Chaotic Emperor

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Chaotic Emperor


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The Dasecris Empire was the most powerful and most

advanced empire on the Dasecris continent. It stood tall and
proud for nearly ten million years and was ruled by the Royal
family of the Dasecris clan. But this great empire was
annihilated in a single night. Every member of the Royal family
and branch family were slaughtered in that one night.

Amaysu was the Crown Prince of this great empire. He was

born into royalty, surrounded by loved ones, a genius of many
arts and well versed with the clan’s Inherited Legacy. With the
clans vast resources he was able to show signs of his future
accomplishments, however, this tragic night ended all that.

He, his younger brother and sister were put in a state of

suspended animation for over ten thousand years, hidden away
from the world.

Amaysu wakes up in this new era with no one to rely on, an

era where his family is considered to be monsters and his
existence is unknown. Fuelled by the desire for revenge and
with the power of his Inherited Legacy, he will climb his way to
the highest rank in the world to get revenge.
In this world there is no second chance, only power will
protect you and your loved ones. This is Amaysu’s journey for
revenge, finding his love, meeting new friends and adventure.

What are the dark secrets that his clan hid from him?

Who are the people that destroyed his empire?

And what did they want?


Two weeks passed by very quickly. At the peak of a small

mountain that was constantly being attacked by biting winds
stood Amaysu, a small black sack was slung over his shoulder
carrying the necessities that he needed and he was wearing
black clothes. Amaysu was calmly gazing at the boundless forest
that stretched out in front of him. There was also quite a few
bird type Savage beasts that roamed the air space above the
forest at this moment in time.

This boundless forest was called the Savage Kings Forest. One
of the three biggest forests on the continent, having a surface
area of nearly two million square kilometres. This forest was
filled with many different habitats and climate, mountain
ranges that pierced the clouds and a sea of green that was filled
with continuous roars could be seen from where he was

Savage Kings Forest was situated at the edge of the Dasecris

Empire and was shared by two other Empires, however, this
geographical knowledge was from over ten thousand years ago,
so which empires bordered it could have changed.

This was also the place that he was taken to by his master,
Etros many, many millennia ago. From what he could recall, the
outer perimeter of the forest contained Savage beasts between
Rank 1 and Rank 6, while in the inner regions, the Savage
beast’s far surpassed that level. Only extremely powerful
individuals could enter the inner regions of the Savage Kings
Forest and come back alive.

Amaysu’s black cloak whipped around and his hair fluttered

due to the cold wind. He was reminiscing the many memories
he had with his late master, that time he had come here with
him, but now he was going into this Savage Kings forest all

Amaysu had decided many weeks ago that he would come

here to train. He was here to strengthen himself and reach a
higher level much faster than training alone and to do this he
was prepared to face death.

Releasing a sigh that he had kept in him for a long time he

stretched his right arm out perpendicular to his body and a
scythe slowly formed in the empty air. The scythe was 6 feet
long, the curved blade was approximately one meter long and
extremely sharp, on its other side extended a short sharp blade
that was similar to a dagger. He grabbed the handle of the
scythe and leaped down from the peak of the mountain,
treading downwards as safely and agilely as possible.
This period of training was going to be long and he did not
know when he was going to return, but this was all for the sake
of getting stronger and for revenge. After about a minute he
landed safely on the ground and disappeared into the greenery
of the forest that was roamed by countless Savage beasts.
Chapter 1 - End Of An Empire

“Ouch!” On a rare warm sunny morning in the midst of the

cold season. A kid shouted inside the courtyard of a wooden hut
as his body flew back and was about to slam onto the floor.
However just before he landed a silver net appeared formed
from small grey specks, which protected him and prevented
him from hurting himself.

As soon as the boy stabilised himself, the net disappeared. The

kid stood there rubbing his shoulder and head, he had a pained
expression on his face which showed his straightforwardness.

The boy looked as if he was around 13 years old, he had sandy

brown hair that matted his forehead, covered in sweat and his
sides were trimmed short. One of the boys eye had a deep brown
iris, while the other was a golden copper coloured iris, which
was absolutely mesmerising. He had smooth, white spotless
skin, thin lips, sharp full eyebrows and a high nose. The boy was
around 1.6 metres tall and was wearing black training apparels.

“Master, You promised me you wouldn’t use your bamboo

sword to strike me,” the boy exclaimed with a hurtful and sad
tone, looking at him with a sorrowful expression.

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“Amaysu, for the sake of the Empire you have to become
stronger, so strengthen your control over the Nano Tekro
Inherited Legacy and plus by physically beating you I can help
you strengthen your body and you’ll reach the Body
Transformation stage faster.” Amaisu’s master retorted, he
knew that this seemingly lovely boy was very innocent but
would subconsciously act in front of him, which would irritate
him sometimes. This kid’s control over his Nano creations are
much better than his father at the same age and he only
possesses a fragment of the Inherited Legacy.

The man Amaysu called master was an elderly man that was
well built and had short grey hair anyone that saw him would
never believe that this man was old, he had wrinkles on his face
and a scar on his face, that exemplified his stern face. This
elderly man had a necklace around his neck which held a silver
square locket with nothing special about it, but this locket was
something he would never take off. This elderly man was
wearing a black T-shirt and Black army pants for training, while
holding a bamboo sword. This man was the perfect example of a
veteran warrior that had faced countless life and death battles.

“Hmmph!” The boy had a sad expression as he sighed; his

master was one of the rare few people that would treat him like
a child and not like a prince.

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Amaysu was the part of the main lineage of the royal family of
the Dasecris Empire, which was within the Dasecris Continent.
The Dasecris Continent had many Empires and Kingdoms
within it and leading all of them was the Dasecris Empire
themselves. They were the most powerful on the continent and
Amaysu’s father was the current emperor of the empire.

The Dasecris Empire had been in rule for nearly ten million
years. Because of the Dasecris Empire, this age was called the
golden age in history; the empire was the most advanced empire
on the continent, with technology that was a couple tens of
thousands of years ahead of all the other countries and empires.
They had countless Body Transformation experts and their
secret Legacy had made them the unmovable power of the

“Amay, listen to Master Etros’s instructions.” A voice echoed,

a man dressed in a beautiful white robe with silver linings all
over it, causing him to look majestic, he was an extremely
handsome man, around 1.9 metres tall, with long sandy brown
hair, he had an appearance similar to Amaysu’s, except he had
brown eyes. However the tired expression on his face made it
seem as if he had aged many years.

Behind the man was a woman carrying two babies that looked
identical to each other, she wore a beautiful light blue dress that

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was the exact same colour as the sky, with intricate flower
patterns. She was an extremely beautiful woman, with straight
black hair that descended down to her waist and had silky
smooth white skin, golden copper eyes and she had an amiable
smile on her face.

Amaysu quickly straightened himself and smiled, “Father,

Mother.” The only person that used his nickname was his father
and mother

“Your Majesty,” Master Etros Slightly bowed to show his


This man and woman were the current Emperor and Empress
of the empire and they were Amaysu’s mother and father.

“Master, you don’t have to bow in front of your old student.”

The Emperor said helplessly.

“Hahaha, Elisa are you doing fine? And Ranel I thought after
you became the Emperor you would have forgotten who I was
since you haven’t visited me in such a long time.” Master Etros
laughed not bothering to keep his respectful attitude.

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“Mother, Father… Why are you here?” Amaysu abruptly
asked curiously, he had been isolated from the outside world for
6 months and was continuously training the Nanotekro
Inherited Legacy, lived a life of a commoner and would go train
in the wild, which tempered his personality under the tutelage
of his master. His parents rarely visited him because they were
really busy managing the empire.

“Why? Can’t your mother come to see her own son’s

progress? Now come here.” A gentle voice resonated; this was
the empress who was speaking.

Amaysu sheepishly smiled and then walked towards his

mother who was carrying the two toddlers.

He helped his mother carry one of them, these two babies

were Amaysu’s younger brother and sister, who were no more
than a year old and they were twins.

For a few minutes they were all casually talking, Amaysu

explained the experience he gained in the past 6 months under
Master Etros’s tutelage.

“Amaysu, we’ve come to pick you up, you’re training with

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your master is finished. From today onwards you’ll return to
the Palace with us.” Amaysu’s father suddenly said with a
serious expression, showing that he didn’t want Amaysu to talk

Amaysu nodded, his father would only use his full name when
he was serious. Amaysu was confused at first but was happy that
he got to return to his parent’s side; however he was also sad
that he had to leave his master whom he had built a close bond

“Amaysu carry your younger brother and sister and wait near
the Teleportation field, while I and your mother discuss some
affairs with master Etros.”

Amaysu carrying both toddlers walked through the courtyard

that Amaysu was previously sparring with Master Etros.

As soon as Amaysu left, both Ranel and Elisa had a solemn

expression on their face; they turned to face master Etros who
also had a solemn expression on his face.

“How is your father holding out on the front line?” Master

Etros suddenly said with an extremely serious tone.

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Ranel gritted his teeth, with a vexed and irritated expression,
“Father is being pushed back little by little, to think they have
three Origin Transformation experts leading them. Father is
only a single Origin Transformation expert,” Ranel said with
seriousness. “If only I was at the Origin Transformation stage,
but I’m only at the 9th Body Transformation stage and it’ll take
me 50 to a 100 years to reach the Earth Transformation Stage
without any external help.” Ranel said helplessly, his anxiety
and distress was visible in his tone.

“Master I don’t know how long we’ll be able to hold out, a

week at most probably, but I need to know, is Amaysu ready to
inherit the entire Inherited Legacy of our family?”

“Ranel, you’re son is more talented than you, your father and
even your grandfather. But he is still so young,” master Etros
after speaking this far, he looked at Ranel and saw the fear and
helplessness in his eyes, he sighed. “Your son is barely qualified
to gain the complete Inherited Legacy.”

When both Ranel and Elisa heard this they had a delighted
smile on their tired faces.

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“As long as our children survive, our family will return and
they’ll never obtain our Inherited Legacy.” Ranel said with a
weary smile.

“When is it possible to pass on the Legacy?”

“We can do it today, if you want to rush it, but he’ll feel
unimaginable pain. However if we prepare everything correctly
and wait till the new moon comes out, which is next week; the
process of transferring the legacy will be smoother and less
painful.” Master Etros said.

“Okay, we’ll do it all in a week’s time.” There was a serene

silence between them, as they bathed under the rare glistening
heat of the sun in the cold season. “Master, thank you for your
service to our family, I hope you’ll leave and escape from this
calamity of ours,” Ranel said with sadness visible in his tone.

“Ranel… No matter what, I’ve sworn to protect your family

till my last breath, so don’t joke around. You should be asking
forgiveness from your children, they’ll be going through a very
hard life.” Master Etros said grievously.

“When the army reaches my small hut here, I’ll use every bit

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of my strength to hold them back for as long as I can.” Master
Etros said with a heartfelt smile. “I’ve never once regretted
serving your family and I will finally have a chance to repay the
great opportunity you’ve given me so please don’t show me that

Elisa hearing this hugged Ranel without a care as shimmering

drops of tears rolled down her cheeks, Ranel in return embraced
Elisa back as he stared into the calm blue sky, which foretold
nothing of what was soon to come. An unmistakable tear was
rolling down the side of Ranel’s face as he stared into the sky.

“Thank you… Master.”

“The Empire will end with us… We only have a few days to
share with our children and then they’ll be forever alone, even
with all the vast wealth, power, advancement we’ve made in
our technology and weapons, we can’t stop those barbaric
warriors.” Ranel said bitterly. Tears were now uncontrollably
falling down from both his and his wife’s cheek as they let out
the sorrow and grief they had kept deep inside their hearts.

Master Etros also sensed the pain inside the Emperors and
Empresses heart.

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“What have the countries in our Alliance done?” Master Etros

Suddenly the sadness inside both of their hearts transformed

into a bone deep hatred, resentment and fury, Ranel said
through gritted teeth, tears still on his cheeks: “Those Bastards,
the ones we’ve helped even during their hardest times have
neglected us and are acting like they have nothing to do with

Right at this moment Amaysu was sitting on a bench near the

teleportation field playing with his younger brother and sister
who were both twins.

“Come here Raymond, Arisa.” Both toddlers looked up at their

older brother, drool was coming from the side of their lips as
they stared at Amaysu with their big brown eyes, showing the
intelligence contained within.

“I wonder what mother and father are talking about?” He

asked himself, the past six months were the hardest moments of
his life, yet it was the most fulfilling moments of his life:
Hunting beasts, trekking mountains, searching for fresh water
and training his Nano Tekro’s in the forests with his master.

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*Tap* *Tap*

Amaysu looked up to see his parents walking towards him,

followed by his master. When his parents noticed Amaysu look
up at them, both of them had a painful yet loving smile on their
faces. Amaysu’s mother, Elisa walked up to him, Amaysu
automatically stood up and his mother gave him a loving
embrace as she held him tightly, fearing that if she let him go,
she’ll never see him again.

Amaysu was confused by his mother’s sudden embrace, but

allowed his mother to embrace him tighter.

“Amaysu get ready we’ll be leaving now.” Ranel looked at

Amaysu and said, grief in his eyes knowing of the heavy burdens
he’ll carry in the future, which caused him even more
heartbreaking pain.

Amaysu left his mothers embrace and nodded, he was

confused as he noticed his parent’s heart aching expressions.

After Amaysu packed the few things he had in his possession

he walked outside the hut. He headed a hundred metres north of

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the hut to find his parents and his master standing there next to
the teleportation field that was situated near his master’s hut.

They all viewed Amaysu with a loving expression. Master

Etros walked towards Amaysu and gave him a big bear hug.

“Guh!” Amaysu felt the air in his lungs leave him as his master
tapped his hands on his back, which felt more like heavy slaps
on his back, sometimes Amaysu felt that his master didn’t even
realise his own strength.

After master Etros let Amaysu go, he placed his hand on

Amaysu’s shoulder and said: “Amaysu, this world is vast; there
are many continents out there. It may not seem big because of
the vast array of technology we possess but when all of it
disappears and you don’t have anything left you’ll realise how
vast this world truly is.” While saying this his master lifted the
necklace around his neck and took it off.

“Master this is…” Amaysu hesitated, as he noticed what his

master was about to give him.

“Amaysu, this is a life protecting treasure that we created

using the vast technological advancement and only a few exist

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on this entire continent. When you go out in the future and face
impending danger this will protect you.”Master Etros said as he
placed the necklace around Amaysu’s neck, the expression on
his face explained he didn’t want Amaysu to reject it.

Amaysu helplessly nodded, he clenched his grip which was

holding the silver square locket.

“Thank you master, I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me.
We’ll meet again in the future.” Amaysu said with a tinge of
reluctance and sadness in his voice, these six months were
probably one of the happiest and fulfilling moments of his life.

Amaysu walked towards his parents who were standing in the

centre of the teleportation field, as they held a child each.

“To the Central Palace of the Dasecris Empire,” Ranel shouted


The Teleportation field buzzed as if it was responding to

Ranel’s orders and a blinding light flashed across the field and
in an instant the light died down and no one was inside the field

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Master Etros eyes turned hazy as a tear rolled down his
cheeks. ” My disciple… I’m sorry… This will probably be our
last meeting, please forgive this old fool, my disciple.” The old
man said with melancholy in his voice.

“Now I have to prepare for the invasion.” Muttered Master

Etros as he destroyed the Teleportation field, making it
impossible for anyone to repair it and started preparing counter
measures to stall the enemy.

“BOOM!” Master Etros turned to hear an explosion that came

from about 5 miles up north.

His eyes widened in shock as he panicked for a moment and

quickly calmed himself. “Shit! They’re already here!”

Master Etros quickly went into his old hut and brought out a
glistening silver sword that emanated its own blood thirsty aura
after many years of being soaked in the blood of the enemies of
the empire.

“Hmph…” A man that wore a pitch black cloak that covered

all his features sighed, he was followed by 2 others that were
dressed similar to him and they were all standing in front of the

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wooden hut.

Master Etros emerged from the hut as soon as he sensed the

powerful auras emitted by these 3 men.

“Who are you?” Master Etros asked keeping his guard up.

“… We’re here to kill you.” The man on the left uttered as he

looked at Master Etros through the cloak.

“You’re with them.” After saying this he instantly raced

towards the men wearing the black cloaks like a savage beast,
sword first. Afterimages were created at the speed he was

The man that uttered the previous words moved forward, the
other men covered in their cloaks didn’t bother stopping him.

The Silver sword came crashing onto the black robe of the
figure in black.

“Clang!!” A metallic sound echoed across the empty grassy

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courtyard of the wooden hut.

“Origin Transformation stage!” Master Etros’s eyes widened

in shock, he himself was a rank 7 Body Transformation stage
and he was also closing in to the end of his life. But an Origin
Transformation stage felt nothing when the blade came in
contact with his robe, even the black robe didn’t show any
changes under the force of the attack.

“Hmmph” With a disdainful sigh the man chopped his pale

white hands.

As the black cloaked figure hand moved towards his neck,

master Etros had realised that there was no way for him to
escape. Master Etros’s entire life flashed before his eyes, an
instant brought memories of the nearly thousand years he had
lived for. He remembered the priceless favour that the Royal
family had given to him, he remembered his children and wife
and the agonising and desolate memories of losing them. He
remembered the father like bond he had created with both of
his disciples: Ranel and his son Amaysu which filled his empty
and desolate heart, the brotherly relationship he had with the
ancestor of the Dasecris family. Everything flashed across his

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Only one thought was left, when the sharp sword like hand
was barely an inch away from his throat: “I’m sorry… I couldn’t
stall them,” a trace of a tear appeared on his eyes.


The tear drop didn’t have the chance to well up as master

Etros’s head fell down from his shoulders, landing on the grassy
floor, under the grace of the foreboding calm weather.

Right at this moment Amaysu and his family had already

arrived at the teleportation field inside the Palace and were now
walking to the dining hall. The palace was located at the centre
of the capital city, Dasecris city.

“Thump…Thump.” Out of nowhere both Amaysu and his

father Ranel felt a heart wrenching pain inside them, there
mood transformed into a deep sorrow, they both felt tears well
up and Amaysu unlike his father had tears dripping down his

Why am I crying?

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Amaysu wiped the tears away and looked at his father and
noticed that he had the same facial expression and feeling that
he was having, to Amaysu it felt like something precious had
been stolen from his heart and he didn’t know what it was.

“Dear, what’s the matter?” Elisa asked with a worried

expression on her face.

Ranel shook his head. “It’s nothing.” And they all carried on
walking through the hallway to the dining hall.

The dining hall was beyond beautiful, pillars of plated gold

held the ceiling of the room, huge windows stared out of the
palace showing a great view of the magnificent city, the walls
were carved to make beautiful and mysterious patterns.
Paintings of vast and breath taking sceneries were kept on the
walls of the dining hall, each painting would cost millions of
gold if they were put on auction.

The dining table wasn’t enormous to the point where it would

fit the entire hall and each seat would be around 10 metres away
from each other. Rather the dining table was quite small and
modest, around 3 metres wide and 9 metre long. There were
exceptionally carved chairs for four people and two special

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made chairs for the toddlers. These four seats were especially
made for: Amaysu, his father: the Emperor Ranel, his mother:
the Empress Elisa, Amaysu’s grandfather the Ancestor of the
royal family: Raisel and the special chairs were for the two
toddler twins.

Large amounts of exquisite, high class, dazzling dishes that

would cause anyone that had feast their eyes upon it to have the
heated desire to devour it. It was all being brought onto the
table by countless servants dressed in the royal uniform given to
them. Countless guards aligned around the walls, standing on
guard, each one was exuding a powerful aura.

Even though Amaysu had returned to the castle after six

months, for the first time in his entire life, he felt an oppressive
aura coming from all around the castle and city, causing his
already extinguishable appetite to disappear completely as he
lazily moved his spoon around a bowl of soup that emanated a
mouth watering scent. His baby brother and sister were being
fed by his mother; usually the maids would feed the babies but
Elisa for the past few months had been feeding the babies
herself. Amaysu didn’t notice anything different; this was a way
his mother showed her affection to her children.

Suddenly a loud commotion was heard outside the dining hall,

which caused Ranel to frown as he was annoyed by this sudden

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disturbance in this already heavy atmosphere.

“Get out of my way!” A very hoarse voice blasted right outside

the door. This caused everyone in the dining halls eyes to widen
in shock.

“Bang!” the door slammed open with a tremendous force

causing the bolts of the door to tremble.

Amaysu, his fathers and mothers eyes were wide open as they
stared in disbelief and grief.

A trembling, bloodied elderly man was standing there, behind

him were countless servants and maids with worried
expressions on their faces, they all knew who this kind hearted
yet strong willed old man was. This elderly mans entire body
was soaked in blood, his once stern and prideful face was
covered in blood, where there used to be a left arm was now
missing, his breathing was rasped and heavy. He looked weary
and it seemed as if his legs would lose themselves any moment
and he would stagger onto the floor however the sword he was
holding was enough to keep him steady. The elderly mans, once
smart military clothing was now shredded into pieces. The sight
of this elderly man was painful for everyone in the room to

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“Father-in-law!” Three voices shouted out in unison.

Ranel ran towards his father: Raisel, the Ancestor and the
most powerful person of the empire and the Dasecris continent.
However this figure now looked wretched.

“All of you prepare the healing facility now!” Ranel shouted.

“Amaysu, wait in your room until your grandfather has healed.”
Ranel further said, it seemed as if he was more worried about
Amaysu than his father’s injuries.

Amaysu seeming to understand left the room without

requesting a reason.

It had been 3 hours since his grandfather had returned, but

nevertheless the entire Palace was in chaos as the news of the

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great ancestor returning spread out and countless workers were
moving at extremely fast paces following the orders of the
emperor preparing many things.

Amaysu was standing in his room, it wasn’t adorned with

anything over exaggerating, however it was still decorated
enough so that people would realise the wealth of his family.

He had a massive bed and countless wardrobes around the

room, with a study table and a holographic receiver in his room.
However Amaysu was standing next to the window that was
staring deep into the city. Darkness had already encased the sky,
stars filled the empty, vast darkness and a bright circular full
moon stood in the centre.

Tall skyscrapers stood all around the city, all lit brightly,
causing the skyline of the city to glow brightly. This showed the
wealth and intelligence of the Dasecris Empire. The Palace itself
was located on top of a mountain in the centre of the city; it was
high enough to look down upon all these sky piercing buildings,
which were made with steel and glass to show the beauty and
simplicity of the building’s designs.

Flying vehicles would float through the skyline of the city and
an unfathomable huge amount of small dots were walking

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across the streets all over the city. The advancement of the
Dasecris Empire was largely due to the importance that they
held to knowledge, which was just as important as the military
power of the empire. This was one of the reasons that the
Dasecris Empire was the power fullest force on the continent
when compared to the barbaric and power hungry empires
across the continent.

Despite the beauty of the city, Amaysu was staring blankly

through the window in the darkness of his room; the only light
was produced by the moon and the city. Since his parents
returned to pick him up on this day, everything felt weird and
tense. Amaysu wasn’t a clueless child, on the contrary he was
extremely smart, but on the outside he kept a lazy or clueless
exterior. The thoughts of his masters sad expression, seeing his
grandfathers bloody figure, he realised something was going on
and he didn’t know what it was.

As he stared into the darkness, grey dots floated around his

open hand, they changed into a miniscule size of a skyscraper,
into a sword and into a metal pearl. This was part of the
Nanotekro Inherited Legacy he and his family possessed, in the
past 6 months he had made immense improvements in his
control over the legacy. His skills in controlling the Legacy were
many levels higher than before.

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Amaysu new little about where the Inherited Legacy had come
from. But he knew that all the Inherited Legacy that existed and
the ones that had yet to be found were technological items.
They were so complex that it would take an immeasurable
amount of time for them to figure out how to reproduce it and it
would take even longer for them to make one of the same
quality as this.

“I wonder what’s going on.” Amaysu questioned himself.


The small formless grey particles vanished, when the

knocking sound was heard.

“Come in.”

A maid walked in looking down onto the floor, showing her

respects to the crowned prince.

“Your Majesty, the Emperor is calling upon you, he wants you

to come to his study room.” The maid said respectfully, still
keeping her gaze low.

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Amaysu gave a calm side glance at the maid. “Okay, I’ll be
right there.”

The maid courteously left the room.

Amaysu walked through the great hallway of the palace. The

walls of the hallway were releasing a radiant white colour. The
hallway was extremely spacious, allowing many people to walk
together at once. It had countless wooden doors leading to
different rooms under carved arches that were splendidly
carved by sculptors. The height of the hallway made it even
more spacious. The study room was placed at the end of the
hallway; it was placed in the quietest and calmest place in the
palace. No one besides the royal family was allowed to freely
walk in this area of the palace, everyone else was forbidden
unless they received the invitation of a member of the family.

Amaysu carried on walking, each step created a desolate echo

that moved across the empty hallway. After a while Amaysu
arrived in front of a door that was behind two huge white
pillars, that held the roof. The door to the room was white
unadorned of decoration and was rather simple, which fitted
the emperors simple and calm personality well.

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“Knock…Knock…Knock…” Amaysu knocked three times, as it
was custom to enter the private study room.

“Come in.” A hoarse voice echoed from within the room.

Amaysu opened the door to the room; the room was simple
yet releasing an atmosphere of intelligence and knowledge.
There were bookshelves all around the room and there were so
many books, this was the families personal collection of books
that had been passed through countless generations, containing
the history of the empire, military tactic books, medicine books,
books holding technological information, etc.

Sitting behind the desk was Amaysu’s grandfather, Raisel. He

was wearing a white robe and his chin was leaning on his open
palm while the other sleeve was loose and empty, because of the
loss of his limb. Raisel had a grave expression on his face. He
was now mostly healed because of the advancement in the
empires medical facilities and because of his constitution as an
Earth Transformation stage expert. If he had spent at least a
week in the healing facilities he would have also formed another
arm. In front of the desk was an empty chair and the desk itself
was empty except for a pot of tea and two cups.

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Sitting on his right side was Amaysu’s father Ranel, who also
had a grave expression on his face. And Elisa was sitting near a
book shelf on the sides as she looked down on a cot that had
been relocated into the study room and Amaysu’s younger
siblings were sleeping within.

“Amaysu sit down.” Raisel said, with a tinge of sadness in his


Amaysu felt the uneasy and tense atmosphere.

“Elisa, pour some tea for the child,” Raisel instructed, he then
turned to face Amaysu.” This is to keep you calm.”

Keep me calm? What’s going on? Amaysu though with a

confused expression, he felt a certain discomfort and
restlessness inside him. He had the feeling that something was
wrong, after all his grandfather, the most powerful person on
the continent came back with severe life threatening injuries.

Elisa poured a cup of tea and laid it out in front of Amaysu,

she had a painful and a sorrow filled expression.

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“Drink it my boy.” Raisel waved his hand instructing him to
drink it.

Amaysu picked the unadorned cup filled with tea, he took a

sniff, the herbal aroma instantly tackled him, it was as if all the
stress in his body instantly disappeared causing his body and
mind to be extremely calm and tranquil. It felt as if his nerves
were being calmed down and every muscle in his boy relaxed.
Amaysu slowly took a sip of the hot tea and in a few seconds had
drunk the entire cup dry.

After Amaysu had put the cup back down, he looked back up
at his grandfather who was taking a deep breath, his expression
was still grave, but it was also full of concern and it was directed
to him.

“Amaysu… Your master… Your father’s master…My brother,

Etros is… Dead.” Raisel uttered each word very slowly and

Amaysu’s pupil dilated, his heart beat increased and his

thoughts were blank. This was something he wasn’t prepared
for, just a few hours ago, his master was perfectly fine and right
now he was hearing that he was dead. If it came out of anyone
else’s mouth he would have punish the man with over 100

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lashes with a metal whip.

“H…How? How?! Who did it?!” Leon’s stuttering voice

changed into a frenzied roar, the disbelief and heartbreaking
rage he was feeling was enough to shatter his mentality;
however that tea had caused his mind to be clear despite the
unquenchable surge of wrath.

“Amaysu calm down… I don’t know who did it, but I have a
rough Idea of who it was.” Raisel interrupted, if it was any other
time he would have scolded Amaysu harshly, but seeing this boy
and the future he was going to face caused his heartstrings to

“Then why aren’t we going after them?!” Amaysu enquired

loudly, with melancholy in his voice.

“Amaysu, when I was racing back towards the palace using

our families Inherited Legacy, I passed through Etros’s hut
and… and found his body crumpled on the floor, his head was
cleanly severed from his shoulders, the blood that flowed had
just been recent,” Raisel stated. ” But my grandson, the same
people that killed him, a person who was in the 7th stage of the
Body Transformation stage was killed by the same people who
nearly killed me.”

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Grandfather was nearly killed by the people that killed
Master. How is that possible? Amaysu was shocked, he couldn’t
utter a word. But the sadness in his heard caused tears to well in
his eyes.


Amaysu looked up to see his grandfather say his name.

“Keep your Inherited Legacy hidden from the outside world

because today you’ll be the sole possessor of our Inherited
Legacy and will.” Raisel stated, tears were welling up in his

Amaysu’s gaze was full of confusion.

Amaysu felt as if he was saying his farewells.

“Sob sob!” Amaysu’s mother and father had tears well up in

their eyes and his mother had burst out crying, he felt his
heartstrings being pulled.

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“Amaysu… Please…Please forgive this old fool, for not being
able to protect you!” Tears were rapidly flowing as Raisel burst
out into tears as well as he wept in sorrow , Amaysu felt
something wrong, it felt as if they were saying there farewells.

“My son, please forgive your mother and I for not spending
enough time with you.” Ranel said as he got up and hugged
Amaysu tightly and his mother also walked towards him and
hugged him tightly.

Amaysu didn’t know what was going on.

“Amaysu you’re the eldest, protect your younger brother and

sister,” Elisa whispered into his ears as she hugged him tightly
fearing if she let go, he would be gone forever.

“Grandfather, Father, Mother, what is going on?” Amaysu

asked concernedly.

“Amaysu today is the day our empire ends,” His grandfather

said solemnly as he stared blankly at the ceiling.

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Amaysu’s eyes widened, while he was still in his parents
embrace. “How? Our empire is the strongest force on the
continent, who could end it?”

Raisel shook his head. “Amaysu the people that killed your
master and nearly killed me, are the ones attacking… They are
intent on gaining our Inherited Legacy and want our family
dead.” Raisel said with bitterness.

“But, Amaysu you will escape with our legacy with your
younger brother and sister,” Raisel explained with hope in his

Amaysu finally understood why his parents looked at him in

sorrow, why they were all crying, the reason they told him to
take care of his siblings and inherit their Inherited Legacy, and
why he had left his masters side. Everything was for him to
escape this disaster befalling on his family and live on.

“No. Grandfather I will stand and fight with you,” said

Amaysu in a resolute tone.


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Amaysu felt heavy heartbeats and he noticed his vision blur as
he saw double, he felt as if his leg would give in any moment,
but he was held in his parent’s embrace, his head felt hazy and
misty as if he was losing consciousness.

That cup… Amaysu thought, realisation dawned upon him,

that tea was drugged.

“Amaysu I’m sorry, you are our only successor and we can’t
afford to lose you, you are my grandson, I’m sorry Amaysu,
forgive this old fool for not showing you enough love, forgive
your family for not fulfilling their rights towards you and
always protect your siblings.” His grandfather stood up as he
started weeping again as he held onto Amaysu’s lifeless arms
while his parents held him tightly.

“Amaysu, we love you, remember this forever in your heart.”

Elisa said as she hugged Amaysu even tighter.

“Amaysu, we’ll forever be in your hearts, always remember

honour is something you cannot throw away, you are the
Inherited Legacy possessor of the Dasecris family.” Ranel
uttered as he sobbed, hugging his son, whom he, the father had
left an unimaginable burden upon.

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“Boom!” An explosion rang, causing the windows of the study
room to shatter, this blast had hit the capital causing the entire
city to light up, it was as if dawn was breaking within the dark

But right at this moment none of the family members in the

study room heard the explosion, they were all inside their own
space as they looked at Amaysu’s eyes flickering and losing its

Amaysu felt everything go hazy, when he heard the final

words of his parents; he wanted to cry on their shoulders like a
child again.

He used all his willpower which was slowly receding to

complete his last words. “No… Matter… What… I… Will…
Always… Love you!” following these words, black spots
appeared in his vision and then everything went black, the last
thing he heard was the weeping of his family members.

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Chapter 2 - Sorrow Upon Awakening

“PSHHHH” A glass case opened up releasing a large amount of

white mist.

“Hmm” Amaysu’s eyes slowly flickered open and straight

away he was assaulted by blinding rays light which temporarily
caused him to lose his sight.

Amaysu slowly rose from the pod that he was in which had a
white mattress like substance which was extremely

“Crack…Crack…” Every single part of Amaysu’s stiff body

cracked as if it hadn’t moved for so many years, each cracking
sensation caused him to feel a lot more relaxed as he raised his
arms up and stretched causing even more cracking noises to be

“Where am I?” Amaysu muttered as he looked around the

nearly empty white room. The entire room was completely
white, white luminescent light lit up this room, the air inside
was refreshing and the temperature inside the room was neither
hot nor cold. There was a 3 meter tall, single gold rimmed black

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door standing in front of him.

Amaysu felt everything in his mind feel fuzzy as if there was a

mist blocking his access to his memories.

On Amaysu’s left and right, there were two smaller pods,

which were simple and had a white exterior and see through
glass, which made it easy for him to see what was inside.

He looked in the right pod first and saw a baby inside that was
probably no more than a year old.

“Raymond…” His heart wavered as he said his younger

brothers name subconsciously and he quickly turned to check
the other pod and there he saw another baby inside. “Arisa…”
Seeing both his younger siblings he remembered something.

“Always protect your siblings,” as if an explosion occurred in

his mind, realisation dawned upon him as memories flooded
deep within him. He remembered everything, everything that
happened before he opened his eyes, his masters death, his
families sacrifice and the end of his empire.

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“Uh…UHHH!” A desolated cry of despair echoed in this white
room that seemed as if it grew darker, with every memory that
passed through his mind. If anyone heard his desolated cry,
they would feel their heartstrings being pulled, this was a type
of sadness and pain that would shake the soul, it was something
extremely difficult to get over. Drops of tears rolled down
Amaysu’s cheeks as he felt each drop landing on his simple,
white clothes that was comfortable, but were there only to
cover him.

“Mother…Father…Grandfather…Master… Why did you leave

me?” Amaysu questioned as he felt his heart being stabbed at
every point possible. He would’ve rather fought to the end by
their side rather than be here in this empty room.


A bell like sound rang as Amaysu’s hand subconsciously

touched the outer rim of the pod.

A bright light shown as a screen appeared that was merely a

hologram. ” A… Hologram?” Amaysu was confused as he looked
at the screen that appeared in midair, his face was still stricken
with sadness.

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Two faces suddenly appeared on the empty screen, causing
Amaysu’s expression to flicker as he saw the two figures that

“Mother…Father,” Amaysu lifted his right hand upwards in a

longing and yearning manner towards the hologram. His
yearning hand simply passed through the screen, which
immediately distorted. The appearance of his parents caused his
heart to ache even more as he realised his hands had grasped
onto nothing.

“Amaysu, be strong.” The man’s voice resonated, this man

was Ranel. This strong voice seemed to have come at the
moment, when he needed emotional support the most.

“Amaysu, be strong. If you are seeing this, you must have

finally awoken from your deep slumber and probably going
through a heartbreaking period. Your Grandfather is stalling
them and giving us a small time frame for us to say our
goodbyes.” Ranel said with a sorrow filled smile. “Amay, I can
only dream of the burden that we have left you with, the road
ahead will be very hard and will be filled with tests, but I know
that you will pass through all those tribulations with ease,
because… you three children are my pride and joy. Forgive your
old man for not being able to protect you… Amay be strong.”

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Every word filled Amaysu with a complex feeling, but his
father’s loving words quenched some of the pain he was feeling,
but also caused him to grieve, because he couldn’t utter the
words that was kept in his heart.

“Amay. We will forever love you.” His mother’s gentle words

struck Amaysu’s heart, he could also tell that his mother was on
the verge of tears. “Amay, when your brother and sister grow
up, they will grow up without ever meeting us, their parents
and would not know the joy of being a family…” At this moment
Elisa, had tears dripping down her cheeks, compared to Ranel
she was far more emotionally unstable. “But Amay, take care of
them and teach them about us, our history and that they
weren’t abandoned… That all three of you were loved.” Each
group of words came in small gasps, Elisa couldn’t utter another
word as she covered both of her face that was covered in tears.

Amaysu was now also crying and was trying his hardest to see
through the tears.

Since Elisa couldn’t speak, Ranel spoke in her stead. “Amay,

we don’t know when you’ll wake up, but when you do, our
empire will be no more and you’ll probably want revenge on
those that caused this calamity to befall on our family and
caused it to split.”

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Amaysu hearing this started to feel a bone deep hatred to
appear that collapsed and erased his previous childish and kind
attitude, leaving a coldness to appear that froze his heart and

“And I expect you will get revenge for us, but we won’t tell
you who they are.” His father said with a bitter expression on
his face.

Amaysu felt shock and was unwilling to hear what his father
had to say, but still carried on listening: “Don’t misunderstand.
The day you master our Inherited Legacy and completely master
the Emperor arts of our family that will be the day I will tell
you. When you master both of them return here and I will
reveal the ones that did this. But until that day don’t do
anything which will cause you to die in vain.” Ranel said with a
regretful expression as he also started to have tears well up in
his eyes.

At this moment from below a pedestal rose slowly next to him

and on that pedestal was a book that had a clear title: ‘Emperor

The Emperor arts is something that no one has mastered for

over a million years Amaysu thought as he remembered his

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father saying this when he was young. He merely looked at it for
a moment and then turned his gaze back at the hologram.

“When you train your Inherited Legacy, never allow yourself

to be caught using it, or they’ll come to know of your existence,
they’ll try to find you and hunt you down to take away the
Inherited Legacy of our family.” Ranel said with utmost

Amaysu nodded.

“Amaysu, you’re a man so don’t cry, you have to be strong for

you brother and sister. Don’t let anyone hurt them or mistreat
them. I know it sounds hypocritical coming from me, but stay
strong.” Ranel said with tears flowing down his face which was
plastered with an emotional smile, which provoked a grief filled
expression to appear on Amaysu’s red, puffed face.

Amaysu did his hardest to stop the tears from forming and
used the completely smooth, white sleeves to wipe away the
tears, but no matter what; they kept forming and rolled down
his cheeks again.

“Boom” An explosion echoed within the hologram, which

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Amaysu realised must have come from when they were
recording, this caused Ranel and Elisa to quicken their final

“Amay, they are nearing us and your grandfather won’t be

able to hold out any longer. Amay, when you see this you’ll
want to get stronger and will one day roam this vast world.
You’ll carry a heavy burden, but Amay, don’t close off your
heart to others and keep the burden all to yourself, it will only
make it worse… Never forget we will forever be in your hearts.”
The words that left Elisa’s mouth had and affectionate tone,
Amaysu could feel the love in his mother’s voice.


an explosive blast occurred as pieces of wood flashed between

the hologram recorder and his parents, causing the recorder to
fall onto the floor causing Amaysu to not be able to see what was

“What’s happening? Who came in?” Amaysu exclaimed with a

tone of panic as he started hearing noises of fighting. Amaysu
frantically operated the hologram and a keyboard appeared.

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“I have to change the angle, there must be more than one
holographic camera in the room, there must.” He muttered
frantically as he typed at an extremely fast pace trying to link
with another holographic camera.

*Ping* Amaysu heard another bell like sound and the scene on
the hologram changed as it blurred and then once again showed
what was happening.

In the instance he saw the first scene, his heart stopped, his
soul immediately froze and then crumbled like sand, under the
scene he witnessed. Both his mother and father had two black
cloaked figures in front of them and the arms of these two
figures hands were going through them, it had penetrated
through their chest to the other side, each hand was holding a
heart, which was soaked in a large amount of blood. In that
moment not a single thought flashed through Amaysu’s mind as
he quivered uncontrollably.

“pang!” Both hearts were immediately crushed without any

hesitation, what was actually a quiet crushing sound was
actually similar to meat being pressed and hammered down
upon. This sound felt like it could shatter his eardrums.

Just as quickly the two black figures pulled out there arms,

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the black sleeve of both figures were drenched in blood.

Ranel and Elisa both had a saddened and unwilling expression

on their darkened faces, they had blood leaking from the fatal
wound on their chest as it soaked the white and cyan robe red.
Blood rolled down the sides of their lips and slowly dropped
onto the floor, the brightness in their eyes turned hazy and
lifeless, both of their faces were still. With a plop like sound
they both fell down like logs that had been cut in half.

Amaysu stared in disbelief, he couldn’t cry anymore, his tear

ducts had dried up. All of a suddenly red streaks flowed down
his cheeks from his bloodshot eyes, his appearance caused
anyone that saw him to feel heartbroken.

“….” He tried his hardest to utter desolated cries to ease this

soul crushing pain, but no sound left him as the flow of blood

“Where are the children?” Another black figure appeared

inside the hologram which was still resuming.

“The children are no wear to be seen my lord” The two black

figures said as they clasped one hand on their left shoulder and

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knelt down.

“Search for them.” The man said and left just as quickly as he

Both black figures stood up and sighed in relief. What

happened next caused Amaysu to shake slightly as he witnessed
the scene, this scene was something that he had not expected
would take place.

Both figures took the hood of their cloaks off revealing their
face, there was one man and the other was woman.

The man had a cold expression and had thin lips, brown eyes,
bronze skin, black hair and had a scar below his eyes that
stretched towards his lips. As for the woman she had black hair,
brown eyes that exemplified the cold expression on her face
which was just like the mans, her pale white skin portrayed her
as a cold beauty. Both man and woman had a disdainful
expression as they stared down at the corpses of his parents
whose blood now soaked the entire floor producing a small
puddle of blood.

“Senior Kronos and Senior Karia…”

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Amaysu stared in bewilderment, these two were two people
that Amaysu recognised, they were the couple that led the
guards of the Palace, they were trusted by his father and were
well respected. They would also spoil him when he was a child,
but they were standing there with cold expressions and had
killed his parents.

Memories of his childhood swept through his mind as he

remembered how senior Kronos had taught him simple sword
fighting techniques and how senior Karia, his wife would bring
him sweets from the shops in the city. However these memories
were now died red with a crazed destructive desire to kill.

In that Instant, the images disappeared and the hologram also

disappeared at the same instance.

Amaysu stared blankly. Why did they do that? Why? Amaysu

thought as he shivered hysterically.

“AAARRRGHHH!!” An enraged roar shook the entire room; he

felt the grip of hatred that was deep that nearly drove him into
insanity, as drops of blood carried on streaking down his
cheeks. Amaysu crazily grabbed onto his hair, pulling it

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ferociously, the sadness in him had finally frozen his heart.

I’LL GET REVENGE!!” Amaysu roared hysterically with
indescribable wrath hidden within. This crazed feeling lasted
for a few minutes; the desire to get stronger, for the first time
was unquenchable. Soon after he just stared blankly at the gold
rimmed black doors of the room, lifelessly for what felt like an

Amaysu had a cold, chilled expression; devoid of all emotions

appear on his immature face. A cold, deathly emotion dwelled
within him who could only be produced when a person went
through the most heartbreaking tribulations of life, he felt that
he had lost the last pieces of his young innocence and was now a
completely different person from his past self.

“Whoosh” A breeze like sound appeared as both pods next to

him opened, releasing a pleasant mist outwards.

“Gu, Guah,” two pairs of fat lumpy hands appeared outside of

the two pods as Amaysu heard two indecipherable words
released from the two babies in the pods. This event caused
Amaysu to be jolted out from his blank expression.

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Amaysu felt a warm feeling appear in his cold heart, a
complex expression of both melancholy and delight appeared,
he immediately got out of the pod and stretched causing
cracking noises to appear once again.

He picked up Raymond who was lying in the pod, staring at

his elder brother with big intelligent eyes. Amaysu stared at him
lovingly and picked him up, moving towards the other pod and
placed him back down next to Arisa who had also woken up.

Amaysu stared at the both of them with an extremely

affectionate and tender expression on his face as he picked them
both up and hugged them tightly. He who was the elder brother
and was all alone and only had these two babies left, his only
blood relatives, that couldn’t even utter his name yet.

“I swear that no harm will come to you as long as I’m alive, I

will take care of you with every ounce of my strength.” Amaysu
silently swore an oath; he would never, ever let a calamity or
anything as heartbreaking as what he felt to befall on these
innocent children. He would never allow anyone to take the
innocence away from these two toddlers.

After a while Amaysu picked both Arisa and Raymond up and

was carrying the both of them with each hand, he looked down

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and then saw something. A silver diamond shaped crest like
substance was embedded onto his palm, suddenly the crest
entered his palm and vanished completely, but he could still feel
the presence of the crest.

“The… Inherited Legacy?… That’s the sign of the complete

Inherited Legacy.” Amaysu had been shown this crest once by
his grandfather and immediately recognised it. The power that
Amaysu felt from this silver crest was a power he had never felt
before, he could sense the unlimited latent potential that he
couldn’t describe with words from this Inherited Legacy.

After a few lingering moments he discarded his thoughts, he

would have enough time to train and study it after he left the
white room. He moved and picked up the ‘Emperor Arts’ book
and tucked it into his white garments. He then carried both
siblings with one hand each and walked towards the door.

Since he was holding both Raymond and Arisa he couldn’t

open the door, but with merely a thought, which felt fluid and
natural, grey specks appeared and formed a metallic grey hand
which pulled the door open.

“Creeeaaaak” The door opened and Amaysu was instantly

assaulted by a blinding ray of light.

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Chapter 3 - New Beginning

Hummels was merely your average member of the Averice

clan. He was born to a low key family inside the Averice clan
and was a man who fought his way through the heartless
elimination of the Averice clan. He was in his 30s and didn’t
have many redeeming qualities, besides the ability in sucking up
to the higher ups in the clan and managed to find an
opportunity to become a servant of the main family.

The Averice clan was the lords of a circumference of 30

kilometres, no one dared to go against the clan as they had a 5th
rank fighter amidst them, so everyone feared the clan.

Today he was given the task to clean the pathway that led to
the ancient doorway that existed. This door was embedded onto
the side of the mountain that the Averice clan controlled, the
door has been there since way before the Averice clan moved
into the area and has never been opened once. The ancient
doorway was a golden rimmed black door that emanated
strange pulses of energy that kept the Savage beasts away from
the area, this led it to be a safe and habitable place for the clan.

The Averice clan had done their utmost and spent a vast
amount of their resources and wealth to try opening this door.

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Despite this no matter how hard they tried, it had never budged
or even shown a scratch on the door itself. This caused the
imagination of the upper echelon of the Averice clan to run
wild. They believed that the door had a hidden treasure behind
it, so for nearly a thousand years they have occupied this
mountain, waiting for the day that the door would open,
leading them to the treasure vault of their dreams. They have
done their utmost to keep information of this door hidden from

On this particular day, the sun was lighting up the sky, amidst
a sea of blue with clouds floating on them. Clear winds caused
the trees to rustle and dance. Leaves left the swaying branches,
making their own journey with the wind as their guide.

The Golden rimmed black door was embedded onto the side of
the mountain and in front was a platform, leading to a few steps
that led to a path way. Hummels was taking his time, sweeping
the dust filled ground of the pathway. Today was a cool spring
morning, nothing out of the usual.

Suddenly the birds on the trees fluttered away and Hummels

paused to quickly move his gaze towards the door.

“Was that a scream?” Hummels muttered, he thought that he

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heard a scream that was similar to those of a person mourning.
His gaze stayed on the door for a few moments; this was the first
time that he felt something unusual about the door in the many
years he had been doing this minor job. After a while Hummels
returned to his job.


All of a sudden Hummels looked up once again, merely an

hour had passed since the moment he thought he heard a
scream and he was now clipping the loose grass that grew in the
cracks of the pathway that led towards the door.

As he looked at the door, he heard the creaking sound and saw

the door slowly opening. He was staring at the door in shock.
This door was not ordinary, no matter what the Averice clan
had tried, it all failed without exception. Even when all the
experts of the clan attacked together, including the 5th rank
Fighter, not even a scratch would appear on the door. However,
today the door was opening.

*Tap* *Tap*

Hummels strained his ears to hear what seemed like the sound

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of someone walking out of the door..

He was astonished, thoughts of the impossible crossed his

mind: No matter how hard the experts of the clan tried they
couldn’t open the door, but today someone seemed to be
walking out of the door.

Slowly the figure walked out of the door. It was a young boy
who looked no older than Thirteen, dressed in white linen cloth
that covered his upper body. He was also wearing soft white,
smooth trousers that covered him all the way to his ankles and
he was wearing nothing to cover and protect his feet.

Hummels, seeing the boys appearance was dumbfounded.

This boy had sandy brown hair that was combed to the side
with stray strands falling onto his forehead and his sides were
trimmed; This was not a style that Hummels knew of. He had
smooth, white spotless skin, thin lips, sharp full eyebrows and a
high nose.

What was eye catching about the boy was his eyes, he had a
deep brown eye colour on one eye and the other eye was a
golden copper colour, which was absolutely mesmerising. The
boy was around 1.6 metres tall, even though this boy was
wearing simple clothing he emanated a natural noble,

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domineering aura that demanded those before him to kneel and
feel inferior to him. This aura made Hummel to subconsciously
want to kneel before this boy, these attributes and qualities are
only embodied by royalty.

