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Daily Current Affairs 04 September 2021

Appointment & Resignation

News- 1

Centre appoints Atul Bhatt as CMD of RINL

केंद्र ने अतुल भट्ट को आरआईएनएल का सीएमडी ननयुक्त नकया।

• Atul Bhatt has been appointed as chairman and managing director (CMD)
of disinvestment- owned steel company Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL).
• अतुल भट्ट को विवििेश के स्वावित्व िाली स्टील कंपिी राष्ट्रीय इस्पात विगि वलविटे ड
(आरआईएिएल) के अध्यक्ष और प्रबंध विदे शक (सीएिडी) के रूप िें वियुक्त वकया गया है ।
• PK Rath retired as CMD RINL on May 31, after serving the company for 38
• पीके रथ 38 साल तक कंपिी की सेिा करिे के बाद 31 िई को आरआईएिएल के सीएिडी
के रूप िें सेिावििृत्त हुए।

About Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd

Founded 18 February 1982

Headquarter Visakhapatnam

News- 2

Alar Karis was elected as the President of Estonia

अलार कररस एस्टोननया के राष्ट्रपनत के रूप में चुने गए
• The Estonian Parliament elected Alar Karis as Estonia’s next President.
• एस्टोवियाई संसद िे एस्टोविया के अगले राष्ट्रपवत के रूप िें अलार काररस को चुिा।
• Alar Karis succeeds Kerti Kaljulaid, the first female President of Estonia.
• अलार कररस एस्टोविया की पहली िवहला राष्ट्रपवत केवति कलजुलैद का स्थाि लेंगे।

About Estonia

Capital Tallinn
Currency Euro

Revision Points: Recently Appointed Presidents & PM of The Nations

Person Elected as Country

Guido Bellido Prime Peru


Najib Mikati Prime Lebanon


Cleopas Dlamini Prime Eswatini


Stefan Lofven Prime Sweden

Abiy Ahmed Prime Ethiopia

Pedro Castillo President Peru

Ariel Henry Prime Haiti


Sher Bahadur Deuba Prime Nepal


Claude Joseph President Haiti

(after assasination of President Jovenel

Bashar al-Assad Presient Syria

Hardliner Ebrahim President Iran


Isaac Herzog President Israel

Assimi Goita President Mali

Choguel Kokalla Prime Mali

Maiga Minister

Ukhnaa Khurelsukh President Mongolia

News- 3
Avani Lekhara was appointed as the brand ambassador of ‘Beti Bachao Beti
Padhao’ campaign in Rajasthan
अवनन लेखारा को राजस्थान में 'बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढाओ' अनभयान का ब्ाांड एां बेसडर ननयुक्त
नकया गया

• Avani Lekhara was appointed as the brand ambassador for the Rajasthan
Government’s ‘Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao’ campaign.
• अिवि लेखारा को राजस्थाि सरकार के 'बेटी बचाओ और बेटी पढाओ' अवभयाि के वलए ब्ांड
एं बेसडर वियुक्त वकया गया था।

Revision Points

• Indian Idol season 12 winner Pawandeep Rajan was appointed as the

brand ambassador of Uttarakhand for art, tourism and culture.
• Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has named Indian
women’s hockey team player Vandana Kataria as the state’s Department of
Women Empowerment and Child Development brand ambassador.
• Punjab govt appoints Bollywood actor Sonu Sood to promote COVID-19
vaccination drive
• Olympian Parattu Raveendran Sreejesh (PR Sreejesh), goalkeeper and
former captain of the Indian National Hockey team is set to be named as
the brand ambassador of adventure tourism in Kerala.

News- 4

RBI approves appointment of Sanjeeb Chaudhuri as part-time chairman of

IDFC First Bank
आरबीआई ने आईडीएफसी फस्टट बैंक के अांशकानलक अध्यक्ष के रूप में सांजीव चौधरी की
ननयुक्तक्त को मांजूरी दी
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has approved the appointment of Sanjeeb
Chaudhuri as the part-time chairman of the IDFC FIRST Bank Limited.
• भारतीय ररजिि बैंक (RBI) िे IDFC FIRST बैंक वलविटे ड के अंशकावलक अध्यक्ष के रूप िें
संजीि चौधरी की वियुक्तक्त को िंजूरी दे दी है ।

About IDFC

Headquarter Mumbai

CEO V Vaidyanathan

News- 5

Koo appoints former redBus executive Phaneesh Gururaj as technology head

कू ने रे डबस के पूवट कायटकारी फनीश गुरुराज को प्रौद्योनगकी प्रमुख ननयुक्त नकया

• Microblogging platform Koo has appointed former redBus executive

Phaneesh Gururaj as President of Technology, to lead the engineering and
innovation team at the company.
• िाइक्रोब्लॉवगंग प्लेटफॉिि कू िे कंपिी िें इं जीवियररं ग और इिोिेशि टीि का िेतृत्व करिे के
वलए रे डबस के पूिि कायिकारी फिीश गुरुराज को प्रौद्योवगकी का अध्यक्ष वियुक्त वकया है।
News- 6

Japan’s Yoshihide Suga to resign as Prime Minister

जापान के योशीनिदे सुगा प्रधानमांत्री पद से इस्तीफा दें गे

• Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will resign in Sept 2021.

