Learn That Person's Skills

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Arbitrate: to make a judgment in an argument, usually because asked to do so by those involved

2. Apprentice: someone who has agreed to work for a skilled person for a particular period of time and often forlow payment, in order to
learn that person's skills
3. Attentively: in a way that is attentive
4. Bid: to offer a particular amount of money for something that is for sale and compete against other people tobuy it, especially at a
public sale of goods or property
5. Boast: to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own
6. Chain: a set of connected or related things
7. Coverage: the reporting of a particular important event or subject
8. Dull: not interesting or exciting in any way
9. Embark: to go onto a ship
10. Entrée: the main dish of a meal
11. Enforcement: The act of urging or carrying out by force.
12. Cloture: A motion that ends debate and calls for n immediate vote.
13. Adjoining: To sit next to or in contact with.
14. Canvassers: A person who asks for votes, contributions, or support to determine public opinion.
15. Consensus: General agreement.
16. Confine: To limit or restrict.
17. Reapportionment: The method states use to draw up political districts based on changes in population.
18. Arbitrary: Existing or coming about seemingly at random or as an unfair or unreasonable act of will.
19. Commentator: One who comments, discusses, or reports in an expository manner, especially news on radio ortelevision.
20. Entity: Something having independent, separate, or self-contained existence.
21. Abject: contemptible.
22. Enervate: weaken mentally or morally.
23. Effete: over-refined.
24. Fatuous: silly yet smug.
25. Credulity: readiness to believe.
26. Remonstrate: argue in protest.
27. Execrable: detestable.
28. Fulsome: insincere, mawkish.
29. Fractious: irritable.
30. Abjure: renounce.
31. Update: supply with recent information; bring up to date; bring to the latest state of technology
32. Vacuum: empty area or space; electrical home appliance that cleans by suction
33. Veto: rejection; vote that blocks a decision; deny; prohibit; command against
34. Weed: undesirable or troublesome plant, especially growing where it is not wanted as in a garden.
35. Pad: soft or small cushion; a kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting
36. Hurl: throw with great force; cast; toss
37. Hence: from this place; from this time; from this reason; as an inference or deduction
38. Hawk-eyed: having very good eyesight.
39. Gown: loose, flowing upper garment; ordinary outer dress of woman; official robe of certain professional men
40. Gossip: rumor; malicious report about other people; light informal conversation for social occasions
41. Majestic: stately; royal; relating to a monarch
42. Pilgrim: traveler; one who travels far, or in strange lands, to visit some holy place or shrine as a devotee
43. Tame: domesticated; very restrained or quiet; make less strong or intense; soften
44. Mediocre: moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary; commonplace
45. Lash: any of the short hairs fringing the edge of the eyelid
46. Molecule: the smallest particle of substance, having all the properties of that substance
47. Prosperous: successful; thriving; having or characterized by financial success or good fortune
48. Limestone: rock consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate or carbonate of lime
49. Ponder: weigh; weigh in the mind; view with deliberation; examine carefully; consider attentively
50. Tendency: trend; a general direction in which something tends to move
51. Wrestle: take part in a fight, either as sport or in earnest, that involves grappling with one's opponent and tryingto throw or force them
to the ground.
52. Blockbuster: a thing of great power or size, in particular a movie, book, or other product that is a greatcommercial success.
53. Post-mortem: a medical examination of a dead person's body in order to find out the cause of death.
54. Persecute: treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their race, religion, or politicalbeliefs.
55. Wrapped: covered with paper or other material.
56. Seize: take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
57. Overblown: bigger or more important or impressive than it should be.
58. Stagnant: not flowing or moving, and smelling unpleasant.
59. Superstardom: the state of being an extremely famous actor, singer, musician, sports player, etc.
60. Pied: having two or more different colors.
61. Conscious: awake and able to think and notice things.
62. Spending: the money that is used for a particular purpose, especially by a government or organization.
63. Increase: to get bigger or to make something bigger.
64. Illness: a disease.
65. Connotation: a feeling or idea that is suggested by a particular word although it need not be a part of theword’s meaning, or
something suggested by an object or situation.
66. Elusive: difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember.
67. Faze: to surprise and worry someone.
68. Loath: to not want to do something because it will cause problems.
69. Peak: the top of a mountain.
70. Precedent: an action, situation, or decision that has already happened and can be used as a reason why a similaraction or decision should
be performed or made.
