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Perspective march 11, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries — Preventing Inequities

in Compensation
Katharine Van Tassel, J.D., M.P.H., Carmel Shachar, J.D., M.P.H., and Sharona Hoffman, J.D., L.L.M., S.J.D.​​

Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

rdinarily, it takes scientists about 10 years proves a vaccine and the Centers
to develop a vaccine. By contrast, the phar- for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) recommends it for children
maceutical industry has worked toward or pregnant women, injury com-
emergency approval of Covid-19 vaccines in a matter pensation is available for any re-
cipient through the National Vac-
of months. With 44,000 partici- who have limited financial re- cine Injury Compensation Program
pants enrolled in clinical trials for sources to obtain medical care, (VICP). The VICP covers the ma-
the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine and weather any resulting job loss, and jority of vaccines administered in
30,000 in clinical trials for Mod- pursue compensation and who are the United States. This no-fault
erna’s vaccine, common side ef- disproportionately non-White. program was created to provide
fects that occur fairly soon after The United States has devel- an alternative legal avenue to en-
vaccination are likely to be iden- oped a robust system for vaccine- sure quick and fair compensation
tified. But this abbreviated devel- injury compensation to alleviate for vaccine injuries and to insu-
opment timeline provides little the burdens of adverse medical late manufacturers from liability
opportunity to identify potential consequences of vaccines. But to encourage them to pursue vac-
adverse events such as joint pain, this system will be unavailable to cine development. In many cases,
anaphylaxis, or neurologic condi- people who receive Covid-19 vac- claimants who develop recognized
tions such as encephalitis, trans- cines during the declared public symptoms within a certain time
verse myelitis, or Guillain–Barré health emergency. All potential frame after vaccination don’t need
syndrome that might occur in vaccine recipients, and especially to prove that the injuries were
the longer term or that are rare people in high-risk communities, caused by the vaccine, which
enough that they probably won’t therefore face a dilemma: should leaves in question only the extent
be discovered until the vaccine is they risk becoming infected or risk of damages. Successful claims and
distributed to a substantial por- having a vaccine injury without attorneys’ fees are paid out of the
tion of the public. Vaccine-relat- sufficient access to compensation? Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust
ed adverse events would espe- Normally, once the Food and Fund, and they have exceeded
cially burden low-income people, Drug Administration (FDA) ap- $4 billion to date.1 Since 2015,

n engl j med 384;10  march 11, 2021 e34(1)

The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from by Keilyn Pérez Rodríguez on March 11, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

the fund has paid out an average of color typically shoulder the vaccine for children or pregnant
total of $216 million to an aver- greatest burden during public women (the CDC already recom-
age of 615 claimants each year. health disasters and their after- mends the Pfizer-BioNTech vac-
The declaration of a public math, and the Covid-19 pandem- cine for children 16 years of age
health emergency by the Depart- ic has been no different. Racial or older). For lower-income work-
ment of Health and Human Ser- and ethnic minorities are more ers, including many “essential
vices in March 2020, however, re- than twice as likely to die from workers,” however, delaying vac-
sulted in exclusion of Covid-19 Covid-19 as White people, and cination until the end of the de-
vaccine injuries from the VICP. mortality is much higher in high- clared public health emergency
This declaration triggered the Pub- poverty areas than in wealthier would be especially dangerous.
lic Readiness and Emergency Pre- ones.2 It will therefore be acutely These workers are often at high
paredness (PREP) Act, a federal important to rapidly vaccinate risk for infection because of their
law that requires that all people members of minority and low- close contact with other people
injured by vaccines given as coun- income populations. at their workplaces. At the same
termeasures during a declared There are also high levels of time, low-income people who
emergency bring claims under vaccine skepticism and reluctance most need to be vaccinated are
only the Countermeasures Injury in these communities, often stem- also least able to weather the
Compensation Program (CICP). ming from long-standing inequi- health and financial outcomes of
The CICP is far less generous and ties in medical treatment and from a serious vaccine injury, especially
less accessible than the VICP. It abuses, such as those that oc- if the CICP is their only option
compensates people for only the curred during the infamous Tuske- for compensation.
most serious injuries, has a high- gee syphilis study. In a Kaiser Only people who can afford to
er burden of proof than the VICP, Family Foundation poll conducted wait for Covid-19 vaccination un-
has a 1-year statute of limitations in August and September 2020, it til the emergency declaration has
after the date of vaccination, and was found that 49% of Black re- ended and the CDC acts will be
limits awards for damages. For ex- spondents would probably not or able to file injury claims under
ample, the CICP limits lost-income definitely not take a Covid-19 vac- the VICP. This group will proba-
recovery to $50,000 for each year cine, as compared with 33% of bly consist largely of people who
out of work and doesn’t include White respondents.3 Similarly, a can continue working remotely
compensation for pain, suffering, Pew Research Center poll from and socially isolating until they
or emotional distress. November found that although feel adequately assured of the vac-
As a result, people who are 71% of Black respondents knew cine’s safety profile. As compared
vaccinated during the declared someone who had been hospital- with people who must work in
public health emergency will be ized or died from Covid-19, only person, people who can work re-
less likely to obtain compensa- 42% intended to get a Covid-19 motely are disproportionately
tion for injuries associated with vaccine when it became available.4 well educated, high earning, and
Covid-19 vaccines than they would These findings indicate a need to White.5 This disparity may trans-
be for injuries from vaccines in- provide strong safety nets and late into substantially unequal
cluded in the VICP. Furthermore, supports to encourage Covid-19 compensation for the same types
the process for pursuing com- vaccine adoption in vulnerable of vaccine injuries between lower-
pensation will be lengthier, more communities, including adequate income workers and people who
difficult, and more expensive be- injury compensation. have the privilege of waiting to
cause reimbursement for attor- Current projections suggest be vaccinated. Differences in ease
neys’ fees is unavailable. People that the United States will achieve of access to compensation and
vaccinated during a declared pub- sufficient herd immunity to lift amount of compensation between
lic health emergency can never the emergency declaration by the the VICP and CICP will therefore
pursue injury claims under the fall of 2021. This development may reinforce long-standing inequities
VICP, even if their symptoms well allow Covid-19 vaccine-injury based on income and race and
manifest or are linked to the vac- claimants who delay vaccination ethnic group.
cine after the declaration is lifted. to file under the VICP as long as We believe that any FDA-
Low-income people and people the CDC has recommended the approved Covid-19 vaccine (includ-

