Web Technology Quantum

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ie aes + Topic-wise coverage of entire syllabus in Question-Answer form. + Short Questions (2 Marks) \ 4 x i za Scanned with CamScanner UNIT-1 : INTRODUCTION & CORE JAVA (1-1 Dto 1-46 D) Introduction and Web Development Strategies, History of Web and Intemet, Protocols Governing Web, Writing Web Projects, Connecting to Intemet, Introduction to Internet services and tools, Introduction te cat server computing. Core Java: Introduction, Operator, Data type, Variable, Arrays, Methods & Classes, Inheritance, Package and Interface, Exception Handling, Multithread programming, 27, java Applet, String handling, Event handling, Introduction (0 AWE, AWT controls, Layout managers. UNIT-2 : WEB PAGE DESIGNING (2-1 Dto 2-41 D) HIML: List, Table, Images, Frames, forms, CSS, Documess type ee fnition, XML: DTD, XML schemes, Object Models presenting and using XML, Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX, Dynamic HTML. UNIT-3 : SCRIPTING & NETWORKING (3-1 D to 3-34 D) ‘scripting: Java script: Introduction, docunents, forms, statements, fandtions, objects; introduction to AJAX: Networking : Internet Addressing, InetAddress, Factory Methods, Instance Methods, TCP/IP Client Sockets, ‘URL, URL Connection, ‘TCP/IP Server Sockets, Datagram. UNIT-4: ENTERPRISE JAVA BEANS & JDBC (4-1 Dto 4-24D) Enterprise Java Bean: Preparing 4 ‘Class to be a JavaBeans, Creating a JavaBeans, JavaBeans Properties, Types ‘of beans, Stateful Session dean, Stateless Session bean, Entity bean. Data from Multiple Java Database Connectivity (DBC): Merging pibles: Joining, Manipulating, Databases with JDBC, Prepared Statements, Transaction Processing, Stored Procedures. UNITS : SERVLETS & JAVA SERVER PAGES (SP) (5-1 Dto5-38D) Servlets; Servlet Overview and Architecture, Tnterface Servlet and sevgervlet Life Cycle, Handling HTTP Bet Requests, Handling HITP post Requests, Redirecting Reques® to Other Resources, LiTTor Tracking, Cookies, Session Tracking with Http Session. Java Server Pages (SP) Introduction, Java Server Pages Overview, save er yava Server Page Example, Implict Objects, Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives, Custom Tag Libraries. SHORT QUESTIONS (SQ-1 D to SQ-20 D) SOLVED PAPERS (2015-16 TO 2019-20) (SP-1 D to SP-18D) ib Scanned with CamScanner Intron and Cor dara development strategy ingde fling: ~ Tony target user: Tdenfy tbe ser eth website doing matket researeh | Make our desig portable; be cen website design sould — eptiahleand sees acroe dierent browsers operating estes, fndcomputr platforms. Design for low bandwidth: Web pages in website hoa be scene any connectin speeds I ag lowly then users il ave the webs Before they se the conten Plan for clear jon and cary access to Information + dlaformatonce theme must less and esty ‘ToeTET ete history of Wert Wide Web. here are wo nes tobe traced: the history ofthe Worl Wide Wes ‘development ofthe internet the dereleptent of hypertert. and the prota In 1972 DAREA startareearch dingo thenteret. IMemaincharactrintets the automatic outing informatio packets ‘valnerabity. tindelrearnenting the pb of ta 1070, Charice Goldfarb invents SOML wich separates content sree om presentation. 1975, Alan Kay produces the fst personal computer. ID ATC. Scanned with CamScanner Lapar, aboratories connect to the in the US ata between the laboratorien “it 1aparacss) Introduction ad Core Jara 2 Specification building | Inthinphave, Sofware Raqucement Speciation SRS) domme Inprepare 1b In this document each and every element ofthe requirement ie Scanned with CamScanner Web Teehnaon 18DATe0¢9 a RST T arama” ( Meparscse upp: ‘User Ditagin Proto! UDP) iss conection pric witht any erordteeton acy Teco used or tanaminon ta vival provider a pacer rection and Core Sra 2, Page 1-20, Unite, ants lows the transmission of arttrary amount 0 tino steam of eparate P packets Scanned with CamScanner Laparscs.6 Intron nd Core Java We Tectia” 11D ares, on et age the tera states rod 6 develo wy praot? oal Fe maemo MSeethiversttnepsiacnear eee » ee ere mitten Rema Sel ara mde nent tte en cme oe dere are cee = ae 1 Bay domaia name 2 tiaive PhaseVI: Launch eau t er _ = D] what do you understand by web technologies? Write down the steps to develop mulli-department and large sale website. ‘on What are the technologies used in web design 7 What isthe role of languager in web design? ‘Web technologies re the tchnalgies which re wad to develop website for the Werld Wile Web oraniaterset. Following are various web technologies used in web design 1. Clientaide technologies: = xeTML {X0FTMLisamackup lrgasge designed to structure formation Tor presentation a webpages. 