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F1000Research2021,7:1837Lastupdated: 13 April 2021


A Case Study Of Ischemic Stroke With Complementary

Disease Of Hypertension and Cholesterol
Dizky S. PululawaIrma
Putri I.Salwa DewaAyupuspitaDewi
Papeo Zulkarnain Marhaba Fadrianza Sahir
Fairus Saskia Djibran Sarah Safira

Received 06 April 2021

V2 Received in revised form 12 April 2021
Accepted 13 April 2021

Stroke is a disorder that occurs in the brain that includes defects in blood vessels involving
neurons, blood vessel cells, and matrix components. where stroke can be divided into 2, namely
ischemic stroke (87%) and hemorrhagic stroke (13%). The risk factors for stroke are age, low
birth weight, race, and genetic factors. Hypertension is generally defined as a persistent increase
in arterial blood pressure (BP). While cholesterol is to increase total lipid levels there by
increasing the risk of several cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this study was to analyze
case studies related to ischemic stroke and other comorbidities in order to find the right solution
in therapeutic treatment of patients. The method used in this research is literature study using
Dipiro Book Edition 11 and journals made in the form of SOAP (Subjective, Objective,
Assessment, Planning). Based on the results of the research that has been done, found a
treatment solution for patients with ischemic stroke, including through Pharmacology and Non
Pharmacology therapy. Pharmacological therapies used in patients are Aspilet, Diazepam,
haloperidol, clobazam, a combination of amlodipine and candesartan and atorvastatin, which is
used in the treatment of ischemic stroke accompanied by other comorbidities, namely
hypertension and cholesterol. While the non-pharmacological therapy used is monitoring and
control of patient drug use is carried out, avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol, reducing stress
and a salt diet.

Ischemic Stroke, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Pharmacological Therapy, Non

Pharmacologica Therapy

F1000Research2021,7:1837Lastupdated: 13 April 2021

modifiable, less well documented i.e. Migraine,
REVISED Amendments from Version 1
Metabolic syndrome, Drug and alcohol abuse,
Change in this journal are the addition of
therapeutic pharmacology from patients and Inflammation and Infection, Elevated Lp(a),
consultation, information and education of Homocysteinemia, and Sleep-disordered breathing
the drug in patients
Preliminary Hypertension is a common disease that is simply
Stroke is a disorder that occurs in the brain that defined as persistently elevated arterial blood
includes defects in blood vessels which are pressure (BP). Although elevated BP was
further defined as a broader defect involving perceived to be “essential” for adequate perfusion
neurons, vascular cells, and matrix components, of vital organs during the early and middle 1900s,
which are collectively referred to as it is now identified as one of the most significant
neurovascular units. Stroke is divided into 2, risk factors for cardiovascular (CV) disease.
namely ischemic stroke (87%) and hemorrhagic Increasing awareness and diagnosis of
stroke (13%) [7]. hypertension, and improving control of BP with
The prevalence of stroke in Indonesia in 2018 appropriate treatment are considered critical public
was 10.9% and increased by 3.9% in the last five health initiatives to reduce CV morbidity and
years. A total of 10.9 per 1,000 Indonesians mortality [7].
suffered strokes in 2018. This figure decreased Lipid abnormalities increase the risk of coronary,
from the previous five years, 12.10 per 1,000 cerebrovascular, and peripheral vascular arterial
inhabitants and increased compared to 2007, disease collectively known as atherosclerotic
which was 8.3 per 1,000 inhabitants [19]. cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). The ASCVD-
Risk factors from stroke are divided into several risk assessment evaluates a 10- year
such as Nonmodifiable risk factors or risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease incident.
markers, namely Age, Low birth weight, Race, Developing a first ASCVD event is defined as
and Genetic factors. Modifiable, well nonfatal myocardial infarction or coronary heart
documented namely Cigarette smoking, disease (CHD) death, or fatal or nonfatal stroke,
Hypertension, Diabetes, Asymptomatic carotid over a 10-year period. Premature coronary
stenosis, Dyslipidemia, Atrial fibrillation, Sickle atherosclerosis is the most common and significant
cell disease, Poor diet, Obesity, Physical consequence of dyslipidemia [7].
inactivity, and cardiac Other diseases (coronary One method that can be used to cure stroke with
heart disease, heart failure, PAD). Potentially hypertesni and cholesterol is to eliminate

