship, ‘Ezzadjer’.
• अल्जीररयाई तट पर आयोकजत इस ऐकतहाकसक अभ्यास में एक रांटलाइन अल्जीररयाई युद्धपोत, 'एज्जादजेर' की
भागीदारी दे खी गई।

Recent News about Indian Naval Ships (INS)

• INS Tabar arrived at Portsmouth in England to undertake the annual bilateral drill ‘Exercise
Konkan 2021’ between the Indian Navy and Britain’s Royal Navy.
• INS Talwar Participates in Maritime Exercise Cutlass Express 2021, organised in Kenya’s
• INS Tabar recently participated in military exercises with the frontline frigate of the Italian Navy.
• INS Sahyadri was adjudged as the Best Ship of the Eastern Fleet among capital ships in the Fleet
Awards 2021.
• INS Kamorta received the title of the Most Spirited Ship.
• INS Kiltan and INS Khukri won the Best Corvette Trophy amongst corvettes and similar classes of
Sports News
News- 1

Singhraj Adhana Wins Paralympics Bronze Medal in 10m Air Pistol in Tokyo Paralympics
दसोंहराज अिाना ने टोक्यो पैरादलोंदपक में 10 मीटर एयर दपस्टल में पैरालोंदपक काोंस्य पिक जीता

• At the ongoing Tokyo Paralympics 2020, Indian shooter Singhraj Adana has won the bronze
medal in the P1 Men’s 10m Air Pistol SH1 final.
• चल रहे टोक्यो पैराकलांकपक 2020 में, भारतीय कनशानेबाज कसांहराज अदाना ने P1 पुरुषोां की 10 मीटर एयर कपस्टल SH1
फाइनल में काांस्य पदक जीता है ।
• Adana shot a total of 216.8 to finish in third place.
• अदाना ने 216.8 के कुल अांक के साथ तीसरा स्थान हाकसल ककया।

India at Tokyo Paralympics 2020 (Indian Winners) Till Now

Name of the Person Medal Event

Bhavina Patel Silver Table Tennis

Nishad Kumar Silver High Jump

Vinod Kumar Bronze Men’s Discus Throw F52

Avani Lekhara Gold Women’s 10 m Air Rifle Standing SH1

Yogesh Kathunia Silver F56 event of discus throw

Devendra Jhajharia Silver F46 category of Javelin Throw

Sundar Gurjar Bronze F46 category of Javelin Throw

News- 2

2021 ASBC Asian Youth & Junior Boxing Championships: Final Highlights
2021 ASBC एदशयाई युवा और जूदनयर मुक्केबाजी चैंदपयनदशप: अोंदतम हाइलाइट् स
• 2021 ASBC Asian Youth & Junior Boxing Championships with 39 medals, including 14 gold,
in Dubai.
• दु बई में 2021 ASBC एकशयाई युर्ा और जूकनयर बॉखसांग चैंकपयनकशप में 14 स्वणव सकहत 39 पदक जीते।


