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= QUANTUM Series Se * Topic-wise coverage of entire syllabus in Question-Answer form. + Short Questions (2 Marks) Scanned with CamScanner = CONTENTS KCS-501 : DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNIT-1 : INTRODUCTION (1-1 A to 1-33 A) Overview, Database System vs File System, Database System Concept and Architecture, Data Model Schema and Instances, Data Independence and Database Language and Interfaces, Data Definitions Language, DML, Overall Database Structure. Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship Model: ER Model Concepts, Notation for ER Diagram, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Concepts of Super Key, Candidate Key, Primary Key, Generalization, Aggregation, Reduction of an ER Diagrams to Tables, Extended ER Model, Relationship of Higher Degree. UNIT-2 : RELATIONAL DATA MODEL (2-1A to 2-43 A) Relational Data Model Concepts, Integrity Constraints, Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity, Keys Constraints, Domain Constraints, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus, Tuple and Domain Calculus. Introduction ‘on SQL: Characteristics of SQL, Advantage of SQL. SQI Data Type and Literals. Types of SQL Commands. SQL Operators and Their Procedure. Tables, Views and Indexes. Queries and Sub Queries. Aggregate Functions. Insert, Update and Delete Operations, Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors, Triggers, Procedures in SQL/PL SQL. UNIT-3 : DATA BASE DESIGN & NORMALIZATION (3-1 A to 3-19 A) Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, 8 third normal forms, BCNF, inclusion dependence, loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD, MVD, and JDs, alternative approaches to database design. UNIT-4: TRANSACTION PROCESSING CONCEPT (4-1 Ato 4-34 A) Transaction System, Testing of Serializability, Serializability of Schedules, Conflict & View Serializable Schedule, Recoverability, Recovery from Transaction Failures, Log Based Recovery, Checkpoints, Deadlock Handling. Distributed Database: Distributed Data Storage, Concurrency Control, Directory System. UNIT-5: CONCURRENCY CONTROL TECHNIQUES (5-1 Ato 5-27 A) Concurrency Control, Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control, , Time Stamping Protocols for Concurrency Control, Validation : Based Protocol, Multiple Granularity, Multi Version Schemes, Recovery with Concurrent Transaction, Case Study of Oracle. SHORT QUESTIONS (SQ-1 A to SQ-18 A) SOLVED PAPERS (2015-16 TO 2019-20) (SP-1 A to SP-15 A) Scanned with CamScanner Introduction veew, Dabs arth rare va file Soe . ime See Coe 4 sehema and 1-08 te 1210, vr epee teme Rertacn Data Detintion Parte: Panes 5 ee cy Henle Sel et Cones eaten BE ie Bagram: Spine Contes aan ep tees EASA § [euiee Enended ER el, " ane IA CSTTSems) L2ACSITSem5) Introduction Overvis, Database System ex File Syste, Database Syster Concept ond Architecture, Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions ‘QoeTT | What is database management eystem (DBMS) 7 What are the tasks performed by users in DBMS ? Taswer 1. Database management system (DBMS) i a sftware which i use to ‘manage the databuse For example MySQU, Oral, are commercial “database whichis usedin diferent appientons, 2 DBMS provides anintertceto perform various operations ike database eatin, storing data. updating data, cresting a table inthe databoce a le provides protection and security tothe database. tn cae of multiple erst also maintains data consisteney. DBMS allows users the following tasks + 1 Datadetintion:t is usd for creation, modification, and remoralof Astabase beets that define the organisation odatain the daahocs 2 Data updation tis used fr the the actual data ithe database Data retrieval: 1 is used ‘which ea be wed by applica 4 User administration Is wed fr rgistering and meitorag wen, ‘aaintining data integrity. enforcing data tocurty deco sek foncortency contre. monitoring performance asd Teceterieg information orruptedby unexpected fare [RAST T] Wont are the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS? ‘exertion, modifestion, nd deletion retrieve th dita from the database ns forvarows parpescs. Scanned with CamScanner anager