modifiable risk factors. Therefore, of the rero, consciousness of Compos Mentis
comprehensive guidance and management is (CM), blood pressure 130/90 mmHg, pulse 104x /
needed for people with hypertensive stroke and minute, respiration 24x / minute, temperature 37⸰C
cholesterol so as to prevent serious impacts that and dependence on diazepam.
can have a serious impact on the health of At the initial inspection Mr. D obtained lab data,
sufferers and affect the quality of life of sufferers namely Hb: 13.8, Leukocytes: 12,900, Hematocrit:
in the family and community environment. 43, Platelets: 291,000, GDS: 94. With a history of
Methods patient drug consumption, namely Diazepam,

The method used in this journal is by using the Haloperidol and drugs from psychiatric and
neurological disorders. In addition, Mr.D has a
SOAP method equipped with IEC, in the SOAP
history of previous diseases, namely Hipertension,
method, S as a subject containing patient
Cholesterol and Stroke with a family history of
information notes, O as an object containing a
Hypertension. After being admitted to the hospital,
physical examination of the patient, A as an
the patient was diagnosed with a stroke with
assessment containing studies and assessments
anxiety. Furthermore, the CT scan results showed
based on findings and observation of the patient's
that the patient had cerebral cephalic atrophy,
condition and P as a plan which contains plans to
cerebral infarction in the subcortial parietal area
overcome patient problems. KIE
and right temporalis in the cortical area which
(communication, information and education)
indicated that the patient had an ischemic stroke.
contains a form of counseling that will be given
to patients. The patient data used were obtained Subject
by cross sectional from the patient's medical Patients Experiencing anxiety disorders and
record file. Difficulty speaking, spoken words are not to your
Study case liking or speech disorders.
Mr. D, a 38 year old man, address Bandung, Object
was admitted to the hospital with the main
a. Physical Examination :
complaint of stroke, with the patient's initial
Rero condition and awareness compos mentis
clinical condition, namely the general condition

b. Supporting Examination :

Table 1. Lab Data Result

Examination Normal Value Result Per date

07-4 08-4

Hemoglobin 13,0 – 16,0 13,8

Leukocyte 4000 – 10000 12900

Hematocrit 40 – 50 43

Platelets 150000-440000 29100


Clinical Chemistry
Gds <140 94 83

Ureum 20 – 40 21

Creatinine 0,8 – 1,3 1,0

Tg <150 155

Total <200 248

HDL Cholesterol >40 38

LDL Cholesterol <100 179

c. Holistic Diagnostics :  Concern : the patient has psychiatric disorders

Personal Aspects and dependence on diazepam.
 Reason for arrival : Experiencing the main Clinical aspects
complaint of stroke accompanied by anxiety  Ischemic Stroke
disorders  Hypertension

 Cholesterol  Body Mass Index, including obesity group
Internal Risk Aspects  Race
 Age factor  Taking drugs such as diazepam
 Genetic factor


Table 2. Assesment Pharmacological Therapy

Medicine Indication Dosage Drug side effect

Ranitidine duodenal ulcer Oral: 2 x 150 mg. Tachycardia (rare), agitation, visual
Injection: twice a disturbances, alopecia, interstitial nephritis
day (rare)
Citicolin Ischemic Stroke 500 mg, three times Vertigo, muscle weakness, apnea,
a day nephrotoxicity. Occasionally vasomotor
disorders, speech and vision disorders,
confusion, neurotoxicity and psychosis.
Coditam Relieve severe Three times a day Dyspepsia, sore throat, fatigue,
pain palpitations, and visual disturbances

Sucralfat Duodenal ulcer 10 cc, 1-2 hour Constiption,Headache, Dry mouth, Dizzy,
before eating Diarrhea, Insomnia, Bloated, Nausea or

Simvastatin Relieve pain 10 mg, twice a day Drowsiness, Headache, Constipation,

5 mg tablet Clumsiness or balance disorders. Impaired
appetite, Fatigue, Vomiting, and Cough.

