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ga¨ evÇv kvLv: †dvb: 01714-113467 mvfvi kvLv : †dvb: 01680-359565
University Coaching Center `wbqv kvLv : †dvb: 01673-579494 †KivYxMÄ kvLv : †dvb: 01676-767532
Founder & Chairman ESTD. : 1986
Dr. M. A. Halim Patwary

L-BDwbU (¸”Q) MODEL TEST - 01 (MCQ)

mgq: 60 wgwbU c–Y©gvb-100

1| cÖ※Z¨K cÖ※kœi gvb mgvb|
2| fzj DË※ii Rb¨ b¤^i KvUv n※e bv|
01. evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i cÖ_g gwnjv Jcb¨vwmK †K?
A. wiwRqv ingvb B. gnv※kŢZv †`ex C. bvmwib Rvnvb D. ¯^Y©Kzgvix †`ex
02. evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i Avw` wb`©kb ÔPh©vc`Õ g–jZ t-
A. Ava¨vwÍK Mvb B. MxwZ KweZv C. cÖnmbg–jK bvUK D. AvÍRxebx
03. evsjv fvlvi Avw` eB †KvbwU?
A. Abœ`vg½j B. PÊxg½j C. Ph©vc` D. AwMœexYv
04. The horse is noble animal-G ev‡K¨i †Kvb e½vbyev`wU h_v_©?
A. AkŢ GKwU DcKvix Rš„ B. AkŢ GKwU gnr Rš„ C. AkŢ GKwU cÖfz³ Rš„ D. AkŢ GKwU GKvwaK cweÎ Rš„
05. Ôwecyjv G c„w_exi KZUzKz RvwbÕ- †Kvb KweZvi PiY?
A. †deª“qvwi 1969 B. †mB A¯¿ C. Zvnv※iB c※o g※b D. HKZvb
06. ÔAvnŸvbÕ k‡ãi ï× D”PviY †KvbwU?
A. AvnŸvb B. Avne&evb C. AvIfvb D. Avnfevb
07. †iv‡Kqv mvLvIqvZ †nv‡m‡bi Rš§ n‡qwQj †h MÖv‡g-
A. iscyi B. cvqive›` C. wgVvcyKzi D. cvqivPZ¡i
08. Ôemš@ e›`bv Ze K‡É ïwb, G †gvi wgbwZ|Õ †Kvb KweZvi PiY?
A. †mvbvi Zix B. Rxeb e›`bv C. Zvnv※iB c※o g※b D. AwfhvwÎK
09. Anonymity-i evsjv cwifvlv
A. kΓZv B. we※Øl C. AcÖKvwkZbvgv e¨w³ D. †µvavwš^Z
10. ÔcÖvY †`Iqv-†bIqv SzwjUv _v‡K bv k–b¨Õ-cO&w³wUi iPwqZv †K?
A. myKvš@ fÆvPvh© B. KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg C. Avnmvb nvexe D. kvgmyi ivngvb
11. ÔAvVv‡iv eQi eqmÕ-G Kwei Kvg¨ bq
A. `ytmvn※mi SzuwK †bqv B. `y※h©v※M nvj aiv C. cÖYq e¨vKzjZv D. i³`v※bi c–Y¨vR©b
12. ÔAvnŸvbÕ M‡í †Kvb fvee¯„ cÖwZdwjZ n‡q‡Q?
A. i¶YkxjZv B. ag©vÜZv C. mv¤•Ö`vwqK †f`v※f` D. D`vi gvbweKZv
13. Rxebvb›` `v‡ki Dcb¨vm †Kvb&wU?
A. myZx_© B. gi“fv¯‹i C. hviv e„wó※Z wf※RwQj D. ewikv※ji †hv※Mb gÊj
14. ‡iv‡Kqv mvLvIqvZ †nv‡mb KZ mv‡j gviv hvb?
A. 1930 B. 1932 C. 1934 D. 1935
15. ÔZvnv‡iB c‡o g‡bÕ KweZvwU‡Z KqwU msjvc i‡q‡Q?
