Swot Analysis

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If we look at the marketing environment, it will be clear to me that every company has some
strength, weakness, opportunities and threats in the market. I have analyzed the marketing
environment of FEASY app service. After that I have also find out some strengths, weakness,
opportunities and threat for us to launch the FEASY app.


New & Refreshing: Our business is new & refreshing. No one can start this type of business in

Outstanding Customer Service: We will provide outstanding customer service. We will maintain
the relation between restaurant and customer. Customer can easily find out any preferable
restaurant. And also find out the offering food.

Influence of social media: We are living in the world of social media ( facebook, instagram,
whatsapp, twitter etc) if the FEASY company effectively uses these platforms. Then they can
reach a much bigger audience and attract many new customers.

Profit margin will increase: Obviously the company will gain profit if their supply is more.
Supply can be more if the company uses the effective distribution channel.


More expensive: We need huge money to running this business. Our business operating cost is
high because we use some innovative feature. We also added the cctv footage on the
restaurant. That’s why we need huge money.

Need a flexible workforce: To work varied hours on short notice.

Limited and only local distribution network

Find out nearby restaurants: Only nearby restaurant are available. This is weak point. As all
restaurants will not be available at all place.


Increase market share: As it is a new company in Bangladesh the company has the great
chance to increase the market share through the effective marketing. In the total sales volume
will increase than the total market share will increase also.

Using modern technology to make service agreeable.

Chance to build a Good brand Image

FEASY has a chance to build a good brand image. If it can build a good brand image then it will
be able to very much well known company in Bangladesh.

Growing dinning: out market (especially young generations and middle age group.


Government support: Government support is very much important for a company to do the
effective business in any country. Without government support any company cannot run any
business. So if the company does not get government support then it will be very much difficult
for the company to do the business in Bangladesh.

Uncertain economic environment: Changes in economic circumstances can be harmful for the
FEASY Company. Personal income savings employment and price level trend can have dramatic
effect on attractiveness of service in output markets not only final market but intermediate
market as well.

Technological Change

It is true that technology makes our life easy and convenient to every situation. But sometimes
it becomes harmful for a business. Sometimes technology comes as a big competitor. In food
service market if any company come with any technological development rather than food easy
service company. Then it will be very much difficult for the company to cope up with new
technological development.

Financial Risk: Financial risk is the part of every business. Substantial non refundable advance
licensing fees and significant advertising expenses can be termed as a financial risk for a

Political Unrest: Now-a days political unrest becomes common phenomenon in a nation as well
as the whole world is place of intense political unrest. So political unrest can be harmful for
FEASY service company.


Based on concept right now we don’t have any competitor. If we think of foodpanda they
synchronize it can be competitor. But they only offer delivery system but customer cannot have
discounted service if they physically visible this restaurant this restaurant. FEASY is different.
There are two type of customer
One is who actually like to have their food by staying the home with their family by watching
television and second customer who are like to savor their food by going over the restaurant
for hangout with their friends and family. So we basically target the second type of customer.

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