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Yêu cầu: Viết các bức thư sau đây

Đề bài số 1: You have just recieved a letter from your friend Audrey ,asking about your new

It’s great to recieve your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for a long time. I was busy
preparing for final exams. I also try to help my parents with the housework since they
are busy all day. What a great news you have a new puppy! I really love puppies because
they are cute. What’s the name of your puppy?. Why have you decided to give it that
name? Who gave you such a wonderful gift? Also do you have any difficulties looking
after it?

Đề bài số 2: You are the school trip organizer. You received an email from students Ethan,
asking for some information about next month’s trip.
I’m really interested in the school trip you are going to organize next
month to a historical museum. I’m writing to ask information about
the fee, the date and time so that can I arrange my time to join you.
How can we get there and what activities are planned for the visit?
Should I bring lunch along?

Đề bài số 3: You received a letter from friend Joan, telling her birthday party and asking you
to describe your last birthday party

Yesterday I had a wonderful birthday party with my family and

friends. When I came home from school, I was surprised when I saw
a huge birthday cake made by my mother. My house was decorated
for the party and all my close friends and relatives were there. We
sang birthday song and enjoyed delicious food. It was a great party.
How about your last birthday party? What did you do? How did you
feel then? Did you enjoy it? Hope to hear from you soon.

Đề bài số 4: You received a letter from friend John, asking information about a short trip in
your country

I’m so excited to let you know that i’ve won the second prize in an art
competition in my area. My mum has decided to give me a trip as a present
and I’m thinking a short trip to your country this summer. Could you give
me some advice? I want to travel to beautiful places in your country in 2
weeks with my mum. Where should I go? What can we do there? What’s the
weather like in your country? Hope to hear from you soon
Đề bài số 5: You received a letter from friend Peter, telling about his short trip with his dad

Hi, How are you doing? I was feeling excited about the journey on a trip with my dad. This
was my first journey on the sea. So I was a bit nervous and was very worrried about being
sea- sick. Luckily I was fine on the entire journey and there were some great moment when I
saw the sunrise, sunset. I also took a lot of photos with my dad and new friends on this
journey. What about u? Tell me your last holiday. Did you enjoy it? What are you going to do
after holiday?

Đề bài số 6: You received a letter from friend Joan, asking some information about your
school facilities

Thank you very much for letting me know about the one-year students’ exchange program at
your school. I’ m thinking of joining this program and hope that we can meet each other at
your school next year. I’ m quite busy this time with alot of exams. How about you? Do you
have to do a lot of tests? Give me some information about the school facilities or library, sport
center, your teachers, your school schedule.

Đề bài số 7: You received a letter from friend Robert, asking you to buy his tickets for a band

Next week Linkin Park is coming to Hn to rock this city. I don’t want to miss my favourite
band performance live and I bought 2 tickets last month. I had a plan to enjoy the
performance with my brother, but I have to cancel it due to a family event. Are you going
back to our hometown to meet our grandparents on their 50th wedding anniversary. I know
how much you love Linkin Park. Do you want to buy these tickets to enjoy the show? How
many tickets do you want? How much can you pay for the ticket? How can you receive the

Đề bài số 8: You received a letter from a visitor Sam, asking some information about a house
for rent

We’re going to visit London next month. I just saw your advertisement for flats today and I
am writing to ask for more information. There’ll be 10 people in our group, so how many flats
would we need to rent and how much the total cost will be for one week? I’d like to know
what flats are equipped and what kinds of facilities are available nearby? Are there any
shopping centers? Finally, is it convenient to get to the city center from your place?

Đề bài số 9: You’re just recieved a letter from John – an English pen friend

“ Hi How are you? I have had a health check with my doctor. He informed that my eyes are
becoming worse than they were. Perhaps this happens because I spend too much time
watching TV everyday. I love spending hours watching, my favorite channel after doing my
homework. How much time do you watch a day? What else do you do to relax? Give me
some interesting ideas to do in the free time. How much do you like watching TV, describe
some popular programmes. Give details about your hobbies
Đề bài số 10: You’re just recieved a letter from Andy – an English pen friend, talking about
his literature homework

Hi how are you? The teacher in the literature class asked me to write about one of the movies
I like the best. As you know I don’t like watching movies and I don’t go to the cinema often.
Thus, I don’t know which movies I should see now or which movie I should write about.
Could you tell me about your favourite movie? ( name of the movie/ what kind of movies/
what is it about?) When did you see it ? and why you like it.

Đề bài số 11: You’re just recieved a letter from Sue – an English pen friend, asking about
your reading habit

It has been a while since I received your letter. How are you doing? Are you still fond of
reading as you were in the past? I wish I were a passionate reader like you. Have you finished
reading “ Lady Susan” by Jane Austen that you borrowed from me about 6 months ago. This
book is special to me as my grandmother gave it to me on my 18 th birthday. I hope you
enjoyed reading it as much as I did and would not mind sending it back to me.
Cần trả lời: -Are you still fond of reading books?
- Have you finished reading the book “ Lady Susan
-Explain why you have kept the book so long
-Appologize and ask how you can send the book back?