Haloperidol Skizofrenia 5-15 mg/ day Less sedative, less antimuscarinic and
hypotensive symptoms. Photosensitization
and pigmentation are rare. Extrapyramidal
symptoms especially dystonia and
akathisia are more frequent, especially in
thyrotoxic patients.
Amlodipine Hypertension, 5 mg, once a day Abdominal pain, nausea, palpitations,
where the flushing, edema, sleep disturbances,
patient's blood headache, dizziness, fatigue;
pressure lab
results reach 130 /
90-180 / 90
Aspilet Ischemic Strore Once a day Stomach pain, headache, drowsiness,
bronchospasm, impaired kidney function,
gastrointestinal bleeding, and other
bleeding such as the subconjunctiva.
Mannitol Cerebral edema Three times a day Fever, chills, headache, runny nose.
Urinating more frequently. Dizziness or
blurred vision. Nausea or vomiting.

Pantoprazole Duodenal ulcer Twice a day Increased triglycerides

Micardis Hypertension, 80 mg, once a day Dizziness or lightheadedness, especially

Telmisartan where the after waking up. Symptoms of the flu, such
patient's blood as weakness and coughing. Impaired
pressure lab kidney function; Indigestion, such as
results reach 130 / nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea
90-180 / 90
Lanzoprazole Duodenal ulcer 30 mg, once a day reported alopecia, paresthesia, bruising,
purpura, petechiae, fatigue, vertigo,
hallucinations, confusion; rare:
gynecomastia, impotence.

Diazepam Anxiety disorders Oral: 2-3 x 2-5 mg/ Drowsiness, muscle weakness, ataxia,
day. paradoxical reactions to aggression, mental
Injection: disorders, amnesia, dependence,
respiratory depression, lightheadedness the
5-10 mg (iv/om)
next day, confusion. Sometimes occurs:
headache, vertigo, hypotension, changes in
salivation, gastrointestinal disorders, rash,
visual disturbances, changes in libido,
urinary retention, also reported blood
disorders and jaundice, on intravenous
injection occurs: pain, thrombophlebitis
and rarely apnea or hypotension
Granisetron Nausea and 1-2 mg, twica a day Constipation, headache, skin rash,
vomiting temporary increase in liver enzymes, and
hypersensitivity reactions

Candesartan Hypertension 8 mg, once a day Hypotension can occur in patients with
high renin levels such as hypovolemia,
heart failure, renovascular hypertension
and cirrhosis of the liver. Renal
insufficiency, dizziness, headache,
diarrhea, decreased hb, rash, abnormal
taste sentation
Atorvastatin Cholesterol 10 mg/day Transient myositis, headaches, changes in
renal function and gastrointestinal effects
(gastric pain, nausea and vomiting),
changes in liver function tests, paraesthesia
and gastrointestinal effects including
abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation,
diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Skin rash
and hiersensitivity as well as effects on

Planning outpatient process.