A. Qq B. AvU C. `k D. ※Zi
16. ‡Kvb evbvbwU ï×?
A. i“M&Y B. Acivnœ C. wb›`yK D. me¸※jvB
17. ÔK`‡ejÕ k‡ã Kx RvZxq DcmM© e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q?
A. Zrmg B. evsjv C. Aviwe D. dviwm
18. ‡KvbwU cÖvw` mgv‡mi D`vniY?
A. ivRc_ B. Kvjvš@•i C. D※Øj D. cÖfvZ
19. Ô†deª“qvwi 1969Õ KweZvq eY©gvjv‡K wK‡mi m‡½ Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q?
A. i³Rev B. b¶Î C. †iŠ`ª D. K…òP‚ov
20. ÔwbivbeŸB‡qi av°vÕ evMavivwUi A_©-
A. cÖPÊ av°v B. wec` C. mÂ※qi cÖe„wË D. Zx※i †cuŠQvi Sw°
21. ÔAvgv‡K †mB A¯¿ wdwi‡q `vIÕ-†mB A¯¿ ej‡Z Kx †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q?
A. nviv※bv m¤•ÖxwZ B. nviv※bv hy×v¯¿ C. cÖ¯@i hy※Mi nvwZqvi D. AvÍi¶vi eg©
22. Ô`yÕwU †Pv‡Li †KvU‡i KvUv mycvwii isÕ-ej‡Z Kx eywQ‡q‡Qb?
A. †cÖwgKvi iƒc B. MÖvgevsjvi iƒc C. mgvR-Rxe※bi iƒc D. Rxeb msMÖv※gi iƒc
L BDwbU  Model Test  01
23. Ôgvwm-wcwmÕ M‡í `yB weaevi Pwi‡Î wgj wK‡m?
A. RvgvB※K VKv※bvi wPš@vq B. `vwqZ¡kxjZv I gvbweK Rxeb hy※× C. e¨emvq eyw×※Z D. †bŠKv Pvjv※bvi cvi`wk©Zvq
24. ÔRxeb I e„¶Õ †Kvb MÖ‡š‟i Aš@M©Z?
A. cjÐxmgvR B. wewea cÖeÜ C. ms¯‹„wZ K_v D. gwZPzi
25. Ôj¼vi Kj¼ AvwR fwÄe Avn‡eÕ-ÔAvn‡eÕ k‡ãi A_©-
A. Avwm※e B. †`eZvi bvg C. hy※× D. mk※ã
26. ÔAvwg wKse`wš@i K_v ejwQÕ KweZvwU †Kvb Kve¨MÖš‟ †_‡K †bIqv?
A. mvZbix nvi B. e„wó I mvnmx cyi“※li R※b¨ cÖv_©bv C. Avwg wKse`wš@i K_v ejwQ D. LuvPvi wfZi AwPb cvwL
27. ‡KvbwU e¨Äb mwÜ?
A. bxie B. ï※f”Qv C. Pjw”PÎ D. ¯^vMZ
28. Ô†gvevB‡jÕ wgmW Kj K‡iv bv-
A. KZ©vq 7gx B. AwaKi※Y 7gx C. Ki※Y 2qv D. K※g© 7gx
29. ÔGB ü`‡qi †P‡q e‡ov †Kv‡bv gw›`i-Kvev bvB|Õ G Dw³ †Kvb †jL‡Ki?
A. KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg B. mywdqv Kvgvj C. iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi D. Rxebvb›` `vk
30. ÔPvjKÕ k‡ãi cÖK…wZ I cÖZ¨q Kx?
A. Pj& + YK B. Pj& + AK C. Pvjv + AK D. Pvwj + AK
31. ÔAvÍnZ¨vÕ k‡ãi D”PviY-
A. AvZ&※Zvu※nvZ&Zv B. AvZ&※ZvnZ&Zv C. AvZ&※Zv※nvZ&Zv D. AvZ&ZnZ&Zv
32. ÔwkKvix nbygvb †j‡R †LjvqÕ- ev‡K¨ Ô†j‡RÕ †Kvb KviK?
