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bonfire and if an old
INTEGRATED PERSONALITY: father died owing to lack
of timely help since hiS
Student Power'- only son could not get
the telegram of hiS
Its Use and Abuse father's critical Illness, as
the telegraph office had
been reduced to 'sacred
[Author IS a semor monk of the Ramakrishna Order ashes'!)
and at present the PreSident of Ramakrishna Math, The authorities of
Bangalore Contents of this article are culled from hiS law and order now
book Student Power Its Use and Abuse 1 quickly act and a much
bigger police force
i of the office-bearers of a students' including a company of
union ng conducted in full swmg in a big college. the CRP is brought into
• • • action. Firing 'in self-
Soon ensues between the supporters of the •
rival candidates. Unable to control it, the authorities us out defence' becomes mevi-
of the college promptly call in the police. The police our own table, leaVing half a
arrive on the scene and quickly go mto action dozen young men dead,
'hammering' the students mercilessly, severely injUring perhaps totally ruining the future of a few fam-ilies
quite a few of them, not excluding perhaps a couple which depends upon them.
of the professors too, who are helplessly watch 109 the Thus 'order' is restored and 'peace' returns.
dogfight. Enraged at thiS atrocity of the police who There have already been echoes of thiS
had no bUSiness to interfere in their 'family quarrel', disturbance 10 the State legislature where, as usual,
the students now decide to 'teach them a good lesson' the opposition charges the Government With hlgh-
and begm attacking the police party as also the college handedness and unprovoked attack and the Treasury
authOrities with whatever missiles they can lay their Benches charge the opposition with haVing deliberately
hands on. The college office is ransacked, the fomented the trouble just to tarnish the good name of
laboratOries are destroyed and the library is set on fire. Goverment. The State exchequer and the public lost
The College Union too does not escape from just one crore of rupees thereby obllgmg the fmance
vandalism. minister to Impose new taxes to make up the deficit!
Meanwhile, seeing that the situation has gone Thus the story goes on.
out of their control, the 'small' police force beats And thiS certamly IS 'student power' which has
a hasty retreat I n order to return with greater made itself keenly felt by the Government and the
reinforcements, being promptly chased by the enraged people!
students whose number has m the meantime, been Not that this IS the only side of the story. To be
swelled by the 'reinforcements' from a part of the fair, there IS certainly the other Side, the bnghter Side,
goondas from the nearby cinema house. Unaware of students helping m the construction of a road or a
all thiS turmoil, a bus of the public transport system school bUlldmg 10 a Village, spreading literacy by
tries to plough through thiS crowd of 'war heroes'. Woe runnmg night schools for the employed adults, giVing
be unto it! The wrath of the crowd now turns 'justly' knowledge about better sanitation to ignorant people,
against the bus and other transport vehicles and the helping the police in controlling traffiC or In
police meanwhile manage to escape. Buses and cars mamtainlng law and order In times of emergency by
are stoned and a couple of them are burnt also. Among working as volunteers-these are but a few of the
the innocent passers-by and the passengers, who several activities carried on by the students either
frantically try to escape from the scene, a few are individually or In groups. And this certamly IS also
seriously injured Including an old woman and a 'student power' and that too in the true sense.
helpless child. Some shops are looted and the nearby If the 'student power' is mamfestlng Itself today
post-office is burnt. (It just does not matter If Shyam's In the way it does, and not 10 the way it should, the
applications posted for jobs have been burnt m that fault is not wholly ItS. You cannot keep your finger 10

The Vedanta Kesari I394 I OCTOBER 2003


the fire and then expect It not to be burnt! Having (c) The fast changing SOCial conditions, eVils of
forced a negative and soulless education down the industrialization, the Impact of materialiStiC culture and
throats of these students, having been infected with political ideologies and the gradually increasing
the contagion of politics In ali its departments of life, economic difficulties In many countries are no less
haVing forgotten how a true teacher or a parent or a responsible for this deterioration of the once sweet
political leader or a member of the society is to conduct relationship between the parents and the children.
himself, haVing placed inordinate emphasIs upon What are the remedies then?
money and other material values, if the society stili Since the last-mentioned cause IS beyond the
dreams of 'controlling' the 'student power', It is hugging capacity of the parents, they can only concentrate on
a fond Illusion! the fl rst two.
So, If we are to survive we have to return to the First, the parents have to assiduously cultivate
SPIrit of our great sCriptures and our great forefathers certain baSIC moral, ethical and spiritual values which
who discovered great unrversalldeals. To bUild a strong alone can give strength and stability to their character.
VIrile new nation on the bedrock of CIVilization and They should translate these virtues In their own life.
culture, not forgetting at the same time, to borrow the They must practise what they preach to their children.
best from others If and when necessary, IS the task we Secondly, they must maintain a close and
have to undertake urgently. StudYing the maladies that intimate contact With their children, acting as their
all our student population and finding out SUitable friend, philosopher and gUide. They should try
remedies so that we can train them porperly Sincerely to understand their thoughts and feelings.
and bring out the best In them are part and parcel of They should always act With prudence and never try
thiS task. to Impose solutions. As regards the grownup children,
they should be treated II ke friends. They should appeal
STUDENTS AND PARENTS to their mi nd through reason and touch their hearts
The Indian national heritage has given a very With love. That will do the trick!
high place to the sacred and sweet relationship that How should the children respond? They should
should eXist between the parents and the children. In also try to understand the feelings of their parents who
the ancient days, the children used to be taught to have brought them up and who are after all their best
look upon their parents as God. And this spirit had well-Wishers. They should know that the parent-chlld
been kept up for centuries. relationship IS God-made and natural. A deliberate
But things are changing fast. The parents are Violation of the Spirit of thiS relationship by either Side
complaining that their children do not respect them will spell disaster. The chances are more that the
or obey them ... The children are lamenting the lack of Violation comes from the Side of children. The children
understanding on the part of their parents. should realize that nature Will pay them back In their
It has therefore become extremely necessary to own coin when they In turn become parents! The law
coolly and carefully analyze this problem and find a of retribution does eXist In nature and IS Inexorable.
solution at the earliest.
From thiS analYSIS some plain facts emerge:
(a) The parents demand respect and obedience Though affluence has brought many material
from their children, without commanding II. They do comforts, it has also wrought untold miseries for the
not command It since they often do not practise what affluent society. Material enjoyment has an optimum
they say. The young people have a very keen power limit beyond which It proves boring and even harmful.
of observation and note thiS lacuna Immediately. So It IS a well-known fact of economics that when the
they not only lose respect for their parents but also production In a factory exceeds the Optl mum level, It
come to the conclUSion that hypocriSY IS a matter of results in a loss!
course In this world! The same prinCiple holds good In the field of
(b) Bringing up children IS both a science and material enjoyment too.
an art. Strange as It may seem, many parents do not Once the basIC needs of the body are met and
know how to bring up their children and make them even enjoyment obtained, man does not know what to
useful members of the family and the society. The do with himself, unless he has a high Ideal before him
children Just grow up by themselves! so that he can channelize all his energies towards ItS