• जापािी प्रधाि िंत्री योशीवहदे सुगा वसतंबर 2021 िें इस्तीफा दें गे।
• Mr. Suga had been appointed to the role in 2020 following the resignation
of Shinzo Abe.
• श्री सुगा को वशंजो आबे के इस्तीफे के बाद 2020 िें भूविका के वलए वियुक्त वकया गया था।


Capital Tokyo

Currency Yen

News- 7

Vartika Shukla appointed as First woman CMD of Engineers India Ltd

वनतटका शुक्ला को इां जीननयसट इां नडया नलनमटे ड की पिली मनिला सीएमडी ननयुक्त नकया गया
• Engineering consultancy firm Engineers India Ltd (EIL) has announced
that Vartika Shukla has assumed charge as the first woman Chairperson
and Managing Director of the company.
• इं जीवियररं ग कंसल्टें सी फिि इं जीवियसि इं वडया वलविटे ड (ईआईएल) िे घोषणा की है वक
िवतिका शुक्ला िे कंपिी की पहली िवहला अध्यक्ष और प्रबंध विदे शक के रूप िें पदभार ग्रहण
वकया है ।
• Shukla joined EIL in 1988 and possesses consulting experience.
• शुक्ला 1988 िें ईआईएल िें शाविल हुए और उिके पास परािशि का अिुभि है ।

Banking/ Finance/ Economy

News- 1

IMF increases India’s quota of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) to 13.66 billion
IMF ने भारत के नवशेष आिरण अनधकार (SDR) के कोटा को बढाकर 13.66 नबनलयन SDR
कर नदया

• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has made an allocation of Special

Drawing Rights (SDR) 12.57 billion to India. (approx USD 17.86 billion).
• अंतराि ष्ट्रीय िुद्रा कोष (IMF) िे भारत को विशेष आहरण अवधकार (SDR) 12.57 वबवलयि का
आिंटि वकया है । (लगभग 17.86 अरब अिेररकी डॉलर)।
• With this, the total SDR holding of India has gone upto SDR 13.66 billion
(equivalent to around USD 19.41 billion).
• इसके साथ, भारत की कुल एसडीआर होक्तडंग 13.66 अरब एसडीआर (लगभग 19.41 अरब
अिेररकी डॉलर के बराबर) हो गई है ।
• The IMF has allocated a total of SDR 456 billion to all its member countries
out of which India has got SDR 12.57.
• आईएिएफ िे अपिे सभी सदस्य दे शों को कुल एसडीआर 456 वबवलयि आिंवटत वकया है,
वजसिें से भारत को एसडीआर 12.57 विला है।

What is Special drawing rights (SDR)?

• The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to

supplement its member countries’ official reserves.
• The SDR is neither a currency nor a claim on the IMF. Rather, it is a
potential claim on the freely usable currencies of IMF members. SDRs can
be exchanged for these currencies.
• The value of the SDR is calculated from a weighted basket of major
currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the euro, Japanese yen, Chinese
yuan, and British pound.
• The interest rate on SDRs or (SDRi) is the interest paid to members on their
SDR holdings.

About IMF

Formation 27 December 1945

Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva

Headquarters Washington, D.C., U.S

Chief Economist Gita Gopinath

Parent organization United Nations

Membership 190 countries

Currency SDR
Revision Points

• Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have

approved a record general allocation of $650 billion in IMF Special Drawing
Rights (SDR), to help boost global liquidity.
• Pakistan has received $2.75 billion from the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) under Special Drawing Rights (SDR) programme to support low-
income countries hit by COVID.
• Sri Lanka has received USD 787 million from the IMF’s special drawing
rights (SDR) allocation.

News- 2

New Development Bank approves UAE, Uruguay and Bangladesh as a new

न्यू डे वलपमेंट बैंक ने सांयुक्त अरब अमीरात, उरुग्वे और बाांग्लादे श को नए सदस्य के रूप में
मांजूरी दी

• The New Development Bank (NDB) has approved the United Arab
Emirates, Uruguay and Bangladesh as its new member countries.
• न्यू डे िलपिेंट बैंक (एिडीबी) िे संयुक्त अरब अिीरात, उरुग्वे और बां ग्लादे श को अपिे िए
सदस्य दे शों के रूप िें िंजूरी दे दी है ।
• In 2020, the NDB Board of Governors initiated the negotiation to expand
its membership.
• 2020 िें, NDB बोडि ऑफ गिििसि िे अपिी सदस्यता का विस्तार करिे के वलए बातचीत शुरू
• As a result UAE, Uruguay and Bangladesh have been admitted as the first
new member countries of the NDB.
• पररणािस्वरूप संयुक्त अरब अिीरात, उरुग्वे और बां ग्लादे श को एिडीबी के पहले िए सदस्य
दे शों के रूप िें शाविल वकया गया है।

