Suazo J. m2 Activity2

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John Mar E.


August 22, 2020


Ms. Kim Jaudian

Relate instances from the poem that portray Beowulf as an epic hero. Mention atmost 5 , then
provide the lines for it.

Beowulf is really an epic hero because he shows characteristic most of the time,
making him an excellent example of an epic hero. He is an epic hero because he possesses
traits like; loyalty, bravery, Friendship, Super human powers and Honor. Loyalty, because it
stated in the stories that "Hail, Hrothgar! Higlac is my cousin and my king." It tells us that
Beowulf has loyalty to his king, He is showing loyalty to Hrothgar because of family ties.

Second is bravery because Beowulf is a great human fighter who actually killed
some especially wild beasts. And also, the following quote tells us that he has bravery. "My
hands alone shall fight for me, struggle for life against the monster." In this line Beowulf is
trying to make a story for himself, to win against a monster with only his bare hands.

Third is friendship. The following passage shows friendship when Hrothgar is

greeting Beowulf after his long journey to come and help his friends, and the friends of his
father. By showing friendship Beowulf shows another virtue as an epic hero. "Beowulf,
you've come to us in friendship, and because of the reception your father found at our court."

Fourth trait that Beowulf possess is when he has a Superhuman powers. “Beowulf
swimming underwater for hours” And the last trait that Beowulf possess is Honor. He is
honoring his country and exerting his power and strength to protect others. The said traits that
he portrays are proves that Beowulf is really an Epic Hero.

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