71. Bargaining: Synonymous with negotiation, usually applied to businesses involving money.
72. Beltline: It means attacking the weak sides of a target to achieve one’s own malicious goal.
73. Remorse: A strong feeling of guilt and regret about something you have done.
74. Gunnysacking: A poor practice of hoarding all grievances, then dumping them on one person.
75. Hoard: A large amount of money or objects that someone has collected, sometimes secretly.
76. Grievance: A complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly.
77. Procurement: It is the purchase of goods, materials, pieces, etc. To be resold, transformed, or stored.
78. Debar: To stop someone from doing something by law or by official agreement.
79. Heir: A person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person, especially an oldermember of the same
family, when that other person dies.
80. Usufruct: The right to use an asset and earn income from it, without owning it.
81. Eloquence: the art or power of using such discourse.
82. Ephemeral: lasting for a very short time.
83. Ineffable: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
84. Superfluous: unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
85. Immeasurable: too large, extensive, or extreme to measure.
86. Ethereal: extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
87. Everlasting: lasting forever or a very long time.
88. Luminescence: the emission of light by a substance that has not been heated, as in fluorescence andphosphorescence.
89. Bonhomie: cheerful friendliness; geniality.
90. Mellifluous: (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
91. Wimp. A person who is not strong, brave, or confident.
92. Rad. Extremely exciting or good.
93. Huddle. To sit or stand in a bent position with your arms and legs close to your body, especially because of coldor fear.
94. Hue. A color, or the particular degree of light or dark of a color.
95. Diaphanous. A diaphanous substance, especially cloth, is so delicate and thin that you can see through it.
96. Hastiness. The act of saying or doing things in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or thought.
97. Dicey. Slightly dangerous or uncertain.
98. Espionage. The discovering of secrets, especially political or military information, of another country or theindustrial. Information
of a business.
99. Lassitude. Physical or mental tiredness.
100. Frazzled. Extremely tired in a nervous or slightly worried way after a lot of mental or physical effort.
101. Souvenir (n): something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event.
102. Seawall (n): a wall or embankment erected to prevent the sea from encroaching on or eroding an area of land.
103. Front desk (n): a desk near the entrance to a hotel, office building, etc. Where people go when they arrive andwhere they can get
information, etc.
104. Office supplies (n): equipment regularly used in offices by businesses and other organizations.
105. Presentation (n): a talk giving information about something.
106. Drown (v): to (cause to) die by being unable to breathe underwater.
107. Sweat (v): to pass sweat through the skin because you are hot, ill, or frightened.
108. Party (n): a person or group participating in a action or plan.
109. Throw out (phr. V): to dispose of.
110. Inspect (v): to look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, especially about theirquality or condition.
111. Guilty a. Deserving of blame; adjudged to have committed crime
112. Hallmark n. Syn. Sign feature; mark indicating quality or excellence
113. Hawk n. Bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail
114. Haunt v. Syn. Torment; bother; disturb be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place; bother; disturb
115. Hurl v. Syn. Throw; cast; toss, throw with great force; cast; tos
116. Prairie n. Treeless grassy plain; extensive area of flat or rolling
117. Pristine a. Syn. Primitive; primary uncorrupted by civilization; primitive; remaining free from dirt or decay
118. Queer a. Syn. Eccentric; mysterious odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric; mysterious; suspicious; questionable
119. Unravel v. Syn. Disentangle; solve undo or ravel knitted fabric of; separate and clarify; solve
120. Vessel n. Syn. Craft; ship craft; ship; container for liquids
121. Slang: a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are morecommon in speech than
writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.
122. Guilty: culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing.
123. Dumb: temporarily unable or unwilling to speak.
124. Trophy: a cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.
125. Twisted: forced out of its natural or proper shape; crumpled.
126. Paranoid: means having a feeling of extreme worry because you believe that other people do not like you or aretrying to harm you.
127. Fall: move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level.
128. Fallow: plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a croprotation or to avoid
surplus production.