The Vedanta Kesan I 395 I OCTOBER 2003


realization. This naturally results In psychosIs and STUDENTS AND RELIGION

neurosIs as In the affluent societies.
Two of the factors wh Ich have, between Man being 'cast In the mould of God' cannot
themselves, almost exclusively been responsible for thiS easily deny Him. Even great scientists like Newton and
spurt In crimes are alchoholism and the movies. The Einstein have believed In the eXistence of God as an
story goes that once Satan asked a man to steal hiS intelligent power regulating and guiding the destinies
neighbour's money, kill hiS own child and dnve away of the universe.
hiS wife. The man promptly refused. Then Satan offered In the words of Swami Vlvekananda, 'Religion
him an alchohollc dnnk. AccepMg thiS apparently IS realization'. It IS a 'manifestation of the diVinity
Innocuous offer the poor man drank It, and then, already In man'. And whatever helps In unfolding thiS
comltted all the three crimes without being prompted diVinity Inherent In man IS religion. It IS not Just a dogma
or prodded further! or a creed or a set of observances. It IS leading the life
In such a way that we help manifest our higher nature,
The movies are no less responsible for crimes.
Recently, two high school boys kidnapped a primary truth, goodness and beauty, In every thought, word
school boy and murdered him. Reason? Just for the fun and deed. As the Biblical saying goes, 'Man shall not
of It! Inspirahon? From the movies of course! The movies live by bread alone'. He needs something more, some
and the television are very powerful media of mass high Ideal to live for. And thiS Ideal IS proVided by
commUnication. The effect of a film or a scene on the religion, any religion, when understood properly.
T.V. can linger In the mind for a pretty long time. If sex It IS true that much blood has been shed In the
and crime are exhibited, even glorified, through these name of religion. World history IS replete With crusades
media, day In and day out, woe be unto the society that and Jehads. But thiS IS not the fault of religion as such,
IS exposed to It! but due to a misunderstanding of the SPIrit of religion.
Another significant fall out of thiS cinema T.V. No religion ever says that man should shed the blood
culture IS promiscuity, which IS eating Into the VItals of of another or be cruel to another. And whenever man
the youth, leading to forced abortions often resulting In had heeded thiS adVice, there has been a golden era
phYSical death as also venereal diseases. Since excesses In history.

of youth will be like drafts on old age payable With

compound Interest, and diSSipation leads to disease and
degeneration, our students, teachers and parents shou Id Man IS not Just the body or even a combination
JOin hands In fighting thiS menace. of the body and the mind He IS essentially the spirit.
The drug habit IS no exception. It starts Innocently The aim of educaliOn should be to help manifest thiS
but ends In disaster. In a period, says an authentiC source, splnt In every thought, word and action. So It should
when 43,000 Americans died In the Vietnam War, aim at a full and harmonious development of the body
1,40,000 died at home from drugs! Many of the top and the Intellect, and tune It to the Spin! wlthm. In
doctors of America are of the definite opinion that these other words, It should help build up an Integrated
drugs cause permanent damage to the brain cells and personality, a perfect character.
cause prolonged psychOSIS as well as hysteria. The saner Imparting of moral and spiritual teachings
section of the American people including students through stories and biographies In the lower classes, a
are waging a war against th Is menace. The students regular study of the major rei igions of the world In the
should beware of these eVils and fight them tooth higher classes as also group prayers and meditatlon-
and nail. thiS IS the suggested pattern. 0

TO Naturally we run into extremes. When we are healthy and young, we

think that all the wealth of the world will be ours, and when later we get kicked about by
society like footballs and get older, we sit in a corner and croak and throw cold water on
the enthusiasm of others. Few men know that with pleasure there is pain, and with pain,
pleasure; and as pain is disgusting, so is pleasure, as it is the twin brother of pain. It is
derogatory to the glory of man that he should be going after pain, and equally derogatory,
that he should be going after pleasure. Both should be turned aside by men whose reason is
balanced. Why will not men seek freedom from being played upon? -Swami Vivekananda

The Vedanta Kesan I 396 I OCTOBER 2003

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