About New Development Bank

• It is a multilateral development bank jointly founded by the BRICS countries
at the 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil in 2014.
• It was formed to support infrastructure and sustainable development
efforts in BRICS and other underserved, emerging economies for faster
development through innovation and cutting-edge technology.
• It is headquartered at Shanghai, China.
• In 2018, the NDB received observer status in the United Nations General
Assembly, establishing a firm basis for active and fruitful cooperation with the

News- 3

Eight banks to go live on account aggregator network

एकाउां ट एग्रीगेटर नेटवकट पर लाइव िोांगे आठ बैंक

• Eight major banks, namely State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, IDFC
First Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, HDFC Bank, IndusInd Bank and Federal
Bank, have joined the account aggregator network, which will enable
customers to easily access and share their financial data.
• स्टे ट बैंक ऑफ इं वडया, आईसीआईसीआई बैंक, एक्तिस बैंक, आईडीएफसी फस्टि बैंक,
कोटक िवहं द्रा बैंक, एचडीएफसी बैंक, इं डसइं ड बैंक और फेडरल बैंक िाि के आठ प्रिुख
बैंक अकाउं ट एग्रीगेटर िेटिकि िें शाविल हो गए हैं , वजससे ग्राहक आसािी से अपिा एिेस
और शेयर कर सकेंगे। वित्तीय आँ कडा।
• Neo bank Fi is the first fintech to join the account aggregator network.
• वियो बैंक फाई अकाउं ट एग्रीगेटर िेटिकि से जुडिे िाला पहला वफिटे क है ।

What are Account Aggregators?

• Account aggregators are responsible for providing services based on the

explicit consent of individual clients, which includes the transfer, but not
storing, of a client’s data.
• खाता एग्रीगेटर व्यक्तक्तगत ग्राहकों की स्पष्ट् सहिवत के आधार पर सेिाएं प्रदाि करिे के वलए
वजम्मेदार हैं , वजसिें ग्राहक के डे टा का स्थािांतरण, लेवकि भंडारण िहीं करिा शाविल है ।

News- 4

PhonePe launches ‘PhonePe Pulse’ to make transparency in data transaction

फोनपे ने डे टा लेनदे न में पारदनशटता लाने के नलए 'फोनपे पल्स' लॉन्च नकया

• PhonePe launched an interactive geospatial website named PhonePe Pulse

that provides insights and granular data on digital payment trends in India and
makes transaction data transparent.
• PhonePe िे PhonePe Pulse िाि से एक इं टरै क्तिि भू-स्थाविक िेबसाइट लॉन्च की, जो
भारत िें वडवजटल भुगताि रुझािों पर अंतर्दिवष्ट् और बारीक डे टा प्रदाि करती है और लेिदे ि
डे टा को पारदशी बिाती है ।

Revision Points

• PhonePe has been issued an insurance broking license from the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI).
• Walmart-backed digital payments firm PhonePe’s subsidiary, PhonePe
Account Aggregator Pvt Ltd, has got an in-principle approval from the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to operate as an account aggregator.
• Digital payments company PhonePe has launched India’s first wallet auto
top-up feature using UPI e-mandates for its customers.

News- 5

India extends $ 100 million loan to Africa to spur post pandemic growth
भारत ने मिामारी के बाद के नवकास को बढावा दे ने के नलए अफ्रीका को $ 100 नमनलयन का
ऋण नदया
• Africa Finance Corporation (AFC), the leading infrastructure solutions
provider on the continent, has received a US$100 million credit line from the
Export-Import Bank of India (India Exim Bank) to develop critical
infrastructure required for the revival of Africa’s economies in the wake of the
Covid-19 pandemic.
• अफ्रीका फाइिेंस कॉरपोरे शि (एएफसी), िहाद्वीप पर अग्रणी बुवियादी ढां चा सिाधाि प्रदाता,
िे अफ्रीका की अथिव्यिस्थाओं के पुिरुद्धार के वलए आिश्यक िहत्वपूणि बुवियादी ढां चे को
विकवसत करिे के वलए भारतीय वियाि त-आयात बैंक (इं वडया एक्तज़िि बैंक) से यूएस $ 100
विवलयि क्रेवडट लाइि प्राप्त की है ।

Recently Loan/ Credit given/ Extended by Exim Bank (Revision)

$100 To Mauritius for procurement of defence assets


$400 To Maldives to fund the Greater Male Connectivity Project


$10.40 To Eswatini for the construction of disaster recovery site


$108.28 To Eswatini (Swaziland) for construction of their new Parliament

million building

$7.35 For the purpose of replacement and equipment of the high technology
million centre of Hospital Antonio Lenin Fonseca at Managua in the Republic
of Nicaragua

News- 6
RBI imposes monetary penalty on Bombay Mercantile Co-operative Bank
आरबीआई ने बॉम्बे मकेंटाइल को-ऑपरे नटव बैंक पर मौनद्रक जुमाटना लगाया

• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a monetary penalty of Rs 50

lakh on Bombay Mercantile Co-operative Bank for non-compliance with
directions issued by the central bank.
• भारतीय ररजिि बैंक (RBI) िे बॉम्बे िकेंटाइल को-ऑपरे वटि बैंक पर केंद्रीय बैंक द्वारा जारी
विदे शों का पालि ि करिे पर 50 लाख रुपये का िौवद्रक जुिाि िा लगाया है ।

News- 7

RBI imposes penalty on Kosamba Mercantile Co-operative Bank

आरबीआई ने कोसांबा मकेंटाइल को-ऑपरे नटव बैंक पर जुमाटना लगाया

• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) imposed a monetary penalty of Rs one

lakh on the Kosamba Mercantile Co-operative Bank Ltd for violation of
• भारतीय ररजिि बैंक (RBI) िे वियिों के उल्लंघि के वलए कोसाम्बा िकेंटाइल को-ऑपरे वटि
बैंक वलविटे ड पर एक लाख रुपये का िौवद्रक जुिाि िा लगाया।
• The bank didn’t comply with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Loans
and advances to directors, relatives, and firms’.
• बैंक िे 'विदे शकों, ररश्तेदारों और फिों को ऋण और अवग्रि' पर आरबीआई द्वारा जारी कुछ
विदे शों का पालि िहीं वकया।
Revision Points: Earlier Imposed Penalties by RBI

Rs 1 Crore Rabobank UA

Rs 6 lakh Hewlett-Packard Financial Services (India) Private Ltd

Rs 50.35 lakh Janalaxmi Co-operative Bank, Nashik

Rs 5 Crore Axis Bank

Rs 25 Lakh Punjab & Sind Bank

Rs.2 crore State Bank of India (SBI)

Rs 12 Lakh Mogaveera Co-operative Bank Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Rs 10 Lakh Indapur Urban Cooperative Bank, Indapur, Maharashtra

Rs 1 Lakh The Baramati Sahakari Bank Limited, Pune, Maharashtra

Rs 3 Crore ICICI Bank

Rs 2 Crore Standard Chartered Bank

Rs 1 Crore PNB

National News
News- 1

Women and Child Development Minister inaugurates NUTRI GARDEN

मनिला एवां बाल नवकास मांत्री ने नकया न्यूटरी गाडट न का उद् घाटन

• The Union Minister for Women and Child Development, Smriti Zubin Irani
inaugurated NUTRI GARDEN to mark the beginning of Poshan Maah –
2021 at All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA).
• केंद्रीय िवहला और बाल विकास िंत्री, स्मृवत जुवबि ईरािी िे अक्तखल भारतीय आयुिेद संस्थाि
(AIIA) िें पोषण िाह - 2021 की शुरुआत को वचवित करिे के वलए न्यूटरी गाडि ि का उद् घाटि
• Plantation of Shigru (Sahijan) and Amla saplings were also carried out.
• वशगरू (सवहजि) और आं िला के पौधे भी लगाए गए।
• AIIA, New Delhi under the direction of the Ministry of Ayush initiated the
celebration of Poshan Maah – 2021.
• आयुष िंत्रालय के विदे शि िें एआईआईए, िई वदल्ली िे पोषण िाह - 2021 के उत्सि की
शुरुआत की।

About Nutri Gardens

• Nutri kitchen garden/Nutri garden is a method of planting and harvesting

nutrient-rich crops in residential houses or in their vicinity to meet the
requirements of the family all year round.
• न्यूटरी वकचि गाडि ि / न्यूटरी गाडि ि पूरे िषि पररिार की आिश्यकताओं को पूरा करिे के वलए
आिासीय घरों िें या उिके आसपास पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर फसलों को लगािे और कटाई की
एक विवध है ।

News- 2

Enrollments under Atal Pension Yojana crosses 3.30 crore mark

अटल पेंशन योजना के तित नामाांकन 3.30 करोड़ के पार
• The government has said that the total enrolments under Atal Pension
Yojana (APY) has crossed the 3.30 crore mark.
• सरकार िे कहा है वक अटल पेंशि योजिा (APY) के तहत कुल िािां कि 3.30 करोड का
आं कडा पार कर गया है ।
• The Ministry of Finance said that more than 28 lakh subscribers were enrolled
in APY in the first five months of current fiscal.
• वित्त िंत्रालय िे कहा वक चालू वित्त िषि के पहले पां च िहीिों िें एपीिाई िें 28 लाख से अवधक
ग्राहक िािां वकत हुए हैं।

All About Atal Pension Yojana

• Target Segment: The scheme was launched on 9th May, 2015, with the
objective of creating a universal social security system for all Indians,
especially the poor, the under-privileged and the workers in the
unorganised sector.
• Administered By: Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
through National Pension System (NPS).
• Eligibility: Any citizen of India can join the APY scheme. The age of the
subscriber should be between 18-40 years. The contribution levels would
vary and would be low if a subscriber joins early and increases if she joins
• Benefits:

o It provides a minimum guaranteed pension ranging from Rs

1000 to Rs 5000 on attaining 60 years of age.
o The amount of pension is guaranteed for lifetime to the spouse
on death of the subscriber.
o In the event of death of both the subscriber and the spouse, the
entire pension corpus is paid to the nominee.
• Tax Benefits: Contributions to the Atal Pension Yojana (APY) are eligible
for tax benefits similar to the National Pension System (NPS).
• Analysis:

o The scheme has been implemented comprehensively across

the country covering all states and Union Territories with male
to female subscription ratio of 57:43.
o However, only 5% of the eligible population has been covered
under APY till date.

