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Summary of Attendance

Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 (fob) Note: please complete the part of orange color manually.

Length of work Tardiness Early Leave Over time Bonus Pay Pay Deduction
Attend Busine
No Name Dep. (Required ss Absenc Leave Late Actual Memo
Required Actual times Min times Min Regular Special e Note Over Allowance Early Leave Other Pay
/Actual) Trip Absence Deduction
1 roland fob 144.00 83.54 10 726 62.59 18/12 6
2 ririn fb proda 144.00 0.00 18/0 18
3 afin accontg 144.00 66.18 4 342 59.57 18/9 9
4 rimba hk 144.00 15.43 3 497 21.18 18/3 15
5 kalma fob 144.00 32.00 25.07 18/4 14
6 michael fob 144.00 42.08 2 352 58.01 18/6 12
7 kadek fob 144.00 17.34 2 386 72.20 18/3 15
8 arsyid fob 144.00 65.39 6 381 48.26 18/9 9
9 maka hk 144.00 89.22 9 398 50.20 18/12 6
10 yovik fb proda 171.00 0.00 19/0 19
12 andrie service 171.00 0.00 19/0 19
13 foni mrktg 152.00 0.00 19/0 19
14 dodi fob 171.00 0.00 19/0 19
15 ikhe fob 171.00 9.00 49.07 19/1 18
16 desi fob 171.00 25.59 1 61 53.46 19/3 16
17 helmi securty 152.00 23.37 1 23 50.15 19/3 16
18 visto hk 152.00 0.00 19/0 19
19 renold fob 171.00 39.35 4 325 51.48 19/5 14
20 ricky rukmana fob 171.00 0.00 26.53 19/0 19
21 andreas fob 171.00 50.58 5 182 27.32 19/6 13
22 mario noviansya fob 171.00 18.00 70.00 19/2 17
23 abizar fob 171.00 9.00 42.11 19/1 18
1111 ratna fob 171.00 17.49 1 11 19/2 17
1112 meyger enginer 171.00 52.40 4 80 9.51 19/6 13
1113 iggo enginer 171.00 0.00 37.24 19/0 19
12345 mifta fob 171.00 18.00 36.20 19/2 17
12346 jento fob 171.00 21.18 3 342 65.31 19/3 16
12347 hengki s fob 171.00 0.00 19/0 19
12348 elvan fob 171.00 0.00 19/0 19
12349 akmal fob 171.00 6.45 1 135 19/1 18
12350 richard fob 171.00 20.55 3 365 36.42 19/3 16
12351 brian fob 171.00 82.43 2 59 7 378 29.55 19/10 9
12352 roni fob 171.00 16.32 2 88 88.07 19/2 17
12353 marlofi fob 171.00 55.55 1 38 9 1467 50.03 19/9 10
Shifts Table
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 (fob) Special: 25-Leave,26-Business Trip,Space-Holiday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
No Name Dep.
Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 roland fob 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 ririn fb proda 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 afin accontg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
4 rimba hk 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
5 kalma fob 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 michael fob 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 kadek fob 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
8 arsyid fob 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
9 maka hk 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
10 yovik fb proda 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 andrie service 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 foni mrktg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
14 dodi fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 ikhe fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 desi fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 helmi securty 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
18 visto hk 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
19 renold fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 ricky rukmana fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
21 andreas fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
22 mario noviansya fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
23 abizar fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1111 ratna fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1112 meyger enginer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1113 iggo enginer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12345 mifta fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12346 jento fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12347 hengki s fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12348 elvan fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12349 akmal fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12350 richard fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12351 brian fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12352 roni fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12353 marlofi fob 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
List of Logs
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 (fob) Printed : 2021/06/26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
No: 1 Name roland Dept: fob
07:59 08:07 07:51 08:00 08:03 07:58 08:01 07:55 20:06 07:51 07:54 07:49 08:00 17:39 08:06 08:01 07:59 08:01 07:55 07:55 08:05 08:13 07:53
18:15 19:41 16:40 18:06 17:39 18:27 17:09 15:58 18:10 18:13 18:11 19:39 22:24 19:35 18:51 17:35 18:37 17:49

No: 2 Name ririn Dept: fb proda

14:50 10:29 10:13 06:07 05:47 13:58 05:39 15:02 14:52 15:00 14:58 15:00 14:59 05:50 06:06 06:08

No: 3 Name afin Dept: accontg

08:35 08:18 08:42 08:30 08:27 08:26 08:35 08:20 08:24 08:31 08:24 08:23 08:26 08:22 08:32 08:26 09:40 08:00 08:27 08:29 08:26 08:28 08:14
20:56 23:33 17:52 20:46 21:54 20:02 19:02 19:48 16:05 18:18 19:51 18:03 19:31 18:13

No: 4 Name rimba Dept: hk

07:16 07:03 06:54 14:48 07:36 06:56 07:11 06:56 14:50 00:24 06:52 06:46 07:01 06:56 14:58 06:50 06:42 06:57 06:47 23:23 06:58 14:51 00:32
15:21 16:17 17:02 17:52 17:55 15:16 16:20 23:20 19:32 17:07 16:45 16:43 15:34 07:00

No: 5 Name kalma Dept: fob

06:58 06:53 11:03 14:49 14:55 22:49 08:40 07:51 07:36 12:51 10:52 10:55 06:50 06:55 06:55 14:42 06:54 06:52 06:47 22:54 07:34 14:43
15:45 16:25 23:15 22:49 22:56 21:03 19:10 19:28 16:11 15:53 23:06 15:18 16:30 15:53 23:14

No: 6 Name michael Dept: fob

07:36 00:08 00:13
07:01 14:25 06:56 14:34 07:00 09:15 14:43 10:41 06:59 10:59 07:43 07:35
07:40 14:31 06:54 16:33 23:45 17:07 23:39 14:36 14:15 15:35 22:57 22:48 23:58 19:32 16:22 19:05 22:54 22:53 07:51 22:49 22:50 07:59
22:53 15:43 23:42

No: 7 Name kadek Dept: fob

14:59 06:51 14:42 11:04 07:02 06:52 06:57 07:01 07:00 07:00 14:53 14:51 14:54 06:43 06:57 14:57 00:10 14:50 14:44 10:57
14:51 14:47
23:32 16:21 23:19 20:14 15:22 15:46 15:37 16:01 16:11 16:12 23:08 23:15 23:00 16:11 16:37 23:08 23:49 23:08 19:27

No: 8 Name arsyid Dept: fob

17:13 07:49 07:54 08:55 08:15 07:44 08:12 07:28 08:06 08:28 07:36 07:39 07:24 08:32 08:04 08:51 15:04 15:01 15:02 14:52 07:43
20:09 17:39 17:15 17:44 17:53 17:39 17:02 18:20 18:48 19:02 21:05 23:44 23:02 23:22 23:44

No: 9 Name maka Dept: hk

09:51 08:34 08:39 08:21 17:42 08:17 08:17 08:22 17:40 08:23 08:21 08:15 08:14 08:16 08:14 08:13 08:06 07:54 07:58 08:08 08:16 08:21
22:03 17:57 19:09 17:53 18:31 17:48 17:55 19:58 18:40 18:04 17:41 19:49 18:12 18:34 18:36 18:04 18:12

No: 10 Name yovik Dept: fb proda

No: 12 Name andrie Dept: service

No: 13 Name foni Dept: mrktg

No: 14 Name dodi Dept: fob

No: 15 Name ikhe Dept: fob

05:40 15:26 00:59 11:00 05:27 14:34 05:45 14:24 00:35 01:03 14:49 14:39
17:55 23:50 14:55 14:24 23:16 14:21 00:24 18:58 11:15 22:59 06:10 18:48 23:26 14:34 14:57 14:48 23:31 23:24 20:13 05:53
23:32 23:32

No: 16 Name desi Dept: fob

05:59 02:18 00:42 14:56 14:49 05:59 06:02 10:39 05:57 05:55 05:59 05:46 02:00 14:44
05:57 14:47 19:47 14:50 14:45
18:56 14:48 14:56 23:37 23:09 15:06 16:29 19:25 17:35 18:06 17:37 17:38 23:02 23:59