Even though the boys beauty was nothing like the males in the
clan, but just looking at the boy caused Hummels to shiver in
fear. The boy had blood streaks on his cheeks starting from the
eyes, the whites in the eyes were bloodshot red. There was a
deadly cold aura coming from the boy that caused Hummels to
cower in fear. The moment his eyes came in contact with the
boys, his blood froze in fear. Hummels felt a deep killing intent
that caused him to freeze on the spot, but the boy merely moved
his gaze seeming as if he had not noticed Hummels.

What powerful killing intent, Hummels thought.

The boy was carrying two babies, one on each hand, the two
children looked around with intelligent eyes. The two toddlers
had their hands in their mouth as they drooled. When the boy
looked at the toddlers, his expression turned soft for a mere
moment and a sadness that could cause a person’s heart to ache
could be seen, this boy was in fact Amaysu who had just left the
room he was in.

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When Amaysu left the room the Sun’s glare struck him
causing him to be blinded, he looked around and then his gaze
stopped at the weak, middle aged man who was sitting on the
floor, looking at Amaysu with a fearful expression. Amaysu then
looked at his younger siblings and then looked around once

Amaysu was standing on top of a platform that had been

carved out of the mountain and it seemed this man was cleaning
the pathway in front of him. The vast land before was
completely covered in greenery and further down were
buildings made with simple architectural designs. Within the
forest he was able to hear the chirping of birds and roars of wild

What happened to the Empire? Where are the skyscrapers?

Amaysu thought with a sad expression on his face. For the
empire to disappear and even greenery had grown to take its
place meant that a long time had passed.

“Creeeaaak,” slowly the door behind Amaysu closed, not

leaving a trace behind to show that it had once been opened.

Amaysu once again looked at the man on the floor who was
still cowering. “What year is it?”Amaysu indifferently asked,

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this was the first thing he thought to ask this cowering middle
aged man.

The man looked up and quickly answered, “Mi Lord, it is the

year 12496 of the Golden calendar.” Even though it felt odd for
Hummels to be asked this, he didn’t dare question this boy who
had the suffocating aura of a noble and Hummels couldn’t help
but subconsciously call him ‘Lord’.

“Golden calendar?…” Amaysu muttered in confusion.

“Why is it called the Golden calendar?”

“Mi Lord It is because this is the golden age, even though it

may not seem like it, but before the golden age it was a time of
fear and oppression.” Hummels answered respectfully.

Fear and oppression? Amaysu thought. “Then what happened

before?” Amaysu further asked, with a slight confused tone in
his voice.

Sensing this confusion, Hummels didn’t hesitate when he

answered: “Mi Lord, I do not know, but this continent was ruled

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by a family that controlled the continent with power and
dictatorship. The people of that time lived in fear not knowing
if they’ll even live the next day, it was a horrifying and dreadful
time to live in.”

Amaysu frowned, but he didn’t know of such a time period,

but he merely discarded the thought because he thought it had
no connections to him.

“Then do you know anything about the Dasecris family and

the Dasecris emp…” just before Amaysu finished what he was
saying, he noticed the middle aged man back away
subconsciously, his face was stricken with fear.

“Mi Lord, the Dasecris family and their empire is a taboo

subject. They are the most evil family in the history of the
continent. They were the ones that caused the Dark age which
ended nearly 12500 years ago.” said Hummels with fear
lingering in his voice, the rumours of the infamous Dasecris
family is known all across the continent. The name Dasecris
instilled fear in the hearts of many, it could cause crying
children to become obedient by just uttering the name.

Amaysu frowned, What is with this lie? The Dasecris family

are the ones that created the Golden age, so why do they call it

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the dark age?

Slowly realisation dawned upon him, “Are you saying Ten

thousand years have passed since the fall of the Dasecris
empire?” Amaysu asked in shock, he couldn’t believe that over
Ten thousand years had passed since his families empire had
been destroyed and the death of his parents. He felt a sadness
sweep through him as he realised that he had lost everything
and everyone he loved and now no one knew of his existence.
His only blood relatives were Raymond and Arisa.

“Yes Mi Lord,” Hummels replied.

10000 years have passed since everyone’s death and now

everyone believes that my family is a sinister and evil family.
Amaysu felt sorrow, his family name and reputation was being
destroyed and history was falsifying and hiding the truth from
the world. Amaysu stared into the sky as he felt sadness in his
heart once again, but he quickly masked it with a cold, frozen,
emotionless expression.

There was a calm silence that flowed between them as

Amaysu stared into the distance, to an unknown location or
even time.

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“Mi Lord are you a blessed child?” Hummels couldn’t help but

“Blessed child?…” Amaysu looked at him with cold eyes, he

was slightly confused but spoke in an indifferent tone.

“Mi Lord, your eyes they are two different colours and only
the most talented and blessed individuals have those eyes.”
Answered Hummels respectfully.

“No, I have Heterochromia,” said Amaysu.

“Heteroc…” Hummels found it difficult to say the word and

Amaysu quickly realised the ignorance and the lack of
knowledge that was clearly shown on this man’s face.

“Forget about it…” Amaysu said, he didn’t have the time to

explain it to the man in front of him.

“Waaah…” Raymond started crying, Amaysu looked down

and felt the rumbling of his stomach. Raymond’s cry caused
Arisa to cry as well.

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It’s been 10000 years so they’re probably hungry, Amaysu
thought as he held onto both Raymond and Arisa. “Don’t cry,
I’ll get you food.” Amaysu said affectionately to calm the both of
them down.

He then looked at the man who was still on the floor, “What is
your name?” Amaysu asked.

“This lowly one is called Hummels, Mi Lord.” Hummels said

respectfully, as the boy still carried the cold and proud
demeanour of a noble.

“Hm… Hummels can you get some food for me and my

siblings?” Amaysu asked indifferently.

Hummels, hesitated slightly because of the young boys

imposing aura, but he still answered, “It will be my pleasure Mi
Lord, I will bring you a meal as quickly as possible.” After saying
this Hummels turned around and ran down the steps that were
carved out of the mountain which led to the dominion of the
Averice clan.

Throughout the whole conversation Hummels called this man

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‘Mi Lord’, however he couldn’t think of anything else to call
this young man who had the domineering aura of a ruler.

Amaysu seeing this man had already disappeared into the

greenery by following the path, he thought back to the moment
he heard that the Dasecris family was now an infamous family.
It brought him the urge to correct history, that had labelled his
family as evil and return the name ‘Dasecris’ back to its former

Amaysu gazed into the distance. Memories of his parents, his

family, his master, they all flooded into him. He had
strengthened his frozen heart, but he still felt the sadness and
pain that these memories brought upon him. Raymond and
Arisa as if sensing their elder brother’s sadness, they quietened
down and looked at him curiously with their big innocent eyes.

Amaysu looked at the both of them and his cold gaze melted
and once again became affectionate and a rare smile appeared
on his face.

“Don’t worry I’ll always be here for the both of you…”

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Chapter 4 - Raza Averice

Hummels had followed the path that led to the town that the
Averice clan created and made their own domain nearly a
thousand years ago.

The town itself was made in a clearing in the forest; the

clearing was a rectangular shape, having a width of five
kilometres and a length of ten kilometres. Even though the
town had walls on all 4 sides to prevent the savage beasts from
attacking, it was also there to prevent outsiders from entering.
The Averice clan would never allow outsider into the town to
preserve the secrets and only allowed their members to leave
the town for trade.

There were many streets with homes all aligned in a row, they
were made from bricks and didn’t have anything significantly
special about it, except for the layout of the streets.

The town was bustling with people and in the centre of the
town was the headquarters of the Averice clan’s main family.
The building that the main family of the Averice clan owned
was the tallest building in the city, having five floors. It had a
huge front courtyard, containing dozens

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of sculptures and small ponds, with flowers nearby. The
building was surrounded by walls that prevented any normal
person from the town to enter it and only the upper echelons of
the clan lived in the mansion. It had two clan guards standing in
front of the gates and many more were stationed within the

The building itself was the size of a mansion. It was made of

white bricks and light brown wood was used in the creation of
the building, this made the building itself look impeccable.
Brown wood came from the Brownwood tree, this type of tree
surrounded the clearing, they were very sturdy and flexible
wood and had the capability to withstand the maximum attack
power of a 1st rank Fighter.

There were countless windows aligning each floor in the

Mansion. The front of the mansion had a 3 meter tall brown
coloured wooden door; it was the only entrance to the home.
There were also two guards standing in front of the door,
keeping unwanted visitors away.

Inside the Mansion hall.

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“What?! Is what you said true?” A man sitting on a
domineering seat that was on a high platform within the hall
inside the mansion; now had wide open eyes as he gaped at
Hummels. His expression showed the disbelief within his voice.

This man was built and bulky, he had the waist of a bear and
he was over 2 metres tall. His arms were as thick as logs while
his thighs looked so powerful that he could easily destroy
countless trees with mere kicks. He was very muscular seeming
as if his muscles would rip his black, sleeved tunic, he also wore
a rough, contrasting white breeches and leather boots as well.
This man had light brown skin and curly hair that flowed down
to his shoulders.

This man also had a scar that was cutting horizontally from
his right ear through his cheeks towards his nose; this made the
man have a malicious and sinister appearance. He was rather
average looking, but he carried the aura of a warrior that has
been through countless trials.

Inside the hall, Hummels was kneeling on one knee and had
just given an account of what had happened. “Yes Patriarch, I
dare not lie to you.” Hummels didn’t dare falsify the words
when he spoke to the man in front of him. This man was the
leader of the Averice clan and also a 5th rank Fighter, one that
hasn’t been seen for countless generations during the clans

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thousand year long history.

“Are you serious?!” The Averice clan leader still couldn’t

believe it.

However Hummels still nodded back with a serious expression

on his face. This caused the Averice clans Patriarch to gasp in
shock; he knew how difficult it was to open that door. In his
estimations only a Body Transformation stage expert could
open it. Despite this he didn’t want to risk

it or there was a likely chance that the news of the door

hidden in the mountain would spread and they would have no
chance in gaining the treasures within.

After hearing that a boy had come out from within, he had a
glint full of avaricious greed in his eyes. He started breathing
heavily as he dreamt of all the possible treasures that could be
hiding behind the doors. What could possibly be hidden behind
those doors? Gold, Cultivation Arts or

maybe even an Inherited Legacy… No way, impossible, the

Patriarch thought as he shook his head dismissing the idea of
such an ultra rare treasure possibly existing in such a remote

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“Raza, come here.” The Patriarch of the Averice clan said as

he motioned his hand towards a man who looked like he was in
his 20s.

A man dressed in white, who had an above average

appearance, an extremely arrogant glint in his eyes and bronze
skin that was similar to the Patriarch’s. ” Yes father, you
called?” Raza said respectfully as he looked at his father. Raza
was in his late 20s, he was in the 3rd rank of the Fighter

stage, everyone in the clan believed there was a possibility for

this young lad to reach the 5th rank by 50 and reach the 6th
during his 60s or 70s. He was the proud genius of the Averice

“Raza, you will follow this man and check if what he says is
true. Also take some men with you… If that boy tries to do
anything suspicious you have my permission to kill him.” The
Patriarch said as he waved his hand in a dismissive manner,
which Raza reacted with a slight nod.

“Okay all of you in this room follow me!” Raza said in a loud

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voice, within the hall the men all stood straight and followed
this young man and Hummels out of the hall.

As the men left, the patriarch muttered as his eyes glowed

with an unsuppressed light, ” I Joseph Averice will finally see
the treasures hidden within…”

The group of men were walking, following the pathway which

led to the restricted grounds which only allowed certain
members of the Averice clan to enter. The Golden rimmed black
door was also located within the restricted grounds.

These men that were following Raza and Hummels were

extremely loud, conversing like unmannered barbarians, as
they walked along the stone pathway. They were all wearing
standardised uniforms of the Averice clan: Beast fur clothes,
leather boots and a sword hung on their sides which were

“Stop!” Raza shouted abruptly without any warning. The big

bulky men all stopped, not understanding why they were told to
stop. “Can you hear that?” Raza said to the brutes as he strained
his ears to hear something.

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“…” All the men that were standing behind him became silent
and also strained their ears trying to hear what their young
master indicated.

All of a sudden they heard a whistling melody that seemed to

calm their barbaric nature; it was a harmonious tune that could
quell the most powerful of beasts. This melody quietened them
down and also caused them to be filled with a sense of sadness
which they didn’t know where it had come from. This tune
caused all of them to stand there just listening to the different
notes of the

whistling sound.

“Is this the voice of nature?” Hummels muttered in

amazement as he listened to the tranquil song that was coming
from a few hundred metres ahead of him.

“Come let’s go…” Raza said as he waved his hands forward,

pulling the men and Hummels out of their dazed state. Raza was
a 3rd rank Fighter, so he had a better and stronger state of

As they walked along the pathway, the tune grew in volume,

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the men could hear it much clearer as they appreciated every
change in note, but how could these brutes truly understand the
meaning of the song and truly appreciate it.

Slowly they came to the end of the pathway and entered a

small pocket of open clearing and there they saw a child that
looked like he was in his early teens, who was sitting cross-
legged as two toddlers laid down on his lap. It looked as if they
were slowly dozing off to sleep.

The boy was holding his hands near his lips, his fingers moved
slowly and this caused the tune of the whistling melody to
change, the warriors realised the boy seemed to be playing
something. The group that came with Raza stared at the boy
with an awe-filled expression, as they realised that the melody
was coming from this boy.

“He’s playing the Ocarina.” A man whispered as he recognised

the instrument that the boy was holding.

“What astonishing talent…”

“This is definitely a song that could quell the hatred within

ones soul…”

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After the last note left the Ocarina, which was the instrument
the boy was playing and the two babies had fallen asleep, he sat
there and looked into the clearing and stared directly at the
place where the group of men was standing.

“Come out.” A cold and distant voice uttered from this young
man, which caused these strong, built men to shiver. They saw
the heart-rending, coldness in the boy by looking at the two
different coloured eyes. The Golden Copper iris made this boy
feel unfathomable, while the deep

brown iris hid his cold aura.

Combining the demeanour and the looks of the boy, with his
talent with the Ocarina, it caused the men to revere the boy’s
aura. These men immediately felt the presence of a noble and
the domineering pressure the boy carried, it was one which they
have never felt before.

All of the men walked out, led by Raza, followed by Hummels

and then the guards. They all had a look of appreciation, but
they were all replied by Amaysu’s cold stare.

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“Hummels, what is this? I thought you were going to bring me
and my siblings our meal.” Amaysu’s voice was cold and
indifferent when he spoke.

This in return caused Hummels to shiver as he felt the

emotionless and desolate tone of the boy. He couldn’t help but
wonder what caused this boy to become so cold.

“I asked you, where our meal is? And why have you brought
these men here?” Amaysu questioned indifferently.

Hummels looked at Raza for a moment and Raza in return

nodded at him.

“Mi Lord, our young master wanted to see you first…”

Hummels said with a venerated look.

Amaysu looked at the man Hummels pointed at the man who

looked like he was in his late 20s and didn’t show a sign of
interest or respect on his face, he still carried an indifferent

Raza frowned, How arrogant, I’m a 3rd rank Fighter. Raza felt

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that the boy in front of him, Amaysu was being too arrogant and

“Hello,” Raza said with a smile, that covered his true feelings.

“…” There was an awkward silence passing between him and

Amaysu. Amaysu didn’t even keep Raza in his eyes and didn’t
bother replying to him, since he noticed the fake smile plastered
on his face. He had seen thousands of people with similar
characters to this man back in the empire, they all tried to curry
in favour with him, by carrying a fake polite smile. Amaysu
hated people like these the most as it automatically reminded
him of the fake smiles and manner of his family’s killers.

This callous behaviour caused Raza to fume in rage; he did not

expect this young lad, who had probably just left his mother’s
side, actually dared to disrespect him.

“Hello… My name is Raza. I am the young master of this

dominion you are staying on.” Raza said with a forced smile on
his face. He did not know who this boy was, but this noble aura
that this boy carried was something he had never felt before,
this made him realise that this boy was not simple.

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Amaysu frowned. His dominion? I guess time has caused this
land to be ownerless, Amaysu thought.

“What do you want?” He questioned, he didn’t bother giving

this man any respect and wanted him to get to the main subject

“…” Raza was now fuming with rage, people like him who was
brought up in such a favourable environment and had a really
arrogant temperament since their childhood, meant that even
the smallest amount of disrespect could cause them to go wild in
rage and kill callously. However Raza still kept the plastered
smile on his face, for the sake of learning the method to open
the door behind the boy.

“Little brother, that door behind you is something that

belongs to us. I would like to ask you how you opened that
door?” Raza asked with a trembling smile. After I get you to
open that door, I’ll definitely kill you, this was what Raza was
thinking at the exact same moment, he a 3rd rank Fighter was
getting ignored by a worthless kid, with unknown origins.

Amaysu frowned once again, but he still casually replied,

”Belongs to you?” Amaysu mocked coldly. “That is a chamber
that I and my siblings stayed in, what is so special about it?”

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This time Raza couldn’t hold the fury that was vent up within
him. “What kind of Bullshit is this? A Chamber that you stayed
in? What’s special about it? How laughable, we all know that
room has countless treasures inside and only a Body
Transformation stage could possibly open it.” Raza exploded
with everything he had to say.

Birds fluttered away from their homes in the trees because of

Raza’s roaring voice, this also caused Raymond and Arisa to stir
from their sleep. Amaysu frowned; he had done his hardest to
put these two hungry toddlers to sleep.

Amaysu stared coldly at the man in front of him. Amaysu’s icy

glare caused Raza’s heart to flutter and he felt a spine chilling
coldness run through him.

“Shut up, if you don’t have anything useful to say just keep
your mouth shut.”

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Chapter 5 - Thirteen VS One

All the men standing behind Raza including Hummels stared

at the boy in front of them in disbelief, this man in front of
them was a 3rd rank Fighter, did this boy not know the status
held by a 3rd rank Fighter.

The Fighter stage was the 1st step in to the great world where
the strong devoured the weak and only power ruled over
everything else.

To reach the 1st rank of the Fighter stage, a person should be

able to lift at least a 1000Kg and the 2nd rank they had to be able
to lift 2000Kg. Once a person is able to lift a Ten thousand
Kilograms, they will be a mere step away from entering the
Body Transformation stage and have the right to possess a
Combat artefact.

Nevertheless the gap between a Peak Fighter stage and Body

Transformation stage is extremely vast. A peak Fighter stage is
able to lift a 10000Kg but an early Body Transformation stage
needs to be able to lift a Hundred Thousand Kilograms and must
also be able to use a ‘special force’. The life expectancy of a Body
Transformation stage expert will also increase from a meagre
approximate of 100 years to an estimate of a 1000 years which is

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ten times the life expectancy of a normal person. However to
even be able to lift a hundred thousand Kilograms was truly an
arduous task.

Raza was a young man who had just turned 28 years old and
was already able to lift 3000Kg, only by having used a large
amount of the clans resources was he able to reach this stage.

Despite his strength, right now he was being foul mouthed

and insulted by a kid who could barely look after himself and
appeared as if he could barely lift his own weight with his frail
and thin constitution.

“Do you want to die?” Raza growled through gritted teeth.

“…” Amaysu didn’t bother replying, he just looked at him

with a disdainful expression, he wasn’t even worth a second of
his time. Amaysu could already tell that this man was a 3rd rank
Fighter by recognising the invisible aura being released by the

Fighter ranks were hard to distinguish with the only visible

change between each rank was the amount of weights they
could lift, however people from small towns like this would

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never be able to distinguish strength.

Despite this it was quite easy for Amaysu to recognise the

strength of this young man. There were 2 methods to recognise
your opponents strength: Firstly Someone that increases in
rank unconsciously increases the surrounding pressure, people
with above ordinary perception can see the faint fluctuations
and can determine which rank they are in; Secondly they just
need to take a punch from that person which is a lot more
painful of a method. However the stronger a person gets, the
more they can control their power and hide their strengths,
only a person that is many times stronger or has a high
perception can see through a person’s rank

Amaysu could easily hide his strength, he himself was only at

the 2nd rank of the Fighter stage and could easily contest and
beat a 3rd rank fighter with his Inherited Legacy and could fight
to a draw against a 4th rank Fighter. However he didn’t dare to
face a 5th rank fighter in a head on battle and if something like
that did happen he could only try to escape with his life.

“Get lost, I’ll give you a chance to leave, but if you force me
you’ll leave with more than just bruises.” Voiced Amaysu as he
glared coldly.

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“How arrogant, you think I fear you? How laughable!” Raza
exclaimed, trying to keep the anger in his voice in bay. “Men kill
him!” He roared.

As soon as Raza said this, all the men standing their suddenly
turned fierce. They might have been goofing off earlier, but
they were all veteran warriors. They fought in the forests and
were tempered by the blood of their enemies and prey, even if
they faced a child they will lower their guard but they will still
kill ruthlessly. These men were all in the 1st rank of the Fighter
stage and for Raza to order all 13 of them to attack this boy
showed how furious he was.

“Oooaaaah!!” All thirteen men bellowed loudly as they

charged at Amaysu.

Amaysu frowned as he felt the two toddlers stirring in their

sleep, there was a total distance of around fifty metre between
him and the group of men, Amaysu estimated it will only take 6
seconds for them to cross the distance.

“I warned you to be quiet,” Amaysu uttered with a low growl.

Even though Amaysu’s tone was low, it was still heard by all of
the men. “You’ll regret this,” Amaysu saying this caused all the
men to frown, they were all 1st rank Fighters, how could a frail,

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handsome boy possibly fight against thirteen, 1st ranks Fighters.

All of the men charged with an even louder roar, this caused
all the birds to flutter once again as they flew away from the
trees nearby.

Amaysu’s expression turned fierce, These wastrels are all

fools, Amaysu thought.

“You damned fools,” Amaysu muttered and then he instantly

made his move.

In the 1st second Amaysu’s image was extremely slow and he

slowly moved Raymond’s and Arisa’s head, so it comfortably
rested on the floor of the cold white platform.

In the 2nd, 3rd and 4th second, Amaysu flashed into the
distance rapidly, his acceleration was incomparable to these
wild brutes and in an instant he was in the midst of three
warriors who were waving their swords wildly.

“Hmph…” After sighing he chopped at the back of their necks,

his hand movement and strike was too fast for the men to see or

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even react.

“Guh!” In an instant all three men coughed out a mouthful of

saliva, their pupils rolled up into their head, leaving only the
whites and they dropped onto the floor, shaking uncontrollably.

The rest of the men had their eyes wide open, they instantly
quietened down as they stared in shock. They all had a hard
time processing all the action that took place in front of them,
in three seconds, three men had dropped onto the floor
unconscious, they also seemed to be shaking as if they were
having a fit or seizure.

Immediately a man ran from behind Amaysu and swung down

onto his back, but Amaysu’s figure turned into a haze and the
blade swung into emptiness. The large burly man sensed danger
from behind, but he was too late, Amaysu’s hand had already
pressed down onto the back of his neck.

“Guh!” Just like the first three men, this burly man also
dropped onto the floor, his sword clattered to the ground.

In the next few seconds, Amaysu’s body constantly flickered

around the ground and every moment a man would crumple

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down onto the floor, he was like a phantom, appearing and
disappearing, the only thing the men could see was a white
haze. Throughout all this Amaysu had the same calm and cold
expression. In less than 10 seconds the rest of the men were
lying limp, face down on the concrete pathway, only the whites
could be seen in their open eyes. Some of these men were having
fits as they shook uncontrollably before calming down.

Raza stared at Amaysu in shock, even though he had the

ability to do the same thing, he couldn’t do it as fast and
accurately as the boy who was also a lot younger than him. Even
if he tried to do something similar he would have at least killed
some of these men by accident, the boy in front of him had
absolute control over his power.

“What control…” Raza mumbled subconsciously.

Amaysu stood in the middle of the group of bodies, he sighed

and then in the next few moments his hand was about a
centimetre away from Raza’s throat, this jolted Raza out of his
dazed state.

“I told you to be quiet.” Amaysu whispered little by little with

a hostile tone.

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Raza couldn’t help but take a gulp as he saw the coldness in
the boys eyes. Even though it was the boys hand that was at his
throat, he still believed that if the boy decided to stab at his
throat, he would definitely die because he had already seen the
state of his men.

“Mi…Mi..Lord… We can work… Things out, it was just an

accident… I didn’t know my place,” Raza stuttered as he tried to
explain himself, trying his hardest not to anger the boy.

Hummels who was standing at the side the whole time, looked
at the scene with astonishment. Thirteen big men, who were all
at the 1st rank of the Fighter stage were all crumpled on the
floor, completely dominated by a young boy.

Hummels could clearly see the petrified expression on his

young master’s face and also saw his young master’s legs
shaking in fear.

The scene of Amaysu’s hand at Raza’s throat was an odd

scene, when you compare their heights. Amaysu was only 1.6
metres tall while Raza was 1.8 metres tall.

Amaysu looked at him with a disdainful expression, he clicked

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his tongue and moved his hands away from Raza’s throat and
walked back to where his siblings were still lying harmlessly on
the floor, he didn’t have time to waste on an ignorant fool who
didn’t know his place.

Even though Amaysu’s heart was cold and carried a deep

hatred for certain people that he would definitely kill, he still
didn’t have the ability to kill someone who he had no grudge

Saying that you’ll kill someone or having the ability to kill

someone and to actually kill someone are totally different
concepts, without having sufficient mental strength, killing
someone could cause a person to fall into despair or hold back
their future progress.

Raza gazed with a dumbfounded and terror filled expression

at the white clothed back of the boy who was strolling towards
his sibling. He was casually walking past the crumpled bodies on
the floor, as if this was how everything was meant to be, his
noble aura was always there encapsulating him.

Could this boy possibly a 3rd rank or maybe a 4th ranker?…

Impossible!! He’s looks like he’s only 13 or 14 years old, but how
else would it explain his power. Raza’s thoughts were in

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disarray as he looked at the frail looking boy who possessed
such frightening power.

What Raza didn’t know was that Amaysu was still a 2nd rank
fighter, but he was taught by the best martial artist and teachers
in all the continent since a young age and with the help of the
Inherited Legacy, someone like Raza wasn’t even worth his

The inherited Legacy allowed him to increase his physical

performance by supporting him and allowed him to increase his
maximum output. Amaysu himself had studied many books and
understood many of the bodies pressure points, this is how he
defeated all thirteen men so casually.

For the next few moments, there was an eerie silence moving
between them.

“Mi… Mi Lord… May ask of you of your name?” Raza asked,

however this time he had lost all his previous arrogance,
because he feared that this boy may have some powerful backers
who could easily crush his entire clan, because who else could
create a monster like this boy in front of him.

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“…” Amaysu just silently sat there with his siblings once again
lying on his lap and he also had his eyes closed. The awkward
silence this time didn’t cause Raza to be furious, he respectfully
just stood there quietly, he was calculating a way to flatter this
young man to gain his favour and bring him to their town.

He suddenly realised something and immediately spoke out,

“Mi Lord, if you would like, we can guide you to our humble
town and prepare a feast for you and your siblings.”

As soon as Amaysu heard this he slowly opened his eyes and

looked at Raza.

Amaysu’s voice was heard by Raza, “Prepare me and my

siblings a simple, quiet dwelling and bring us a meal.” he
realised that for the sake of himself and his siblings he had to
move from here. Amaysu stood up, he carried the two sleeping
kids and walked towards Raza

“Yes Mi Lord,” Raza slightly bowed and slowly walked

through the pathway back to the town and he was followed by
the young boy, Amaysu and Hummels who had been standing
on the sidelines watching the entire process the whole time also

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The men who were still lying on the floor were completely
ignored by Raza, he knew that when they woke up they’ll
immediately return to the town.

Amaysu still carried his noble presence as they walked along

the pathway, through the greenery, under the shade of the
trees. A calm, warm spring breeze caressed him and it caused his
white clothes and hair to flutter. Amaysu closed his eyes, he felt
that from today, his destiny would change forever.

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Chapter 6 - Emperor Art

Amaysu walked through the large walls and entered the town.
It was a sight to behold for himself; he had lived inside a castle
for most of his life. The city that he would usually gaze at from
his bed chamber was all standing at the spot he stood, they were
buildings that would pierce the sky and were always a light even
in the dark.

This town was nothing compared to that time. These houses

Amaysu saw were nothing special, they were all made from
wood and bricks, they were all badly constructed and there were
gaps for windows and they seemed to be opened a closed by a
wooden cover. Their structure was nothing special, however the
layout of the streets were below decent from Amaysu’s very
own perspective.

The outskirts of the city were mostly huts, with starved men,
women, children and elderly, they were the poorest and at the
lowest level of the towns social hierarchy. Amaysu had a tinge
of pity for them, back during the reign of his empire such scenes
were quite rare, but they still existed.

Amaysu walked in between Raza and Hummels, through the

wide streets and then they finally entered the bustling streets of

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the market. There were countless stalls standing on each side of
the street, there were countless sellers who would shout out
their prices, young men would sit in the side of the streets and
place their item in front of them waiting for a buyer. The
market was in utter pandemonium.

What’s going on? What is with these poor standards? Amaysu

thought as he noticed the state of the town and market. Amaysu
had visited cities and towns that were even smaller than this;
however their living standards were much better when
compared with a place like this. He would also occasionally see
domesticated dogs running across the streets in the market.

When Raza appeared in the streets, suddenly, all the people

that noticed him moved aside, this in turn caused other people
to notice. Soon everyone had moved aside to create a pathway
straight through the market street which directly led out of the
market and to a building that was five stories tall and looked
impressive, however in Amaysu’s eyes it was nothing much.

“Look it’s young master Raza,” a girl squealed. Raza’s status in

the town was exceptionally high and was second to only the
patriarch of the Averice clan, so many young ladies would fawn
over him and give themselves up to him.

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“Our young master is at the 3rd rank of the Fighter stage, he
truly is a genius.”

“Yeah, he could probably rival the geniuses from the

enormous schools and sects from the big cities.”

Raza hearing all this stood straight, his chest puffed out and a
proud, arrogant expression on his face. All of a sudden Amaysu
snorted coldly, he had seen countless geniuses during the reign
of his empire and someone like Raza would be considered the
lowest of the bunch. This pulled Raza back to reality as he
shivered at the reality of things, the boy behind him was what
you would describe a true genius.

“Who is that boy?” A man uttered as he strained his eyes to

see the boys features, however Amaysu was quite a distance

“He’s carrying two kids with him.”

When Amaysu drew closer to the crowd of people, they were

finally able to see his features. He had smooth sandy brown
hair, which looked a lot like, a dark golden colour under the
radiant sky. He also had fair, but full eyebrows that didn’t stand

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out, thin lips and a high nose.

When Amaysu looked around at the crowd of people, they

immediately stood straight, subconsciously it felt right for them
to act like this. This was caused by the cool and cold aura of
nobility he carried; they also noticed his two different eye
colours: The deep brown and the golden copper.

“…” Everyone in the streets stared at Amaysu; their mouths

gaped as they stared in an infatuated manner. His appearance
was handsome and was somewhat feminine, yet he carried a
domineering presence.

“What a handsome young fellow.” A man mumbled.

“…” There was a large amount of young ladies that had come
to see young master Raza and somehow try to gain his attention,
but when they noticed Amaysu they stared at him with a
bewitched and passionate gaze. Most of them felt their cheeks
go blazing red, when Amaysu’s gaze simply passed them,
however they were disappointed when they noticed his lack of

Comparing Raza with Amaysu was an insult to the boy, it was

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like comparing a toad with a majestic White Lion, it couldn’t be

“Why is he carrying two kids?” A confused girl who looked

like she was 16 or 17 years old asked in the middle of the crowd,
she still had a captivated expression.

Amaysu’s appearance caused a stir in the crowd, however he

merely ignored it and they slowly walked through the crowd
and left the market under the gaze of countless people.

Amaysu suddenly stopped in the middle of the street,

“Hummels prepare me and my siblings a lodging, now. Also
bring food for me and my siblings.” Amaysu said indifferently,
he had enough of strolling around the village as he realised that
Raza was taking his time.

Hummels looked at Raza with a lost expression, he was called

upon before his young master, this was considered an insult and
Hummels feared the backlash from Raza. This is why he looked
at Raza for instructions.

“Mi Lord, let me take you, to your new dwelling, while

Hummels can go and prepare your meals.” Raza spoke with a

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calm expression, he was not the least bit offended.

Amaysu merely nodded, the quicker he found a dwelling the


After that Raza led Amaysu towards a street that was quite
empty when compared to the other bustling streets in the town.
The dwellings were simple and were mostly made of wood,
these homes weren’t very big but the architecture of the homes
could not be compared to the homes that Amaysu had
previously seen.

“Mi Lord, these are the dwellings of the higher ups of our clan
and for our guests,” Raza explained respectfully. “Mi Lord you
can pick any of these homes,” as Raza said this he pointed at a
certain row of dwellings, each one of them had a front garden,
walls on all four sides for privacy and a front gate.

Amaysu nodded and walked in front of each home, inspecting

them from the outside and then decided. He picked the home
with the biggest front garden, it contained a small pond as well.
The dwelling was slightly smaller compared to the other homes
and the three metres tall white walls prevented anyone from

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This house will be the best for me to train privately, Amaysu
thought. The reason he picked a home with a big garden was so
that he could train peacefully without being disturbed.

Raza seeing Amaysu had picked a home, he quickly

interrupted his thoughts, “Mi Lord, here’s a Transmission Card,
you can use this to call me if you need anything.”

Amaysu being jolted out of his thoughts was slightly annoyed,

however he still looked down at the card and nodded, however
Amaysu looked at Raza oddly as if he was overlooking

Raza suddenly realised that Amaysu was holding his younger

brother and sister so could not hold onto the card.

“Mi Lord, I will send you the Transmission Card when we

bring you, your meal. I’ll see you later.” Raza could only
helplessly chuckle awkwardly as he turned and walked away.

The house in front of Amaysu, had three steps which led to

the wooden platform, which was where the door was and it was
under the protection of a roof that was held by thin wooden

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beams. There was a window on both sides of the door, which
was opened and closed by a wooden cover.

“Creeeaaak…” A silver hand appeared in the air and opened

the wooden door for Amaysu since his hands were tied, since he
was carrying Arisa and Raymond. When he took his first step
into their new home, he was immediately struck by a flowery
yet calming scent. This flowery scent came from a vase that had
a yellow flower; it was on top of the only table in the entire
room. There was only one room and it contained a King sized
bed, a single wardrobe and a table, on the side there was a door
that Amaysu figured led to the toilet.

Amaysu placed Arisa and Raymond on the bed that had a

white soft cover and a white blanket on top, with pillows at the
head of the bed.

“Huh…” Amaysu dropped onto the floor, sweat dropped down

on his face as he took heavy breaths of air, he was extremely
fatigued and his muscles were all in pain. He felt a splitting
headache crushing his mental strength.

He slowly moved his gaze to the ceiling and closed his eyes, a
muttering noise came out of his mouth: “Getting tired after
facing Thirteen 1st rank Fighters, how embarrassing… If master

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was here he’d laugh at me and I’d never let me hear the end of
it.” A helpless, longing smile appeared on his face. “Ten
thousand years have passed and I’ve grown so stiff, just using
the Inherited Legacy for a small amount of time causes me such
a painful headache.”

The inherited Legacy carried a heavy burden on the metal

state of the user, that’s why this specific Legacy required the
user to strengthen his concentration and perception.

“I wonder what the outside world looks like… Times have

sure changed, the continent has also forgotten about us.”
Amaysu mumbled to himself, dreaming of the past.

Amaysu’s expression suddenly turned cold, the aura that he

released seemed to have caused the temperature of the room to
drop significantly. It was a hatred that was bone deep, every
single cell was calling upon revenge. “Kronos, Karia, if you’re
still alive I will personally send you to the other world, when
that day comes you’ll wish you were dead!” Amaysu muttered
through gritted teeth, creaking sounds could clearly be heard
and his tone would cause a person to shiver at the amount of
bloodlust and killing intent that was leaking out of the boy.

“A day will come, when the name Dasecris will be known once

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again as the most powerful empire and all those that have
caused our downfall will perish.” Amaysu swore at that
moment, an oath that he would forever remember.

The loss that Amaysu felt completely changed the course of

his life: From the prince of an Empire to an orphan child. He
had a strong desire to revive the Dasecris family. This would
also become a driving force for him to become stronger.

The sun had set and the moon was hanging in the midst of the
stars, shining down at Amaysu’s new home. Raymond and Arisa
had woken up hungry and were fed by Amaysu and then
immediately returned to their slumber.

Amaysu he sat on the wooden platform outside, with his legs

stretched forward he gazed at the brightness of the moon.

He slowly pulled out a book that was tucked away under his
white clothes. It had a plain black hard cover, which
exemplified the simple feeling of the book, nothing impressive
could be felt by the plain book, however it’s title was written in

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“Emperor Arts…” Amaysu murmured as he read the front
cover. The book wasn’t extraordinary in any way, if he had
received from anyone except his father, he would have returned

The book was rather thin, having only around a hundred

pages or so.

Amaysu opened the front cover, to the first page, he instantly

felt a sensation of oppressive force coming from the words:

‘When an Emperor is born, he will be remembered for an

eternity. A True Emperor stands at the pinnacle of power. I
await for the rise of a True Emperor.’

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Chapter 7 - Insights Of The Dasecris Emperor

“When an Emperor is born, he will be remembered for an

eternity. A True Emperor stands at the pinnacle of power. I
await for the rise of a True Emperor.” Amaysu read out these
words, he felt a powerful oppressive aura coming from these
words, it felt like a message for every cultivator that trained in
this Art.

Those were the only words on the first page of the book, but it
gave Amaysu an unforgettable sensation and a profound
impression of this seemingly common book.

He slowly turned the page and Amaysu slowly read out the
introduction of the book.

“My name is Lao Dasecris, the first Emperor of the Dasecris

Empire,” Amaysu was shocked as he read the first line. Who was
the first Emperor? He was the most powerful man on the
continent over Ten million years ago, no one knew where he
had come from, however his appearance changed the course of
the continent, he overpowered all his enemies and destroyed
many powerful empires that possessed experts in the hundreds
of thousands. Lao Dasecris was the man’s name he was the
ancestor of the Dasecris clan and Amaysu was his direct

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“I leave this book for my descendants. The Emperor Arts is

one of the two foundations of my Dasecris clan, this is the
cultivation art of my clan and only when the younger
generation of the main lineage reaches the age of 15 will he be
able to learn this cultivation art.” Amaysu realised why he
hadn’t known of this books existence, it was because he was too
young, however the situation was different now because the
Dasecris clan had been wiped out.

“The Emperor Arts is an enigmatic and profound cultivation

art, it has a deep and long history. This art is split into 5
chapters, each chapter represents 5 stages and each stage is
obscure and profound, only when the first stage has been
completely mastered, will the 2nd stage reveal itself. Even with
the power and long life I possessed, I could not completely
master this technique, so I wish my descendants luck and I hope
that there will come a day when this Art is completely

Amaysu couldn’t believe the words of his ancestor. Lao

Dasecris was a legend, his power was at a frightening level, it
was even said that he could crush Origin Transformation stage
experts as though they were ants. For even a legendary figure
like Lao Dasecris to not be able to fully comprehend this

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technique, it showed how difficult this Cultivation Art was.

Amaysu knew what a Cultivation Art was and what the

importance were. ‘Cultivation Art’ was a technique that
cultivates the body, it increases the speed of a person’s training
and also guides them to reach a greater stage when compared to
a person with no cultivation art.

Cultivation arts are split into 6 tiers and the greater the rank
the harder it is to cultivate however the harder it was the
stronger a person’s foundation becomes when they master it.
The names of each tier and order from weakest to strongest is:
Spirit tier, Earth Tier, Sky Tier, Prime Tier and the strongest of
them all was the Mystic Tier Cultivation Arts. Mystic Tier
Cultivation arts were legends, the existence of a Mystic Tier
cultivation art was considered as nothing more than a folks tale
for those that dreamed.

These Cultivation Arts can also determine how far a person

can reach in the path of power. A Spirit tier will only be able to
train to the peak of the 10th rank of the Fighter stage and there’s
only a 1% chance of a person being able to reach the Body
Transformation stage. Despite this, even a Spirit Tier
Cultivation Art was valued highly by small sects, schools and
commoners, because it could finally lead them out of a life of
poverty and weakness. The price of a Spirit Tier rank would go

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as high as 10000 gold coins or 10 Amethyst Gold coins and the
other tiers were valued higher and cost a lot more than a Spirit
tier, because depending on what a person’s Cultivation Art was,
it could affect how great or poor a person’s future prospect
could be.

Amaysu immediately flicked through the pages and realised

that only the first few pages had writing on it while the rest of
the pages were plain white and empty. He also realised that it
did not contain a hundred or so pages but rather a little over 30
pages, however these 30 pages were slightly thicker than normal
paper. Amaysu turned back to the second page

“Chapter 1”

Amaysu looked over the first page of the book and there was
only a single illustration on the entire page with a few words
below it.

The illustration was vivid, lifelike and very deep. There was a
faceless, robed man, standing tall at the peak of the tallest
mountain in the middle of a humungous mountain range. The
entire mountain range was covered by a luscious layer of
greenery. Just the illustration exuded an aura of power and
absolute authority, nobility and pride. After Amaysu analysed

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the illustration, his eyes dazzled however he had a confused
expression on his face. He realised that the illustration had
multiple deep meanings and that by gaining his own
understanding will he only be able to get stronger.

“Standing tall under any kind of pressure, tempering the body

to perfection, carrying an aura of absoluteness no matter what,
that is the first stage of the Emperor Arts.”

“Pressure… Perfection…” Amaysu murmured as a glittering

light appeared in his unique eyes, it seemed as if he was creating
that light however it was merely the reflection of the stars on
his pupil.

“The true way to master the Fighter stage is to temper the

body, while increasing your strength. Create a gravitational
array, temper your body to attain the Black Tempered body.”

Black Tempered… Body? Amaysu was confused about what

the Black tempered body was, but he pushed the thought aside
for now as it wasn’t very important.

“All I need is to create a gravitational array.” A gravitational

array had the ability to increase the pressure and gravity of a

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certain area and Amaysu with the knowledge and limited
resources he had could easily create an array.

Amaysu gradually turned the page and he felt that these few
pages were somewhat different, the texture of the paper was
smooth and shiny when compared to the roughness of the first
two pages. it was chaotic as if multiple auras were staying on
this one page and there was only one word on the paper,

“Memory Slip?!” Amaysu was shocked, Memory slip were

extremely high quality, pieces of paper that could store a
maximum of a 100 books worth of information in a single sheet.
Just a single sheet would cost 100 Amethyst Gold coins. This is
because the amount of information a single sheet could hold
was huge.

Amaysu immediately pressed down his index finger at the

centre of the paper and right away straight blue lines that
looked like a web but it also had the appearance of the crack
lines that appear on a broken window, the blue light emanated
up around his index finger. All of a sudden a white, vibrant
screen appeared in front of him.

The screen itself was a paper thin screen that was formed by

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the Memory slip.

This Vibrant screen had a large amount of information within

it and Amaysu was instantly shocked by the content of the page:

“My name is Lao Dasecris, I am the first Emperor of the

Dasecris clan and this is my insight on the Ancient Valour
Illustration. What I leave behind to my future descendant is a
Mind technique which I created from my own insight of the
illustration. It is calledDream Conscious.” Amaysu couldn’t
believe that this page contained a technique created by the first
Emperor himself.

Amaysu carried on reading, “Dream Conscious is a Technique

that is fully compatible to our Inherited Legacy, The Nanotekro
Legacy. This technique requires you to sit cross legged in a
meditative position, this is to calm your mind into a serene
state, you must then close your eyes and then concentrate on
your actions in real time. This technique will increase your
ability to learn a technique and increases your control over the
Inherited Legacy. Even if the most simplest actions are acted out
with extreme detail in your mind, such as your daily activities,
it can increase your mental state drastically. I wish you luck in
mastering the Dream Conscious Technique.”

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Amaysu eyes shown with a light he had never felt before. If
what Ancestor Lao said is true… No, what he said must be true,
by concentrating and acting out each action and playing it out in
my mind will help increase my control over the Inherited

The Inherited Legacy created a heavy burden on the mental

state of a person, Amaysu himself had to constantly practise day
and night to reach the stage he was currently at and still he
could only activate it for a meagre period of 5 minutes.

Amaysu himself knew that his control over the Legacy was
unspeakably small, it wasn’t even worth mentioning. The
Nanotekro Legacy carried a deep amount of power and he
hadn’t even scratched the surface of it and he himself
understood this.

What Amaysu required was to a technique that could

strengthen his mind and for him to get one that was created by
his ancestor, the first Emperor Lao Dasecris, was a great
blessing. Amaysu’s expression was Jubilant as he started
reading once again.

“My name is Remy Dasecris, I am the second Emperor of the

Dasecris clan and this is my insight on the Ancient Valour

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“My name is Ardon Dasecris, I am the third Emperor of the

Dasecris clan and this is my insight on the Ancient Valour

Amaysu looked at the second extract of writing and the third

and so on, the introductions made by each emperor began the
exact same way as the first emperor, Amaysu clearly knew this
was them giving their respect to their ancestor.

A thought suddenly flashed in Amaysu’s mind, he quickly

withdrew the projection with a movement of his hand and he
quickly turned to the next page and it also had the same words
on the paper, “Insight.” He pressed down his index finger and
then a white screen appeared once again, Amaysu went right to
the bottom and realised what he was searching for wasn’t there.

He immediately withdrew the projection and turned the page

and once again, another projection appeared. After a brief
moment he found what he was searching for.

“My name is Ranel Dasecris, I am from the Golden Age and I

am the Nineteenth Emperor of the Dasecris clan and this is my

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insight on the Ancient Valour Illustration.” Amaysu realised
that after a long time, an insane amount of Emperors would
have past. To categorise them, they would be placed with the
Age that they were living in.

“What I leave behind for the future generation is a footwork

movement skill; it is called the Lunar Moon Dance.”

Amaysu felt a nostalgic feeling run through him, it was

refreshing yet caused him to feel a tinge of sadness as well. The
Lunar Moon Dance technique was something his father had
shown him once, it was a technique that was elegant and
powerful, it was an unstoppable technique in Amaysu’s eyes.
When it was combined with a weapon it was an unstoppable set
of movement that was extremely difficult to block.

“This technique is to be trained under the grace of the moon.

This technique will increase your speed, agility and it is a skill
that is well suited for weapons. How far you’ll reach is unknown
and it all depends on your talent. The first set of footwork is…”

Amaysu read each word, one by one, to make sure that it was
deeply imprinted into his heart. He made sure that he would
practise this technique to perfection, because this was what his
father had left behind.

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Amaysu recalled the memories of his father showing him this
skill, to him it felt very vivid as though it only happened
yesterday, he remembered the elegance, the power, the
profundity his father carried when he executed the Lunar Moon
Dance. Nevertheless reality was cruel and it was a memory from
over 10000 years ago.

Amaysu carried on reading the insights of the illustration,

each insight was different yet they carried a similarity between
them, they all carried the Valour of the illustration. All these
insights carried in this seemingly common book would be
invaluable; in Amaysu’s eyes this was a priceless treasure that
could improve his strength vastly.

Amaysu spent the whole night studying the insights, however

he set his main focus on his father’s technique and the
technique that was left behind by the first emperor.

Soon the night sky grew brighter and brighter, until dawn

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Chapter 8 - Home For The Lost

The sun was halfway up in the sky, the sky itself was an ocean
of blue, birds could be seen sailing through as they glided
through the waves of floating clouds. Occasional, cool breezes
would cause the trees inside Amaysu’s home to rustle around, it
was a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

This was Amaysu’s second day in this new time period, he was
sitting on the green grass covered ground, sitting cross legged.
Arisa and Raymond were a few metres in front of him playing
with the toys that he had carved out for them, waving it around
while crawling without any worry, this caused a serene and
affectionate smile to appear on Amaysu’s usually cold face. The
only two people that could cause Amaysu to show his loving side
were Arisa and Raymond.

Amaysu looked at them for a brief lingering moment and then

closed his eyes, breathing softly, he started training in the
Dream Conscious Mind Technique.

His conscious was completely black without a trace of colour,

gradually the sheet of black receded like mist and in its place
was the image of his new home. In the environment he had
created, each strand of grass would appear, even the miniscule

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detail of the trees had to be perfectly displayed in his mind.
Amaysu slowly moved his gaze within his conscious, as he
moved his gaze the surroundings correspondingly moved in a
natural manner and now he was staring at his new home. The
details of the home was recreated in his mind, from the
windows, to the doors and even to the smallest visible cracks.

He tried standing up with his hand pressing down on the floor

to support him, the grass was pushed down by his palm, the
surroundings changed naturally with his movements,
everything was being acted out in his mind.

All of a sudden Amaysu lost his focus while standing up, he

moved too fast without taking the surroundings into account,
this slight mistake caused the image in his mind to flicker and
then disappear.

