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Topic: Factors affecting facility layout and design.

Name: Capistrano, Stephanie Kyle M. Date: August 26, 2021

Course: HRST-31

Activity 2: Ranking

On your own understanding rank the following factors in affecting facility layout
according to their importance (1 is top priority)

Materials (1)- I consider it number 1 because, for me, the materials are one of the
most important when it comes to making layout and design. Of course, it is
important that you have knowledge of the materials to be used, because once you
have knowledge of those materials, there is a possibility that the results will be good
or accidents that can happen can be avoided.

Labor - (4) Number 4 is because labor is one of the most important when it comes to
the production process. If there were no workers, employers couldn't produce goods
and services and earn profits. It is also important because Filipinos are naturally
hardworking when it comes to working, so often in other countries, they prefer to
work for them because we Filipinos are hardworking.

Machineries (2)- Apart from the fact that you must know the materials to be used,
you must also have knowledge when it comes to using machinery, so he is number 2
when it comes to layout and design. One of its importances is that each worker must
have knowledge of the use of machinery, and one of the considerations in choosing
the machinery to be used is space, how much will be covered, the quality of the
machinery, and the safety of the user and who is applicable to use it.

Material Handling (6)- Number 6 because through material handling it may prove
customer service by making things easier to identify, move, and ship; lower expenses
by reducing the amount of time spent moving products; and reduce product damage
by shipping your products properly.

Future changes (8)- So I chose to put the future change at number 8 because, for
me, it is not that priority, but it is still important when it comes to designing the
layout, because, of course, it is inevitable in any facility that something will be
changed or something will be added. It is not just a priority, because, for me, it will
only be a priority when a facility really needs to change.

Auxiliary Services (7)- I ranked him at number 7 because he is important in a way

that he can help production achieve the main objectives or services of a facility.

Building (3)- I chose building as number 3 because it is important once you design
the layout. It is also one of the considerations when it comes to designing a layout,
because it is important that you know what kind of building you want to build, how
tall it is, and how much human capacity you can have. Of course, it is also important
to consider the safety of people when designing a layout.

Waiting time (5)- Number 5 because it is important in layout design. In layout design,
every space that will be occupied by workers, materials, and machinery should not be
far apart so as not to waste time and so that it does not slow down production.

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