The risk factor for ischemic stroke in this patient is
Patients should avoid smoking, alcohol consumption
the consumption of drugs, especially the
as well as multiplication of eating vegetables and
consumption of diazepam, therefore it is
fruits, avoid consumption of fatty foods and a diet
necessary to talk about the use of drugs given to
consuming salt.
patients by families and health workers during the
Patients are advised to control to find out whether
the disease has improved or if there are side comorbidities in order to find the right solution in
effects or dangerous interactions due to the drugs therapeutic treatment of patients. From the patient's
given. data named Mr. D a 38 year old man, was
diagnosed with stroke. Where the initial condition
Patients also have to routinely go to the Internal
is normal consciousness, speaking clearly but not
Medicine Polyclinic for cholesterol so that total
according to what is being discussed. From the CT
cholesterol levels can be controlled and
scan results, the results were cephalic atrophy and
complications do not occur as well as routine
cerebral infarction in the subcortial parietalis and
blood pressure checks.
right temporalis in the cortical area, so that this
And finally, always get closer to God Almighty by
patient was diagnosed with ischemic stroke. When
performing worship according to the patient's
cerebral blood flow decreases by less than 10 ml /
beliefs and beliefs. And stay confident in living
100 grams of brain tissue, an ischemic nucleus is
life and don't feel burdened by current illnesses
formed. This ischemic core area will soon become
irreversible necrotic and the cells die (cerebral
Discussion infarction) [16].
The trigger for stroke is due to the patient's
Stroke is a disorder that occurs in the brain that history of experiencing anxiety so that the patient
includes defects in blood vessels which are
has experienced dependence on the drug
further defined as a broader defect involving
Diazepam, where diazepam works by affecting
neurons, vascular cells, and matrix components,
chemicals in the brain so that it has a calming
which are collectively referred to as
effect for several hours. Stroke occurs when part of
neurovascular units. Stroke is divided into 2,
the brain experiences a lack of blood flow
namely ischemic stroke (87%) and hemorrhagic
(ischemic) [20].
stroke (13%) [7]. Stroke is classified into
In addition, one of the triggers for ischemic stroke
ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.
is the presence of high levels of leukocytes. Based
Approximately 83% of all strokes are ischemic
on the patient's lab data, there was a very high
strokes, and approximately 51% of strokes are
patient leukocyte result. Leukocytes can cause
caused by arterial thrombosis, which is the
occlusion in the brain circulation. Decreased
formation of blood clots in the cerebral arteries
perfusion pressure can trap circulating leukocytes
due to atherosclerosis [16].
and form contact with capillary endothelium [10].
The purpose of this study was to analyze case
Based on the results of the patient's lab data, it
studies related to ischemic stroke and other
was found that the patient's total cholesterol level known that there is a history of hypertension, so
exceeded the normal limit of 248 mg / dL, the that the patient is diagnosed with hypertension.
patient's LDL cholesterol was very high, 179 mg / Judging also from the results of the patient's lab
dL, and the patient's HDL cholesterol was 38 mg / data, there is a high patient blood pressure, which
dL. Based on these data, the patient was is an average of 150/90 mmHg which includes
diagnosed with cholesterol. Ischemic stroke has stage 1 hypertension [6]. Hypertension makes
many risk factors. One of them is dyslipidemia, blood vessels easily closed by plaque. The arteries
which is an increase in cholesterol and in the brain that are blocked by plaques can cause
triglyceride levels and a decrease in HDL reduced oxygen intake to the brain or commonly
cholesterol [1]. called a stroke [11].
Based on the patient's family history, it is
Table 3. Classification of Blood Pressure in Adults (Age ≥18 Years) [6]
Systolic Blood Diastolic Blood
Classification pressure (mm Hg) Pressure (mm Hg)
Normal < 120 <80
Prehypertensionb 120-139 80-89
Stage 1hypertension 140-159 90-99
Stage 2 hypertension ≥160 ≥100

a. Patient condition damage, chronic lung disease, polycythemia

In the hematology lab data, it was explained and shock and to a decrease in hct levels can be
that the patient's hemoglobin level was normal, indicators of anemia[15].
namely 13.8, where the normal value range was Platelet result data also shows that the patient
13.0-16.0. Hemoglobin data can explain the has normal levels, namely 291,000 with a
conditions experienced by patients if they are normal range of 150,000-440,000. That
exposed to anemia. Furthermore, the platelets still have a good working function,
hematocrit test, which results in the patient namely forming a mechanical plug which is a
having a normal value, namely 43 with a normal hemostatic response to vascular
normal range of 40-50. Hematocrit data shows injury[15].
the percentage of collar blood cells to total Then the patient leukocyte data showed that
blood volume, where an increased hematocrit the patient had excess leukocyte levels than
level can occur in erythrocytosis, dehydration, normal levels, namely 12,900 with normal
10 | P a g e
levels of 4,000-10,000. Where this can be The urea data result, also showed normal
caused by a disease experienced by the patient, levels, namely 21 with a range of 20-40. Urea
one of which is an ischemic stroke. Which levels indicate whether the patient's kidney is
patients with upper quartile leukocyte levels (> experiencing acute renal failure or not by
8,2x109) / L) have a higher risk of ischemic seeing an increase in urea levels[3].
stroke[23]. In Poland, where there is a Triglycerides, HDL, LDL and total cholesterol
significant relationship between increased data result, showed that the patient had
leukocytes and mortality in acute stroke hyperlipidemia, which was shown by the
patients[14]. patient's HDL level, which was 38, which was
For clinical chemistry result, it was explained less than the patient's normal level, which was>
that the patient's creatinine level was normal, 40, accompanied by an increase in triglyceride
namely 1.0 with a normal value range of 0.8- levels, 155 which exceeded normal levels,
1.3. Creatinine levels can explain the patient's namely < 150, LDL level from normal level is
kidney condition, where if there is an increase 179 with normal value <100 and total
in creatinine levels, it indicates impaired kidney cholesterol level is 248 with normal value
function due to impaired kidney function <200. The value of LDL, triglycerides and
caused by nephritis, blockage urinary tract, total cholesterol increases can occur in
muscle disease or acute dehydration[23]. coronary artery disease or congenital
The GDS data result, showed that the patient hyperlipidemia. [23].
had normal levels, namely 94 and 83 where the b. Treatment Goals
normal value range was <140. Current blood The goals of treatment of acute stroke are to
glucose levels is the value of the measured reduce the ongoing neurologic injury and
glucose results at 2 hours after eating. Score decrease mortality and long-term disability,
that will determine whether sufferers stay prevent complications secondary to immobility
diabetes mellitus or not, if blood glucose levels and neurologic dysfunction, and prevent stroke
timing is more than 200 mg / dl then sufferers recurrence.Primary prevention of stroke is
are diagnosed as sufferers diabetes mellitus[2]. reviewed elsewhere [6].
c. Pharmacological and Non-
pharmacological Medicine
1. Non-pharmacological therapy