4 AILXITTNEL programs are writen to ensure that tx clean, ‘ald andof the ighest standard 1b Cascading ape sheets Cascading syle sheets contrat ow web [agen are tapped athe Browser. and allow the weparaton of Provetaion rom atroctare and content, ce avaSeritJorsrptinalightweight rigtng technology which iahtned tngede XHTML documents to take webwites ore uence 2 Serveralde technologies: wr prs Pi naa, ever side sripting language that in used to eat interactive, ral weaites 14 CalPers Pectin programming language that can bande input find autput fom a web nerver, usualy through the Compan Gateway Interac. Scanned with CamScanner - 2 2 s 6 1 2 SStisa lence Bidet 2 sySQk: i MrsQuisa fist opeo-soure relational database manages {hat ene the popalar Structured Query sh. MySQL is perfect for most websites that need database eetecaly, “e._Lincx/Apache: Lint isa popular open-source operating stem, od Apaches the most widely used web server on the internet ‘Sueps to develop a multi-department and large scale website: “Gathering information It eludes purpose, main goal, al target sob Planning: It incldes sitemap and wireframe creation, Design iclades page layouts and review, Contect writing ad assembly Cosine “Teting. review snd launch ‘Maintenance :It includes monitoring and regular upating Role ofseripting language in web design : 1 2 Scripting language reflect the objet orientation of webpages. Siping language wae designed to add interactivity to HTML pe WeeTA | Explain various protocols governing web. Also, expat vebteam, Tower] Protocole governing web : Ife Q. 14, Page 1-4D, Unit Webteam: 1 2 Web team a a group of various technical experts ing develo {om ead the page to maintain the web server. ‘The deal web cam consists of two mub-tcams ‘8 Theclentade apecilint, who reate wn attractive ces bi) The nerver-ide specialists, who create a smoothly ° sr front perio Loparsess) Iserotrinand Cone dra QEETT] Describe the objective of any website. Which spe of ‘creential skis required being a member of meh proeet eam? am Objectives of any webuiten: 1 Providing quality contest on oor website rqslaey, ating cow {slots enalishing rat. waren ot ton er webs decal modi to beatin a schon earn. 2 Emil martin ists, aie spp ve chat nbinars i timp inert thcegcckommlcocoere ‘2. Provide active ncil media program, promtion,reptatian ‘Bmagemen soe rela enor tb oor rad ‘Easntils kil required being tember of web project eam are: 1 HIMLICSS: Ava we developer cor ld nett wdertand the Fons cfnting ed mark agngs cha ML wd. 12 SavaSeript Mr lering HMI an CS, coe soa have the Enola o dover ant an websites moe iterative a ection Photoshop: or die. designing, nd sling mbit oe seat ave he knoe of too 0 dsign «aval of ers ad Topas “4. PRIP language ther han HTML, on shuld have the i of witingeaein HPlanguoge wth nthe ore prt of WordPress. FaRTAOT] Discuss the base elements of x good webaite desi {cluding navigation considerations, ‘anc mets gon west dein are mfatlove 1. Original content The mowtimortant lest the content shown crtin ms frst The page ould acs son the ittrmato abut hs xr ° Wotterganteed und cary tread: Te mast importa infrmation weary Re thuld te property ened weno rex More clean roll Watt shoulbe eigen vch ay at IMeuxsetlctae cent ness erate 4 thore your horde very busine throw tha thi se Yo ora Ue cur eb to sowcar tat valuable a Scanned with CamScanner 1paTwcse JE Imvettigent use of graphics: The weit desi shou bea to dete the mare terms should eal access from any pe se teal aways how cecty where they aren the weal nor cay acento ere ney mould ike tobe “e Meloterecives Create sitet encourages viewer participation FECT] wy pein wot etre dvi weal? oan earnest Web Technology result of recesfl planning Mme tnare creating a pleading mete, ia important tote the ee aan enstly hat ieneeded nthe website 11 TMevohy comaeing the tine age market na well ing aaa cet drcidng what content wilt developed are exeeeay act nog ran. arly planing ho 4. Thaw ae ie eneiy and expense Bp Shistan oor focun Therefore, panning ix must before drooping webmte “Advantages of warty planning: The main advantage of early planning i ‘at ping help ecding te fellowing questions ‘Wy ae we ding the weite? Wat do we envision an the golf the ste? nat owe hope to pin rom resting and maintalning a webite 7 Ho will we jae the secon ft site? Wo ithe tare niece? ‘Wat ar the limiting chal factoreafctng ou ste? 1 Anucee Introdtion a Car a 1. Internat ea global yao interconnected computer networks that sth ar tert Ptr at TOE emer alon of 12 lernetxnnatwork fntwore that const of ions of priate an publ, nade busines al grverament networks of lal lal ope iat arene yabeond ery ofeetroni, irl ao opti] fntworking echologio. 