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John Mar E.


August 26, 2020


Ms. Kim Jaudian

Create a Table and differentiate the concept of Hinduism to other Religious


Religion Followers Holy Book Name of Deity Basic Beliefs

Hinduism Hindus No one book-sacred Three main gods: The soul never dies, but is
texts, including the Brahma, Vishnu, continually reborn.
Vedas, The Puranas Shiva
Christianity Christians Bible God There is only one God,
who watches over and
cares for his people.
Confucianism Confucianists the Analects, the Five Confucius Social order, harmony, and
Classics (viewed many as good government should
god) be based on strong family
Judaism Jewish Hebrew Bible, Yahweh God loves and protects his
including Torah people, but also holds
people accountable for
their sins and
Buddhism Buddhist No one book- sacred The Buddha did Persons achieve complete
texts, including the not teach a peace and happiness
Dhammapada personal deity. (nirvana) by eliminating
their attachment to worldly
Islam Muslims Qur’an Allah Persons achieve salvation
b following the five Pillars
of Islam and living a just
life. The pillars are: faith;
prayer; almsgiving, or
charity to the poor; fasting,
which Muslims perform
during Ramadan;
pilgrimage to Mecca.

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