No: 17 Name helmi Dept: securty

07:50 06:38 14:05 06:46 21:39 07:46 08:33 06:38 06:35 11:49 06:38 14:48 08:20 10:38 11:03 00:34 08:33 20:22 08:14 08:11 09:35 08:44 06:48
23:35 23:40 16:03 21:30 15:39 23:41 23:47 21:19 19:05 18:37 20:47 22:33

No: 18 Name visto Dept: hk

No: 19 Name renold Dept: fob

06:46 06:58 14:31 14:48 06:50 07:09 07:17 14:33 14:45 06:50 06:50 00:36 01:45 07:08
23:35 06:40 15:42 16:04 23:30 23:24 17:31 17:54 16:15 23:24 23:06 16:19 18:02 14:47 14:46 14:48 14:52 07:08 16:38
23:45 15:34

No: 20 Name ricky rukmana Dept: fob

01:31 00:22
05:39 14:41 11:10 07:50 05:53 05:54 14:31 14:42 14:48 14:22 14:44 01:20 01:19 06:00 06:00 06:09 18:37 06:20 06:54
19:45 23:58 21:32 18:49 19:05 19:12 14:55 18:37 18:43 22:08 18:51
23:01 23:27

No: 21 Name andreas Dept: fob

23:23 15:00 06:57 07:31 06:59 14:48 00:13 07:34 16:09 06:55 07:26 14:44 16:34 07:30 14:37 07:23 10:36 07:30 06:57
23:35 17:02 17:25 17:39 17:34 16:21 18:16 23:22 16:27 22:13 17:22 19:54 16:18

No: 22 Name mario noviansya Dept: fob

01:20 00:37 19:51 14:48 10:17 20:00 05:48 05:38 05:51 05:54 05:50 09:59 10:07 05:12 05:24 14:37 14:38 14:44 00:25
14:50 23:31 19:03 19:12 15:06 17:45 19:41 17:44 23:23 22:28 16:54 18:34 10:00

No: 23 Name abizar Dept: fob

14:25 14:29 14:23 00:54 06:02 06:00 06:02 05:56 07:04 05:43 14:27 01:56
14:28 00:02 14:37 14:38 14:42 00:25
23:45 22:51 23:37 14:07 17:45 20:37 19:50 19:44 20:24 21:21 23:36 23:02

No: 1111 Name ratna Dept: fob

08:18 08:27 08:26 08:35 08:20 08:24 08:24 08:22 08:32 08:00 08:27 08:26 08:21 08:20
19:19 08:10 09:54 08:23 08:26 08:27 08:26
19:12 19:39 18:54 18:18 17:49 18:51 19:17 19:50 19:43 18:48 19:51 17:19 20:29 18:52

No: 1112 Name meyger Dept: enginer

08:00 07:54 08:03 07:54 08:36 08:04 08:04 08:06 08:16 07:59 08:05 08:16 07:47 08:28
00:26 17:57 19:34 17:00 08:13 08:10 21:38 08:08 19:35 17:46 17:55 17:15 07:56 17:18 18:13 08:00 07:53 18:05 18:36 23:54 17:07 08:00

No: 1113 Name iggo Dept: enginer

12:57 13:32 12:47 00:58 12:47 13:22 07:42 13:26 12:47 12:55 12:56 08:01
08:05 23:36 23:47 23:26 08:01 23:10 23:01 22:05 12:57 23:08 23:17 23:34 14:15 12:19 07:42 23:51 23:54 23:14 20:37

No: 12345 Name mifta Dept: fob

19:19 08:26 08:32 08:30 08:13 08:16 08:09 20:56 08:18 21:52 08:23 08:37 08:17 08:22 08:21 08:23 08:31 08:15 08:28 08:20 08:28 08:26
21:21 22:11 17:39 19:49 18:58 19:14 20:02 19:02 19:58 18:10 19:44 17:45 18:19 19:19 17:44 18:33 19:39

No: 12346 Name jento Dept: fob

06:32 07:07 07:44 07:20 15:32 15:11 11:57 06:36 06:32 06:42 06:31 11:55 14:49 14:45 14:57 14:58 11:54
18:25 16:26 22:12 23:18 14:54 23:07 22:41 07:25 23:41 20:06 15:02 15:19 22:32 07:18 15:08 15:14 20:24 23:07 23:03 23:14 23:15 20:12 22:33 07:13

No: 12347 Name hengki s Dept: fob

No: 12348 Name elvan Dept: fob

No: 12349 Name akmal Dept: fob


No: 12350 Name richard Dept: fob

07:19 06:38 10:56 19:27 22:26 22:37 07:06 07:13 14:27 13:43 06:25 22:17 07:02 08:15 07:31 14:45 06:23 06:55 14:16 14:28
22:22 15:08 20:22 22:34 22:24 23:06 23:14 22:21 22:39 23:16 15:49 15:28 23:07 23:10

No: 12351 Name brian Dept: fob

07:58 09:18 08:59 07:30 08:04 07:46 07:43 07:29 08:41 07:34 09:21 07:48 07:24 18:24 08:16 17:34 08:04 17:01 08:26 07:47 07:24
23:17 17:24 22:24 19:14 17:08 18:36 17:52 17:02 23:16 17:33 17:08 17:30 17:37 18:03 15:30 15:54 16:06

No: 12352 Name roni Dept: fob

14:58 00:52 08:09 07:42 09:45 08:21 07:46 14:52 15:05 23:01 07:38 07:51 07:26 07:57 14:56 22:35 07:42 07:41 08:04 08:16 07:52 14:54 06:55 06:56 06:57 07:02
22:54 22:53 22:50 22:56 22:55 23:55 23:44 22:56 23:07 23:01 23:23 22:59 22:55 22:56 23:51 17:26 18:07 16:06

No: 12353 Name marlofi Dept: fob

14:51 08:42 09:08 14:52 06:49 06:52 06:32 06:44 14:45 07:21 07:08 12:04 06:31 06:42 06:47 06:40 09:45 06:44 06:44
22:38 22:45 14:54 22:59 07:15
23:30 22:44 09:20 23:20 15:56 15:38 15:45 15:21 23:45 22:45 23:16 20:13 15:23 15:20 15:13 15:51 18:11 15:24 15:27
List of Logs
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 (fob) Printed : 2021/06/26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
No: 1 Name roland Dept: fob
08:07 07:51 08:03 07:58 08:01 07:55 07:51 07:54 07:49 08:00 08:06 08:01 07:59 08:01 07:55 07:55 08:05 08:13
07:59 18:15 19:41 08:00 16:40 18:06 17:39 18:27 20:06 17:09 15:58 18:10 18:13 17:39 18:11 19:39 22:24 19:35 18:51 17:35 18:37 17:49 07:53

No: 2 Name ririn Dept: fb proda

14:50 10:29 10:13 06:07 05:47 13:58 05:39 15:02 14:52 15:00 14:58 15:00 14:59 05:50 06:06 06:08

No: 3 Name afin Dept: accontg

08:35 08:18 08:27 08:20 08:31 08:24 08:23 08:22 08:26 00:12 08:27 08:29 08:26 08:28
08:42 08:30 08:26 08:35 08:24 08:26 08:32 09:40 08:00 08:14
20:56 23:33 17:52 20:46 21:54 20:02 19:02 19:48 16:05 18:18 19:51 18:03 19:31 18:13

No: 4 Name rimba Dept: hk

07:16 07:03 06:54 14:48 07:36 06:56 07:11 06:56 14:50 00:24 06:52 06:46 07:01 06:56 14:58 06:50 06:42 06:57 06:47 23:23 06:58 14:51 00:32
15:21 16:17 17:02 17:52 17:55 15:16 16:20 23:20 19:32 17:07 16:45 16:43 15:34 07:00

No: 5 Name kalma Dept: fob

06:58 06:53 14:49 08:40 07:51 12:51 10:52 10:55 06:50 06:55 14:42 06:54 06:52 06:47 14:43
15:45 16:25 11:03 23:15 14:55 22:49 22:49 22:56 07:36 21:03 19:10 19:28 16:11 06:55 15:53 23:06 15:18 16:30 15:53 22:54 07:34 23:14