SO ACEI, pis te autre er C8 Mag ig tip wer = ymin dette, socestemte ol mae a antapmt NC MLHN u SR Te Ae atten eh eat Tee om filter ay Racha: Mpa ta etree cata free Tigre dierent et eae Stain werfae inin program interac, rivera IS gare Tt 0c igh ped oy rare and sole trun DBMS software, a af ike and large memory t cea ae ne Bees or eeats a complet Toenerinnecottare patataeaptom eens atonal compen gg Data in most of pase is damaged due to electric failure op er stmt Pe sense tn ceeat types of tabave wsers- users? Describe ene ae meen i ee Pree No pone Ee Theyre the developers whointerat with the database by eat ea writen integrase inva " oI tenet de tocrmiet penis eae er s 2 nce deeper oho wre ne pervert » Ferm ett ame ‘like SQL. Tenant enti engin arn a ‘study SQL and DBMS to apply the concepts in requir Ioteadtion A. Speciallzrd users: ‘These are ls snphistieted wer, but they write peal database spiaton programs, 1h They are the developers who develop the complex progeams seording the requlerent 4. Standalone users ‘These users wll ave standalone datas fr thei pe 1b. These kinds of database wl have predefined databa : which wll ave menus aed graphs interfaces ‘hes ae the users who we the existing application to interact withthe database. orexample, online library system ticket booking ayers, ATs BeeTAT] Who are data administrators? What are the functions of database administrator ? Discus on the role of database administrator ‘aasweesl] Database administrators are the pertonnel's who has contol over dat and programs ued for accessing the data Punctionsrole of database administrator (DBA): 1. Schema definition: ‘Original database chemi defined by DBA. etapa by witg ase felon wich ap traelte comple toast flea that ar ferancely ‘are in the data detionary. 2 Storage structure and access method definition: | Thecreatin of appropriate storage structure and acces oethod, ‘This is accomplished by writing a ct of defiitions, which are translated by the data rage and defitiolaguage opr. Schema and physical organisation and modification ‘% Modiation ofthe database sehemnor the desertion phy storage organization, ‘Thee changes ar accomplished by writing ase of ein odo ‘motfeation tothe appropriate internal apstes tables, » Scanned with CamScanner i = Se ae vastraint apecifieation | DBA cya. a re faindictonary och a8 Fsnacooaergye™ dy GA] ne tron? itr autrection. Be ecsnwente rere ee tg i priate! [ieceatter] Fig LAL The tree levels dat etre 1 Physi eel ete et rt of entrctinsd dertoe kanal ed Denna ees thomgle lew vl dete sree inate 2 agate 1 celinelwte et hghrve of retin dt deren SErLinee sede uae seh en ooo 5 Terman tan res the entire data ‘satan civ aml soars 2 Went Ueto lefts it ere aie tes & Thevew inten eis impif ee nteraet “with the system: =e Tesyem may eid many views fr these ast LEACH Sem) Iniracton Na] Physieallevel | Conceptual” Logical level Tiss theme eel Jtevet" of date otdate teraction I ction interaction with [Ante system Itructore ef whe! [details of physical |intereste mn hides Jomptesity of Hutabace lin the difference between database management ‘system (DIM) and filesystem, to write the! of data that hides the detail L Lj | Scanned with CamScanner eG Datatuse Management Syste ERA(CMTSem : a Inraduction provide anions ike ‘The never side inp query processing aa he DIMS, lense apliention establishes “Tocommunictew Se [pee cena "fue be ose Sa] tenet [ei carci | iano et a mee niente nt etna te stem, cence | te ua ig |e hs my robes ie = ‘Socom tn or nme informe Cheat ding comer a re the types, arene DBMS design depends upon its architecture, The base client 1 The DOM octare i wed to deal witha large mambor of POs, web serve archon rervers another components that ae connected sith networks 2 DBMS architecture depends databace toget their equest done ‘Types of DEMS architecture i Tier architecture : 4 nthin architecture, the databases dell 2 Anychangos done are directly done onthe database itself It does ‘bot provide a handy tol for end users. ‘The 1Tier architecture is used for development of the loc poticlien, where programmers can directly communicate with the database for the quick response. AL. 2.Tier architecture: 1 The2-Tier architecture same asbasic client-server. 