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PHYSICS HSSC-I J) SECTION — A (Marks 17) Time allowed: 25 Minutes Version Number |3 [0/814 — Note: Section — A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the separately provided OMR Answer Sheet which should be completod in the first 25 minutes and handed over to the _ Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed, Do not use lead pencil. @&1~ Choose the correct answer A/B/ C/° by filling the relevant bubble for each question on the OMR = Answer Sheet according to the instructions given there. Each part carries one mark. ae 4) Signals from remote contol to the device operated by it travel with the speed of: A Light B. Ultrasonic. ~=—«C.-—= Supersonic =D. Sound ee 2) The effect produced by the superposition of waves from two coherent sources passing through the same region is called: ~ A Diffraction B, _—Interference C. Polarization D. _—Refraction 3) _Inwhich of the following processes maximum work can be obtained? _ ‘A. Isochorio B. Isothermal CC. Adiabatic ~=—D._Isobaric 4) Which of the following may be used as valid formula to calculate speed of ocean waves? ~ (v=speed, g=acceleration due to gravity, A =wavelength, p=density, h=depth) hy a . a ay Bag erie, Do pgh a 5) __Inacricket math 500 spectators are counted one by one. How many significant figures will be there in the final result? at B 2 Garde an) 6) _Aperson walks first 10 km north and 20 km east. The magnitude of the resuttant vector is: A 2296km = «B, SS 22.48km =. —25.23km =D. 20.36 km 7) Forwhich angle the equation, |2.B|=|4x | is corect ee A 45° B. 60° cC 90° D. o 8) When a block of wood of mass 2 kg is pushed along a horizontal flat surface of a bench, the force at of friction is 4N. When the block is pushed along the bench with a force of 10N, it moves with a constant: ae A. Speed of Sms B. Acceleration of 3ms* C. Acceleration of Sms"* D.. Speed of 3ms™ a 8) _Aprojectile is thrown so that it travels @ maximum range of 100m. How high wil it rise? A 400m B. 500m c. 1000m D. 250m = 10) One horse power is equal to: A 746 Joules B.-746 KW Cc. 746N D. —746.Watt a 11) What is moment of inertia of a sphere? A Hier B. 2a ©. $Me D, MR 12) Ifthe earth suddenly stops rotating, the value of ‘g' at equator would: = ‘A. Remain unchanged B increase C. Become Zero D. Decrease = 43) Arain drop of radius ° falls in alr with & terminal speedy, . What should be the terminal speed of rain drop of radius ‘2°? AY By, a 4, D. 414) Bemouli’s equation is based upon law of conservation of: A Energy B. Momentum —C, Current D. Mass 45) The time period of the same pendulum at Karachi and at Murree are related as: (7, = Time period at = Murree Tj, = Time period at Karachi) AEE eT gay Bo hey Cah De aTy i. 46) _ Inanisolated system the total energy of vibrating mass and spring is: ae A. Variable B. Low Cc. High D. Constant 47) Which of the following factors has no effect on the speed of sound in a gas? A Pressure —-B, ~— Temperature C. Density D. Humidity 14a 1908 (9 — aL PHYSICS HSSC-I a Revised Syllabus Time allowed: 2:35 Hours Total Marks Sections B, C and D: 68 NOTE: Answer any seven parts each from section B and C and any two questions from section D on the Separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly, ‘SECTION — B (Marks 24) {Chapters 1 to 8) Q.2 Answer any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal mark: i) ‘Show that the famous Einstein's equation Z = mc* is dimensionally consistent. (i) What does word “micro” signify in the words “microwave oven"? (ili) ‘Write down the steps for addition of vectors by rectangular components method. (iv) Explain how cranes are able to lift very heavy load without toppling? (vy) Aeroplane while horizontally drops a bomb when reaches exactly above the target, but missed it. Explain briefly (7 x3 = 21) (vi) State how impulse is related to linear momentum (vi) Show that 7, = lim SCE, cos@,)Ad, fora variable force. (vil) Differentiate between Solar energy and Wind energy, (x) Establish a relation between Linear velocity (v) and Angular velocity (») (9 Show that orbital velocity, << — vr -CTION - C (Marks 24 (Chapters 6 to 10) @.3 Answer any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks, (7x3 = 21) () What is meant by aerofoils? Explain briefly. {ii) How do pulsations in pulse show the heart beat? (il) Differentiate between free and forced oscillations. (i) Give two applications in which resonance plays an important role. () Why do sound waves travel faster in solids than in gases? (vi) Whatis the difference between progressive and stationary waves? (vil) In.