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Fall A - 2021

Flex Learning and Remote

Course:.........................................IT 310
Course Title: ................................Telecommunications and Computer Networks
Term, Year: .................................Fall-A 2021 (7 Week)
Class Day/Time:...........................Monday (6:00-10:00 P.M.)
First Day of Class:.......................23 August 2021
Last Day of Class: ....................... 04 October 2021
Location (site, classroom): ..........Remote – via Webex
Instructor: ....................................Victor Karycki
Phone: .........................................321-388-0565
Office Location/Office Hours: …All office hour will be conducted remotely as needed. Please
contact me via email or phone (both listed above) to schedule
an appointment. If desired a Webex meeting/conference can be

BEEN SCHEDULED FOR Mondays (STARTING 23 August 2021 AT 6:00 P.M. AND RUN
THROUGH 04 October 2021))

All students, faculty, and staff are required to wear a face covering in shared indoor
spaces at all Barry University locations. Please have your mask in place before you
enter the classroom. Wearing masks is one of the ways we can protect one another and
create a safe shared space.

Course Description:
The role of telecommunications and computer networks in information systems will be examined
from the technical fundamentals and organizational perspectives. Strategies, tools, and
techniques for network planning, implementation, management, maintenance and security are

Expanded Course Description:

Course content will be delivered synchronously (lecture using PowerPoint, student participation
via question/answer) via WebEx each week on the scheduled day of class. You are required to
have access to the internet and have the ability to hear and communicate with the instructor using
speakers, microphone or a headset with both which will allow you to fully participate in the
class. All information related to this class will be via TestOut and Canvas. Slides, Syllabus, and

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related course materials will be available via Canvas. You will be required to access and use both
Canvas and the TestOut site. Please NOTE: the hyperlink listed below in Course Materials to
order the package is not correct please copy this link into your browser:

Relationship of Course to Barry University Mission:

The entire Barry University Mission Statement can be accessed at

Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

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Course Objectives Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful course Means of Assessment
completion, students will:
Explain computer be able to describe the
networking and communication processes involved
telecommunication concepts, in typical computer network
communication protocols, communications; distinguish
and routing processes. among addressing formats (e.g.
MAC, IPv4, IPv6) and recognize Weekly Chapter Review
well-known TCP and UDP port Questions, Final Exam,
numbers; describe the purpose Certification assessment exam
and process of routing; and given a
scenario, predict the networking
standards and protocols likely
involved in a given communication
Investigate physical be able to distinguish between
networking topologies, WAN and LAN technologies and
technologies, media, and explain the characteristics of those
devices commonly used in most commonly used; identify
wired and wireless local area common physical network
networks (LANs) and wide topologies (e.g. mesh, star, ring); Weekly Chapter Review
area networks (WANs) to and categorize types and recognize Questions, Final Exam,
interconnect network the properties of networking Certification assessment exam
segments and nodes. media (e.g. radio waves, copper),
cabling (e.g. twisted pair, coax,
fiber), connectors (e.g. RJ45, SC),
and connectivity devices (e.g. hub,
switch, router.)
Explore and analyze
mainstream network be able to explain the function of
management practices, each layer of the OSI model and
hardware tools, identify corresponding network
Weekly Chapter Review
troubleshooting utilities, and protocols commonly used in
Questions, Final Exam,
optimization techniques used practice; explain different methods
Certification assessment exam
to test network connectivity, and rationales for network
improve network performance optimization; given a
performance, and address scenario, conduct network monitor
common connectivity issues.
Identify and describe be able to identify common
common network security security threats and mitigation
threats, and explain techniques; and explain the
Weekly Chapter Review
software, hardware, and best function and basic characteristics
Questions, Final Exam,
practices used to reduce of hardware and software security
Certification assessment exam
susceptibility to attack. devices and mechanisms (e.g.
firewall, authentication, tunneling,
encryption, access control lists)
Promote inclusive be able to discuss how
community by embracing a communities overcome economic
global world view of and technical limitations with
information networking novel networking solutions aimed Reflective essay (mission

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Learning Methods:
Synchronous conferencing sessions via Webex each week which will consist of Lecture using
PowerPoint slide decks, audio-visual materials, Independent study, assigned readings, research,
critical thinking, student analysis, contribution, participation, classroom discussion.