No: 6 Name michael Dept: fob

07:36 00:08 00:13
07:40 14:31 06:54 07:01 14:25 06:56 14:34 14:36 14:15 07:00 22:57 09:15 14:43 10:41 06:59 10:59 22:54 07:43 07:51 22:49 07:35 07:59
16:33 23:45 17:07 23:39 15:35 22:48 23:58 19:32 16:22 19:05 22:53 22:50
22:53 15:43 23:42

No: 7 Name kadek Dept: fob

14:59 06:51 14:42 11:04 07:02 06:52 06:57 07:01 07:00 07:00 14:53 14:51 14:54 06:43 06:57 14:57 14:51 14:47 14:50 14:44 10:57
23:32 16:21 23:19 20:14 15:22 15:46 15:37 16:01 16:11 16:12 23:08 23:15 23:00 16:11 16:37 23:08 23:08 23:49 23:08 19:27

No: 8 Name arsyid Dept: fob

17:13 07:49 07:54 08:55 08:15 07:44 08:12 07:28 08:06 08:28 07:36 07:39 07:24 08:32 08:04 08:51 15:04 15:01 15:02 14:52 07:43
20:09 17:39 17:15 17:44 17:53 17:39 17:02 18:20 18:48 19:02 21:05 20:34 23:44 23:02 23:22 23:44

No: 9 Name maka Dept: hk

09:51 08:34 08:39 08:21 17:42 08:17 08:17 08:22 17:40 08:23 08:21 08:15 08:14 08:16 08:14 08:13 08:06 07:54 07:58 08:08 08:16 08:21
22:03 17:57 19:09 17:53 18:31 17:48 17:55 19:58 18:40 18:04 17:41 19:49 18:12 18:34 18:36 18:04 18:12

No: 10 Name yovik Dept: fb proda

No: 12 Name andrie Dept: service

No: 13 Name foni Dept: mrktg

No: 14 Name dodi Dept: fob

No: 15 Name ikhe Dept: fob
00:59 01:03
05:40 15:26 14:55 14:24 11:00 14:21 00:24 05:27 11:15 14:34 06:10 05:45 14:24 14:34 00:35 14:48 14:49 14:39 20:13 05:53
17:55 23:50 23:32 23:16 18:58 22:59 18:48 23:26 14:57 23:32 23:31 23:24

No: 16 Name desi Dept: fob

05:59 02:18 00:42 14:56 14:49 05:59 06:02 10:39 05:57 05:55 05:59 05:46 02:00 14:44
18:56 05:57 14:47 14:48 14:56 23:37 23:09 15:06 16:29 19:25 17:35 19:47 18:06 17:37 17:38 14:50 14:45 23:59

No: 17 Name helmi Dept: securty

07:50 06:38 14:05 06:46 21:39 07:46 08:33 06:38 06:35 11:49 06:38 14:48 08:20 10:38 11:03 00:34 08:33 20:22 08:14 08:11 09:35 08:44 06:48
23:35 23:40 16:03 21:30 15:39 23:41 23:47 21:19 19:05 18:37 20:47 22:33

No: 18 Name visto Dept: hk

No: 19 Name renold Dept: fob

00:36 01:45
23:35 06:40 06:46 06:58 14:31 14:48 06:50 07:09 07:17 14:33 14:45 06:50 06:50 14:47 14:46 14:48 14:52 07:08 07:08
15:42 16:04 23:30 23:24 17:31 17:54 16:15 23:24 23:06 16:19 18:02 23:45 15:34 16:38

No: 20 Name ricky rukmana Dept: fob

05:39 14:41 11:10 07:50 05:53 05:54 01:31 00:22 01:20 06:00 06:00 06:09 06:20
19:45 23:58 21:32 18:49 19:05 19:12 14:31 14:42 14:48 14:22 14:44 14:55 01:19 18:37 18:43 22:08 18:37 18:51 06:54
23:01 23:27

No: 21 Name andreas Dept: fob

23:23 15:00 06:57 07:31 06:59 14:48 00:13 07:34 16:09 06:55 07:26 14:44 16:34 07:30 14:37 07:23 10:36 07:30 06:57
23:35 17:02 17:25 17:39 17:34 16:21 18:16 23:22 16:27 22:13 17:22 19:54 16:18

No: 22 Name mario noviansya Dept: fob

01:20 00:37 19:51 14:48 10:17 20:00 05:48 05:38 05:51 05:54 05:50 09:59 10:07 05:12 05:24 14:37 14:38 14:44 00:25
14:50 23:31 19:03 19:12 15:06 17:45 19:41 17:44 23:23 22:28 16:54 18:34 23:02 10:00

No: 23 Name abizar Dept: fob

14:25 14:29 14:23 00:54 06:02 06:00 06:02 05:56 07:04 05:43 14:27 01:56
23:45 22:51 23:37 14:28 14:07 00:02 17:45 20:37 19:50 19:44 20:24 21:21 23:36 14:37 14:38 14:42 00:25

No: 1111 Name ratna Dept: fob

08:18 08:27 08:26 08:35 08:20 08:24 08:24 08:22 08:32 08:00 08:27 08:26 08:21 08:20
19:19 08:10 09:54 08:23 08:26 08:27 08:26
19:12 19:39 18:54 18:18 17:49 18:51 19:17 19:50 19:43 18:48 19:51 17:19 20:29 18:52

No: 1112 Name meyger Dept: enginer

08:00 07:54 08:03 07:54 08:36 08:04 08:04 08:06 08:16 07:59 08:05 08:16 07:47 08:28
00:26 08:13 08:10 08:08 07:56 08:00 07:53 08:00
17:57 19:34 17:00 21:38 19:35 17:46 17:55 17:15 17:18 18:13 18:05 18:36 23:54 17:07

No: 1113 Name iggo Dept: enginer

12:57 13:32 12:47 00:58 12:47 13:22 07:42 13:26 12:47 12:55 12:56 08:01
08:05 23:36 23:47 23:26 08:01 23:10 23:01 22:05 12:57 23:08 23:17 23:34 14:15 12:19 07:42 23:51 23:54 23:14 20:37

No: 12345 Name mifta Dept: fob

19:19 08:26 08:32 08:30 08:13 08:16 08:09 20:56 08:18 21:52 08:23 08:37 08:17 08:22 08:21 08:23 08:31 08:15 08:28 08:20 08:28 08:26
21:21 22:11 17:39 19:49 18:58 19:14 21:54 20:02 19:02 19:58 18:10 19:44 17:45 18:19 19:19 17:44 18:33 19:39

No: 12346 Name jento Dept: fob

06:32 07:07 07:44 07:20 15:32 15:11 11:57 06:36 06:32 06:42 06:31 11:55 14:49 14:45 14:57 14:58 11:54
18:25 16:26 22:12 23:18 14:54 23:07 22:41 07:25 23:41 20:06 15:02 15:19 22:32 07:18 15:08 15:14 20:24 23:07 23:03 23:14 23:15 20:12 22:33 07:13

No: 12347 Name hengki s Dept: fob

No: 12348 Name elvan Dept: fob

No: 12349 Name akmal Dept: fob


No: 12350 Name richard Dept: fob

07:19 06:38 10:56 19:27 22:26 22:37 07:06 07:13 14:27 13:43 06:25 22:17 07:02 08:15 07:31 14:45 06:23 06:55 14:16 14:28
22:22 15:08 20:22 20:08 22:34 22:24 23:06 23:14 22:21 22:39 23:16 15:49 15:28 23:07 23:10

No: 12351 Name brian Dept: fob

07:58 09:18 08:59 07:30 07:46 07:43 07:29 08:41 07:34 09:21 07:48 07:24 08:16 08:04 08:26 07:47 07:24
23:17 17:24 22:24 19:14 08:04 17:08 18:36 17:52 17:02 23:16 17:33 17:08 17:30 18:24 17:37 17:34 18:03 17:01 15:30 15:54 16:06