2 Inthe twotce architecture, applications on the client end Alivectly communicate withthe database atthe server side DBC, IDBC ae used: 2. The utr interfces and application programs are rus °® cliente, eae spon how users are connected tothe “Fle 182i archives fil, 2 Tier architecture : Thod-Ter architecture contin ante layer between the clon ne server: nts arctetre cet eanoot ety comamunieate “with the server. = . ‘The appieaton on the cliestend nteracta with an application ‘rei arher communtiies es End wer has noida ab he existence ofthe dab the application server. The database ; 188 ni saat other user beyond the application. _ aia ‘he Tie architectures ued incase of large web application. Database] " —T—_ | server Application server [Aveliation cet Clete — User Scanned with CamScanner 19a Cony, Sen, “) ind Instances, Data Independence ata Model Scher and Interfaces, Data Definition ‘putt, Overall Database Structure nat aredata models? Briley explain deren yy, on Data model soc bow the lopcal structure ofthe database eestor oe e fare processed and stored inside the system. ‘Type of data models 1. Batty relationship model aa ecatty relationship ER) model consists of a collection tae Rese elicdenttiesand of relationships among thes eating 1h. Ente are represented by means of their properties, eet oxi con Genes) Goad) i ty ‘Fig! 1.9.1. The BR model. 2 Rena nt ‘4 Terelatona mode represents data and relationships among by acallection of ables, each of which has @ numberof cles ith unique names 10A(C81T-Sem) Introduction ‘b_Relational data models used fr data storage and processing. This made isimple anit has al the properties and capabilities eqired to procns data with torage eines. A Micrnrchical model Tnbierochial model data elements are linked as an inverted tree rut root atthe top with ranches formed below) 1b. Below thesingl ot data element are subordinate elements each ttwhich in turn aw ite own subordinate elements and soon, he tree can grow to multpllevel Data clement ha parent eid relationship asin a tre. 4 Network model: 4 Thismodelis the estensionofhierarehieal data model ‘bh Inthismodalthereasta parent child elatonshp but ahi data ‘lement ean have more than one parent element or no parent at a 5 Object-oriented model a Objectoriented models were introduced to overcome the ‘shortcomings of conventional models lke relations, hierarchical And netvork made 'b Anobject oriented database icolectionofobeets whose behaviour, ‘tate, and relationships are defined in accordance with bject- ‘rented concepts euch as oiets, clase ete) ‘Quo TAO7] Describe data schema and instances. iw 1. The destription of «databace is led he database schema, which specited during database design and ie not expected to thange een 2 Mestfthe data modes have certain convention fr diplaying schema ‘as diagram whieh is called as schema diagram. * 3. Aschema diagram displays ony some aspect ofa schema, such asthe name of reord types an data tems ed some types of onstrate For example Schema diagram for stdeatinf database Student ame, Student nomber, Clas, Branch) Course Course name, Course number, Deparzent) Tastance 1. The dat in tho database atx partelar moment is called a database state or snapshot. Its also called the current set of cccurrentet instances inthe databace, Scanned with CamScanner 1A Conn, scema construct has its om gary cha ea anatase sate te eacan bo constrated 9 correspond ng, 4 Moy datas te er insert or lee areca gp ety eee eon tact ae a item in asin, dependence with te types. ‘pain at eww] eee esc nt ibe ‘Ton atdatanependenes: 1 Pht a the ability to modify int "ead iy erg Phase angi tbe conceal cher, 1. Tmateat te py eves ecasonly emai ne whee rertarmance Tectrtatheiennunityof the conceptual schema to ehange in poe ta Independence are reorgaaleatna cme of pia data inde 4 Ream ogame acer patho ifhng dense cal data independence: annie al datsnependence the ait onl the mead © TGhoma without having to change the external schemas Sines pera : 1k ttvtes tothe immunity ofthe external mde to change cco mde. Beals of lpia data independence are ates cote i] Deserite the classification of database language. Wit {ype of language ie SQL? on, ideus the following terme () DDL