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A New Approach to Research Ethics Using Guided Dialogue to Strengthen Research Communities Henriikka Mustajoki and Arto Mustajoki bree FANS en Pak gon Oran OXIA Ti Bt sew ak NF Fon on a Be Go mab 27 Map A Mat The nl nd A Morel be id eof Shalit Cope Sew nd bas er 8 ‘ge sane No pelts mye reread Sree dy an cee mena em ‘Seiya nominee ferred adorei aed teed ely fr onion and ‘Sst wou ge Ia ny ap nt (alg cee esta omthe Bah ay tc lommecaie ee Se a nes es, eT emmeteumnrenetare= SS eseeemetearerceets See eroeyertcentcan Sy ete Sie penta, Seer ee eer leemetoe Se casera oan leat saroranen none tp Son Grapes Ln by Contents Li offs Lis ofa “Abn he mbar Forthereader noxdcton: why earch tics is more important than cre before Ethics by ged ditogue Why esha eves de ot aay lad ial ebavaar 22 Recognising ees! questions 14 ensifing sateen 15 nderaning righ and nopnsibilises 16 Defining opsions 17, Mating bial bes 22 Nov 32 Doing research essing sbeboldrs 35 Undersaing rights and reponsibties 37 Defining osions 38 Slecsing te opie 39 Micondsot 2 Methoaly and masrih 44 (Casey I: mosinaton fr ecsing se esearch pic 57 (Case sndy 2 here ar he lito fen? 5B. (Case sndy 3d he mate dcr tone of ear $9 Cassy eve of earch commanity 60 Nae 61 ebnw 2 Introduction Why research ethics is more important than ever before “This book wa wien a3 reponse to ethical questo inthe curet reve ‘enviroment. Some ofthese qoesGons are now asked more fequeaty oF are noc complex hun before, wale oes are completely novel. Fot decades, de Prinples and mare of research have remained able sad unchanged. We a (en lk about cetaier of radon The rseach del of objet and Ione sil for he foundation of rearch work omever the 10-20 years, have roagt ino the research eld many new phenomena that have signa changed the parimetee and condos fo ceserch, These face ar gully st play forthe exer community and invdal rescarcher and crete few Ethical landscape to oagmte. Following i shor ist of ress why 2 eh Spproich to reverh isis. Increased number of researchers The importance of esearch 2 one ofthe corersioass of the moder knowedge base society has been copied By fpoverament all around the world The testy of scar a inzeasng nll of the traditional global research hubs in Wester Europe, Noth Areca and Ausala Simultaneous, esearch invesunentshave apy inceased in counties een to ipove thee economies and societies This increase asin some eases, been two or thee fld over the pase decade. This incades popution ich cones Hke Chis, Bra, Indonesia, Tea and Turkey, 2¢ well as saller ones he Singapore and South Afca. The USA stil bas the highest Production of peer-reviewed aries, bot China is qucly csig the gap if ‘mesure purely by the aumber of pablestions. Mesied against poplston, Switetand, Nec counties, the Nethelnds, Auras, New Zend and ‘Shgapore are among te mow prodctiventhe wo. When we lok at reser ‘quality, mesure by cations fo example, the se counties appear a the op ofthe lat ‘As more and more young people engage ia reich, the esearch communisy rome more heterogeneous tan ever ele. The dient tatoos and sect ‘ome of players nthe academic world makesit impossible to ame = shar ‘etofwadtioasand beet. Theor, kis esseatal to bul, ough expt and teamparent dalogue, 3 joint eel Tounlabon tat makes vescuch act cay pone, but eee and ering 2 lnvoducton Increasing pobalntion. Rescarch las avays bad an international aspect wore the mobity of resercher as atbly sere in vecent yeas. A oda iboar mae hasbeen the manda in seh fo longer tha a ost fer sectors. Hower, invidulsnow move more freuen tha ee inthe ‘euch forthe bs posse reach opportuni, Some counties nd nstons ty toatract he best eee ale wi sles tat an be many times igher ‘han thre offered in other coun. This mobity aed by the rately Slr eect pater nd equipment srs orders. This een mab as chlenges ae wane, aprtions a elton vy denice bemec counties ad iastiusoas. For dhs eso, academics need to be able fo eagge {eethiea daloue in she muleltura and dee research wood to make tre they ae tvae of theirenionment and to be art ofthe proce offing igh andar of lobl reach, Tntensified competion, More and more reach i completed with pied funding. Ts wandates to avery competitive environment to secure ental resources to cary out rescach. Fundy opporuaies ae provided by [governments or pate sources within maton sates, a well a by stratonal Funding bode an! copontion In mor inane the name of splstions tyealy exceeds the amount of funding avalble. Compestion ince also in the pablahing sector, where being poblised in highiy ranked jourals is incesngy les kely A rowing suber of eppcatons ae aso ected for eademic potion ar more and more eater aces seck to console thee cee. The competitiveness not only between indvidea caer, bat sl beeen wales, nitions, and esearch groups Tes nt enough bo bene scar han eters tis als essential to ge thee ise. yen ations compe in world research uakings Counts en conde high-quality ‘esearch oe one ofthe fctor that make them appear sre resp tt ‘vee inthe competion fr the bes bri and bye inverter. The ‘creed competion poses a car sik wo laying bythe shared rule. These competi preurs change the ral of esearhes and cons other research ‘deal incodng collaboration and rarsparency To navigate this new competive Tandsape requires new sets of, ae pplason of erating guidelines 3s ‘el as suong motivation to eee an educa sound research ensronnent "More reviews xteralfundingisone ofthe focestha calor acountaby, wich rants to an increasing need for academe eviews. ee reve? bas ‘ways been par of mienbe practice. Senior resarhes have for deales ot “eres reviewed appt forsee pontons td ranked ther according to ther ments Internal qoaly convols inode review proses regain octr dsertaton, nd senioe academics have been the ptkeepetsof search ‘guaiy by peer evening euch pir to pblicton. The aew funding ciate {herews the demands bond these rational review suc. Asai ‘aro this pre seview wor, which aes finding apacaton agin ira Wi ke hope of Sadig the bes projec tobe fande. In many fstances the ‘eviews are cared out by 3 eview pane! wich is formed from an international Ineroduction 3 pool of ditingished academics, As a resak, the ssioraclemics spend 30 Inceing proportion of their me and effort reviewing, The review proces is alway ao searing pocess fo the eiewe, bu thi easing hs 2 Saat ‘cpporunity corte notepent on something che, Tate pees incre the ‘ike eating comers somewhere, sad th review rows tls considerable ‘hil challenger rested to confdental infomation, appropriate cia, ‘ficiency of information an the selecton of appropne reviewers. Ged

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