“Huh…Huh…Huh…” Amaysu’s eyes flashed open, his

breathing heavy and beads of sweat drifted down from his

To think this technique was so difficult, even the most

simplest tasks forces me to use the maximum capabilities of my
concentration and I still couldn’t last even half a minute. This
technique is so profound and deep, to think ancestor Lao

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created such a mysterious technique. Amaysu’s thoughts were
in disarray, he found this technique extremely difficult to train
under and it caused him to gain a head splitting, taxing
headache that caused the crown of his head and the top of his
brain to ache.

Amaysu started taking deep breaths to calm down his body

and to tranquilise the pain he was feeling in his head. Amaysu
had gone through this process multiple times already and he
realised that this training method was extremely hard, but to
make up for the difficulty of the technique it only took half an
hour for his mind to return to its tranquil state.

After a few minutes he stood up and raised his white soft palm
so it was level to his chest, with only a thought a silver diamond
shaped crest appeared on his soft palm.

“So this is the Nanotekro Inherited Legacies core,” he

mumbled to himself.

Amaysu had been taught a lot about the Legacy by his father
and he had studied the legacy and its many aspects.

The Nanotekro Legacy was something that the Dasecris clan

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had possessed for over ten million years, it was first possessed
by his ancestor, Lao and has been passed down through
countless generations until he himself possessed it.

The Inherited Legacies core was connected to his brain, he

didn’t know how it was possible but he could feel it. the
Nanotekro Legacy was now completely a part of him, it felt like
an extra limb that he could control with just a thought.

Amaysu allowed the silver crest to be visible and started

walking around the front garden of his new home and picked
stones that were the size of a grown mans fist. After he collected
a dozen stones he walked all the way to the other side of the
garden, passed the small pond and then stopped. He was now
about 20 metres away from Arisa and Raymond, he only did this
for their safety in case something unexpected happened.

Amaysu placed the stones in a circle with him in the centre.

The circle had a radius of two metres and twelve stones were
kept around him, this was to help him set a boundary and to
help him activate the array.

Amaysu stood in the centre, taking deep breaths, his eyes

closed, he was in a serene and calm state. Slowly, silver specks
started floating around him like fireflies, it was an eye catching

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sight and would have been more spectacular if it was in the
middle of the night.

Slowly these specks started revolving at an extremely high

speed, if a person tried to touch one of these specks they would
have felt an overbearing pressure coming from it.

Slowly Amaysu waved his hands, directing clumps of silver

lights at each of those twelve stones sitting on the grass. The
silver specks coated itself around the stones, causing them to
glow with a dim silver light.



Amaysu’s knees crashed onto the ground, at the exact same

time a painful groan rang out of him, he felt an immense
pressure coming down on him, it felt as if a mountain was being
placed on his shoulders.

These twelve stones that were coated by the silver lights

gained the property to pull gravitons from the surrounding area

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into the array, causing the pressure inside the circle that
Amaysu created to be much greater than the regular strength of
the gravity on the outside.

These gravitons produced an enormous pressure to fall down

upon Amaysu, there were specks of silver light still floating in
the air inside the array, each speck was pushing down on
Amaysu causing his insides to twist in pain.

A person at the Fighter stage had extremely powerful physical

strength, however they carried many weaknesses. Even if their
body could carry a force of over tens of thousands of Kilograms
when they fought, their body itself and especially their internal
organs were extremely fragile, the 1st chapter of the Emperor
Arts aimed to temper the body as a whole and remove these

So this gravitational array is meant to temper my organs, skin

and bones, Amaysu thought as he felt a twisting and heavy
feeling, he found it difficult to breathe under this heavy

Amaysu used all his strength to stand up, his insides were
writhing under the tremendous pressure. The effects of the
array was as clear as day, within the array each strand of grass

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was flattened by the force.

“HU! HU!” Amaysu took two deep breaths and with a burst of
strength forced himself up, to stand on his two feet.


His bones creaked under the pressure, a burst of pain tackled

his innards, but he merely gnashed his teeth tight bearing the
pain under the crushing force.

“You… think… I’ll give up with just this?… I’ll make sure the
both of you die under my hand. I’ll even run through an ocean
of thorns or walk through a sea of blood if it means I get strong
enough to kill the both of you.” Amaysu struggled to say these
words, sweat was drenching his entire body, his eyes were hazy
but they carried a murderous glint within them. Staring into
the distance, he saw the illusive image of a man with a scar
below his eyes and a pale, beautiful woman dressed completely
in black, the both of them were gloating with a mocking smile
on their face as they stared back at his feeble appearance.

The burning hatred he had for those two was bone deep, the
thing he wanted most was to shred these two people into a

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thousand pieces, he desire revenge, to kill the ones that
murdered his parents, master and grandfather.

Amaysu’s eyes started burning with unwillingness as he

gritted his teeth, he didn’t have the vast resources he used to
have, he had to grit his teeth, swallow the pain and carry on
because he had no say in the difficulty of the training.

“Thump… Thump…” Amaysu slowly took a step forward, one

foot after the other, he felt like he was walking through a
swamp. His strides were very short but he was still moving
forward, bearing this mountainous weight, his organs were
screaming with pain but he ignored their cries.

This went on for five complete minutes until the moment he

collapsed onto the floor, the stones immediately stopped
glowing and the grey specks started to converge around Amaysu
and then completely enshrouded his body.

Amaysu didn’t realise this because of the exhaustion and cries

of relieve that his body was emitting, but the grey specks
covered his entire body, supporting it and slowly relieving the
stress on his body.

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Even though he was exhausted and had only been lying on the
floor for merely a quarter of a minute, he stood up and walked
the distance between him and his two siblings who were still
playing around, minding their own business. When he was right
next to them, he collapsed onto the floor once again, gradually,
yet slowly he turned to face the radiant blue sky, his face carried
a relieved and relaxed expression on his face.

Amaysu slowly waved his heavy hands and silver specks

coalesced like sand and formed a small item, this item had
twelve holes, a mouth piece to blow through and an elongated
circular appearance, it was an Ocarina.

Amaysu slowly sat up, his fingers moved in an intricate

manner creating a harmonious whistle to move through the air.

Raymond and Arisa sat there and were attentively listening to

the beautiful song Amaysu was playing, even though they didn’t
understand they sat patiently watching Amaysu.

For the next few minutes a melodious song was playing

around the entire estate, people outside who were walking
around could here this serene and heart warming tune coming
from Amaysu’s home. In a matter of a few minutes a small
crowd had started gathering around Amaysu’s home, trying to

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appreciate the masterful skill of the musician who was playing.

“Who is this musician?” A man who lived in one of the nearby

homes asked a woman who had been in front of Amaysu’s home
before him.

“I don’t know, but this person’s accomplishment and skill

must at least be at the level of a grandmaster.”

Slowly more and more people gathered around Amaysu’s

home, they did not know who this extremely skilled musician
was, however they could clearly feel the emotions and the story
that this song held.

Amaysu was still playing the Ocarina in an intricate and

peaceful manner, the scene of him playing the Ocarina in front
of Raymond and Arisa was like a picture that came straight out
of a priceless painting.

For Amaysu playing the Ocarina was a way for him to calm
and relieve his emotions, it was a means for him to reminisce
and the song he was playing right now, was called ‘Home for the

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Home for the lost was the story of a young, neglected and
unloved orphan from ancient times that roamed across the
entire continent. This young boy was on a journey, searching
for his real parents and to find a place that he could call home.
On this journey he had met many people, he made friends, fell
in love and even had a family. Even though he never found his
parents, he found a place he could call his own home and had
his own family, during the end of his life he created this song to
depict his journey in life and called it, ‘Home for the Lost’.

Amaysu found a strange familiarity towards this song, he

himself was an orphan now and had to roam this world to find a
new place that he could call home, but there was a difference
between him and the boy in the song, he also desired revenge.


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Chapter 9 - Joseph Averice


As the last notes left Amaysu, a clapping sound was heard and
the gate of his home was slowly opened. A bulky built man who
was over 2 metres tall with brown skin walked in, still clapping.
This man carried the domineering aura of a veteran warrior and
a scar that went from his right ear towards his nose gave his
average appearance a sinister look.

Behind this man followed a group of men, each man carried

the aura of a 1st rank Fighter and there was even two people
that carried the aura of a 2nd rank Fighter and another man
that carried the aura of a 3rd rank Fighter stage warrior. Among
these men was Raza who was the 3rd rank Fighter in the group
and was following the big man and his behaviour was extremely

“Marvellous! You’re skills in the Ocarina is a thousand times

greater than how my son described it to be.” The built man said
with a smile on his face, because of the scar his smile looked

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Amaysu was shocked because he sensed the aura of a 5th rank
Fighter stages aura enveloping this man. To think this isolated
place has a 5th rank Fighter stage expert.

“Who are you?” a cold voice escaped Amaysu as he slowly

stood upon his two legs that were still burdened by the pain, he
didn’t bother acting courteously towards a man he knew
nothing of.

This built man wasn’t offended even in the slightest, he

carried an amiable smile on his face. ” Young man, my name is
Joseph Averice, I am the lord of this land and the patriarch of
the Averice clan.” Joseph Averice had the temper of a man that
loved to enjoy and was easy going.

“What is your name young man?” Joseph with both his hands
on his waist asked in a deep, loud voice.

Amaysu thought for a moment, he had seen countless men

like this during his time as the prince and these type of men all
carried a different demeanour when no one was around, so he
was very cautious.

Amaysu merely considered for a moment, as of right now he

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wasn’t strong enough to retaliate against a 5th rank Fighter so
he replied:

“My name is Amaysu.”

“Amaysu? Haha, what an odd name.” Joseph said with a

brimming smile on his face, but inside he felt that either this
was not his real name or was only part of his name.

“What is the reason that you came here?” Amaysu didn’t have
a reason to act courteously towards this strange and outward

“Young master Amaysu, can’t I come and visit one of my own

guests?” Joseph questioned. “Anyway I merely came to ask you
a few questions and then I will take my leave.”

Amaysu’s brows furrowed slightly however he still nodded.

Patriarch Joseph seeing Amaysu’s approval he started asking

his questions, “Young master Amaysu, how did you open that
ancient door in our restricted land? In my opinion only
someone at the Body Transformation stage could open it.”

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Amaysu seemed to have immediately understood why he was
being treated in such a respectful manner; it was because they
believed that he had a Body Transformation stage as his backer.

“That ancient door was opened by my master so that I could

search the contents within,” Amaysu replied. If that is what
they assume, then I’ll let them believe it as so, Amaysu had no
intention of telling them the truth, it would give him a
reassurance that they won’t do anything for a period of time.

Joseph’s eyes widened in shock, he had merely speculated

that this boy had a Body Transformation stage expert protecting
him because of his hard to be found noble aura, however to
personally hear it from the boy caused a surge of fear to run
through him.

Despite this, when he heard that the boy had entered the
ancient door and searched through its contents made a glint of
greed and desire to appear in his eyes.

“Young master, may I ask what you found in there?” Raza

who was standing quietly on the side the whole time couldn’t
help but ask Amaysu.

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Amaysu looked at Raza casually and then replied, “I did not
find anything that was worth my time.”

Seeing the young boy’s indifferent expression caused Joseph

who was standing on the side to be shocked, he sensed no
uncertainty or lies coming from the boy by looking at his
appearance. Joseph was amazed by this 13 or 14 year old boys
calm demeanour that was far more mature than the average

“Do you not believe me?” Amaysu questioned abruptly.

“No! No, no. We believe what you are saying, but we have a
hard time accepting it.” Joseph immediately replied. How could
Joseph believe it, a door that only a Body Transformation stage
could open definitely contained some priceless treasures,
however Joseph was too scared to accuse this boy who had a
powerful expert behind him.

“Young master Amaysu may I ask one more question?”

Amaysu nodded.

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“Are you a member of one of the Nine Overlord Sects?”
Joseph said this with a fear filled, revering expression on his

“Overlord… Sect?”

Joseph noticing Amaysu’s confusion realised that this boy was

not a part of one of the Nine overlord sects. Who was the Nine
Overlord Sects? They were the most powerful forces controlling
these desolate lands. Each one of these sects has enough power
to contend against a kingdom.

“Young master there is no need for you to ponder on such

things. For now I’ll be taking my leave, if you need anything
please request and we’ll try our hardest to fulfil it.”

Amaysu pondered for a while, “There is one thing… I want

you to send me a maid to take care of my siblings.”

Joseph seeing the two toddlers who were looking at himself in

an innocent manner, replied: “Of course, of course. I will
definitely send you one as soon as possible.” After saying this
Joseph led his men out of Amaysu’s home.

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For the next few minutes Joseph’s group slowly headed back
to their home.

“Father do you believe that kid found nothing inside that

ancient door?” inquired Raza.

Joseph turned to face his son, a grim expression decorated his

face, “No, I don’t believe a word that kid says. He definitely
found something behind those doors, but we cannot do
anything to him if he actually has the protection of a Body
Transformation Expert,” Joseph said bitterly.

Raza couldn’t help but swallow, a Body Transformation stage

was an expert that many kingdoms and Empires would try to
draw in, this was because of the ability they have to control a
Combat Artifact.

“However, if we find any weaknesses from him, we can take

advantage of it and gain all the treasures he found.” Raza
hearing this felt a burning urge to take what the boy possessed,
a twinkling light of desire birthed within his eyes.

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“For the time being we’ll uptake his commands… Raza you
will send him Aya, our most beautiful maid.” Joseph had a
calculating mind, he tried to find a way to get this boy to owe
him a favour.

Slowly time passed, the green leaves on the trees started

changing into a mix of yellow and orange just like the colour of
the sunset. Two months had gradually passed and the season of
Summer changed to Autumn.

A boy inside a circle of stones that were dimly glowing, was

jogging at a snail like pace. The boy was sweating profusely, his
black training apparels were soaked with sweat, some beads of
sweat dropped onto the flat grass at an extremely frightening

This boys sandy brown hair had grown in the past two
months and was now long enough for it to reach the tip of his

The boy was thin and handsome which caused all the young
women in this town to fawn over him, he also had smooth white
skin that was now covered in a membrane of fluids. Even
though his eyelids were heavy his golden copper and dark

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brown eyes could be seen, a willpower and resolve that could
not be hidden was radiating within his eyes, this was none other
than Amaysu.

After a few minutes he stopped treading around. The dim

lights glowing on the stones were now nonexistent, silver
specks seeped out of these stones and gradually coalesced
around Amaysu.

“Ninety Minutes, not good enough, not good enough and only
lasting half an hour in the Mind Technique, truly disgraceful.
Two months have passed and I’m still struggling under this
pressure, how despicable.” Amaysu reprimanded himself; he
was disappointed by the slow progress he had made in both the
Emperor Arts and the Dream Conscious mind cultivating

If this was anyone else it would have taken them at least a

year or longer for them to reach Amaysu’s level in only the
Emperor Arts and that was only if they constantly trained under
this immense gravity. Even for the most talented youngsters, it
would take them nearly 5 years for them to reach Amaysu’s
level in the Dream Conscious technique. This unbelievable
growth was only possible for those with an unbreakable will and

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Amaysu sat down once again, silver specks gathered around
his palm to form an Ocarina. Throughout these two months,
during the afternoon he would always play the Ocarina to
release the unwanted stress that had piled up within his body.

Once again the musical skills of a masterful musician played

throughout the area.

Outside his home a group of young women from all over the
town were standing outside Amaysu’s home causing a small
commotion, they were all waiting for this moment. As soon as
they heard the pleasant-sounding, heart lifting melody they
silenced themselves and listened in awe and admiration.

These young women would stand in front of Amaysu’s home

at this time every day. Amaysu had left his home many times
and whenever he appeared in the streets he would immediately
become the centre of attention.

“Young master Amaysu is perfect in every way possible.” A

girl standing within the crowd expressed the statement within

“Yeah, his skills in the Ocarina is like nothing I’ve heard

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before, his aura is that of a noble and beauty is otherworldly, he
makes all the men in the city look like Neanderthals. Rumour
has it that he’s a 4th rank Fighter stage expert and also if we add
that he is single, it makes him the perfect prospect as a husband.

” But I’m so jealous of that maid who’s inside young master

Amaysu’s home.”

Amaysu had unknowingly created his own fan base within the
girls of the town.

After a while the euphonious tune died down and Amaysu

slowly opened his eyes, walking towards the front garden.

Since the day the maid had come to take care of his siblings,
he had forbidden her to enter the garden behind the hut. The
garden behind the hut was a similar size to the front one, so he
used all that space to train freely, however he still kept his
guard up in case someone was watching him.

As soon as Amaysu appeared in the front garden two toddlers

staggered towards him as they tried to get used to walking on
two legs for the first time.

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A smile appeared on Amaysu’s face as he bent down to
embrace Arisa and Raymond who had grown at least an inch in
the past two months.

“A month left till your First birthday, isn’t it Arisa,

Raymond?” Amaysu asked as he slowly picked them up.

“Greetings master Amaysu,” a resonating and alluring voice

came from a woman, who was dressed completely in a white
robe. This woman was the most beautiful maid in the entire
town and Joseph had given her to Amaysu as a gift to use as he
wished, however Amaysu already understood Joseph’s way of

The woman was slim in all the places that were meant to be
slim and was voluptuous in the places that were meant to be
curved. Her face was beautiful, she had red rosy lips, tanned
skin, brown eyes and long black hair, her appearance could
easily cause the hearts of the men in the town to race and their
faces to flush red.

Amaysu turned to look at her, an indifferent and cold

expression hid the previous affectionate smile that was once on

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his face.

“oh it’s you, Aya.” Aya was a girl who was only 16 years old
and her height was about 1.6 metres tall, which was slightly
shorter than Amaysu.

Aya wasn’t affected by Amaysu’s indifferent expression as she

was already used to it. At first she was Raza’s maid and was
planned to be one of his concubines, however she was demoted
to a maid of a guest, this caused her heart to be unwilling.

Nevertheless the moment she saw Amaysu for the first time,
her heartstrings were immediately pulled and she felt a tugging
feeling within her, she had fallen in love at first sight. Aya was
thankful that she had been demoted, when comparing Amaysu
with Raza was like comparing the beauty of a Celestial Tiger
with a rat.

Despite her beauty, Amaysu had always treated her as if she

didn’t exist which caused her to feel disappointed. She was most
likely the most beautiful woman in the town and she wasn’t
even looked at by this boy. When Aya first saw the smile on
Amaysu’s face when he faced his two siblings, she felt as if her
heart was about to burst out of her chest and that was when she
first planned to keep that smile all to herself and to do this she

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planned on taking care of Arisa and Raymond to her utmost

“Aya for the next few days, please stay at my home, can you
do that?”

As soon as Aya heard that, her imagination immediately ran

wild. He couldn’t possibly think of that, he is only 13, no. He is
also at that age now.

As Aya’s thoughts ran wild which Amaysu knew nothing of,

carried on speaking: “Take care of my siblings for the next few
days, I will be taking a training excursion into the forest for the
next week or so.”

Amaysu had been putting a lot of thought into this training

excursion for the past two weeks and he decided that to gain
combat experience and to get stronger much faster, he had to go
out and train. The only things that caused him to delay his plans
were Arisa and Raymond, he still felt suspicious of Aya,
however, he had to get stronger quickly.

When Aya heard this she nodded respectfully, “Yes master.”

She had personally been told by Patriarch Joseph to treat every

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one of Amaysu’s need because of his special background, so she
accepted his requested, for her it could be a chance to gain
Amaysu’s favour.

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Chapter 10 - Brownwood Forest

Early the next morning, on the outskirts of the town, stood

Amaysu. He was wearing a black woollen trouser and a long
black tunic, with a brown belt wrapped around his waist and his
sandy brown hair was swept backwards.

Staring into the deep dense forest, Amaysu remembered the

warnings he received from Joseph.

“The mountain that we stay on is called Brownwood

mountain and we are located at the centre of the Brownwood
forest. The forest has a length of at least a 100Km and there are
many villages in the forest as well. There are many Savage
beasts inside the forest and they are very dangerous, but they
never come here, the reason for this unknown, but I think it has
something to do with that ancient door.”

Amaysu already understood why no Savage beast would come

near the door, it was because the door was releasing invisible
waves of magnetic ripples and different frequencies of sound
that made these Savage beasts very uncomfortable and weak. He
knew it was created by his parents so nothing dangerous would
befall upon him when he left the room behind those doors.

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Savage beasts were normal animals that were either born with
an exceptional body due to their bloodline or they unknowingly
or knowingly gained strength through countless battles.

A rank 1 Savage beast was split into the lower stage which is
equivalent to a 1st rank Fighter, a middle stage which is
equivalent to a 2nd rank Fighter and an upper stage which is
equivalent to a 3rd rank Fighter.

During Amaysu’s time with Master Etros, he would live in the

wilderness with the earth as his bed and the sky as his cover. In
the day, he would regularly fight against Rank 1 Savage beasts,
under his masters supervision he gained a large amount of
combat experience.

Every single part of a Savage beast was beneficial to a

cultivator. The body and blood of a savage beast could temper a
person’s body and give them a savage aura. The core was
something that other Savage beasts valued, by devouring the
Core of other beasts a Savage beast could increase in strength by
many folds.

Humans used these Cores as well, except only alchemists had

the ability to refine and create a pill or elixir using the core.

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At this moment an unnoticeable silver membrane covered the
slim figure of the boy. He took a step forward and then in a flash
he disappeared into the distance.

Amaysu had begun practising the technique that his father

had left behind, the Lunar Moon Dance movement technique.
This technique was an unpredictable movement technique, that
used the uneven terrain to your advantage.

During these two months, he had been cultivating the Dream

Conscious technique, using this technique, he had started
practising the Lunar Moon dance. Whenever he practised this
movement technique inside his own dream space, he would
only last One Tenth of the average time.

For the next few minutes, Amaysu’s feet tapped on the trunk
of a tree on the moist ground and on the smallest rocks. He tried
to integrate the Lunar moon dance and get used to it by
practising properly during his training excursion.

“I’ve barely mastered the footwork part of the Lunar moon

dance that father left behind, but I still need to train my entire
body and train it using a weapon,” he mumbled to himself.

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The Lunar Moon Dance focussed on the entire body and trains
the user to control the centre of gravity, strengthening the
calves to increase agility and flexibility, to traverse at an
extremely high speed was also a part of the technique.

Amaysu was a blur as he traversed at a speed that was beyond

his rank. His body pushed of the trunk of a tree that was over 20
metres tall, suddenly a ferocious bloodthirsty killing intent was
instinctually felt by Amaysu. In an instant, his body pushed
down on one of the stones on the wet, muddy ground and he
immediately shot into the air. Without wasting time after
landing on a branch, he hid under the slightly orange and
yellow leaves.

During his time with his master, Amaysu had spent months in
forests filled with Savage beasts and under the constant danger
of being attacked by these beasts he honed his perceptive ability
and relied more on his instincts rather than logic. Even though
he trained in such an environment, he was always being
watched by his master so that life-threatening calamities
wouldn’t befall upon him.

Calming his breath, he didn’t even move an inch, he looked

through a pocket of packed leaves that looked down onto the
marshy ground.

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*Crish* *Crish*

Amaysu instantly stopped breathing as he stared at the being

that created the crushing sound of dead leaves and twigs.

Dire Wolf!! It’s a Rank 2 Dire wolf.

Fear grasped Amaysu’s heart, Dire wolves were ancient

wolves that had a bloodline that went far into ancient times,
they have survived through many extinction level disasters and
this one was a Rank 2 Savage beast. These Dire Wolves were
kings of the wolves species and each wolf would usually carry a
pack of normal wolves with it. Within the Dire wolf species,
they also had differences which identified their status.


The Dire wolf raised its head and sniffed the air, attempting to
grasp the scent that it had sensed before. It’s gaze inspected the
area around it, suddenly it stopped at the place Amaysu was
hiding in.

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Amaysu could clearly see the appearance of the Dire wolf. The
wolf was 2 metres in length and a height of about a metre, it’s
powerful jaws seemed as if it could shatter the hardest metal
with absolute ease.

Its golden eyes stared right through him causing him to sweat

He sat still not looking through the pocket of leaves anymore,

what he didn’t notice was that the silver membrane lit up
slightly as the Dire wolf tried to trace the scent of its prey.

The wolf not noticing anything looked around in confusion

for a moment.

“AHOOOOOO” With a soul piercing howl it left the area at an

extremely frightening speed, only leaving an air of dust behind.

For the next hour, Amaysu hid behind the leaves not daring to
move an inch or even breath.

A figure finally jumped off the base of a branch and finally

landed on the marshy ground.

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“That was an upper Rank 2 Dire Wolf, that’s equal to a 6th
rank Fighter expert,” Amaysu mumbled and then sighed
thinking how lucky he was that he wasn’t noticed. If he was
with his master, he wouldn’t even have a tinge of fear against a
Rank 2 or even a Rank 3 Savage beast, but now everything was
up to him, he was in a world where the strong rule and the
fittest survive.

This time, Amaysu carefully tread around the forest with

caution, he couldn’t help but remember the domineering
presence and feared that the Dire wolf was still around.

The atmosphere in the forest was quite, with the occasional

sound of his feet trudging on the marshy land. Dead leaves were
mixed with mud and twigs littered the land, the air was fresh,
clear and rejuvenating. There were countless trees and vines all
around him, occasional sounds of cries and roars could be heard
in the forest.

Amaysu once again sensed a bloodthirsty aura coming from

his left, cold sweat covered his forehead once again, he was
about to jump into a tree trunk once again to hide, but he soon
realised that the aura was many times weaker than the Dire
wolf’s aura.

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“Grr!” Slowly a huge black figure walked out of the green
forest bushes. Its immense figure was at least 3 metres in height
if it stood up on its two hind legs, it was covered in black fur
with a streak of white fur that highlighted its spine. The huge
black paws were embedding itself into the soil, its deep blue
eyes gazed at him with a ravenous glint, baring its fangs.


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Chapter 11 - Whiteback Bear

An upper Rank 1 Savage beast?! Amaysu was astonished

because of the sudden appearance of the Whiteback bear and the
fact that he had met 2 Savage beasts so quickly.

However he frowned at the fact that it took him quite a while

to notice the bears killing intent, it seemed that he had been too
cautious of the Dire wolf that he overlooked the presence of the

Whiteback bears were common Rank 1 savage beasts that

could be found in many forests. Compared to the other species
in the Bear family, White back bears lacked intelligence
meaning that they wouldn’t make it far on the path of
cultivation, however, their population was very high to make
up for this.

The Whiteback bear was currently around 30 metres away

from him, moving towards him slowly, step by step causing the
crushing sound of the twigs to be emitted across to Amaysu.
Suddenly the bear stood on its hind legs:


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An ear shattering roar was emitted from the depths of its
throat, causing the tree’s to rustle and the weaker Wild beasts to
run in fear and the birds resting in the trees to flee in terror.

Wild beasts were different from Savage beasts, they are below
Rank 1 so they aren’t ranked, this was similar to normal humans
that couldn’t reach the Fighter stage. However, just like how all
humans have the chance to become a Cultivator and reach the
Fighter stage, Wild beasts also have the chance to become
Savage beasts by devouring a Savage beasts core or by training
their bodies.

Amaysu pressed his hands against his ears, he frowned as he

looked at the ferocious aura that this Savage beast carried.

“I’ve finally found a Savage beast that I can test my strength


Savage beasts were quite different to a normal human

cultivator. A Savage beast that was at the same level of a human
was naturally stronger due to their inborn strong physique,
agility or speed. Some special and extremely powerful Savage
beasts had innate abilities that could be used against human

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cultivators possessed combat artifacts.

As the roar of the bear died down, its blue eyes stared deeply
into Amaysu, evaluating the value of its prey. Amaysu stared
back at the bear with a mocking gaze which had a clear

“You stupid bear all you do is eat, I dare you to come at me,”
Amaysu ridiculed as he raised his hands and waved his fingers
in a way that aggravated it.

Lower ranked Savage beasts had their primal beast like nature
where they would know when their pride and power was being
questioned, this provoked it and invoked its rage.


A deep rumble erupted from the bear as it revealed its fangs at

the young sandy brown haired boy in front of it.


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With a heavy push off the ground, this Rank 1 savage beast
rushed at Amaysu with the intent to kill, with each step its paws
would embed itself into the ground causing the earth to tremor.

Amaysu’s expression turned serious, the glint in his eyes

turned ruthless.


roared within his heart.

On his palm, a silver diamond shape crest appeared and

released a bright luminescent light.

Silver specks started gathering around Amaysu’s arm,

coalescing to form a sword. The silver specks materialised the
weapon, it was double edged with a silver guard and a silver
hilt. The sword was made completely made from the Inherited
Legacy and he grabbed it by its hilt.

For the Nanotekro Inherited Legacy to form a weapon was

considered the most basic and insignificant ability of the
Inherited Legacy. The Inherited Legacy had the ability to form
any structure, in any size and had an unfathomable destructive
ability. The more Nanotekros the user could create the more

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powerful the Inherited Legacy would become, this was
Amaysu’s basic deduction of the legacy.

At his current level, Amaysu could only form a single weapon

or other small structures at the same point in time, this was due
to his current concentration capabilities.

He waved the silver blade that was 3 feet long, causing the
wind to break apart under the sharpness of the sword. His gaze
stopped at the bear that had already crossed half the distance
between them.

His right leg drew a semi-circle and his left leg was placed in
front, like a spring he bent down causing a large amount of
energy to be focused on his calves. This was one of the effects of
the Lunar Moon Dance movement technique, by storing a large
amount of energy you could release it in a single moment
allowing a startling burst of speed.

Amaysu pounced with the speed of an arrow released from its

bow. As the distance between the bear was reducing, he pushed
himself off the ground causing his body to float due to his fast

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In an instant, he floated over the bear which was also staring
at him as he floated over its head. As Amaysu was about to land,
he twisted his body to face the hind of the bear.


As Amaysu landed on the roots of a tree, he pounced at the

bears hide without giving it an instant to prepare.

If I remember correctly master said the White back bears

weakness is its agility.


With an unhesitant swing, an arcing slash was sent at the

bears hind legs, causing a burst of blood to be released from its
hind leg like a small fountain.

An earth shattering roar of pain was emitted from the bear as

it turned around, a glint of absolute hatred and rage was
portrayed in its eyes. It swung its paw at him with a terrifying
force behind its attack.

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The bears paw struck at Amaysu who reflexively used his

sword to protect himself from most of the force, but its paw
carried the weight of a huge boulder as it smashed into him.


The tremendous force winded him, coughing saliva as his

body shot into the distance like an arrow. With his feet landing
first he skidded backwards, immediately stabbing the silver
sword into the ground to reduce the carrying force.

Without backing down Amaysu directly pounced at the bear

that was running towards him with a bloodthirsty aura around

As the distant between them reduced to merely 5 metres he

snorted, his expression was one that mocked its intelligence.
Once they were so close that there was no possibility for the
Savage beast to dodge Amaysu threw his sword at the bear,
without a trace of hesitancy and then immediately jumped to
his right to avoid directly clashing into the bear.

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As this was happening the sword flew like a spear towards the
Whiteback bears head, causing the air around it to split and a
whistling noise to be produced. The distance between it and the
sword was too close for it to dodge and with its weakness being
agility all it could do was move its head slightly in the hopes
that it would miss.


The sword embedded itself deep into the Whiteback bears left
eye causing it to release a gut-wrenching roar. Blood leaked
from the wound of where it’s left eye used to be. The blood
pooled on the ground causing the marshy ground and the green
grass to be soaked by the crimson coloured blood.

Amaysu snorted coldly as he looked at the Whiteback bears

sorry figure, instantly he rushed at it. This was just the
beginning, as he raced towards it the silver sword formed from
the Nanotekro legacy diffused turning into silver specks. In an
instant, it traversed the distance and coalesced around
Amaysu’s palm once again.

“You dared to prey on me without knowing who the predator

really was, trying to bite off more than you can chew.” Amaysu

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barked coldly, running towards the suffering bear.

While the bear was distracted by the pain, Amaysu’s sprinting

figure jumped into the air. Landing on its back with an
unwavering expression, the blade glittering under the light of
the sun he stabbed the blade into its back.

The Whiteback bear’s eyes dilated as it felt a terrifying and

overwhelming danger on its back, it immediately dropped onto
the floor ignoring the pain in its now blind left eye.

Amaysu was affected and lost his balance, he quickly stopped

mid stab and jumped off the back of the bear. His figure
somersaulted in the air and then landed softly on the ground,
nevertheless, his guard was still up.

The Whiteback bear stood up, the expression on its face was
now of intense fear and dread. The feeble feeling it felt was
intensified as it looked at the Sandy brown haired boy who was
looking at it with a calm expression. The calm expression of the
boy caused it to feel an overwhelming coldness emanating from

A beasts aura, no matter what level would always carry their

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natural inborn gift, their instincts. Their instincts allowed them
to make split second decisions and was strengthened in their
constant life and death battles.

However their instincts also acted as warning signals, these

warning signals would activate when they faced tremendous
danger and they would escape without looking back for even an
instant. Instincts were what kept them alive and right now the
Whiteback bears instinct was blaring as it warned it that this
boy was far too dangerous.

Ignoring all the pain it felt, it turned to run away.

A cold smirk appeared on the Sandy brown haired boy’s lips as

he watched the Whiteback bear fleeing in fear.

Pushing off the ground, he chased after its sorry figure.

For the next few minutes, there were two figures running
through the forest, one figure was relentlessly attacking while
the other was fleeing hopelessly. There was a trail of crimson
blood leading to the figure of the Whiteback bear, which was all
caused by Amaysu.

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The bear had lost a large amount of blood, causing it to lose its
momentum and its heart to be filled with despair.


The head of the bear dropped onto the patch of grass, as it was
beheaded cleanly by the fragile looking boy’s silver sword. The
Whiteback bear’s body crumpled lifelessly to the ground. After
holding on hopelessly to life, it finally lost its final will to
survive and was killed by Amaysu.

Blood flowed from the clean cut that Amaysu left on the place
where its head used to be. The grass was stained with the
crimson blood, which also soaked the severed head of the bear.

Amaysu was standing calmly, the silver colour of the sword

was covered in blood making it look sinister under the light of
the sun, his forehead was covered in sweat as he looked down at
the dead Savage beasts body.

“Guess I’ve found my meal for today.”

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Chapter 12 - Thirteenth Emperor’s Insights

Amaysu spent the next hour cutting open the Whiteback

bear’s body using a silver knife that he had formed with his
Inherited Legacy.

Staring at the Whiteback bear’s head, he slowly forced his

right hand into the White back bears head, squeezing through
the innards of the head and pulled out a violet coloured stone
that was similar in shape to an oval pearl. The violet core
possessed a crystal-like surface and the texture was smooth yet

“This is a Rank 1 Savage beasts core,” Amaysu mumbled as he

fiddled with the Savage beasts core and inspected the surface of
the stone that core that was still covered in blood stains.

During his time with master Etros, Amaysu had killed

countless rank 1 savage beasts and had obtained their cores.
Master Etros himself was an alchemist while also being an
extremely powerful Body Transformation expert, so master
Etros refined many elixirs and pills during his six month’s with
the boy.

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Savage beast Cores were different from Rank 1 to Rank 10, this
was also one of the reasons that separated them into ranks and
depending on the lustre of the core you could tell the grade of
the core which was: Lower, Mid or High. This corresponded
with the grades of Savage beast: Lower, Mid or Upper.

The higher the rank of the Savage beast, the colour of their
core changes. Starting off with Violet cores, higher ranked was
the Red core, then the Orange core, Yellow core, Green core,
Emerald core, Sapphire core, Blue Core, Cyan core, Black core.
The colour of the core corresponded with the ranking of the
Savage beasts. Some of these cores were similar in colour
however they were quite different when examined closely, this
was due to their texture and luminosity.

Not many outsiders knew of the colour and order of the

Savage beast cores, nevertheless, it was natural for Amaysu to
possess this knowledge because of his family and clans long
history and standing.

Amaysu after glancing at the glistening violet core, he set it

aside. Looking at the items in front of him he pondered, the
Whiteback bear’s fur, meat and bones were set in front of him.

I should first set up a fire to cook the meat while that’s

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happening I should use the fur to create a small sack to store the
core and then I’ll think about what to do next. Having decided
on what he was going to do, he started building a fire.

After two hours Amaysu laid down on the grass gazing at the
sunset through the gaps of the blocking leaves.


The sound of flame’s crinkling and burning the dry wood

could be heard, a sack that was the size of a messenger bag was
set aside. The bones of the Whiteback bear were huddled
together and not a single chunk of meat was left behind.

Amaysu’s figure was small compared to the Whiteback bear,

however, he had devoured every single shred of meat on its
entire body.

There was a phrase that his master used to say during his time
with him: “Eat until you can’t eat anymore, eat until you burst
because you won’t know when your next meal will come.” The
first time he had heard this was in the midst of a warm spring
night with his master, it was the day he had first killed a Savage

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beast. Whenever his master, Etros said this he always carried a
cheerful smile on his face.

The meat that he ate wasn’t devoured by him just to fill his
stomach to the brink of explosion, he was taught a
miscellaneous technique that allowed him to circulate and
digest anything at a frightening speed. Amaysu’s stomach
became an abyss with a bottomless appetite.

Amaysu stood up, staring into the distance, looking at the

small rocky mountains that peaked through the endless green
tops of the forest.

Picking up the Black sack with a single white stripe encircling

it, he hung it over his shoulder. Taking a step forward, he
disappeared into the endless vegetation and wildlife of the

After travelling for about an hour, the sky had already gotten
dark and the sky was now lit by the shining light of the moon
and stars, but he had also reached the foot of the range of

Activating the Lunar moon dance, Amaysu stored a large

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amount of energy in his calves and forefoot, pressing down
holding the pent up energy in his legs.


With a natural roar, he released the energy and his body shot,
at least, ten metres into the air like a bird that had been
restrained on the ground for far too long. As soon as his feet
touched the rugged surface of the uneven and precipitous
mountain side, he pushed upwards moving to another uneven
surface and then repeating it again and again.

If anyone saw Amaysu in this dark environment they would

mistake him for a Mountain goat, because of his agile, flexible
and fast movement on the uneven surface of the mountain.

Having constantly climbed and moved around the surface of

the mountain he finally found a naturally formed cave on one
side. This cave was especially convenient for Amaysu because
there was a clump of shrubbery covering it. If he wasn’t
searching intently for a dwelling and was only passing by, he
would have ignored the existence of the cave hidden behind the

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Amaysu walked into the cave and found that it was only about
5 metres deep and was 2 metres wide, just big enough for him to
stay in.

Having decided that this was where he was going to live, he

sat down and leaned against the uncomfortable, irregular rocky
walls. After a moment, he pulled out a red covered book that
was tucked into his tunic.

There’s no moment for me to relax, relaxing gives mother and

father’s killers more time to live. An expression full of resolve
appeared on Amaysu’s face, in this new era the only person he
could rely on was himself.

Opening the ancient book that existed and passed down since
the time of his ancestor, he turned to the page he desired.

A White screen appeared once again.

Amaysu spending two months in that guarded and open home

inside the town had no way to train most of the techniques he
desired to learn. The reason for this was that he did not want
the contents of the book and his knowledge to be known to an
outsider because it could bring him unwanted troubles.

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With the small amount of privacy he had the only thing he
could practice was the first chapter of the Emperor Arts and the
Dream Conscious technique. With the Dream Conscious
technique, in theory, he could practise all these techniques,
however, his mental capabilities and concentration was far too
weak for him to do so. This was the reason that he left to train
in the wild and another reason was that he felt, he was about to
breakthrough into the 3rd rank of the Fighter stage. If he made
this leap in his cultivation he would no longer feel restrained
under the eyes of the 5th rank Patriarch of the clan.

scrolling through the hologram, he was searching for a

technique that had caught his eye but he had no way to practise
it in the cramped up space. He also required some subjects to
test it on and what better subjects than the Savage beasts.

“My name is Edrick Dasecris, I am the Thirteenth Emperor of

the Dasecris clan and this is my insight on the Ancient Valour
Illustration. What I leave behind to my future descendant is a
special Combat skill, this skill is called Dragon’s wrath.”

Amaysu had gone over this technique over many times, but no
matter how many times he read these words he felt the aura of
an unfathomable Savage beast.

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Dragons were Savage beasts that were considered a myth.
When he was a child he had heard many stories of this profound
Primordial beast, but these stories described the achievements
of the ancient Emperor’s of the Dasecris clan who slayed these
primordial beasts. To have the power to kill a Primordial Savage
beast was something Amaysu could not comprehend.

“This technique requires the user to increase the strength of

the fingers to a level where you can harden and loosen the
tendons and muscles at any given moment. The user’s fingers
must be as sharp as claws and when I mastered this technique to
the highest level, the illusion of a great primordial dragon

Illusion of a primordial dragon?! Amaysu was shocked, to

create an illusion of a dragon would mean that he would have to
master this technique to a level that was equivalent to the
Thirteenth Emperor.

Many of the techniques that were left behind by the past

Emperors were sometimes vague for example this Combat skill.
However, there also exists skills like the Lunar Moon Dance that
has instructions on how to master the movement technique.

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The main reason that Dragon’s Wrath was very vague was
because the Thirteenth Emperor wanted his inheritors to
explore the skill through different methods and gain their own
comprehension. This allowed different variations and power to
appear within the skill.

Amaysu after reading the instructions, he tucked the book


Inspecting the cover of the book an expression of respect and

appreciation was on his face. He had long come to an
understanding that the Emperor Arts was a priceless treasure
trove that contained over hundreds of thousands of skills,
techniques and other insights of the past Emperors.

The next day, Amaysu woke up at the first light of the

morning sun that rose from the east.

After a while he picked up the sack that he had made and

pulled out a Violet core, this core was the core of the Whiteback

This forest is really small compared to the vast forests in the

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depths and outer regions of the continent. I’m already in the
centre of the forest and the highest rank I’ve seen is a Rank 2
Savage beast.

Depending on the size of a forest it could also give a person a

rough estimation of the highest possible rank Savage beast
within the forest had and also the average rank of the Savage
beasts. This was not always the case but it was more common
for a high ranked Savage beast to live in an enormous and vast

Since this Forest is small, that would mean that the Savage
beasts would be scattered… I guess I have to lure them here.
Amaysu formulated a plan to hunt the Savage beasts within the

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Chapter 13 - Amaysu’s Plan

A figure was rushing down the rocky and uneven side of the
mountain. Its movement was swift and precise, with a final
jump, its body gracefully landed on the earthen grassy land
within the forest. This figure was Amaysu.

Amaysu looked around casually, after picking a random

direction, he journeyed into the sea of trees and disappeared.

Brownwood Forest was big with a length of approximately a

100Km, even for Amaysu it would take him, at least, four hours
to cross the entire forest from one end to the other.

After constantly brushing past leaves and grazing against

fragile branches for about five minutes he finally arrived at an
environment he found to his liking.

“This is the place,” he mumbled as he approved of the

scenery. The place that he decided to employ his plan in was a
small clearing of grassland. The branches and leaves of the
surrounding trees created cool, protective shade and only a few
gaps between the leaves allowed patches of light rays to pass
through. The small grassland was a small haven in the forest

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and had a comfortable atmosphere.

It possessed more than just grass, trees and flowers, a stream

of clear water flowed around the area of grassland giving it a
serene atmosphere. Water was vital for all living things and a
stream of flowing water was occasionally visited by Savage

Amaysu searched under his tunic, creating rustling sounds, he

then stopped and slowly pulled out an object. This object that
was pulled out from within his tunic reflected with a violet
radiance, this object was the Violet core of the upper Rank 1
Whiteback bear.

He walked into the centre of the grassland and merely

dropped the Violet core into a pocket of grass in the field of
grass. After dropping the core he ran towards the nearest tree,
using his momentum he pushed off the ground and ran along
the trunk and leapt.

Grabbing onto the closest branch Amaysu pulled himself up,

then concealed himself under the protection of the tree.

Amaysu’s plan was simple, it was to lure the Savage beast into

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the grassland with the core. A Rank 1 Savage beasts core would
cause many Savage beasts below Rank 2 to profuse with saliva
and stare with greed filled gazes at the sight of the core
especially because it was a High-grade core. The reason was
because it could help them make a breakthrough into the next
grade or move an entire rank.

He was pretty confident because the core would slowly release

its energy outwards, drawing savage beasts like bees to flowers.

Even though a Savage beast was more intelligent than a Wild

beast, it wasn’t by much. The only difference was the enormous
difference in power, so the simple plan that he formulated
would work unless it was an abnormally intelligent Savage

Amaysu didn’t have to worry about encountering a Wild beast

because the residual energy of the Whiteback bear was still on
the core. This would cause anything below a Rank 1 beast to run
away in fear. Even if a Wild beast did encounter the core and
somehow gained the chance to devour the core, they would
burst under the violent energy carried in the High-grade Rank 1

Amaysu leant against the trunk as he lay on the thickest

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branch on the tree. Now he waited for the appearance of his

Slowly Ten minutes passed as he waited, then another quarter

of an hour passed, gradually Amaysu had been waiting for more
than an hour for a Savage beast.

Where are they? Why haven’t they taken the bait? After
waiting quietly for more than an hour, Amaysu’s patience had
finally run out. Standing up and looking down at the plain
grassland he was annoyed that not a single Savage beast had

Maybe it’s the location, I’ll try finding some other place.
Amaysu reassured himself.


Just as Amaysu was about to jump down from the branch he

had been concealing himself in, he heard the rustling noise of
bushes being pushed around.

Eventually, a lean muscular Savage beast walked out, its

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appearance was breathtaking. It possessed a lithe, compact body
and long, powerful legs. Its skin was bronze in colour, it had an
elongated skull, which carried a set of powerful teeth and beady,
intelligent black eyes. Brown Antlers protruded from the gap
between their ears and above their eyes.


expression didn’t change by much, however inside he was
ecstatic and full of joy.

Bronze Stags were commonly found in many Savage beast

Forests and were relatively weak, but they possessed very
powerful legs that could shatter the bones of even a 4th Rank
Fighter if he was careless.


Just as Amaysu was about to head down to face his prey, he

heard the hissing noise coming from the opposite direction of
where the Bronze Stag had come from, it was coming from
within the stream.

The head of a snake appeared from within the depths of the

stream as it protruded outwards, displaying its body and

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features. The snake was around four metres long, covered in
black scales that was encased by a shiny, smooth membrane,
there were occasional blue scales on it.


The appearance of a second Savage beast excited Amaysu and

caused the dormant blood that thirsted for battle inside him to
burn. This thirst for battle and the excitement brought by it was
nostalgic and unforgettable, despite this he controlled it and his
expression was still indifferent.

While Amaysu was excited, these two Savage beasts were

staring down at each other while the High-grade core sat in
between them, both knew what the other desired.


With a slick movement, the Viper shot at the Violet core in

front of it, however, it wasn’t going to be that easy as the Bronze
Stag burst into a full speed gallop, aiming to confront the Black

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Amaysu noticing this sighed and jumped down from the high,
concealed branch of the tree he was hiding in. The place he was
hiding was already closer to the core than the position where
the two Savage beasts were at initially.

As soon as his body touched the ground, he was immediately

noticed by the two Savage beast. The two beasts stopped and
stared at the third party figure that had suddenly appeared
without either of them noticing. However before they even
realised, the figure shot towards the core and picked it up from
the pocket of grass.

“Do you understand how long you made me wait? hm… Well,
at least, you came.” Tucking the Violet core back into his tunic
he casually said these words that sounded as if he was talking to
himself. He did not care about the bloodthirsty expression on
the faces of the two Savage beasts. Amaysu casually picking up
the core in front of these two Savage beasts and behaving as if
nothing happened, naturally enraged them.

Amaysu moved his right hand and the diamond shaped crest
started to glow with a silver light, causing the silver specks to
rapidly coalesce to form a silver sword. He grabbed onto the 3
feet long, double edged blade.

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The two Savage beasts, seeming to understand the boys
intent, they glared down at him with an even fiercer
bloodthirsty killing intent. Savage beasts like them had gone
through countless battles to come out on top and now they were
being provoked by a human child.

The cold excitement in Amaysu’s heart grew as he stared at

the Stag and Viper. From the beginning he lacked any interest
in the core, he only wanted to use it as bait to draw these Savage
beasts, if this was anyone else they would not be able to
comprehend the lack of desire Amaysu had for the core.

The only thing Amaysu wanted was to fight, fight and

increase his power, that was the quickest way to get stronger.

With a step forward, he immediately bolted towards the

Bronze Stag first, his burst of acceleration caused him to close
the distance between them very quickly.

“ROAR!” The Stag noticing that it was the target was

immediately enraged as it charged towards Amaysu.

Its powerful legs carried immense power as the Stag charged

at Amaysu, wherever it passed faint cracks would be left behind,

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this showed how powerful its leg was.

The distance between them grew shorter and shorter until

they were merely two metres apart. At the speed they were
travelling towards each other made this small distance be
covered in an instant.

Just before contact was about to be made with Amaysu’s

sword and the Bronze Stag’s antlers a shocking sight occurred.

Amaysu’s waist twisted in an illusory manner, it was subtle

and soft, with a graceful twist, his body moved a few inches to
the left. This was only possible because of his momentum and
preparation. This small change in movement caused his body to
swiftly float around the Savage beast and dodge its incoming
attack. Amaysu managed to dodge by only a few centimetres, his
movements were like a feather that moved away from the touch
of a person’s hand.

This was the true ability of the Lunar moon Dances footwork,
it was graceful, subtle and untouchable. The body moved in a
way that reacted to movements and evades it. However, it could
also be used to pressurise and draw close to your opponent.