News- 3

Ministry of Education to organize Shikshak Parv-2021

नशक्षा मांत्रालय द्वारा नशक्षक पवट-2021 का आयोजन

• The Ministry of Education will be organizing Shikshak Parv-2021 from

Teacher’s Day on 5 September 2021, which will continue till 17 September
through virtual mode.
• वशक्षा िंत्रालय 5 वसतंबर 2021 को वशक्षक वदिस से वशक्षक पिि-2021 का आयोजि करे गा,
जो िचुिअल िोड के िाध्यि से 17 वसतंबर तक चलेगा।
• President Ram Nath Kovind will also confer the awards to 44 awardees
through virtual mode on the Teacher’s Day.
• राष्ट्रपवत राि िाथ कोविंद भी वशक्षक वदिस पर िचुिअल िोड के िाध्यि से 44 पुरस्कार
विजेताओं को पुरस्कार प्रदाि करें गे।

International News

News- 1
India launches soft skills training programme for women entrepreneurs in
भारत ने बाांग्लादे श में मनिला उद्यनमयोां के नलए सॉफ्ट क्तिल प्रनशक्षण कायटक्रम शुरू नकया

• The High Commission of India in association with the ICT Ministry of

Bangladesh and Women & E-commerce and SilkOak global limited
launched an year long soft skills training programme in Dhaka.
• भारतीय उच्चायोग िे बांग्लादे श के आईसीटी िंत्रालय और िवहला और ई-कॉिसि और
वसल्कओक ग्लोबल वलविटे ड के सहयोग से ढाका िें एक साल का सॉफ्ट क्तस्कल टर े विंग प्रोग्राि
शुरू वकया।
• The training programme will help the women entrepreneurs of Bangladesh
to develop communication skills and presentation skills among other soft
skills beneficial to facilitate their business efforts.
• प्रवशक्षण कायिक्रि बां ग्लादे श की िवहला उद्यवियों को उिके व्यािसावयक प्रयासों को
सुविधाजिक बिािे के वलए लाभकारी अन्य सॉफ्ट कौशल के बीच संचार कौशल और प्रस्तुवत
कौशल विकवसत करिे िें िदद करे गा।
• The soft skills training program is part of the ‘50 years of Bangladesh’
celebrations as well as the ‘75 years of Indian independence’
celebrations, ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’.
• सॉफ्ट क्तस्कल्स टर े विंग प्रोग्राि 'बां ग्लादे श के 50 साल' सिारोह के साथ-साथ 'भारतीय स्वतंत्रता
के 75 साल' सिारोह, 'आजादी का अिृत िहोत्सि' का वहस्सा है ।

Merger & Acquisition

News- 1

HDFC Life to acquire Exide Life Insurance for Rs 6,687 crore in stock and cash
एचडीएफसी लाइफ स्टॉक और नकद सौदे में 6,687 करोड़ रुपये में एक्साइड लाइफ
इां श्योरें स का अनधग्रिण करे गी
• HDFC Life has announced to acquire 100 percent stake in Exide Life
Insurance Company in a stock and cash deal, for Rs 6,887 crore.
• एचडीएफसी लाइफ िे एिाइड लाइफ इं श्योरें स कंपिी िें स्टॉक और िकद सौदे िें 6,887
करोड रुपये िें 100 प्रवतशत वहस्सेदारी हावसल करिे की घोषणा की है।
• Subsequently, Exide Life will be merged with HDFC Life, subject to
regulatory approvals.
• इसके बाद, एिाइड लाइफ का विलय एचडीएफसी लाइफ के साथ वकया जाएगा, जो
वियािकीय िंजूरी के अधीि होगा।
• Exide Life is a wholly-owned subsidiary of battery maker Exide Industries.
• एिाइड लाइफ बैटरी वििाि ता एिाइड इं डस्टर ीज की पूणि स्वावित्व िाली सहायक कंपिी है।

