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Name: Capistrano, Stephanie Kyle M.

Course/ Section: HRST-31

Date Submitted: September 22, 2021

Activity 4: Design Layout Techniques

Name the different techniques used in designing a layout, then describe each one.

Layout Techniques Description

A process flowchart is a diagram that

illustrates the sequential steps of a process as
well as the decisions that must be made in
order for the process to function. To create a
flow chart, we must first understand the
sequence of operations. In other words, if we
have a flow chart of the process, we can know
Process Flow Charts the right sequence of actions and better
comprehend the process. We can also identify
critical control points and areas for
improvement. The flow chart also helps in
identifying each unit operation in the process
which helps in proper selection of equipment
and better management of man and
The flow pattern of a system to be adopted,
for the movement of raw materials, from the
beginning and up to the end of
manufacturing. The overall-objective of the
Material Movement Pattern
‘Flow Pattern’ is to plan for the economical
movement of the raw materials throughout
the plant.
Layout Analogues cover the two-dimensional
cutouts or template and three-dimensional
models. This layout analogues used in
develop a plant layout with this layout
Layout Analogues
analogues it save a lot of time and labour
which otherwise
would be spent in making drawings for each
alternative plant layout arrangement. and it
also helps us to visualize a system as it is or as
we want it to be. It gives us a guide in
constructing a plant layout.
It involves drawing a grid with rows
presenting alternative solutions. This chart
can also help to identify the relationship of
each floor to another. Correlation chart is an
The Correlation Chart
easy technique and gives visual presentation
but the disadvantages of this is that drawing
up consumes much time.
The travel chart estimates the amount of
materials handled between various work
stations. The main objective of the travel
Travel Chart chart is to select a layout in which the overall
materials handling function is performed at
the lowest possible cost. A travel chart helps
improve the existing plant layout.

The Load Path Matrix is a method that helps

to reduce the transportation of in-process
inventory from section to section. This
Load Path Matrix method is mostly incorporated into design
processes to determine the amount of load
and material transfer to a structure. The
purpose of this is to modify and improve the
existing layout or the preliminary plant layout
using other techniques. It is important in
developing plant layout to minimize the
amount of travel of materials from
department to department.

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