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-Accounting Definitions *These 3 processes comprises the first phase

- Accounting is a service activity. It of accounting, which referred to as

functions to provide quantitative bookkeeping.*
information, primarily financial in nature
about economic entities that are intended to BOOKKEEPING
be useful in making economic decisions with Systematic and chronological recording of
reasoned choices among alternative courses business transactions, observing therein the
of actions. fundamental principles of accounting. The
- Accounting is the process of recording, preparation of trial balance is supposedly the
classifying, and summarizing, in a end product of a bookkeeper and the starting
significant manner and in terms of money, point of an accountant’s work.
transactions, and events which are part, at
least of a financial in character and MONEY- Cash
interpreting the results thereof. Accounting, TRANSACTION- Exchange of values.
in this sense explains how quantitative Values are money, rights, properties, and
information are being processed according to services.
their ultimate uses. EVENT- Act of happening. Must have an
- Accounting is a language of business. impact to business enterprise, could be either
Accounting is communicating financial positive or negative. Most of the time,
statement to the users. negative account is recorded than positive.
*Last phase of accounting is interpretation*
Financial statements
BALANCE SHEET- Condition of the
business enterprise as of given period. “as
of”, statement contains cumulative figures
from the start of the business commercial
operation up to the present statement date.
operation. Whether the business enterprise
makes profit or losses for a period of time.
“for a period”, statement contains figures
that transpired only during the period of the
statement date.
sources and the cash uses of the business
enterprise during a period of time.
Accounting concepts and principles
ENTITY CONCEPT- Personality of the
RECORDING- writing down of business owner and the personality of the business are
transactions in the official book of distinct and separate from each other.
CLASSIFYING- Sorting of business Reliability principle. Transactions should be
transactions to their specific accounts. verifiable by other parties and are proper
SUMMARIZING- Summing up of the supported with pieces of evidence.
business transactions recorded in the book of COST PRINCIPLE- Transactions have to
accounts. be recorded at the amount that one has
actually paid for.
Materiality of an account is a matter of
professional judgement. Skill of an LABOR UNIONS- For their basis to
accountant judging an account is essential. demand for increase in the salary of their
MATCHING PRINCIPLE- The reason the union members.
business earns an income is that it simply BUDGET OFFICERS/ACCOUNTANTS/AUDITORS
spends. We will match the expenses incurred - Budget officers prepare the company
to the revenue earned. budget and for them to know the progress of
ACCOUNTING PERIOD- A period of 12 its operation as compared to its plan.
CALENDAR PERIOD- 12 months which Forms of business organization
will end on December 31. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP- Only one
FISCAL PERIOD- 12 months which will owner. Usually holds small- medium sized
end other than December 31. business enterprises.
REVENUE RECOGNITION- It is an Proprietor- male owner
Accounting principle that determines the Proprietress- female owner
specific conditions. Income is recognized PARTNERSHIP- Two to Four owner.
when an specific event occurs, and the Usually holds small-medium to sometimes
income pertaining to it is measurable. big business enterprise and owners called
Income is recognized when the company partners. The profit is divided according to
delivers merchandise or services to its their agreement.
customers. CORPORATION- Owners ranges from 5
CONSERVATISM- Concept of and more. Usually holds true for medium
Recognizing expenses and liabilities in the and big enterprises. Ownership will be based
least amount of time if there is uncertainly of on stocks available in the stock market.
the outcome and certainly of revenue and *The generic name of the owner is called
assets received. Corporator. *
- Conservatism principle is a guide of an *Stockholder, shareholder owns a stock
accountant, but he should use his best corporation.*
judgement to evaluate a situation and to *Members owns a non-stock corporation. *
record certain transactions in relation to the *The ownership of the corporation is divided
information available at that time. into shares of stocks.*
Types of business organization
Users of financial Statement SERVICE CONCERN- Render services to
BUSINESS OWNERS- Very particular to the customers to earn income.
what has happened in their business venture. TRADING CONCERN- Also called as
They also make decisions depending on the merchandising concern, which the owner
report and its interpretation. purchase merchandise and sell it to customer
BUSINESS MANAGERS- Direct and and simply adds reasonable mark up on the
control the business enterprise, they really cost of the merchandise to gain profit.
need the financial statements as reference for MANUFACTURING CONCERN- Type
their daily routine business decision making. of business which usually buys raw materials
GOVERNMENT- Correct payment of and converts them into a finish product and
taxes. It is basis for checking the correctness sells into the market.
of the latter’s tax payment.
POTENTIAL INVESTORS- Checks the Application of accounting concepts
soundness of the business enterprise before and principles.
they plan to invest their money and to assure DATA GATHERING- Office manager or
a fair return of their investment as well. nay responsible officer of the company will
CREDITORS- Check on the paying transact business. Can be either done
capacity of the customers first to minimize
doubtful or uncollectible accounts.
personally or be delegated to the company  Checked by, accuracy of the
staff. transaction and the journal entry
ENTITY CONCEPT- Only business prepared.
transactions are allowed to be entered into  Approved by, shows that the journal
the books of the accounts and such entry is now approved for entry in
transactions should be authorized by the books of account.
manager of the company. If the transaction is a cash receipt, then it
OBJECTIVITY PRINCIPLE- will be journalized in the cash receipt
Transactions must be supported by pieces of journal. Attached to the cash receipt
evidences. voucher are the copy of the official receipt
 The receipt must be in the name of the mentioned in the form.
 The receipt must be an invoice (Cash Components of cash receipt voucher
or credit invoice) or an official  Heading
receipt.  Name of the company and Name
 The receipt must be claimed within the of the office form.
taxable period only.  Cash receipt voucher number, for
VERIFIABILITY PRINCIPLE- it is the future referencing.
effect of the application of the entity concept  Body of the form; particulars, debit,
and the objectivity principle. We can check credit.
on the authorization for the incurrence of the  Prepared by, shows the responsibility
said transaction, with their supporting of the person who prepared the
evidence. voucher.
RELIABILITY PRINCIPLE- Effect of the  Checked by, accuracy of the
previous application of the accounting transaction and the journal entry
principles. We apply entity concept and prepared.
objectivity principle, it will make our  Approved by, shows that the journal
transactions reliable. entry is now approved for entry in
books of account.
 Name of the bank, check number, and
amount essential for recording
purposes and for bank reconciliation
 Received by
 The check itself
* Journal voucher is used other that cash
Components of cash receipt voucher receipts (not supported by official receipt
 Heading and cash payments) not supported by a
 Name of the company and Name check.*
of the office form. Components of journal voucher
 Cash receipt voucher number, for  Heading
future referencing.  Name of the company and Name
 Body of the form; particulars, debit, of the office form.
credit.  Cash receipt voucher number, for
 Prepared by, shows the responsibility future referencing.
of the person who prepared the  Body of the form; particulars, debit,
voucher. credit.