129. Vintage: the year or place in which wine, especially wine of high quality, was produced.
130. Comparison: a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people.
131. Onward: in a continuing forward direction; ahead.
132. Lavish: sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
133. Bestow: confer or present (an honor, right, or gift).
134. Glide: move with a smooth continuous motion, typically with little noise.
135. Veer: change direction suddenly.
136. Withhold: refuse to give (something that is due to or is desired by another).
137. Rearward: directed toward the back.
138. Frond: the leaf or leaflike part of a palm, fern, or similar plant.
139. Intrinsic: belonging naturally; essential.
140. Breed: (of animals) mate and then produce offspring.
141. Buzzkil: a person or thing that has a depressing or dispiriting effect.
142. Obnoxious: extremely unpleasant.
143. Cinephile: a person who is fond of motion pictures.
144. Knowingly: in a way that suggests one has secret knowledge or awareness.
145. Willingly: readily; of one's own free will.
146. Turmoil: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
147. Blistering: (of criticism) expressed with great vehemence.
148. Inadvertently: without intention; accidentally.
149. Painstakingly: with great care and thoroughness.
150. Relentlessly: in an unceasingly intense or harsh way.
151. Church: (n) a building for public Christian worship.
152. Clergy: (n) the group of appointed or ordained leaders in a religion.
153. Clergymen: (n) in religion a member of the clergy.
154. Clod: (n) a lump or mass, especially of earth or clay.
155. Dotted: (adj) made up of or consisting of a line or row of dots; made up of many dots.
156. Highland: (n) a mountainous region or elevated part of a country.
157. Manor: (n) an estate owned by a king or nobleman; the main house on an estate, etc.
158. Monastery: (n) a place where a community of monks lives.
159. Rafting: (n) the sport of traveling on rivers and streams by raft.
160. Skydiving: (n) the sport of jumping from an airplane and descending for a considerable distance before openingone's parachute.
161. Crossbow: a medieval weapon made up of a bow attached across a piece of wood.
162. Upward: toward a higher place or position
163. Faintly: lacking brightness, vividness, clearness, loudness, strength, etc.
164. Fling: to throw or cast with force, violence, or without care
165. Odd: differing in nature from what is usual or expected
166. Skyward: directed or moving towards the sk
167. Clamber: to climb, using both feet and hands
168. Burst: to (cause to) break, or fly apart suddenly
169. Flanks: a side, esp. the side of an animal or a person between the ribs and hip.
170. Mule: an animal produced by a female horse and a male donkey
171. policy: a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group
172. straight: successive, without a break
173. stock: capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares
174. apparent: clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
175. property: a basic or essential attribute shared by members of a class
176. fancy: imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
177. concept: an abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances
178. commission: a special group delegated to consider some matter
179. constant: a quantity that does not vary
180. constitute: compose or represent
181. Receipt (n): something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money, goods, or information havebeen received.
182. Castle (n): a large strong building, built in the past by a ruler or important person to protect the people insidefrom attack.
183. Convenient (adj): suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty.
184. Corn (n): (the seeds of) plants, such as wheat, maize, oats, and barley, that can be used to produce flour.
185. Good-looking (adj): A good-looking product or other object is pleasant and interesting to look at.
186. Grilled (adj): (of food) cooked over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame.
187. Headteacher (n): someone who is in charge of a school.
188. Immediately (adv): now or without waiting or thinking.
189. Kick (n & v): to hit someone or something with the foot, or to move the feet and legs suddenly and violently.
190. Nowhere (adv): in, at, or to no place; not anywhere.
191. Agent Status This refers to the particular point in time which depicts the call center agent’s work status, i.e. busy, wrap, idle, available,
unavailable, etc.
192. Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) This is a specialized phone system that handles incoming calls, also called inbound calls. The
Automatic Call Distributor recognizes and answers the calls and checks in the database, for routing to the most appropriate agent
193. carbon monoxide the poisonous gas formed by the burning of carbon, especially in the form of car fue
194. carbon dioxide the gas formed when carbon is burned, or when people or animals breathe out.
195. desertification the process by which land changes into desert.
196. disposable products describes an item that is intended to be thrown away after use.
197. endangered species endangered birds/plants/species animals or plants which may soon not exist because thereare very few now alive.
198. energy conservation the process of conserving energy
199. extinction Many species of plants and animals are in danger of/threatened with extinction (= being destroyed sothat they no longer exist)
200. natural resources things such as minerals, forests, coal, etc. which exist in a place and can be used by people.