Command (ti) DSALcome== AA (CTT Sem 5) Introdetion 1 of database languages Definition Language (DDL + 4 DDL iraet of SQL commands used to databace stroturesbut not data, 1 Thesare ied by the DRA toaimited ‘orappliation developer. rate, mdi and dete extent, adatabase designer, Create, drop, alter, truncate are commonly wed DDL command, 2 Data Manipulation Language (DML) + 4 ADMLis language that enabos users to aceetor manipulates data as crazed by the appropeate date motel 1b There are two types of DMs Procedural DMLs:t requires a user to specify what data sare needed and how ogo those date, Declarative DMs (Non-procedural DML :I& requires 4 oer to speeify wha at how to et those data re needed without spelying Insert. update delete, query are commonly used DML commands, 3 Data Control Language (DCL) + a SQL. statement that contol acento data Commit rolfnek command are wed in DCL, 4 Data Query Language (DQL) & ‘View Definition Language (VDL): 1 DLinuedto pei wer views ad thir mapping occ defines the sbset of ecord avilable to asses of urs, ‘Revatevia tables andthe view oppearsto wert one leek 4. Tespeciten er intrtces SQLis DML language ‘Qe TART] Explain at database languages in detall with example Scanned with CamScanner nen aan te) _—STE Sent Intron ee 2 Forms-based interfaces ml HA, Ua ‘Arms based interfce payor to each wer ro 29.13.0611 ae ‘Database laneuaee ae 1b. Users can fill out all of the form entries to insert new data, or they : fant ny eran anche te Soa eee rene : p-HUNCATE,CONMENT, GRANT, rsteing dt ete aimee xn ALTER DADE THUNC "© a. eae uerinterteces GU Saco 4 AGUL apically displays a acera to the wen digrammatie form |% The user thencan specify a query by manipulating the diagram. In ‘many cases, CU ule both menus and forme 4. Natural language interfaces : | Anatural language intrface has its own schema, which sila to the database coneepual schema, at well as dictionary of Important words, The natural language interac refers to the words in ts achema, L aswel aot ete standard words inisticloae totes, erent & Hoe ntepetatin esc. he trace pert high: Creates view for dept 5 empl level query corresponding to the natural language request and ; Se. sums ft the DBMS for prcowig thence odo Syeitine mane dn de stared th the wer techie renea Eo Spirs deren Speech inpat and out eee The spec nati deteced wg rary of preindword “Seaton soduied ost up he pasar a pple oe sium 4, Facoutput.asimiar comers fom ator amine ees WTRE] erlaa DEMS interfaces, What are the various . Rest — Interfaces forthe DBA: 4 Mest data stm ota prveged commands that can be il tied ony byte DAY a interfaces :Adatbneonagement pte (DBMS) intrae 1 The isle commands fr cresting acount, eting eters Ser baie shich allo artealty to pot gene to a abo tamales, rating seeont sutbortaton aap eee ‘Tica ery page ele thdreorpaiing the storage strates ne ‘Various DBMS interface are: ‘GST ] riety deserbe the overall structure of DEMS. 1 Menurbased interfaces for web clients or browsing: o & Regine er ith keeles) Draw the eerste ot DMS and epi a ompoeate in that lead the user through the formulation ofa request. ca 1b Palldown menus ae avery popular technique in Web based set (RETO aie area] oN « ageing itera se asd__Atbv yem i prttned int motae tha del wih exch he through the contents ofa database in an exploratory ‘Teonsilitis ofthe everllsytem. The factional emiponte le ee ne * ‘system canbe broadly divided nto two components Scanned with CamScanner alleaton of space on dk storage ta ropeesen infreation stoned File manager It mange fe the data stractore are offer manoger sro ile for fetching data from disk idling what data tench ain ina ertieal part of the database “ntabacs ta handle data sees that ae tin memery ‘query Processor (QP) +The Query Processor (Gheey Opinion ia responsible for taking every statement sont to SGQuSSEIE ad igure ‘thr to atthe rqunstd dat pertinent tegen operating, The QP components ‘ADDL interpreter It interprets DDI. statements and ecorda the Aefsition i dat tionary DML compiler: t tarlates DML statements in query langage {oto an evaluation plan onssting flow lve intrtsna ta the ‘query evaluntion engine understand ‘Query optimization: It picks the lowest cost evaluation plan from among the alternatives Query evaluation engine : It executes lowlevel instructions svoeratedby the DML compiler. ee ‘Storage Manager (SM) : A storage manager is a program module se tee tee iene niet rece Emery mame: Key i ab cele ) manager Teenaures that the database rests Seer ce et ce =n & FRE ren mierrmann ncaa on ‘What are the notations of ER diagram? 