 Prepared by, shows the responsibility company cashier, who will then
of the person who prepared the acknowledge and issue the official
voucher. receipt.
 Checked by, accuracy of the  Some companies uses provisional
transaction and the journal entry receipt if the payment made by the
prepared. customer is in form of check. When
 Approved by, shows that the journal the check collection is deposited and
entry is now approved for entry in cleared with the bank, an official
books of account. receipt will be issued.
* Cash receipt book contains all the cash  It is considered as temporary receipt.
received by the business entity and Cannot be considered as good
journalized in cash receipt voucher. The evidence to be kept.
cash receipt voucher serves as control OFFICIAL RECEIPT
measure of accounting officers so that no  Name of business enterprise, address,
transactions will be recorded by the and proprietor.
accounting staff without an approved cash  TIN, for control procedures of the BIR.
receipt voucher.*  Amount, must be written in words and
in figures. Also the nature of the
Trial balance payment.
- it is the list of account titles in the ledger  Form of payment (cash, bank deposit,
with their corresponding balances. It does check collection)
not demonstrate whether the accounts are  Signature of the authorized person to
correct or not, but whether all accounts are accept collection.
transferred correctly to the ledger  Control number, can be written
Trial balance of totals- listing the account anywhere.
title found in the ledger and getting the total Transaction Analysis
of each debit and credit to be written in the ACCOUNT TITLE- Word used to describe
debit and credit column of the trial balance. the transaction.
Trial balance of balances- Get the CHART OF ACCOUNTS- list of account
difference between the debit and credit, and titles used by business enterprises to describe
place the differences under the column their transactions.
(debit or credit) having the greater value.
ASSET ACCOUNT- Resources controlled
Business forms and Documents by the entity as a result of past transactions
SALES INVOICE or events and from which future economic
 Also called Cash sales invoice, charge benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
invoice, or service invoice. It CASH- Generic Account
documents the services rendered or the CASH ON HAND- Money or cash
commodities sold by the customer. substitutes representing the collection of the
 All information can be located at the company awaiting deposit to the company’s
option of the designing accountant. depository bank the following day.
 Other information can also be CASH IN BANK- Money of the company
incorporated in the invoice depending that is in the bank awaiting payment.
on the need of the business enterprise.  CASH IN FUND- A fund intended to
PROVISIONAL RECEIPT pay petty expenses.
 Similar to the official receipt; only
difference is the collectors issue the
document upon arriving at the office
and endorse the collection to the

