English 8 q1 - District-Summative Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Schools Division of Cebu Province
District of Compostela

First Quarter District Summative Test in English 8

(Phase 1 Test)
SY 2021 – 2022

Name: ____________________________Grade & Section: ____________________ Date: __________ Score: _____

MULTIPLE CHOICE. General Directions: Read each question/statement carefully. Write the letter of your answer on
the space before the number.

Identify what type of context clue is being used in the following statements.

_____ 1. Haberdashery, which is a store that sells men’s clothing, is becoming more common today.
A. Definition/Explanation Clues D. Inference/General Context Clues
B. Restatement/Synonym Clues E. Punctuation
C. Contrast/Antonym Clues

_____ 2. John was sent to the haberdashery to find a new suit. He needed to wear one for his friend’s wedding.
A. Definition/Explanation Clues D. Inference/General Context Clues
B. Restatement/Synonym Clues E. Punctuation
C. Contrast/Antonym Clues

_____ 3. John wanted to go to haberdashery, but Ann wanted to shop at the boutique.
A. Definition/Explanation Clues D. Inference/General Context Clues
B. Restatement/Synonym Clues E. Punctuation
C. Contrast/Antonym Clues

_____ 4. The haberdashery was John’s favorite place. He loved shopping nice suits. The people who worked there were
kind and helpful.
A. Definition/Explanation Clues D. Inference/General Context
B. Restatement/Synonym Clues E. Punctuation
C. Contrast/Antonym Clues

_____ 5. Jim’s father was a “haberdasher”. He had a clothing store for men.
A. Definition/Explanation Clues D. Inference/General Context Clues
B. Restatement/Synonym Clues E. Punctuation
C. Contrast/Antonym Clues

Identify the types of bibliography being used.

Allen, T. (1974). Vanishing Wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society.

_______ 6. What type of citation uses the author’s last name and the year of publication?

A. APA citation B.
MLA citation
C. in-text citation
D. parenthetical citation

_______ 7. What punctuation each entry should end?

A. colon
B. period
C. comma
D. semi-colon
_______ 8. Which style is predominantly used in research?
A. Modern Language Association (MLA)
B. American Psychological Association (APA)
C. Comparative Psychological Association (CPA)
D. Journal Psychological Association (JPA)

Clinton, Bill. Interview by Andrea C. Revkin. “Clinton on Climate Change.” New York Times, May 2007. Web. 25 May

_______ 9. What style in writing bibliography was given above?

A. American Psychological Association (APA)

B. Modern Language Association (MLA)
C. Journal Psychological Association (JPA)
D. Comparative Psychological Association (CPA)

_______ 10. What is the most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities?

A. Modern Language Association (MLA)

B. Journal Psychological Association (JPA)
C. Comparative Psychological Association (CPA)
D. American Psychological Association (APA)

Identify how the meaning of the underlined word is expressed. Write CA for Contrast/Antonym; RS for
Restatement/Synonym; DE for Definition/Explanation; PC for Punctuation Clue; and GC for General Clue.

_____ 11. My brother is an aficionado, a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or
A. D/E B. GC C. R/S D. CA

_____ 12. That’s absolutely a ridiculous price for a sweater. I can’t find any reason for it to become so expensive. A.
D/E B. GC C. R/S D. CA

_____ 13. Her traumatic experience made her a self-centered and callous young woman. She became hard-hearted and
showed no sympathy for others.
. A. D/E B. GC C. R/S D. CA

_____ 14. Liza imitated the house design of her neighbor, but her husband changed it to add another window.
A. D/E B. GC C. R/S D. CA

_____ 15. His stalwart (marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, and spirit) son, applied to join the army.
A. D/E B. GC C. R./S D. PC

Identify the meaning of the underlined words.

_____ 16. The widow lived near the riverbank.

A. A woman who lost her spouse. C. A woman who lost her family.
B. A woman who lost her money. D. A woman who lost her expensive necklace.

_____ 17. My daughter was very diligent in her studies.

A. concerning C. woodworking B. hardworking D.

_____ 18. Ariel is a member of a fraternity.

A. A group of people with different interest.
B. A group of people with different hobbies.
C. A group of people sharing a common interest.
D. A group of people that expresses disapproval.
_____ 19. They were negligent on the household chores.
A. busy B. careful C. active


_____ 20. He showed impolite attitude towards his superior.

A. disrespectful B. discontented C. disgustful D.

_____ 21. Maya was reflected to the kind of people she always spend time with.
A. known B. showed C. prevailed D. famous

_____ 22. The mother cried for her son’s rudeness in dealing with his peers.
A. mismatch B. misinterpreted C. misbehavior D. misconception

_____ 23. However, she was very grateful to her daughter.

A. prayerful B. respectful C. colorful D. thankful

_____ 24. Her daughter was the only one who would console her during financial hard up.
A. comfort B. family problem C. financial D. love life

_____ 25. My best friend can be my comfort during my grueling times.

A. soft B. hard C. smooth D. large

Complete the statements by choosing the Restatement/Synonym word of the parenthesized word.

_____ 26. Informative essays must never express your opinion or try to convince others to take certain action or
A. stance B. probe C. bulk D. spur

_____ 27. The introduction is used to introduce the main ideas, provide any (appropriate) definitions, and brief
description will be covered.
A. pertinent B. spur C. gloss D. over
_____ 28. The introduction must clearly state what readers are about to (explore).
A. furnish B. probe C. reiterate D. bulk
_____ 29. The body will be several paragraphs long, comprising the (in large quantities) of the essay.
A. contemplate B. stance C. bulk D. pertinent
_____ 30. This is where you’ll (provide) further details about the main idea.
A. probe B. bulk C. spur D. furnish

_____ 31. It should (encourage) the reader to learn more about the topic.
A. spur B. contemplate C. rhetorical D. stance
_____ 32. Be sure to (repeat) the thesis statement clearly.
A. reiterate B. rhetorical C. furnish D. stance

_____ 33. After that, offer up a few closing remarks that (describe) the most important elements.
A. gloss over B. comfort C. hard D. rhetorical

_____ 34. Encourage your leader to learn more or (study) on the most important elements of your essay.
A. bulk B. contemplate C. probe D. reiterate
_____ 35. You may even pose a (asked merely or effect) question.
A. reiterate B. rhetorical C. stance D. probe
*Match the sentences in Column A with their Context
Clue Type in Column B.

Column A
Column B
_____ 36. A goldfish is a voracious animal. It is A. Restatement/Synonym Clues
known to eat anything including pellets, ants
and even broccoli. B. Contrast/Antonym Clues

_____ 37. Adeline is very garrulous. She loves to talk

most of the time.
C. Definition/Explanation Clues

D. General Context Clues

_____ 38. The building was constructed a E. Punctuation Clues
decade (a period of ten years) ago.

_____ 39. Mother felt so gratified. She thought she

would never be sad again.

_____ 40. Filipinos love the Tinikling, a traditional

Philippine folk dance which is originated during
Spanish Colonial era.

Prepared by : Checked by :


Teacher I Master Teacher I

Reviewed by: Approved by :


School Head Public School District Supervisor

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