7 nent relationship model (ER mode asap eroprsetig he cation ‘dhe latina ere tein noes aes Scanned with CamScanner Databace Management System LITA(CSIT Sem.) Elementwnotation of ER modeViagram : i Entity: a Anenttyisa 1b Anentty canbe abatrat €._ Anentity nan object that exists and is distingishabl from ether lect Entity set real word object that en be easily identifiable llection of similar typeof entities. ites with atrbute sharing sitar a Batity ets 1h Anentty set may contain ent wales. Attribute: a Analtribate gives the characteristics ofthe enti Teint called an datalement, dat eld fel data temo an eementary ter, Relationship: “A relationship is the association between entities fe entity bh telatioahip in represented by diamond with straight lines tontrting eee, ToeFAT | What do you understand by attributes and domain? Explai in various types of ateibuten used in conceptval data model, al Atteibutest Nurutes are propertion which ae used to represen the entities 2. All attributes have values For example, a student entity may have ‘ave, las ange ne ateribues, 4. Thereexsteadomainotrangetaluesthat canbe ascent atribtes 44 Forezanple,asudent a name cannot be a numeric valor. I has tobe ubete- Astudents age eanst be negative ete. Domain 1. Adumainis an atribute constraint which determines the typeof data ‘alues hat are poet fr that attribute 2. Attribute domaine ea be very large of very short. ‘Types of attributes used in conceptual data model: 1 ‘Simple ateibute Simple attnbutes are stoic values, which cannot ‘edivided further Por example, student's phone number isan atom value oft digits. IBA(CSMT-Sem5) raacasta 2 Componite attribute : Composite attributes are made of more than ertoplesttrbute For example, a students complete name raay have frt_rame and lastname Derived attribute: Derived attributes are the atrittes that do nat test nthe physical database, but ther values are derived from oth Sienbutes present in the database, For example, average salary io & dtpartsent shou ot be saved directly inthe database, ratendit ean tederived Single-value attribute Single-valu attributes contain single valur Forexample, Socal Securty Nomber & Maltivalue attribute: Multivalue aftributes may contain more than tre raluer. For example, a person can have more than ene PODS umber, email address, et HST] Wat purpose oh Ht Angra? Constr an Et Aingram rs University system which shold ich nto sitet periment ures wth seen {ecard in hich ure ich profs ar euhing wel ‘Shee enaon pron whlch ceertne Seputctsers Taewer | Purpose of the ER diagram : 2 1 ingame to tepeeet the overall pal trate of the 2 ER digrams emphasis onthe schema of the database and ot on the Instances because the aber of the database is changed rarely. 18 is useful to communicate the lgial structure of database to end serves aa documentation tn [ite the database designer in understanding he information a contained in the database, eee ER diagram: Scanned with CamScanner Databore Management Sites. AICSTTSem 5) FEETIR | Draw an ER dngram for small marketing company database, axsuming your own data require’ ‘the following entities (a) courses, including number, ttle, ‘pllabus and prerequisites; () course offerings, including course 1-20A(CSTTSem-5) umber, year. semester Eiansrootmy (el students, inelading rs ‘tnd (a) instructors, includ Separtmentandiitle Giuigrades awarded to students in each course they are enrolled formunt be appropriately modeled. Construct an ER diagram for the registrars office: Document all that you make jout the mapping constraints. Tarwer {a this ER dlagram, the main entity set are student, course course offering tedinstroctor The entity set course offering ia weak entity set dependent fn curse, The assumptions made are: fa Aclass meets only atone particular place and time. This ER diagram ‘anaot model clace meeting a different places