No: 12352 Name roni Dept: fob

00:52 08:09 07:42 09:45 08:21 14:52 15:05 07:38 07:51 07:26 14:56 07:41 08:04 08:16 14:54 06:55 06:56 06:57
14:58 22:54 22:53 22:50 22:56 22:55 07:46 23:55 23:44 23:01 22:56 23:07 23:01 07:57 23:23 22:35 07:42 22:59 22:55 22:56 07:52 23:51 17:26 18:07 16:06 07:02

No: 12353 Name marlofi Dept: fob

14:51 08:42 09:08 14:52 06:49 06:52 06:32 06:44 14:45 07:21 07:08 12:04 06:31 06:42 06:47 06:40 09:45 06:44 06:44
23:30 22:38 22:44 09:20 23:20 15:56 15:38 15:45 15:21 23:45 22:45 22:45 14:54 22:59 07:15 20:13 15:23 15:20 15:13 15:51 18:11 15:24 15:27
Abnormal Clocking
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 (fob)

AM PM Tardiness Early Leave Total

No Name Dep. Date Memo
In Out In Out (mm) (mm) (mm)

1 roland fob 2021/06/01 07:59

1 roland fob 2021/06/02 08:07 18:15 45 45
1 roland fob 2021/06/05 08:03 16:40 140 140
1 roland fob 2021/06/07 07:58 18:06 54 54
1 roland fob 2021/06/08 08:01 17:39 81 81
1 roland fob 2021/06/09 07:55 18:27 33 33
1 roland fob 2021/06/12 07:54 15:58 182 182
1 roland fob 2021/06/14 07:49 18:10 50 50
1 roland fob 2021/06/15 08:00 18:13 47 47
1 roland fob 2021/06/16 17:39
1 roland fob 2021/06/22 07:55 18:51 9 9
1 roland fob 2021/06/23 07:55 17:35 85 85
1 roland fob 2021/06/26 07:53
2 ririn fb proda 2021/06/01 14:50
2 ririn fb proda 2021/06/05 10:13
2 ririn fb proda 2021/06/08 13:58
2 ririn fb proda 2021/06/19 15:00
2 ririn fb proda 2021/06/20 14:58
2 ririn fb proda 2021/06/21 15:00
2 ririn fb proda 2021/06/22 14:59
3 afin accontg 2021/06/05 08:30
3 afin accontg 2021/06/07 08:27 17:52 68 68
3 afin accontg 2021/06/08 08:26
3 afin accontg 2021/06/09 08:35
3 afin accontg 2021/06/16 08:26
3 afin accontg 2021/06/19 08:26 16:05 175 175
3 afin accontg 2021/06/20 09:40
3 afin accontg 2021/06/21 08:00 18:18 42 42
3 afin accontg 2021/06/23 08:29 18:03 57 57
3 afin accontg 2021/06/26 08:14
4 rimba hk 2021/06/01 07:16
4 rimba hk 2021/06/02 07:03
4 rimba hk 2021/06/06 07:36 15:21 219 219
4 rimba hk 2021/06/07 16:17
4 rimba hk 2021/06/08 07:11 17:02 118 118
4 rimba hk 2021/06/09 17:52
4 rimba hk 2021/06/12 17:55
4 rimba hk 2021/06/13 15:16
4 rimba hk 2021/06/14 07:01 16:20 160 160
4 rimba hk 2021/06/16 14:58
4 rimba hk 2021/06/19 17:07
4 rimba hk 2021/06/20 16:45
4 rimba hk 2021/06/21 16:43
4 rimba hk 2021/06/26 07:00
5 kalma fob 2021/06/01 15:45
5 kalma fob 2021/06/02 16:25
5 kalma fob 2021/06/05 14:49
5 kalma fob 2021/06/06 14:55
5 kalma fob 2021/06/07 22:49
5 kalma fob 2021/06/14 16:11
5 kalma fob 2021/06/16 15:53
5 kalma fob 2021/06/20 15:18
5 kalma fob 2021/06/21 16:30
5 kalma fob 2021/06/22 15:53
5 kalma fob 2021/06/23 22:54
6 michael fob 2021/06/05 07:01 16:33 147 147
6 michael fob 2021/06/07 14:25
6 michael fob 2021/06/08 17:07
6 michael fob 2021/06/12 14:15
6 michael fob 2021/06/13 07:00 15:35 205 205
6 michael fob 2021/06/14 22:57
6 michael fob 2021/06/19 16:22
6 michael fob 2021/06/21 22:54
6 michael fob 2021/06/23 07:51
6 michael fob 2021/06/26 07:59
7 kadek fob 2021/06/02 14:59
7 kadek fob 2021/06/06 07:02 15:22 218 218
7 kadek fob 2021/06/07 15:46
7 kadek fob 2021/06/09 15:37
7 kadek fob 2021/06/12 07:00 16:12 168 168
7 kadek fob 2021/06/13 14:53
7 kadek fob 2021/06/14 14:51
7 kadek fob 2021/06/16 14:54
7 kadek fob 2021/06/19 14:57
7 kadek fob 2021/06/20 14:51
7 kadek fob 2021/06/21 14:47
7 kadek fob 2021/06/23 14:50
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/01 17:13
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/05 08:15 17:15 105 105
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/07 07:44 17:44 76 76
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/08 08:12 17:53 67 67
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/09 07:28 17:39 81 81
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/13 07:36 18:20 40 40
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/14 07:39 18:48 12 12
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/19 08:04
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/22 15:04
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/23 15:01
8 arsyid fob 2021/06/26 07:43
9 maka hk 2021/06/02 08:34 17:57 63 63
9 maka hk 2021/06/05 17:42
9 maka hk 2021/06/08 08:17 17:53 67 67
9 maka hk 2021/06/09 08:22 18:31 29 29
9 maka hk 2021/06/12 08:21 17:55 65 65
9 maka hk 2021/06/15 08:14 18:40 20 20
9 maka hk 2021/06/16 08:16 18:04 56 56
9 maka hk 2021/06/19 08:06 18:12 48 48
9 maka hk 2021/06/22 07:54 18:34 26 26
9 maka hk 2021/06/23 07:58 18:36 24 24
9 maka hk 2021/06/26 08:21
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/02 15:26
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/03 14:55
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/04 14:24
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/08 05:27
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/09 11:15
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/10 14:34
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/15 06:10
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/16 05:45
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/17 14:24
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/18 14:34
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/21 14:49
15 ikhe fob 2021/06/22 14:39
16 desi fob 2021/06/02 05:59
16 desi fob 2021/06/04 05:57
16 desi fob 2021/06/07 14:56
16 desi fob 2021/06/11 14:56
16 desi fob 2021/06/14 06:02 16:29 61 61
16 desi fob 2021/06/15 10:39
16 desi fob 2021/06/23 14:50
16 desi fob 2021/06/24 14:45
16 desi fob 2021/06/25 14:44
17 helmi securty 2021/06/02 07:50
17 helmi securty 2021/06/04 14:05
17 helmi securty 2021/06/08 07:46
17 helmi securty 2021/06/09 08:33
17 helmi securty 2021/06/14 15:39
17 helmi securty 2021/06/15 14:48
17 helmi securty 2021/06/16 08:20
17 helmi securty 2021/06/17 10:38
17 helmi securty 2021/06/18 11:03
17 helmi securty 2021/06/21 20:22
17 helmi securty 2021/06/22 08:14 18:37 23 23
17 helmi securty 2021/06/25 08:44
19 renold fob 2021/06/07 06:58 16:04 86 86
19 renold fob 2021/06/08 14:31
19 renold fob 2021/06/09 14:48
19 renold fob 2021/06/14 14:33
19 renold fob 2021/06/15 14:45
19 renold fob 2021/06/17 06:50 16:19 71 71
19 renold fob 2021/06/18 06:50
19 renold fob 2021/06/21 14:48
19 renold fob 2021/06/23 14:52
19 renold fob 2021/06/24 07:08 15:34 116 116
19 renold fob 2021/06/25 07:08 16:38 52 52
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/07 05:39
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/08 14:41
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/09 11:10
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/10 07:50
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/11 05:53
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/14 14:31
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/15 14:42
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/16 14:48
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/17 14:22
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/18 14:44
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/21 06:00
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/22 06:00
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/23 06:09
20 ricky rukmana fob 2021/06/25 06:20
21 andreas fob 2021/06/08 06:57 17:02 28 28
21 andreas fob 2021/06/09 07:31 17:25 5 5
21 andreas fob 2021/06/11 14:48
21 andreas fob 2021/06/14 16:09
21 andreas fob 2021/06/15 06:55 16:21 69 69
21 andreas fob 2021/06/16 07:26
21 andreas fob 2021/06/17 14:44
21 andreas fob 2021/06/21 14:37
21 andreas fob 2021/06/22 07:23 17:22 8 8
21 andreas fob 2021/06/23 10:36
21 andreas fob 2021/06/25 07:30 16:18 72 72
22 mario noviansya fob 2021/06/09 14:48
22 mario noviansya fob 2021/06/10 10:17
22 mario noviansya fob 2021/06/16 05:54
22 mario noviansya fob 2021/06/18 09:59
22 mario noviansya fob 2021/06/22 05:24
22 mario noviansya fob 2021/06/23 14:37
22 mario noviansya fob 2021/06/24 14:38
22 mario noviansya fob 2021/06/25 14:44
23 abizar fob 2021/06/09 14:25
23 abizar fob 2021/06/10 14:29
23 abizar fob 2021/06/11 14:23
23 abizar fob 2021/06/16 06:00
23 abizar fob 2021/06/17 06:02
23 abizar fob 2021/06/18 05:56
23 abizar fob 2021/06/22 14:27
23 abizar fob 2021/06/23 14:37
23 abizar fob 2021/06/24 14:38
23 abizar fob 2021/06/25 14:42
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/03 08:18
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/04 08:10
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/07 08:27
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/08 08:26
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/09 08:35
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/11 08:24
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/14 08:24
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/15 08:23
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/16 08:26
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/17 08:22
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/18 08:32
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/21 08:00
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/22 08:27
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/23 08:26 17:19 11 11
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/24 08:21
1111 ratna fob 2021/06/25 08:20
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/03 07:54
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/04 08:03 17:00 30 30
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/07 08:10
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/08 07:54
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/09 08:08
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/10 08:36
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/14 08:06 17:15 15 15
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/15 07:56
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/16 08:16 17:18 12 12
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/17 07:59
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/18 08:00
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/21 08:05
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/22 08:16
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/23 07:47
1112 meyger enginer 2021/06/24 08:28 17:07 23 23
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/01 08:05
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/02 12:57
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/03 13:32
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/04 12:47
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/07 12:47
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/11 13:22
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/16 13:26
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/17 14:15
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/18 12:19
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/22 12:47
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/23 12:55
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/24 12:56
1113 iggo enginer 2021/06/25 08:01
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/03 08:26
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/04 08:32
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/08 08:16
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/09 08:09
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/11 08:18
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/14 08:23
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/15 08:37
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/16 08:17
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/17 08:22
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/18 08:21
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/21 08:31
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/22 08:15
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/24 08:20
12345 mifta fob 2021/06/25 08:28
12346 jento fob 2021/06/01 06:32
12346 jento fob 2021/06/02 07:07 16:26 64 64
12346 jento fob 2021/06/07 15:32
12346 jento fob 2021/06/09 07:25
12346 jento fob 2021/06/10 15:11
12346 jento fob 2021/06/11 11:57
12346 jento fob 2021/06/15 07:18
12346 jento fob 2021/06/16 06:42 15:08 142 142
12346 jento fob 2021/06/17 06:31 15:14 136 136
12346 jento fob 2021/06/18 11:55
12346 jento fob 2021/06/22 14:57
12346 jento fob 2021/06/23 14:58
12346 jento fob 2021/06/24 11:54
12349 akmal fob 2021/06/01 05:49 15:15 135 135
12350 richard fob 2021/06/01 07:19
12350 richard fob 2021/06/04 06:38 15:08 142 142
12350 richard fob 2021/06/10 07:06
12350 richard fob 2021/06/11 07:13
12350 richard fob 2021/06/15 06:25
12350 richard fob 2021/06/17 07:02
12350 richard fob 2021/06/18 08:15
12350 richard fob 2021/06/21 14:45
12350 richard fob 2021/06/22 06:23 15:49 101 101
12350 richard fob 2021/06/23 06:55 15:28 122 122
12350 richard fob 2021/06/24 14:16
12350 richard fob 2021/06/25 14:28
12351 brian fob 2021/06/01 07:58
12351 brian fob 2021/06/03 09:18 17:24 48 6 54
12351 brian fob 2021/06/04 08:59
12351 brian fob 2021/06/07 07:46 17:08 22 22
12351 brian fob 2021/06/08 07:43
12351 brian fob 2021/06/10 08:41 17:02 11 28 39
12351 brian fob 2021/06/11 07:34
12351 brian fob 2021/06/14 07:48 17:08 22 22
12351 brian fob 2021/06/18 17:34
12351 brian fob 2021/06/21 17:01
12351 brian fob 2021/06/22 08:26 15:30 120 120
12351 brian fob 2021/06/23 07:47 15:54 96 96
12351 brian fob 2021/06/25 07:24 16:06 84 84
12352 roni fob 2021/06/01 14:58
12352 roni fob 2021/06/03 08:09
12352 roni fob 2021/06/04 07:42
12352 roni fob 2021/06/07 07:46
12352 roni fob 2021/06/08 14:52
12352 roni fob 2021/06/09 15:05
12352 roni fob 2021/06/11 07:38
12352 roni fob 2021/06/14 07:57
12352 roni fob 2021/06/15 14:56
12352 roni fob 2021/06/17 07:42
12352 roni fob 2021/06/18 07:41
12352 roni fob 2021/06/21 07:52
12352 roni fob 2021/06/22 14:54
12352 roni fob 2021/06/23 06:55 17:26 4 4
12352 roni fob 2021/06/24 06:56
12352 roni fob 2021/06/25 06:57 16:06 84 84
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/01 14:51
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/03 08:42
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/04 09:08 09:20 38 490 528
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/07 06:52 15:38 112 112
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/08 06:32 15:45 105 105
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/09 06:44 15:21 129 129
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/11 14:45
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/14 07:08 14:54 156 156
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/16 07:15
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/17 12:04
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/18 06:31 15:23 127 127
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/21 06:40 15:51 99 99
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/23 09:45
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/24 06:44 15:24 126 126
12353 marlofi fob 2021/06/25 06:44 15:27 123 123
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fob Name roland Dep. fb proda Name ririn Dep. accontg Name afin
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 1 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 2 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 3
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