@ Michelson interferometer a second glass plate is also used. Why? (wii) Whatis meant by dual nature of light? Explain briefly. () Differentiate between Reversible and Irreversible processes. (%) Write the imation of frst law of thermodynamic, SECTION =D (Marks 26) Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (13 x 2 = 26) @.4 a. Define projectie motion with figure. Aiso derive mathematical equations for maximum height attained, time of fight and range of projectie. (26) b, Aba of mass 100 9 is thrown vertically upward at a speed of Sms”. Ifno eneray is lst, determine the height it would reach. If the ball only rises to 25 m, calculate the work done against air resistance. Also calculate the force of friction, (05) @.5 Derive equations for kinetic and potential energies ofa body of mass m executing S.H.M (07) b. Acar is moving at 20ms~ along a straight road with its S00Hz horn sounding. You are standing at the road side, What frequency do you hear as car is: Approaching you Receding from you at 20ms"! (Take speed of sound =340ms”) (08) ae Explain the diffraction of X-rays by crystal and derive an expression for Bragg's Law to find the wavelength of light used. (08) A refrigerator has a coefficient of performance 8. If the temperature in the freezer is -23°C , what is the teriperature at which it rejects heat? (05) HA 1908 1 Yo eA PHYSICS HSSC-I SECTION — A (Marks 17) Time allowed: 25 Minutes Version Number | 3 [0/8 /5 Section — A is compulsory. Al parts of this section are to be answered on the separately provided ‘OMR Answer Sheet which should be completed in the first 25 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. @.1 Choose the correct answer A7 B/ C/D by filling the relevant bubble for each question on the OMR ~ ‘Answer Sheet according to the instructions given there. Each part carries one mark. 1) Which of the following is a pair of SI base units? mT A Ampere, Joule B. Coulomb, Second iii ©. Kilogram, Kelvin D. —_ Newton, Meter _ wm 2 ~ Ni ecererecaee A H B. um ce 10¢m - D. 10°m 3) Apperson walks first 10 kri north and 20 km east. Then the magnitude of resultant vector is: oe A 2036km = -B.-22.36km =. 2246 KM =D, 28.23 km 4) Ifthe scalar product 4.5 =0 , then which of the following is NOT correct? et A B c D i Vaso [aso Tae ; Teo liico leo leo sa Oz” O40" =0° a#0° ae cos8 #0 cosh #0 cos #0 cos8 = 0 — 5) Acar takes 1 hour to travel 100 km along a main road and than J hour to travel 20 km along a side road. ‘What is the average speed of the car for the Whole Journey? A 60kmnh* B. T0kmh* C. ‘80kmh™ D. 100kmh™ a 8) _Rate of change of velocity is called: A Speed 8. Distance C, _— Acceleration D. _ Displacement 7 7) Anexample of non-conservative force is: A Electric force B. Magnetic force = C. Gravitational force D. Frictional force 8) The expression for escape velocity is given by: A gk 8 2g c. & D. gk 9): Artificial satelites move around: ~ ‘A. Moon B. Sun Cc. Stars D. Earth 10) What is the moment of inertia of a solid cylinder? A MR 8 iwre oc 2aer dame 11) The pressure will be low where the speed of the fluid is: ~ A Zero B. High Cc. Low D. Constant 12) Ifthe petiod of oscillation of mass (M) suspended from a spring Is 2S. then period of mass 4M should be: > A 48 B28 C48 Das 13) Isolated system the total energy of a vibrating mass and spring is: on A Constant = -B.Variable Cc. Low D. High 14) There is no net transfer of energy by particles of medium in: oe A Longitudinal wave B. ‘Transverse wave u C. Progressive wave D. Stationary wave 15) Which ofthe following factors has no effect on the speed of sound in a gas? a A Humidity, B.S Pressure =—C.-—=Temperature =D. Density 18) Areal gas can be approximated to an ideal gas at: _ A Lowdensily B. ‘High pressure C. —Highdensity D. Low temperature 17) Coloured fringes observed in'soap bubbles are the examples of: - A Diffraction -B.—Interference C. —-Polarization D, —_—Reflection HA 1908 (ON) — Time allowed: 2:35 Hours BY PHYSICS HSSC-I Revised Syllabus Total Marks Sections B, C and D: 68 NOTE: Answer any seven parts each from section B and C and any two que separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answor she ns from section D on the Le. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. Note: a4 as SECTION — B (Marks 24 (Chapters 4 to 5) Answer any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks. (7x3 = 24) o Define the number and show that 2 radian = 360° (i) Give the draw backs to use the period ofa penculum as atime standard, (it) Briety explain now cranes are able to Ift very heavy load without toppling? (iv) Brefy explain why do buses and heavy trucks have large steering wheels? (\) Whats heac-on colision? Explain briefly with an example (si) Define elastic and inetastic colisions. (vi) Why are energy savers used instead of normal bulbs? (vil) Does a hydrogen fled baltoon possess any P.E? Explain briefly (i) Establish e relation between linear acceleration (a) and angular acceleration () (%) Whyis the tly wheel of an engine made heavy inthe rim? SECTION = ¢ (Marks 21 (Chapters 6 to 10) Answer any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks. w=) (Deserve the working ofan engine carburetor and paint spray (i) Smoke rises in a chimney faster when a breeze is blowing, Explain briefly, Gil) Is there any connection between ‘F and xin mass spring system? Explain bret. (W)_Asingerhotsing a note of ight frequency, can shatter a glass? Explain biel (\) Ist possible for an object which is vibrating transversely to produce sound waves? (vi) Why do sound waves travel fasterin the solids than in gases? (vi) Canwe apply Huygen's principle to radar waves? (vii) soap bubble looks black when It bursts. Why? (>) Wile the imitations of fist law of thermodynamics (%) Entropy is often called as “time arrow’. Explain bie. SECTION=D (Marks 26) ‘Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (19.x2=26) a. State and explain Bemouls equation. Explain any three applications of Bernoul’s theorem. _(2*6) B. What should be the length of simple pendulum whose fime period is one second? Whats frequency of seconds pendulum? ay a. Define and explain absolute potential energy. Prove that absolute P.E.,, one (26) wheel ota machine is rotating ata steady rate of 120 rev min”. Find (ts angular velocty {ii) The inear veloc of a point on the wheel at 0.25 m from axle (05) 2. Explain polarization of tight in deta (08) b. Calculate te change in entropy when 10 kg of water is heated from 90°C to 100°C? (speci heat of water is 4180. mole"#") (05) 1H 1908 (ON) — Pet ee 1 Time allowed: 25 Minutes Version Number |7[0[814 \e -\ PHYSICS HSSC-| SECTION — A (Marks 47) (Old Syllabus) Note: at Section — A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the separately provided OMR Answer Sheet which should be completed in the first 25 minutes and handed over to the Centr Superintendent. Deloting/overwriting is not allowed, Do not use lead pencil ‘Choose the correct answer A/B/C /D by filling the relevant bubble for each question on the OMR. Answer Sheet according to the instructions given there. Each part carries one mark. 4) Incase of grating spectrometer, the resolving power'R’ is given A Rat Bagge ttc D. Ath, D 2) The detector in photo-phone is made of: A Germanium 8. Selenium =. _ Silicon D. Cadmium 3) Noentropy change takes piace in an: A. Adiabatic process B, __Isobaric process C.__Isochoric process D. __ Isothermal process 4) The branch of physics which deals with the structure and properties of solids is called: A Nuclear physics B, Solid state physics C. Atomic physios D. Particle physics 5) The minimum number of unequal forces whose vector sum can be zero is: A 2 B38 caster ‘| 6) If Ax B=C is directed along positive Z-axis, then the vectors Aand B must lie in: A 2X-plane —B _—Verticalplane C. —-XY-plane DD. FZ-plane 7) When a bullet of mass ‘m’ is red from a gun of mass ‘M' with velocity “V, then velocity ofthe gun will be: A eM a enmet c. me ob. my ™ t 8) ‘The maximum height attained by a projectile is: A Vi sin? @ B. Vi’ cos’ c D. Ve sin’ @ 2g g & 9) ‘The work done in moving a body from one place to another in gravitational field is independent of: A ‘The applied force B. ‘The path followed by the body C.—_The power consumed D. Force of gravity 10) Kilo watt hour is the unit of: A ‘Work B. Force c. Momentum Power 41) The dimensions of angular velocity are: Acca Le Biden] Cee re] {zr 12) The S.