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Just when Amaysu was about to slash the sword edge to cleave
into the sides of the Bronze Stag, in the corner of his peripheral
vision he saw a black spear-like figure shooting towards him.

Sensing the danger he didn’t dare risk being injured and

something amazing happened. His feet moved extremely slowly,
causing slow after images of his feet to appear. What was
actually happening was that Amaysu was repeatedly tapping
different spots at a speed that was too fast for the naked eye,
which made it seem as if they were one simple movement.

As the spear like figure closed down on him, his body

gracefully flickered as he pushed off the ground and subtly
floated three metres across the grassland.


A blast occurred as the spear like figure smashed into the

empty ground that he had been just standing in. Dust floated
into the air and slowly a black streamline figure slithered
upwards through the dust smoke.


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Amaysu noticed the black forked tongue of the Black Viper as
it fiercely hissed at him as it looked at him agitatedly.

The two Savage beast looked at him with a stronger killing

intent because he carried the Violet core. It had the possibility
of allowing them to breakthrough, to become a Rank 2 Savage

“Huh…Huh,” Amaysu gasped as he breathed heavily, he

raised his hands to wipe the sweat from his forehead. His figure
was still upright and he was standing directly under a patch of
light, this made his figure seem majestic and valiant.

I guess the first footwork is still too hard for me, I have to
practise more to get better at it. Amaysu was frustrated,
practising the footwork and actually using it in battle were two
different concepts.

Battling two Savage beasts was also harder than he had first
expected. Let me try that, Amaysu thought as he remembered a
time when he was surrounded by a group of Lower Rank 1
Savage beasts.

Standing motionlessly with both hands clasped onto the

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handle of the sword, with the sharp tip facing diagonally up
towards the sky. Amaysu’s eyes closed and his breathing
steadied, a certain tranquil calmness appeared on his face.

The two Savage beast were unsteadied by this unexpected

turn of events. Their expression, however, turned even more
fierce, their instincts were warning them that something
calamitous would occur when this boy prepared himself.

They immediately rushed at Amaysu, the Black Viper shot at

him like a piercing spear and the Bronze Stag charged at him
like an immense boulder.


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Chapter 14 - The Return Journey Begins

The distance between the calm and concentrated figure of

Amaysu and the two Savage beasts were crossed in an instant.

Even though only an instant was needed to reach him, to him,

who was putting all his concentration on his next move felt like
time was slowing down.

His breathing was steady and quite as he focussed on the

permeating pressure that surrounded him, his arm felt heavier
and heavier as his muscles stored more and more power within

While Amaysu concentrated an unknown emotion blossomed

deep within his heart like a lotus.

Slowly the aura surrounding him emitted an undetectable

pressure that was increasing the longer he concentrated.

The Black Viper and the Bronze Stag reached only a mere
distance of three metres away from him when suddenly his eyes

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As his eyes opened an undetectable fearsome torrent of aura
struck the two Savage beasts. In the instant that his eyes
opened, their instincts terrorised their mental state as they felt
as if they were facing an unsurpassable mountain.


With a deep exhale, Amaysu swung horizontally with a force

that was equivalent to a cultivator swinging a battle axe. The
power carried by the sword was his full power, the speed at
which he swung the sword caused a flowing afterimage to
follow the blade. This terrifying attack could be said to be at the
same level as someone at the 4th rank of the Fighter stage.

The blade edge whistled as it split the air, at the momentum

that the two Savage beasts were travelling, they had no way of
dodging or even protecting their vitals at that moment.


Blood splattered into the air like drops of flowing water

rebounding against a rock. The blade connected with the Black

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Viper’s smooth body, cutting right through the area behind its

The force carried by the sword was reduced by quite a bit and
the momentum reduced by a lot however it still moved at a
speed that made it impossible for the Bronze Stag to dodge.
With a whistle sound the sword connected with its neck.

Just as it made contact the sword embedded itself a couple

centimetres into its neck, but most of the force had disappeared,
this caused Amaysu to frown. The reduction of power allowed
the Savage beast to take this opportunity to quickly stagger

The Bronze Stag was bleeding from its neck area and on the
floor right next to Amaysu’s leg lay two parts of a severed
snake’s body, blood flowed outwards and its mutilated organs
could be seen.

The Bronze Stag was breathing heavily as its body was filled
with trepidation, the undetectable hidden terror that it felt,
existing within the boy caused it to shiver in fear.

“Too weak! Too Weak!” Amaysu felt irritated, he expected the

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attack to have enough force to take care of both Savage beasts.
His rate of improvement was already beyond the realm of belief
but with the burden he carried, he found that he wasn’t strong
enough which greatly irritated him.

Amaysu faced the Bronze Stag and glared, his expression was
that of an emperor looking down at his empire and was filled
with scorn. His glare had a clear meaning: Why aren’t you

Seeing this it shivered but it did not realise that the

terrorising feeling that it felt from the boy had disappeared, but
that didn’t stop it from fearing the boy.

Not saying another word Amaysu rushed at his prey, the

coldness he bore within him grew greatly because of the
feebleness of his power he felt earlier.

The Bronze Stag was caught off guard and was already heavily
injured, despair filled it as it realised that the prey had turned
into the predator.

Amaysu swiftly ran towards the Savage beast, he swept

sideways and his figure blurred, instantaneously he appeared on

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its right.


Blood trailed down the barely visible beautiful reflective

surface of the 3-foot blade while the tip was covered in crimson
blood which dripped onto the grass. The main body of the
sword was lodged in the Bronze Stag’s chest. A blood curdling,
pain filled roar rattled through the entire forest.

The nearest Wild beasts shivered in fear and the stronger

beasts ran away in fear when they heard the hopeless roar of a
dying beast.

Amaysu pulled out his sword allowing the blood to spray

outwards with more intensity. After the blood-curdling roar
died down, the Bronze Stag, having used up most of its energy,
had lost control of its body. Swaying left and right, it collapsed
lifelessly into a puddle of its own blood.

The coldness in the boys eyes had disappeared and only an

indifferent expression was left behind, however he was feeling
indescribable inside.

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“I killed two Savage beasts… I’m getting closer and closer to
the 3rd rank!” He felt close to the third rank. If you had to put
Amaysu’s training speed in terms of time, he had gone from
being the highest of nobility without having any cultivation to
the 2nd rank of the Fighter stage in six months under the
guidance of Master Etros.

If you did not count the time Amaysu had been sleeping for,
he would have reached the peak of the 2nd rank in only 8
months. This speed was faster than Amaysu’s father,
grandfather and great-grandfather by manifolds, it proved his
masters evaluation of his talent.

After an hour Amaysu already had two more Violet cores in

his possession, making it a total of three. He had separated the
most valuable parts of the two savage beasts and had created a
net using the vines hanging down from the trees to store the
body parts.

Amaysu left the area, travelling at a casual pace and in a few

minutes he had arrived at the foot of the mountain, however
without stopping he jumped and moved with such precision
that it looked like he was flying across the uneven precipitous
edge of the mountain.

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In a matter of a few seconds, he arrived at the entrance of his
cave, “Finally returned.”

Every day he would train and experience challenging battles,

not a single free moment would be wasted. The meals he ate was
beyond what a normal person was capable of and it would cause
them to feel queasy just watching him, but the Savage beast
meat carried flavour and also strengthened him.

Amaysu would practise the Emperor arts until he coughed

blood and collapsed and train the Dragon’s wrath combat skill.
While constantly strengthening his body under the pressure of
gravity Amaysu reached the 3rd Rank of the fighter stage only a
week after he had started training.

He would lure Savage beasts and slaughter them with no

remorse and grasp their Violet cores. During his constant
battles with Savage beasts, he came across a Rank 2 Savage,
nevertheless, it died under Amaysu’s sword.

Spending his days like this, 2 weeks passed by like a breeze.

At the foot of a mountain, Amaysu was calmly sitting in the

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lotus position, his eyes closed and his hands clasped together, he
had been in this state for nearly an hour. His appearance was
serene and tranquil, his mind was in a dream like state, his
senses were cut off from the world. The foot of the mountain
had barren grass for a length of ten metres in all direction, the
late autumn cold breeze was blowing as it caused the head of
sandy brown hair to whip around wildly. His clothes also
fluttered, revealing a square locket necklace that hung around
his neck, this was the gift his master gave and he had never
taken it off no matter what the circumstance was.


Amaysu sighed as his eyes opened, with a hazy and unfocused

gaze his eyes casually moved around without a purpose and
finally locked onto a boulder. The boulder was two metres tall
and was thick enough that it would take three grown men to
hug it to wrap around it.

The previous hazy look in his eyes disappeared and a serious

expression appeared on his indifferent face.

He stood up and moved his right leg forward and pulled his
left leg backwards, lifting his right arm forward, his fingers
locked onto each other while he tensed them. The index finger

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joined the middle finger, as the ring finger joined the little
finger leaving the thumb on its own. If the form of Amaysu’s
hand could be described in any way it looked like the claws of a

The stance was kept perfect for two minutes, nothing

disturbed him, the concentrated expression on his face did not


With a deep utterance, he bolted towards the nearby boulder,

appearing in a flash.


An echoing blast occurred as the fingers heavily implanted

themselves deep within the surface of the rock.

Amaysu gradually pulled his fingers out and with it dust fell
out, he also left behind three holes at the place where his fingers
pierced the boulder.

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Turning around he walked back towards the foot of the
mountain, suddenly a shocking sight appeared behind him.


With the three finger sized holes being the centre, cracks
started appearing all around the boulder, the boulders surface
was now covered in web-like cracks.

“Clack…” Each piece of the boulder fell apart one after the
other, each piece fell down creating a ‘clack’ and ‘thunk’ like
sound when it came in contact with the ground.

Amaysu sighed while he flexed his fingers by stretching and

contracting, “I can’t dream of reaching ancestors level but the
force should have at least obliterated the boulder.”

Discarding the thought Amaysu looked at the light blue sky

and a lingering feeling emerged, “It’s been 2 weeks since I began
my training and I’ve finally reached the 3rd stage of the Fighter
stage… It’s time for me to return.”

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Chapter 15 - Horror Upon Returning

Amaysu was sitting in his cave that was his home for the past
two weeks. He was packing many glittering Violet cores into a
sack that he had made with the fur of the Whiteback bear that
he had first killed when he first entered the forest.

There was a large pile of Violet cores, at least, a few dozen.

Each Violet core released a dim glow in the darkness,
shimmering with an intoxicating colour, but atop the large
number of Rank 1 cores sat a radiant Red core. This Red core
slightly lacked its lustre, which meant that it was a Low-grade
Rank 2 core, however it outshone the pile of Violet cores.

This was the core of a Rank 2 Savage beast which he had killed
the day after he had reached the 3rd Rank, the battle was swift
and clean. If he was facing a Lower Rank 2 Savage beast while
he was in the 2nd Rank he would have been able to defeat it but
killing it was an endeavouring task.

These cores would not have been considered important during

the peaceful moments of his life when his parents were still
alive; as of this moment, he needed to sell these cores to make
money for himself.

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Amaysu could have simply asked Patriarch Joseph from the
clan to loan him some money, but his dignity would never allow
such an act because he did not like to be in debt or be controlled
because of this.

The cave was mostly empty, during his entire time in the
forest he had used this cave to conceal him, when he slept, the
only thing he left here was the sack and the cores he had
obtained. These cores would definitely attract the attention of a
wide range of Savage beasts, however as long as the items stayed
on him, his very own aura would block off the remnant energy
left in the core. However, the energy was only detectable when a
Savage beast drew close to the core.

Amaysu stood up and lifted the sack, placing it over his

should, on his back.

The cave was open allowing sunlight to enter, Amaysu walked

out and stared out at the vastness of the forest.

When he reached the edge of the cave, he jumped down,

beginning his return journey with an adrenaline filling jump.

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The wind blew onto his face, causing him to feel a brief
sensation that he had long forgotten, a feeling of nonchalance.

The speed he fell at kept accelerating, Amaysu immediately

activated the Lunar moon dance, his feet closed down onto the
rocky surface of the mountain. When his feet came into contact
with the mountain’s surface he pushed off at a diagonal angle
causing his speed to quickly drop, like this in a matter of a few
seconds he landed on the surface of the bordering grassland.

Without slowing down Amaysu disappeared into the vast

greenery of the forest.

A figure dashed through the forest for nearly half an hour,

blurring passed countless trees, jumping over wide streams and


A deep grumble echoed in front of Amaysu’s figure as he

rushed passed another cluster of bushes. The sound came from
about a 50 metres ahead of him, but with the deep grumble a
Savage beast walked out into Amaysu’s line of sight.

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He wasn’t bothered by the sudden emergence of the Savage
beast, it’s appearance only represented that his meal had

Amaysu slowly licking his lips, staring at the huge body of the
Savage beast he muttered quietly, “Ah? Lunch.”

As the distance quickly disappeared, he had a clear view of the

characteristics of the Savage beast: It had very thick fur that
coated its entire body, its expression was one of hunger and the
desire to eat was revealed by its open mouth.

The Savage beast couldn’t resist the temptation any longer as

it rushed towards the boy. Amaysu raised his hands and a Silver
sword appeared.

Just before they came into contact, Amaysu waved his sword
in a casual manner. However it was anything but casual, when
it came into contact with the Savage beasts body it tore right
through like a scissor cutting through a sheet of paper.

Amaysu slowed down and stopped while the Savage beast let

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out a blood-curdling roar as it smashed headfirst into a tall
Brownwood tree.

While looking at the figure of the dead Savage beast, Amaysu

walked towards it.

“Rank 1 Savage beasts are no longer a threat to me… I guess

they can only be considered a meal now.”

After an hour Amaysu carried on his journey, leaving behind

only a large pile of bones that was lying on thick brown fur.
Right next to it was a dying flame that crackled, burning its last
bit of energy while it watched Amaysu’s figure disappear.

Since the beginning of the journey, a total of nearly 2 hour’s

had passed and for the first time, he could see the emergence of
Brownwood mountain which rose over the dull green land.

A rare smile appeared on his face when he thought of how

he’ll meet his siblings again, his last blood relation.

When he had left Arisa and Raymond under the care of Aya he

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feared that Joseph would try to kidnap them and use them as
hostages for his ‘treasures’. Amaysu knew that since Joseph
thought that he had a Body Transformation expert as his master
he wouldn’t try anything. Now that Amaysu had reached the
3rd Rank of the Fighter stage he no longer feared Joseph and
was prepared in case anything happened to his younger sister
and brother.

The land gradually elevated, Amaysu didn’t notice the dead

silence of the land. After a few minutes of running, he noticed
in the corner of his eye that nearly 5 Brownwood trees had been
shattered by an extremely powerful attack or strike.

At first, he believed that it could have been lightning or

something similar to it because it had been raining and
thundering for a period of time during his training.

However the closer he reached the town he noticed more

Brownwood trees that had been ravaged with countless claw
marks and shattered trunks. The land had also been unearthed
and completely overturned by some sort of calamity.

An uneasy feeling emerged in his heart and anxiety surged

through him. The closer he got to the town, the more mindless
destruction he saw and the anxious feeling within him also grew

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“I don’t know what has happened, but please, just please let
them be safe.” A distressed expression appeared on Amaysu’s
face. He didn’t know who caused this devastation but he felt the
uneasiness growing.


Amaysu jumped over a cluster of shrubbery and finally

entered the grassland bordering the walls of the town.

The sight before his eyes caused him to feel utterly helpless,
what was once a formidable stone wall that protected the town
from danger had completely collapsed. Within the city smoke
was rising and the nearest huts were all demolished, there was
only senseless destruction in every direction.

“No…No…NO!!” Amaysu roared with a crazed savageness that

he had never felt before, simultaneously running deep into the
town. His voice echoed in all direction, forcing anything that
heard his voice, to shrink in fear.

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Rushing at a pace he had never reached before, Amaysu
streaked through the demolished town. Amaysu couldn’t care
less about what the state of the surroundings was, all he cared
about was the safety of Arisa and Raymond.

However if he paid any attention he would have realised that

even though everything was destroyed, there was no casualties
or dead body to be found.

Amaysu turned at many different corners, jumped over rubble

and broken buildings and then he finally arrived at his home.

The moment he saw the state of his home, Amaysu felt

nothing, nothing at all, the last shred of emotion that kept him
sane had disappeared. In front of him, what used to be a wall
was now only a pile of rubble and the wooden lodging was no
more than just the portrayal of every other home in the city.

Amaysu clasped his hands onto his hair in a crazed manner

and pulled his hair uncontrollably, “No..No…NOOOO!!”
Amaysu’s voice echoed wildly in every direction, his voice was
one full of despair and desolation.

The roar was the only thing that left his body and then

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Amaysu shook uncontrollably nonstop for the next five


NOT TAKE THEM?! WHY?! WHY?!!! Amaysu’s stomach
churned as he felt an unbearable feeling of regret filling every
inch of his body. If there existed a medicine for regret he would
have taken an overdose of it.

As the helpless and hopeless feeling grew, deep inside

Amaysu’s heart a malicious and terrifying emotion bloomed like
a lotus, it was one of uncontrolled destruction, pure madness
and utter savagery.

“URG” Amaysu immediately vomited many mouthfuls of

blood with saliva around it, his face was pale and was chalk
white like paper.


Hearing the footsteps, Amaysu violently turned his head to

stare at the place where he heard the sound of footsteps and
there appeared… Hummels.

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Chapter 16 - Hope Returns

Hummels was walking through the devastated streets of the

town where the sight of destruction was the norm, the earth
had been overturned and the citizens of the town had all
evacuated to the restricted grounds of the Averice clan.

“No..No…NOOOO!!” All of a sudden a heart wrenching raw

echoed in all direction, Hummels shivered as even he realised
the desolation that was carried within the voice.

Is that Young Lord Amaysu’s voice? Even though Hummels

wasn’t sure who this voice originated from was, a part of him
thought this was Amaysu’s voice.

Curiosity overwhelmed Hummels and he rushed towards the

origin of where the voice had come from, passing through many
of the broken stalls in the market street.

After rushing towards the voice for nearly ten minutes, he

arrived at the location of where Amaysu had once lived. There
he saw the collapsed state of Amaysu, who was on the floor with
dishevelled hair, blood stains were on his black woollen trouser
and on the floor.

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As Hummels drew closer Amaysu violently turned his head to
face him, his eyes bloodshot and filled with a coldness that
could influence the surrounding temperature to decrease
drastically. Hummels couldn’t help but step back in trepidation,
the aura of the boy was manifolds fiercer than the most fiercest
Savage beast he had ever seen.

“Mi Lord you’ve finally returned… Your siblings have waited

a long time for you.” Hummels said very slowly, his voice had a
tone of reverence while looking down at the floor.

“…” Like glass breaking, a surge of emotions that were more

untamed than a bolt of lightning raged through him. Hope and
happiness filled his entire being, yet his face only carried a
dumbfounded expression.

“They’re alive… They’re alive!… THEY’RE ALIVE!!” Amaysu’s

voice roared with a feeling of pure joy, which startled Hummels.
A tear rolled down his cheek as he looked at Hummels with a
smile, this was the first time he had ever shown a smile to
anyone besides his siblings, a complex feeling of happiness
emerged in heart.

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Hummels didn’t understand why the boy in front of him was
so happy, but when he saw the smile on Amaysu’s face that was
directed towards him, he felt light and elated.

“Lead me to them, quickly lead me to them!” He said with

urgency while walking towards Hummels, unexpectedly he
tripped over a piece of rubble because of his impatience, but he
quickly stabilised himself. As of this moment, his mind was in a
flurry and disorderly state.

Responding with a respectful nod, Hummels led Amaysu to

higher ground, the area he was lead him to was the place that
they had first met… The restricted grounds.

Since Hummels was a normal human, Amaysu had to walk at

his pace, but due to his impatience, he managed to urge him to
walk faster.

“What happened here? I saw devastation all around the

mountain are, who did this?” Amaysu finally asked Hummels.
This was the first time that he even considered about what
occurred when he was away.

Hummels responded, however, his expression was dark: “Mi

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Lord… It all started the day before yesterday. A Dire wolf
appeared and with it an entire pack of wolves followed.” Saying
it this far he shivered remembering the scenes of the proud wall
that had stood for many decades collapsing, the people running
in a frenzy, it was utter pandemonium.

“It took the Dire wolf only a few minutes to destroy the wall
and by that time, many of the citizens had run to the direction
of the restricted land to get protection from the Wolves. As soon
as the wolves broke through, under the leadership of that Rank
2 Savage beast they destroyed everything… Some very unlucky
individuals lost their lives to the Savage beasts.” After saying
this far, Hummels remembered the tragic scene of a woman
who had fallen down, twisting her legs, this unlucky disaster
had sealed her fate.

All the people who lived in the town were part of the Averice
clan, however after many generations they had drifted apart.
However they were all aware of the existence of the restricted
lands, but only the upper echelons knew of the hidden door and
were allowed to enter the land alone.

He carried on speaking, “As soon as the pack of Savage beasts

reached the restricted lands, for some reason they couldn’t
move closer, but… every day they are drawing closer and closer,
even Master Joseph is helpless against the Dire wolf.”

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The barrier must be receding after 10000 years, it must be
because its job of hiding us away has been completed. Amaysu
frowned slightly while he was in thought, at first, he was
confused as to how the Savage beast entered with the existence
of the barrier, but when Hummels explained the situation he
understood in an instant. The barrier is about to lose all its
energy soon and then it will completely collapse.

Amaysu quickly turned and asked, “Who took my siblings to

the restricted lands?”

“Mi Lord, Aya took them with her when she escaped,” replied

Amaysu nodded, I should thank Aya for protecting my

siblings, he felt grateful that Aya protected his siblings.

After 10 minutes they reached the entrance of the restricted

area, the pathway was mostly destroyed and the surrounding
trees were in a similar state of the trees in the outer perimeter of
the town.

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Walking deeper and deeper they finally entered a clearing.

Amaysu stood and indifferently looked around. Countless

tents were set out in the clearing and many people were sat
outside the tent, spending their time in a somewhat carefree
manner. However, Amaysu could easily detect the tense
atmosphere created by fear.

“It’s Hummels!” A boy shouted out, causing many people to

turn around to face them. As soon as they saw Hummels, they
also noticed Amaysu who was standing right by his side.

“It’s Lord Amaysu!” Amaysu’s appearance caused a bigger

uproar than Hummels appearance, many people had not seen
Amaysu for two whole weeks and he was not in the campsite in
the restricted lands either.

Most of the girls in the campsite sighed in relief at nearly the

exact same time, they had not heard the masterful skills of their
prince in the Ocarina for the past several days, and Aya
wouldn’t tell them where he had gone, this made many of them

Slowly a large group gathered around him, Amaysu’s presence

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for some reason bought them a sense of assurance, even they
themselves could not tell what was pulling them towards him.
One possible reason they would say is that his demeanour is
noble and powerful, if he was leading them, the only fate that
the opposition had was to lose.

Amaysu looked around and there he saw Aya, pushing her

way through the crowd, two toddlers in hand. When Amaysu
saw them, his heart shivered as he slowly lifted his hand in a
yearning manner. He had left them without leaving them any
protection. If they had died because of this, he would have
never forgiven himself.

When the two beady-eyed toddlers strolled around to look at

the large group of people, as soon as their eyes stopped at
Amaysu, they instantly knew who he was, this was their blood
connection that only death could sever.

Aya dropped them onto the floor allowing them to walk

awkwardly towards him. Amaysu couldn’t stop himself
anymore, in front of the encircling crowd he walked towards
them and lifted them up and with that a warm, heartfelt smile

“Young master Amaysu, you’ve finally returned!” A loud

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shout echoed through the cluster of people.

Recognising the voice, everyone moved aside to create a

pathway. Walking through the pathway stood a proud man,
although he was bandaged up he still had the warrior-like
presence, this man was Joseph Averice.


“Young master Amaysu I hope you had a safe training

excursion… I expect that you’ve already heard our ordeal from

Amaysu merely nodded at Joseph’s words, even he still had no

confidence if he were facing the upper Rank 2 Dire wolf. If he
were to face it, he would be lucky to keep his ground against the
Savage beast.

Suddenly Joseph asked a question that put Amaysu into a

difficult predicament, “Young master, please ask your master to
save us, please ask him to save us, you’re our only hope.” Joseph
repeated twice. “If you do we’ll do anything for you, we’ll even
walk through a sea of flames if we have to, so please, please save
us.” At this moment, the overbearing Joseph was begging

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Amaysu and the crowd of people around them looked at him
with hope.

Amaysu lowered his head, his face darkened as an unsightly

expression appeared, he was the one that falsely acted like he
had a Body Transformation expert as his master. Well, this
wasn’t completely false, he did have a Body Transformation
expert as his master, however, he had died over Ten Millennia

“AHOOOO!!” All of a sudden at a distance that was only a few

dozen metres a terrifying apocalyptic howl echoed across the

The population in the restricted area trembled as they were

struck by fear inspiring memories carried by the howl.

Amaysu, Joseph and everyone else had the exact same

thought at that one moment.


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Chapter 17 - Battle Against The Wolves (1)

The sound of the Dire wolf caused everyone to respire heavily

as they all twisted their heads to face the direction of the howl,
even Amaysu stared into the distance. This heavy howl made
the pupils of many dilate and their bodies to shake heavily.

“The Dire wolf…is back… The Dire Wolf is back!” a slow

murmur turned into a bellow filled with terror, which in turn
spawned an effect that passed through everyone in the

“Lord Amaysu please help us!” Joseph quickly said once again,
his voice was more expectant and hurried.

Amaysu looked around, he saw the gazes of more than a

thousand people looking at him with expectancy. Amaysu
sighed helplessly.

“I’ll help,” he responded.

Many uncertain gazes were now filled with hope. Amaysu

slowly dropped Arisa and Raymond who were held by him in his

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arms and passed them back to Aya once again. He pulled the
necklace around his neck which was given to him by his master,

The appearance of the locket caused many people to be filled

with awe, they realised that this must be a way to call upon his

Amaysu fidgeted with the locket, straight after he turned to

look at Joseph, “My master will soon arrive, we have to hold
them off until his arrival.” Which was immediately
acknowledged by everyone in the restricted area.

Amaysu was merely putting an act up when he fidgeted with

the locket, he only did this to ease the atmosphere. Even though
Amaysu said this, his true thoughts were quite different: If I
can’t defeat the Dire Wolf and have no hope of winning, I will
escape with only my siblings.

“AHOO!” Suddenly a unison of many howls echoed, it was

much closer than the first howl and Amaysu could tell the pack
of Savage beasts were drawing closer.

“Joseph, bring all the men you have who have reached the

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Fighter stage.” Amaysu quickly formulated a plan. Amaysu was
only 13 years old, but one of his curricular studies, when he was
younger, was the military strategy during battles, this included
battles against stronger enemies.

In less than a minute, he managed to gather exactly 50 Fighter

stage cultivators if it included Joseph himself. There were
Thirty-Five 1st rank Fighter stage experts, Twelve 2nd ranks
and Two 3rd rank Fighters which included Raza and a middle-
aged man whom Amaysu had met once, his name was Badar, he
had long black hair with grey streaks within it.

Joseph was the only 5th rank expert, but if you included
Amaysu, in terms of strength they had two people at that level.

“Rustle…Rustle” In that instant, a group of shadows jumped

out of the bushes. Amaysu was distracted by this and he quickly
turned backwards to face the shadows.

Nearly Sixty Wolf Savage beasts spawned out of the wild

bushes and trees, in the centre of the pack a Dire Wolf walked
out. The Dire Wolf was grey in colour, 2 metres long and had
deep gold eyes that imprinted fear in the hearts of many.

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Amaysu immediately recognised this Savage beast as the one
he had hidden from on the first day of his training.

The pack of Savage beasts tried to draw closer, but they were
held pack by an invisible force that jumbled up their mind
causing them to fall lightly into a muddled state. However,
these Savage beasts could still draw closer by a step every

“Men!! If you want to live, you must listen to every one of my

commands!” Roared Amaysu causing the shaken figures of the
Fighter stage experts to stare at him.

“All the 1st and 2nd rankers, you will all go and cut down the
Brownwood trees and shape them into wooden spears… All you
civilians will help them!” Amaysu’s domineering and powerful
voice forced them to not reject a single word of his.

The entire campsite started to move around, you could see the
rank 1 experts breaking these trees down and the ordinary
citizens were all shaping them into sharp tipped wooden spears.

“Raza and Badar your responsibility is to hold the line, if any

Savage beast gets too close you must kill them immediately…

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You don’t have to worry, only for that Dire Wolf and four of the
other wolves are Rank 2 Savage beast, while the rest are all
Rank 1.

“Joseph, you will help me take care of the Dire Wolf and the
other four Rank 2 Wolves… I’ll try my hardest to hold the
Savage beasts off… I’ll be drawing their attention, once you find
a weakness you must attack without any hesitancy.” At
Amaysu’s command, all three men responded with a nod.

Glaring at the Dire Wolf, Amaysu had no choice but to

activate his Inherited Legacy.

With a voice carrying tranquillity, a calm voice that wasn’t

loud passed through the ears of many: “NANOTEKRO

Right away, silver specks floated out of his body like silver
fireflies, they swirled around his now raised right arm, that had
a glinting diamond shaped core. Instantly with but a thought,
the specks coalesced in front of his palm to form the silver
sword that he had long familiarised himself with.

The appearance of the sword caused many people to stop and

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stare at him with a dumbfounded expression. The reflective
radiance of the sword was beyond lustrous and silver specks
were floating like fireflies around it. The boys figure was like a
radiant knight that stood in front of a horde of beasts.

The words stated by Amaysu and the confirmation made by

the appearance of the sword itself caused Joseph who was
standing at the side to tremble. His eyes flashed with a hint of
unfathomable greed which disappeared at the same instant it

Unlike Joseph, everyone else was confused by the words that

the noble boy said, but the power he exuded was enough to quell
their curiosity.

In a matter of a few minutes, 30 men were standing with a

brown wood spear in hand, while the rest were cutting down
more trees to be used as ammunition.

Amaysu stood in front, his gaze portrayed an expression of

absolute seriousness and concentration, his blood flowing
calmly, this type of calmness was a calm before the storm.

Lifting his sword, he also activated the Lunar Moon Dance

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movement technique and immediately rushed out of the
barrier, this act signified that the battle for survival had begun.

The lotus like sinister emotion was blooming with even more
ferocity deep within his heart, bursting with malicious intent.
Who could possibly know what this emotion would birth inside

A cluster of nearly 3 dozen wooden spears flew across the sky,

each spear aiming for its own target. The spear flew like arrows,
it sustained the immense force of 1st and 2nd rank Fighter stage

“Thump!” Most of the spears missed their targets, but a few

unlucky Wolves were pierced by the sharp wooden spears that
had enough force to penetrate steel walls as if they were tofu.
These spears lodged themselves deep into the ground with blood
staining their handle and colour.

While this happened Amaysu’s figure was a blur as he shot

passed all the low levelled Savage beasts whom he didn’t even
put in his eyes, his only targets were the Rank 2 Savage beasts. If
he killed these beasts he would alleviate a significant amount of
the burden and increase the morale of the people.

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Whizzing past another Rank 1 Wolf, he swung the sword and
cut right through it, as if he was cutting a sheet of paper. Blood
spurted out of its wound as it gave a miserable cry, toppling
onto the pathway.

Amaysu’s first target was a grey coloured Wolf that was

staring back at him with bloodthirsty killing intent, this was
one of the five Rank 2 Savage beasts. From what Amaysu could
sense was that this Wolf was a Lower Rank 2 Savage beast.

With each step, his movement technique was storing more

and more power within his calves, this reduced his speed
slightly but it still allowed him to effortlessly weave past these
weak Wolves.

Concentrating on his target, the fingers on his left hand

formed into claws, his index finger was joined with the middle,
his little finger joining with his ring finger and his thumb was
left alone. Tensing his fingers, he stared deeply at the Savage

He darted towards the Savage beast with clear killing intent,

while his fingers formed into the claws of a dragon.

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The Rank 2 wolf stared Amaysu with its golden eyes.

“AHOO” With a howl it rushed at Amaysu, its powerful jaws

wide open, revealing its sharp fangs that were ready to crush
Amaysu’s hand and rip it right off his shoulder.


As the distance decreased, Amaysu burst with a speed

shooting at the Savage beast, using up all the stored up power in
an instant. The Wolf was startled, this action made its attack to
falter slightly. This opportunity was enough for Amaysu.

“DRAGONS WRATH!” Roared Amaysu. His fingers grabbed at

its open mouth in a way that made it hard for the startled beast
to close it again.

“Crack… Crack”

His fingers impaled themselves deeply into the Wolfs head,

and then clenching his fingers, which crushed the beasts skull
like it was crumbling rocks. Without backing down he pulled
his fingers out and spun in an anticlockwise motion, allowing

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him to increase the power of the sword in his right hand to its
maximum in the shortest amount of time.

Using the momentum the sword cut right through the Savage
beast without being affected even in the slightest by the Wolfs
body. Blood sprayed out, but not a drop touched Amaysu.

As soon as he split the body of the Wolf into two he rushed in

a different direction without looking back, his expression still as
cold as before.

Its skull had been completely shattered, and his fingers had
left three finger marks that pierced through its brain. The
severed body of the wolf collapsed onto the ground, its grey fur
covered completely in blood.

The efficiency Amaysu showed, caused the hearts of many

who watched to shiver in shock and Raza who had once dared to
show his arrogance was now sweating profusely, he was glad
that he had not offended this ruthless monster.

Amaysu looked around and went for the next Rank 2 Wolf
Savage beast while the Rank 1 Fighters threw another wave of
Brownwood Spears.

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Deep within his heart he felt unease being birthed, it was faint
but he felt something was wrong. He looked at the position of
the Dire wolf, it was still standing at the same place, looking
deeply into the land that was being protected by the receding

Amaysu heaved a sigh, despite this the unnerving feeling still


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Chapter 18 - Battle Against The Wolves (2)


Another miserable howl was let out as another Rank 2 Wolf

dropped onto the ground, its chest had been penetrated by a
silver sword. Standing right next to this lifeless Wolf was
Amaysu, standing with the ferocious aura of a valiant warrior.


Another wave of spears arced across the sky, plunging down,

honing down onto the pack of Savage beasts that were evenly
spread out. Even though most of the spears missed, once again
an unlucky group of Wolves fell at the sharp end of the spear as
it impaled their defence.

Amaysu ran across the land and jumped onto a boulder, he

coolly observed the state of the battle and what he saw was a
mass of Savage beast corpses covered in blood.

Amaysu’s gaze calmly analysed the battlefield, his figure was

awe inspiring, his sword was dripping with blood that fell onto

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the grey surface of the boulder.

His expression, however, was different from his body

language, he was deeply pondering something in the middle of
the battlefield. His gaze crossing from the Dire Wolf who was
still standing in the exact same spot to the people that lived in
the town.

Something’s wrong, something’s wrong… The Dire Wolf still

hasn’t taken action. The uneasiness in Amaysu’s heart grew, he
didn’t know what was wrong but the eerie calmness of the Dire
Wolf agitated him.

Stealthily another Rank 2 Wolf Savage beast jumped from

behind, aiming to tear the boy apart because Amaysu’s mind
was somewhere else, the Wolf took this opportunity to take care
of the biggest threat.

But just as it was a hands width away from Amaysu a sharp

Brown wood spear streaked through the air and directly pierced
with an explosive penetrating force. The spear carried on
floating and stabbed at a Rank 1 Savage beast before stopping.

The one who threw the spear was Joseph, who was standing

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on guard in case something unexpected happened. When he saw
the Rank 2 Wolf closing down on Amaysu, he immediately
threw the nearest spear with the strength of his cultivation.

Raza and Badar were currently fending off Rank 1 Savage

beasts that were too close to the group of Rank 1 and 2 Fighters,
the stronger physical strength of the Wolves caused the both of
them to tire out.

From the beginning of the battle 13 Wolf type Savage beasts

had died and Three Rank 2 Savage beasts had been killed, two of
these rank 2 Savage beasts were killed by Amaysu himself. From
Amaysu’s position on top of the boulder, he realised that if they
continued to fight the way they were currently fighting before
the outcome of the battle could even be decided, most of them
would already have collapsed from exhaustion.

Amaysu took a deep breath: “MEN!.. Focus your attacks on the

Rank 1 Savage beats!” Amaysu bellowed causing all gazes to fall
upon him, he further carried on, ” Raza, Badar, Joseph, focus
your attacks on the Rank 1 Savage beasts as well. If the fight
goes on too long and they somehow breakthrough we’ll be
trampled upon by their numbers.”

After saying this from atop the boulder he stared viciously at

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the remaining Rank 1 Savage beast. The killing intent in his
heart growing at a tremendous rate.

“DIE!” Amaysu roared as he dashed towards the nearest

Savage beast he could find.

Amaysu blurred as he drew close to the barrier, encountering

an unsuspecting Savage beast. Without even giving it the
chance to make a whimper, Amaysu mercilessly lopped its head
off. Blood sprayed out staining his hand and clothes, a drop
even splashed onto his face.

Without stopping he waved through the cluster of spears that

had lodged themselves in the ground, he found his next victim.
This time, Amaysu grabbed the Wolf by its throat and clenched
tightly causing its throat to shatter, immediately afterwards he
stabbed the silver sword right through its heart causing the
Savage beast to cough out blood. However because Amaysu still
had his hand around its throat it couldn’t cough out the blood,
this made it produce gurgling sounds. Having no chance to
make a cry of pain, Amaysu hand released its grasp on its neck,
letting the Wolf helplessly crash onto the floor.

Amaysu was blurring through the countless Rank 1 Savage

beasts. Wherever he appeared, death followed him while

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bringing forth a trail of blood. Nothing was safe from Amaysu,
on the battlefield, he was the manifestation of the Reaper

The vicious temperament of Amaysu caused the hearts of

many to shudder, but it also brought their morale to a greater
height, realising under this boy they might have a chance for

The once woollen trouser and the long tunic was now coated
in blood, leaving a few spots of the original black colour.
Amaysu’s eyes were even colder than before, the two different
coloured irises were deep and piercingly cold, the smooth white
skin on his face was tainted by the crimson blood of the wolves
which was rolling down his cheeks. Amaysu looked like the
definition of a monster, but not just any monster, a monster
that was more elegant than any human but more Savage than
any Savage beast.

Amaysu’s blood was raging inside his body as he cut down

another wolf, this feeling brought back reminiscing memories
of his time training with his master.

Throughout this entire time, Amaysu by himself killed more

than a dozen Wolves by himself, while the combined total of

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Joseph, Raza and Badar was just more than half of his kills…

“AHOOO!” All of a sudden a howl echoed from behind

Amaysu, he violently turned his head to face the origin of the

The Dire Wolf was staring at him with a burst of killing

intent, it was about to make its move.

The sudden howl of the Dire Wolf caused a subconscious fear

to arise, Joseph and the rest who were currently fighting
against the weaker Savage beasts shivered. They immediately
retreated into the barrier behind them.

Shit… Just a bit longer and we could’ve taken down more

than half of the entire pack.


Suddenly the Dire Wolf appeared only a few metres away

from him, it ferociously waved its claw at him. The claws
birthed a wave of compressed air that was like sharp knives that
flew across the air.

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Amaysu quickly jumped to the side, the power carried by that

attack was definitely not something he could take head on. An
upper rank 2 Dire Wolf is expected to have the strength of a 6th
rank Fighter, however, due to its powerful body, it could fight
7th rank Fighter stage experts.

The sharp knife-like wind flew past him, cutting up the wild
grass that was in its way, the ferocity of the hurling wind caused
the hair on the back of his neck to rise.


The Wind blades crashed into the group of people standing

behind the barrier.

Countless painful shrieks and horrified roars echoed across

the land, many Fighter rank experts who were preparing to
release another batch of spears were blown away. Their wounds
went from broken limbs to being half dead, blood flowed and
the unlucky normal individuals were instantly killed. Their

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bodies mangled or severed by the sharp wind.

Amaysu looking back was horrified by the scene.

“Damn it!” Amaysu roared as he wildly rushed towards the

Dire Wolf who was preparing for another attack.

In just a moment he arrived right next to the Dire Wolf.

Amaysu’s expression was more resolved than before, holding
onto the handle of the silver blade with both hands he attacked
with an overhead arcing strike, which was aimed straight for
the Dire Wolf’s head. If the throat was crushed or severed, there
was nearly a hundred percent chance of death.

“Grr” A deep grumble was emitted from the Dire Wolf,

twisting its body to face Amaysu, it countered with a powerful
strike with its claws.

“BANG!” Amaysu was pushed back, but he barely held on.

What’s with this ridiculous strength… I can’t… Hold…On.

After lasting only a few seconds Amaysu was blown away, his
body streaking across the sky, shooting into a group of trees.

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“Guh!” The air was blown out of him and he immediately
coughed out a mouthful of blood, both of his hands were numb,
the web between his index finger and thumb was torn, bleeding


The Dire Wolf didn’t give him a chance to even breathe as he

sent another wind blade, this time, the attack carried more than
three times the power of the first attack.

“N…O” Amaysu’s eyes widened, his pupils constricted to the

size of a needle’s head. The place that the wind blade was
moving towards was exactly where Arisa and Raymond were

“NOOO!” Forgetting all the pain he felt, neglecting the

numbness he felt, Amaysu burst with a speed that was even
faster than the time he thought that they were dead.

The wind split apart, he was moving like a whirlwind, in just

a second he appeared a dozen metres in front of Arisa and

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As soon as the wind blade came into contact with his silver
sword, an earth-shaking boom erupted which blew Amaysu
backwards as if he was a feather that was within a tornado.

“BANG!” Smashing into a group of trees that was more than

thirty metres away from where he originally stood.


Amaysu coughed out two mouthfuls of blood, his entire body

was numb, he couldn’t feel anything but he could hear the
wretched screams of wounded warriors and normal people.

His bones felt heavy, his ribs were creaking as they let out a
mind numbing pain that attacked his senses. I’ve broken my rib

His long tunic and woollen trousers were covered in cuts with
wounds behind the cloth, blood flowed out of these wounds
mixing with dirt and the blood of the dead Savage beasts that he
had slain.

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Damn it. Damn it. I have to get up… I have to get up… Amaysu
was helpless in this situation, but luckily he was behind the
receding barrier.

Many heads turned to face the sorry figure that was blown
away like a rag doll, as soon as they noticed that this sorry
figure was Amaysu, their expressions all darkened. Their only
hope was this boy and his master.

Gradually managing to reserve the strength to pull himself up,

Amaysu glared venomously at the Dire Wolf. He already knew
that the chances of him drawing were low and the chances of
winning was close to nonexistent, but to live he had to fight.

Amaysu stood up, his figure now like a broken pillar, using
the silver sword to support his figure, he slowly raised his left
hand into the empty air.


The gushing sounds of countless Nanotekro’s appearing in the

air was heard, these silver specks floated around. A vortex like

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force pulled all of them together, the silver specks formed a
dagger that was only 1 foot in length, it had no handle and only
the blade existed.

The dagger by itself wasn’t amazing, however, it was floating

in the air, only a metre in front of his extended hands. Beads of
sweat formed on Amaysu’s forehead, his eyebrows furrowed
due to his concentration and his breathing was heavy.

The sudden appearance of the dagger caused many people to

feel shocked even further. Though the sword didn’t appear
special, it caused many people to shrink in dismay.

A weak smile appeared on Amaysu’s face, “To think… you’d

force me… to use this.” Blood leaked from his nose and the
corner of his lips.

“Nanotekro… Inherited Legacy:. Soaring Dagger!”

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Chapter 19 - Second Personality Awakens,
Amaysu’s Alter Ego

“Nanotekro… Inherited Legacy:.. Soaring Dagger”

Amaysu said each word slowly, each word came out with a
painful rasping sounds.

This Soaring Dagger technique was the most powerful attack

Amaysu had in his possession, he had come across this
technique by experimenting with the Inherited Legacy.

He had tested this attack once in the forest during his

training, the power carried by this simple dagger could only be
described with one word, tyrannical. It had blown apart
everything that was in its path and fiercely struck down three
Brownwood trees that were Twenty metres ahead of him. This
clearly described the explosive power of this technique.

Amaysu knew that this was only but a drop in the vast array
of power within the Inherited Legacy, even he couldn’t see the
depths of its power.

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The dagger sword bolted towards the Dire Wolf with an
explosive power, that tore the air around it apart, the
frightening power carried by the attack was frighteningly more
powerful than the wind blades created by the Dire Wolf.


Arcing through the still air, it made a curved trajectory, the

entire time it was being controlled by Amaysu. His forehead was
covered in sweat, his brows were furrowed and on the side of
his lips and nose blood beads trailed downwards.

The Dire Wolf snarled, however, its instincts were on high

alert, it could tell that this attack was dangerous, even life

With a burst of power it sprung towards the racing dagger, its

claws seemed to grow longer and even sharper.

In but an instant the two came into contact, creating a

thunderous explosion that shook everything occurred. Savage
beasts and humans, both ran in the opposite direction of the
blast. A few people were pushed down by the sheer power of the
attack. Amaysu was pushed back by the sheer force, crashing

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into the tree behind him, he slumped down on the floor and his
sword fell to his side.

The swirling wind created by the collision of powers caused a

dust smoke to arise, covering the dagger created by Amaysu’s
legacy and the body of the Dire Wolf.

“Boom!” A body was flung out of the dust, streaking through

the air it crashed into the ground, generating cracks that formed
all around the figure.

As the dust cleared, the figure that crashed into the ground
was the Dire Wolf. Its fur was dishevelled and covered with dirt.
It’s left claw was mangled, blood covered its shaggy claw or
what used to be its claw. Only the whites of its bone could be
seen and blood kept pouring onto the ground like a waterfall.
The left claw was beyond repair, it was completely crippled by
Amaysu’s attack.

The bewildered gazes locked onto the Dire Wolf and then
turned towards Amaysu who was sat upright against the trunk
of a broken tree. His forehead was matted with sweat, a
triumphant and mocking smile was on his face, a line of blood
appeared on the corner of his lips, his eyes were heavy and all
feeling was lost.

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Inside the central region of the collision, the dust slowly
receded. A broken dagger floated in the air for only a few
seconds before a breeze blew at it, and just like sand it was
blown to smithereens.

“AHOOO!” All of a sudden the heavily wounded Dire Wolf

erupted with a crazed bellow, shaking even the numb Amaysu.

Maybe out of anger or for some other reason, it wildly swung

wind blades in all directions, it hatefully swung at Amaysu,
however, Amaysu was extremely lucky, he was too far away for
the wind blade to reach him.

The Dire Wolf wreaked havoc, destroying everything. Since

the Dire Wolf couldn’t pass through the receding barrier it had
to send waves of wind blades, however, it was quite odd because
no matter how wildly it attacked not a single wind blade hit a
human, rather it hit random spots of the land.

Amaysu who was sitting still felt unease surge through him,
this time, he knew something was wrong, something bad was
definitely going to happen. The feeling grew and grew until…

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The explosive sound of a supersonic explosion shattered the

air around them.

Amaysu’s pupils dilated as he realised what the Dire Wolf had

just done, exactly at the same time the Dire Wolf had a sinister,
rather human-like expression that caused a person to cower in

With a howl that was commanding, it forced the other wolves

that were confused to obey its command. In unison, they all
charged towards the barrier and ran straight through it without
any resistance pushing them back. They weren’t stopped by any
force, it was like the barrier had disappeared.

Amaysu couldn’t believe that the Dire Wolf was smart enough
to break the barrier, suddenly realisation dawned upon him.

The Dire Wolf had been sending constant waves of powerful

wind to disrupt the magnetic ripples and different sound waves
to create a pathway for the Savage beasts. By constantly
disrupting the barrier it had forcefully increased the speed of its
weakening, it was weakened to a degree that the barrier was

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now insignificant to it and the other Savage beasts.

The civilians of the town who were hiding behind the barrier
stood still as they watched in shock. Now that Wolves had
broken through the barrier they gave up hope.

Countless bloodcurdling screams filled the sky, the Wolves

were ravaging the area, killing wantonly and devouring the
humans. Nothing was safe even the weakened Fighter stage
cultivators were helpless as they were surrounded and attacked
by the remaining Wolves.

The eyes of every single Wolf was filled with craze, they were
killing to their hearts content. The scenes of the heart
wrenching miserable screams of despair and all the killing were
seen by Amaysu.

“Waa… Waa” Through the countless screams, Amaysu heard

the one sound he couldn’t handle… The cries of Arisa and

Despite losing all feeling Amaysu was jolted up by the cries of

his siblings. He looked into the distance and saw them crying as
they were carried away by Aya who was carrying an expression

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of dismay.

The cries were also heard by the Wolves and it also caught the
attention of the Dire Wolf itself. Having nothing to do it
sprinted towards his siblings in a manner which was similar to
it playing around with its food.

“No… NO!! STOP!! GET AWAY FROM THEM!” In a frenzied

state, Amaysu bellowed hysterically with all his might. This
caught the Dire Wolfs attention, seeing the wretched expression
on the boy who had crippled its claw, its eyes glinted with
savagery. This time, it chased with a much faster pace as if it
wanted to tear Arisa and Raymond apart right in front of him.

Just using his willpower Amaysu stood up, but after taking a
few steps he stumbled and then collapsed on the floor once
again, using all his strength he raised his head to look at the
Dire Wolf which was closing in on his siblings.