A. Kg© B. KiY C. Acv`vb D. AwaKiY
33. †KvbwU cvwkŢ©K aŸwb?
A. k B. O C. j D. n
34. Abœ`vg½j Kve¨ †K iPbv K‡ib?
A. gyKz›`ivg PµeZ©x B. fviZP›`ª ivq¸YvKi C. AvjvIj D. Nbvivg PµeZ©x
35. Ôj¾vÕ MÖš‟wU Kvi †jLv?
A. kvgmyi ivngvb B. Zmwjgv bvmwib C. wbg©※j›`y ¸Y D. Avwbmyj nK
36. RmxgD`&`xb KvRx bRi“j Bmjv‡gi †P‡q KZ eQ‡ii †QvU?
A. `yB B. wZb C. Pvi D. `k
37. ÔAvwg Zv‡K †`wLwbÕ ev‡K¨ ÔwbÕ Kx?
A. AbymM© B. wefw³ C. Abš^qx Ae¨q D. wµqvg•–j
38. Õ†Q‡jwU we`¨vb nB‡jI †g‡qwU we`lx b‡n|Ó ev‡K¨ PwjZ evK¨ixwZ‡Z fz‡ji msL¨v-
A. `yB B. wZb C. Pvi D. cvuP
39. ‡KvbwU aŸwb wech©‡qi D`vniY?
A. ivZ > ivBZ B. wiK&mv > wim&Kv C. Rš§ > R¤§ D. eo `v`v > eo`v
40. ‡KvbwU D”P ga¨ m¤§yL ¯^iaŸwb?
A. G B. Av C. A D. I

Read the following passage carefully and answer to the questions. (1-5)
Both tissue transplants and organ transplants are used in the treatment of disease. Tissue transplants include the transplanting
of skin, bones and the cornea of the eye; whereas organ transplanting includes replacing kidney, heart, lung or liver. Skin
and cornea transplants are very common and successful and have been performed for hundreds of years. In fact, there is
evidence that skin transplants were done as early as 600 B.C. in India. Organ transplants, on the other hand, are quite recent.
The first heart transplant was performed by Dr. Christian Barnard in 1967 in South Africa. Many successful heart transplant
operations have been performed since then. In 1982, Dr. Barney Clark was the first to receive on artificial heart.
Organ transplants are more difficult to perform than tissue transplants: moreover, it is not always easy to find a suitable
donor. Even a healthy organ is found, the receiver body may reject it. This latter problem is the major reason for lack of
success with organ transplants. Doctors and researchers, however, are continuing to find new ways to combat all the
problems and to make transplants safer and more available to people who need them. Research into organ transplants
continues all the time, though this research is not without problems.
01. Successful heart transplants have been performed since 
A. 600 B.C B. 1967 C. 1982 D. 600 A. D
02. According to the passage, what is the most common problem with organ transplants?
A. rejection of the organ B. finding a donor C. finding a healthy organ D. replacing the organ
03. The author most likely added the last sentence in order to
A. distinguish between different kinds of problems B. point out the complexity of the issues
C. give an example of kinds of transplants D. trace the development of the medical issues
04. Which of the following is a tissue transplant?
A. liver B. lung C. bone D. kidney
05. In 600 B. C. there were .
A. organ transplants B. skin transplants C. cornea replacements D. artificial hearts
UC 2
C L BDwbU  Model Test  01
06. Almost everyone fails –––––– on the first try.
A. in passing his driver’s test B. to his driver’s test C. to have passed his driver’s test D. passing his driver’s test
07. This could have worked if I —— been more cautious.
A. had B. have C. might D. would
08. Rita plays —— violin and her sister plays —— guitar.
A. the, the B. a, Ø C. Ø, Ø D. A or C
09. While you  to me on the phone, somebody pushed a letter under the door.
A. are talking B. talk C. have talked D. were talking
10. Next August, Lata and Tamim  for 10 years.
A. are married B. have been married C. will have married D. will marry
11. The greater the demand,–––– the price.
A. the higher B. high C. higher D. the high
12. Only after home did I remember my doctor’s appointment.
A. going B. go C. went D. gone
13. Who is the greatest modern English dramatist?
A. Virginia Woolf l B. George Bernard Shaw C. P. B. Shelly D. S.T. Coleridge.
Identify the correct sentence :
14. A. One of my friends is a lawyer. B. One of my friend is a lawyer.
C. One of my friends are a lawyer. D. One of my friends are lawyers.
Fill in the gaps:(15-19)
15. The first transistor was basically a small chip made of germanium onto one surface of which two pointed wire
contacts  side by side.