6 12 62.59 10 726 18 9 9 59.57 4 342

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu 07:59 01 Tu 14:50 01 Tu Absence
02 We 08:07 18:15 02 We Absence 02 We 08:35 20:56
03 Th 07:51 19:41 03 Th 03 Th 08:18 23:33
04 Fr 08:00 04 Fr 10:29 04 Fr 08:42
05 Sa 08:03 16:40 05 Sa 10:13 05 Sa 08:30
06 Su Absence 06 Su Absence 06 Su Absence
07 Mo 07:58 18:06 07 Mo Absence 07 Mo 08:27 17:52
08 Tu 08:01 17:39 08 Tu 13:58 08 Tu 08:26
09 We 07:55 18:27 09 We Absence 09 We 08:35
10 Th 20:06 10 Th 10 Th 08:20 20:46
11 Fr 07:51 17:09 11 Fr 11 Fr 08:24
12 Sa 07:54 15:58 12 Sa Absence 12 Sa 08:31 21:54
13 Su Absence 13 Su Absence 13 Su Absence
14 Mo 07:49 18:10 14 Mo Absence 14 Mo 08:24 20:02
15 Tu 08:00 18:13 15 Tu Absence 15 Tu 08:23 19:02
16 We 17:39 16 We Absence 16 We 08:26
17 Th 08:06 18:11 17 Th 15:02 17 Th 08:22 19:48
18 Fr 08:01 19:39 18 Fr 14:52 18 Fr 08:32
19 Sa 07:59 22:24 19 Sa 15:00 19 Sa 08:26 16:05
20 Su Absence 20 Su 14:58 20 Su 09:40
21 Mo 08:01 19:35 21 Mo 15:00 21 Mo 08:00 18:18
22 Tu 07:55 18:51 22 Tu 14:59 22 Tu 08:27 19:51
23 We 07:55 17:35 23 We Absence 23 We 08:29 18:03
24 Th 08:05 18:37 24 Th 05:50 24 Th 08:26 19:31
25 Fr 08:13 17:49 25 Fr 06:06 25 Fr 08:28 18:13
26 Sa 07:53 26 Sa Absence 26 Sa 08:14
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. hk Name rimba Dep. fob Name kalma Dep. fob Name michael
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 4 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 5 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 6
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

