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Reading Chapter 1:

1. Characteristics that distinguish governments and not-for-profit

organizations from businesses
- “Non-governmental organization” is a term used to refer to an organization,
association, socio-cultural system, charity conference, non-profit corporation or
other employee that is not covered by law. State sector and not operating for
profit. That is, the account profit, if any, cannot be divided according to the
profit division. This organization does not include unions, political factions,
profit sharing partnerships, or churches or churches.
- And the businesses account profit and divided into the profit divison
2. Accounting and reporting practices and their implications
- Accounting reports are the first results of accounting work, including two
types: Financial statements and Management reports.
- Corporate financial statements include: balance sheet, income statement, cash
flow statement and notes to the financial statements. The accounting unit must
make financial statements at the end of the annual accounting period;
- Management accounting reports include many types of reports depending on
the field of operation, operation scale, operating characteristics, requirements of
management and the capacity of accountants as well as equipment for the
management accounting. accounting work.
- The characteristics of management accounting reports are detailed, flexible,
etc., which are prepared whenever needed for management and are not
governed by accounting principles, standards and regimes.
- In management report divided into 4 reports:
+ Budget report:
A budget is a detailed, quantifiable plan of action for an entity's
operating objectives. It is estimated calculation, detailed and comprehensive
coordination of resources, ways of mobilizing and using resources to perform a
certain amount of work using a system of quantitative and value indicators.
Estimate reports include: Consumption estimate, production estimate,
cost estimate of materials and supplies for production, direct labor estimate...
+ Implementation status report:
Information about the implementation process is an indispensable step
for managers to understand the actual results of the business. Performance
reports will provide this information through stages such as supply, production,
consumption... as shown in the following reports:
Report on revenue, cost and profit of each type of product, goods or
service; Report on compliance with inventory norms; Report on labor usage and
labor productivity...
+ Control and evaluation report:
During the control process, the manager compares the actual
performance with the established plan. The purpose of this report is to help
show where the work is not satisfactory, as well as to detect irregularities in the
planning stage, thereby making timely adjustments.
Control report includes: Revenue control report, cost control report,
profit control report.
+ Analysis report:
Analyze the relationship between cost, volume and profit; Analysis of
factors affecting the implementation of production and financial plans.
3. The overall purpose of financial reporting
- Financial statements are used to provide information on the financial position,
business situation and cash flows of an enterprise, respond to management
requests of business owners, state agencies and request owners. of users use in
the intended economic.
4. The information requirements of the primary users
- The primary users of accounting information are managers, accountants and
5. Objectives of financial reporting, as established by the GASB, FASB,
- Financial statement is a method of synthesizing data from bookkeeping
according to general economic and financial indicators, systematically
reflecting the situation of assets, sources of asset formation of the enterprise, the
situation and performance of the enterprise. production and business results,
cash flow situation and management and use of capital ... of the enterprise in a
certain period into a system of forms.
6. How differences in accounting principles affect financial reporting and
can have economic consequences
- Accruals basis
- Going concern
- Historical cost
- Matching concept
- Consistency
- Frudence concept
- Materiality concept
- Consequences:
+ inefficiencies in the conduct of economic transactions and financial
+ Only when there is solid evidence of the possibility of economic
benefits, revenue and income are recognized
+ If there is a change in accounting policies and methods, it must be
included in the notes to the statement to be explained and its impact.

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