a diferent times 1b. There ie a0 guarantee thatthe databace des not have two classes reeting atthe sume place and time. ame | ame aS Scanned with CamScanner Datatase Management Srstem) L 2 paenin the database must follow the constraints ‘Types of mapping constraint are: 1. Mapping cardinalitis ‘Mapping constraints act 83 1-21 A(CSTT Sem.) followed by contents of database specifies the number of carnaities or ardinaity aio) 3 caters edviaa relationship Cities which another entity can be assoc Sapping carinaities are used in describing binary relationship Maprinbough they contribat to the description of relationship Reta invalve more than two entity sts For binary relationship set R between entity sets A and B, the Eeping ceeinality must be on of te fellowing PP One to one : An entity in A is associated with at most one Sis in and an entity i B is asocited with at most one snutyina. Hk One tomany An entity in is asocated with any number sfenttes ia. Anentity in bowevercante associated with tt mest on ent in. {WL Many to one: An ent ini anociated with a ot oe ‘atity ind end n entity in B, however, cane asoited with Sry mumber entities ind 1-22 A(CSITSemS) fe Figs1213, Je Many oman :Anentty tanith an nan cotesnB nda nity in sated with ay Setiierind. eT ‘2 Participation constraints 1 tls the participation of. ono att at. “There are two types of participations : * {Partial participation 4 Totalparicipation [RST] isco the candidate hey, primary key, per ey, ey and aerate key. Scanned with CamScanner {at opton 123A C81T Sem) jane Management System BBACCSIT Sem) on ‘beplan he primary key, super key foreign key and eandidate hey ample. e (RRTUROTEIE: Mack To] Define key. Explain various types of Keys Taw] 1 Key isa attribute or staf attributes that is used to identity dat cenlty et, tion of rows in table, 2 Keyis defined for unique identification o Consider the fellowing example ofan Employee table EnployceEmployeeID,FullName, SSN, DeptID) Various typer of keys are 1. Primary hey: ‘Primary key uniquely Hlenties each recordin a table and must ‘vere the same for records, Here In Employee table we can ‘hace either EnployeelD oF SSN columns asa primary key, 1 Primary key acandidtehéy that ised for unique identifestion cfenttes within the table €Prinary key eannot be nul, 4 Anytable asa unique primary key, with a et of one oF mare attribute whose ‘combined value uniquely identifies the entity in the entity set. ‘bh Forexample: Herein employee table EmploycelD, FullName) or (EnployeeID,FullName, DeptD)is a super key. A Candidate key: 42 Acandiate key isacolumn, or st of column, inthe table that en ‘uniquely idestty any database record without referring to a8 ther dst. ‘Candidate key are individual columns ina tabe that qualifies fr ‘uniqueness ofall the rows. Herein Employee table EmployeeID sand SSN are candidate heys. © Minimal espe keysare called candidate keys 124A (CSIT Sem) 4 Composite key 4. Acomposite key is combination of two or more columns in a table that can be ed to uniquely identify each row inthe table 1 Teisused when weconnot identify a record using single atteibutes €Aprimary key that i made by the combination of more than one ‘Xinbate ie Known as acomponte hey 5 Alternate key: ‘© Thealternate key ofany table are those candidate keys which aro not currently selected asthe prsary Key. 'b Exactly one of those candidate keys ie chosen as the primary key and the remainders, ifany ae then called alternate keys. ‘© An alternate key is function of all candidate keys rninus the Primary bry Here in Employee table if EmployeetD i primary key then SSN ‘would be the alternate ke. Foreign key: ‘8 Foreign key represents the relationship between tables ensures the referential intogty rule 1A foreign key is derived fom the primary key ofthe name or some other table, © Foreign key isthe combination of one or more columns a table {paren table arefeencen primary Key ln another able eld table 4A oreign key valu canbe let nul For example: Consider another table Project (ProjectName, TimeDuration, EmployeelD) ‘& Here, the ‘Employec1D" in the ‘Project’ table paints to the ‘EmpioyeelD’ in Employee’ tabe ‘The EmploycelD’ inthe ‘Employee table the primary key. ‘The ‘Employee inthe