e34(2) n engl j med 384;10  march 11, 2021

The New England Journal of Medicine

Downloaded from by Keilyn Pérez Rodríguez on March 11, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PE R S PE C T IV E Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

ing vaccines approved under emer- ommended for pregnant women 1. Health Resources and Services Adminis-
tration. About the National Vaccine Injury
gency use authorizations) should or children. Second, Congress Compensation Program (https://www​.­hrsa
fall under the VICP immediately, could require that a 75-cent excise ​.­gov/​­vaccine​-­compensation/​­about/​­i ndex
as should all future vaccines tar- tax be applied to all vaccines for ​.­html).
2. Chen JT, Krieger N. Revealing the un-
geting active pandemics. Disad- pandemic viruses in the United equal burden of Covid-19 by income, race/
vantaged people who have the States — which is already done ethnicity, and household crowding: U.S.
greatest need for vaccination, for childhood vaccines — to fi- county vs. ZIP Code analyses. Harvard Cen-
ter for Population and Development Studies
while also being the most vul- nance the Vaccine Injury Com- Working Paper Series. April 21, 2020 (https://
nerable to financial harm, should pensation Trust Fund. Allowing tinyurl​.­com/​­ya44we2r).
have access to a quick and fair injured people, including mem- 3. Hamel L, Lopes L, Muñana C, Artiga S,
Brodie M. Race, health, and Covid-19:​the
system of injury compensation. bers of vulnerable communities, views and experiences of Black Americans.
Moreover, penalizing early recipi- to obtain compensation by means San Francisco:​Kaiser Family Foundation,
ents of Covid-19 vaccines under- of the VICP will promote public October 2020 (http://files​.­kff​.­org/​­attachment/​
­Report​-­R ace​-­Health​-­and​-­COVID​-­19​-­The​
mines the important public health health goals and enhanced equity -­Views​-­and​-­Experiences​-­of​-­Black​-­Americans​
goal of vaccinating as many peo- while ensuring that anyone who .­pdf).
ple as possible as quickly as pos- has a vaccine-related injury re- 4. Funk C, Tyson A. Intent to get a Covid-19
vaccine rises to 60% as confidence in re-
sible to achieve herd immunity. ceives adequate compensation. search and development process increases.
To rectify the inequities prop- Disclosure forms provided by the authors Washington, DC:​Pew Research Center, De-
agated by the CICP, Congress are available at cember 2020 (https://www​.­pewresearch​.­org/​
­science/​­w p​-­content/​­uploads/​­sites/​­16/​­2020/​
could amend the PREP Act in two ­12/​­PS_2020​.­12​.­03_covid19​-­vaccine​-­i ntent
ways. First, lawmakers could es- From Case Western Reserve University _report​.­pdf).
School of Law, Cleveland (K.V.T., S.H.), and 5. Yasenov VI. Who can work from home?
tablish that all vaccines recom- the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Poli- IZA discussion paper no. 13197. May 4, 2020
mended by the CDC to ameliorate cy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard (https://ssrn​.­com/​­abstract=3590895).
a public health emergency must Law School, Cambridge, MA (C.S.).
be immediately added to the VICP, This article was published on January 20, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2034438
regardless of whether they are rec- 2021, at Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

n engl j med 384;10  march 11, 2021 e34(3)

The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from by Keilyn Pérez Rodríguez on March 11, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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