11 | P a g e
The management of non-pharmacological bad fats are too excess. Therefore, if a patient
therapy in Mr.D is reducing cigarette has an ischemic stroke, it is highly
consumption, avoiding foods that contain lots recommended to carry out non-
of salt or fat. The high salt content can worsen pharmacological therapy by avoiding foods
the blockage in the arteries which contain fat, containing salt and high fat [12].
the fat will not be digested by the body if the 2. Pharmacological Therapy

Figure 1. Guidline therapy of Stroke Ischemic [6].

12 | P a g e
Figure 2. Guidline therapy of Hyperlipidemia [6]

13 | P a g e
Figure 3. Guidline therapy of Hypertension [6]. .

The management of pharmacological therapy is on research, as many as 69% of stroke patients get
the first line therapy used for the treatment of antiplatelet therapy as a prevention of recurrent
ischemic stroke, namely the use of antiplatelet stroke, with 58% type of antiplatelet that is aspilet,
drugs such as 80 mg aspirin. Antiplatelet therapy this result is lower when compared to the use of
is the cornerstone of antithrombotic therapy for antiplatelet in Australia as much as 84.4% of
secondary prevention of ischemic stroke and ischemic stroke patients get antiplatelet therapy as
should be used in noncardioembolic strokes. The a prevention of recurrent stroke [22], while in the
three drugs currently in use, namely aspirin, United Kingdom the use of antiplatelet as much as
clopidogrel, and dipiridamole with slow-release 75% [19].Guideline issued by the Indonesian
with aspirin (ERDP-ASA), are first-line Society of Neurologists (PERDOSSI) recommends
antiplatelet agents approved by the American the administration of antiplatelet therapy up to 9
College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) [5]. Based months after the incident [18].
14 | P a g e
The results of the statistics test in the study, two, three or even four antihypertensives. The
showed a significant association between the most frequent combination therapy is amlodipine
administration of antiplatelet therapy to the and candesartan for 2 combinations. This
incidence of recurrent stroke with a value of p = combination is considered appropriate because the
0.000. Patients who did not get antiplatelet combination selection comes from different drug
therapy were 6,755 times more likely to have classes, namely Angiotensin Receptor Blocker 25
repeated strokes than patients who received (ARB), Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB) [4].
antiplatelet therapy [13]. From several studies, combination therapy 2
To overcome the side effects of antiplatelet most widely used drugs are Amlodipine and
drugs, IV injection of pantoprazole 40 mg / day is Candesartan as much as 31.58%. In general, 44
used. Selection of pantropazole compared to patients (32.1%) those receiving hypertension
other PPI-class drugs because pantoprazole has treatment have controlled blood pressure in
no interaction with drugs that have been accordance with WHO guidelines. The data
prescribed. Pantoprazole is a PPI (Proton Pumb showed patients who received more combination
Inhibitor) class drug recommended by the FDA treatments controlled their blood pressure. This
(Food and Drug Administration) for the treatment was experienced in patients receiving
and prevention of gastric ulcers due to repeated ACEI+diuretics (30.8%). While patients who
use of NSAIDs (gastropathy) in patients received monotherapy treatment with controlled
undergoing long-term NSAID therapy. This drug blood pressure were patients who received CCB
works by irreversibly inhibiting H +, K +, (61.1 %) and ACEI (27.8 %) [8].
ATPase. Pantoprazole was chosen because it has Cholesterol therapy given to patients is in the
the potential to inhibit all phases of gastric acid form of a statin drug, namely atorvastatin 10 mg.
secretion. With repeated daily doses there will be Atorvastatin works to reduce LDL cholesterol and
a progressive inhibitory effect of acid secretion triglyceride levels, and increase HDL levels. This
[5]. effect of atorvastatin therapy has a close
Antihypertensive therapy given to ischemic association to reduce the risk of stroke, heart
stroke patients is a combination of drugs such as attack, or other complications of heart disease who
amlodipine 5 mg and candesartan 8 mg. also suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus and
Antihypertensive therapy given to ischemic coronary heart disease [24].
stroke patients can be in the form of single The results of statistical tests in the study,
therapy (monotherapy) or combination therapy of showed a significant association between the
15 | P a g e
administration of antidislipidemia therapy such as such as hearing sounds, seeing strange things.
statins, with the incidence of recurrent stroke Haloperidol is effective in patients with symptoms
with p = 0.011. Patients who did not use dominant rowdy, restless, hyperactive and
antidislipidemia therapy had a 2,925 times risk of sleepless due to hallucinations[14].
recurrent stroke compared to patients who used
antidislipidemia therapy and dutifully used it or
dutifully took antidislipidemia therapy. The Based on the case studies that have been done,
incidence of recurrent stroke in patients who do the patient is on behalf of Mr. D is advised to