“No…” Amaysu’s cries were nothing more than lifeless

murmurs, his tears rolled down onto his grief-stricken face.

I was too weak to fight with Father and Mother. Right now
Arisa and Raymond are about to be killed and I still can’t protect

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them… DAMN THIS WORLD! DAMN IT ALL! Amaysu’s mind
was being torn apart and was just a millimetre away from
falling into despair.

At this moment the sinister and baleful emotion deep inside

Amaysu bloomed, bursting with a surge of earthshaking killing
intent that streamed to every part of his body and reached even
to his bone marrows. This Ominous emotion brought with it
another existence…

Amay~~~ Let me take over, I’ll finish this for you~~ A

resonating, melodious voice surged through Amaysu’s
conscious, causing him to lose conscious immediately due to his
weak condition.

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Chapter 20 - Overwhelming Power

“HA HA HA~~~” A resonating laugh echoed in all directions, it

carried an uncontrollable and insane tone, it overshadowed all
the cries of pain and misery.

The change in Amaysu’s body and tone only took an instant.

This sudden laugh caused all the Wolves to stop, some even
fell backwards. Their instincts were on full alert, their minds
were in complete disarray. The Dire Wolf stopped in its track to
look back at the origin of the voice, the fur on its body were
standing on end, each strand behaving like needles, the Dire
Wolf had never felt such a terrifying voice in its entire life.

Joseph, Raza and Badar who were trying to fend off the
Savage beasts and retreat as quickly as possible turned their
heads to face the origin of the voice.

Soon all eyes fell upon Amaysu, who slowly stood up, his right
hand holding the silver sword without any commitment. His
body was covered in a mix of blood and dirt, he was looking
down, but the maniacal aura surrounding him emanated in all
directions, even the average person could sense it.

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Amaysu raised his head, a crooked smile was on his face, his
eyes had a sinister red glint in it, everything about him was

” HAHA~~ I’m finally free~~” A resonant voice echoed from

Amaysu as he stretched his dirt and blood covered body.

“Amay, there are so many toys for me to break~~.” The

reverberating, pleasant and elated tone rang in every direction,
entering the ears of every living thing in the area. If this voice
was heard at any other moment with the content being
different, they’d find the voice pleasant. However, as of right
now that voice made their skins crawl and caused their hair to
stand on end.

Many people didn’t realise that Amaysu kept referring to

himself in third person and that his voice had completely
changed from a cold and breaking voice to one that resonated
like musical notes.

Amaysu looked around, his face still carried a crooked smile

and his eyes squinted making him have a sinister expression. In
only took a minute for his noble aura to turn into a sinister and

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evil force.

At the same time his gaze roamed around to see the current
situation, only to see everything human and Savage beast
staring at him, one in awe while the other was in fear.

Joseph being a 5th rank Fighter could tell that this boy’s
power was nothing like before, it had eclipsed his and caused
fear to be instilled in him, the other humans were looking at
Amaysu in reverence, they felt that a new lifeline to survival
had appeared once again.

The pack of Wolf Savage beasts were frozen on the spot, not
daring to make even a whimper, the reason being that if they
tried to retreat, they’d be retreating to death. When one of the
weaker Savage beast from the Wolf pack involuntarily saw the
dark malice in Amaysu’s imperfect, deep copper gold and brown
eyes, it felt as if its heart stopped beating due to the intense fear.

Amaysu’s gaze finally stopped on the Dire Wolf that was only
a dozen metres away from Arisa and Raymond who were crying
due to the shock and chaos of the moment.

Amaysu’s expression darkened and the crooked smile

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disappeared, leaving behind a grim and ominous aura to float
outwards. “Mutt… Get…Away… From them… Or ripping you to
shred…Tearing each limb apart…And drowning you in flames
will be a blessing for what I’ll do to you.” Amaysu slowly voiced
out as he exhaled heavily. Even though it wasn’t loud, each
word was perceived by the Dire Wolf.

The Dire Wolf’s pupils contracted to the size of a needle’s

head, immediately retreating in horror and then once again
turned to face Amaysu from a safe distance away. Despite this,
the Dire Wolf lost its composure and watched in anxiety.

There was one thing that Amaysu’s new personality had in

common with the old one: As long as I live, I will protect my
family till I die. This principle linked these two opposite
personalities together.

In an instant Amaysu appeared right in front of Aya, Arisa and

Raymond who were on the floor, the two toddlers stared at his
back with their big eyes. Even though their older brother had a
sinister presence, they felt safe around him.

Amaysu turned to face the Dire Wolf and then looked back
down at the silver sword with a disdain and contempt. Amaysu
muttered to himself, “I can’t believe you used a sword Amay~~~

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For slaughter the perfect weapon is this…”

While saying this the sword diffused into silver specks that
flowed like a stream in the air, with a single thought the specks
quickly merged to form a weapon.

A long silver handle appeared in Amaysu’s right palm, the

handle itself was 180 centimetres in length, at the end of the
handle a razor sharp curved blade that was approximately one
metre in length and 20 centimetres in width. The width was
only 20 centimetres at the beginning of the blade, as it went
closer to the edge the width grew shorter and shorter until it
reached the end of the blade.

The back of the curved blade had a short dagger-like weapon

that protruded in the opposite direction of the curved blade, it
was about Six inches in length with a small curve at the edge of

“…Scythe” A warped smile filled with killing intent appeared

on his face. The scythe was sinister and went perfectly with
Amaysu’s appearance, however, the scythe itself was much
taller than him but it gave him an even more uncontrollable

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“Amay, let me show you the true power of the Inherited
Legacy.” Amaysu raised both of his hands up, simultaneously
silver specks gushed out of him like a flood. These specks were
all Nanotekros, they were small atom sized clumps that join
together to form a speck, they were created by the Core and
stayed dormant on Amaysu’s body.

At Amaysu’s current level the only thing he could do was

experiment with the Inherited Legacy and create new attacks
like the Soaring dagger technique, but he couldn’t investigate
the specks themselves because his mental state was too weak.

The flood of firefly-like specks surged outwards and floated in

the air, for but a moment the vast amount of specks started
joining together and formed more than a hundred flying
daggers, each one resembling the Soaring dagger. They all
carried the same feeling of the Soaring dagger technique and
most certainly carried more power than the Soaring dagger

“Let me clear all of these broken toys.” When Amaysu said

this, a malicious smile grew wider on his face.

What he meant by ‘broken toys’ were the weak Rank 1 Savage

beasts. These Savage beasts lost all feeling as they witnessed the

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formation of all these Soaring daggers, even though their
intelligence was low they had already witnessed the techniques

No one knew which Savage beast retreated first, but as one

left, the other followed, retreating in a frantic manner, because
their lives depended on it.


With a word, the more than hundred Soaring daggers

streaked towards the remaining Savage beasts that were
frantically retreating.

*Ka cha* *Ka cha* *Ka cha*

It was a horrifying sight, blood spurted out in every directing,

more than 3 Soaring daggers would impale themselves into a
Savage beast causing them to wretchedly howl in agony and
pain. While this happened Amaysu watched with glee.

In less than 10 seconds the field of scattered, retreating Savage

beasts had been massacred without being able to fight back,

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blood stains were everywhere and lumps of fresh corpses lay
with daggers embedded within them.

All of a sudden the flying daggers pulled themselves out of the

corpses of Wolves and floated slowly back towards Amaysu. Not
a single dagger wasn’t covered in blood, each carrying a
domineering presence when they crowded around Amaysu. The
scythe in his right hand and the Soaring daggers gave him the
appearance of a Reaper.

The Soaring daggers started receding into small silver specks

that floated around him like a cloud of fireflies and then slowly
descended onto the surface of his own body, causing his body to
shine with a silver light.

The Dire Wolf didn’t budge an inch, its subordinates were all
dead, the traumatic fear it felt could only be described by itself.

Amaysu turned to face the Dire Wolf, still carrying the

maniacal aura. The Dire Wolf shuddered as it shrank

“Dire Wolf,” A mischievous glint appeared in Amaysu’s eyes,

“I’ll give you a chance to flee, but… Only, if you’re able to

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escape from me.”

The Dire Wolf hearing this, a trace of hope appeared in its

eyes, which then changed into an unprecedented resolve.

“What are you doing here… Go then!” Amaysu roared as a

smirk gradually appeared.

Without hesitation the Dire Wolf withdrew, it bolted into the

distance with its tail between its legs, it fled as if its life
depended on it.

“You think I’ll let you escape,” Amaysu muttered silently,

since this alter ego came out, it wanted some fun before it
returned to its slumber.

Amaysu walked forward very slowly, and then in an instant

he flashed into the distant, leaving a trail of dust behind. The
scythe was held with no commitment, he seemed to enjoy the
hope in the Dire Wolf, whom he already viewed as a corpse.

The Dire Wolf who was fleeing desperately suddenly felt an

icy chill coming from behind, without a thought, it abruptly

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turned and dashed into a different direction.


At that exact moment, a blade-like wind sliced the air that the
scythe had passed through. Amaysu was extremely fast, directly
reaching the Dire Wolf in a matter of seconds. As soon as he
reached the Dire Wolf he immediately chopped down at the Dire
Wolf with the scythe.

Despite dodging Amaysu by a hair’s breadth, it felt that its

body seemed to be lighter as if something was missing. As
realisation dawned upon it, it didn’t dare look back and fled into
the dense forest of the restricted lands.

“You think you can still escape! Don’t you see the difference
even after losing your tail!”laughed Amaysu as he shouted, he
had confirmed the Dire Wolfs suspicions causing it to run even
faster under the pressure of trepidation.

Just like that, Amaysu disappeared once again. If Master Etros

was here to watch his disciple acting in such a ruthless and
merciless manner, he’d be stricken with worry and concern. At
the same time, he would be overwhelmed because of Amaysu’s

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power, speed and control over the Inherited Legacy was only a
step away from the body Transformation stage.

This time, Amaysu appeared right in front of the Dire Wolf,

immediately waving the scythe with both hands, cleaving
through the air, it passed right above the Dire Wolf’s head. Once
again, it felt something was missing, this time, searing pain
assaulted it as it dove into a different direction.

“HAHAHA!” Amaysu cackled into the empty air as he turned

to face the Dire Wolf, his eyes carried an insane glint in it.

He was truly enjoying himself as he purposely cut off the ears

of the Dire Wolf, watching it squirm in retreat, the despair in its
eyes were overtaking its hope.

In another moment he cut off the Dire wolf’s right leg,

causing it to bellow wildly and then cut off its hind legs, the
Dire Wolf then let out a bloodcurdling cry, it made all those that
were watching to crawl backwards and feel pity for the Dire

Amaysu immediately cut off the Dire Wolf’s snout, the reason
being that its miserable howls were annoying and that they

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were making Arisa and Raymond’s cries louder.

Now looking at the mangled body of the once proud Dire Wolf
Amaysu gloated, not a single spot of the Dire Wolf’s fur wasn’t
covered in blood. Three of its four limbs were gone, what used
to be its tail was now a bloody stub and what replaced its ears
and snout was blood.

Saying that it was despairing was a light description, all it

wanted right now was to feel the sweet embrace of death and
nothing more. It never knew that this boy was so merciless, if it
knew it would have preferred the quick death that the other
Wolves had faced.

“You lasted five minutes… I’ll let you die.” Amaysu smirked,
he slowly raised his free hand, the small molecules of silver
specks coalesced on top of his left hand. It slowly formed an orb
that also emitted the same silver lustre as the Inherited Legacy.

“Nanotekro Inherited Legacy: Silver Burst.”

Amaysu dropped the silver orb right beside the Dire Wolf and
immediately pushed backwards, retreating at an astonishing

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With only a trigger word, an earth shaking blast blew the

entire space around the Dire Wolf into oblivion, smoke rose like
a storm covering the crater of the heavy blast. As the smoke
dissipated a crater that was 5 metres in diameter and a meter in
depth was left behind, the Dire Wolf’s body had been erased
from existence, leaving only a beautiful Red lustrous core

“…” Silence filled the air, their ears still rattled due to the
explosion and nobody could pull their eyes away from the
empty space where the mangled body of the Dire Wolf had been.

“Cough…Cough” Amaysu coughed out mouthfuls of blood, as

he looked up to see Arisa and Raymond, the maniacal behaviour
disappeared and a gentle smile appeared on his face again.
However, blood trickled down his eyes, nose and the corner of
his lips.

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Amaysu gently dabbed at the trail of blood that flowed from
the corner of his eyes. Amay you’re still too weak for me to
show you, your full potential, get stronger faster or this won’t
be the last time you see me, he thought this in his heart.

Amaysu suddenly felt a buzzing in his head, his body felt frail
and helpless, the scythe in his hand dissolved into floating
specks of silver, his vision darkened everything around him, the
colour and atmosphere of the surroundings turned bleak as he
collapsed onto the floor.

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Chapter 21 - Before The Banquet

What was left of the town were only broken buildings and
rubble. Miraculously the Averice clans main mansion had
survived the destruction with minor damages when compared
to the other buildings in the context of the rest of the town.

Deep within the Averice clans mansion, in the main hall,

Joseph was walking back and forth with both hands behind his
back. Raza and Badar were standing patiently at his side, a deep
frown was on Joseph’s face as he pondered, only he knew what
he was thinking of.

Joseph suddenly stopped, his expression was blank and

abruptly asked: “How is he?” Raza and Badar were prepared,
they both knew who he was asking about, it was Amaysu.

It had only been a day since Amaysu’s battle with the Dire
Wolf, and since he collapsed he has been in an unconscious
state, carefully being treated.

Badar took a step forward and spoke respectfully: “Patriarch,

Young master Amaysu is still unconscious. He has four
fractured rib bones and , but his condition has stabilised. All he

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needs is some rest.”

Without giving much thought Raza immediately blurted some

words out: “Father… What was that horrifying power up? He
turned the entire situation around in one breath, it is too
unbelievable.” No matter how many times Raza thought back to
that moment, he could not comprehend the scene he had
witnessed the day before.

Joseph was standing quietly: “Inherited Legacy… That is the

legendary Inherited Legacy.”

“Inherited… Legacy?” Raza responded to his father’s

muttering with some confusion.

“What else but an Inherited Legacy could allow a person that

hasn’t even reached the Body Transformation, to wield strength
that far surpassed themselves,” Joseph responded a greedy glint
appeared in his eyes. His previous calm and indifferent
expression turned sinister and evil.

Someone from such a backwater region to possess knowledge

of the Inherited Legacy was very low. However, many years ago
Joseph came across this term and its description gave him a

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profound Impression.

To have the ability to possess something similar to a Combat

Artifact before reaching the Body Transformation stage was a
dream come true. There were even some Inherited Legacies that
were many times more powerful than Combat Artifacts.

When Joseph first saw the appearance of the Inherited Legacy

he was dumbstruck, to the point where his mind went blank.
With Amaysu’s confirmation, it birthed a deep desire of
possessing the Legacy, even if it meant killing Amaysu.

“We will forcefully obtain that Inherited Legacy from that

boy. He definitely obtained it from that treasure trove behind
that ancient door.” The greed in his expression was clear to both
Raza and Badar who were standing near him.

“Father, Amaysu is too powerful and there is even the

possibility of facing that Body Transformation expert behind
him. How are we going to take the Inherited Legacy from him?”
Raza said this with an anxious expression on his face. From
what Joseph explained, the attraction of an Inherited Legacy
was really great. However, Raza couldn’t help but tremble when
he remembered the way that the Dire Wolf was torn apart by
the now unconscious boy.

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“Body Transformation Expert? Haha.” Joseph laughed
without control, he was amused by his sons lack of thinking.

He carried on with a self-mocking smile on his face: “Have you

not noticed that the so called Body Transformation stage expert
that boy called still hasn’t come yet.” Raza hearing this seemed
to understand.

“He was most likely bluffing the entire time, I can’t believe we
believed him. Also he is definitely powerful with the Inherited
Legacy, even if he is injured, but don’t worry, all we need is the
bone deteriorating poison.” As he said this a smirk appeared on
his face.

All of a sudden, the door to the hall was pushed open, rushing
in was one of the maids. Simultaneously the trio turned their
heads to face the maid, each one of them carrying a frown on
their face. The maids face automatically became pale because
she became the focus of the trio.

Even though she was scared, she still spoke hurriedly: “Lord,
he’s awake.”

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Joseph turned to face Raza and Badar, his expression was full
of greed and malice: “We will implement the plan tonight, the
earlier we act the weaker he is to defend himself.”

“Where am I?”

Amaysu was standing in a field of grass, heavy mist floated in

every direction, he could only see a distance of a few metres.
The mist was like a wall preventing him from seeing anything,
protecting him from his most painful memories and

Suddenly the mist receded and he was inside a great library,

standing in front of him was a man and woman he immediately

The man was extremely handsome, he carried a kind smile on

his face and a noble aura exuded from him, one that was similar
to Amaysu. He had smooth white skin, long sandy brown hair
that descended onto his shoulders and deep brown eyes. The
woman standing next to him was beautiful enough to make
nations fights for her sake. She had long, straight black hair
that flowed down to her waist like a waterfall and she had silky
smooth white skin, golden copper eyes, with a gentle smile on

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her face.

Amaysu stared in a daze, his body quivered, his lips moved but
nothing came out. After a few tries, 2 words slowly left him:
“Mother… Father?” The rims of his eyes reddened, his eyes
going moist, Amaysu stretched his arms towards his parents in a
yearning motion.

Amaysu quickly stepped forward and then took another step

forward and then another, yet he wasn’t getting any closer.

Suddenly two cloaked individuals appeared behind his

parents. Amaysu’s eyes widened, his pupils contracted. He
clearly noticed who these two individuals were, they were
Kronos and Karia, the ones who murdered his parents. Under
their cloaks a vicious smile was on their face, their fingers
joined to form a spear-like shape. Without any hesitance they
stabbed his parents from behind.

“No… Please stop, STOP!!” Amaysu roared violently, his eyes

were bloodshot red, his heart was being torn into pieces, the
pain of being so powerless felt unbearable.

In the next instant two hands pierced Ranel and Elisa’s chest,

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crimson blood spurted out wildly. Amaysu was numb all over,
seeing this again was pure agony and torment.


With one soul-shattering roar, the library that Amaysu was in,
shattered into glass like shards that faded into blackness.

“NO!!” Amaysu yelled out while he violently pushed himself

up, he was immediately struck by a fiery, sharp pain in his

Gasping heavily, he hugged himself tightly trying to bear the

intense pain, after a moment the sharp pain faded away only
leaving a lingering trace.

“Where am I?” Amaysu muttered, he felt a blank in his

memory, his forehead was matted with sweat, his face was
slightly rosy and his hair was completely dishevelled. Bandages
were wrapped all around his torso while his arms felt numb.

Looking around he found himself in a dull room which was lit

by candle light. He was lying in an unadorned bed, to his right

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was a table and behind that was the door. To his left, he found a
chair, on it was the sack he had made with the Whiteback bears
fur and there was a window that looked into the broken town.
Unexpectedly the bag still contained the Savage beast Cores that
he obtained during his training.

He slowly thought back to what the last thing he did: I was

fighting against the Dire Wolf and then…

All of a sudden the memories rushed into his mind, from the
endless killing to the merciless torture of the Dire Wolf.

Amaysu’s face paled, losing all the blood on his rosy face.

“Blergh” Amaysu was uncontrollably vomiting on the floor.

He had killed Savage beasts before, but the way he killed the
Dire Wolf felt unreal and beyond what he could handle.

The memories that rushed into the blank space in his mind
felt different, it felt as if he was doing it himself, yet also
watching himself torment the Dire Wolf.

Amaysu was in this coughing and vomiting state for nearly

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five minutes .

“Huh…Huh” Breathing heavily he calmed himself down,

covering his face on his with his hands. His face was profusely
sweating, he couldn’t help but be disgusted at himself.

“Creak…” The door to the room slowly opened and an elderly

man who was wearing a brown robe came walking in, behind
him were two nurses.

“Ah? Mi Lord, you’re awake!” The elderly man said with

shock. He had expected that Amaysu would be asleep for a few
more days and had only come to check on his state.

“…” Amaysu was still pale in the face, his forehead still
covered in cold sweat and he looked quite feeble.

Amaysu looked at the elderly man and asked: “How long was I
out for?”

“A full day Mi Lord.” While the elderly man said this he

couldn’t help but remember the overbearing power that the boy
possessed the day before and how he had saved them all from

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certain death. This made the elderly man respect the boy even

The elderly man noticed the reeking stench in the air, finally
noticed the liquid on the floor.

“Clean the mess over here,” he said to the nurse to his left,
who immediately went to clean the vomit on the floor.

“Mi Lord, may I check your condition?”

Amaysu nodded once and then lay back in the bed, allowing
the elderly doctor to check him. The nurse to his right mixed
certain herbs with warm water and passed it to the doctor, who
passed it to Amaysu to drink.

“Do you know where Arisa and Raymond are?” Amaysu

hurriedly asked. He had just realised that they weren’t here
with him.

“Your siblings?”

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Amaysu nodded in response.

“They are being taken care of by your personal maid.”


“Yes Milord,” The elderly doctor nodded.

Amaysu slowly calmed himself down and lay back on the bed,
allowing the doctor to inspect him. Throughout the entire time,
Amaysu pondered, replaying the scenes in his mind again and
again. Even though he was sickened by the ruthless way he
acted, he couldn’t help but be in awe of the way he handled the
scythe so splendidly, as if it was one with his body. His
movements seemed as if they were full of openings, yet his
defence was impenetrable.

No matter how he tried to decipher the memory, it felt as if it

was not his own, he had used the Inherited Legacy in ways that
he could never think of and wasn’t burdened by the sheer
mental pressure.

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Three hours had quietly passed by, the doctor had long left
with his two nurses. Amaysu was staring vacantly at the ceiling,
he was in his own world.

“Knock… Knock”

“Enter,” Amaysu stated.

The door slowly opened and a young maid walked in: “Mi
Lord, the Patriarch requests your presence for the banquet he
has prepared for you.”

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Chapter 22 - Amaysu Faces Joseph

“Young master Amaysu, the Patriarch is requesting your

presence for the banquet he prepared.” The maid said
respectfully while taking secret glances at him.

Amaysu’s condition wasn’t great but he was strong enough to

take care of himself in case anything unexpected happened. He
was still cautious when he was in Joseph’s presence and now
that he had personally revealed the Inherited Legacy he felt
even more cautious.

Amaysu nodded, acknowledging the Joseph’s request. With

this, the maid left the room respectfully.

Amaysu lay back down in his bed, staring blankly at the dull
grey ceiling, after staying in this isolated mountain town for
nearly three months he realised that he had to leave now.

The dangers in this mountain village were great; he had to

leave this place for the sake of Raymond and Arisa. From the
few months, he had stayed in the town he came to know that
the nearest city was 100 Kilometres to the south. It was the
nearest big city and was where the mountain residence travelled

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to trade.

Amaysu felt lonely, melancholy filled his heart while he

thought, Must I really leave them behind. His only living family
members, he had to leave them behind in a safe place. Because
from the moment, he recovers completely he was prepared to
wholeheartedly train and cultivate.

Inside the main hall, there was a long wooden table that
stretched five metres in length and two metres in width. This
table was covered with a beautiful white cover, upon this
beautiful cloth was countless plates with many delicacies on it.

Even though the mansion was damaged, the food store had
survived and they did not lack in meat, herbs, spices or wine for
a feast to celebrate their saviour.

Joseph, Raza and Badar were seated quietly waiting for the
appearance of the main guest, Amaysu. They were dressed in
black, brown and brown robes respectfully.

“Creak…” Two maids opened the double door that led into the
main hall of the mansion.

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“Lord Amaysu is here.” With this introduction a young boy
walked in, dressed completely in a plain white robe that was
exemplified by his appearance. His sandy yet slightly wavy
brown hair was swept backwards, his ice cold mismatched eyes
casually looked around the hall.

The bandages could still be seen as it stretched all across his

torso and the lower half of his neck, showing that he was a long
way from healing completely.

“Young master Amaysu, thank you for gracing us with your

presence,” Joseph said with respect, which was how everyone
behaved when he was present.

Amaysu nodded, he looked at all the food with gluttony, it had

been quite long since his last meal but his outer appearance was
still cold, hiding the childish glint in his eyes. Because of the
fight against the Dire Wolf and also that moment when he
vomited heavily, his stomach was now completely empty and he
wanted to replenish himself with the delicacies in front of him.

Amaysu sat down quietly and looked at the food, gulping

without being able to help himself but he still kept his guard up.

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Joseph seeing this smiled, “Maids pour the Young master
some wine.”

Amaysu looked up and then glanced at the bottle of wine

being brought up towards him, he merely put his hand up in a
motion telling the maid to stop, “I don’t drink so there’s no
need to pour it for me.”

Joseph still kept the smile on his face and responded: “Then
forget about it, let us begin the meal.”

Amaysu watched the maids bringing the plates of meat

towards him, Amaysu didn’t refrain himself and took a large
chunk, his appetite had already reached its peak.

Amaysu ate very quickly, yet his table manners were such that
it didn’t diminish his noble stature. While he was eating the
maids had all left the hall leaving only the three men and

While Amaysu was drinking a cup of water, Joseph abruptly

spoke: “Young master Amaysu, thank you for saving our
humble mountain town, would you tell us your plans for the

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Amaysu carried on eating and then stopped, with a sigh he

replied: “I intend on leaving this mountain town and visit the
biggest city in the area.” After saying this he looked at Joseph
who was smiling at him, he still hadn’t touched the food on his
plate, his gaze switched towards Raza and Badar, they hadn’t
touched their foods either.

When he noticed this Amaysu frowned, he felt something was

wrong and put down the cup to look at Joseph.

Joseph’s smile slowly turned cold, he nodded in agreement

and carried on: “Young master, we still haven’t had the honour
of meeting your master, can you please call him for us?”

Amaysu frowned; he knew his ruse had been uncovered. He

had already expected it. Since it was already uncovered there
was no point of him acting on it anymore. “Let’s end this ruse,”
Amaysu replied coldly, his right hand was glowing with faint
silver light that was too insignificant for the naked eye to

“I agree,” Joseph said, his body was exuding killing intent,

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immediately jumping away from the table and landing five
metres away from the table. At the same time, Raza and Badar
escaped through the doors, why you ask? Amaysu did not know.

Amaysu gradually got up after wiping the end of his lips with
a piece of cloth, he looked up at the well built and muscular man
with his imperfect eyes. “Joseph. What do you want?” Amaysu
already knew what he wanted and was expecting it as soon as he
activated his Inherited Legacy the other day.

“Young master Amaysu; you already know I want the

Inherited Legacy you possess and all the treasures you obtained
from that treasure trove behind those doors.” Joseph self-
mockingly still called Amaysu ‘Young master’.

Amaysu smirked coldly, looking at Joseph with disdain: “If

you want my Inherited Legacy you’re going to have to kill me…
Joseph you know you’re no match for me.”

“I know with your current strength and Inherited Legacy, I’m

no match, but… Don’t you feel any different.”

When Amaysu heard this, his smirk disappeared and he stared

at Joseph. All of a sudden his body started trembling and his

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body felt feeble, it was like his bones had turned to mush and
felt breakable. A splitting headache crashed into him making
him feel nauseated and clouded, Amaysu understood
immediately: “You Poisoned me?!”

Amaysu was clever, a genius even, but being a genius cannot

hide his naivety and inexperience. He had spent most of his life
pent-up in the palace, only conversing with nobility and his
teachers. The only moment he had gone out to experience the
real world was with his master. He lacked something important
in life, experience.

Joseph without replying, abruptly rushed at Amaysu with the

intent to kill, smashing the table to one side, clenching his fist,
he slammed it into Amaysu’s chest.

“Guh!” Amaysu coughed out a mouthful of saliva as he was

sent tumbling backwards.

“ARGH!” Amaysu roared as the broken rib bones poked at his

lungs, a piercing pain caused his breathing to be affected, blood
coursed through him violently and started swelling in his throat
caused him to feel uncomfortable while his innards were
experiencing fiery pain that caused him to heat up.

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When Amaysu woke up, he still had about half of his original
strength, but because of the poison, he could only muster about
a third of his original strength.

With his breathing being affected Amaysu coughed blood

while his heart was in pain. He Staggered up. He noticed Joseph
rushing towards him once again leaving him no time to prepare.
“Shit!” Amaysu muttered as he tried activating Lunar Moon
dance to dodge Joseph’s right swing.

But against his expectations, his body wasn’t listening to his

brain and was falling behind. Joseph punched Amaysu into the
side of his ribs once again and without backing down he grabbed
Amaysu’s shoulders and slammed his knee into his stomach.
Joseph didn’t stop and spun, sending a roundhouse kick
towards the boys ribs once again.

Joseph already knew, Amaysu’s condition so he attacked his

weak points.

“Bang!” Amaysu was helpless in his nauseated and feeble

state, but he managed to raise his arms to block the kick but was
sent soaring through the air once again, coughing blood which
splattered onto the tiled floor of the hall. In a moment, his body
crashed against the halls wall.

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“Yes, I did poison you with the Bone Deteriorating poison.
This poison will slowly numb your nerves and cause your bones
to go feeble for a long time.” After brutally attacking Amaysu’s
weak points, Joseph arrogantly explained.

Amaysu was lying against the wall of the hall, agonising pain
coursed through his upper body as they struck his pain
receptors again and again. He had been winded by the constant
attacks to his chest and stomach, making it so that when he
breathed it would make grating sounds.

The reason Amaysu couldn’t fight back against Joseph was

because the poison affected his mental condition, so it
prevented him from activating his Inherited Legacy which
requires strong mental capabilities. So in his weakened state he
had a hard time fighting back without the legacies help.

“Damn it!” Amaysu growled, he glared needles at Joseph. This

was the first time that Amaysu had been so brutally stomped on,
and he found it embarrassing. “You caused this upon yourself!”

Amaysu directly jabbed at different pressure points around his

body, then he punched his stomach heavily causing him to pale

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Straight after he started vomiting all the food he ate back out
again, but this time, it came out with blood which contained
traces of black in it.

Amaysu used his sleeve to wipe his lips, his body felt numb
and weak. He could only apply quick treatment to himself for
now. Despite coughing the poison out of his body, there were
still some lingering elements in his blood.

There was a flaw in the technique that Amaysu used to

prevent the Body Deteriorating poison to seep any further, it
caused his internals to fall into disorder. However, he had
reduced the effect of the poison and it would only linger for a
little while longer.

Amaysu swayed as he tried to stand still, extending his arms

out, silver molecules started floating off him and coalesced in
the in front of his hands. It formed the scythe from his
memories. Furthermore, Amaysu started producing a faint
silver light.

Amaysu grabbed the centre of the handle, a deadly killing

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intent was being exuded from him. Amaysu’s piercing eyes
caused Joseph who had been holding the advantage the entire
time to shiver.

Amaysu rushed at Joseph, holding the scythe without any

commitment. The connection he felt with the scythe was very
close as if it was meant to be used by him since the day he was
born. He also had a connection to the sword, but it wasn’t as
deep as the connection he had with the scythe.

Slashing down diagonally, he caused a violent swirl of wind to

slash at the stunned Joseph. Knowing that he couldn’t take this
attack head on, Joseph leapt to the opposite direction of the
swing of the scythe.

“Humph,” Amaysu snorted in disdain.

Clenching his left fist tightly, he heavily smashed it into

Joseph’s chest.

“Crack” The sound of ribs breaking was as clear as birds

chirping in the morning, Joseph was sent tumbling backwards.
The reason Joseph’s ribs broke and Amaysu’s didn’t during
their exchanges, was because Amaysu trained his body with the

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Emperor Arts which tempered his body making it stronger than
ordinary people.

Joseph coughed blood, which splattered all over the floor.

“How come you got stronger so quickly?” Joseph asked in a
stunned voice, with lingering fear.

What Joseph didn’t know was that one of the reasons Amaysu
gained the advantage so quickly was because his mind was clear
from the nauseating effects of the poison which was expelled
and also his Inherited Legacy was supporting him.

But even with the nauseating effect being expelled he

shouldn’t have such an advantage. The main reason for this is
that in the life and death fight against the Dire Wolf he was
constantly being battered. This forced his body to repair itself
with more effort which made him a lot stronger, allowing him
to rapidly reach the 4th rank of the Fighter stage.

Amaysu snorted coldly, ignored his question and without

giving him the room to breathe he closed in towards the
crawling figure of Joseph. Lifting his leg, he slammed his foot
into Josephs rib cage, forcing his figure to be blown away like a
powerless ragdoll.

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“Boom!” Joseph slammed onto the seat on the higher
platform, shattering it into countless pieces. Amaysu looked at
his sorry figure with disdain, he also hated the fact that he let
Joseph hold the advantage for only a few moments.

The once proud patriarch of the Averice clan was now in a

sorry state, the whole situation was flipped around. He slowly
stood up, bleeding from his head, blood stains were all over his
black robes and if you could see under his robes, you could see
that his chest had dark purple to near black patches.

Within the pile of broken wood from the chair, Joseph pulled
a sword which was sheathed in leather which he prepared
earlier. Unsheathing the sword, Joseph took a stance preparing
for a life and death battle.


All of a sudden two cries that made Amaysu’s mind tremble

pierced through the hall.

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Chapter 23 - Inherited Legacy Bloodtekros

The two cries were like sharp blades that cut through
Amaysu, his body turned rigid while his mind trembled. He
turned to face the origin of the voice to meet Raza and Badar
who were carrying two toddlers.

Held in unfamiliar arms, Arisa and Raymond were crying


Panic quickly surfaced on Amaysu’s face, understanding why

these two men had rushed out of the hall; It was to find his

Without putting any thought into it, Amaysu ran impulsively

at the fastest speed he could muster. His feet were already heavy
and he was lacking in stamina.

“You bastards!” He roared. In a matter of moments he reached

them, but all of a sudden Joseph appeared like a flash. Because
of his panic, Amaysu didn’t register his surroundings and
allowed Joseph to close in.

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Joseph swung down the sword like a battleaxe, cleaving
through the air.


Without any hope of dodging Amaysu quickly raised the

scythe and used both of his hands to hold the handle.

“Clank” The sound of two metals crashing into each other

echoed out, with this Amaysu who was in a panicked state was
sent flying backwards due to the battering force held by the

Amaysu tumbled backwards and rolled like tumbleweed.

When he stopped, he noticed that his hands were ringing to

Looking up his gaze was immediately met by Joseph’s who

was standing right next to Raza and Badar.

“Father, that woman was rather unhelpful, but when we kept

a sword near her throat she gave these two to us,” Raza said to
his father while he indicated Arisa and Raymond.

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Amaysu was helpless in this situation, his naivety had brought
his downfall. He had trusted a stranger and this was what he got
in return. Nevertheless, he couldn’t blame her for his stupidity,
because if someone had the choice between living and dying
they would immediately choose to live.

But Amaysu was only a thirteen-year-old boy, he was a lot

more mature than those in his age group but he was still a
thirteen-year-old boy and not an adult.

Joseph nodded and then turned to Amaysu, the greed in his

eyes could not be hidden any longer. “Amaysu this was our
backup plan in case I couldn’t match you even with the poison
in effect. So Amaysu, I’ll give you one chance and one chance
only, hand over the Inherited Legacy and everything else you
found behind those doors.”

Amaysu was trying to find a solution because he needed the

Inherited Legacy for revenge, but he couldn’t lose his last family
members. What can I do? What can I do? I can’t give the
Inherited Legacy away… but… Realisation dawned upon him.
The Inherited Legacy could be shared between the main
Inheritor and others.

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While keeping the same panicked expression on his face, he
slowly calmed himself down and thought through his plan.
Even if you have heard about the Inherited Legacy what could
you possibly know about it? As soon as you pass Arisa and
Raymond over, I’ll personally cripple you. This was Amaysu’s

Amaysu was right, Joseph’s knowledge regarding Inherited

Legacies was limited, besides the legend and rumours about it,
he did not have any other information regarding it.

“Okay Joseph, I’ll hand over the Inherited Legacy.”

Joseph stared back in disbelief, he expected some rebellion,

but against his expectations, this powerful young boy was
complying, which made him cautious.

“Okay then pass me the Inherited Legacy! If you try

anything…” Frowning slightly, he still smiled viciously as he
moved the sword closer to the two toddlers.

“STOP!… I said I’ll give you the Legacy.”

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Amaysu took a deep breath in and raised his right arm and
opened his palm. Three streams of silver specks started flowing
from his palm and floated into the air above it, converging into
a form. The sight was mesmerising, the light emitted by the
Nanotekros dimmed the lights of the surrounding, drawing in
the curiosity of the few in the room.

To pass a fragment of the Inherited Legacy was a hard and

arduous task at Amaysu’s level. By completely focussing on the
task at hand, it took him about one-sixth of an hour before he
was able to completely form the ‘seed’.

As the last specks of silver converged, it formed a silver

crystal-like seed that hovered above his palm, in size it was
similar to a fingernail.

Amaysu was sweating profusely, but he grabbed onto the

hovering seed and threw it towards Joseph who caught it right
away: “Eat it.”

Joseph frowned, he was slightly suspicious towards this

lustrous seed, but due to his lack of knowledge he had to accept

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He turned to face Raza and Badar, giving them a nod he faced
Amaysu: “If anything goes wrong, your siblings will lose a

Amaysu stayed silent and watched.

Swallowing the seed, Joseph felt no different. However, silver

specks started permeating from his body, except it was a tiny
fraction of the amount that Amaysu could summon.

Joseph tried to command the silver specks, but could only

awkwardly move it around as a whole. This boy’s strength is far
deeper than what I expected. I can only use a fraction of the
power he can use and still not use it as long as he can. Joseph
looked up at Amaysu and understood that this boy was far
stronger than he appeared.

He realised Just controlling the Inherited Legacy was

exhausting and would lead to severe exhaustion, he couldn’t
help but be in awe of the boys abilities.

“Joseph hand my siblings over.”

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All of a sudden a shout was heard from across the room
pulling Joseph out of his thoughts. Joseph looked at the feeble
figure of Amaysu and smiled. “Ah? Did you not hear me say ‘
hand over everything you found’?.”

Amaysu’s temper was rising, he couldn’t believe how

shameless this man was: “There are no treasures Joseph. That is
nothing more than a shelter.” through gritted teeth, Amaysu
said helplessly.

“There are no Treasures? Shelter? Do you still not understand

what position you’re in? Then let me help you understand.”
Joseph drew the blade close to Raymond, without any
hesitation the steel touched the soft, supple skin of Raymond’s
hand, drawing blood.

As blood streamed down from Raymond’s hand a painful

scream echoed across the room. Amaysu stared in horror, the
cry seemed to poke at his heart.

The cry triggered the sleeping baleful emotion deep inside

Amaysu’s heart to bloom once again with hatred and
resentment. However, this time, it didn’t alter Amaysu’s
personality but rather brought with it a surge of killing intent
that was as strong as a raging storm.

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A mountain like pressure exploded out of Amaysu, the
atmosphere in the hall became dense immediately, suffocating
the trio:

“Joseph… Death won’t relieve my rage… I will erase you from

existence.” Amaysu voiced out, the killing intent in his ice cold
voice was as clear as day. This caused Joseph to quiver with
dread because he felt the pure hatred in his voice. Raza and
Badar were quivering uncontrollably, the iciness of the pressure
was not something they could handle.

Amaysu didn’t explode with rage, it was the opposite his

demeanour was a foreboding calmness. His imperfect eyes were
glowing with a red tint. Nevertheless, in Amaysu’s heart, he
wanted to rip Joseph apart and completely erase him.

The Core of the Inherited Legacy was responding to Amaysu’s

emotion, fluctuating back and forth between a blood red and
pristine silver colour.

A shocking scene erupted, silver specks started fluctuating

from silver to red in the same manner as the Core, transforming
between a silver and blood red mist. The Nanotekro’s

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permeating from Joseph started floating towards Amaysu,
ready to obey his every command.


Amaysu took a step forward, with each step the pressure

released by him increased, the bursting Will to kill was
something he himself had only experienced once before. Joseph
was unable to judge the change in this boy’s personality and
demeanour, it was too abnormal and unpredictable.

Joseph shrunk as he faced Amaysu’s sharp, numbing gaze:

“Hey! Hey! Come any closer and they’ll die!” Joseph shouted
quickly, as he drew the sword closer to Raymond, his sword
hand clearly quivering, while Raza and Badar stared in fear
cowering backwards.

“Shut up” Amaysu responded with a fierce growl. His aura

grew even more ferocious, it didn’t cool down the surrounding
temperature but rather caused the trio to subconsciously shiver.

“Joseph… Remember greed is your downfall…” Raising his

right arm he uttered a single word: “ERASE.”

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Obeying his commands and also seeming to understand his
raw emotion, the Inherited Legacy roared into life and stormed
towards the trio like a swarm of locusts.

It enveloped them completely, leaving the trio no room to

even breathe. The fluctuating specks were buzzing as they
crashed into each other, each one aiming to complete the
command to their best degree.

As this was happening a fraction of the red specks

transformed into two enormous floating hands. They picked up
Arisa and Raymond, carrying them away from the swarm of
Nanotekros, towards Amaysu who had his arms open ready for
an embrace.

As his siblings came into his embrace, the blood red

Nanotekro’s dispersed from the bodies of Joseph, Raza and
Badar. It left absolutely nothing behind, everything was erased
from existence, devoured by the Inherited Legacy. The trio
wasn’t even given the privilege to scream, only silence was left
in their place.

The entire process from him entering the hall to him killing
the trio lasted for about half an hour.

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While Amaysu was in his embrace, the Nanotekro’s returned
to their original silver colour and landed on the surface of
Amaysu’s body, coating him to support him.

The Core also transformed back to its original silver colour

and the red tint in his eyes also disappeared without a trace.

Time slowly passed by, Amaysu’s emotions calmed down,

reason and humanity returned to him. Thinking about the fact
that he had just killed three men made his face pale: “I…
Really… Killed them?”

Nevertheless, his face only paled, he felt heavily nauseated,

but he didn’t vomit to relieve the turmoil in his body. Compared
to the merciless and ruthless torture of the Dire Wolf this would
have been considered merciful. Despite that, he still killed a
human being, someone of his own kind.

Amaysu looked down to see Raymond whose arm was slightly

bleeding, both siblings were still sobbing. Tearing a piece of
cloth from his robe, he gently wrapped it around his wound.

“I’m sorry!” Amaysu murmured towards them.

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Standing up, with Arisa and Raymond in his embrace, he
looked at the empty space, his mind occupied by what had just
happened, he only had one answer: “Nanotekro Inherited
Legacy Second Stage: Bloodtekros .”

The Second stage was something his father had shown him
when he was a child, this stage could only be used when
someone reached the Body Transformation stage.

Father said that it could only be used at the Body

Transformation stage… Mine was incomplete… But the burden
is something I can’t handle at my level. Amaysu realised that he
had subconsciously activated an incomplete version of the
Second stage, despite this, it was still heavily taxing to his mind
and body.

After resting for a brief moment and calming Arisa and

Raymond down, he rushed through the door leaving the hall

In ten minutes Amaysu was standing at the edge of the town,

carrying his siblings. He was wearing a new clean black cloak
and black clothes underneath. He carried a sack with all the
Savage beast cores inside over his shoulders, the Emperor Arts

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manual was tucked away underneath his clothes.

“It’s time to leave.”

Without turning back Amaysu rushed into the woods, leaving

the place that he had stayed for most of his life. Where his
family, the Royal family of the greatest empire on the continent
once stood,the homeland of the Dasecris clan,

Amaysu took his first steps into the new era.

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Chapter 24 - Goodbye Raymond, Arisa

Leirak City is one of the cities controlled by one of the great,

Nine Overlord sects, the Blood Sword Sect.

The city had more than five times the area of the mountain
town that was the humble abode of the Averice clan.

Leirak City stood tall and strong, fortified by walls that

protected it against any possible attack. Even though they knew
that attacking them was the same as offending the great sect
behind them, they still had a wall to protect its citizens.

The centre of the city had a tall magnificent building and

surrounding it were many buildings, but none as tall as the
central building.

This particular day was slightly cold, with occasional Winter

breezes, signs of the seasons changing were already being seen.
The sun had just risen and was shining upon the city full of
people. The city was alive, people bustling through the streets
to get to their destinations, children playing around and
merchants trading.

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At this moment, walking through the barren grasslands
outside the city, a slender figure dressed completely in black
was vaguely seen walking towards the wall. A sack slung over
his shoulders, two toddlers wearing fur coats in his hand he
walked towards the crowded gates of the wall. This slender
figure was Amaysu and in his arms were Raymond and Arisa.

It had taken Amaysu ten days to reach the city which would
have taken him a day at most, he had carefully tread through
the forest for the safety of his siblings and spent most of the
journey experimenting with his Inherited Legacy.

The closer he got towards the crowded gates, more and more
people noticed him. He exuded a different aura, one that caused
the people to move aside to allow him to walk.

His face was covered by the hood of his black cloak, the cloak
would occasionally whip around because of the wind. Even
while walking casually he was emanating the natural aura of a
noble that was ingrained into his very being. One that had been
born from the greatest Empire raised and tempered by the
noblest of nobles, the Dasecris royal family.

“Halt!” Two tall, muscular men called out to stop Amaysu in

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his tracks. They were armed completely in uniform armour.
The two men looked at him and saw the two toddlers he was
carrying, yet they didn’t say anything.

Amaysu looked up at the men, his face hidden by the cloak’s

hood. These two men have reached the 3rd Rank of the Fighter
stage… Impressive… I guess I’ll find more people like these two
in this city.

Leirak city was a 2nd class city controlled by one of the

Overlord sects. It was governed by a Body Transformation
expert, so it was expected that this city was full of Fighter stage

Amaysu had little information regarding the Nine Overlord

sects and the two Mysterious clans. However, he knew that
these forces occupied the land that once belonged to the
Dasecris Empire, his Empire.

“Hm?” Amaysu grumbled in confusion.

“To pass into the city, you must pay five gold coins per
person.” The man on the right spoke.

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Amaysu furrowed his eyebrows slightly, he lacked money, but
he was prepared to pay with a different currency.

Laying his two siblings on the floor, he casually pulled out a

Low Rank 1 Savage beast core out of his pocket. The two men
were slightly surprised that this slender, skinny figure
possessed a Rank 1 core. This either meant that he was strong
enough to fight against Rank 1 Savage beasts or he had a
significant background backing him. These two men naturally
thought of the latter.

Amaysu nonchalantly tossed the Rank 1 core to the man on

the right. He then picked up the toddlers and proceeded
through the gates without a second glance, allowing the two
men to follow him through their gazes as he disappeared into
the crowd.

Two days later.

In a park that was located within the city, an elderly man and
young woman were walking through the grass carrying bags.

“Grandpa Will! Wait for me!” A Young woman in her early

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twenties called out towards the Elderly man. She was average in
appearance and figure, wore a long-sleeved blue dress.

“Emma walk faster, the children in the orphanage are waiting

for us.” The elderly man she called ‘grandpa Will’ stopped to
turn towards the young woman, to give her a stern gaze. This
old man looked to be in his late sixties, he had relaxed features
and gave out an amiable temperament.

“Yes grandpa,” Emma smiled thinking of seeing those cute

smiling faces again.

“…” Walking further through the park the duo heard a faint
harmonious sound that rippled through the air towards them.

“Where is it coming from?” Emma muttered as she relished

the calming melody. She then slowly walked in the direction of
where the soft sound was coming from.

Grandpa Will followed her, also curious, he wanted to know

where this soothing melody was coming from.

Walking through the park, the sound grew louder and louder,

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filling the elder and young woman with a warm feeling that
calmed their hearts.

They finally came to a stop, in an area where a lone tree stood

next to a small pond. A boy wearing black clothes sat there
leaning against the trees trunk while playing the Ocarina, two
toddlers were playing in front of him.

The serene atmosphere was peaceful and relaxed. The boy’s

sandy brown hair fluttered occasionally, his eyes were closed
and his fingers were moving between air holes skillfully. His
temperament wouldn’t allow anyone to come near him,
separating him from them as if he was from another world.

The scene caused Emma to stare with a dazed expression, this

was the first time she had ever seen such a beautiful and
handsome boy in her entire life.

After a while a small crowd gathered around Amaysu, not a

single person dared to make a sound, listening with an
appreciative yet dazed expression.

The group of people were mesmerised by the handsome

appearance of the young boy in front of them and his talent in

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playing the Ocarina, this scene in front of them would only be
seen in paintings.

After a couple more minutes passed Amaysu played the last

notes of this piece. Opening his eyes his eyes swept around
casually, his gaze swept through the crowd and for just a
moment his eyes stopped on the elderly man. Eh? That old man
is a 6th rank Fighter.

When Amaysu’s gaze swept past Emma, she noticed the

hidden sadness and loneliness that was carried deep in this boys

Amaysu walked towards Arisa and Raymond, without giving

the people around him a second glance he picked the two up and
walked away. He was being sent off by the admiring gazes of the
handful of people.

“Let’s return.” Grandpa Will said to Emma, who looked at the

back of the young man for some lingering moments before

A few dozen metres ahead, Amaysu stared into the distance,

his heart was filled with mixed emotions.

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He couldn’t help but sigh and accept the fact that he had to
give up his siblings. “Today is your birthday and this is going to
be the last time I play the Ocarina for you, Arisa…Raymond.”

He made a resolute decision, quelling the mixed emotion in

his heart, resolving his sadness.