Project’ table ina foreign key. [REST] wat do youmenn by she tothe relation? Papal the Aiterences between nape ey, candidate key and primary key, Rey: Refer Q. 1.22, Page 1-224, Unit-t. Scanned with CamScanner Database Management System Difference between super ke 125A CHIT Sem.5) candidate key and primary key: 1-26 A(CSIT-Sem5) pare SNa]__SuperKey | Candidate key Primary key Ta [Soper bey on [cana bey 0 [Serna eset [mini etfounet || Resbotenn ena [es | |e tots | Suse | Jaerinates ino |__| retatioa. TE [AM super Keys [Allendiateeys are [Rhett [super keys but not | cutee keys_| primary kes. ean be nal Primary key is a primis et of aterbutes that uniquely identifies rows ina relation. Primary key i= @ subset of candidate key and super ey, Teannot be nll ‘Nomber ofeandidate eysislesthan euper keys T | Ferenample in| Ferexample.in ‘Number of primary keys sles than candidate keys Forexample, in Fe Ee cara | he 122 pinay [eres aya yi tRagrtin) Srp, [epson eee oe tags, ose Sat [ ete. ants Gar CAR edad Make Pe 1 Ansty om rk {QuetaE] Hplain generalization, pecialization and aggregation. ‘Generalization is a process a which two lower level entities combine te form higher level entity. 1b Teisbottom op approach. © Generalization isused to emphasize the similarities among lower level cntty sets and to hide the diferences. fi > . Pig. 1344, Specialization: ‘Specialization it a process of breaking higher level entity ite lower 1b Wistep-down approach, © Itisoppesiveto generalization foresee 3) | i [Enpieres] Aggregation = 0 Regain an tration though wich ltionthpare re _ashigher level entities, aa famed med For stamp 1." Ta elatoship works on eating ety ets emplaye, branch and job) act as a higher-level entity set. oem 2 Wecan thenerestesbinaryrstinahip Manage between worsen And manager foresaw manage what aka Scanned with CamScanner LAT ACHTT Sem) Database Management Stern AAICHIT Sem 6) letretucton Tee TaET] Fxplain the reduction of EA achema ta tables. Kon > {weeh) on er ow to reduce an ER model into table? a 1 IER rnd. databaue are represented sing the diferent notations ot Aiagrame, and these wsttions ean be reduced to mellem of ables fe] 2 Tate dita ctery enor eaontipt can crt in tabular form gat: Reagan winerettem! Consider following ER diagram : T Tingnwaliratio,|Inepecalization,an | Aggregation is an Raseeealeato. (Chast higher level | abstraction through | BERET aooe | Si tbeoken dow | which relationships | [ESNSXESisa [itt two oF more | artreatedashigher [Se cect] enim [Aa | [Eke ie cee | nasa | eer ateti : i 12sec |Sacnai [Hae : cenit [ae [nacre a Ls Sr sin 5 2 participates in| spother relationship ONY Fl ‘| ibbpein redoing [Te increases the size | Tt also increases the theachema ste. [of schema, size of schema, ‘| iisapliedtogroup |Itcanbe applied toa | Tes applied to group Jotentiten | single entity, of relationshipe. 0° () Scanned with CamScanner A(CHIT 0m 4) atase Manag eatingrome fnto talon ire: bsnl column for the tabl I. koa? Course ID. Lecturer 1 te ee ah. 1 cere an colonia Usa tle fore ay, snest Name ad Student 1D frm thy Fad 1 Rice ty et sacchari rg| | "a =e tela tr asetaatt et a “All the ‘atributen repronented in the oval shape and und = a ante iagram nreconidred a1 key attribute which wet ang Stl oie Tameka, |_| ane Inthe given Edina, 8 Re, Pane ei uctarkey attribute of the Student, Course, Subject | | sa Lectarerentit. he multivalued utteibute fe reprenented by a aeparate table | [RaeTRET] Discuss extended ER (EER) model. on Steen Pa eats mepecsdonirereieeieeere cae ing bth the column, we creates I fame Student ID snd Hobby composite key 5 Composite attetbutes are merged into same table ax different ‘columns: a Inthe given BR diagram, student address isa composite attribute, Meontains City, Pi, Doe No, Street, and State, Inthe Student table these atteibutes can menge as an individual) g, column, i Derived attributes are not considered in the table: | ‘4 Inthe Student table, Age is the derived attribute \* 1, Heanbecalulated a any point of time by calculating the differen) hetween curreat date and Date of Birth (DoB). j 6 j | [ | | ‘The EER model includes all the concept of the original BR model together with the fllowing additional concepts: Specialization : Refer Q. 1.24, Page 1-268, Unit 1B Generalization : Refer. 