201. Quire: n. four sheets of paper or parchment folded to form eight leaves, as in medieval manuscripts.
202. Bromance: n. a close but nonsexual relationship between two men.
203. Tittynope: n. a tittynope was a small quantity of a tasty treat
204. Jentacular: adj. of or pertaining to a breakfast taken early in the morning, or immediately on getting up.
205. Halfpace: n. a raised floor or dais or a platform or footpace at the top of steps (as for a throne or an altar).
206. Imprimatur: n. an official license by the Roman Catholic Church to print an ecclesiastical or religious book.
207. Perfidious: adj. deceitful and untrustworthy.
208. Diacritic: adj. (of a mark or sign) indicating a difference in pronunciation.
209. Lionhearted: adj. brave and determined
210. Lacuna: n. an unfilled space or interval; a gap.
211. Foolishness: resulting from or showing a lack of good sense.
212. Forethought: a thinking about a situation beforehand.
213. Beforehand: in advance; ahead of time; earlier.
214. Ahead: in or to the front; before.
215. Neighborhood: the area or region around or near some place or thing; vicinity.
216. Snob: one who tries to act like those higher in social rank or who admires such people too much and scornsothers.
217. Contempt: a lack of respect; scorn; disregard.
218. Loathe: to feel disgust or intense hatred of; abhor; dislike strongly.
219. Encouragement: the act of encouraging; the state of being encouraged.
220. Bassinet: a basket with a hood over one end, for use as a baby's cradle.
221. Swarm: a large group of insects all moving together.
222. Honest: telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie.
223. Adrenaline: a hormone produced by the body when a person is frightened, angry, or excited, which makes theheart beat faster and
prepares the body to react to danger.
224. Veins: a tube that carries blood to the heart from the other parts of the body.
225. Surrender: to stop fighting and admit defeat.
226. Grow old: to become aged, to increase in age.
227. Road: a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel along.
228. Prophecy: a statement that says what is going to happen in the future, especially one that is based on what youbelieve about a particular
matter rather than existing facts.
229. Kingdom: a country ruled by a king or queen.
230. Hallucinate: to seem to see, hear, feel, or smell something that does not exist, usually because you are ill or havetaken a drug.
231. Eagre: a tidal flood or flow : bore.
232. Earl: a British man of high social rank, between a marquis and a viscount.
233. Eads: U.S. engineer and inventor.
234. Ear drops: medicinal drops for use in the ears.
235. Eardrum: a membrane in the ear canal between the external ear and the middle ear.
236. Eanling: a young lamb; kid.
237. Earache: pain in the ear.
238. Taciturn: habitually reserved and uncommunicative.
239. Tactful: having a sense of what is considerate in dealing with others.
240. Taint: contaminate with a disease or microorganism.
241. Council: n. an advisory, deliberative, or legislative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly.
242. Twice: adv. two times; on two occasions.
243. Presently: adv. at the present time; now.
244. Reviewer: n. a person who writes critical appraisals of books, plays, movies, etc., for publication.
245. Advisory: adj. having or consisting in the power to make recommendations but not to take action enforcingthem.
246. Board: n. a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes.
247. Cartogram: n. a map on which statistical information is shown in diagrammatic form.
248. Right: n. a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way.
249. Spatial: adj. relating to or occupying space.
250. Amazon: n. a parrot, typically green, found in Central and South America.
251. Penchant: strong inclination; definite liking
252. Perceive: become aware of through the senses; detect
253. Eye: small hole or loop; good discernment; organ of vision or of light sensitivity
254. Fail: be unsuccessful in achieving one's goal.
255. comma: a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence. It is also used to separate items in a list and to mark the
place of thousands in a large numeral.
256. Tie: attach or fasten (someone or something) with string or similar cord.
257. Fast: moving or capable of moving at high speed.
258. Fickle: not fixed or firm; liable to change; unstable; of a changeable mind
259. Comet: an object that goes around the sun
260. Cork: lightweight elastic outer bark, used especially for bottle closures, insulation, floats
261. Acquaint: make someone aware of or familiar with
262. Befitted: be appropriate for; suit
263. Beseech: ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
264. Charm: the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration.
265. Condolence: an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of a death.
266. Dearest: most loved or cherished.
267. Erring: having failed to adhere to the proper or accepted standards; having done wrong.
268. Farewell: used to express good wishes on parting.
269. Saviour: a person who saves someone or something (especially a country or cause) from danger, and who isregarded with the
veneration of a religious figure.