| unit of flow rate is: A ms? B. ams Cc. ms? D. mst 43) The fundamental equation in fluid dynamics that relates pressure to fluid speed and height is: A Bermoulli's equation B. ‘Stoke's equation c. Mass-energy equation D. Equation of continuity 14) The angular velocity of the mass attached to a spring is: im A w=2n, D 8. c. 18) Acceleration ofa mass-spring system i: ‘A. Variable due to change in diection only B. Variable due to change in magnitude only ©. Variable due to change in direction and magnitude D. Uniform 16) Under stationary waves set up in @.medium, the nodes are located at: (Where n=1,2,3, ee a cc nent ov (nent 4 2 2 4 47) - When light pesses through a pin hole type opening, it seems to spread out. This phenomenon is known as: A Reflection 8, -—Difraction -«C.-—=—“~Polarization ©. -—_—Dispersion —1HA 1908 Time allowed: 2:35 Hours Total Marks Sections B, C and PHYSICS HSSC-I (Old Syllabus) 2 6B NOTE: Answer any seven parts each from section B and C and any two questions from section D on the az separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. SECTION —B (Marks 21) {Chapters 1 to 6) ‘Answer any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks. (7x3=24) () Under what conditions zeros are NOT significant figures? (i) How would the two vectors of the same magnitude have to be oriented, if they were to be combined to give a resultant equal to @ vector of the same magnitude? (ii) Can a body be in equilibrium under the action of a single force? (v) A Ghauri missile is fired at an angle of 90° with horizontal axis with a velocity of 300ms”'. Find the time for which the missile remains in air. () What happens when a very heavy ball collides with a light stationary ball? (vi) inwhich case is more work done? When 50kg bag of books is ffted through 50cm, or when @ '50kq crate is pushed through 2m across the floor with a force of SON? (vi) A diver of 50g mass dives from a 10m high diving board in a swimming pool. Calculate its PE before jump. (vil) a, What is meant by angular momentum? b. _ Explain the law of conservation of angular momentum. (%) The cylinders A and B are of the same mass but the radius of A is greater than that of B, Which cone will require more force to come into rotation? And why? (%) What is Ventur's effect? Write its equation. ‘SECTION - C (Marks 24); (Chapters 7 to.11 ‘Answor any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks. (7x3 =21) () a Whatis meant by phase angle? b. Does the phase angle define angle between maximum displacement and the driving force. (i) Time period of a mass-spring system is given by7 a If 'x'is the extension from mean position, what would be the time period in terms of extension 'x'? (ii) Write three characteristics of stationary waves. (iv) Explain three uses of Dopplers effect. () State Huygen's principle. (vi) What is Bragg's equation? Describe its two applications. (vil) Ina compound microscope, magnification produced by objective lens is 5 and that produced by eye-piece is 50. What is the total magnification produced by the microscope. (vil) How is power lost in optical fibre through scattering and absorption? (ie) Find the average speed of an oxygen molecule in the air at S.T.P. (%) 336 J of energy is required to mett 1g of ice et 0°C. What is the change in entropy of $09 of water at 0°C as itis changed to ice at 0°C by a refrigerator? Page 1 of 2 (Physics) ‘SECTION — D (Marks 25) om Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (13x2=26) — Q.4 a. Define and explain scalar product of two vectors with example. Show that the scalar product is —- commutative with the help of a figure. Describe its three characteristics. (24242) b. load of 10N is suspended from a clothes line. This distorts the line so that it makes an angle om of 15° with the horizontal at each end, Find the tension in the clothes line. (04) e Explain the phenomenon of error and uncertainty in measurements. (03) Q.5 a. Prove that the work done in a gravitational field is independent of the path followed by the body = and along closed path is zero. +3) b. A force of 400 N is required to overcome road friction and air resistance in propelling an : automobile at$0.Kmh'. What power in KW must the engine develop? (04) €. Write a note on momentum and explosive forces. (03) = a. Describe the diffraction of X-rays by crystals and obtain Bragg's equation. Write its two uses. (24242) —~ b. Sodium light (= 589nm) is incident normally on a grating having 3000 lines per centimetre. a ‘What is the highest order of the spectrum obtained with this grating? (04) ¢. Deserve the construction and working of a spectrometer. (03) HA 1912) — : Page 2 of 2 Physics)

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