Đề bài số 12: You’re just recieved a letter from Carol – an English pen friend,

I go to school from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday to Friday, so I’m quite busy. I only have
free time at the weekends. I like playing the piano or watching an interesting movie in my free
time. I also like going out with my friends on Saturday evening, but sometimes my parents
don’t let me go. What do you like doing in your free time? Do you like staying at home or do
you like going out?
Cần trả lời:- What do you do in your free time?
- Do you like staying at home?Why/why not? What do you often do when staying
at home?
Or Do you like going out? Why or why not? Where do you often go?

Đề bài số 13: You’re just recieved a letter from David – an English pen friend, asking some
information about your Mid-autumn festival

How are you these days? I’m sorry for not having in touch so often. I have been busy lately.
We are planning to arrange Mid-autumn festival for a group of Vnese students, so I need
some information about the traditional activities to celebrate it. I would also want to know the
kinds of gifts children often receive and the typical types of food which are served during the
Đề bài số 14: You’re just recieved a letter from Lisa – an English pen friend, asking about
learning English skill

How are you now? I’m going to take a language test in 2 months and I’m now busy preparing
for it. The most difficult skill for me is Listening. I find it really hard to understand what is
being said I know that you got great results in your language test last month, so please give
me some advices on how to improve listening skill. Also, I always feel nervous before the
exams. Will you tell me what should I do to keep calm?

Đề bài số 15: You’re just recieved a letter from Andy – an English pen friend, asking you
some advices

Task 1; Hi how are you doing? I’m really enjoying my piano lesson which I have on evening
every week. The teach is to friendly and lovely. You know, playing the piano has been always
one of my dreams since I was a child. Unfortunately, I have a lot of homework and exams to
prepare for at the moment. I need a lot of time to study, but I don’t want to stop going to the
piano classes. What should I do now?
Cần trả lời:- ask her what she enjoys playing the most
- Encourage her to keep playing the piano
- Suggest some ways she can study or continue the piano classes

Đề bài số 16: You’re just received a letter from Rose – an English pen friend, asking about
your new job

How are you these days? I’ve just come back from a business trip. I heard that you have
changed your job. I know that you find a well-paid job , so what made you decide to change?
Please tell me about your new job ( What is this job? Where do you work?). What do you
have to do every day? Are you happy with it? What are your now colleagues like? ( đồng
nghiệp mới của bạn như thế nào?

Đề bài số 17: You’re just received a letter from Jim– an English pen friend, asking your
summer plan
How are you? I’ve just finished my school and I am now enjoying my summer vacation. I will
start my music lesson soon. Next month, I am going on holiday to Switzerland with my
family. I am so excited about the trip. What about you? Have you finished your final exams
yet? Do you have any special plan for this summer? Where are you and your family going for

Đề bài số 18: You’re just received a letter from Andy – a student, asking some information
about the camping trip
I have heard that you are organizing a camping trip next month. I am writing this letter to ask
for some information about the total cost (the fee of the trip)? Are meals included in the price?
What activities can we do there? Are they good for practicing English? How is the
accommodation? (Where do we stay) I look forward to your response at your earliest
convenience. Write a reply letter.
Đề bài số 19: You invited an English teacher, Mrs. Jane Bone to talk in your English club.
Read part of her letter below.

“This is the first time I’ve visited your university. In order to make a good preparation, I
would like some information about my audience (khán giả) (1). I could talk about the ways to
study vocabulary or some useful tips to speak English well. Which one would be more
interesting (2)? Could you tell me how much time will I have to talk (3) and how to get to
your university (4)?”

Đề bài số 20: You had a party at a restaurant. You received a letter from Mr. Watson, the
manager of restaurant asking for your feedback. Read part of the letter from him below
Thank you for choosing to hold your party in my restaurant. Can you give me some feedback
about the food, the service and the atmosphere? Is there anything you are unhappy with it?
Can you suggest how to improve my restaurant?

Đề bài số 21:
You’re just received a letter from Joe, asking some ways to learn English
I would be glad to talk to you about your English club. I’m a little nervous because this
will be the first time coming to your university. In order well prepare for it, I would
like to know some information about my audiences. I’m thinking of talking about
effective ways to study vocabulary or some useful tips to speak English well. Which
topic are more interesting and how much time I have for my talk? Could you also tell
me How can I get to your university from city center?

Đề bài số 22:
You’re just received a letter from the principle, asking some information about your request
of changing a new course
Thank you for your phone call yesterday. I was attending education ehibition when
you rang, so unfortunately. I was able to speak to you for log. From what you said, I
understand you are not satisfy with one of the course of our department and would like
to change a different course .
Can you give me information about course you are doing now? Please explain why
you are not satisfy about course? What course would you like to change?

Đề bài số 23:
You are received a message from an English teacher. He is going to a guest speaker in at your
English Club monthly meeting.

“ I’d be glad to give a talk to your English Club. I’m a little nervous because this will be my
1st time coming to your university. In order to well-prepared. I’d like some information about
my audience. I am thinking of talking about effective ways to study vocabulary or useful tips
to speak English well. Which topic would be more interesting and how much time can I have
for my talk? Could you also tell me how to get to your university from the city center?

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