4. Thelnternetcarrenn vat array of information resource an service, {onupport eet al 4. Most tradina cmmunicaton adi, rch a lap an tevin tervicen aro reshaprdorreleliced wing the achonnis fh net, [iving rie toservior chav Vace ve Internet Protos (Va) Newspaper, bok and ater pent publishing has brea reshaped into veto, boging and web eds 6 The latenet has enabled or accelerated the retin of new forme of Toman interactions through istat esting, iteret forums ad social networking. ‘What ls internet service? Explain various types of Internet service. Tern service provides away or data tobe transferred foe internet serves tour computer, 2. Internet eric allows urtoaceas huge amount of information rach tert grophicn sound and oftware over te interaet Pour diferent categories of internet services are as follows : 1 Communication vervices Tere are varius communication vices Semmens exchange ef tlormaton with individuals or groupe ‘which area follows ‘2 Blectronie mail Taint &Malingtists 44 terme telephony (WotP) Information retrieval services: There exit several information ‘rerival sree offering easy access to information present on the Internet which ar as flows * ‘File Transfer Protocl FTP) Scanned with CamScanner wien Tech” 63D, ervices? 3 Meher exchANgOfIrmaton tye nthe web. — ie, Ving webserses plieaons ca caer “k. World Wide Web (WWW) a ars way ccs cunts pend pg © Ener over the internet. vo documents may contain texts, graph kT ae Sena «. Moippntaallon he unt invests thet ed STE] expan con-srver computing Tower] a 7 process between client and servers. . ee areebarrenen tn abeabaie ones Foe an aes et anaes ass Se ee rd meloctes SU eiporals ee aaa] (Fig. 1242. “Sener Process full the client roquest by peforia® Be min aim of the server proces into perfor then teconmonsiniar aplication the st a DUT.) Intron sad Core Sara 6 After the server receive equats ouess fom cnt, creates databoe Goons lucldate the featuren af java, im ‘etrieval pater nd manageadaa ogg tockent request igh reed etches pnts (Cor sJaua: Introduction, Operator, Data Type, Variable Arrays Questions Anewers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Explain some feturenof Java on ‘The basi features of Java area flows Simple: Java sent learn, ‘Object-oriented :Althefnction are definednside the clases. Platform independent: Ii platrm independent programing language enue compiles tye code Thi tye code nerpeted bythe Virtua Machine VAD on any plane Robust: Java gracefl inthe presence of aftware or hardware ‘errrn Java very aa exception hades Secure Jva has nopinters.Allpointr related seit problems are tone Sot in moeseesre Portable: Java is portable because it faiitates us teary the Java Utocndetany pn fore doe te requir any implementation, -Malithrended Java programs are capable fr any oat op mati (endef creation and cordinate paral pevcesee Dywamie Javaisa dynamilnguage 1 supports dynamic loading of lhe Linens clases re loaded on demand alo ppt fio from ts naive langues, ie Cand Cr Garbage collection: Java has an automate garbage collector which Felenet the ejects which re notin we from ag tne. Rae] Discuss data type in Java. Scanned with CamScanner LSD AT We44 J mT cnn nani tom Baa edt te wee ctant ope are nie da eS! Peet peste nda ps 1 Pi eprint td a, Brae rt lone. Dt da and cba. 1h Reference data types: pen ufecoce data types are made iy the logical grouping of rane datatypes. 2 Those are called addres ofa valve 3 Reference data types are arrays, objects, int ETRE isan perforin Jer. Z oF ioterpeey reference data typos because they contin the ‘rather than the vale itself. erfaces, enum ete _Anopeator sa symbol that ually reprerents an action or proce. Tt iEir were adapted from mathematics and loge Following are the operators used in Java: L_ Unary operator : ‘a The Jeva unary operators require only one operand. 1 Unary operators are usd to perform various operations #14; i Inerementingldecrementing a value by one (+4) 4 Negating an expression (-) inverting the vale of Boolean () ‘Arithmetic operator: Java arithmetic operators are ‘ition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They ‘nathematical operations. 3. Shift operator: asd to perfor cas ast crc operator Tele hip > dy a tragic emirate ‘Fight operand. em TY EY step ar.acs.4) Relational operat relationship etwren ts eperande cop o tase sea fn (Greater than

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