The Seven Principle of Assesment

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Name: Mary Joy G.

Lapinig September 4, 2021

BSED 3A PC314- Assessment Learning

The Seven Principle of Assessment

In my own opinion, I believe in Principle 1: “Assessment should be well aligned with

student objectives, competencies, and educational standards” so, for me, I say that students will
know about the objectives for their goal. It is a valid task to ensure that the assessment task will
be done over time. Associated criteria effectively measure student attainment to it. It is also
intended for learning outcomes. It creates active learning development for the students. 

I believe also in Principle 2: “The formative assessment needs to scaffold students in the
summative assessment” so, for me I say is that Formative assessment refers to a wide variety of
methods that teachers use to conduct in-process evaluations of student comprehension, learning
needs, and academic progress during a lesson, unit, or course. So, in other words, formative
assessment is are for learning, while summative assessments are for learning. It is important that
student is there is a need for assessment to be reliable and this requires clear and consistent
processes for the setting, marking, grading and moderation of assignments.

In Principle 3: “Assessment should become more like instruction”, so I say that

assessment information should be explicit, accessible, and transparent. Clear, accurate,
consistent, and timely information on assessment. The procedures should be made available to
students, staff, and other external assessors or examiners. The work is consistent across all
learners, over time and at the required level.

In Principle 4:” Assessment results need to be used by teachers to help students learn
better” so, for me, the teacher has a big role to the student to better learner. The teacher is very
important to the student to guide and support the learners. As far as is possible without
compromising academic standards, inclusive and equitable assessment should ensure that tasks
and procedures do not disadvantage any group or individual.

In Principle 5:” Assessment is NOT used to threaten and intimidate students”, then for
me, my opinion, I believe that, so for me, Teachers sincerely care about all the children. They
view the children as unique individuals as well as valued members of the classroom community.
Teachers know the interests and abilities of all the children; they create opportunities for children
to experience success. Classroom Assessment is a systematic approach to formative evaluation,
used by instructors to determine how much and how well students are learning. Informal
assessment tools provide key information during the semester regarding teaching and learning so
that changes can be made as necessary.

In Principle 6: “The teacher should encourage the learning community to engage in

assessment”, so for me, Teachers lead community groups and organizations. Teachers who
become involved in the community also come to understand it better, which helps them address
the needs of their students more effectively. Well-developed communication skills are vital to a
child's academic success. At all levels of education, students must be able to communicate

In Principle 7: “Assessment is a technical competency” so, for me, I say that Experience
with a range of organizations shows that, when combined with an assessment of knowledge and
experience, using competencies based on skill improves accuracy in assessing people's suitability
or potential for different jobs. Technical competencies reflect the knowledge required to perform
a specific role. Behavioral Competencies describe the KSAs that facilitate the application of
technical knowledge to job-related behavior. A technical competency refers to a skill or area of
knowledge used in the occupations of a specific industry.

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