15 3 21.18 3 497 14 4 25.07 12 6 58.01 2 352

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu 07:16 01 Tu 15:45 01 Tu 07:36 22:53
02 We 07:03 02 We 16:25 02 We Absence
03 Th 06:54 03 Th 03 Th 14:31
04 Fr 14:48 04 Fr 11:03 04 Fr 00:08 15:43
05 Sa Absence 05 Sa 14:49 05 Sa 07:01 16:33
06 Su 07:36 15:21 06 Su 14:55 06 Su Absence
07 Mo 16:17 07 Mo 22:49 07 Mo 14:25
08 Tu 07:11 17:02 08 Tu 08:40 22:49 08 Tu 17:07
09 We 17:52 09 We 07:51 22:56 09 We Absence
10 Th 14:50 10 Th 07:36 10 Th 14:34 23:39
11 Fr 00:24 11 Fr 12:51 21:03 11 Fr 14:36
12 Sa 17:55 12 Sa 10:52 19:10 12 Sa 14:15
13 Su 15:16 13 Su 10:55 19:28 13 Su 07:00 15:35
14 Mo 07:01 16:20 14 Mo 16:11 14 Mo 22:57
15 Tu Absence 15 Tu Absence 15 Tu 09:15 22:48
16 We 14:58 16 We 15:53 16 We Absence
17 Th 17 Th 17 Th 14:43 23:58
18 Fr 06:50 19:32 18 Fr 14:42 23:06 18 Fr 10:41 19:32
19 Sa 17:07 19 Sa Absence 19 Sa 16:22
20 Su 16:45 20 Su 15:18 20 Su 10:59 19:05
21 Mo 16:43 21 Mo 16:30 21 Mo 22:54
22 Tu Absence 22 Tu 15:53 22 Tu 07:43 22:53
23 We Absence 23 We 22:54 23 We 07:51
24 Th 06:58 15:34 24 Th 07:34 24 Th 22:49
25 Fr 14:51 25 Fr 14:43 23:14 25 Fr 07:35 22:50
26 Sa 07:00 26 Sa Absence 26 Sa 07:59
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fob Name kadek Dep. fob Name arsyid Dep. hk Name maka
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 7 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 8 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 9
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

15 3 72.20 2 386 9 9 48.26 6 381 6 12 50.20 9 398

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu Absence 01 Tu 17:13 01 Tu 09:51 22:03
02 We 14:59 02 We 07:49 20:09 02 We 08:34 17:57
03 Th 06:51 16:21 03 Th 07:54 17:39 03 Th 08:39
04 Fr 14:42 23:19 04 Fr 08:55 04 Fr 08:21
05 Sa 11:04 20:14 05 Sa 08:15 17:15 05 Sa 17:42
06 Su 07:02 15:22 06 Su Absence 06 Su Absence
07 Mo 15:46 07 Mo 07:44 17:44 07 Mo 08:17 19:09
08 Tu Absence 08 Tu 08:12 17:53 08 Tu 08:17 17:53
09 We 15:37 09 We 07:28 17:39 09 We 08:22 18:31
10 Th 07:01 16:01 10 Th 08:06 17:02 10 Th 17:40
11 Fr 07:00 16:11 11 Fr 08:28 11 Fr 08:23 17:48
12 Sa 07:00 16:12 12 Sa Absence 12 Sa 08:21 17:55
13 Su 14:53 13 Su 07:36 18:20 13 Su Absence
14 Mo 14:51 14 Mo 07:39 18:48 14 Mo 08:15 19:58
15 Tu Absence 15 Tu 07:24 19:02 15 Tu 08:14 18:40
16 We 14:54 16 We Absence 16 We 08:16 18:04
17 Th 06:43 16:11 17 Th 17 Th 08:14 17:41
18 Fr 06:57 16:37 18 Fr 08:32 21:05 18 Fr 08:13 19:49
19 Sa 14:57 19 Sa 08:04 19 Sa 08:06 18:12
20 Su 14:51 20 Su Absence 20 Su Absence
21 Mo 14:47 21 Mo 08:51 20:34 21 Mo Absence
22 Tu Absence 22 Tu 15:04 22 Tu 07:54 18:34
23 We 14:50 23 We 15:01 23 We 07:58 18:36
24 Th 14:44 23:08 24 Th 15:02 23:22 24 Th 08:08 18:04
25 Fr 10:57 19:27 25 Fr 14:52 23:44 25 Fr 08:16 18:12
26 Sa Absence 26 Sa 07:43 26 Sa 08:21
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fb proda Name yovik Dep. service Name andrie Dep. mrktg Name foni
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 10 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 13
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

19 19 19

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence
02 We Absence 02 We Absence 02 We Absence
03 Th Absence 03 Th Absence 03 Th Absence
04 Fr Absence 04 Fr Absence 04 Fr Absence
05 Sa 05 Sa 05 Sa
06 Su 06 Su 06 Su
07 Mo Absence 07 Mo Absence 07 Mo Absence
08 Tu Absence 08 Tu Absence 08 Tu Absence
09 We Absence 09 We Absence 09 We Absence
10 Th Absence 10 Th Absence 10 Th Absence
11 Fr Absence 11 Fr Absence 11 Fr Absence
12 Sa 12 Sa 12 Sa
13 Su 13 Su 13 Su
14 Mo Absence 14 Mo Absence 14 Mo Absence
15 Tu Absence 15 Tu Absence 15 Tu Absence
16 We Absence 16 We Absence 16 We Absence
17 Th Absence 17 Th Absence 17 Th Absence
18 Fr Absence 18 Fr Absence 18 Fr Absence
19 Sa 19 Sa 19 Sa
20 Su 20 Su 20 Su
21 Mo Absence 21 Mo Absence 21 Mo Absence
22 Tu Absence 22 Tu Absence 22 Tu Absence
23 We Absence 23 We Absence 23 We Absence
24 Th Absence 24 Th Absence 24 Th Absence
25 Fr Absence 25 Fr Absence 25 Fr Absence
26 Sa 26 Sa 26 Sa
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fob Name dodi Dep. fob Name ikhe Dep. fob Name desi
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 14 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 15 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 16
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

19 18 1 49.07 16 3 53.46 1 61

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu Absence 01 Tu 05:40 17:55 01 Tu Absence
02 We Absence 02 We 15:26 23:50 02 We 05:59 18:56
03 Th Absence 03 Th 14:55 00:59 + 03 Th Absence
04 Fr Absence 04 Fr 14:24 23:32 04 Fr 05:57
05 Sa 05 Sa 11:00 23:16 05 Sa 14:47
06 Su 06 Su 14:21 06 Su 02:18 14:48
07 Mo Absence 07 Mo Absence 07 Mo 14:56
08 Tu Absence 08 Tu 05:27 18:58 08 Tu Absence
09 We Absence 09 We 11:15 09 We Absence
10 Th Absence 10 Th 14:34 22:59 10 Th Absence
11 Fr Absence 11 Fr Absence 11 Fr 14:56 23:37
12 Sa 12 Sa 12 Sa 14:49 23:09
13 Su 13 Su 13 Su 05:59 15:06
14 Mo Absence 14 Mo Absence 14 Mo 06:02 16:29
15 Tu Absence 15 Tu 06:10 15 Tu 10:39 19:25
16 We Absence 16 We 05:45 18:48 16 We Absence
17 Th Absence 17 Th 14:24 23:26 17 Th 05:57 17:35
18 Fr Absence 18 Fr 14:34 00:35 + 18 Fr Absence 19:47
19 Sa 19 Sa 00:35 14:57 19 Sa 05:55 18:06
20 Su 20 Su 01:03 23:32 20 Su 05:59 17:37
21 Mo Absence 21 Mo 14:49 23:31 21 Mo 05:46 17:38
22 Tu Absence 22 Tu 14:39 23:24 22 Tu Absence
23 We Absence 23 We Absence 23 We 14:50 02:00 +
24 Th Absence 24 Th Absence 24 Th 14:45 23:02
25 Fr Absence 25 Fr Absence 20:13 25 Fr 14:44 23:59
26 Sa 26 Sa 05:53 26 Sa
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. securty Name helmi Dep. hk Name visto Dep. fob Name renold
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 17 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 18 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 19
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