Inside a manor house that was in Leirak city, an elderly man

and young woman smiled as they were crowded by nearly three
dozen youngsters from all direction. They all had the untainted
innocence of childhood, their smiles pure and their actions
filled with sincerity.

This manor was an orphanage that was funded by Grandpa

Will and his employees. Why would someone pursue to take
care of orphans? The answer was that Grandpa Will did this
bring smiles to these orphans and fill the empty hole in his
heart. He had lived a long and unfulfilling life, but these
children brought him happiness.

Grandpa Will, in his younger days, was an orphan just like

these kids, but he still had dreams, through hard work he
became a captain of the city guards, respected by many of his

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colleagues for his trustworthiness and loyalty. But there was
only one thing in life he never had, that was family and now he
considered these orphans as his family.

“Grandpa! What did you bring us today?” They all asked him.

“Don’t annoy grandpa,” Emma said from one side, with a

stern expression with no resolve behind it.

Will smile at these kids and started handing out the gifts that
he bought for them, his heart was being filled with the smiles of
these children.

Like this hour’s passed by, while they played with the orphans
that lived in the manor while the workers also joined in. These
workers were also orphans that were raised by this old man and
they were grateful towards him.

Later that night inside a room deep within the manor that was
lit by a few candle light, isolated from the other rooms, Emma
stood quietly looking at Grandpa Will.

The window was open allowing cold air into the room.

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Grandpa Will was sitting in a chair pondering about certain
matters with a smile on his face. Emma stood at one side
allowing the elderly man to think, she was grateful to this man,
he had picked her from the streets from the mere age of 8 and
raised her since then.

“WHOOSH,” A sudden burst of freezing cold air stirred the

room, causing the two to shiver slightly.

“WHO?!” Grandpa Will shouted out as he looked around,

sensing that something had entered the room.

“Tap…Tap,” exactly at the same time he called out, a figure

walked out from a part of the room where the candle light did
not reach, his face was revealed by the candle light, his eyes
seemed to glow in the presence of the darkness.

“You?!” Grandpa Will and Emma shouted simultaneously,

they were both shocked to see the appearance of the handsome
boy from earlier today. He still had a sack over his shoulder and
two toddlers who were leaning on his chest, their intelligent
eyes looking straight at the duo.

Amaysu walked around the room in a relaxed manner, one

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eyebrow raised, “Isn’t this an orphanage?” Amaysu asked,
ignoring their shock.

The duo stood still and then they both nodded, not offended
by his negligence.

Amaysu casually glanced at them and then looked down at his

siblings in his arms.

Emma and Grandpa Will both sensed the melancholy and

immense loneliness that this boy was feeling in his heart
through his eyes once again. This feeling caused even them to
feel sorrowful for this unknown boy in front of them.

Amaysu let out a sigh of reluctance and lay Arisa and

Raymond onto the floor. He raised his right arm and two tiny
silver orb like pills that were about the same size as a thumb
appeared in his hand.

These silver orb like pills were smaller versions of the more
powerful Silver Burst. Amaysu had spent many days
experimenting with the Silver Burst and after many days, he
finally created this miniature Silver Burst.

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As long as he input some instructions into these small silver
orbs, they would follow it. This time, he had made it with
certain instructions for his siblings safety.

He had also spent an extra two days in the city, spending his
time gaining information and that’s how he came across this

Amaysu tossed it towards them. When they caught it he said:

“Eat it.”

“What?” Emma asked in confusion, which gradually started to

contain traces of anger. “You want us to eat something you gave
us, it could be poison for all we know.”

Amaysu frowned, but Grandpa Will suddenly spoke out:

“Emma eat it, he has no evil intentions.” With this, he tossed
the silver pill into his mouth and swallowed it with no
hesitation. He could sense that this boy had no qualms with
them and he understood that this was some type of precaution.

Emma was hesitant, she wasn’t convinced, however, she still

followed Will’s actions.

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Amaysu looked at them, astonished for a moment; he
expected a little more resistance. “Thank you.” he said calmly
with some traces of gratitude.

“What was that pill?” Emma asked she wasn’t going to feel
comfortable until she knew what it was.

“A precaution, this is for the safety of my siblings… I will

leave them here from this day onwards and that pill will
prevent you from ever harming them. If there ever comes a time
where you have the intention to harm them, this would

Amaysu revealed a small silver orb that was about half the size
of the thumb-sized one he had given them. Placing it on the
thick table beside them, a silent explosion occurred. That tiny
explosion left a small perfect crater on the thick table.

Emma and Grandpa Will’s eyes widened as they stared at him

in disbelief.

“As long as you have no intentions to harm them in any way,

you’ll be fine.” Amaysu said with indifference.

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Amaysu then once again opened his hand, ignoring the
disbelieving gaze of the duo. Two pristine silver seeds appeared
on his palm, they lit the entire room with its shine.

This was a seed similar to the one he had created for Joseph,
except these two pristine silver seeds could never be compared
to the ones he created for Joseph; it was like comparing the
light of fireflies to that of the moon. Amaysu had spent two
weeks, spending most of his time creating these seeds.

The difference was that they were much more powerful, only
a level below the Core of the Inherited Legacy. He would be able
to sense these seeds even if he was half way across the world.
The most important aspect of these seeds was that if Arisa and
Raymond ever faced imminent danger, the Inherited Legacy
would take over and protect them.

Awe was clearly written on Emma’s and the old man’s face
when the Inherited Legacy seeds appeared.

Amaysu bent down, allowing the seeds to float towards Arisa

and Raymond. The seeds entered their mouth and they
swallowed it down.

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Amaysu looked at Raymond and said with a smile: “Raymond
don’t forget to protect your sister while I’m gone.”

Picking them both up for one last time Amaysu carried them
to the old man and the young woman. “Remember, no matter
what you do that pill will never leave your body. If you try
taking it out, it will explode, killing you instantly. Only I can
take it out. On the day I come back I will take the pills out of
your body, but until then don’t even dare to think of harming
my siblings.”

When Amaysu said this, they were staring at him in disbelief.

From what he said, they didn’t dare take the risk of taking that
silver pill out of their body after seeing how powerful it was.

This entire exchange lasted only a few minutes. This boy had
sent them through a whirl of emotions and disbelief, this boy
proceeded at his own pace not allowing them to comprehend
what was going on.

After this, Amaysu handed his siblings over to Grandpa Will

and Emma. He felt an incredible surge of loneliness and sadness
creep into his heart; he was going to leave his last family
members behind. He spent two weeks creating as many
precautions and safety measures into the Inherited Legacy and

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the silver orbs to make sure nothing bad happens to them.

He understood that what he was doing was stupid and

overwhelmingly naive, this could all turn against him and he
would lose his loved ones, but this was a risk he had to take.
With all the precautions in place, he was confident that they
would be safe until the day he came back for them.

Amaysu took the sack off of his shoulder and threw it towards
Grandpa Will. “Sell these and keep the money.”

Grandpa Will took the sack and opened it, his pupils dilated
he was stunned by the contents of the sack. The bag was full of
Savage beast cores, most of these cores were High Rank 1 cores
and there were even a few Low Rank 2 cores.

He then looked up to face Amaysu, the astonishment on his

face could not be hidden.Could this boy have killed all these
Savage beasts and obtained their cores? Wouldn’t that mean he
is, at least, a 4th rank Fighter… Impossible! He looks so young.

“Did you obtain all this by yourself?” he asked, his hands

clearly trembling slightly.

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Amaysu nodded, causing a dumbfounded expression to appear
on the old man’s face. A genius was all that he could use to
describe this boy.

Amaysu looked at them one last time and turned around to

walk to the window. Each step he took was heavy and lonely, he
didn’t turn back afraid that he wouldn’t be able to leave.

All of a sudden two squeaky sounds shook him, “B..ra.dah”

Arisa and Raymond as if knowing what he was about to do,
started calling out to him.

Amaysu smiled bitterly, his heart full of melancholy. I’ll

return Raymond… Arisa. When that day comes, I’ll be strong
enough to protect you from all dangers of this world.

Without turning back, Amaysu uttered his last words to them:

“Goodbye Raymond, Arisa.”

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Chapter 25 - Two Years Pass

Two years passed by in the blink of an eye, the seasons swiftly

changed, storms had brewed and died down, and floods had
appeared and receded. In two years many things had occurred
within the Savage Kings Forest.

The Savage Kings Forest is one of the biggest forests on the

entire continent standing alongside two other forests that are
similar in size. Huge Savage beasts were constantly roaming
across the forest, loud nonstop roars could be heard from all
directions, and these roars were ferocious, full of bloodthirsty
killing intent that could cause any human to shiver in

The cold season had arrived and for more than a week, the sky
had been blocked by dark and dull clouds that floated in the air,
while soft white snow drifted down towards the vast, endless
Savage Kings Forest, covering the vibrant green trees in a soft
white cover.

Deep within the inner outskirts of the Savage Kings forest,

there existed many streams and waterfalls. The rolling sounds
of water drifting through paved pathways and hitting rocks was
a common sound that was heard all the time.

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In one area within the forest that contained a waterfall similar
to many others, there was a melodious tune flowing together
with the crashing water of the waterfall. In a matter of
moments, the melody disappeared as fast as it had appeared,
disappearing with the flow of the waterfall.


After a while, the sound of bones shattering was heard within

this area.

When one entered this area they would see a large cliff that
was at least 30 meters tall, water was flowing down from the
cliff and hitting a natural formed, bowl shaped pool of water
below it causing the water to form a white foam and bubbles. In
the centre of the pool of water there was a large boulder and
sitting on it was a figure leaning against a long scythe chewing
on a bone, as soon as he finished he threw the bone into the
distance, to the area surrounding the water.

The figure then picked another bone covered with meat and
started devouring it.

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The figure was sitting cross-legged on top of the large boulder;
he was leaning against the handle of a long silver scythe. This
figure was only wearing a trouser made from beautiful soft
white fur while a coat made from the same material was set
aside. The boy looked to be around 15 to 16 years old, his
features were striking and impossible to ignore, his long sandy
brown hair descended down to his waist, he had soft white skin
that was full of life and even though he was slim; his taut
muscles were visible and full of power.

The boy had a high nose that was chiselled to fit perfectly on
his face; his eyebrows were full but fair. His eyes were abnormal
yet intoxicating to anyone that locked eyes with him. They were
of two different colours: A dark brown that was close to black
while the other was a golden copper that resembled actual gold.
These eyes were indifferent and were ice cold, revealing nothing
while hiding his thoughts and emotions. This boy was none
other than Amaysu Dasecris.

Amaysu had spent two years training under a gruesome

regiment, where he would start his training at the first sight of
the sun until the moon was halfway through its journey across
the sky. He would always collapse when he reached his cave
which was hidden behind the curtain of water and wake up to
sore muscles yet the deep hatred in his heart would carry him
forward through another day of gruelling training.

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Amaysu no longer possessed the previous childlike and
slightly feminine features two years prior to his training. His
features were sharp like a chiselled sculpture but contained a
trace of his youth to show that he was still very young.

Amaysu swallowed the last piece of cooked meat and threw

the bone into the distance to the exact same spot he threw the
previous bone. The bone crashed into a pile of other bones that
was covered by a layer of soft snow, but what was shocking
about this was that the pile of bones was stacked about a meter
high, which showed how shocking Amaysu’s appetite had

Another shocking sight was that even though the

surroundings were covered with layers and layers of snow, the
spot Amaysu was sitting on was clear without a speck of snow
on it. Furthermore, the air around Amaysu was strained as
fluctuations similar to heat waves could be seen.

“Three times the normal gravity is no longer effective

anymore.” Amaysu murmured to himself, his voice was
pleasant but void of any type of emotion. As of this moment,
Amaysu was already under the increased gravity training
method of the Emperor arts. Even while eating, training or
sleeping he would always have the effect of the Emperor Arts
active, so his body was constantly being refined and

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“As soon as I am able to withstand 5 times greater than the

normal gravity I will finally reach the Body Transformation
stage.” The First Chapter of the Emperor Arts only needed its
cultivator to withstand 5 times greater than normal gravity
meaning that the gravity would be double of the strength of the
previous downward force.

Amaysu stood up to his full height which was around 1.75

meters tall and stretched allowing his joints to crack. He left the
scythe on the boulder, he calmly respired, without any
implications; he immediately jumped off the boulder, towards a
bulky tree in the surrounding cluster of trees.

“Soft Palm” Amaysu voiced in his heart, in a few seconds he

arrived in front of the tree’s trunk. His palm lightly tapped the
surface of the trunk.

“…” For mere moments, nothing happened, but there was no

change in Amaysu’s expression.

“BOOM” All of a sudden, the back of the trunk exploded,

splinters and bark flew out rapidly, each piece stabbing into the

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ground and trees in the surroundings, leaving behind a ravaged

From the front, it looked as if nothing had changed, but the

devastation was clear when one looked at the back of the trunk.
But this was nowhere near his full strength as it was held back
by the intense gravity surrounding him, slowing down his

Amaysu clenched his fist tightly and then released, “I’ve

finally consolidated the 7th rank of the Fighter stage.”

A small smile appeared on his face, it took him 2 entire years

to reach the 7th rank of the Fighter stage and firmly consolidate
it, this cultivation speed was quite slow compared to his prior
speed, but rather than spending his time increasing his strength
he had been focussing on martial arts itself.

Amaysu was spending a lot of time practising movement,

punches, kicks and all the basics under the intense gravity. This
was the conclusion Amaysu came up with, the true method to
reach the Black Tempered body.

If there was anyone else that noticed the rate at which

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Amaysu was getting stronger, they would tremble in shock.

Amaysu stood still, with an intention the scythe that was

quite a distance away from him disintegrated into silver specks
and started floating towards him. When it reached him it
started transforming into countless weapons and different
miscellaneous yet intricate forms. In two years he had spent
half the time training the Dream Conscious Mind technique,
which allowed his control over his Inherited Legacy to reach an
entirely new level.

Amaysu took a step forward into the snowy surface, which

was immediately crushed by the intense gravity surrounding
him, and then without warning, he directly disappeared into
the forest.

Two days later…


A wild roar scattered across the forest as a claw strike tore

down a tree.

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Amaysu’s body swiftly retreated around the falling tree with
grace. A thick branch fell away from the tree and was heading
towards him at a gradually increasing pace.

Amaysu used the two silver swords in his hand to slice the
branch into three parts. A cold smile arose on his face, one that
only came when he was in an exhilarating battle.

“It’s been three months and I’ve vastly surpassed you since
our last bout… You’ve hunted me down since the moment I
entered the Inner regions, you’ve made me stand before deaths
door multiples of times, yet that has only made me stronger.”
Amaysu smiled at the Savage beast in front of him.

This Savage beast had a long body that was two metres long,
covered in sleek pitch black fur, its eyes were green and it had a
thick black tail; it was a Panther type Savage beast. Amaysu
didn’t know about the many species and variances of Savage
beasts so he did not know what the name of this Savage beast

This Panther type Savage beast was a Mid Rank 3 Savage beast
and it was an extremely powerful Savage beast within these

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Amaysu had clashed against this Savage beast many times
over the half a year period of time he spent in this area of the
forest. Yet no matter how many times he faced it he had always
lost and had to run away with his life. Amaysu forced himself
into three months of severe training to surpass this Savage
beast, which was unusually strong for its level.

“ROAR” In response to Amaysu’s words it roared angrily,

showing its sharp teeth, simultaneously leaping towards him,
with its long milky white claws.

“Bang!” The claw and the two silver swords clashed against
each other, the force pushed him deeper into the earth. Despite
this, Amaysu didn’t take a single step back; he held his ground
and smiled at the vicious appearance of the Panther in front of

“HAHA,” Amaysu laughed indifferently. “If this is all you’ve

got, this is the end,” the veins in his taught muscles bulged

“HA-” With just his raw strength Amaysu pushed the Savage
beast backwards causing it to tumble in the snow.

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Amaysu threw the two swords aside while in the air. The
swords disintegrated into silver specks, they started coalescing
in front of him and started to form a long scythe. “Let me show
you my full power,” Amaysu said to the Savage beast that
looked at him in bewilderment, the boy’s raw strength was

He grabbed the scythe, Lunar Moon Dance; while he activated

his father’s technique.

Amaysu’s body blurred right in front of the Savage beast and

in the next instance he appeared right behind it.

“Savage beast, you’ve helped me get much stronger and made

me understand what I was lacking, but… this is where it ends. I
will give you a quick death.”

The Savage beast awoke from its bewilderment when Amaysu

spoke: “ROAR!” it howled in disbelief.

Amaysu slashed downwards, cleanly severing the Panthers

head from its body. The spluttering blood dyed the soft white
snow around them red.

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Amaysu looked down at the slumped up body, then looked
into the distance. He realised that at his current level, he
couldn’t delve deeper into the forest. He knew that it was the
right time to leave the forest.

“It’s time to leave…”

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Chapter 26 - Brawl In An Inn

“Haha! Brother we’ve finally obtained a High Rank 2 Core.”

An extremely muscular mans roar echoed out to every corner of
the inn.

“Brother Let’s celebrate with a feast!” A man That was similar

in physique but slightly shorter shouted from the other end of
the table while lifting his drink up in the air. When he did this
six similar mugs full of ale was raised into the air.

The surrounding individuals were shocked when they heard

‘High Rank 2 Core’, some even had flashes of greed pass through
their eyes which was quickly quelled. The people inside the inn
all knew who these people belonged to from the crest on their

This inn was in a small town that was a few kilometres away
from the Savage kings forest. This village was visited regularly
by mercenaries and hunters who went there to test their luck in
obtaining treasures and hunt Savage beasts to obtain their

“Hey, bring us your best dishes,” One of these men shouted at

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a male attendant, who quickly rushed into the back with worry
all over his face.

The group of men were loud and rowdy, yet the people on the
other tables were quietly looking down trying their hardest not
to catch their attention. The group of men were quiet infamous
in these parts.

“Hey you, why don’t you come over here and sit with me.”
One of the men from the six called out to a young woman. This
man had the youngest features, he had short black hair and he
was also the slimmest when compared to the rest of his group.

The young woman turned to face him and she noticed the
lecherous expression on the man’s face, she couldn’t help but
shiver slightly in fear..

“Girl our youngest brother has called you, do you dare to

reject him?” The extremely muscular man shouted as he played
around with a knife in an intimidating manner.

The girl gulped nervously and walked slowly towards the

youngest man. She looked around for help but everyone else
looked down at their own table, they were powerless against

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this group of mercenaries. They could clearly tell that this
woman was petrified because she was shaking ever so slightly.


In this dead silence the door to the inn opened, allowing a

breath of cold air to stream into the inn.

Because of the suddenness everyone turned to face the

individual that broke this tense air. The woman also turned to
stare and she was suddenly infatuated by the sight.


A young man walked into the inn, he was wearing a fur coat
and fur made trousers. Snow was on his shoulders and he
carried a long silver scythe on his back, this young man was

Amaysu walked into the inn, he casually glanced at the entire

hall. The entire hall was lit by a few stones that were embedded
into the ceiling, these stones were artificially created and they
were sold in large quantities because of the high demand and

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need for it.

Everyone in the inn’s hall was looking at him, but Amaysu did
not seemed to be bothered by it because he was used to it. He
slightly tapped his shoulders to allow the snow that rested on
him to fall off, he then found himself a free table and set down
the scythe on his back against the wall. Everything, from the
moment he entered the inn to the moment he sat down was
observed by the eyes of many.

Many of the young women in the inn were stunned by

Amaysu’s appearance, they would stare at him quietly from the
corner of their eyes.

“Bring me food.” After saying this Amaysu casually tossed an

Orange core into air, the young attendant that stood near him
was caught off guard so he stumbled as he caught the Orange
Core. The young man looked down at his hand and his eyes
widened, he then looked back at Amaysu.

“Y…Yes Mi Lord.” After saying this he quickly ran into the


Amaysu sat quietly, lost in his own thoughts, also aware of the

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gazes on his back.

“Big brother, that kid casually took out a Low Rank 2 Core.”
The man sitting next to the extremely muscular man whispered.

“Yes, I saw it too second brother.” A glint of greed appeared in

the extremely muscular mans eyes. “He definitely have more
riches on him, he’s probably a young master going out to
experience the world,” he whispered back.

“Little brother go and give him our greetings.”

The slim black haired man understood what his oldest brother
said and immediately a vicious smile appeared on his face.
When Amaysu first entered the inn he saw the way the young
woman looked at him and found it disgusting, he envied
Amaysu’s appearance.

Amaysu was quietly sitting and eating his meal that was
bought to him quicker than he expected, he was running empty
and needed something in his stomach.

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Amaysu’s ears twitched, his eyebrows furrowed as an annoyed

expression appeared on his face, he had expected trouble, but
not so quickly: At least let me finish eating.

The youngest man walked towards Amaysu and looked at him

in disdain, he had a strong desire to punch this kid in the face,
but the weapon that Amaysu possessed intimidated him so he
carefully tested the waters.

“Hello young man, let me introduce myself, my name is Jin.

I’m embarrassed to say this but we have no money to pay for
our meal, could you please grant us some money to pay for it.”

The people surrounding the two were disgusted by this, these

men would come in all the time and would leave without paying
a penny, his intentions were all too clear to them.

They saw the Rank 2 Core. Amaysu knew the reason that this
man came to him but he couldn’t care less. He would have
avoided giving a Rank 2 Core but sadly he only possessed Rank 2
and Rank 3 Cores. The reason for this was that he only fought
against Rank 2 and Rank 3 Savage beasts within the Savage

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Kings forest, Rank 1 Savage beasts were far too weak and gave
him no challenge.

Amaysu casually looked up at him, in the instant that the two

made eye contact, Jin felt a deep coldness that caused him to
shiver and step back.

What’s with this tremendous pressure…

Amaysu rummaged through his fur coat and tossed a small

sack: “Here take it,” after that he turned back to eat.

Amaysu wasn’t interested in fighting right now especially

against a weakling like Jin. The moment that he entered he
already noticed that the most powerful of the group was only a
7th rank Fighter while the one in front of him was only a 5th
rank Fighter.

“Huh?” Jin awoke from his slight daze and quickly caught the
sack in midair. He noticed that his palms and forehead was
covered in cold sweat.

He slowly opened the sack that was as big as his fist, his eyes

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widened and was twinkling with a strange light. So many Rank
2 Cores, there even are some Mid and High grade Cores, but
there isn’t a single Rank 1 Core.

When he looked back up he noticed the necklace hung around

Amaysu’s neck, the silver locket was something he had never
seen before. For an unknown reason he felt that it was
extremely valuable and important for the boy to keep it so close.

Without any reserve Jin opened his mouth under the gaze of
the entire inn: “can I inspect that necklace of yours.”

Amaysu’s ears twitched, he spoke in a cold and emotionless

voice: “Know when to back down or you’ll regret it.”

Amaysu’s voice was cold, but it contained a trace of anger.

Jin seemed to have realised that the worth of the necklace

around this youths neck was worth more than all the Rank 2
Cores in the sack. This was because Amaysu casually tossed a
bag full of Rank 2 cores callously but when it came to necklace
he immediately burst with killing intent.

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“Haha, I was being nice to you because I didn’t want to
damage that pretty face of yours but if you don’t realise this…
Hmph,” Jin disdainfully laughed and kicked the table.

“BANG!” The table slammed into the wall and shattered into
splintering pieces.

“Now give me that necklace or that will be you.” At the same

time that Jin said this, his brothers stood up from their table,
preparing to support him if anything unexpected happen.

“This is my last warning, leave or you’ll regret this,” Amaysu

warned once again.

“Who are you to threaten me? Your Father, give me the

necklace!” Jin laughed as he sent a punch at Amaysu.

“Father? You dare say that?!” A painful memory returned to

Amaysu , he was reminded of the feeling of being absolutely
helpless. The insult to his father caused his eyes to turn
bloodshot red.

Before Jin’s fist even reached Amaysu, he grabbed it taking on

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the brute force of a 4th rank Fighter.

“You dare talk about my father?!” Amaysu slowly voiced out

each word. Jin’s expression immediately darkened, he realised
no matter what he did he couldn’t release himself from this
youths iron like hold. “No one on this entire continent has the
right to insult him, especially an ant like existent like yourself.”

In the next instance a tremendous pressure exploded in the

area between him and Jin which couldn’t be detected by
anybody else.

Jin’s face became ghastly white, the veins on his forehead

started bulging and his insides were churning uncontrollably.

“You didn’t take my warnings and you even insulted my


“Hey, hey. Don’t you dare lay a hand on our brother.” The
extremely muscular man who seemed to be their leader shouted
as the rest of his group stood behind him.

“Hmph.” Amaysu sent punched with less than half his power

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and struck Jin’s chest.

“Crack… Crack..” The sounds of bones shattering was heard

across the inn and Jin’s body was sent soaring across the inns

“BANG!” Jin’s body crashed into the walls, causing a crack to

appear on the wall.

“Urgh!” Jin vomited blood uncontrollably out of his system.

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Chapter 27 - Iron Grip Erikson

“JIN!” The extremely muscular man shouted as he ran

towards the broken figure of Jin, while his four men followed
behind him.

“Quickly treat him!” After checking Jin’s condition he gave

some commands and stood to face Amaysu, rage was clearly
written all over his face.

To his surprise Amaysu had disappeared from his previous

spot and sat back down on a new table, acting as if nothing had
happened right now.

“Waiter get me another plate!” Amaysu shouted out once


This caused the leader of the group to fume with anger as all
the blood flowed to his head.

“You Bastard! You hit our brother in front of me and act as if

nothing has happened?” The leader roared in fury.

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The people surrounding him were whispering in hushed
tones: “That kid angered Iron Grip Erikson from the Iron Fist
Mercenaries. That man is a 7th rank fighter, his grip can easily
crush a human’s skull as if it was made from plastic.”

Both Amaysu and Erikson heard these words. Erikson puffed

his chest, his name was known even this far from the 1st class
city, but Amaysu just turned to look at him with absolute

Hmph, so what if you’re a 7th rank Fighter, in front of me you

have no right to act prideful.

Amaysu stood up from his chair and looked at Erikson and the
other four whom after treating Jin stood beside him: “I’ll give
you a chance, Leave!” Amaysu voiced out as he waved his arm to
point at the door.

“HAHA! You think you have the right to order me, someone
from the Iron Fist Mercenaries.” As he said this he looked at his
brothers: ” Castro, Han, Simon, Elliot, go take care of him.”

All four behind him walked forward without hesitation. “Kid

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you better beg for forgiveness or draw your weapon so I can kill
you without thinking that I took advantage of you.” The man
called Elliot smiled viciously as he licked the knife that he drew
from his scabbard.

Right now the people in the inn were all standing in the
corner, standing as far away as possible from the conflict.

Amaysu sighed, he didn’t want to hurt anyone unnecessarily,

but if he had no choice he wouldn’t hesitate.

“You aren’t worthy of my scythe.” Amaysu then raised his

arm and waved it in a taunting manner, “Come.”

These men all frowned unhappily and immediately rushed at

him. “Don’t regret this!” Elliot roared as he took the lead, he
reached Amaysu much faster than the other three and aimed
straight at his neck.

To everyone seeing Elliot’s movement it seemed undoubtedly

quick, but to Amaysu, it was as if everything had slowed down
and a cold glint flashed across his eyes.

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He calmly watched the knife draw closer to him: “Too slow.”

“Huh?” Elliot frowned in confusion, but still continued


When Elliot was just about to reach him, Amaysu’s hand

movements changed into an obscure yet routine act. He grabbed
Elliot’s wrist and pulled him even closer, clenching his fist
Amaysu slammed it into Elliot’s stomach without any mercy.

“Guh!” Elliot coughed violently as he was sent tumbling

across the room like a ragdoll, crashing into a pile of wooden
tables. The coughing changed to vomiting of blood, that punch
just now had disturbed his inner organs causing them to go into
turmoil. Due to the pain, he directly lost consciousness.

Amaysu didn’t stop and rushed towards the second man, third
and fourth man. The trio realised that they had underestimated
this kid, they quickly halted their steps and looked at him

“Surround him,” Castro instructed.

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The three men surrounded Amaysu, then pulled out a knife
from the scabbard hung on their hip.

“Attack Now!”

The three rushed Amaysu at the exact same moment, leaving

him no room to escape.

The three men reached him at exactly the same time, but
beyond their expectations, Amaysu jumped into the air and used
Castro’s shoulders as a foothold.

Using this opportunity Amaysu lashed out, his feet coming in

contact with Simon’s face causing an explosive rattling sound to
shake the room.

Simon fell tumbling backwards onto the floor, blood rolling

down his cheeks, mouth, nose and ears, his face covered in a
mixture of blood and foam. Some people noticed that he was
convulsing even after being knocked out.

Amaysu jumped off Castro and appeared behind Han. Han was
petrified by the sight of Simon so he turned around and stabbed

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at Amaysu. Taking this chance Amaysu locked arms with Han’s
knife hand and disarmed him, with a jab to his chest Han lost

Without retreating for a breath, Amaysu appeared right next

to Castro and chopped his nape with enough force to knock him
out and to allow foam to form in his mouth.

“Too weak,” Amaysu mumbled.

Amaysu stood surrounded by three crumpled bodies, in front

of the shocked gazes of more than four dozen people. “Too
weak,” they couldn’t believe that this youth had actually said
that to describe these men. They knew that all these men were
powerful especially if they are able to take on Rank 2 Savage

Without a doubt, the person that got off the easiest was
definitely Castro while Simon was the one that had the worst

Amaysu turned to face Erikson with a calm expression, “Are

you next?”

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All the blood in Erikson’s body surged to his face, he was
fuming and veins started bulging on his face.

“You bastard!” He immediately rushed towards Amaysu

without a care, his first action was to grab Amaysu to crush

Even though he was shocked by Amaysu’s close combat skills,

he still had confidence in his own strength, he was a 7th rank
Fighter after all.

Amaysu looked at him without much interest, he already

knew what this big, muscular man was trying to do and he
allowed himself to be taken by the flow.

Without hesitation, Amaysu rushed towards Erikson, in but a

moment they clashed against each other and both their hands
locked against each other.

Hmph, you’ve sealed your fate by locking hands with mine. As

he thought this a sinister smile appeared on Erikson’s face.

The size difference between him and Amaysu was huge.

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Erikson stood at more than two metres and Amaysu was at least
a foot shorter.

He immediately clutched Amaysu’s tiny hands and applied

tremendous force.

In but a few moments his smile turned to horror, Amaysu was

calmly staring back at him as if nothing was happening. What
the hell?!

“Let me show you what a true iron grip is like,” before

Erikson had the chance to respond, Amaysu clutched his hands
crushing Erikson’s hands.

“Crack Crack.” Erikson’s bones shattering broke the silence of

the inn hall.

“ARGH!” A painful roar was emitted from the depths of

Erikson’s being, dropping down to the floor he stared at his
mangled fingers.

Amaysu turned his back towards him, in front of many

concentrated pairs of eyes he walked back to pick up his scythe.

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Erikson was still bent down on the floor bellowing in pain
trying to grasp what had just happened.

“I’ll give you one last chance to leave,” Amaysu’s voice pierced
Erikson’s ears. “Don’t think that my actions are influenced by
the ignorance of inexperience. I just don’t think that dying my
hands red for such petty reasons is justifiable.” Amaysu spoke in
a matter of fact tone, looking down on Erikson completely.

“If you still cause me trouble I’ll cripple every single bone in
your body,” as Amaysu ended the sentence his tone became ice

After saying this he picked his scythe and walked to the door.

“YOU DAMN BASTARD! Do you know who I am, I’m an elder

figure of the Iron Grip Mercenaries. How Dare you look down
on me?!” Erikson roared savagely after his hands were mangled
by that iron grip of Amaysu’s, he lost all rationality.

“Whoosh!” A gust of wind erupted in the room and Amaysu

stood right in front of Erikson, the scythe was hooked around
Erikson’s neck. Leaning in towards Erikson, Amaysu spoke in a
frighteningly cold yet hushed tone: “I don’t care if you’re the

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prince of a great Empire, I don’t even care if you’re the Emperor
himself. If you stand in my way, I’ll kill you.”

After saying this Amaysu pulled the scythe back and swung a
roundhouse kick right into Erikson’s large abdomen.

“Bang!” Erikson was sent tumbling and he wasn’t so lucky as

Jin, he was sent crashing through the wall into the snow-filled
world and lost consciousness straight away.

Amaysu turned and left the inn, leaving a deep impression


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Chapter 28 - Central Library

Amaysu walked through the crowded snow-filled streets of

Savage King City, it had taken him a few days to reach this city
because he spent most of his time training while spending a
maximum of an hour travelling.

Savage King City was named after the Savage Kings forest,
these two places were only a dozen Kilometres apart. Savage
Kings City was a 1st class City, controlled by the Spring Leaf

This city was extremely close to the forest, so many

mercenaries would pass by this city, causing it to have a large
influx of people. This city also possessed many large factions
that settled here, to control this city the governor was
extremely powerful, he was at the Origin Transformation stage.

This city was only second to Spring Leaf city in strength , it

acted as a stronghold because it bordered the Savage Kings

Amaysu looked around and saw the large influx of people, all
dressed in different manners: Mercenaries of all sizes,

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businessmen and ordinary citizens all walking together.

When Amaysu first entered the city till now, he always had
gazes following him, his exceptional appearance caused many
people to stare at him. At one point he was even stopped by a
crowd of women, but he quickly used Lunar Moon dance to
disappear into an alleyway.

Amaysu found himself a shop to buy new clothes and then

found an inn, at first the inn manager looked at him
disdainfully as if he was looking at a bumpkin who came from a
rural area. But even then he still acted respectfully because
Amaysu had a strange noble aura that made him want to be
respectful to him.

He then paid the inn manager with a Savage beast Core, which
in turn caused the inn manager to treat him with increased
respect giving him the most high-class room.

“Clack” Amaysu walked into the room and found himself in a

lavished and furnish room. A bed was placed in the centre with
its head placed against the wall, the windows were curtained,
there were many vases with fresh flowers and a toilet attached
to the room.

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Amaysu placed his scythe down and walked into the toilet to
clean himself.

After an hour Amaysu walked out of the inn, wearing new,

white simple robes that gave brought back the noble aura that
he possessed, it was like he was the prince once again.

It’s been over Ten Millennia and I still don’t know much
about the modern era, I must find a library and find some books
to find out what happened after my empire fell and what the
continent is like now. Amaysu planned his thoughts carefully
and went to find a library in Savage Kings city.

Walking through the endless streets Amaysu noticed that

there were a lot of Fighter Stage experts all around him, this
place was actually a hotspot for these experts.

Amaysu looked up at the dark sky and noticed many tiny

figures flying through the sky, soaring through the clouds, not
bound by the force of gravity.

Amaysu knew that flying was impossible no matter what stage

a human was at, the only way to fly was with the help of

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He looked back at the streets and carried on walking. After

getting lost a few times and asking many people for direction
Amaysu finally found himself in front of a building that was
nearly 60 feet tall and nearly 3 dozen metres in width. The
building was built with great architectural skills, even Amaysu
was impressed. In the centre of the building the words ‘Central
Library’ was written, it was truly a building to house books.

Amaysu walked into the building and was hit by a refreshing

yet familiar scent of books.

The interior of the building was a massive hall with balconies

inside, it was built so that it wasn’t obtrusive, rather it was
made to be welcoming to those that wished to learn. Countless
bookshelves were arranged in a systematic order and there were
stairs leading to many more shelves of books on a separate floor.
The entire building was lit by lights that had a slight golden hue
and there was an oval shaped glass ceiling that allowed them to
see the skies in the centre of the ceiling.

After searching through the many shelves of books, Amaysu

found the books he required and found himself a seat.

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“I have to find out what happened after my empire fell and
after mother and father died.”

Amaysu opened the book and started reading.

After a while Amaysu’s eyes turned bloodshot red, a burst of

killing intent arose deep inside of him: “Calm down. Calm
down. Calm down.” He whispered as he tried to calm his ragged

Amaysu then carried on reading:

The Dasecris Empire and the Dasecris clan are the vilest and
evil clan in the history of the continent. The most shocking fact
is that they ruled the continent for nearly 10 million years. This
reign ended when the founding Emperor and Empress of the
Azarlin Empire gained victory over the imperial Dasecris clan.

The founding emperor and empress are the same founders of

the Imperial clan, Emperor Kronos Azarlin and Empress Karia

These two great heroic figures charged their way into the

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heart of the Dasecris Empire and defeated the Dasecris clan. To
prevent the evil seeds of this vile family clan to continue they
killed nearly every single clan member of these evildoers,
however, some still exist to this day.

Since that day, the Azarlin Empire has flourished and is now
the most powerful Empire on the Azarlin continent. Many
legendary heroes have appeared in this legendary family…

At this moment Amaysu was burning with rage, he wanted to

tear the book apart because of all the lies recorded in it. He now
realised that the victor decides what is written in the history
books while the loser is displayed as the villains in history.

Amaysu finished the book and picked up another book. After a

while, he realised that most of these books were similar. They
all mentioned the greatness of the Azarlin Empire and insulted
the Dasecris Empire without any information regarding what
the Dasecris Empire actually did to deserve these insults.

Later on, Amaysu picked up some books on the modern era

and started reading it, soon he realised how times had truly

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Firstly the old territory of the Dasecris Empire was split
between Nine sects, while two hidden Clans occupied cities
within the territories of these sects.

The Nine Overlord sects were: The Spring Leaf sect, The
Blood Sword Sect, The Blue Moon Sect, Diamond Mountain
Fortress, Titans Hall, Thousand Beast Tamers, Fallen Flame
hall, Ocean Trident Domain and Drifting Cloud Palace.

These Nine Overlord sects also had their own separate

academies to recruit young geniuses. This era had become one
where strength ruled over justice, only the strong had the right
to speak and a lot of time was spent in honing one’s self.
Furthermore, the advanced information that was once
possessed during the time of the Dasecris empire had been lost,
so a lot of changes had occurred.

Amaysu noticed that there wasn’t a lot of information

regarding the two hidden Clans except for the fact that they
were called, the Wang Clan and the Reins Clan. These two clans
were able to hold their own against the Nine Overlord Sects so
were able to have their own territory.

Each city controlled by the Sects are split between the Central
city, 1st Class city and 2nd Class city. The Central city is

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occupied by the Sect, 1st class cities are governed by Origin
Transformation experts chosen by the sect and 2nd Class cities
are governed by Body Transformation experts chosen by the

Amaysu was shocked that the city that he was in was

currently governed by an Origin Transformation expert, back in
his time, those that were in the Origin Transformation stage
were considered high ranked members of the Empire, his
grandfather was also an Origin Transformation expert.

However, Amaysu knew that those times were when their

Empire was the most advanced yet also the weakest moment in
their entire history. During the glory days of the Dasecris
Empire, they were an indomitable force.

Furthermore flying was restricted in the airspace of these

cities except for high-ranking experts and nobles. In addition,
Killing was forbidden within the streets of the city, it could only
take place in the Coliseum in the centre of the city.

Amaysu slowly processed all the information and then carried

on reading.

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Chapter 29 - Mysterious Masked Elder

Amaysu stretched as he walked through the streets, after

spending the past few days in the library he finally decided to
leave, he now needed to find an auction to sell the Savage cores
that he possessed.

This was the twelfth and last month of the year and
coincidentally enough this was Amaysu’s 16th birthday. If this
was during the old days, the entire kingdom would be
celebrating right now.

On this particular day, Amaysu was wearing a blue robe.

Walking through the streets Amaysu noticed that his
appearance was too eye-catching, so he found a store that sold
many different types of masks and bought one for himself. This
mask had two widened slits to see through, which was outlined
by a thin line of red.

Amaysu wore the mask and walked through the streets, the
amount of attention he got decreased by a lot. It wasn’t unusual
to see someone wearing a mask, this was because it was
common to see mercenaries wearing masks in the streets to hide
their identity.

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After walking around for a while and asking people for
directions, Amaysu finally found an enormous building with the
massive words, ‘Royalgold Auction Hall’ and above it was an
insignia. The insignia was a Crest with what appeared to be a
rearing stallion wearing a crown, the outside of the crest was a
leaf crown going around the crest from the bottom. The entire
crest was made from black and gold colours.

The insignia was domineering in the eyes of many, but this

was the right that an extremely powerful force such as the
Royalgold Auction hall possessed.

Amaysu walked into the enormous building, he noticed that

there were many guards stationed here, they differed in
strength, most were at the peak of the Fighter stage while there
were even some at a level which Amaysu couldn’t detect, they
were most likely Body Transformation experts.

This is to be expected of the biggest Auction house on the

continent. The Royalgold Auction hall was the biggest Auction
Hall on the entire continent. They had an enormous, earth-
shattering wealth and had countless experts under them to
protect their wealth. They also had extremely powerful figures
backing them in the dark.

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“Hello sir, are you here to sell or for the auction, later on,

Amaysu looked at the woman, she was well dressed from head
to toe, wearing a fiery red dress with the Royalgold insignia and
adorned with long flowing black hair. She was a staggering
beauty but this didn’t influence Amaysu in any way, he only felt
appreciative of it like looking at a beautiful painting. There was
also many women dressed just like her throughout the building.

“I’m here to sell,” Amaysu spoke calmly.

The woman noticed that this man wasn’t influenced by her

beauty, she could tell this from his voice, these women were
meant to be very sensitive to people’s tone.

“Then come this way, we’ll discuss the matters in one of our
rooms,” she spoke amiably while directing him.

She led him through a hallway with many doors and they
both entered one, inside was an elderly man, she let Amaysu
walk in and then she turned to close the door.

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This elderly man was wearing black clothes, it was something
that all appraising elders of the Royalgold Auction hall wore.
The man also had the Royalgold Auction Hall’s insignia on his

“What are you here to sell?” The man arrogantly spoke.

Amaysu looked at him, but then laid down a small sack that
was similar in size to the one he gave Jin on the table.


The man opened the sack without any prior notice or

permission. When he saw the content inside the sack he looked
up at Amaysu: “Did you get this all yourself.” His words held a
bit more respect now that he spoke, but that was it because he
was a part of the Royalgold Auction hall.

Amaysu nodded.

The man looked at Amaysu and then took the sack: “We’ll put
this up for the afternoon auction. We have an approximation of
how much these Cores will be worth so I as a representative of

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the Royalgold Auction Hall will give you an allowance as

While saying this he passed a card to Amaysu: ” This card has

around 2000 gold coins in it for you to spend, after the auction
we will give you the total amount while deducting the
pleasantry amount we gave you plus a 5% service charge.”

Amaysu nodded to the elderly man and then took the card.
The card was completely white with the words Royalgold
written in the left corner, it had a silver chip on the back with
the total amount written down.

Amaysu nodded and walked out of the room.

Outside in the hallways Amaysu walked aimlessly, this

Royalgold Auction hall was far more impressive than he first
expected. The building itself was circular, with the centre of it
being the auction hall itself while the different departments
were kept in different areas of the building. The building was
made with high-quality materials and was lavishly furnished,
with countless vases containing exotic plants, different
sculptures, etc.

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Amaysu walked into one of the departments within the
building. As soon as Amaysu entered he noticed that the room
was filled with vast arrays of many different kinds of sculptures,
paintings and calligraphy all around the room.

There was a lot of people in this enormous room, they were all
dressed in very expensive clothes followed by men who had the
aura of experts. These people were all enjoying their time
looking at all these artistic pieces.

Strolling through the room there were many eye-catching

objects, but it wasn’t peculiar enough to catch Amaysu’s
attention, however, all of a sudden Amaysu stopped in front of a

“Gulp” swallowed saliva subconsciously, he was completely

dazed by this painting in front of him. The painting wasn’t
popular compared to the other pieces of art, but to Amaysu it
felt different, it was a palace on fire.

“Kid, I see you’ve noticed the peculiarity of this painting.”

Amaysu’s ears twitched as he heard the voice of an elderly

man, but the voice didn’t seem too old either, he slowly turned

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to face the man and nodded.

This man was wearing a simple mask that only covered his
eyes, the robes he was wearing was loose and he had messy grey
hair but a well-kept beard.

When he noticed Amaysu nod, he was slightly taken back.

“Kid, what do you see in the picture?”

Amaysu eyes widened, How does he know that I’m a

youngster? He instantly put his guard up. But what Amaysu
didn’t know was that this man was very old, so there weren’t
many people that were the same age as him, so he was used to
calling people ‘kid’.

Amaysu spoke cautiously: “I see the ending of an era and the

birth of a new age.”

The middle-aged man gave Amaysu an inspecting look and

then gave an approving nod.

“This painting was painted by a very famous artist, he

captured the scenes of the downfall of the Dasecris Empire. Not

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many people dare to have any relations with that name, but he
fearlessly painted this artistic masterpiece. I am also one of the
few people that are intrigued by this Family clan, are you also
one?” The man said as he combed his hair backwards looking at
the painting.

All of a sudden a man rushed in, he was extremely handsome,

well groomed and maintained, he wore a spotless white suit
with the Royalgold insignia on his left chest.

As soon as the man rushed in many people looked at him, in

an instant, they all stood respectfully. “That’s the branch
manager of this Royalgold Auction hall.” A woman quietly
murmured to a man next to her.

When Amaysu heard this he was also shocked, Why was such
a man here?

The branch manager looked around and then suddenly rushed

in the direction that Amaysu was in.

As soon as he reached Amaysu and the elderly man, he

immediately bowed to the elderly man, “Mi Lord, accept my
humblest apologies that I couldn’t welcome you personally.”

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Looking at the Elderly man, Amaysu was shocked, who was
this figure to make the branch manager act like this. Amaysu
looking at this man couldn’t detect any sort of power from him,
he looked like an ordinary old man.

“Kid, I guess I have to go right now. If fate decrees we’ll meet

once again.” The Elderly man looked at Amaysu and spoke with
an amiable smile, he then walked past the branch manager.

The branch manager looked at Amaysu in an inspecting

manner and then followed the elderly man leaving a respective
distance between them.

Amaysu watched the man leave through the door, there was
quite a commotion when the elderly man left, but Amaysu put
the thoughts regarding the elderly man away. What Amaysu
didn’t know was that this elderly man would play a key role in
his life.

The auction was about to begin, many people were streaming

through the many entrances, there were many balcony seats
and rooms for very important figures.

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The seating arrangements were organised so that the richest
and the most powerful figures would sit at the front while those
with less wealth would sit behind. Only extremely important
figures could sit on the balcony, it was very hard to procure
seats there.

Amaysu was sitting in the last row, his wealth compared to

the giant figures in the front row was minuscule, so his seat was

The main stage for the auction was right at the front built
from high-quality wood, the red curtains that were embroidered
with gold were wide open.

A man walked on the stage he was wearing a dark blue suit

and along with him, a beautiful woman walked with him
wearing a blue dress.

“The auction will now begin!”

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Chapter 30 - The Auction

“The auction will now begin!” The man dressed in blue said,
his words were transmitted and amplified by the speakers set all
around the hall.

The number of seats in the hall was at least 2000 and every
single seat was occupied.

Amaysu realised that this auction was a bit special, because of

the large audience.

The man dressed in the blue suit introduced himself: “As

many of you know, my name is Kingsley and I will be the
auctioneer for today, this lovely lady next to me will be my
helpful assistant.”

“For this evening, we have many items up for auction,

ranging from the most peculiar objects to well-known works
from great Forge-masters, Alchemists and…” The man dressed
in blue slowed down his words to draw in the audience, his tone
changed from excited to mysterious.

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“A very special item that was unearthed a few days ago, our
most highest ranking appraisal elders have all given their
approval. This item is from that age…”

When the audience heard this they all gasped at nearly the
exact same time. When anyone said ‘that age’ they all knew
what time period the person was talking about.

“Yes! It’s from that age, the time when the infamous Dasecris
Family clan ruled the entire continent!”

This caused a large commotion to erupt in the hall, an object

from the Dasecris era was worth an extraordinary amount. This
was because if a use was found, it could be reverse engineered to
try mass producing it to sell. Furthermore, just its identity
would allow it to have an extremely high number on it even if it
could not be mass produced.

“But before that let’s begin the auction with the first few
items.” The man said with a smile as he pointed towards the
woman who bought dazzling, resplendent Yellow Savage beast
Cores placed on a soft violet cushion.

“Here are Twelve Rank 3 Savage beast Cores, they range from

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Low to High quality. There are 7 Low-rank cores, 4 Mid-rank
cores and a single High-rank core all at the third rank.”

There wasn’t much commotion for this, even though Rank 3

cores hard to acquire, they were common in the auction, only
Rank 6 or Rank 7 cores would cause a commotion because they
were extremely rare.

Amaysu wasn’t surprised, he didn’t expect much either, what

he was truly interested in was the special item that the
auctioneer mentioned in the beginning.

“Okay we will set the starting price at 3000 gold coins,” the
man announced.

An extremely fat man dressed in a suit raised his paddle:”3500

bid by caller 1743″

“4000 by caller 523”

“4250 by…”

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“6000! any more bids? going once, twice and gone to caller

The price rose until it reached 6000 gold coins after this no
one decided to vote and it was finally bought by a young man
who was dressed in alchemy robes.

“Okay for the second item… We have a powerful Rank 4

Combat skill called the ‘Wind Vaporising Fist’.”

At the signal of Kingsley, the woman bought a thin manual

that was leaning on a stand, inside a glass case.