investments made by the company. Only lending its money or depositing money with
accounts under 3 months maturity will a banking institution.
considered on this account. SALES- Merchandising type of business
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE- organization that is used in selling
Customers’ account arising from selling merchandise.
activities. Refers to a trade account SALES DISCOUNT- Cash discount given
receivables. to customers for setting their accounts on
NOTES RECEIVABLE- Collectible of the time.
company and is supported by promissory SALES RETURNS- Actual return made by
note. the customers.
Merchandise of the company intended for but to an allowance given instead, for the
sale in the course of its business operation. defective merchandise delivered.
PREPAYMENTS- Advance payment made
by the company. EXPENSES ACCOUNT- Decrease in
LAND economic benefit during the accounting
BUILDING period in the form of an outflow or decrease
FURNITURE AND FIXTURES in assets or increase in liability that results in
OFFICDE EQUIPMENTS decrease in equity, other than contribution
DELIVERY EQUIPMENT from equity participants. This will decrease
LIABILITY ACCOUNTS- Present PURCHASES- Merchandise purchase,
obligation of the entity arising from past which are intended for sale.
transactions or events the settlement of PURCHASE DISCOUNT- Discount given
which is expected to result in an outflow by merchandisers when you pay your
from the entity of resources embodying liabilities on time.
economic benefits. PURCHASE RETURNS- Return of
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE- Liability account merchandise to the suppliers.
of the company, arising from purchase of PURCHASE ALLOWANCES-
merchandise that is intended for sale. Allowances given by the supplier
NOTES PAYABLE- Liability accounts representing reduction of price for purchased
supported by a promissory note. merchandise.
CAPITAL ACCOUNT- Residual interest payments to employees.
in the assets of the entity after deducting all EMPLOYEE BENEFITS- Labor payments
its liabilities. to employees beside from basic payment that
CAPITAL- Capital account of the owner. are highly discretionary on part of employer.
WITHDRAWAL, Withdrawal made by the OFFICE SUPPLIES EXPENSE- Various
owner. office supplies used by the office.
economic benefit during the accounting telephone expenses.
period in the form of inflow or increase in RENT EXPENSE
assets or decrease in liability that results in ADVERTISING EXPENSE- Cost of
increase in equity, other than contribution promotion and advertising the product.
from equity participants. This will increase INSURANCE EXPENSE- Represents fire
capital. and burglary insurance of the various assets.
SERVICE INCOME- Render service in
order to earn an income like the services. INVESTMENT- Owner has transferred to
its business as a start up or additional.
DEBIT Assets
CREDIT Liabilities

Recording and Posting

Record of all services rendered on account
only. If the business is a trading concern
then, it is called SALES JOURNAL
purchases on account only.
all cash receipts of the company.
cash disbursement. expenses already paid by the company,
GENERAL JOURNAL- Record of all although not yet incurred or advanced
transactions. payments.

ACCRUED EXPENSES- Expenses that are
already incurred but not yet paid by the

UNEARNED INCOME- This is the income

already received by the company but not yet
earned, or advance receipt coming from the
* Whenever we take up an accrued expense,
we have to debit the appropriate expenses,
such as salaries and wages, utilities
expenses, and other appropriate expense
accounts, and credit the liability accounts,
like the accrued utilities payable or accrued
salaries payable.*
ACCRUED INCOME- This is the income
that is already earned by the company but
not yet received.

DEPRECIATION- Is the Systematic We are assured that we can start with the
allocation of the cost of an asset. The next accounting period in proper order and
straight line method is normally used in that debit is equal to credit.
computing the depreciation of an asset.