News- 2

Reliance Retail completes acquisition of Just Dial

ररलायांस ररटे ल ने जस्ट डायल का अनधग्रिण पूरा नकया

• Reliance Retail Ventures Limited has taken sole control of Just Dial
Limited in accordance with the SEBI takeover regulations with effect from
1 Sep 21.
• ररलायंस ररटे ल िेंचसि वलविटे ड िे 1 वसतंबर 21 से सेबी के अवधग्रहण वियिों के अिुसार जस्ट
डायल वलविटे ड का एकिात्र वियंत्रण ले वलया है ।
• RRVL acquired 1.31 crore equity shares of ₹10 each from Just Dial at a
price of ₹1,020/- per equity share from VSS Mani.
• आरआरिीएल िे िीएसएस िवण से ₹1,020/- प्रवत इक्तिटी शेयर की कीित पर जस्ट डायल से
₹10 प्रत्येक के 1.31 करोड इक्तिटी शेयरों का अवधग्रहण वकया।
• It now holds 40.98% in Just Dial Ltd.
• जस्ट डायल वलविटे ड िें अब इसकी 40.98% वहस्सेदारी है ।

Revision Points

• Razorpay has acquired artificial intelligence (AI)-based risk analysis

platform TERA Finlabs, marking its third acquisition since inception.
• Microsoft buys AI speech firm Nuance for $19.7 billion
• Tech Mahindra acquired a 70 percent stake in Ireland-based Perigord
Asset Holdings Ltd for around Rs 182 crore
• Power Grid acquired balance 74% stake in JV Jaypee PowerGrid at an
aggregate consideration of Rs 351.64 crore
• Edelweiss Infrastructure Yield Plus (EIYP) acquired 74% stake in Engie’s
solar assets inIndia
• Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited (PCHFL) acquired troubled
Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) at an aggregate
consideration of Rs.34,250 crore

Awards & Honours

News- 1

Powergrid Wins the Prestigious global ATD Best Award

पॉवरनग्रड ने प्रनतनित वैनिक एटीडी सवटश्रेि पुरिार जीता

• Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID), a Maharatna

CPSU under Ministry of Power, Government of India has been awarded the
coveted “Association for Talent Development (ATD) 2021 BEST Award ''.
• पािर वग्रड कॉपोरे शि ऑफ इं वडया वलविटे ड (पॉिरवग्रड), भारत सरकार के विद् युत िंत्रालय
के तहत एक िहारत्न सीपीएसयू को प्रवतवित "एसोवसएशि फॉर टै लेंट डे िलपिेंट (एटीडी)
2021 बेस्ट अिाडि " से सम्मावित वकया गया है।
• POWERGRID secured 8th rank among the 71 organizations from around
the globe, thus becoming the only PSU to win this award and one of the only
two companies of India in the Top 20.
• पािरवग्रड िे दु विया भर के 71 संगठिों िें 8िां रैं क हावसल वकया, इस प्रकार यह पुरस्कार
जीतिे िाला एकिात्र साििजविक उपक्रि बि गया और शीषि 20 िें भारत की केिल दो
कंपवियों िें से एक बि गया।


Founded 23 October 1989

Headquarters Gurgaon, India

News- 2

NTPC Ramagundam bags the the CII Energy Leader Award 2021
एनटीपीसी रामागुांडम ने सीआईआई एनजी लीडर अवाडट 2021 जीता

• National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Ramagundam bagged the

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Energy Leader Award 2021.
• िेशिल थििल पािर कॉरपोरे शि (NTPC) रािागुंडि िे भारतीय उद्योग पररसंघ (CII) एिजी
लीडर अिाडि 2021 जीता।
• This is the third consecutive year that the NTPC Ramagundam has bagged
this award.
• यह लगातार तीसरा िषि है जब एिटीपीसी रािागुंडि को यह पुरस्कार विला है ।

About Award

• The CII Energy Leader Award recognises outstanding achievement and

contribution in the areas of energy efficiency and environmental protection and
implementation of the energy management system as per ISO 50001
• सीआईआई एिजी लीडर अिाडि आईएसओ 50001 िािकों के अिुसार ऊजाि दक्षता और
पयाि िरण संरक्षण और ऊजाि प्रबंधि प्रणाली के कायाि न्वयि के क्षेत्रों िें उत्कृष्ट् उपलक्ति और
योगदाि को िान्यता दे ता है ।

About National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC)

Headquarters New Delhi, India

Chairman and Managing Director Gurdeep Singh
Founded 1975

Sports News

News- 1

Avani Lekhara wins bronze in 50m Rifle to win her second medal at Tokyo
अवनन लेखारा ने टोक्यो पैरानलांनपक में अपना दू सरा पदक जीतने के नलए 50 मीटर राइफल में
काांस्य जीता

• After winning an unprecedented gold recently, Indian para- shooter Avani

Lekhara has now won a Bronze Medal for the country at the Paralympics
Games in Tokyo, in 50m Rifle 3 Position SH1 event.
• हाल ही िें एक अभूतपूिि स्वणि जीतिे के बाद, भारतीय पैरा-शूटर अिवि लेखारा िे अब टोक्यो
िें पैरावलंवपक खेलों िें 50 िीटर राइफल थ्री पोवजशि एसएच1 इिेंट िें दे श के वलए कांस्य
पदक जीता है।
• With this win, the 19-year-old Lekhara has now become the only Indian
women to win two medals, in the same edition of Paralympics.
• इस जीत के साथ, 19 िषीय लेखरा अब पैरावलंवपक के एक ही संस्करण िें दो पदक जीतिे
िाली एकिात्र भारतीय िवहला बि गई हैं ।