270. Trappings: the outward signs, features, or objects associated with a particular situation, role, or thing.
271. Cacophony: a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.
272. Sanctimony: the action or practice of acting as if one were morally superior to other people.
273. Ethereal: extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
274. Diethyl: used chiefly as a solvent and plasticizer.
275. Bilk: to defraud; cheat.
276. Grandiloquence: a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially inlanguage.
277. Inane: lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly.
278. Proclivity: a strong natural liking for something that is usually bad.
279. Ubiquitous: existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent
280. Zephyr: A summer zephyr gently stirred her hair.
281. Abet: (Verb) To help or encourage someone to do something wrong or illegal.
282. Alluringly: (Adverb) In an attractive or exciting way.
283. Ample: (Adjective) More than enough.
284. Baffle: (Verb) To cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something.
285. Compel: (Verb) To force someone to do something.
286. Impose: (Verb) To officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received.
287. Lenient: (Adjective) Not as severe or strong in punishment or judgment as would be expected.
288. Menace: (Noun) Something that is likely to cause harm.
289. Novice: (Noun) A person who is not experienced in a job or situation.
290. Overt: (Adjective) Done or shown publicly or in an obvious way and not secret.
291. Urology: the branch of medicine concerned with the feet
292. Midwife: woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies
293. Anesthesiology: the branch of medical science that studies and applies anesthetics
294. Rheumatology: the branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of pathologies of the muscles ortendons or joints
295. Gastroenterology: the branch of medicine that studies the gastrointestinal tract and its diseases
296. Ophthalmology: the branch of medicine concerned with the eye and its diseases
297. Syphilis: a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change throughprogressive stages; can
be congenital (transmitted through the placenta)
298. Scientifically: with respect to science; in a scientific way
299. Fetology: the branch of medicine concerned with the fetus in the uterus
300. Tribology: the branch of engineering that deals with the interaction of surfaces in relative motion (as in bearings or gears): their design
and friction and wear and lubrication
301. pressure: continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it.
302. breeze: a gentle wind
303. blustery: (of weather or a period of time) characterized by strong winds.
304. cyclone: a system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure, with a counterclockwise(northern hemisphere)
or clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation; a depression.
305. condensation: water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.
306. ozone layer: a thin part of the Earth's atmosphere that absorbs almost all of the sun's harmful ultraviolet light.
307. westerlies: a wind blowing from the west.
308. monsoon: a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and
September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon ), or from the northeast between October andApril (the dry monsoon ).
309. rain gauge: gadget that collects water falling on it and records the change over time in the rainfall depth.
310. dew: tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night, when atmospheric vapor condenses.
311. Gather: Verb. to join other people somewhere to make a group
312. Implement: Verb. to start using a plan or system
313. Source: noun. where something comes
314. Furniture: Noun. things such as chairs, tables, and beds that you put into a room or building
315. Proportionally: Adverb. in the same relationship
316. Nature: Noun. all the plants, creatures, and things that exist in the world that are not made by people
317. Quantity: Noun. the amount or number of something
318. Hire: Verb. to pay money in order to use something for a short time
319. Stage: Noun. the raised area in a theatre where actors perform
320. Plus: Preposition. added to
321. Device: n, an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose.
322. Popularity: n, the fact that something or someone is liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people.
323. Revolution: n, a change in the way a country is governed, usually to a different political system and often using violence or war.
324. Appreciation: n, the act of recognizing or understanding that something is valuable, important, or as described.
325. Cassette player: n, a machine that can play cassettes but not record them.
326. Apprehensive: adj, able to be understood or noticed.
327. Reinforce: v, to make something stronger.
328. Durable: adj, able to last and be used for a long time without becoming damaged.
329. Charge: v, to ask an amount of money for something, especially a service or activity.
330. Stock: n, a supply of something for use or sale.
331. abject: The lawyers so dragged out the proceedings, that both parties ended up in abject poverty.
332. credulity: readiness to believe. Having gone broke, her credulity opened him to get-rich-quick schemes.
333. remonstrate: argue in protest. The child knew he’d get his way if he remonstrated long enough.
334. risible: laughable. In the face of round after round of layoffs, the corporate slogan, “Our people are our mostimportant product” is
335. reprobate: without scruples. That reprobate would do anything to get a sale.
336. fulsome: insincere, mawkish. The employee’s fulsome praising the boss didn’t fool him a bit.
337. mien: demeanor. Her mien was demure, insouciant.
338. imperious: domineering. The chef’s imperious manner intimidated the entire kitchen staff.
339. expiate: make amends for. He went all out to expiate himself for having cheated on his wife.
340. calumny: slander. To get that promotion, my coworker said such unfair things about me, such a calumny.
341. sadden: to make someone sad
342. Banner: a long piece of cloth with words written on it, sometimes stretched between two poles and carried bypeople taking part in a
343. adulation:very great admiration or praise for someone, especially when it is more than is deserved.
344. Outer:at a greater distance from the centre.
345. sender:a person who sends something.
346. Scalp:the skin on the top of a person's head where hair usually grows.
347. wander:to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction.