FlexLearning: In response to the current health crisis, Barry University has implemented a
FlexLearning model. This means that, in the case of courses designated “Flex A” or “Flex B”,
students attending in-person and remotely can engage in the same class at the same time, via
videoconferencing. Some students have opted for “fully remote” participation in these classes,
some may encounter quarantine or other health-related circumstances that require them to
participate remotely for certain periods, and depending on the size of the class, some students
will have to alternate between in-person and remote attendance as per social distancing

“Flex A” means that the instructor will be teaching in-person. Students may join in-person or
remotely. “Flex B” means that the instructor will be teaching remotely. Students may join in-
person or remotely. For in-person students, the instructor is assisted by an in-person classroom

For classes designated “remote”, there is no option to attend in-person. The instructor and all
students will gather remotely, and synchronously.

For classes designated “in-person”, there is no option to attend fully remotely. The instructor and
all students will normally meet in-person.

Regardless of the reason, students participating remotely should attend all sessions at the
scheduled times or as directed by the instructor, via videoconference. Remote students should
keep up-to-date with the course schedule for each class session, and complete the activities
outlined. The course Canvas site includes all information and links to scheduled meetings,
needed devices/technology, assignment due dates, and all other requirements for remote student

In-person Attendance and Physical Distancing: In order to maintain a safe number of persons
present in each classroom at any given time, the instructor may divide students into groups and
establish a schedule outlining which group should attend class in person on which days, and who
should attend remotely. This schedule will be posted on the Canvas site.

Class Recordings: Students are advised that class meetings might be recorded. Any recordings
will be available to students registered for this class as they are intended to supplement the
classroom experience. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with those not in the class, or
uploaded to other online environments.

Attendance Policy: The College of Arts and Sciences adheres to the following attendance
policy: A total of 6 class hours of absence will result in withdrawal with W, if within the
designated withdrawal period, or with an automatic F if not. It is the student's responsibility to

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initiate the withdrawal during the designated withdrawal period. Otherwise, an F will be issued at
the end of the term.

Students who are experiencing symptoms, have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or who are not
fully vaccinated and have been exposed to someone diagnosed COVID-19 positive must
complete the COVID-19 Initial Notification Form (
19/notification.html). You should not attend class if you meet any of the criteria that requires
submission of a Notification Form. Contact your course instructors and inform them of your
status. If you receive notification from the contact tracer that indicates you should not attend
class, forward this information to your class instructors. Your instructors will develop a plan that
will help you keep up-to-date with the course content and assignments. Stay in close
communication with your instructors during the entire time you may have to be absent from

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the syllabus for each course and understand
the instructor’s expectations for attendance, participation, and submission of assignments.
Depending on the learning format, absences may take the form of failure to attend or join
scheduled synchronous remote class sessions; failure to participate in remote class activities,
whether synchronous or asynchronous; or failure to meet the deadlines for the submission of an
assignment or assessment.

Absences relating to COVID-19 will be excused by the course instructor. Students must contact
the course instructor and/or the Dean of Students for accommodations and assistance. Students,
if they are able, should keep up with classwork and submit assignments through Canvas or
though other methods as indicated by course instructors. Students should make diligent attempts
to stay in regular communication with their instructors. In partnership with instructors, students
should reschedule exams, lab and studio work, and other critical assignments in a timely manner.

Faculty shall allow students with an excused absence to earn full credit for missing assignments
by completing the assignment or by performing equivalent work, as long as the instructor deems
that the learning objectives of the course can still be met in a timely matter. If missing
assignments resulting from an excused absence cannot be completed in a timely manner, and at
the instructor’s discretion, an “Incomplete” grade may be assigned and subsequently will follow
the University-wide “I” grade policy.

Students are expected to attend every class session, participate in class discussion and complete
the work assigned every week. Absences and Incomplete work, without exception, can/will
result in a deduction from the assignment points as follows: 1 absence/missed assignment=1.5 %
deduction; 2 absences/missed assignments =3.5 % deduction; 3 absences/missed assignments =9
% deduction and unable to earn an A or A- for the class; 4 or more absences/missed assignments
= student will receive an F for the class. Failure to participate (discussions) in required meetings
may also result in a loss of points. Contact information (Attendance) will be submitted with final
grade reports. Student is responsible for all material identified to be completed in the syllabus.