Extra Information
• Prior to her, Joginder Singh Sodhi was the only Indian to win multiple medals
in the same edition of the Games. He had won one silver and two bronze
medals in the 1984 Paralympics.
• उिसे पहले, जोवगंदर वसंह सोढी खेलों के एक ही संस्करण िें कई पदक जीतिे िाले एकिात्र
भारतीय थे। उन्ोंिे 1984 पैरावलंवपक िें एक रजत और दो कांस्य पदक जीते थे

News- 2

Praveen Kumar wins silver at Paralympics men’s T64 high jump

प्रवीण कुमार ने पैरालांनपक पुरुषोां की T64 ऊांची कूद में रजत जीता

• Indian para-athlete Praveen Kumar claimed a silver medal in the men’s

high jump T64 event at Tokyo Paralympics.
• भारतीय पैरा-एथलीट प्रिीण कुिार िे टोक्यो पैरावलंवपक िें पुरुषों की ऊंची कूद T64 स्पधाि िें
रजत पदक का दािा वकया।
• Praveen Kumar registered a jump of 2.07m, and also set a new Asian
• प्रिीण कुिार िे 2.07 िीटर की छलां ग लगाई और एक िया एवशयाई ररकॉडि भी बिाया।
• Now India’s total medal tally in the ongoing Games has increased to 11.
• अब चल रहे खेलों िें भारत की कुल पदक तावलका बढकर 11 हो गई है ।
• Great Britain’s Jonathan Broom-Edwards clinched the gold medal with a
jump of 2.10m.
• ग्रेट वब्टे ि के जोिाथि ब्ूि-एडिड्ि स िे 2.10 िीटर की छलां ग लगाकर स्वणि पदक जीता।

India at Tokyo Paralympics 2020 (Indian Winners) Till Now

Name of the Person Medal Event

Bhavina Patel Silver Table Tennis

Nishad Kumar Silver High Jump

Vinod Kumar Bronze Men’s Discus Throw F52

Avani Lekhara Gold Women’s 10 m Air Rifle Standing SH1

Yogesh Kathunia Silver F56 event of discus throw

Devendra Jhajharia Silver F46 category of Javelin Throw

Sundar Gurjar Bronze F46 category of Javelin Throw

Singhraj Adana Bronze P1 Men’s 10m Air Pistol SH1 final

Committee & Panels

News- 1

I&B ministry to form a committee to review Journalist Welfare Scheme

I&B मांत्रालय पत्रकार कल्याण योजना की समीक्षा के नलए एक सनमनत गनठत करे गा

• The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has decided to form a

committee to review the existing guidelines of the Journalist Welfare
Scheme (JWS).
• सूचिा और प्रसारण िंत्रालय िे पत्रकार कल्याण योजिा (JWS) के िौजूदा वदशाविदे शों की
सिीक्षा के वलए एक सविवत बिािे का फैसला वकया है ।
• The 12-member committee, with Ashok Kumar Tandon, Member, Prasar
Bharati Board, as its chairperson, will revise the quantum of ex-gratia
payment in case of death as well as in other cases under the scheme.
• प्रसार भारती बोडि के सदस्य अशोक कुिार टं डि के अध्यक्ष के रूप िें 12 सदस्यीय सविवत,
योजिा के तहत िृत्यु के साथ-साथ अन्य िािलों िें अिुग्रह भुगताि की िात्रा को संशोवधत
करे गी।
• The terms of reference (ToR) of the committee include examining the need for
such a revision of the quantum of ex-gratia payment.
• सविवत के संदभि की शतों (टीओआर) िें अिुग्रह भुगताि की िात्रा िें इस तरह के संशोधि की
आिश्यकता की जां च करिा शाविल है।

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Anurag Singh Thakur

Summit/ Meetings/ Conferences

News- 1

Union Finance Minister virtually attends the 11th UK-India Economic and
Financial Dialogue
केंद्रीय नवत्त मांत्री ने 11वी ां यूके-भारत आनथटक और नवत्तीय वाताट में वस्तुतः भाग नलया

• Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman led the Indian delegation in

the 11th round of UK-India Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD) that
was held virtually.
• केंद्रीय वित्त िंत्री विििला सीतारिण िे यूके-भारत आवथिक और वित्तीय िाताि (ईएफडी) के 11िें
दौर िें भारतीय प्रवतविवधिंडल का िेतृत्व वकया, जो िस्तुतः आयोवजत वकया गया था।
• This dialogue covered the discussions on economic cooperation on
multilateral issues, including G20 and COP26.
• इस संिाद िें G20 और COP26 सवहत बहुपक्षीय िुद्ों पर आवथिक सहयोग पर चचाि शाविल

Revision Points

Summit Important Point

International Akhand Conference Theme: Envisioning Education for
‘EDUCON-2020’ Transforming Youth to Restore Global

7th Trade Policy Review (TPR) Headed by Anup Wadhawan, the

Commerce Secretary

Concluded at World Trade


Startup India International Summit Addressed by PM Modi


British Association of Physicians of Addressed by Harsh Vardhan

Indian Origin (BAPIO) Wales Annual

7th NHM National Summit on Good, Inaugurated by Dr. Harsh Vardhan

Replicable Practices

National Metrology Conclave 2021 Theme of 2021 : Meteorology for the

Inclusive Growth of the Nation.