1.24, Page -26A, Unit-1 © Aggregation : Refer Q. 1.24, Page 1-264, Unit ‘The super clase/subclass entity types (or super type subtype,entities) is one of the most important modelling constructs that i included in the EER model. ‘This feature enables us to model a general entity and then subivide into several specialized entity types (subclasses or subtypes) EERGdiagrams are used to capture business rules such as constraints in the super tspe/subtype relations. Thus, a super class is an entity type that includes distinct subelases that require tobe represented in ‘data model. ‘Asubelass isan entity type that has adistine role and is alsoa member ‘ofa super class. Scanned with CamScanner Database Management System, ISACCHIT Sem) ig. 1.261, aca aperclondeblas relationship ‘WeeTsT | What ie United Modeling Language 7 Explain different types of UML. Taner 1 Unie Modeling Language (UML isa standardized modeling language coablingevehiperstosped, visulize, construct and document artifocts| fa sofware stem. fL makes thee artifacts zalable, secure and robust in execution, LUML is an important aspect involved in object-oriented software development 44 Tt uses graphic notation to ereate visual models of software systems. ‘Types of UML: 1. Activity diagram 8 tisppeneray used to describe the fw of different activities and ‘These ean be both sequential and in paral Theyre theses el cenmmed dred on ete tndtherlstonstipbtwreninditees neg 2 Usecasedlagram 110 analyze tho syatem's high-Level - 2g gS erence acme Introduction 1-a2A(CSIT Ser 1h These requirements are expressed through different ase cases Interaction overview diagrar The interaction overview diagram isan activity diagram made of ferent interaction diagrams 4. Timing diagram. "Tuning UML diograma are used to represent the relations ofobjects irhen the enter of attention rete on time Eachindividval parejpant is represented through alifline, which {nvessentalyaline forming step since the individual participant {rannts from one stage to another ‘The main components of timing UML diagram are i Lifeline State timeline Hi Durationconstraint iv, ‘Time constraint vy. Destruction occurrence & Sequence UML diagram: ‘a Sequence diagrams describe the sequence of messages and interaction tht happen between actors and object. bb dctors or objects an be active only when needed or when another object wants to communicate with them. «. Allcommunieation s represented ina chronological manner. & Class diagram : ‘Class diagrams contain lates, alongside with ther atribtes(also referred to as data fields) and heir behaviours also referredtoas ‘member functions. More specifically, eachelasshasthree fields: theless name a the top, the elas attributes right below the name, the class operations! behaviours atthe bottom. . ‘Thorelation between diferent classes represented by aconnecting ling), makeup aelas diagram ‘VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS [Following questions are very important. These questions ‘may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION, Q.1, What is database management system ? ‘Ang, RoferQ. 11. Scanned with CamScanner Data Management SY a a0 as a ae ams as. ae at. as ane as. a alain the ser he simple eer 12 What is data abst action. Relar 18, he overalt structure of DEMS. hed De eter eter 13. eseribe the varioustypesof attributes ed in conceptual data model. Refer Q. 117 Whats ey’ Refer. Explain extended ER model 60 2 Relational Data Model te and Language CONTENTS Relational Date Model Concept, Integrity Constraints, Entity Integrity, Referential Integeity, eye Constraint, Domain Constraints Relational Algebt a encrnnssinnnscnsn BA to 3-10A 210A to 2-120 Relatioval Caleutus, Tuple ‘and Domain Caleulos 212A to 213A + Tatraduction oa SQL: Characteristics of SQL, ‘Advantage of SQL + SQL Date Type and Litera Types of SQL Command SQL Operators and their Procedure ‘Tables, Views and Indexes. Queries and Sub Querie + Aggregate Povetions, Insert, ‘Upsinte and Delete Operations eins, Union nena Taterseetions, Minus Garaors, Tigre, Procedures in SQU# DAA(CSIT Sem) Scanned with CamScanner

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