Attendance and participation are extremely important. There is a direct correlation between
developing understanding, performance, active presence in class, and your grade. The student is

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responsible for attending required meetings and completing reading assignments and completing
weekly assignments

Academic Dishonesty Policy:

Cheating and Plagiarism

1. Cheating is defined as the attempt, successful or not, to give or obtain aid and/or
information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements, including

2. Plagiarism is defined as the use, without proper acknowledgment, of the ideas, phrases,
sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or speaker.

Students are expected to know and abide by the policy as stated in the university catalogue and
student handbook.

Inclusive Community:
Embracing a global world view, the University nurtures and values cultural, social and
intellectual diversity, and welcomes faculty, staff, and students of all faith traditions.

Accessibility Statement:
Students with documented special learning needs may want to contact the Barry
University Office of Accessibility Services 305-899-3489 .

Plagiarism Detection:
Faculty members have a variety of resources which may be used to detect or to confirm
suspected incidents of cheating or plagiarism. Student papers submitted to fulfill course
requirements may be examined for textual similarity analysis and detection of possible
plagiarism. Such submissions may be retained for an undisclosed period of time in an aggregate
database maintained exclusively for comparison with subsequent submissions.

Student Behavior:
All Barry University students are expected to behave according to accepted norms that ensure a
climate wherein all can exercise their right to learn. Such norms are set forth in the
undergraduate catalogue under College of Arts and Sciences Guidelines for Student Conduct and
Academic Responsibility. Please be sure that you have read and understood that section. No
faculty member will tolerate classroom behavior that violates these norms. Such behavior will be
grounds for withdrawal from the class, judicial proceedings, or failure of the course. If
warranted, students engaging in such behavior will be removed from class by security personnel
and may be required to undergo counseling.

Course Requirements:
Students are required to attend all synchronous class sessions and participate as scheduled. A
listing of all class meetings and weekly requirements are identified in the section titled List of
Readings, Assignments, Exams and Dates.

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Technical Requirements and Assistance:
All students are strongly encouraged to visit Barry University’s Online Orientation site at This student support resource guide will be able to
answer many of your technical questions regarding Canvas, Webex and Zoom.

Please note:
 You will need a working microphone, speaker and webcam.
 Google Chromebooks will not work with Webex.
 If using a mobile device, download Cisco Webex meetings or Zoom mobile from your
app store.
 Contact the Barry IT Support Desk at 305-899-3604 (Office Hours - Monday – Friday
7:30 am – 6:30 pm.) or submit a help desk ticket.

Barry University provides Microsoft Office to every student, faculty and staff free of charge.
More information can be found at:

Want to purchase a new desktop or laptop? Barry University students are eligible for special
discounts through Dell's Education Purchase Program (EPP). Check out the information at:

Tutoring: All tutoring and academic support services are available remotely for the Spring term.
Students can arrange tutoring appointments in the Mathematics Laboratory, Writing Center, and
Reading Center online by visiting: Students will
need to allow for a 24-hour turn-around time from when they submit the tutoring request to when
their session is scheduled.

Grading Scale:
Letter grades will be assigned using the following distribution based on weighted percentage of
points earned:
Percentage Letter Grade
93 – 100......................................................................A
90 – 92.9.....................................................................A–
87 – 89.9.....................................................................B+
83 – 86.9.....................................................................B
80 – 82.9 ....................................................................B–
77 – 79.9.....................................................................C+
70 – 76.9.....................................................................C
60 – 69.9.....................................................................D
Less than 60...............................................................F

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Relative Weight of Assessments:

Assignment / Assessment Weight

Weekly hands on lab exercises (LabSim) 20%
Weekly section exams (LabSim) 20%
Homework/Assignments 05%
Attendance 10%
Reflection Essay 10%
Certification Exam 10%
Final Exam 25%
Total Percentage Available 100%

Exam Policy: Quizzes and Exams will be delivered synchronously, online using
LabSim and the Canvas system. For Finals Students must have their webcams turned
on using Webex during the exam, and mute their microphones. Students can ask the
instructor questions using the private chat function in Webex.. All quizzes (weekly
exams) are to be completed in LabSim based on the schedule listed for this course.
The final and practice assessment exam will be scheduled. The date and time a quiz is
scheduled will be identified in the course schedule. Final and practice assessment
exam are timed and are to be taken without notes/books/internet searches etc. The
instructor reserves the right to use Respondus LockDown Browser or, have all tests
proctored via Proctor U.