Inaugurated by PM Modi

Books & Authors

News- 1

Angelina Jolie introduces her new e-book titled ‘Know Your Rights and Claim
Them: A Guide for Youth’
एां जेलीना जोली ने 'अपने अनधकारोां को जानें और उनका दावा करें : युवाओां के नलए एक
गाइड' शीषटक से अपनी नई ई-पुस्तक पेश की
Book Titled ‘Know Your Rights and Claim Them: A Guide for Youth’.
Authored by Angelina Jolie

Revision Points

Book Titled Authored by

“The Year That Wasn’t – The Diary of a 14- Brisha Jain


“The Earthspinner” Anuradha Roy

‘Accelerating India: 7 Years of Modi Shri K.J. Alphons, Member of

Government’ Rajya Sabha

“Zohra! A Biography In Four Acts” Ritu Menon

''Ramrao: The Story of India's Farm Crisis'' Journalist Jaideep Hardikar

“The Dream of Revolution: A Biography of Historian Bimal Prasad and

Jayaprakash Narayan” author Sujata Prasad

State/ UT News
News- 1

Telangana to Use Drones For Afforestation in All 33 Districts Under ‘Hara

Bhara’ Project
तेलांगाना 'िारा भरा' पररयोजना के तित सभी 33 नजलोां में वनरोपण के नलए डर ोन का उपयोग
करे गा

• The Telangana government has partnered with Marut Drones, a

Hyderabad-based drone technology startup, to launch a drone-based
afforestation project, named ‘Hara Bhara’.
• तेलंगािा सरकार िे है दराबाद क्तस्थत डर ोि प्रौद्योवगकी स्टाटि अप िारुत डर ोि के साथ 'हारा भरा'
िािक डर ोि-आधाररत ििीकरण पररयोजिा शुरू करिे के वलए साझेदारी की है ।
• This is a first-of-its-kind initiative where the state government will be
planting 50 lakh trees across 12,000 hectares of land in forests in all the 33
districts of Telangana.
• यह अपिी तरह की पहली पहल है , जहां राज्य सरकार तेलंगािा के सभी 33 वजलों िें जंगलों िें
12,000 हे िेयर भूवि पर 50 लाख पेड लगाएगी।

About Telangana

Capital Hyderabad

Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan

Chief minister K. Chandrashekar Rao

High Court Jurisdiction Hyderabad

Chief Justice of Hyderabad High Court Justice Hima Kohli

Revision Points

• The Telangana Government recently imposed a total ban on Glyphosate.

• 2 June 2021 marked the 8th formation day of Telangana.
• Telangana launches Ayushman Bharat Scheme in the state
• Telangana govt to conduct digital survey of agriculture lands in state
• Telangana govt launched the TAIM accelerator programme Revv Up.

News- 2

Indore gets clean street food hub status from FSSAI

इां दौर को FSSAI से नमला स्वच्छ स्टर ीट फूड िब का दजाट

• Indore’s famous eat streets of 56 Dukan and Sarafa Chowpaty have

bagged the ‘Clean Street Food Hub’ certification from the Food Safety and
Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
• इं दौर की 56 डु कि और सराफा चौपाटी की प्रवसद्ध खािे की सडकों को भारतीय खाद्य सुरक्षा
और िािक प्रावधकरण (FSSAI) से 'क्लीि स्टर ीट फूड हब' प्रिाणि विला है ।
• 56 Dukaan market has been declared as the second ‘clean street food hub’
in India.
• 56 दु काि को भारत िें दू सरा 'क्लीि स्टर ीट फूड हब' घोवषत वकया गया है ।
• The FSSAI certification – valid for two years — is given for adopting best
practices like garbage disposal, etc.
• FSSAI प्रिाणीकरण - दो साल के वलए िैध - कचरा विपटाि आवद जैसी सिोत्ति प्रथाओं को
अपिािे के वलए वदया जाता है।

Revision Points
• Indore has become the first district in the entire country with a population
of more than 10 lakh to inoculate 100% eligible population with the first
dose of the Covid19 vaccine.
• India’s cleanest city, Indore, in Madhya Pradesh has achieved another feat
of being declared as the country’s first ‘water plus’ certified city, under the
Swachh Survekshan 2021.
• Indore city of Madhya Pradesh, or the cleanest city of India, has become the
only city from the country to be selected for the International Clean Air
Catalyst Programme.

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