“I’ll give a brief description of this technique, if an expert

trained this to its maximum, a punch would be powerful enough
to create a vacuum space around the fist allowing it to move at
an extremely high speed giving the fist no resistance at all.”

The brief description caused a lot of interest in the people and

suddenly a bidding war started, it was rare for a Combat skill to
appear, they were created through the time and effort of a

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powerful expert so the worth was definitely going to be high.

From the description, Amaysu realised that it was very similar

to a Combat skill within the Emperor arts book from one of his
ancient ancestors. The one his ancestor created was exactly the
same except the technique that his ancestor created allowed the
fist to disappear and reappear in the vacuum space like a flash,
that fist technique was called the ‘Vanishing Fist’.

From what Amaysu learnt in the library was that the Rank 4
Combat skills were usually created by mid-Body Transformation
stage experts after spending a long time. However, this
technique was created by his ancestor when he was at the peak
of the Fighter stage, this caused Amaysu to awe and marvel at
his ancestor’s feat.

“The minimum bid raise must at least increase by 1 Amethyst

gold. The starting bid will be 15 Amethyst gold coins, ” the
auctioneer Kingsley’s voice echoed.

Instantly the biddings increased:

“17 Amethyst gold coins…”

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The price skyrocketed until it reached 37 Amethyst gold, that

was equivalent to 37000 gold coins. When put into perspective,
the average family would earn 100 gold coins a year and would
usually use 80% of it on different expenses. This was truly an
extravagant amount, Amaysu was lucky that he possessed the
Emperor Arts.

The man that bought this Combat skill was sitting in the
centre seating area of the hall, Amaysu guessed from the clothes
that the man was wearing that he could be from a school,
faction or mercenary group.

As time went by the auction grew more and more heated, all
of a sudden an exceptionally rare item appeared.

The woman brought a sword up on stage, it was completely

sheathed but the audience could sense that this sword was

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special to appear now.

“I expect that all of you are interested in this sword, well you
all have great eyes. This sword is exceptionally crafted for those
at the Fighter stage… don’t look down on it because it is forged
for those at the Fighter stage. This is because, this very sword
was casually made by the Legendary Forge grandmaster, Elder

When the name ‘Elder Richard’ was heard all the doubtful
glances disappeared, Elder Richard was known throughout the
entire continent because of his forge skills.

Even a casual creation by Elder Richard was worth hundreds

of thousands of coins, but since the weapon could only be used
at the Fighter stage the price would be conservative. The reason
for this was that a Fighter stage sword was useless to Body
Transformation experts, what they needed was Combat

“This sword has no name, even though it is at the Fighter

stage the toughness of the sword could be compared to a tier 1
Combat Artifact.”

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Immediately cold gasps could be heard across the hall, Forge
grandmaster Richard definitely deserved his title.

“The price will start at 10 Amethyst gold, however, the

minimum bid can only increase by at least 5 Amethyst gold
coins. Let the bidding commence!”

“20 Amethyst gold coins…”



The price continuously increased, this was because many of

these people wanted to buy the weapon for extremely talented
individuals in the Fighter stage of their organisation or for
young masters in the Fighter stage.

The price reached a staggering 46 Amethyst gold coins before

it was bought off. The sword, at most, would usually cost at
most 30 Amethyst gold coins but the reason the price was so
high was partly due to Elder Richards reputation.

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The sword was bought by a young man surrounded by a few
guards: “Heh! This sword only costs me 46 Amethyst gold coins!
Haha!” The young man laughed arrogantly within the seated
crowd, however, no one scolded him because of his background.

Like this, many items came and was sold at very high prices.

After an hour, the climax for the auction was coming and the
ending was also nearing.

“Haha! The final mysterious item we have held will be

revealed to you, our audience. An item from that time…” The
man dressed in blue laughed as he said this.

Amaysu’s ears twitched as he heard this, They’re finally

showing it, what’s it going to be? Amaysu was curious because it
might have a connection to him, even if such a chance was 1%
Amaysu would still stay.

The beautiful miss walked in and behind her followed two

built men carefully carrying a pedestal and on this pedestal was
what seemed to be a box, but this box was covered by a violet

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“You must all be curious, what could this item possibly be?”
Kingsley asked a rhetoric question in a teasing manner.

The audience were starting to get agitated by Kingsley’s

teasing, but Kingsley knew when to stop so he said: “Show

The woman pulled down the violet sheet revealing the

content within it.

Amaysu was thunderstruck by the item, his mouth gaped

open: That is!

Within a cube shaped glass case was a round, circular object

that was about the size of a person’s fist, it was made completely
of an unknown metal, it had a single line going through it
separating it into two different parts.

The reaction given by the audience was lacklustre, some

people even had disappointed expressions on their faces, only
Amaysu was staring with his eyes nearly popping out.

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“Don’t judge this just because of the way it looks.”

This piqued the interest of the bidders slightly.

The man in the suit smiled, he had caught their attention: “As
I said, in the beginning, this item is special. From the
information that we gained from headquarters and from
historical records we have identified this object.”

“This object has appeared in a few of our auction halls across

the continent before, this orb is called the Earth Disintegrating

Just this name caused some people to shiver, this name was
too domineering.

The man carried on speaking: “Let’s talk about its effect first,
this bomb has an area effect of at least thirty metres, it is a life-
saving treasure that can be used once.”

“This orb will create a membrane to protect the user, while

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the explosion has a force powerful enough to instantly kill a
Body Transformation expert and can heavily injure an early
Origin Transformation stage expert. Without any defensive
Combat armour don’t even think about living when faced with
this object.”

As soon as he finished describing the object, the entire hall

turned absolutely silent, like a calm before the storm, all of a
sudden a huge commotion erupted in the entire hall.

Who wouldn’t want such a treasure like this not only was it a
life protecting treasure that could kill a Body Transformation
stage expert, but it wouldn’t harm the user.

“The starting price for this treasure is 4000 Amethyst gold

coins, each bid must increase by at least 1000 Amethyst gold

The price was so huge that it caused many people to instantly

quieten down, the price was too high for most of the people in
the hall. Only 10% of the bidders in the hall whom all sat at the
front could afford it and they were all staring at it with yearning
expressions, such a treasure was truly worth spending on.

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Amaysu had calmed himself down and now silently stared at
the object. If Amaysu recalled properly the Earth Disintegrating
bomb was a military weapon used by the Dasecris Empire’s
army, this weapon alone could be given to normal civilians and
be used to entirely decimate the enemy. Many of the rival
empire’s tried to replicate the weapon but it was close to
impossible to do so. The method was only known to the Dasecris
empire, even Amaysu had no knowledge of its production

“Let the bidding commence!” Kingsley said with an uplifting


When the auctioneer said this, a voice echoed across the entire
hall silencing every voice: ” 25000 Amethyst gold coins,” the
voice was calm and indifferent yet the pressure contained
within the voice was immense.

Every single head turned to face the voice when they saw the
person they all shrivelled back into their seats in fear.

In a balcony room, a man was standing beside the concrete

railing looking down upon everyone with an indifferent
expression. The man was about 1.9 metres tall, his body to
muscle ration was almost perfect, he wore a black suit, he had

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short black hair and taut muscles that could be seen even when
he was wearing a suit. He had the elegant, mature look that
elders possessed naturally.

“That’s the governor!” A man whispered and immediately a

large commotion appeared.

If the governor made a bid, no one dared to make another bid

after him, even if the worth of the object was much higher who
was brave enough to bid higher? The governor was strong by
himself and the force backing him was one of the Nine

Without much deterrence, the Earth Disintegrating bomb

went to the governor and with this, he quietly left the auction.

A lot of people were dejected because of this, but the auction

still proceeded.

“Who would have guessed that the governor was here.”

“If the governor is here who dares to make a bid.”

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“Such a rare treasure, it would be worth spending half my
assets on it.”

After this the auction hall calmed down, the auction had yet
to end, but a lot of the bidders started leaving because there
wasn’t anything interesting or worth buying anymore.

Amaysu followed the crowd and was about to leave, he heard

the voice of the auctioneer and he curiously turned.

When Amaysu saw this item, his eyes were wide open, the
shock that he felt totally eclipsed the feeling that he had when
he saw the Earth Disintegrating Bomb: Impossible! Impossible!
They should have all been destroyed!

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Chapter 31 - Luca Damian


Grandfather destroyed them all! Amaysu’s mind was in shock as
he stared at the cube shaped object sitting on the violet cushion.
He couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing.

“This cube is a mysterious object, we do not know what the

uses are, but the material for this object is rare!” Kingsley found
it hard to promote this object because they didn’t know what it
was, neither did the object have anything special about it. If
they had to describe it, it just seemed to be an antique like cube.

“The bidding price will start at only a 100 gold coins, the price
must increase by at least 100 gold coins.”

“Let the bidding commence.”

Amaysu was still in shock, the Particle cannon, an object of

absolute destruction. Its power was greater than the Earth
Disintegrating Bomb, it could be used more than once as well,
however, there was a single flaw, it was the preparation time.

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Amaysu remembered during his younger days he came across
this name, its description was terrifying, that his grandfather
had discontinued the production and destroyed every single one
of these cubes, but who would have guessed that one still

The Particle Cannon, needed a long time to absorb the

atmospheric particles and compress it to turn into energy and
this needed a long time to prepare. This didn’t mean that the
amount of power that the cannon could compress was limitless,
it had a limit as well.

Amaysu suddenly had a thought cross him: Why didn’t they

use this in the war?

“500 gold coins from bidder 509!” Kingsley announced, this

caused Amaysu to awaken from his shock.

Determination flitted across Amaysu’s eyes. I have to obtain

the Particle Cannon.

Amaysu raised his paddle and shouted the words across the
room: “700!”

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“700 from bidder 1992!” Kingsley shouted.

The bidder that bid the previous price frowned, this was the
same young man that obtained the sword.


“1000 from bidder 509!”

Amaysu was still determined.


The young man frowned and he turned to face the voice and
he shouted, his voice contained anger: “Who dares to bid higher
than me! 3000”

“4000!” Amaysu immediately shouted back, which in turn

caused the young man to focus his attention on Amaysu.

This battle caused some people to focus on the duo when they

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saw who the young man was they were shocked: “That’s the
Damian Family clan’s next clan leader, Luca Damian. One of the
three troublemakers of the city.”

“That masked figure should know who he is, he should back

down, before he offends young master Luca and the Damian
Family clan.”

Luca was a young man in his early twenties, he was a playboy

young master who was brought up to be spoilt. He had short
dark brown hair, fair skin, brown eyes and a natural arrogant
expression was plastered on his face and on a corner below his
lips was a beauty spot.

“Hmph, does he want to die, trying to get something from my

hands?” Ardin was extremely angry because Amaysu kept
increasing the price, at first he was just interested in the object
but because Amaysu kept outbidding him it was a matter of

Suddenly an elder sitting next to him opened one of his eyes:

“Young master, you’ve already spent a lot of money today, this
object has no peculiarities yet you’re still degrading yourself for

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Luca immediately silenced himself and respectfully sat down,
the elder then carried on speaking: “This doesn’t mean that you
can’t kill him for it, it seems he knows what that object is or he
wouldn’t be so adamant to offend us.”

This suggestion caused Luca to have a vicious smile appear on

his face.

“Any more bids? Okay, it goes to bidder 1992!” Kingsley


Amaysu felt jubilant as he heard this and he immediately

rushed out of the hall to receive his items.

Amaysu had already gone and received the Particle cannon

and was now walking back, he had more than 3000 gold coins as
well and on his face was a faint smile hidden by the mask. He
was prepared to spend some time analysing the cube back at the

While Amaysu was strolling through the hall absentmindedly

in his own thoughts another group was walking through the

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When he and the group walked past each other Amaysu
accidently bumped into one of them.

“Ah? Sorry, I wasn’t paying any attention.” Amaysu looked up

and was shocked by the identity of the man in front of him. This
man was also staring at him.

“YOU! I’d recognise that voice anywhere! You’re the bastard

that broke my hands!” Erikson roared madly inside the
Royalgold hallway.

Luckily the hallway was mostly empty or it would have

created a much bigger headache for Amaysu.

After arriving at his mercenary group’s headquarters he did

his best to heal his hands but they could not be recovered so
easily. His hands were covered in bandages, even with the best
healing medicines that he could procure, it would still take
some time to mend his broken bones.

Shit he recognised my voice so quickly. How could he know

that he had carved his image and voice into Erikson’s heart?

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Amaysu was scolding himself, this was because of the man
leading Erikson’s group, a 10th rank Fighter, even he would
have some difficulty fighting him.

“Captain, he’s the one that cursed our Iron Fist mercenary
group and mangled my hands.”

The man was wearing a black trench coat and looked at

Amaysu coldly, then he turned to Erikson: “You trash, you let
someone at the same rank as you injure you and you still come
running back to me.”

Oh, he has some skill to be able to tell what level my strength

is, Amaysu thought to himself. It was rather difficult to learn
this skill which only came after practising over a period of time.

He then faced Amaysu: “You better prepare yourself, you’ll

meet me in the Coliseum or I’ll kill you if you try running
away!” Each word that came out of this man was cold and

Amaysu frowned, he didn’t expect trouble to appear, just

when he was about to leave the auction. You’re only a 10th rank
Fighter stage expert, you can only dream of killing me if you

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can’t catch me. Amaysu had absolute confidence in his speed
and adding the Particle cannon in his hands, escaping was only a
matter of time.

“Hmph, as long as I’m in the city you can’t touch me!”

Amaysu spoke in a mocking tone, this made the man in the
trench coats face darken.

“But you can’t stay in here forever, can you?”

Amaysu ignored him, turned around and walking away giving

him no face.


“HAHA!” After a few steps a sudden burst of laughter echoed

through an empty hallway, Amaysu turned only to see the
young man that he had a bidding contest against.

“Young master Luca,” the man in the trench coat bowed with
a hand on his chest.

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“Haha if it isn’t Iron Fist mercenaries captain, Iron Fist Ren.”
Luca laughed, behind him was quite a few people including the
elder that forced him to be respectful.

“I’m honoured that you know of me!” The man in the trench
coat was called Iron Fist Ren, his mercenary group was average
in strength so they subordinated themselves with the Damian
Family clan.

“What seems to be the problem?” Luca asked.

Ren took this opportunity to put Amaysu in an extremely

tight spot: “He has offended my Iron Fist Mercenary group and
will not accept my challenge to fight in the Coliseum.”

In this moment a vicious thought bloomed in Luca’s head, he

was waiting for Amaysu to leave the city to obtain the cube, but
wouldn’t it be easier and less of a hassle to kill him in the
Coliseum without doing anything.

He turned to face the mask wearing Amaysu and plastered on

an amiable smile: “Masked fellow, why don’t you participate in
this battle. My Damian Family clan will give equal respect and
will impartially referee this fight.”

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Amaysu was stuck, no one could tell what expression was on
Amaysu’s face, Damn it! Why did I have to meet such troubling
people now? Amaysu was in quite a difficult position, he wasn’t
afraid of anyone in the hallway except for that elderly man next
to Luca. Amaysu could sense no vibrations around him, but the
aura around him was all too clear, he expected that Elder to be a
Body Transformation expert.

Amaysu nodded: “On one condition, the battle takes place in a


“Sure!” Luca said with a smile.

Amaysu then left only his distant steps could be heard.

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Chapter 32 - Particle Cannon

Amaysu was laying down on the bed within his room in the
inn. His hands were raised towards the white ceiling holding the
blackish blue cube that he bought from the auction, his
thoughts were unknown.

With closer inspection the blackish blue cube had 3 faint lines
going horizontally and 3 lines going vertically. Its surface could
be said to have once been smooth but now was covered in
scratches, this was why the faint lines were hard to notice.

He was really tired right now, he had gone through many

unwanted troubles today, he had only gone to get some things
sold, but who would have expected that he would be forced into
a fight with petty reasons to justify it. This gave Amaysu a
headache, however, it wasn’t all trouble because he obtained a
rare weapon for so cheap.

If the people from the Royalgold Auction hall knew what they
had sold, they’d be vomiting blood because of their ignorance,
forget selling it they would have sent it to headquarters to get a
better price for it.

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Amaysu sat up and held the cube.

The cube was around the size of his fist just like the Earth
Disintegrating Bomb.

From what Amaysu recalled from the past, his grandfather

had discontinued this weapon as soon as it was produced, he
feared that it may fall into the wrong hands.

Amaysu was pondering a single thought: Why didn’t they use

it in the war?

The potential power within these cubes was indescribable,

Amaysu had spent long and hard on this question but he
couldn’t come up with a sensible answer.

“Let’s first try figuring out how to use it,” Amaysu thought
out loud.

He didn’t know where to begin, was there a button? was it

pressure sensitive or was there a sequence to activate it? he had
no idea, his only option was to try everything.

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Let’s see, this weapon was created to be used in a war, so it
needs an easy activation method, but it can’t be too easy or the
enemy would be able to use it as well. If I remember correctly
this has a 9 by 6 sequence lock…


Hm? That doesn’t work.

Slowly an hour had passed and Amaysu still couldn’t find a

way to open the cube, the cube had a 9 by 6 sequence with over
50 possible pressure sensing square plates. Amaysu could find
no method or code to break it.

He also tried searching for anything different or special on the

cube but he couldn’t find anything.

“Damn it!” Amaysu roared helplessly, throwing the cube on

the bed.

Amaysu shook his head helplessly as he mumbled to himself:

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“I guess without knowing the sequence, this Particle Cannon
will stay as a cube and will be useless to me.”

“There’s no point, I’ll just train for now and try figuring it out

Amaysu got off the bed and activated his Inherited Legacy, the
silver diamond shaped crest on his palm emitted a faint silver

Silver specks floated off Amaysu’s body and started flying

around him like fireflies, causing the room seem almost
mystical. The Silver specks helped produce a small increase in
pressure so he can cultivate the Dream Conscious Mind
technique, under heavy pressure.


All of a sudden a bell-like sound broke the silence and tranquil

atmosphere within the room.

Amaysu violently turned his head to face the direction of the

sound, with a hopeful expression on his face, he looked at the

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cube. As if his expectations were answered, a jubilant smile
appeared on his face.

“Haha! So that’s what it was, all I had to do was use my

Inherited Legacy!” Amaysu laughed mockingly.

To think grandfather made it so that only those from our clan

could use it. So without the Inherited Legacy, it is impossible to
activate it unless you had the activation sequence.

Amaysu was correct, his grandfather had programmed the

Particle Cannon so it could only be activated when using either
of the two methods: One was to know the activation sequence,
the other is to possess the Inherited Legacy. This made it so that
anyone from the Dasecris Family could control it.

As of this moment, the cube had one face open, under the
scratched surface was a smooth screen that had a few words on

Activate Particle Absorption

Weapon Transformation

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Release Energy

Out of curiosity Amaysu picked the Cube and pressed Weapon

Transformation first, he already knew what the functions for
the other two options were just from reading it.

Suddenly the cube started shaking and metallic scraping

sounds were being produced by the cube.

Placing the cube on the bed, he watched the transformation.

The plates on its surface started moving changing shape,
transforming into another structure.


After about a minute the transformation was complete, it

transformed into an entire arm. This metallic, blackish blue
arm was just a shell for an arm to be put in. It covered
everything from the hands to the arm until it reached the
shoulder, it seemed to look like a type of armour.

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“This is the true form of the Particle cannon?” Amaysu was

Out of interest Amaysu first took his robe off and then picked
up the shell like armour and put it on his left arm.

Amaysu clenched his fists and unclenched it, moved his arms
around as well, he found that the Particle cannon armour
bought no discomfort at all.

At where Amaysu’s palm was at was a white circle, Amaysu

guessed that this is where the energy is released from.

The design is actually ingenious and from the material used it

should be excellent defensively as well even if it’s this thin or
how else would one use it more than once.

The small screen was now between Amaysu’s hand and elbow
the words Weapon Transformation had changed to ‘Weapon

Amaysu decided to keep the Particle Cannon on his arm

because it didn’t provide any inconvenience and it worked as an

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armour as well.

It’s best if I activate the absorption now, in case something

unexpected happens and I need a life-saving trump card.

Amaysu pressed the Particle Absorption option and activated

it, nothing special happened but there was an unnoticeable
suction force coming from the arm which could only be sensed
by him, Amaysu knew that it was absorbing the particles in the

The energy absorbed by the Particle cannon would be stored

within the arm and when Amaysu decides to release all that
stored energy the power would be unimaginable.

The next day.

It was still cold and frosty, however, the long-lasting snowfall

had finally ended. But the streets and roofs of the houses were
still covered by a thick layer of snow.

Amaysu was walking through the streets, when he walked

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passed a shop he noticed a flyer.

“Hm?” These flyers were all across the city promoting a fight,
upon closer inspections he realised it was the fight between him
and Iron Fist Ren.

The description caused Amaysu to frown, A fight to the

death? Do they want a fight to the death? So he really is angry
about me obtaining the Particle Cannon.

He didn’t expect that the Damian clan’s young master, was

actually promoting the fight. This actually stirred the city, the
fight was part of the attraction, but it was being hosted by the
Damian clan, this caused it to be an extremely popular and
widely known topic.

Slowly the days went by and the day of the fight had arrived.

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Chapter 33 - Amaysu Vs Iron Fist Ren (1)

Life in the city was still the same, people were minding their
own business, merchants were still selling and children were
playing around.

Amaysu was walking through the crowded streets towards the

centre of the city, that was where the Coliseum was located and
the only place where feuds could be taken care of. As he walked
he realised that the city was really big, there were many
occasions where he got lost, this was because the city was
separated into different parts and they all had different

Amaysu was wearing a blue robe and still covered his face
with a mask. He had his long silver scythe made of his Inherited
Legacy on his back. Amaysu’s concentration strength had
reached a level where he can maintain his Inherited Legacy
without much thought. As long as he didn’t summon it or
disperse it nobody would be able to tell that his weapon was
made from his Inherited Legacy.

There were many factions in the city, but the biggest factions
in the city had their own territory at the centre of the city and
today he was getting into a fight that was influenced by the

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young master of the Damian clan, a top tier faction in the city.

After about ten minutes of walking, Amaysu reached an area

where there were so many people swarming around an
enormous coliseum.

“Amazing!” Amaysu stared in shock, this was a building he

had never seen before. The building was circular and stood at
least 40 meters tall, made from different types of metal.

The Coliseum was one of the biggest attractions in the city

and was always popular, so it was usually crowded at all times
because an event always took place every day.

Because of this, it was a great place for merchants to set stalls

and sell equipment and even hot food to the spectators on this
cold day. Most of the population were at the early stages of the
Fighter stage so their resistance to the cold was still extremely
weak so the hot food helped.

If Amaysu had been here before he’d realise that the number
of people near the Coliseum was nearly three times the usual
amount, this was due to the Damian clan’s influence.

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Amaysu walked through the crowd and entered the Coliseum.

As soon as Amaysu entered the resting zone for fighters, there

was only one man standing there, he had the disposition of a
well-versed servant.

The man was dressed in black robes when he saw Amaysu

walk into the resting zone the man walked towards Amaysu.

“Hello, are you the one fighting today?” The man asked.

Amaysu was still wearing the mask and he hadn’t disclosed

any information regarding himself so the only way to recognise
him was to ask him.

Amaysu nodded.

“Okay, my name is Leri and I am a servant of the Damian clan.

I am here to escort you to the ring.”

Amaysu nodded once again. Following Amaysu’s reply, the

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man walked ahead and Amaysu followed behind him.


The corridor of the coliseum was well lit by the embedded

light stones in the wall. As he walked through the empty
corridor, he could see a blinding light at the end of the hall and
he even heard a faint noise from where he stood.

As he drew closer to the bright exit the noise grew louder.

When he walked through the exit, Amaysu was blinded for a
moment, when he looked around he saw a sea of people seated
in every direction. In the centre of the arena was a square ring
that was 50 metres in both length and width, it was elevated at
about a metre above the ground.

In a special booth sat Luca Damian and with him was the elder
from before. As soon as Amaysu entered the arena he spotted
Amaysu and he started laughing.

“Haha, he came.”

“What he actually came?” A built young man with short hair

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but a handsome appearance asked Luca as he looked down.

“Are you blind or is it that you have muscles for brains?” An

extremely thin young man said to the built young man.

“Sidra you bastard!” The built man shouted to the thin man
called Sidra.

“Sidra, Rano I invited the both of you to enjoy this and you’re
already fighting,” Luca said with a mocking gaze.

“Hmph!” Sidra snorted coldly.

These three youngsters that were nearly twenty years of age

were the three trouble makers of Savage King city. They were
the young masters of the three top factions in the city, Rano was
the governor’s grandson and was in the governors faction while
Sidra was the grandson of the Fiendspeed Sects Patriarch.

Because the three youths were all from very powerful factions
and had the same standing, they would try to up one other in
any way possible and right now this was Luca’s moment to put
on a great show.

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Luca ignored the duo and walked onto the balcony and looked
down when he walked out a loud sounding clap echoed across
the Coliseum quieting all the unwanted noise so that only his
voice was heard.

“I greet all of you! I am Luca from the Damian Family clan!”

Luca introduced himself.

“Today I have a great event for you to see, one is a mysterious

man wearing a mask who is at the 7th rank of the Fighter

“His opponent is the captain of the Iron Fist Mercenaries, the

10 rank Fighter Iron Fist Ren!”

His voice caused the audience to raise and cheer, his identity
and charisma allowed this to happen.

“This masked man initiated the fight between him and Iron
Fist Ren, actions like this has happened many times before but
never has there been an instance where a 7th rank Fighter has
beaten a 10th rank Fighter of the same stage.”

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Amaysu frowned, What bullshit is he spewing? Me? Initiate
the fight? Amaysu stared at Luca with disdain.

As the words left Luca, there were a lot of condescending

voices across the Coliseum.

“Who does he think he is challenging a 10th rank Fighter

when he is so much weaker.”

“He’s probably an arrogant fellow that doesn’t know that

there always exists someone stronger than you.”

There was a small portion of people that looked at Amaysu

with pity, while the rest jeered.

As of this moment, Iron Fist Ren was standing at the opposite

end of the arena and was smiling with contempt. He was
wearing black training apparels and hung on his waist was a 4-
foot scabbard.

He remembered the words that Luca had told him. Young

master Luca killing him will be my pleasure. Ren was a

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mercenary so killing brought him money plus a certain twisted

When he inspected Amaysu’s figure he noticed that there was

a black armour-like protective gear on his left arm, but this
wasn’t anything surprising and was rather normal. It was just
that the pristine blackish blue colour was unusual.

What actually bought an intimidating feeling was the long

scythe on Amaysu’s back.

A sword was a weapon that was the most used and was an all
round weapon, the saber was a weapon used for killing, a
battleaxe and heavy sword were full of power. However, the
scythe could be said to be the most intimidating, it was a
weapon that was related to death and death was feared by every

Luca once again spoke in a domineering tone: ” Let the

fighters enter the ring.”

Amaysu and Ren both walked towards the ring unhurriedly

and jumped on. Both individuals were about 30 metres apart.

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“Let the fight begin!” Luca announced unceremoniously.

Amaysu took the scythe off his back and held it loosely in his
right hand.

Iron Fist Ren drew his sword from his scabbard, Amaysu was
slightly shocked.

“That is…”

It was the weapon that Luca bought during the auction.

Amaysu couldn’t believe that he had casually given that weapon
to Ren.

So he truly wants me dead? Let’s see if he has the power,

Amaysu was now sure that Luca wanted him dead or he
wouldn’t have given Ren a weapon that had a similar toughness
to a tier 1 Combat Artifact.

“Haha,” Iron Fist Ren laughed at the masked figure of

Amaysu. “You dared to offend the Iron Fist Mercenaries and the
young master of the Damian clan, this is the place you die.”

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Amaysu ignored Ren, his gaze was calm, all of a sudden the
tranquil aura that surrounded him exploded with a terrifying
surge of power. This was the aura that a monarch had over his
subject and this was the same feeling that Iron Fist Ren faced,
even Luca and his group who was far away felt the aura and
immediately had a feeling of inferiority.

The group was shocked by the aura Amaysu possessed, this

wasn’t the same thing as the vibration that an expert released,
this was an aura that was bred since birth. If a person was born
in an ordinary household and brought up that way he would
have an ordinary aura. A person who had been killing all his life
will have a murderous aura and someone like Amaysu he had
the aura of a monarch.

In this instance, Amaysu’s figure disappeared leaving behind a

hazy blur as he rushed towards Ren.

Luca stared in shock: ” So quick!”

“What kind of Movement skill is this?” Rano asked Sidra.

Sidra’s brows furrowed and after a moment, he answered: “I

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don’t know but it is extremely profound movement skill even I
can barely follow him.”

“What?!” Luca and Rano were both shocked at this fact. Who
was Sidra? He was from the Fiendspeed clan that excelled in
movement skills.

Even though it was difficult for Sidra to follow Amaysu, it

didn’t mean that Ren couldn’t follow his movements although it
was a bit difficult.

In an instant, Amaysu appeared in front of him, without

giving him the ability to react Amaysu swung the scythe down
with immense force. The sharp blade of the scythe cut through
the wind with nearly zero resistance.

When the Scythe was only a few feet away from Ren, he raised
his free hand, because raising his hand was faster than raising
the sword and a confident smile took over his face.


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Chapter 34 - Amaysu Vs Iron Fist Ren (2)


The sharp scythe slashed at Ren’s palm however, it

unexpectedly caused a rattling bang. Amaysu hadn’t expected
such a scenario, he immediately retreated a dozen metres away
from Ren.

Ren was smiling at Amaysu on the outside, yet on the inside,

he was shocked. His palms were numb and there was a long
external wound on the surface of his palm.

Unlike any other opponent Amaysu had ever faced, Ren was
the first person that possessed a cultivation technique, it was
worth more than your average Spirit Cultivation technique
because he cultivated one that was at the peak of the Spirit
Cultivation techniques.

This technique helped him increase his bodies strength,

furthermore, it had the effect of tempering the hands so that it
is as strong as steel.

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Amaysu also came up with this conclusion

or how else was it possible for a person to have such powerful


Amaysu snorted, he took a stance. He moved his right leg

forward and pulled his left leg backwards, lifting his left arm
forward, his fingers locked onto each other while he tensed
them. The index finger joined the middle finger, as the ring
finger joined the little finger leaving the thumb on its own. If
the form of Amaysu’s left armoured hand could be described in
any way it looked like claws.

Amaysu was holding the scythe upside down like how a

dagger would be held.

Ren was staring at Amaysu and understood his intentions

from Amaysu’s stance. Hmph, you want to face me without
using your weapon.

“Huuh!” Amaysu breathed out heavily, a concentrated

expression was on his face.

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Amaysu rushed at his fastest speed towards Ren, his feet
leaving behind an air of dust.

Seeing Amaysu close him down, Ren sneered with disdain

however it didn’t last long before trepidation took over.

Behind Amaysu, a blurry red figure was standing behind

Amaysu in a protective manner. The entire body was armoured
with blood red scales, four strong limbs were on the ground
standing steadfast, its claws were blurred but if it was clear it
would be shockingly sharp. Its backbone was covered with a
long line of spikes, two leathery wings were open, as it stood
prideful and its long tail tipped with spikes was coiling around
the ring.

The head of this beast was as tall as Amaysu’s standing figure,

its head was blurred but its fierce aura couldn’t be hidden.

“A… Dragon!” A murmur was let out in this silence where

only the wind could be heard.

Yes, this was a dragon from the legends that was only passed
down through books. This legendary Savage beast is thought to
have gone extinct, even its existence is thought to only be a

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myth and appears only in books.

Amaysu’s mastery of this skill wasn’t at the same level as his

ancestor, but it could still be assessed as a great achievement.

Amaysu floated through the air and in an instant he was right

before the stunned Ren.

“Dragon’s Wrath!”

Amaysu roared in his heart, as his claw-like fingers jabbed

into Ren’s chest, without any resistance. At the same time the
blurry dragon gave out a noiseless roar to the skies, that scared
every single person in the coliseum.


Ren was smashed into the distance, he was absolutely

defenceless so the force caused him to cough out saliva that
contained traces of red.

The blurry dragon disappeared and the pin drop silence

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turned into a deafening roar.

Inside the booth, Luca was staring down in Amazement.

“What kind of Combat skill is that, to actually create an

illusion of a legendary Dragon!” Rano shouted.

“Its strength is at most a Rank 4 Combat skill but it can create

an illusion!” Sidra also exclaimed with shock.

They were stunned by this, this was because only Combat

skills above the Rank 6 could create illusions. However,
Amaysu’s Combat Skill was a Rank 4 that could create an
illusion and not any illusion it was the illusion of a Dragon.

A vicious and greedy glint appeared in Luca’s eyes, but he was

not the only one the other two also had greedy expressions on
their face.

That masked man definitely possesses a lot of treasures,

thought Luca.

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At this moment Ren pushed himself off the ground, he
staggered for a moment but stood straight.

Amaysu frowned he knew the destructive power contained in

that move, he should have at least taken some internal damage.

Ren stared at Amaysu and smirked: “You must be wondering

why I’m perfectly fine? Well, I’ll answer that for you!”

After saying this he grabbed onto his black long sleeved t-shirt
and ripped it in two. Under it was a silver coloured armour that
had three deep dents in it.

Amaysu didn’t expect him to have such a powerful armour.

But he threw that thought aside and rushed towards him
without any rest, in an instant he arrived right near him, he
once again sent an arcing slash with his scythe.

But against his expectations, Ren didn’t try to defend but took
the initiative by raising his sword level to his chest and stabbed
at Amaysu.

There was no chance of dodging a sword strike that was so

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Blood streaked down the side of his stomach, he tried

changing the angle of his body to make the sword that was
aiming at his stomach, to only cut his skin. However, this cut
was deep but not life threatening this was due to his Emperor
Arts Cultivation technique strengthening his body.

Ren took this chance and pulled his sword back and punched
straight into Amaysu’s chest.


“Guh!” Amaysu coughed out a mouthful of blood, that

splattered all over his mask, the force in Ren’s fist carried
immense force causing his feet to skid against the ground until
he came to a stop five metres away.

Amaysu took a heavy breath, blood was dripping down from

the mask. Looking back up he frowned, Ren wasn’t there

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In no extra time, he sensed danger behind him, using Lunar
Moon Dance to its utmost degree he dodged a sword strike by a
hair’s breadth.

Without any delay, Amaysu took this chance to retreat to a

safe distance. Out of the blue, a breath of wind brushed past him
and loose strands of hair fluttered away with the wind. Even
though he dodged that sword strike, most of his long hair had
been cut off .

“Damn It!” Amaysu mumbled, he was still not strong enough

to take a 10th rank Fighter. There was a big difference between
him and Ren, unlike Ren who had decades of experience in life
and death situations Amaysu was still lacking.

If his first strike had gone through he would be on a higher

standing at this moment.

“Huuh!” Amaysu took a deep breath to calm his heart and

sorted out his disorganised thoughts.

A serious glint flitted across his eyes and a destructive, yet

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baleful emotion bloomed deep in his heart, this was a sensation
that he hadn’t felt in two years.

But before he could take the initiative to attack, Ren was

already upon him, he wouldn’t allow the flow of the fight to

He immediately slashed down at Amaysu, Amaysu raised the

scythe to block it. But the sword simply went passed the scythe
and hit the ground, using this as a boost he pushed himself
forward and punched at Amaysu aiming for his face.

How could Amaysu have expected that Ren would

immediately change to close-quarter hand to hand combat, at
the last second he managed to raise his blackish blue arm up to
block the strike.


When the iron-like fist slammed into Amaysu’s palm, the

force pushed his hand back hitting his face. Amaysu once again
retreated, the flow of the fight had turned completely one sided.

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“Crack!” All of a sudden a piece of his mask crashed onto the
floor, allowing everyone to see a quarter of his face.

His copper golden eyes had an imposing aura as he stared

coldly at Ren and a part of his skin was visible to everyone.

The mask was ordinary, made of weak material so just a small

amount of force could break it and because the part that held
the mask to his face broke, the mask fell onto the arena’s floor
revealing his face.

His unique eyes stared coldly at the stunned Ren, who had the
same expression as everyone in the Coliseum.

Amaysu caused many people to be envious of him and the

group inside the booth were shocked by Amaysu’s young

“He is so young and already at the 7th rank Fighter stage!

What kind of monster is he!” Luca couldn’t help but exclaim.

Even the elder that was sitting quietly until now was shocked,
Amaysu looked no more than 15 or 16 years old and he was

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already so strong, his future could be described as limitless.

Ren inside the stage was also stunned, but instantly he started
releasing killing intent: This kid must die! Because he had
already offended Amaysu it meant there was no way of
reconciliation between them.

Amaysu disregarded the silence and was staring quietly.

Without warning, the baleful emotion flared uncontrollably.

“Ah~~~” A resonant voice echoed deep in Amaysu’s mind.

Amaysu was stunned for a few seconds, this was something

that could cause death in a fight but Ren didn’t notice this
change. Slightly shaken and fearful of this sudden intruder, he
immediately questioned this voice: “Who are you?!”

“Haha~~ Amay calm down~. Let me take over!”

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Chapter 35 - The Return Of Amaysu’s Alter

“First, tell me who you are!” Amaysu shouted in the endless

abyss known as his conscious.

Amay~ I’ll tell you after this fight~~ The voice in his head

Amaysu was in a desperate situation so he unwillingly relaxed

his body.

As soon as he relaxed his body he lost all control. The feeling

that he got was as if he was watching himself move yet at the
same time feeling separated from his body.

Amaysu turned to look at Ren, unlike the previous cold stare

his eyes contained a wild intensity of some uncontrollable beast.

Ren seeing this felt the hair on his back stand on end.

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“Haha~ This fight ends now~~.” A melodious tone
reverberated across the ring.

Ren frowned and snorted in contempt, he sprinted towards

Amaysu aiming to stab him straight through the heart.

Amaysu looked at Ren drawing closer and a childish smile was

plastered on his face. Holding the scythe by the centre of its
handle he started spinning it in a windmill like motion,
gradually the speed increased until only a spinning blur could be

The sword stabbed into the scythe that was moving like a
windmill, but it clashed with the scythes handle and was
smacked down causing Ren to lose balance.

Taking advantage of this golden opportunity Amaysu leapt

and slammed his feet right into the plated armour that
protected Ren.


An explosive sound of metal cracking was heard as Ren was

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sent crashing and rolling across the rings floor.

Amaysu just stood there and stared at Ren’s meagre

appearance, he was clearly enjoying this sight and wasn’t going
to let the fight end so quickly, where’s the fun in that?

Ren slowly stood up and smiled weakly at Amaysu: “No

matter what you do my armour will protect me!” He said with

Amaysu bent his head at an angle and looked at him with a

ridiculing expression: “Are you sure about that?”

“Crack!” As if on cue, the part where Amaysu had kicked was

visibly breaking down.

“Bang!” The armour shattered and fell on the ground.

Ren stared at Amaysu in shock, the explosive power in

Amaysu’s kick was unbelievable it had shattered his armour

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However, the most shocked was Amaysu, he couldn’t believe
the explosive power that his body was able to release.

Without any more delay, Amaysu disappeared leaving nothing

but a haze behind, not like before Amaysu’s body disappeared
and appeared all across the arena making his movement

As if searching for the most painful part of the body to strike


Ren was already not fast enough to keep up with Amaysu and
used his fast reaction and eyesight to follow and protect himself
against Amaysu, but now he couldn’t even keep up with
Amaysu’s blurry figure.

Then in an instant, Amaysu appeared before Ren and the

childish smile gleamed brightly, except for Ren it felt as if the
reaper had appeared before him, striking fear into his heart.

Straight away he sent a punch at Ren who was trying his

utmost to keep up, his fist managed to clash against Amaysu’s.

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“Bang!” The two fists collided, however, there was no
resistance for Amaysu as his fist pushed forth.


“Argh!” Ren roared in pain as he treated quickly and grabbed

his left hand, all his fingers were broken and his knuckles had

Right away Amaysu drew his fist back and moved in, using
one hand he swung the scythe down ferociously, the wind split
apart, the force could clearly be seen.

Ren moved his sword up frantically trying to block the scythe,

he didn’t dare test his palms strength when just one kick from
Amaysu could shatter his armour and a punch could shatter his


“Urgh!” Ren grunted as he felt his knees bend under the

enormous might carried by the scythe, while his sword hand

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Amaysu wasn’t done, he pulled the handle of the scythe
backwards, the sharp blade of the scythe hooked around the
sword and pulled it out of Ren’s numbed grip.

“Clank!” The sword dropped onto the floor before Ren had the
time to pick it up Amaysu had already kicked it far across the
ring until it fell outside the ring.

Using his armoured hand Amaysu’s flat palm softly touched

Ren’s chest: Soft Palm.

Ren stared at the calm expression on Amaysu’s face in

confusion, except Amaysu had a belittling smile, all of a sudden.

“Crack…Crack!” His bones cracked and he started violently

vomiting blood, he crumbled onto the floor into a pool of his
own blood. A fountain of blood kept leaking from his mouth, he
was shaking heavily as more cracking sounds of bones
shattering could be heard.

The destructive power carried by the Soft Palm had absolutely

shattered his rib cage and had disturbed his heart causing a vein

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near the heart to rupture.

Even if Ren survived this he would never be able to practise

martial arts and would forever be a cripple.

Haha Amay~~ How could you get overpowered by someone so

weak, the voice in Amaysu’s head resonated as it laughed

Amaysu couldn’t believe that this voice was mocking him.

However, this voice had the right to speak, Amaysu realised that
he was learning a lot from the way that the scythe was being
handled. It wasn’t a controlled or a disciplined style, but

For the next few seconds, the crowd was staring at the
charming and handsome figure of Amaysu walking towards the
edge of the ring, leaving behind a half-dead body.

All of a sudden the entire coliseum exploded into a cheer.

“Elder, what happened?” Luca quickly questioned the elder

because he had no idea how Ren had just lost so miserably after

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controlling the fight for so long.

The elder’s gaze was stuck on Amaysu’s body and he frowned:

“I don’t know, but it is not rare to see young geniuses take on
those at a higher rank than them, but his explosive increase in
strength might be due to a pill. Furthermore, he definitely used
a powerful Combat skill to defeat Ren, I believe that from this
moment onwards Ren will be a cripple.”

Luca, Sidra and Rano were all shocked, but the elder carried
on speaking his voice releasing killing intent: “It seems this boy
has to be eliminated, after what we’ve done and if he holds
grudges for the smallest offences, it’ll be a great disaster to our
Damian Family clan.”

Luca nodded understandingly.

When Amaysu entered his room in the inn, he collapsed onto

the floor losing all control of his body.

Amay~~ You’re already so tired, The voice spoke in a light-

hearted manner.

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“Stop jeering and tell me who you are?” Amaysu spoke out

Who am I? Are you joking?~~ Amay you should have already

realised it, I am you, you are me, we’re one and the same. It said
in a matter of fact tone.

Amaysu immediately rebuked harshly: “Stop spewing crap,

how can I believe that?”

It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not, but without me,

you would have long ago fallen into depravity and become
insane~~. Without me, you wouldn’t have been able to save our
siblings two years back.

Amaysu was taken aback, he had never forgotten that

memory he had always thought that he went berserk at that
moment, he didn’t expect that it was caused by this voice.

Even though he felt that he couldn’t trust this voice and he

felt uncomfortable because of its presence in his mind, he
couldn’t do anything about it and allowed the voice to stay in
his head.

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Slowly dragging himself up to sit in cross-legged position
Amaysu started organising his thoughts and planned what to do

He had spent a week in this city and had completed

everything he had come here for, he had stayed here for long
enough, it was time to visit the place he had been putting off
from the moment he woke up.

Are you going to visit the Ancestral graveyard?

Amaysu was shocked and he questioned suspiciously: “How do

you know about the Ancestral land.”

The voice in his head was slightly displeased: I told you, that
you and I are the same. We possess the same memories of
mother and father taking us there.

At first, Amaysu didn’t believe the words of this voice, but

now he had to accept a bit of it.

The Ancestral land or it would be better to call it the Ancestral

graveyard was an ancient and secret land that every Emperor of

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the Dasecris clan is buried in, from the first emperor to the last.

He was taken there every year on the day that the empire was
founded on, his parents would always guide him through the
countless graveyards. That land could be said to be hidden from
the eyes of the world and seemed to be an entirely separate

Amaysu’s body was heavy and weary but he couldn’t help but
feel light hearted when he remembered the calm years of his
life, at the same time the voice in his head quietened down.

After recuperating for a bit, Amaysu stood up and he looked at

his body noticing that the concentration of the vibration around
his body had increased.

“I’ve reached the 8th rank?!” Amaysu had reached the peak of
the 7th stage many months back, but he spent a long time
consolidating it, he increased his skills and fighting experience
rather than increasing his strength.

After this minor surprise, he went to cleanse himself from the

sweat, dirt and dried blood on his torso.

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After coming out he had already set out his next goal, but
before that he had to prepare and heal first. He also had to take
precautions in case he was still being targeted by that arrogant
young master.

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Chapter 36 - Pursuit

A week later.

A black cloaked figure carrying a small bag over his shoulders

walked through the inn’s doors into the cold, crowded streets.
At the moment he left the inn, many cloaked figures that stood
hidden in different locations around the inn suddenly started
moving at the same time.

Amaysu walked through the streets and dissolved into the


You’re being followed.

“Yes I know?” Amaysu replied to the voice in his head, he was

alert and on guard the entire time. For the past week, he has
walked through the streets many times and noticed that there
were people following him.

After spending two years inside the Beast Kings Forest, his
instincts were very sensitive. In a place where the strongest
would feed on the week and where even the slightest bit of

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precaution to the smallest detail could save your life, this
tempered his surviving skills.

They’re probably waiting till I leave and then ambush me

outside the city, Amaysu thought to himself. He had an idea of
who was surveying him, so he didn’t take any unfavourable
risks. Amaysu also knew that they couldn’t do anything to him
within the city in fear of offending one of the Nine Overlord
sects, but outside they could do whatever they wanted to him.

Amaysu had spent the week casually walking around the

streets under the surveillance of his unwanted followers, it
wasn’t that he couldn’t lose them, it was the opposite he was
allowing them to keep up with him.

The only reason he was casually walking around the streets

was to reduce their guard against him so that when he wants to
he could lose them in an instant, that was his chance to escape.

Within the Damian Family Clans estate.

In a courtyard a young man was shirtless waving down his

sword in a downward motion, he kept repeating that motion for

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a few minutes.

After a while, he stopped and walked to a nearby table with

refreshments on it. He wiped the sweat off his face and doused
himself with a bucket of cold water, this young man was Luca

“Hm? What is it?” he didn’t turn around but he knew there

was someone behind him.

The man was dressed completely in black and spoke in a

respectful manner: “Young master, he is on the move once

Luca naturally knew who the man behind him was referring

With the help of the elder, he had carefully observed every

one of Amaysu’s movements around the city, but Amaysu still
didn’t dare to leave the city and moved around carefreely.

“Keep surveillance on him. When he leaves the city,

immediately report it to me.”

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“Yes young master,” the man replied and disappeared from
the courtyard.

Pouring himself a cup of wine, he was deep in thought: Kid,

you’re only delaying the inevitable, it’s your fault for getting in
my way.

Amaysu wasn’t the first victim that Luca had killed in such
fashion, he had done this many times before to those that got in
his way. However, Amaysu was the first person that had such
potential to threaten them in the future, so even the elder was
assisting him.

Luca was in his early twenties and had just reached the 7th
rank of the Fighter stage a few months ago, he was already
described as a genius but Amaysu’s talent was too great, this
made him slightly jealous.

Back in the city Amaysu had walked through the streets and
had visited many stalls, pretending that he didn’t notice his

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After walking through the streets for a bit longer a smile
appeared on Amaysu’s cloaked face: “It’s time.” Waiting a week
was the longest amount of time that Amaysu could waste trying
to throw them off and now it was time for his escape.

Amaysu walked into the crowd and disappeared with the flow
of people.

After a while his pursuers also followed him but… Amaysu

was gone as if he disappeared into thin air.

“Where’s he gone?!” A man dressed in a brown cloak

addressed to the other seven men standing with him.

“He’s disappeared,” one of the men replied.

“He can’t just disappear into thin air!” The man that spoke
first replied. “Shit! Quickly find him! And you go report this to
the young master!” He quickly ordered.

At this moment, Amaysu was already far away from them and
was rushing through the alleyways to the north of the city.

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You only have half an hour at most before they find your
trail~~ The voice in Amaysu’s head spoke.

“I know!”

Amaysu had drawn them closer and closer to the edge of the
city without his pursuers noticing and took the chance to

Amaysu looked into the distance and saw that the wall was
close by, he rushed in the direction, turning past an alleyway he
entered the main street that led to the gates.

Amaysu arrived at the gate and quickly ran through the crowd
and was soon at the other side of the thick wall.

Without even taking a glance backwards Amaysu rushed

towards Beast Kings Forest as fast as he could, it was the only
safe place that he could come up with.

The distance between the Forest and the 1st Class city was
only twelve kilometres and it would take him at least a quarter

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of an hour to reach the outskirts of the forest.

Each minute that passed felt like ten, Amaysu rushed at his
highest speed and looked down at his blackish blue left arm and
checked the small screen.

On the left corner, there was a percentage: 43%.

This was the display that showed the percentage that showed
how much energy was absorbed into the Particle Cannon.

Is it enough? The voice asked Amaysu.

