Sugar and Modernity in Latin America

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Front Page ≥  Members' Projects ≥  Sugar and Modernity in Latin America

Sugar and Modernity in Latin America

Sugar has become an important economic and cultural commodity in most parts of lation America. Since
Columbus brought sugar cane from the Canary islands on his second trip to the New World, sugar has played an
important role in the political and economic history of major parts of thecontinent, especially of the caribbean area.

For many years sugar was produced by slaves and forced labour for the North American and European markets.
Today, many Latin American countries continue to produce sugar for a global market, but sugar is no longer an
aristocratic luxury. Instead, the consumption of sugar has globalized and filtered down to the lower classes in
society. Changing consumption patterns mean that the intake of sugar-rich food products is growing steadily in
most parts of Latin America and many studies have pointed at an associated increase in health problems such as
obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.

The proposed cross-disciplinary project addresses sanitary, political and cultural aspects of the globalization and
modernization of sugar consumption in Latin America. By using the case of sugar –  and the ways in which this
good is produced, distributed and consumed – the project explores different aspects of the processes of
modernization in Latin America and throws light on the  different forms of knowledge and perceptions that exist
among different groups in Latin America. This implies an interest in knowledge creation and distribution on both
 micro-, meso- and macro- levels. The aim of the project is to highlight the following questions:

≥ What is sugar physiological context? Is sugar the source of the epidemic growth rate seen in diseases of
affluence, especially in developing countries? Is there a link with high intake of sugar products and the risk of
developing diabetes?
≥ Are there differences in cultivation and production methods of sugar in America? What impact has sugar
production on soil quality? Is sugar production responsible for depletion and leaching of soil?
≥ What is the role of sugar in ordinary people's everyday life? In what ways and times is sugar-containing products
consumed? In which social contexts are sugar-containing products used and in what ways?
≥ How is sugar consumed in public spaces? What kind of ideas about sugar is communicated through advertising,
literature and other cultural products? What symbolic and religious ideas of sugary products are disseminated in
different social contexts?
≥ What knowledge is made available to the public? Is knowledge about sugar evenly distributed? What sources of
knowledge is available? What institutions and organizations involved in the dissemination of knowledge and
what power relationships are they in?

The project is considered as novel due to its transdisciplinary characteristics.

Short abstracts from selected faculties included in the project

1. The Sugar Cane Cycle of José Lins do Rego +
2. Sugar cane cultivation and production. +
3. Is there a correlation between sugar consumption and the increased health +
problems in Latin America?
4. The Politics of Sugar in Modern Latin America. Images of Modern life in Soft Drink +
Commercials in Contemporary Mexico.

5. Consequences of Sugar – Sugar Culture and Modernity in a Cuban context. +

6. Sugar and modernity. Literary and Transcultural Negotiations of Latin American +

7. The Sweet tooth of mother earth +

Revised 10.02.2021 - Diana González Martin

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