Course Materials:

LabSim - Network Pro (online courseware)
TestOut Corporation
* Must be purchased from Barry bookstore or directly from TestOut. Do not buy used.
Bookstore ISBN: 978-1-935080-43-5

Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition (2013), textbook
Tamara Dean
Cengage / Course Technology
ISBN 978-1-133608196
* Not explicitly referenced, but may be a useful resource for students seeking additional
reading from a printed text.

List of Readings, Assignments, Exams and Dates:

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Monday Classroom Activities / Homework Assignments
Week 1 Introductions, Course and Syllabus Overview
08/23/2021 In-class - Lecture: Networking Introduction; Network Basics; Cables
and Connectors; Networking Devices
Homework: LabSim: Sections 0, 1, 2, 3
In-class Discussion - Individual Article Review
Week 2 In-class - Lecture: Ethernet; IP Configuration; Switch Management
08/30/2021 Homework: LabSim: Sections 4, 5, 6
In-class Discussion - Individual Article Review
Week 3 No class / Review Slides- Lecture: Routing; Firewalls
09/06/2021 Homework: LabSim: Sections 7, 8
(Holiday No Class)
Week 4 In-class - Lecture: Network Customization; Wireless Networking
09/13/2021 Homework: LabSim: Sections 9, 10
In-class Discussion - Individual Article Review
Week 5 In-class - Lecture: Wide Area Networks (WANs); Network Policies
09/20/2021 and Procedures; Network Security
Homework: LabSim: Sections 11, 12, 13
In-class Discussion - Individual Article Review
Week 6 In-class - Lecture: Network Hardening; Network Management;
09/27/2021 Network Optimization
Homework: LabSim: Sections 14, 15
In-class Discussion - Individual Article Review
***Reflective Essay is DUE***
Week 7 In-class – Lecture: Network Optimization
10/04/2021 Homework: Complete LabSim: Sections 16
Assessment Exam
Final Exam

Assignment / Assessment information

Assignments, requirements and grading rubric appear in the syllabus appendix.

Make-ups and Late Work:

Once approved by the instructor, make-up exams have to be completed by the next class session.
Late assignments will be graded as follows: The assignment may be submitted by the next
calendar day; however, it will only be worth a maximum of 50% of the original score. Work
submitted later than the day following the initial due date may be turned in for review; however
no points will be awarded.

Students can recover lost attendance points by submitting a two page typed, double-spaced
executive summary for each chapter/section missed. The subject of the summaries will show a

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relationship to each chapter/section covered in class on the day missed. The student will notify
the instructor prior to missing a scheduled meeting, except in an emergency situation. It is the
student’s responsibilities to obtain class handouts and notes from fellow classmates. Class
attendance is mandatory and students are responsible for everything that is discussed and
announced in class. Class participation is a key requirement for this course. Students should
complete reading assignments prior to each class to obtain the most from the in-class
discussions/lectures. See attendance policy above for attendance grading.

Out of class Contact:

E-mail: Students should use e-mail as their primary means of contacting the instructor outside of
regular scheduled office hours. The instructor will be available by appointment during the office
hours posted at the top of this syllabus and identified in the syllabus schedule. Student is required
to communicate through e-mail. You are encouraged to use the Barry University email accounts
provided. If you prefer to use a personal (non-Barry) email account, such as Gmail, work email,
Hotmail, etc., you are required to set up email forwarding on your Barry account since Barry
distribution lists may be used for all class-wide correspondence related to this course. You must
test your accounts to make sure everything works as expected. The instructor may e-mail you
periodically and you are required to check your e-mail regularly—at least every few days. The
instructor will acknowledge all e-mail received within 72 hours, excluding weekends and