 Last account title to be shown in this
statement must be capital account.
Accrued salaries and wages and
unearned service income are inserted
DOUBTFUL ACCOUNT- This is the among the current liabilities. This is
portion of the estimated collectible accounts done because the post closing trial
The estimate can be based on a percentage of balance must be arranged in
income, sales, or a percentage of accounts accordance with the accounting
receivables equation.
The capital is computed as:
Beginning Capital
Add: Net Income
Less: Drawing
Ending Capital

REVERSAL BALANCE- Last process in

the accounting cycle is the reversal entries.
Reversal of adjusting entries made at the end
of the accounting period, which will result in
normal recording of transaction in the next
accounting period. The process is optional in
Post-Financial Statement Process
Entities that needed to be reversed are:
CLOSING ENTRIES- The purpose of  Accrual of income
closing entries is to zero out temporary  Accrual of expenses
account by transferring all temporary  Prepayments (if expense method is
accounts to a permanent account. used)
RULES IN CLOSING ENTRIES  Unearned income (if income method is
 Debit all the credits you see in the used)
income statement columns of your
working paper. Merchandising Concern Business
 Credit all the debits you see in the
income statement columns of your Enterprise
working paper. SALES- revenue account for merchandising
 The counterpart will be the income business enterprise.
summary for the revenue and the SALES RETURN- Account will be used
expenses and capital for the drawing whenever the customer physically returns
account. the merchandise.
used whenever the customer does not really
return the merchandise; instead, we give a kahit di pa nya na rereceive yung product
little reduction from our sales price because and the shipping fee shoulder din ni buyer.
of the defects.
customers to buy in commercial quantity. FREIGHT COLLECT- Buyer will pay the
Customers can get more discounts if they freight charges.
buy in volume. Transactions will be FREIGHT PREPAID- Seller will pay the
recorded as net of the trade discounts. freight charges.
Normally trade discounts are expressed in
terms of percentage. TYPES OF FREIGHT AGREEMENT:
CASH DISCOUNT- Will motivate the FREIGHT IN- Purchase of goods from
customers to pay their account on time. supplier; adjunct account and is added to the
Settlement of account within discount period account purchases to come up with gross
can help the customers avail the cash purchases and a product cost.
discount. FREIGHT OUT- Account is associated
2/10- 2% discount is given if he can pay with the sales if goods to our customer; an
within 10 days operating expense account and a period cost.
N/30- No discount but should be payed
within 30 days. Bank Reconciliation
Eom- Account is collectible at the end of -Accounting activity where accounting
the month. corresponds to the reconciling the balance of
5 eoms- 5% discount will be given if he cash book and the balance of a company’s
can at the end of the month. deposit with a bank. Normally these two
PURCHASE ACCOUNT- There is a records do not balance due to the timing and
restrictive use. We can only use this account the nature of their activities.
title if the merchandise purchased by the
company is intended for sale. Like sales
transactions purchases have two contra-
purchase accounts, Purchase discount and
purchase return and allowances.
Collections that the company has made
during the day, but are not yet deposited to
the bank.
DEPOSIT IN TRANSIT- Collections that
the company has already made and deposited
to the bank but noy yet credited to the
company’s account because of clearing cut-
FREIGHT OF CHARGES CREDIT MEMO- Collections made by the
MODE OF DELIVERY: bank and credited by the bank to the
company’s account. Sometimes loan
FREE ON BOARD (FOB) proceeds which the bank credited to the
DESTINATION- Seller muna magbabayad account, the book should also have the
kaya di pa kay buyer yung ownership until record of it to balance the accounts.
mareceive nya yung product. DEBIT MEMO- Payments made by the
FREE ON BOARD (FOB) SHIPPING bank in behalf of the company. Banks only
POINT- Si buyer na ang may ownership debits the account of the company.

issued and released by the company to a
payee. Once the check is released, the check
can already be encashed or not encashed.

Financial Analysis
figures within the same accounting period. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS- Computing
Establishing relationship of the size of one percentages and ratios in the financial
account with the standard account to be statement has no significance at all if there is
compared. no interpretation, as well as
 We want to know how big our cost of recommendations for improvement of what
sales is compared to our sales (cost of is considered weak areas in the operation.
sales divided by sales) Goal is to improve the weak areas, and
 We want to know how big our gross therefore, build better control, protecting the
profit is compared to our sales (gross assets of the company
profit divided by sales)

 We want to know how big our

expenses are compared to our sales
(expenses divided by sales)
 We want to know how big our net
income is compared to our sales (net
income divided by sales).

*In vertical analysis we consider the sales

as 100% because we will compare all the
other digures in relation to the sales. Sales
therefore, will be the standard of


comparison of the previous year’s account
title with the current year’s account’s title.
Establishing the increase or decrease of the
account over the period analyzed.

*Horizontal analysis is comparing figures of

two or more accounting periods. By
comparing the two figures, you can observe
the growth of such account; if you do this
for several years, you can observe the trend
of the increase/decrease of such account.
For decision-making purpose, any abnormal
increase/decrease may be an indicator that
the company should analyze such account.*

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