not use antidislipidemia therapy is 54%, while the undergo Pharmacology and Non Pharmacology

incidence of recurrent stroke using therapy. Pharmacological therapy is given in the

antidislipidemia therapy and obedient use it, the form of the drug Aspilet as the first line in the

incidence of recurrent stroke decreases to prevention of ischemic stroke, a combination of

29%[13]. Amlodipine and candesartan for hypertension

therapy, Atorvastatin, for cholesterol therapy for
Therapy for patient anxiety disorders is a
patients. However, they are still given other drugs
benzodiazepine class of drugs such as diazepam,
such as dizepam, haloperidol for the treatment of
in which the diazepam drug is controlled the dose
patient anxiety, ranitidine and several other drugs
so as not to overdose. Anxiety treatment with
contained in pharmacology to treat side effects
diazepam and clobazam for patients because both
caused by the consumption of several first-line
drugs have a rapid onset of work to calm the
drugs that are given. Whereas in non-
patient. However, the use of diazepam is not
pharmacological therapy, monitoring and control
recommended for long-term use, so another
of patient drug use is carried out, avoiding
alternative is haloperidol. Haloperidol works by
smoking and drinking alcohol, reducing stress and
restoring the balance of natural chemicals in the
a salt diet.
brain. That way, the mind becomes calmer and
clearer, not nervous, doesn't behave aggressively, Acknowledgements
and there is no desire to hurt others [10].
Thank you to the lecturer in charge of the
Based on research, as many as 16% of patients
Pharmacotherapy II practicum, Ms. Dr. Widy
with paranoid schizophrenia with the most
Susanti Abdulkadir, M.Sc., Apt., Mrs. Endah
treatment is the use of Haloperidol a number of 2
Nurrohwinta Djuwarno, M.Sc., Apt. and Mrs.
uses. Haloperidol is very effective in treating
Dizky Ramadani Putri Papeo, M.S.Farm., Apt. We
positive symptoms in schizophrenic patients,
16 | P a g e
also thank the practicum assistants, especially Approach, Ten Edition: Me Graw-Hill
Companies United State.
Zulkarnain Marhaba who has been willing to be a
reviewer for our journal. Thank you also to 7. Dipiro, J.T., Talbert, R.L., Yee, G.C.,
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you profusely to all those who have assisted the 8. Erni Rustiani, Retnosari Andrajati, Liana
Arsyanti. 2014. Analisis Penggunaan Obat
author in completing this journal.
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