Guidelines for Written Work

The following guidelines apply to all written work submitted to satisfy course requirements,
including writing assignments, discussion forum postings, PowerPoint presentation slides, essay
responses, etc. Writing should be narrowly focused on the assigned topic, and contain substance
beyond unsubstantiated opinion or comment. Writing must be well organized, free of grammar
and punctuation errors, and presented in well-structured paragraph form (except where bulleted
lists are required). Be sure to proofread writing prior to submitting. Students needing writing
assistance are encouraged to contact the Online Writing Lab (OWL) for a free writing analysis

Unless otherwise directed, submitted documents must be authored in Microsoft Word and saved
in .DOC or .DOCX formats, and slide presentations must be authored in Microsoft PowerPoint
and saved in .PPT or .PPTX formats. When appropriate, written work should include APA
formatted citations to give proper recognition to works quoted, paraphrased, or referenced.
Always include a cover sheet stating your name, date, assignment instructions, and a statement
certifying the originality of your work.

Learning Environment Policy:

All students are expected to support the university’s commitment to provide an effective learning
environment. Any behaviors and/or events determined to be detrimental to success in any Barry
University related academic pursuit, at a location where the Barry University learning process
takes place, are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, bringing unauthorized visitors,
e.g., children, friends, or other family members to classrooms; and usage of cell phones, pagers,
radios or radio headsets, especially in campus libraries, classroom, laboratories, computer labs or
any location where the Barry University learning process takes place.

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Please refrain from text-messaging or Internet browsing during class. Portable devices to
include cell phones should be turned off or set on silent mode. No recording devices are
permitted without explicit permission. Any violations of the Learning Environment Policy or
accepted student conduct may result in being asked to leave the class. Final discretion for any
and all portions of this policy rests with the professor.

Class Cancellation Policy:

In the event of an emergency that results in the possible cancellation of a class session, such as in
the case of a hurricane, the student is expected to contact Barry University to confirm the
cancellation. Unless otherwise instructed, students are expected to complete all activities
assigned on the class schedule on the dates indicated. Make every effort to contact your
instructor once the emergency has subsided for further information concerning the course
requirements and the resumption of class sessions.

To withdraw from a course after the first week of classes, students must complete a withdrawal
form or notify, in writing, their academic advisor before the deadline specified in the term
calendar. Not doing so will result in a final grade of "F". There is no refund after withdrawing
from a course.

An incomplete grade may be given only to a student who has been attending classes on a regular
basis and submitting assignments and tests promptly. The request to complete required
coursework must be made by the student and agreed to by the faculty member. An incomplete
grade must be made up within the session following its receipt. It is the student's responsibility to
arrange with the instructor for satisfactory completion of course requirements. Refer to the
Student Bulletin for additional incomplete grade policy information.

University Philosophy:
The School of Arts and Sciences recognizes the unique needs of adult learners and the rich
experience adult learners bring to the classroom by incorporating that experience into the
curriculum. Barry provides adult learners with research tools and analytical strategies with which
to connect their experience to a broader body of knowledge and truth. Finally, Barry encourages
adult learners to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world solutions in their careers,
their families, and their communities.


Reflective Essay Writing Assignment (mission integration). This course

promotes inclusive community by embracing a global world view of information
networking innovation. Research the challenges of providing affordable access to
the latest innovations in telecommunications and computer networking. Write a 500-
750 word reflective essay analyzing how communities overcome economic and
technical limitations with novel networking solutions. Some possible areas of

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investigation include municipal wireless networks, cell phone and broadband
government subsidies, net neutrality, wifi calling, wardriving and piggybacking.
Explore the ethical dimensions and dilemmas associated with the selected topic,
and reflect on how your experiences have shaped your perspective. Submissions
will be checked for plagiarism. You must reference and cite at least three sources,
with a minimum of two from refereed or edited publications. Paraphrasing and direct
quotes must always be accompanied by a citation that credits the source. Passing
off another person's writing as though it were your own is not acceptable and may
result in failing this assignment or the course. For additional content and formatting
information, see the “guidelines for written work” section in the syllabus. This paper
will be scored using the accompanying rubric shown below. Review it carefully prior
to submission

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Cover Page for your written work should look like the following: (spaced appropriately top to
bottom of page)


Course: IT 310 – Telecommunications and

Computer Networks
Submitted to....................................(Name of your Instructor)

Submitted by...................................[Student name], [Student #]

Date of Submission.........................[month day, year]

Assignment.....................................[Assignment name/number]


I declare that all material presented in this document are my own work, or
have been fully and specifically acknowledged wherever adapted from other
sources. I have cited any sources from which I used data, ideas or words,
either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was
prepared by me specifically for this course.