A. are made B. made C. were made D. making
16. The students got the teacher  their test until the following week.
A. to postpone B. postpone C. postponed D. will postpone
17. Generally speaking, people should have ———— as their desires will allow.
A. so much education B. as much education C. the same education D. enough education
18. Children learn primarily by ———— the world around them.
A. experiencing directly of B. experience direct C. directly physical experience D. direct physical experience of
19. If it is the present administration  for the economic crisis, the first step toward a solution is to reject the
incumbent at the polls this November.
A. whom we should blame B. whose is to blame C. who we should blame D. who should be blamed
20. The word Variable is opposite to
A. inequality B. challenge C. consistent D. conflict
21. Which one is a correct sentence?
A. The doctor found my pulse. B. The doctor took my pulse. C. The doctor examined my pulse. D. The doctor saw my pulse.
22. 'Hitting below the belt' means-
A. doing something unfair in a competition B. injuring someone fatally
C. striking someone in the abdomen D. beating someone in a competition
23. 'Go beyond' means-
A. sit for B. leave the place C. overcome D. exceed
24. In a time of fiscal crisis, such lavish expenditure must be –––––– .
A. quickened B. corrected C. curtailed D. justified
25. A composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way 
A. Charade B. Idyll C. Theocracy D. Prototyping
26. Find out the synonym of 'Censure'-
A. panegyric B. eternal C. ardor D. vilify
27. 'SUMPTUOUS' means-
A. industrious B. well-appointed C. jubilant D. fleeting
28. ‘That man is a mad dog’ is an example of -
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. oxymoron D. Homonyms
29. The poem ‘The Schoolboy’ is written by-
A. Tennyson B. William Wordsworth C. Shakespeare D. William Blake
30. ‘A peck of pickled peppers’ is an example of -
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Alliteration D. Homonyms
31. His house is adjacent ———mine.
A. to B. by C. of D. with
32. Fifty shares were allotted——— me.
A. by B. to C. with D. in
33. Choose the correctly spelt word-
A. enclyopadia B. encyclopidia C. encylopideia D. encyclopaedia.
34. Choose the correctly spelt word-
A. persiverence B. perseverance C. perseverence D. persivearence
35. Translate into English '†mŠfvM¨µ‡g c‡ii ev‡m Avwg DV‡Z †c‡iwQjvg'-
A. Fortunately I could get into the next bus. B. Fortunately I management the next bus.
UC C. Luckily I entered the next bus. D. Luckily I rode the next bus. 3
C L BDwbU  Model Test  01
01. CPU-Gi c–Y©iƒc wK?
A. Central Power Unit B. Central Processing Unit C. Central Purchase Unit D. None of these
02. ‡KvbwU Kw¤úDUvi fvBivm?
A. PHP B. SQL C. CIH D. Blue Ray
03. 2-BbcyU XOR ‡MU ‰Zwi Kivi Rb¨ KqwU 2-BbcyU NAND ‡MU cÖ‡qvRb|
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
04. mdUIq¨v‡ii fyj ms‡kva‡bi cÖwµqv‡K Kx ejv nq?
A. Encoding B. Debugging C. Decoding D. Correction
05. Rvskb ‡WUv ‡Uwej ‡Kvb wi‡jk‡b MwVZ nq?
A. One to one B. One to many C. Many to one D. Many to many
06. GKwU P¨v‡b‡ji ga¨ w`‡q 10 ‡m‡K‡Û 100000 weU ‡WUv U«vÝdvi n‡j Gi e¨vÛDB_ KZ?
A. 10000 kbps B. 10000 bps C. 1000 kbps D. 1000 bps
07. †Kvb ‡WUv‡eR ‡iK‡W©i ¶y`«Zg Ask‡K Kx e‡j?