16 3 50.15 1 23 19 14 5 51.48 4 325

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence
02 We 07:50 02 We Absence 02 We Absence
03 Th Absence 03 Th Absence 03 Th Absence 23:35
04 Fr 14:05 04 Fr Absence 04 Fr Absence
05 Sa 06:46 16:03 05 Sa 05 Sa 06:40
06 Su 21:39 06 Su 06 Su 06:46 15:42
07 Mo Absence 07 Mo Absence 07 Mo 06:58 16:04
08 Tu 07:46 08 Tu Absence 08 Tu 14:31 23:30
09 We 08:33 09 We Absence 09 We 14:48 23:24
10 Th Absence 10 Th Absence 10 Th Absence
11 Fr Absence 11 Fr Absence 11 Fr 06:50 17:31
12 Sa 11:49 21:30 12 Sa 12 Sa 07:09 17:54
13 Su 13 Su 13 Su 07:17 16:15
14 Mo 15:39 14 Mo Absence 14 Mo 14:33 23:24
15 Tu 14:48 15 Tu Absence 15 Tu 14:45 23:06
16 We 08:20 16 We Absence 16 We Absence
17 Th 10:38 17 Th Absence 17 Th 06:50 16:19
18 Fr 11:03 18 Fr Absence 18 Fr 06:50 18:02
19 Sa 00:34 21:19 19 Sa 19 Sa 14:47
20 Su 08:33 19:05 20 Su 20 Su 00:36 23:45
21 Mo 20:22 21 Mo Absence 21 Mo 14:48
22 Tu 08:14 18:37 22 Tu Absence 22 Tu Absence
23 We 08:11 20:47 23 We Absence 23 We 14:52 01:45 +
24 Th 09:35 22:33 24 Th Absence 24 Th 07:08 15:34
25 Fr 08:44 25 Fr Absence 25 Fr 07:08 16:38
26 Sa 06:48 26 Sa 26 Sa
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fob Name ricky rukmana Dep. fob Name andreas Dep. fob Name mario noviansya
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 20 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 21 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 22
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

19 26.53 13 6 27.32 5 182 17 2 70.00

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence
02 We Absence 02 We Absence 02 We Absence
03 Th Absence 03 Th Absence 03 Th Absence
04 Fr Absence 04 Fr Absence 04 Fr Absence
05 Sa 05 Sa 23:23 05 Sa
06 Su 06 Su 15:00 23:35 06 Su 01:20 14:50
07 Mo 05:39 19:45 07 Mo Absence 07 Mo Absence
08 Tu 14:41 23:58 08 Tu 06:57 17:02 08 Tu Absence 19:51
09 We 11:10 21:32 09 We 07:31 17:25 09 We 14:48 23:31
10 Th 07:50 18:49 10 Th 06:59 17:39 10 Th 10:17 19:03
11 Fr 05:53 19:05 11 Fr 14:48 00:13 + 11 Fr Absence 20:00
12 Sa 05:54 19:12 12 Sa 00:13 12 Sa 05:48 19:12
13 Su 13 Su 07:34 17:34 13 Su 05:38 15:06
14 Mo 14:31 01:31 + 14 Mo 16:09 14 Mo Absence
15 Tu 14:42 23:01 15 Tu 06:55 16:21 15 Tu 05:51 17:45
16 We 14:48 00:22 + 16 We 07:26 18:16 16 We 05:54 19:41
17 Th 14:22 23:27 17 Th 14:44 23:22 17 Th 05:50 17:44
18 Fr 14:44 01:20 + 18 Fr Absence 18 Fr 09:59 23:23
19 Sa 01:20 14:55 19 Sa 16:34 19 Sa 10:07 22:28
20 Su 01:19 20 Su 07:30 16:27 20 Su 05:12 16:54
21 Mo 06:00 18:37 21 Mo 14:37 22:13 21 Mo Absence
22 Tu 06:00 18:43 22 Tu 07:23 17:22 22 Tu 05:24 18:34
23 We 06:09 22:08 23 We 10:36 19:54 23 We 14:37 02:00 +
24 Th Absence 18:37 24 Th Absence 24 Th 14:38 23:02
25 Fr 06:20 18:51 25 Fr 07:30 16:18 25 Fr 14:44 00:25 +
26 Sa 06:54 26 Sa 06:57 26 Sa 00:25 10:00
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fob Name abizar Dep. fob Name ratna Dep. enginer Name meyger
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 23 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 1111 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 1112
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

18 1 42.11 17 2 1 11 13 6 9.51 4 80

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence
02 We Absence 02 We Absence 19:19 02 We 08:00 17:57
03 Th Absence 03 Th 08:18 19:12 03 Th 07:54 19:34
04 Fr Absence 04 Fr 08:10 04 Fr 08:03 17:00
05 Sa 05 Sa 05 Sa 08:13
06 Su 06 Su 06 Su
07 Mo Absence 07 Mo 08:27 19:39 07 Mo 08:10
08 Tu Absence 08 Tu 08:26 18:54 08 Tu 07:54 21:38
09 We 14:25 23:45 09 We 08:35 18:18 09 We 08:08
10 Th 14:29 22:51 10 Th 08:20 17:49 10 Th 08:36 19:35
11 Fr 14:23 23:37 11 Fr 08:24 18:51 11 Fr 08:04 17:46
12 Sa 14:28 12 Sa 09:54 12 Sa 08:04 17:55
13 Su 00:54 14:07 13 Su 13 Su
14 Mo Absence 14 Mo 08:24 19:17 14 Mo 08:06 17:15
15 Tu 06:02 17:45 15 Tu 08:23 15 Tu 07:56
16 We 06:00 20:37 16 We 08:26 16 We 08:16 17:18
17 Th 06:02 19:50 17 Th 08:22 19:50 17 Th 07:59 18:13
18 Fr 05:56 19:44 18 Fr 08:32 19:43 18 Fr 08:00
19 Sa 07:04 20:24 19 Sa 08:27 19 Sa 07:53
20 Su 05:43 21:21 20 Su 20 Su
21 Mo Absence 21 Mo 08:00 18:48 21 Mo 08:05 18:05
22 Tu 14:27 23:36 22 Tu 08:27 19:51 22 Tu 08:16 18:36
23 We 14:37 01:56 + 23 We 08:26 17:19 23 We 07:47 23:54
24 Th 14:38 23:02 24 Th 08:21 20:29 24 Th 08:28 17:07
25 Fr 14:42 00:25 + 25 Fr 08:20 18:52 25 Fr Absence
26 Sa 00:25 26 Sa 08:26 26 Sa 08:00
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. enginer Name iggo Dep. fob Name mifta Dep. fob Name jento
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 1113 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12345 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12346
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