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5 4 3 2 1 0
synthesis CONTENTanalysis CONTENT

Writing is highly Writing demonstrates a fair Writing sorely lacks

introspective, supported by level of introspection and introspective reflection. SCORE:
research and analysis, where analysis. Ideas and Concepts, arguments, analyses,
appropriate. Ideas and conclusions are somewhat and conclusions are poorly
conclusions are clearly, clear and logical, but at times connected.
logically, and thoroughly waning and inconsistent.

Uses specific and convincing Discussion is vaguely None or very few specific facts
examples to support ideas and supported with mostly relevant or examples used to support SCORE:
make insightful connections. facts and examples. Course claims made. Relevant course
Course concepts are correctly concepts are at times concepts are improperly
incorporated. referenced inappropriately. referenced or entirely omitted.
Terms usage is entirely Terms are used somewhat Inappropriate use of

appropriate to the discipline appropriately to the discipline terminology, reflecting a lack SCORE:
and topic presented. Words and topic presented. Words of understanding. Words are
are used in a manner are mostly used appropriately frequently used incorrectly.
consistent with the English in English. Few redundancies Redundant use of limited
Writing is exceptionally well Writing is general organized, Writing rambles and is highly
organized and shows a high but occasionally lacks focus or unfocused, detracting from SCORE:
level of flow and direction. Organization shows readability. Paragraphs are
sophistication. Paragraphs are a clear beginning, middle and largely incoherent, and are not
clear, and follow each other end. Order is coherent, mostly connected logically or
Proofreading is thorough. Grammar, spelling, and/or Spelling, and/or Grammar,

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are inappropriate and/or punctuation are often
punctuation are perfect at times, but are not overly poor.
throughout. distracting.

Complies entirely with all Complies partially with Fails to comply with most
formatting and submission formatting and submission formatting and submission SCORE:
requirements, including: requirements. requirements:
 Page/word count
 Cover page

All written sources referenced Some of the sources are edited None of the sources are edited

are edited publications, publications or refereed publications or refereed

referred journals, or otherwise journals. Some references are journals. Most references are
approved by the instructor. omitted or improperly omitted or improperly
All references are properly formatted in several respects. formatted in several respects.
cited using APA format.


Barry University

The course in which you are enrolled requires you to use the browser-based version of LabSim,
which can only be purchased through the bookstore or directly from the publisher,

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Do not attempt to buy LabSim through any other channel. LabSim access licenses cannot be
resold, so do not buy LabSim used.

At some point during this process, new users will have to create a LabSim user account. It is
strongly recommended that you use your full Barry email address (e.g. as the desired login username to simplify account creation and


You can purchase an activation code from the Barry bookstore for the product needed in this
class. Refer to your syllabus for LabSim title and ISBN information. Use the code as directed to
activate access. Bookstore pricing is higher, but may be the only option for students using
financial aid.
Barry University Bookstore
11300 N Miami Ave, Miami Shores, FL 33161
Phone: (305) 899-3970


Go to following the
directions to purchase the product. Remember to enter 14-232TA in the “Promotion Code” box
and press enter—this gives you a discount on the purchase price.  Refer to your syllabus for
LabSim title. Add the required course to your cart and proceed to checkout. To receive the
academic pricing of for individual courses, "Barry University" must be entered as the school
name during step one of the shopping cart checkout process.  Also a teacher name must be
included, though it doesn't matter how this is typed in.  Upon checkout, follow the steps below to
join the Barry class.


After purchasing the course, students must join the “Barry University” campus within LabSim
and enroll themselves in the correct class for your instructor to view your progress. To do so,
complete the following steps:
1. Go to to log in or create a new account.
2. Click the "Join a School or Company" link.
3. Enter “Barry University” in the school's name "Search String" field, and click "Find
4. Find the school in the search results, and click "Join to this Campus as a Student".
5. Enroll in the class by clicking the "Enroll in Classes" link.
6. Find the instructor's class listed in the "Available Classes" list, click "Enroll", and click

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