A. †WUv B. †Uwej C. wdì D. †U·U
08. (11101) - (1011)2 =?
A. 10010 B. 11010 C. 11110 D. ‡KvbwUB bq
09. IP address ‡K cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ ‡gvU KqwU AK‡UW ‡KvW cÖ‡qvRb-
A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 32
10. C ‡cÖvMÖv‡gi Keyword bq-
A. default B. void C. break D. printf
11. wfRyq¨vj ‡ewmK ‡Kvb ai‡bi ‡cÖvMÖvwgs fvlv?
A. Special Purpose language B. High Level Language
C. 4Generation language D. Assembly Language
12. ÷vi U‡cv‡jvwR‡Z ‡KvbwU e¨eüZ nq?
A. Central repeater B. Central hub C. Central modem D. Star server
13. F = AB+BA, F =?
A. AB+AB B. ̅̅̅̅+̅̅̅̅ C. ̅+ ̅ D.̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
14. wb‡Pi ‡KvbwU wØ-gvwÎK A¨v‡ii D`vniY?
A. mark [5,6]. B.mark (5,6) C. mark [5] [6] D. mark (5), (6)
15. Kw¤úDUv‡ii mdUIq¨vi ej‡Z ‡evSv‡bv nq?
A. Gi ‡cÖvMvg ev Kg© cwiKíbvi ‡KŠkj B. ‡h me Ask gyw`ªZ Ae¯’vq _v‡K
C. Z_¨ ‡`Iqv I Z_¨ ‡bIqvi Ask we‡kl D. Kw¤úDUvi ‰Zwii bKkv
16. Kw¤úDUv‡ii ¯’vqx ¯§„wZkw³‡K wK e‡j?
A. RAM B. ROM C. nvW©Iq¨vi D. mdUIq¨vi
17. AcwUK¨vj dvBevi (Optical Fiber) n‡”Q-
A. Lye miæ I bgbxq KuPZš‘ I Av‡jvK bj B. Lye m~¶¥ mycwievnx Zvgvi Zvi Zš‘ bj
C. Lye miæ Gm‡e‡÷vm dvBevi bj D. m~¶¥ cøvwóK NwUZ bj
18. AcwUK¨vj dvBev‡i Av‡jvi ‡Kvb NUbvwU N‡U?
A. cÖwZmiY B. we”QyiY C. AceZ©b D. Af¨šÍixY cÖwZdjb
19. Oracle Corporation Gi cÖwZôvZv †K?
A. Andrew S. Grove B. Lawrence J. Ellison C. Tim Cook D. Bill Gates
20. 8086 KZ we‡Ui gvB‡µvcÖ‡mmi-
A. 16 B. 8 C. 32 D. Dc‡ii †KvbwUB bq
21. Ô†`v‡qjÕ j¨vcUc cÖ¯„ZKvix cÖwZôvb-
A. wewUAviwm B. ey※qU C. B※›Uj K※c©v※ikb D. †Uwkm
22. GIGO wK?
A. fzj Bbcy※U mwVK Z_¨ B. fzj Bbcy※U fzj Z_¨ C. mwVK Bbcy※U fzj Z_¨ D. mwVK Bbcy※U mwVK Z_¨
23. gvB‡µvcÖ‡mm‡ii †Kvb AskwU WvUv cÖ‡mwms G e¨eüZ nq?
A. Control Unit B. Register Array C. Accumulator D. ALU
24. eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`‡k wb‡Pi †KvbwU‡Z MICR Technology e¨eüZ n‡”Q?
A. RvZxq cwiPq cÎ B. cvm※cvU© C. e¨vs※Ki †PKeB D. me¸※jv※ZB
25. Aå Kx‡evW© ˆZwi K‡ib-
A. †g※n`x nvmvb B. gyn¤§` Rvdi BKevj C. gvKmy`yj Avjg D. evsjv※`k Kw¤•DUvi M※elYv †K›`ª
UC 4
C L BDwbU  Model Test  01

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