YOUTH EVENT: Youth Boxers Win 6 Gold, 9 Silver and 5 Bronze

Person Category Medal

Bishwamitra Chongtham 51 Kg Gold

Vishal 80 Kg Gold

Neha 54 Kg Gold

Preeti Dahiya 60 Kg Gold

Sneha Kumari 66 Kg Gold

Khushi 75 Kg Gold

Vishvanath Suresh 48 Kg Silver

Vanshaj 64 Kg Silver

Jaydeep Rawat 71 Kg Silver

Nivedita Karki 48 Kg Silver

Tamanna 50 Kg Silver

Simran Verma 52 Kg Silver

Preeti 57 Kg Silver

Khushi 63 Kg Silver

Tanishbir Kaur Sandhu 81 Kg Silver

Daksh 67 Kg Bronze

Deepak 75 Kg Bronze

Abhimanyu 92 Kg Bronze

Aman Singh Bisht 92+Kg Bronze

Lashu Yadav 70 Kg Bronze

JUNIOR EVENT: Junior Contingent Sign Off with 19 Medals, Including 8 Gold

Person Category Medal

Rohit Chamoli 48 Kg Gold

Bharat Joon +81 Kg Gold

Vishu Rathee 48 Kg Gold

Tanu 52 Kg Gold

Nikita Chand 60 Kg Gold

Mahi Raghav 63 Kg Gold

Pranjal Yadav 75 Kg Gold

Kirti +81 Kg Gold

Gaurav Saini 70 Kg Silver

Muskan 46 Kg Silver

Aanchal Saini 57 Kg Silver

Rudrika 70 Kg Silver

Sanjana 81 Kg Silver

Ashish 54 Kg Bronze

Anshul 57 Kg Bronze

Ankush 66 Kg Bronze

Devika Ghorpade 50 Kg Bronze

Aarzoo 54 Kg Bronze

Supriya Rawat 66 Kg Bronze

News- 3

Indian cricketer Stuart Binny announces retirement from all forms of cricket
भारतीय दिकेटर स्टु अटट दबन्नी ने दिकेट के सभी प्रारूपोों से सोंन्यास की घोषणा की
• Indian all-rounder Stuart Binny has announced his retirement from all forms of cricket.
• भारतीय ऑलराउां िर स्टु अटव कबन्नी ने किकेट के सभी प्रारूपोां से सांन्यास की घोषणा कर दी है ।
• In the Indian Premier League, he played for the Rajasthan Royals.
• इां कियन प्रीकमयर लीग में, र्ह राजस्थान रॉयल्स के कलए खेले।

Revision Point

• Sri Lanka all-rounder Isuru Udana has announced his retirement from international cricket
• Sri Lanka Fast Bowler Dhammika Prasad announced his Retirement from international cricket
• Sri Lankan cricketer Upul Tharanga announces retirement from international cricket
• Sri Lanka All-rounder Thisara Perera Retires From International Cricket
• Former Indian Pacer Pankaj Singh announced retirement from all forms of cricket.
• Germany Midfielder Toni Kroos announces retirement from International Football
• Ireland’s Kevin O’Brien Announces Retirement From ODIs
• Former Indian Wicket-keeper batsman Naman Ojha announces retirement from all forms of
• Former captain of South Africa, Faf du Plessis has announced his retirement from Test cricket
• R. Vinay Kumar from India announces retirement from all forms of cricket

Apps & Portal

News- 1

Y-Break App launched by AYUSH Ministry

आयुष मोंत्रालय द्वारा लॉन्च दकया गया वाई-ब्रेक ऐप

• The Union AYUSH Minister Sarbananda Sonowal launched Y-Break App from Vigyan Bhawan
to commemorate Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
• केंद्रीय आयुष मांत्री सबाव नांद सोनोर्ाल ने आजादी का अमृत महोत्सर् मनाने के कलए कर्ज्ञान भर्न से र्ाई-ब्रेक ऐप लॉन्च
• The Y-Break App is a 5-minute yoga protocol for office goers.
• र्ाई-ब्रेक ऐप ऑकफस जाने र्ालोां के कलए 5 कमनट का योग प्रोटोकॉल है ।
• The launch of the Y-Break App has been termed as one of the most important activities by the
Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa, and Homoeopathy).
• र्ाई-ब्रेक ऐप के लॉन्च को आयुष मांत्रालय (आयुर्ेद, योग, प्राकृकतक कचककत्सा, यूनानी, कसद्ध, सोर्ा-ररग्पा और होम्योपैथी)
द्वारा सबसे महत्वपूणव गकतकर्कधयोां में से एक करार कदया गया है ।