348. Slightly:a little.
349. Surly:often in a bad mood, unfriendly, and not polite.
350. Battle:a fight between armed forces.
351. Botany: the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and
economic importance.
352. Transparent: (of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen.
353. Thought: an idea or opinion produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind.
354. Cavern: a cave, or a chamber in a cave, typically a large one.
355. Scar: a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely andfibrous connective
tissue has developed.
356. Asparagus: a tall plant of the lily family with fine feathery foliage, cultivated for its edible shoots.
357. Hindrance: a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.
358. Sickly: often ill; in poor health.
359. Hallucinate: experience a seemingly real perception of something not actually present, typically as a result of amental disorder or of
taking drugs.
360. a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid rather than a professional basis.
361. Calamity: a great misfortune or disaster (noun)
362. Convivial: friendly (adjective)
363. Ephemeral: lasting a very short time (adjective)
364. Finagle: to cheat a person (verb)
365. Dumfounded: speechless with amazement (adjective)
366. Lugubrious: mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner(adjective)
367. Manifesto: a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government,sovereign, or
organization (noun)
368. Murmuration: an act or instance of sound (noun)
369. Quirky.: full of quirks (adjective)
370. Rugrat; a child not yet old enough for school (noun)
371. Resemble: v. to be like or similar to. To liken or compare.
372. Astonish: v. to fill with sudden wonder, amaze. to fill with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder, amaze.
373. Impartial: adj. fair; just, not partial or biased.
374. Frail: adj. having delicate health, weak. easily broken or destroyed, fragile.
375. Pleasant: pleasing, agreeable, or enjoyable. Of persons, manners, etc. Socially acceptable;polite.
376. Holistic: adj. incorporating the concept of holism in theory or practice. identifying with principles of holism in asystem of therapeutics,
esp. one considered outside the mainstream of scientific medicine, as naturopathy or chiropractic, and usually involving nutritional
377. Messy: adj. dirty, untidy, or disorderly
378. Remarkable: adj. very notable or obviously unusual, noteworthy.
379. Bewilder: v. to confuse or puzzle
380. Alley: n. a passage, such as behind a row of houses. A narrow back street
381. carrel: Also called cubicle, stall. a small recess or enclosed area in a library stack, designed for individual study orreading.
382. also: in addition; too; besides; as well.
383. store: an establishment where merchandise is sold, usually on a retail basis.
384. whatcher: a person who watches or who keeps watch.
385. Lupin: any leguminous plant of the genus Lupinus, of North America, Europe, and Africa, with large spikes ofbrightly coloured
flowers and flattened pods.
386. formula: a set form of words, as for stating or declaring something definitely or authoritatively, for indicatingprocedure to be
followed, or for prescribed use on some ceremonial occasion.
387. chemical: a substance produced by or used in a chemical process.
388. baby-sit: to take charge of a child while the parents are temporarily away.
389. music:
390. vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, andexpression of emotion.
391. Approach: Come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance or time.
392. Argue: Give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory.
393. Courteous: Polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.
394. Fundraiser: A person whose job or task is to seek financial support for a charity, institution, or other enterprise.
395. Nearly: Very close to; almost.
396. Partner: Either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity.
397. Prove: Demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument.
398. Relate: Make or show a connection between.
399. Suffer: The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.
400. Welfare: the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
401. network : any combination of interconnecting pieces, strings, lines, passages,
402. rainbow : a bow or arch of colors appearing in the sky opposite the sun and caused by the sun's rays passingthrough drops of rain
403. narrow : of little width; not wide or broad
404. parrot : a noisy, often brightly colored bird, principally of the tropics
405. nasty :offensive to taste, smell, or the senses in general; nauseating
406. knife: an instrument for cutting, made of a sharp-edged metal blade fitted with a handle
407. wise: having or showing understanding and good judgment
408. obey: to do or follow the wishes or instructions of
409. quiet : making little or no noise or sound
410. tasty :having or showing good taste
411. Awedde: Overcome with anger, madness, or distress; insane, mentally disturbed.
412. Awesomesauce: Extremely good; excellent.
413. Deleter: A person who or thing which deletes something.
414. Account: an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and allow you to take it out when you need to.
415. Answer: the receipt and response to a letter, question or phone call.
416. Attention: notice, thought or interest.
417. Blow: to move and make currents of air, or to make a sound by forcing air out of your mouth.
418. Comparison: the act of comparing two or more people or things.
419. Cover: to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something.
420. current – of the present time.

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