19 37.24 17 2 36.20 16 3 65.31 3 342

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu 08:05 01 Tu Absence 01 Tu 06:32 18:25
02 We 12:57 23:36 02 We Absence 19:19 02 We 07:07 16:26
03 Th 13:32 23:47 03 Th 08:26 21:21 03 Th Absence
04 Fr 12:47 23:26 04 Fr 08:32 04 Fr Absence 22:12
05 Sa 05 Sa 08:30 22:11 05 Sa 07:44 23:18
06 Su 00:58 22:56 06 Su 06 Su 07:20 23:28
07 Mo 12:47 23:10 07 Mo 08:13 17:39 07 Mo 15:32 23:07
08 Tu Absence 08 Tu 08:16 19:49 08 Tu Absence 22:41
09 We Absence 23:01 09 We 08:09 18:58 09 We 07:25
10 Th Absence 10 Th Absence 20:56 10 Th 15:11 23:41
11 Fr 13:22 22:05 11 Fr 08:18 19:14 11 Fr 11:57 20:06
12 Sa 12:57 12 Sa 08:37 21:54 12 Sa 06:36 15:02
13 Su 07:42 23:08 13 Su 13 Su 06:32 15:19
14 Mo Absence 23:17 14 Mo 08:23 20:02 14 Mo Absence 22:32
15 Tu Absence 15 Tu 08:37 19:02 15 Tu 07:18
16 We 13:26 23:34 16 We 08:17 19:58 16 We 06:42 15:08
17 Th 14:15 17 Th 08:22 18:10 17 Th 06:31 15:14
18 Fr 12:19 18 Fr 08:21 19:44 18 Fr 11:55 20:24
19 Sa 19 Sa 08:23 17:45 19 Sa 14:49 23:07
20 Su 07:42 20 Su 20 Su 14:45 23:03
21 Mo Absence 21 Mo 08:31 18:19 21 Mo Absence
22 Tu 12:47 23:51 22 Tu 08:15 19:19 22 Tu 14:57 23:14
23 We 12:55 23:54 23 We 08:28 17:44 23 We 14:58 23:15
24 Th 12:56 23:14 24 Th 08:20 18:33 24 Th 11:54 20:12
25 Fr 08:01 20:37 25 Fr 08:28 19:39 25 Fr Absence 22:33
26 Sa 26 Sa 08:26 26 Sa 07:13
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fob Name hengki s Dep. fob Name elvan Dep. fob Name akmal
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12347 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12348 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12349
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

19 19 18 1 1 135

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu Absence 01 Tu Absence 01 Tu 05:49 15:15
02 We Absence 02 We Absence 02 We Absence
03 Th Absence 03 Th Absence 03 Th Absence
04 Fr Absence 04 Fr Absence 04 Fr Absence
05 Sa 05 Sa 05 Sa
06 Su 06 Su 06 Su
07 Mo Absence 07 Mo Absence 07 Mo Absence
08 Tu Absence 08 Tu Absence 08 Tu Absence
09 We Absence 09 We Absence 09 We Absence
10 Th Absence 10 Th Absence 10 Th Absence
11 Fr Absence 11 Fr Absence 11 Fr Absence
12 Sa 12 Sa 12 Sa
13 Su 13 Su 13 Su
14 Mo Absence 14 Mo Absence 14 Mo Absence
15 Tu Absence 15 Tu Absence 15 Tu Absence
16 We Absence 16 We Absence 16 We Absence
17 Th Absence 17 Th Absence 17 Th Absence
18 Fr Absence 18 Fr Absence 18 Fr Absence
19 Sa 19 Sa 19 Sa
20 Su 20 Su 20 Su
21 Mo Absence 21 Mo Absence 21 Mo Absence
22 Tu Absence 22 Tu Absence 22 Tu Absence
23 We Absence 23 We Absence 23 We Absence
24 Th Absence 24 Th Absence 24 Th Absence
25 Fr Absence 25 Fr Absence 25 Fr Absence
26 Sa 26 Sa 26 Sa
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fob Name richard Dep. fob Name brian Dep. fob Name roni
Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12350 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12351 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12352
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
(dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
Trip ar al Trip ar al Trip ar al

16 3 36.42 3 365 9 10 29.55 2 59 7 378 17 2 88.07 2 88

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu 07:19 22:22 01 Tu 07:58 23:17 01 Tu 14:58 00:52 +
02 We Absence 02 We Absence 02 We Absence 22:54
03 Th Absence 03 Th 09:18 17:24 03 Th 08:09 22:53
04 Fr 06:38 15:08 04 Fr 08:59 22:24 04 Fr 07:42 22:50
05 Sa 10:56 20:22 05 Sa 07:30 19:14 05 Sa 09:45 22:56
06 Su 11:02 20:08 06 Su 08:04 06 Su 08:21 22:55
07 Mo Absence 22:26 07 Mo 07:46 17:08 07 Mo 07:46
08 Tu Absence 08 Tu 07:43 18:36 08 Tu 14:52 23:55
09 We Absence 22:37 09 We 07:29 17:52 09 We 15:05 23:44
10 Th 07:06 22:34 10 Th 08:41 17:02 10 Th Absence 23:01
11 Fr 07:13 22:24 11 Fr 07:34 23:16 11 Fr 07:38 22:56
12 Sa 14:27 23:06 12 Sa 09:21 17:33 12 Sa 07:51 23:07
13 Su 13:43 23:14 13 Su 13 Su 07:26 23:01
14 Mo Absence 14 Mo 07:48 17:08 14 Mo 07:57
15 Tu 06:25 15 Tu 07:24 17:30 15 Tu 14:56 23:23
16 We Absence 22:17 16 We Absence 18:24 16 We Absence 22:35
17 Th 07:02 22:21 17 Th 08:16 17:37 17 Th 07:42
18 Fr 08:15 22:39 18 Fr 17:34 18 Fr 07:41 22:59
19 Sa 07:31 19 Sa 08:04 18:03 19 Sa 08:04 22:55
20 Su 20 Su 20 Su 08:16 22:56
21 Mo 14:45 23:16 21 Mo 17:01 21 Mo 07:52
22 Tu 06:23 15:49 22 Tu 08:26 15:30 22 Tu 14:54 23:51
23 We 06:55 15:28 23 We 07:47 15:54 23 We 06:55 17:26
24 Th 14:16 23:07 24 Th Absence 24 Th 06:56 18:07
25 Fr 14:28 23:10 25 Fr 07:24 16:06 25 Fr 06:57 16:06
26 Sa 26 Sa 26 Sa 07:02
Attendance Report
Period : 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 Printed : 2021/06/26

Dep. fob Name marlofi Dep. Name Dep. Name

Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No 12353 Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No Date 2021/06/01 ~ 06/26 No
Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave Busi Over Tardiness Early Leave
Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O Absence Leave ness I/O
Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm) Trip (dd) Regul Speci (ts) (mm) (ts) (mm)
ar al ar al ar al

10 9 50.03 1 38 9 1467

Attendance Table Attendance Table Attendance Table

AM PM Over AM PM Over AM PM Over
dd/ww dd/ww dd/ww
In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
01 Tu 14:51 23:30 01 Tu 01 Tu
02 We Absence 22:38 02 We 02 We
03 Th 08:42 22:44 03 Th 03 Th
04 Fr 09:08 09:20 04 Fr 04 Fr
05 Sa 14:52 23:20 05 Sa 05 Sa
06 Su 06:49 15:56 06 Su 06 Su
07 Mo 06:52 15:38 07 Mo 07 Mo
08 Tu 06:32 15:45 08 Tu 08 Tu
09 We 06:44 15:21 09 We 09 We
10 Th Absence 10 Th 10 Th
11 Fr 14:45 23:45 11 Fr 11 Fr
12 Sa 22:45 12 Sa 12 Sa
13 Su 07:21 22:45 13 Su 13 Su
14 Mo 07:08 14:54 23:16 14 Mo 14 Mo
15 Tu Absence 22:59 15 Tu 15 Tu
16 We 07:15 16 We 16 We
17 Th 12:04 20:13 17 Th 17 Th
18 Fr 06:31 15:23 18 Fr 18 Fr
19 Sa 06:42 15:20 19 Sa 19 Sa
20 Su 06:47 15:13 20 Su 20 Su
21 Mo 06:40 15:51 21 Mo 21 Mo
22 Tu Absence 22 Tu 22 Tu
23 We 09:45 18:11 23 We 23 We
24 Th 06:44 15:24 24 Th 24 Th
25 Fr 06:44 15:27 25 Fr 25 Fr
26 Sa 26 Sa 26 Sa

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