Rights Pending Fulfillment of Suspensive Condition

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rescission of the obligation and its fulfillment,

with indemnity for damages in either case;

ART. 1188. The creditor may, before the fulfi
llment of the condition, bring the appropriate (5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or by
actions for the preservation of his right. The time, the improvement shall inure to the benefit
debtor may recover what during the same time of the creditor;
he has paid by mistake in case of a suspensive
(6) If it is improved at the expense of the debtor,
he shall have no other right than that granted
Rights pending fulfillment of suspensive to the usufructuary.
Requisites for application of Article 1189.
(1) Rights of creditor. — He may take or Article 1189 applies only if:
bring appropriate actions for the
(1) The obligation is a real obligation;
preservation of his right, as the debtor
may render nugatory the obligation (2) The object is a specific or determinate thing;
upon the happening of the condition. It
applies by analogy to obligations (3) The obligation is subject to a suspensive
subject to a resolutory condition. condition;
(2) Rights of debtor. — He is entitled to (4) The condition is fulfi lled; and
recover what he has paid by mistake
prior to the happening of the (5) There is loss, deterioration, or improvement
suspensive condition. This is a case of of the thing during the pendency of the
solutio indebiti. happening on one condition.

ART. 1189. When the conditions have been

imposed with the intention of suspending the Kinds of loss.
efficacy of an obligation to give, the following
rules shall be observed in case of the (1) Physical loss. — when a thing perishes
improvement, loss or deterioration of the thing as when a house is burned and reduced
during the pendency of the condition: to ashes; or
(2) Legal loss. — when a thing goes out of
(1) If the thing is lost without the fault of the commerce or when a thing heretofore
debtor, the obligation shall be extinguished; legal becomes illegal.
(2) If the thing is lost through the fault of the (3) Civil loss. — when a thing disappears in
debtor, he shall be obliged to pay damages; it is such a way that its existence is
understood that the thing is lost when it unknown or even if known, it cannot be
perishes, or goes out of commerce, or recovered.
disappears in such a way that its existence is Rules in case of loss, etc. of thing during
unknown or it cannot be recovered; pendency of suspensive condition.
(3) When the thing deteriorates without the (1) Loss of thing without debtor’s fault -
fault of the debtor, the impairment is to be The obligation is extinguished and
borne by the creditor; Debtor is not liable to Creditor even if
(4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the Creditor sells the property. A person, as
debtor, the creditor may choose between the
a general rule, is not liable for a
fortuitous event.
(2) Loss of thing through debtor’s fault —
Creditor will be entitled to demand
damages plus incidental damages, if
(3) Deterioration of thing without debtor’s
fault. — A thing deteriorates when its
value is reduced or impaired with or
without the fault of the debtor.
(4) Deterioration of thing through debtor’s
fault. — In this case, C may choose
between: (a) Rescission (or cancellation)
of the obligation with damages;
payment of debtor for the value of the
car before its deterioration plus
incidental damages, if any; or (b)
Fulfillment of the obligation also with
damages; debtor is bound to C to give
the car and pay damages plus incidental
damages, if any.
(5) Improvement of thing by nature or by
time. — A thing is improved when its
value is increased or enhanced by
nature or by time or at the expense of
the debtor or creditor. The
improvement shall inure to the benefit
of Creditor.
(6) (6) Improvement of thing at expense of
debtor. — In this case, Debtor will have
the right granted to a usufructuary with
respect to improvements made on the
thing held in usufruct.

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