Revision Points: July Month Apps & Portal

Applications/Web portals Launched By/Developed By

Udyam Registration Portal Niti Gadkari

Enforcing Contracts Portal Department of Justice

Shopsy Flipkart

CTRI Portal Ayush Ministry

PROOF Jammu & Kashmir

Matsya Setu Giriraj Singh

SPARSH Defence Ministry

Raj Kisan Organic Rajasthan

Pratham Bank of Baroda & U GRO Capital

'MyGov-Meri Sarkar Uttar Pradesh

Centralized Public Grievance Redress & Rajnath Singh

Monitoring System

Important Days
News- 1

International Day for People of African Descent: 31 August

अफ्रीकी मूल के लोगोों के दलए अोंतराटष्ट्रीय दिवस: 31 अगस्त

Day International Day for People of African Descent

Observed on August 31

Important The UN has also proclaimed to observe the International Decade for People of African
Note Descent, from 2015 to 2024.

State/ UT News
News- 1

LG RK Mathur inaugurates 2-Day Ladakh Nomadic Festival at Korzok Phu

एलजी आरके माथुर ने कोरजोक फु में 2-दिवसीय लद्दाख खानाबिोश महोत्सव का उि् घाटन दकया

• Ladakh Lieutenant Governor, RK Mathur has inaugurated a 2-Day Ladakh Nomadic Festival at
Korzok Phu, Changthang region of eastern Ladakh.
• लद्दाख के उपराज्यपाल आरके माथुर ने पूर्ी लद्दाख के चाांगथाां ग क्षेत्र के कोरजोक फु में 2-कदर्सीय लद्दाख खानाबदोश
महोत्सर् का उद् घाटन ककया।
• The festival is organized by Ladakh Cultural Academy in collaboration with Ladakh Tourism
Dept to bring the distinctive culture of Changthang region on the tourism map of Ladakh.
• लद्दाख के पयवटन मानकचत्र पर चाां गथाां ग क्षेत्र की कर्कशष्ट् सांस्कृकत को लाने के कलए लद्दाख पयवटन कर्भाग के सहयोग से
लद्दाख साां स्कृकतक अकादमी द्वारा त्योहार का आयोजन ककया जाता है ।

About Ladakh
Capital Leh, Kargil

Lt. Governor R. K. Mathur

Revision Points

• The Ladakh administration has postponed the famous 'Sindhu Darshan' festival in view of the
surge in COVID-19 cases
• In Jammu and Kashmir, the two-day annual Horse Race festival commenced at Lal Draman in
Doda district.
• Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha inaugurated the Bungus Awaam Mela.
• Union Territory of Ladakh has launched a month-long campaign titled as ‘Pani Maah’ (Water
Month) to increase the pace of implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in UT and to inform and
engage village communities on the importance of clean water.

News- 2

Odisha’s Kendrapara district: Only place to have all 3 Crocodile Species

ओदडशा का केंद्रपाडा दजला: सभी 3 मगरमच्छ प्रजादतयोों के दलए एकमात्र स्थान

• Kendrapara district of Odisha, that is crisscrossed by rivers, creeks and water inlets, has
become the only district in India where all three species of crocodiles viz., salt-water, gharial
and mugger are found.
• ओकिशा का केंद्रपाडा कजला, जो नकदयोां, खाकडयोां और पानी के प्रर्ेश द्वारोां से कघरा है, भारत का एकमात्र ऐसा कजला बन
गया है जहााँ मगरमच्ोां की तीनोां प्रजाकतयााँ , खारे पानी, घकडयाल और मगर पाए जाते हैं ।

About Odisha

Capital: Bhubaneswar

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik

Governor Ganeshi Lal

Festivals Dhanu Yatra, Budi Thakurani Yatra, Magha Saptami, Chhau, Dola Purnima

Folk Dances Chhau, Gotipua, Ghumura, Ranappa, Chaiti Ghoda, Sambalpuri

Revision Points

• Odisha is celebrating the three-day Raja festival at the onset of monsoon across the state from
June 14-16, 2021.
• Recently, Odisha’s Puri became India’s first city to provide quality drinking tap water.
• Odisha to sponsor Indian hockey teams for 10 more years
• Odisha to sponsor national rugby teams till 2023

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