“I don’t know, but I hope so,” This was Amaysu’s last resort if
they caught up to him.

After 10 minutes Amaysu started feeling that they were

nowhere near him and he was in a safe position.

All of a sudden a voice boomed across the empty grasslands:

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“Where do you think you’re running off to!!”

Amaysu eyes widened in shock: “How did they catch up so

quickly?” He believed that they should have at most found his
tracks and were about to start their chase, however, he had
greatly underestimated their tracking abilities.

Amaysu turned to look back and noticed there was a group,

there were three men behind him and he recognised two of
them, it was Luca and the elder that was always with him. The
third man was a man that was at a level that Amaysu couldn’t
detect so Amaysu came to the conclusion that he was at the
Body Transformation stage.

Luca was being brought here by the elder or he wouldn’t be

able to keep up.

Using the Lunar Moon Dance to its utmost degree Amaysu

raced away. If his speed was to be described it would be as quick
as a 1st ranked Body Transformation expert.

“Haha, you think you can escape us!” A laughter rang across
the grasslands followed by an arrogant voice.

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Amaysu roared back: “I have not offended you, let me be!”

“So what! You’re an unknown element that could threaten us

in the future!” Luca replied.

Amaysu wasn’t a figure that was easily offended, but these

people were unwilling to let him leave in peace, so he didn’t
reply and carried on rushing at his utmost speed.

Two long Minutes passed by, but to Amaysu, it felt like an

hour. The distance between him and the group of three
shortened to about two hundred metres from the original one
kilometre in the same time.

quickly the distance reduced.

Two Hundred metres…

One Hundred and Sixty metres…

One Hundred and Twenty Five metres…

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Ninety metres…

Forty metres…

The distance between them was only twenty metres now, but
Amaysu was extremely close to the outskirts of the Forest, he
could even see the vast mountains and greenery from where he
was at.


Amaysu’s ears twitched when he heard the wind splitting.

Instantaneously he jumped to the right dodging a sharp knife
that shot passed him like a rocket.

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Chapter 37 - ​Amaysu’s Vow


Three figures stopped a few metres away from Amaysu who

had just stood up after dodging the knife.

Luca and the elder looked at Amaysu and the third man was
masked so Amaysu couldn’t make his features out, also the elder
and the masked figure had swords sheathed on their waists.

Amaysu glared coldly at them, the iciness in his aura started

growing once again: “Why are you chasing me?”

Luca took this chance to harshly rebuke him: “Do you not
understand the situation?! Your life is in our hands!”

Amaysu snorted but kept quiet, however, even when facing

two Body Transformation experts he wasn’t going to lower his
head. He was trying to think of a plan to escape or at least come
up with a compromise between him and them.

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While Amaysu was in his thoughts the elder started speaking:
“We’ll grant you two options, one will let you live while the
other will take you to your death.”

At a closer look Amaysu realised that this elders face was

covered in wrinkles, his skin was pale and flaky from old age.

“The first option is you join us…”

When the first few words left the elder, Luca was shocked,
then an ugly expression covered his face, he didn’t believe that
the elder would try to recruit him.

Even Amaysu was shocked, however, the elder didn’t take his
reactions into account and carried on speaking: “You will join
our family and take our name, it will be a shame if a genius like
you died so young. You must also hand over all your treasures,
including that black box and Combat skills to the family clan.”

Amaysu frowned and spoke icily: “What if I say no?”

The elder’s wrinkled face became even more gruesome: “Then

we’ll take your treasures and the method to use them, then kill

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“Hmph! You want me to change my family name? You have

no qualifications to make me do so and you want my treasures,
just try it!” Amaysu wasn’t the slightest bit scared against such
powerful foes, it was the opposite he was enraged by the elder.

At this moment, over a dozen figures were becoming visible

from where Amaysu was standing, they were all stampeding in
his direction.

They’ve assembled quite a force against you~

Can you stop commenting and come up with anything useful,

Amaysu harshly reprimanded.

“Do you desire death so much?!” The elder was furious

because of Amaysu’s arrogance and pulled out the sheathed

This sword had a purple shine to it and had a peculiar aura.

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“Combat Artifact!” Amaysu didn’t expect that the elder would
take out his combat artifact so early.

Combat Artifacts were weapons that were forged with special

materials. The hardness and power contained in a sword
depended mainly on the material used to forge it.

The difference between a normal weapon and a Combat

Artifact was the minute detail in the technology used to add
effects and powers to the weapon. These effects allowed the
weapon to have much more power, but the burden is too much
for a normal cultivator to handle. So only an individual at the
Body Transformation stage could use these weapons.

“This is where you die!”

Luca and the masked man watched as the elder waved his
sword nonchalantly.

A purple haze formed on the surface of the sword, when the

sword was swung at Amaysu, the haze changed into a sword
beam that shot towards Amaysu.

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The purple sword beam got closer and closer, with difficulty
Amaysu bent his body trying to dodge the sword beam.


The sword beam slammed into Amaysu’s abdomen, he had

underestimated the difficulty of dodging the sword beam and
was forced to face it head on.

Amaysu flew a few metres back and then rolled on the floor.


Gradually he turned and laid on his stomach and started

coughing blood onto the grass. His clothes on his chest area
were seared and blood was pouring down from the wound, but
contrary to his situation a crazed expression was on Amaysu’s

“Haha!” Amaysu laughed as he coughed more blood, causing

the three men to look at him in confusion, they even felt a sense
of danger appear from him. It was the same feeling that you
would get when a beast goes berserk.

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Amaysu stood up and his gaze was glued on the trio, his voice
maniacal: “I’ve told you I had no qualms with you, yet you leave
me no leeway! I vow that the day that we meet again will be the
day that I eradicate you!”

“Haha! You still think that you can escape alive?!” Luca
laughed in contempt.

Amaysu’s voice was cold and full of rage: “I don’t think, I

know I’ll escape… You wanted to see what that black cube was,
let me show you its power!”

Amaysu raised his blackish blue left arm to face the trio. At
the same time the trio looked at Amaysu with ridicule, they
believed it was just the baseless words of a cornered beast.

The group that was stampeding towards Amaysu had finally

caught up and were also watching Amaysu’s sorry figure.

Amaysu snorted, he swiped the screen on his left arm, which

changed the options leaving a single new option behind.

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Thereupon he pressed it.

“Buzz! Buzz!” All of a sudden buzzing sounds were being

released from Amaysu’s arm causing the ridiculing expressions
on the groups face to freeze. The elder and the other Body
Transformation expert sensed that something was wrong.

Shortly after, a bright blue light shone through the small gaps
in the armour, it moved through his arm like fluid revealing a

These paths joined at the centre of Amaysu’s palm where the

white circle was located. The white circle became blue and its
shine grew brighter and brighter until it was a blinding light
that dimmed the sunlight.

“DIE!” Amaysu roared fiercely.


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A blue light beam that was the size of a person’s torso
rocketed out from Amaysu’s palm, the air around the palm
shattered into pieces as the beam of light shot towards the
group. The energy ripped everything in its path, tearing and
destroying everything in its way.

The elder felt a great sense of danger coming from the beam.

“Protect the young master!”

It didn’t matter if he was severely injured, if Luca, the best

talent in their family clan was to die it would mean that they
would lose another future Body Transformation expert that has
the potential to reach an even higher stage.

With his command, the group of Fighter stage experts

surrounded Luca and right in front of the group stood the elder
and the masked man. They both had their Combat Artifacts
raised concentrating on the beam of pure energy that was
destroying everything in its path.


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When the beam of energy clashed against the two Body
Transformation stage experts, it came to an abrupt stop as the
two forces clashed against one another.

Even though there was a slight pause they were being pushed
back at an increasing rate, the elder realised that the ray of
energy was far more powerful than he first expected.

“Quickly release your full power!” The elder roared to the

masked man.

Immediately the air surrounding them started vibrating and

the vibrations that their body produced was released.

“Buzz!” This caused a buzzing sound as the air started

shaking, they were using the special force that only those that
were at the Body Transformation stage or higher could use.
Furthermore, their bodies emitted a dull yellow light.

“Shit!” However, this wasn’t enough because the beam kept

growing more and more powerful, retaliating against them.

The elder and the masked man were sweating heavily and

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trails of blood started forming on the elders lips, blood started
dripping from the masked man’s face. The burden of activating
their full power for so long was heavy, for the both of them, the
web between their thumb and index finger was shredded,
covered in blood.

The clashing of the two forces lasted for nearly thirty full
seconds before one of them gave in.

“Boom!” Suddenly the energy surged with an even more

ferocious power which charged through them without

“Elder!” Luca roared with trepidation because if the elder died

he would be next.

The energy rushed towards Luca, but to his fortune, the

energy unexpectedly exploded just before reaching Luca’s

Luca fell to the ground in fear, breathing a deep breath he

stared at the dust clouds.

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Slowly a minute passed by and the dust in the air were settling
down, the atmosphere was tense and Luca was beyond anxious,
he didn’t know if the elder was alive or not.

When the dust fully cleared, Luca’s eyes went wide with
horror. A perfect trail of destruction was left behind in the wake
of the energy beam, the land was unearthed and mutilated.

Luca’s gaze moved forward and landed on two figures that

were revealed by the curtain of dust, they were standing with
the support of their swords in a pool of blood.


“Guh!” Both the elder and the masked man vomited blood, the
masked man’s mask fell on the floor, revealing a destroyed and
ugly face, that was covered in blood.

The two men were covered in blood, their pair of arms were
mangled to an unsightly degree, blood kept flowing down from
their wounds.

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Luca quickly arrived next to the elder and ordered his men:
“Quickly treat the elder and him, after that quickly take them
back to the city!”

However, the elder weakly interjected: “Luca order some men

to chase after him! He must be injured from the recoil of that
attack, this is the best moment to kill him or this will be a great
threat for our family clan in the future! “

Luca nodded and ordered some men to follow Amaysu.

In the battlefield, Amaysu’s figure was nowhere to be seen,

except for a trail of blood tipped grass that led to the Savage
Kings Forest.

Luca couldn’t help but look back up at the catastrophe and

shiver in fear remembering the figure that stood only a few
metres ahead of them just a minute before.

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Chapter 38 - Getting Into Trouble

Amaysu rushed through the Savage Kings Forest, cautiously

while maintaining a fast pace.

His entire left arm was coated with fresh blood, his skin was
burnt and already gone leaving it raw, the bones in his left hand
were broken and his fingers were all bent towards odd angles.

Amaysu had already released the Particle Cannon allowing it

to transform back into a cube and after that, he had put the cube

“Argh!… Huh!” Amaysu howled in pain and swallowed a cold

breath of air as he grabbed hold of his dangling arm, his eyes
twitched and his face was covered in cold sweat, that soaked his
black clothes.

His body dodged past the leaves and unbound branches, he

was searching for a place to hide and recuperate until his
injuries completely healed.

At this moment an unnoticeable silver light was glowing

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around Amaysu, his Inherited Legacy had automatically
activated and was providing him support. If it wasn’t for this he
would have already collapsed a long time ago.

This special ability that his Inherited Legacy possessed was

something that Amaysu had realised a long time ago, but he had
no idea to what extent this ability could help him. This ability
was very difficult for Amaysu to understand, but it helped him
repair a lot of heavy wounds much faster than normal.

Amay, you’ve broken several bones in your arm, your muscles

and tendons have been shredded and a lot of your blood vessels
have ruptured along with your veins as well. We have to find a
place for you to recuperate or you won’t last for long.

For the first time, the voice was serious and wasn’t behaving
in a carefree manner.

“It’s that bad!” Amaysu exclaimed he couldn’t refrain the

shock in his voice. “This weapon is extremely dangerous, I
didn’t expect it to have such a powerful recoil on my body… No
wonder grandfather destroyed every single one of these.”
Amaysu muttered as he came to a realisation.

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You’re lucky you didn’t use the Particle Cannon at full power
or your injuries wouldn’t be so light, the safest scenario I expect
would be losing your entire arm, worst case scenario would be
losing half your body.

Amaysu nodded affirmatively, yet he couldn’t help but shiver

in fear realising that the benefits of this weapon came with an
immense cost.

Without a strong physical body, it would be impossible to use

the Particle Cannon without being heavily injured. If Amaysu
was as strong as he was two years ago he would have lost his
entire arm.

“Argh!” Amaysu roared all of a sudden, his body scraped

against a large branch that stabbed at his sensitive left arm.

Blood was pouring out from his arm, through his pores, a lot
of the skin on his arm had already been torn apart or burnt. The
pain he felt was unbearable even when he was touched by the
wind, it felt like he was being cut several times.


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Out of nowhere a giant lizard that was two metres long
appeared in the distance, it’s tongue flickered and it started at
Amaysu as if it was deciding what part of him was the most

Amaysu frowned and an annoyed expression took over his

face, he knew that the scent of his blood had drawn this Savage
beast towards him.

“Only a Rank 2 Savage beast and you dare to hunt me?!”

Amaysu growled furiously.

The Savage beast ignored Amaysu’s furious call and rushed

towards his injured figure ready to kill him.


Amaysu released the grip on his left arm and was immediately
jolted by the pain, but he gnashed his teeth and bared it. Raising
his right-hand silver specks started coalescing in front of him
forming a small sharp dagger.

“Go!” Amaysu pointed at the Savage beast and the dagger shot

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towards the Savage beast.

The Savage beast had no way of defending against Amaysu’s

attack, the dagger was just too fast. Without much resistance it
was stabbed through the head, releasing a dying roar, it
crumbled to the soil into a pool of its own blood.

“Urgh!” Amaysu staggered, losing his balance he fell onto the

grass. He felt a metallic sensation surging up his throat, he then
started coughing blood right away, simultaneously blood
spurted out of his arm due to his sudden movements.

Amaysu wiped the blood off his lips, his short hair was
dishevelled, the bright light in eyes had dimmed by a bit and he
was covered in sweat, but he stood up and carried on retreating,
searching for a safe place to hide.

For the next few minutes, Amaysu rushed as far as he could

and tried his best to hide from the nearby Savage beasts that
were drawn to the scent of his blood.


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Amaysu’s ears twitched as he heard the sounds of something
walking through the forest along with voices in the distance
which were drawing closer to him.

“Damn it! Did they already find me?!” He couldn’t believe that
they found his trail so quickly once again.

Amaysu quickly jumped onto a branch and started climbing

the tree and found himself a place to hide where he can also see
these people without being detected.

After a minute a figure rushed through the thick brambles and

stopped right beside the tree where Amaysu was hiding,
Amaysu held his breath and quietly watched.

This person was a young girl.

A girl? Was there a girl in the group chasing me?

The young girl looked to be about the same age or a bit

younger than him. This girl had long black hair that had been
pulled into a ponytail. She had delicate white skin, slender
white legs and a fragile slim body, her chest was still in the

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developing stages but she was still dazzling.

Her face was captivating because of her fair but full eyebrows
with dark blue, big eyes that were frantically glancing at many
directions while biting down on her pink thin lips. She could be
described as beautiful but Amaysu had seen women that were
far superior to her.

This young girl had a frightened expression on her face, even

though she was wearing leather armour and white garments
under it, with a bow hung over her shoulders.

Amaysu noticed that even though she looked younger than

him, she had the aura of 5th Rank Fighter stage cultivator.

She’s talented Amay~~

She turned, about to run in a different direction, when

suddenly an arrow shot towards her.

“AH!” She exclaimed in shock as she fell on the floor dodging

the arrow, the arrow flew past her and into the depths of the

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“Haha! Where do you think you’re going, little girl?” A man
laughed, walking out of the brambles from the same direction as
the girl.

The girl stepped backwards, her body came to a stop against

the tree, she was trembling under the gaze of this man.


Many men started walking out of the brambles and were

standing around the girl, surrounding her, not allowing her to

The man that walked in the same direction as the young

woman had lascivious gaze which he didn’t hide, this made
Amaysu feel disgusted. He already detected the strength of these
men, the man standing in front was only a 7th rank Fighter
while the rest were at the 6th rank.

“Little girl, why don’t you come with me and we can play
around for a bit!” The man spoke while his eyes moved around
her body, feeling even more impressed by it. He stepped

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forward moving closer and closer to the young girl.

She was far weaker than these men, so she was helpless, tears
started forming in the corners of her eyes, realising what was
about to happen to her.

At this moment Amaysu frowned, he was not the type of

person that would ignore a helpless girl that was being assaulted
right in front of him. Even though Amaysu was cold and
indifferent, his kind and gentle heart still existed deep in him,
so he wasn’t going to ignore her.

Amay, ignore her. You’re already severely injured, fighting

against them will exhaust you. You don’t even know her, just
forget about her.

I might not know her but I can’t leave someone that is

helpless right in front of me… I’m going to help her, Amaysu
replied to the voice.

Then do what you want, but I have already warned you, your
life is far more important than hers or anybody else’s to me…

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Amaysu didn’t reply. He raised his right palm, silver specks
started coalescing to form a mask which was exactly the same as
the one that had shattered before, this was done just for
precautions. After putting it on, he formed a scythe from his
Inherited Legacy.

Grabbing its handle he jumped off the tree and landed in front
of the girl.

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Chapter 39 - Call Me Shadow

The girl kept shivering, tears welling in her eyes, slowly the
fear in her eyes turned to despair. She would rather kill herself
than face these lecherous barbarians.


Suddenly the sounds of branches breaking above her head

drew her attention away from the group of men. When she
looked up her view was blocked by a black figure that softly
descended in front of her.

The figure stood tall and steadfast, his body exhausting aura.
When she looked at his back she suddenly felt a sense of safety
from this figure.

The group of men that surrounded the girl retreated because

of the sudden appearance of the masked intruder. They felt
intimidated by his aura and the weapon that he carried.

However, this feeling disappeared when they noticed that this

intimidating figure was heavily injured. The figures chest was

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wounded which could be seen through the hole in his clothes,
his entire left arm was mangled and too horrific to look at.

The man that entered first looked at Amaysu and then snorted
with disdain: “Who are you?!” The arrogant tone of his voice
came from the amount of people in his group and his own


Amaysu quietly stared at him not replying, he wasn’t going to

waste his time here.

“Hmph, I don’t know who you are but don’t come here and
act like a hero!” The man felt irritated because Amaysu was
trying to protect his prey.

“I’ll give you three seconds to leave…” Amaysu ignored what

the man said and warned him to leave.


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At this moment the feeling that the girl behind Amaysu felt a
feeling that she couldn’t describe, it was like being brought back
from the depths of despair.


The man frowned, his head red from fury. “Men! Kill him!”
He roared.


Seeing the charging men, the girl shrunk her body, she looked
like a frightened rabbit. Under the howling voices of the
charging men, she heard Amaysu’s soothing voice: “Close your

The girl did as told. However, unexpectedly Amaysu picked

her up by the stomach and carried her over his shoulders. This
caused the girl to be shocked and flustered.

Because of this, the leader of the group was fuming with

anger, the woman he had eyes on was being carried by another

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Amaysu’s cloak fluttered, in a split second he activated Lunar
Moon Dance and skipped through the men charging towards
him and raced towards their leader.

It took just a moment for Amaysu to appear right in front of

the group’s leader. In the next instant, he swung his scythe and
hooked it around the leaders head.

“You are the type of person that disgusts me!” Amaysu


The leader could clearly see the jewels that were Amaysu’s
eyes, seeing the hypnotising emptiness the leader stood there
frozen. Without the chance to process what was said to him
Amaysu pulled the scythe towards himself.


In front of the frozen stares given by the group of men, the

head of their leader plopped on the floor. They were utterly
helpless in preventing Amaysu from killing their boss.

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Blood flowed out of the severed head, soaking the headless
body. Amaysu turned to face the rest of the men and spoke once
again, his voice extremely cold: “If you don’t want to end up like
him, I’ll give you three seconds to leave.”

The men stood silently, frozen in their positions, not daring to

make a move.

“Three!” Amaysu’s voice immediately woke them up, with

their tails between their legs they retreated in fear of Amaysu.

Amaysu was a merciful person if it was needed he would have

killed them all. But to their fortune, Amaysu wanted this over
very quickly so he went for their leader. There was the risk of
them coming into contact with his pursuers, but how could they
recognise him.

After the men ran off he laid the girl on the floor, she
supported herself up, her face was slightly flustered because of
Amaysu’s straightforwardness.

She then turned to look around and noticed the severed head
on the floor , her face paled and she immediately turned her
head away. She then retreated a few steps, her face still pale but

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looked at Amaysu who was still wearing his mask.

“Thank you… Mister! I’m deeply indebted to you.” The girl

spoke, her voice quivering. Even though she was saved, she
didn’t know what Amaysu’s intentions were so she was on full

Amaysu nodded and then looked at her, she felt as if every

part of her was being seen through and couldn’t help but look
down under Amaysu’s gaze.

“You’re only at the 5th rank of the Fighter stage and you came
out here all alone?”

The girl nodded, but was shocked that Amaysu could sense
her strength, this meant that he was far more skilled than she

Amaysu frowned then carried on: “Well that makes it worse!

You’re weak and alone yet you came out here to train alone.
That’s a foolish idea for a girl that can’t fight to protect herself!”
Amaysu spoke harshly.

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The girl shivered when she heard Amaysu’s voice for the
reason that everything he said was true. The very reason she
came here was to strengthen herself and train. She just quietly
stood there listening to Amaysu.

“I saved you because I was here and that was something that
went with my morals, however, if I wasn’t here you already
know what would happen to you!”

The girl couldn’t refuse and just absorbed all the words that
came from Amaysu. Even Amaysu didn’t know why he was
scolding her, it might be because she was younger than him, but
he didn’t know.

“You better go back home or you’ll just get into trouble


The girl looked up at Amaysu and stared at him with a defiant

gaze. She opened her mouth and spoke with conviction nothing
like her previous frail voice: “I understand your intention, but
I’m sorry, I came here to get stronger!”

Amaysu looked at the girls eyes, it was full of conviction a

strong desire to get stronger. If she was so determined, he

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decided not to pursue it.

“Then do what you want!” Amaysu had done what had to be

done, he turned and was prepared to leave

“Thump!” Abruptly, he felt his chest pain and blood surged

through of his throat, he immediately started coughing blood.
Furthermore, because he was holding the scythe with his left
hand it had reopened the wound causing blood to pour out

Amaysu dropped onto his knees and grabbed onto his bloodied
arm, the mask on his face fell on the floor. His vision blurred
due to the lack of blood in his body and the burden caused by his
heavy injuries.

“Not now!… Argh!” Amaysu roared helplessly as he was jolted

by the immense pain.

The girl was taken aback by Amaysu’s sudden outburst. For

the first time, she noticed the blatant and heavy injuries on
Amaysu’s body. She never realised that he had saved him
despite being heavily injured. She couldn’t help but feel guilty
because she suspected him even though he saved her.

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Amaysu looked up at the sky, his dishevelled hair matted his
sweat covered, pale forehead.

Haha… Hey, I never got to ask you your name, what should I
be calling you? Amaysu asked the voice his tone slightly
sentimental, while his vision started fading.

A name?.. Hm … I don’t have a name, but… Amay you can call

me Shadow, because I am a part of you, I am just your Shadow
the one that will always be there with you. The voice replied to

Shadow… Shadow, has a nice ring to it. After this Amaysu’s

vision blacked out completely, his conscious receded and he

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Chapter 40 - Luna

After an unknown period of time, Amaysu slowly started to

regain consciousness. His entire body was stiff, his body was
suffering from the pain, which kept jolting him even when he
tried to breathe forcing him to take slow soft breaths.

To escape from the Damian clan, he had to pay a large price.

His entire left arm was mangled with half the blood vessels in
his left hand ruptured. Some of the veins in his arm were also
heavily damaged and countless bones had broken in his left arm
and hand. Because of the heavy recoil, even some of his organs
were misplaced.

The searing pain caused Amaysu to slowly regain awareness,

the sounds of flowing water was heard in the distance. He
suddenly felt a cloth, softly going over his left arm then moving
towards his chest.

Amaysu slowly opened his eyes, it was very hard but he

managed to do so, the scenery in front of him was a
monotonous dark ceiling. He could still hear the sounds of
water rushing down and he now felt that his arms were being
wrapped with something.

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Where am I?

Who’s touching me?

Amaysu tried his hardest to look at who was bandaging him,

however, he was too exhausted for such a tiresome task and lost
consciousness once again.

Not long after, Amaysu woke up once again, this time, he felt
a cloth on his forehead, when he opened his eyes, his vision was
blurry and he felt suffocated. However, he was feeling much
better because a lot of the pain in his arm and chest had dulled.

Amaysu once again lost consciousness and this repeated many


After a period of time, Amaysu slowly opened his eyes, a lot of

the pain had been alleviated and he realised that he could move
his right hand.

“Urgh!” Amaysu groaned as he tried to push himself into a

seated position.

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“Ah?!” He suddenly heard a stunned voice, following this, a
young girl ran towards him. She was dressed in simple white
clothes, wearing a white skirt and a vest with long sleeves that
were rolled up.

She had calm, dark blue big eyes. Her skin was soft and
supple, her hair was tied into a ponytail with a few loose strands
on her face, that actually made her more beautiful. She wasn’t
the greatest beauty but she had a certain allure to her, but it was
possible that she would turn into a beauty that could make cities
fight for her in the near future.

She gently pressed Amaysu’s chest and quickly ordered

him:”Sit down! You need more rest!”

Amaysu’s vision was still blurred and his mind was still
disorganised, so it took a bit of time to respond before he laid
down again.

The girl sat beside Amaysu: “Do you need anything?”

Amaysu looked at her, his eyes still confused: “Wat… Water…

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Water.” Amaysu murmured, his throat was thoroughly dry, it
was painful and wearisome just to talk.

The girl rushed towards the end of the cave, towards where
the gushing sounds of water could be heard and ran back.

She bought a leather water sack and helped Amaysu drink. As

the cool water went down his throat he felt a refreshing feeling,
that flowed through his entire dull body.

After finishing he felt his mind clear and he regained his clear-
headedness and recognised the girl, she was the one he saved.

Now that his head was clear he once again tried to sit back up.
The girl was about to raise her hand to stop him, but Amaysu
stopped her: “Stop… let me do this,” he croaked.

After sitting up, he leant against the wall that was just by his
side and took a deep breath. Looking around he noticed that the
sounds of rushing water were from the waterfall that veiled the
cave’s entrance. Opposite to him, he noticed that his scythe and
bag were quietly set resting there.

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Closing his eyes and resting his head against the wall, Amaysu
released a heavy breath which carried away a bit of the burden
that he was carrying.

“Why did you save me?”

She was silent for a moment before he heard her voice: “I

guess we have similar morals, you saved me earlier even with
those injuries, so I chose to help you. This is also a way that I
can repay you.”

Amaysu was quiet, he slowly opened his eyes once again, he

saw that the girl was now sitting right in front of him holding
up a wooden cup with a green liquid within it.

“Drink this.”

Amaysu looked at the cup, he hesitated for a moment, but still

took the cup and drank it. It was extremely bitter and had a
strong herbal scent, unexpectedly he felt the pain in his body
dulling, he realised that this medicine was a type of painkiller.

Looking at the cup then back at her, Amaysu felt warmth in

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his heart, it had been such a long time since someone had
treated him with actual, genuine and sincere kindness.

“Thank you!” Amaysu smiled, this was a heartfelt smile

towards the person in front of him, it was nothing like the one
he gave Hummels before. To Hummels, he had smiled because
his siblings were alive, but now from the bottom of his heart, he
was thankful towards the person in front of him.

The girl seeing his smile, suddenly turned red from

embarrassment. She had never seen someone so handsome, it
wasn’t a feminine like handsomeness it was full of power and
respect, she couldn’t help but glance at his features. They were
all so perfect and most of all he was much stronger than her,
even though he looked only a bit older than her.

His unique eyes were especially charismatic, they had a

magnetic effect that drew people towards him. They were calm
without a ripple, deep showing no hint of his true self and full of

He makes those men look like frogs. Only she knew who
‘those men’ she was referring to.

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“What’s your name?” Amaysu finally asked.

The girl woke from her dazed state and was quiet for a
moment before she spoke: “Luna.”


While Amaysu was in thought she asked Amaysu: “What’s

your name?”

Amaysu expected this and was already prepared: “I’m sorry

but I can’t tell you my name, but call me Shadow for now.”

Luna looked at Amaysu with a downtrodden expression, she

realised that he was probably hiding his name due to the people
who injured him.

Seeing her dejected expression Amaysu decided to change the

subject: “How old are you?”

“15 years old.”

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“You’re so young, yet you’re able to concoct medicine?”

When Amaysu started talking about medicine her dejected

expression became enthusiastic: “Yes, I have some common
knowledge regarding herbs and their medicinal values.”

After this, she started talking a lot about herbs and subject
matters that were related to it.

The next day.

Amaysu had taken the painkiller medicine that was concocted

by Luna twice a day, relieving a lot of the pain and he was very

He found out that he was unconscious for five days and she
had taken care of him the entire time.

When he was heavily injured, Luna found a safe place to rest

and carried him all the way there, she concocted medicine to
heal him, she even bandaged his arm and chest over and over

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again. He felt extremely grateful, Luna had diligently taken care
of him, even though she didn’t know who he was.

Right now his arm was still wrapped in a certain soft material
that she had found in the forest. He didn’t know how to thank
her properly, nevertheless, he was definitely going to remember
this favour.

One day, all of a sudden she came to him and asked him with
absolute seriousness: “Please let me accompany you!”

Amaysu looked at her expression that was full of conviction

but still replied in the negative: “No.”

Luna looked at Amaysu and asked once again: “Please, I’ve

thought about it for so long, please help me get stronger!”

She had a strong desire to get stronger and kept asking

Amaysu without telling him the reason for her conviction.
When he did get a reason he was stunned: “I want control of my

The reason he was so stunned was because he was told the

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same thing once before, but this was a long time ago. This was a
time when his father, Ranel had spoken to him alone:

“Amay, you have to get stronger to control your own destiny.

” Ranel said these words to him under the beautiful starry sky.
“Destiny isn’t something that anyone can control, Only a
handful of people have been able to do so. Nonetheless, with
strength altering it and protecting your loved ones would be
easy… Amay I hope one day you are able to control your destiny
and control what you become.”

Back then Amaysu didn’t know the meanings that his father
meant when he said this while staring at the glowing moon.
However, now he understood what he meant by ‘controlling
your destiny’.

This gave Amaysu an impression of how deep her conviction

was. Amaysu frowned but then stood up causing his stiff bones
to crack, he walked to the entrance of the cave and didn’t face

“I don’t care anymore, do what you want!” After saying this

he jumped off the edge of the cave, through the veil of water
into the pool below.

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Luna understood Amaysu’s words, she felt extremely happy
and a delighted smile was stuck on her face.

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Chapter 41 - Training Resolve (1)

In the centre of a pool of water, on top of a boulder, a calm

bare-chested figure with a necklace hung around his neck sat
silently. His entire left arm was in a cast and his bare-chest had
a faint receding scar on it. Every breath that he took was calm
and controlled, he in was in a tranquil state. However if a
person looked closely, they would notice that the surface of the
boulder had many cracks over it.

Amaysu stood up, his eye calmer and deeper than ever before,
after barely escaping from a true Body Transformation expert,
his desire to get stronger reached an entirely new level.

If he couldn’t even defeat a Body Transformation, how was he

able to exact revenge.

Just the casual swing of that elder’s Combat Artifact had

heavily injured him. If that elder had used his full power in his
first swing Amaysu would most likely not be standing here.

“Shadow~~” Luna’s resonant voice echoed out, while she

skipped along the small stepping stones that led to the boulder
where Amaysu was standing.

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Her voice woke him from his dazed state, he turned to face her
and saw her skipping through the rocks, in a few seconds she
was standing in front of him.

“I thought I told you to not look for me when I’m meditating.”

Amaysu scowled, he had strictly warned her not to bother him.

Luna pouted: “You weren’t meditating, you were just standing

there,” she replied. “And also you told me to come to you when
the sun was high to train.”

“Ah! Did I say that?” Amaysu rubbed his forehead, realising

that he forgot what he said before.

Sighing deeply Amaysu stretched, numerous cracking sounds

were emitted from his body. Due to him being inactive for so
long his body had dulled a bit.

For the past week since he woke up, Amaysu didn’t train
allowing his wounds to heal rather than overstraining his body
which would be detrimental to him. Luna let him rest before
she started asking him to help her, in fear that his wounds

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might reopen.

It would take at least four weeks for his arm to completely

heal, this was only possible with Luna’s and the Inherited
Legacies help or it would take much longer. This allowed him to
spend a lot of time meditating using the Dream Conscious Mind

After barely surviving against a Body Transformation expert,

Amaysu recognised that his overconfidence was dragging him
down. This overconfidence came from his belief that he was
unbeatable because of his old status, but he was no longer that
person and no longer possessed that invulnerability.

By understanding his flaws it enabled Amaysu to make an

immense breakthrough in his mental cultivation, his control
over his Inherited Legacy had reached new heights. However,
he would never use his Inherited Legacy unless he was going to
use everything to kill someone or if there’s a life-threatening

“Luna, let me ask you something first, what weapon do you


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Luna glanced at Amaysu and replied: “I use a sword!”

“Then why do you have a bow?” Amaysu was confused

because he remembered that she had a bow with her the first
time he saw her.

“Oh… I’m proficient in both weapons but I’ve trained with

swords since I was a child!”

Amaysu nodded in acknowledgement: “Then let’s start!”

Amaysu leapt all the way from the boulder to a stepping stone
that was ten metres away then started skipping across until he
reached the other side. Luna followed behind him and watched
Amaysu inspecting the trees in the area.

“That should work,” Amaysu mumbled. He chopped down at

two branches that were about an inch thick and two inches

Amaysu tossed the branch to her and said with absolute

seriousness: “I want to see your swordsmanship, so treat me as
your enemy and attack me!”

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“Just like you I am skilled in using the sword, but I am much
better at using a scythe.”

Amaysu took a stance, his left arm still in a cast and a branch
in his right hand.


Luna hesitated because of Amaysu’s arm: “But…”

“Forget about it, in a real battle if you’re opponent is injured

it means you have an advantage and your chance of surviving is
higher. So come!” Amaysu harshly rebuked.

Luna still hesitated, Amaysu sighed if she wasn’t going to

come to him he’ll got to her, without any further courtesy he
rushed towards her.


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He slashed down with the branch which split the air and went
straight for her sword hand.

Luna retreated and raised the branch to intersect with

Amaysu’s. The branches clashed against each other, however,
the branch in her hand shook heavily, causing her arm to
tremble. Amaysu wasn’t joking when he said treat me as your
enemy, he was fighting seriously against her.

A person’s true potential and skill will only appear when there
was a battle which risked something. He could only see her
prowess and skill if she sparred against him seriously.

Luna retreated further backwards, trying to regain

composure. Amaysu granted her the opportunity to regain
composure, it wasn’t a true life and death battle.

“Come at me!” Amaysu waved the branch in a taunting


Taking a deep breath, she stomped her feet into the dirt and
leapt towards him, moving agilely, her feet softly tapped on the

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The movement technique she used was focussed on agility
similar to Amaysu’s Lunar Moon Dance. Except that her
technique had more crude footwork, compared to the graceful
footwork of his movement technique.

When she was about to reach Amaysu, he suddenly

disappeared and appeared extremely close to her.


At such a close range dodging it was a difficult task but she

tried her hardest to dodge it, but the branch still scraped the
right side of her stomach.

The branch tore her vest slightly revealing a bit of her soft
white skin.

These exchanges carried on for nearly a full minute and every

single time Luna was at a disadvantage.

Luna stood there breathing heavily, her clothes had many

small tears, it was utterly humiliating that she was an unable to
do anything to him.

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She gritted her teeth and rushed towards Amaysu once again,
subconsciously she aimed at Amaysu’s left arm. Amaysu
watched as she drew closer, observing the resolve in her eyes,
however, he was disappointed.

Just as she was about to slash with the branch against his
injured arm, she hesitated and adjusted the motion of the
branch, changing its course to Amaysu’s chest.

“Tsk…” He clicked his tongue in disappointment, raising the

branch he easily blocked the incoming branch. Amaysu had
given her this opportunity to attack him and she had failed to do
so. In the next moment, he retreated and then pushed back
forward and slammed the branch into hers, knocking it far

Before she knew it, Luna was standing still as Amaysu’s

branch was held against her neck while her branch was still
flying towards the waterfall.

Throughout the sparring match, Amaysu had many chances

to completely dominate her, nonetheless this fight was only
done to check how skilled she was.

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“Why did you not attack my left arm?” Amaysu asked, his
eyebrows furrowed.

“…Because… Because you’re injured.”

This reassured Amaysu’s conclusion, but in turn, it made him

more disappointed.

“Luna, you are skilled at using the sword just like me, you can
make split second decisions and you have a strong basic
foundation. However, I am no master, yet I can tell you the
difference between you and me… You lack resolve and
ruthlessness. When you had the chance to attack, you didn’t
take it.” Amaysu strictly criticised her.

“Your sword has no will, you hesitate, you don’t have the
resolve, that is the difference. If you don’t have the resolve how
are you able to change your destiny. Life is not fair, in a real life
and death battle, hesitation must be cast aside, either you live or
you die!”

Everything he said was true, no matter what, a weapon was a

tool used to kill, to protect and to fight. Without the resolution

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or will in one’s heart, no matter what grade a weapon was, it
would be absolutely useless in the hands of a sapling.

Standing quietly, Luna acknowledged Amaysu’s comment.

When Amaysu was giving her pointers he was utterly ruthless
and didn’t care if she was a frail girl or an unsettling beauty, he
would point out all her faults.

Taking a deep breath he sighed, seeing that she was absorbing

his words quietly, his heart warmed a little. How could he have
expected someone to be cold blooded the instant they picked up
a weapon. Resolve and ruthlessness came over time.

Even when Amaysu was told to kill a Savage beast by his

master he found it difficult, even after killing it he was vomiting
a lot and found it difficult to sleep for many nights.
Furthermore, when he killed Joseph a member of his own kind
he paled slightly.

Slowly his voice became calm and soothing:”…But, that

doesn’t mean we can’t make you more resolute. I’ll make sure
that you lose that hesitancy so that you can become a true

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“Wait here,” Amaysu instructed her before he turned around.

Amaysu ran along the pool of water and ran behind the
waterfall to where the cave was. After a moment he walked out
wearing his black cloak while carrying his scythe in his right
hand. Amaysu kept his most important belongings with him
including the Emperor Arts manual which he always kept by his

When he reached Luna, he walked past her to the edge of the

clearing and then turned: “Follow me!”

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Chapter 42 - Training Resolve (2)

“Where are we going?” Luna asked curiously.

They had been travelling constantly for nearly a quarter of an

hour and throughout all this Amaysu didn’t say a word.

“I don’t know,” Amaysu replied with a straight face, while he

sped into the distant shrubbery.

Luna was dumbfounded, he didn’t even know where they

were going. She slowly returned to herself and watched Amaysu
speeding in front of her, maintaining the same speed so that she
could keep up.

Even though Amaysu was really open towards her in the first
few days, she could tell that he was holding a big secret. She
wasn’t so stupid that she couldn’t tell that he was carrying an
immense burden and harbouring loneliness. He would spend a
long time just staring into the distance, no matter where he
meditated his gaze would always end up facing the same

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He was just a bit older than her, but the experiences and
hardships that he had faced was already over a thousand times
greater than hers.

Out of the blue, Amaysu’s eyebrow’s furrowed, he abruptly

turned right, then rapidly moved in that direction.

Luna was shocked out of her daze due to Amaysu’s

abruptness, with difficulty she turned and caught up with

Suddenly Amaysu came to a stop just before a clearing, Luna

followed him and stood right beside him.

Luna looked at where Amaysu’s gaze was at and then followed

it. There in the clearing lay two Savage beasts that were battling

One was a giant rhino type Savage beast while the other was
an ape type Savage beast. She guessed that it was most likely a
territorial battle.

Amaysu abruptly spoke: “Luna, You will be taking care of that

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big Rhino while I hold back the ape. These two are Mid Rank 2
Savage beasts. I want to see you kill that Rhino, don’t expect me
to help you.” The last few words Amaysu stated were serious
and expectant.

Mid Rank 2 Savage beasts?! Her mind shuddered, just like

Amaysu she could also detect a person’s strength but she found
it difficult to differ the levels of strength of a Savage beast.
Furthermore, a Savage beast that was close to the strength of a
6th Rank Fighter, she was naturally frightened and Amaysu
wanted her to kill it.

“These two Savage beast are probably in a territorial war, so

as soon as I block the ape, you will face the rhino.”

Rustling through his cloak Amaysu pulled out a short dagger

that was about 8 inches long. When Amaysu was inside the cave
he had formed the dagger with his Inherited Legacy and tucked
it away under his cloak.

She didn’t ask where he got the knife from because it was
common for people to carry knives around. She suspected that
he kept it in his bag and picked it up when he went into the

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“Here, use this to kill the Savage beast.”

After passing the dagger Amaysu signalled: “Let’s go!”



Without further ado, Amaysu rushed through the bush, all of

a sudden his body blurred and in a fraction of a moment, he
crossed the distance between them. He suddenly appeared in
between the two Savage beasts.

His sudden appearance caused the two Savage beasts who

were glaring at each other to retreat. Unlike humans Savage
beasts were born with instincts so they were able to sense that
Amaysu was far more powerful than the both of them. Their
instincts could sense the fiery aura that blazed around his body,
creating fear in their hearts.

The ape immediately turned around to dash, but Amaysu

snorted. He could have let the ape Savage beast run away but he
needed a practise partner to loosen his stiff muscles.

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Amaysu dashed towards the ape, at the same time Luna
appeared in front of the rhino type Savage beast. She had the
silver dagger clasped in her hand while facing the Savage beast.
If anyone observed her intently they could see the fear in her

Luna cautiously stared at the Savage beast, the rhino looked at

her and sensed the fear exuding from her. It suddenly exhaled
and stomped its feet on the floor, the Rhino bent its head, with
its two aligned horns aimed at Luna.

In the next instant it charged at her, each step caused a deep

footstep to appear on the dirt, its explosive speed caused the
area to tremble.

As it charged towards her, Luna retreated further and further

backwards, her will to fight was extremely weak.

The rhino noticing this increased its pace to tear right

through her. Luna frantically retreated, in the last moment she
leapt to the side, instantly feeling a burst of wind blowing past

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Her body subconsciously trembled, feeling the tingling
sensation of wind sweeping through her hair.

The rhino turned around once again and was about to charge
when suddenly a blood-curdling screech echoed across the

Luna turned her head to face the direction of the painful

scream. Her eyes widened, there stood a figure grasping onto
the neck of an elevated figure.

Amaysu stood there, his eyes lacked emotions as if this was a

normal happening. Blood was spewing out of the ape’s mouth,
its black fur was coated in red, its eyes were rolled up into its

Letting go of its throat, the Ape toppled to the ground.

Amaysu’s method was merciless and quick. Without another
look, Amaysu turned to face the rhino and Luna.

“Luna, stop retreating and fight it head on!” Amaysu roared


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At the same time, the rhino felt the shocking power from
Amaysu and stepped backwards in trepidation. It immediately
ran away, but before getting anywhere Amaysu appeared, the
coldness in his eyes was bottomless.

The rhino type Savage beast stood still and prepared itself for
Amaysu. Despite this, Amaysu didn’t make a move, after a while
the Savage beast, even with its meagre intelligence realised its
only way of escaping was to fight Luna.

As soon as it realised this, the Savage beast turned to face

Luna, its eyes bloodshot, the only way to live was to go through

“Fight Luna, that is the only way you’ll survive!”

Luna looked at Amaysu, the emotionless face didn’t betray his

voice. In the short time that she had been with Amaysu she had
detected some of his traits; when it came to training he was
merciless, so she had to believe his words.

“Huh!” She took a deep breath to calm her emotions. The grip
on the knives handle tightened, she concentrated on the Savage
beast, but her eyes didn’t betray the fear in her heart.

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Not delaying any further the rhino type Savage beast
accelerated rapidly, crossing the distance between the two of
them in a moment.

Amaysu quietly observed from a distance.

The figure of the Savage beast grew bigger and bigger in her
eyes, her knife hand faltered, but quickly gained their grip.

Just as the Savage beast was about crash into her, she
activated her movement technique and sidestepped. Yet she was
an instant too late. Although the rhino only skimmed past her,
the moment the two touched, Luna was sent tumbling

She didn’t have the luxury of time to wallow in pain, quickly

standing up she retreated rapidly maintaining a distance. A part
of her white long sleeved vest was showing signs of red.

“Don’t wait for it to come to you, go take the initiative!”

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Amaysu’s voice stretched across the plane until it reached her
ears. Luna understood that there was no way in talking her way
out of it, she was the one that asked him to help her get

Even though she was scared, she rapidly dashed towards the
Savage beast.

This Savage beast’s weakness is its acceleration, the moment

to attack is before it reaches optimum speed. Luna’s thoughts
were accurate to the letter, she took this moment to commence
her attack.

Like a bullet she arrived a few metres in front of the rhino.

The Savage beasts speed was a heavy weakness and Luna took
advantage of this.

Sidestepping, she resolved her will, this was the moment to

break down the wall in front of herself, right away she stabbed
the knife into the grey skin.

What she didn’t expect was that the knife only penetrated a
few centimetres of its skin. Because of the recoil, she could
barely feel her hand anymore and lost her grip on the knife.

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The Savage beast released a furious roar into the sky, as blood
spurted out of the wound onto its grey skin.

Letting go of the knife she retreated once again, however, she

went to the edge of the grass plane to where a boulder was

The Savage beast was enraged and rushed towards her.

“Wait for it…” She quietly whispered her palms were covered
in cold sweat but she waited.

“Wait for it…” It drew closer and closer to her because the
rhino was berserk it didn’t notice what Luna was trying to do.

When the Savage beast was just about to reach her, she still
stood still. In the last instance, she jumped sideways, the savage
beast carried on running as the momentum carried it forward
and slammed head first into the boulder.

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A trembling sound shook the area, an unknown object

sourcing from the Savage beast spun in the air and embedded
itself into the ground. The boulder had shattered into hundreds
of irregular shapes.

“ROAR!” The Savage beast released a more enraged roar,

quickly turning and charging towards her. It was missing one
horn, its face was trickled with blood and it was even more

Luna wasn’t prepared and did her best to dodge, but the
Savage beasts shoulder slammed into her.

“Guh!” All the air was blown out of her chest, she was sent
flying through the air, immediately losing conscious.

Amaysu appeared behind her very quickly and caught her in

his free arm and held her in his embrace.

Looking down he noticed blood trickling from her lips, the

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heavy blow from the rhino was definitely not something she
could face head on.

Turning his head from her to the rhino a wave of explosive

killing intent extended from him to the rhino. Although he said
he wouldn’t help, it was only to help her get stronger. Now that
she was injured he was angry, infuriated, he could have helped
her but if he helped there was no way that she would get

“You worthless beast…” Amaysu coldly whispered.

With an intent, the scythe that was on the floor next to the
dead ape and the knife embedded in the Savage beast dispersed
into silver molecules. They moved towards Amaysu and
coalesced into a dagger.

The rhino was sobered by the terrifying aura exuded by

Amaysu, seeing what he was doing the fear struck rhino
retreated into the forest.

Aware of the retreating Savage beast, there was no difference

in Amaysu’s expression except for the glint in his eyes which
grew sharper:

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In the forest, the Savage beasts in the area near Amaysu could
hear the spine-chilling cries of a dying beast. This, in turn,
caused many Savage beasts to retreat from the dying screeches
of the source.

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Chapter 43 - Remembrance Of A Great

“What did you say?!”

“Grandfather, it is just as I stated,” a recognisable figure spoke

respectfully with his head faced to the floor, not daring to look
at the man seated in his chair.

“ARGH! You arrogant fool! How could you be so foolish and

yet you can come back here with a straight face!” A man roared
as he slammed his clenched fists on the armrest of his luxurious

Luca shrank down, the fear in his eyes grew bigger and bigger.
The man in front of him was the clan head of the Damian clan,
his grandfather, Arthur Damian.

Arthur Damian looked like he was in his early 50s but he was
much older than that. His features were about 25% similar to
Luca’s except his eyes were fiercer and sharper like that of a
hawk. The man was built and the aura he exuded crushed the
fear stricken Luca.

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“Father, please calm down, Luca made a simple mistake.” A
man that looked exceedingly similar to Luca rushed to quell the
clan head’s fury.

“A simple mistake… A simple mistake! Your sorry excuse for a

son has forced a calamity upon us and wasn’t able to extinguish
it before the spark was lit!” Arthur Damian’s chest heaved up
and down, his face was red with fury. He lifted his palm and
slapped the man in front of him sending him flying across the
hall until he crashed into a pillar.

Luca’s father staggered up and coughed a mouthful of blood,

he looked up at his enraged father and couldn’t hide the fear in
his eyes.

“If you had disciplined him this would never have happened!”
Arthur Damian roared in rage.

“A youngster that was at the 7th stage of the Fighter stage, his
potential is even higher than that trash. If we had recruited
him, our clan’s prospects would have reached new heights!!”

His loud voice echoed through the entire hall, his rage could

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be felt throughout the mansion.

Seething with rage which was all directed at Luca who was
suffocating under the gaze he carried on speaking:

“We could have even reached the heights of the 9 Overlords

and the title two mysterious clans would changed to three!! Yet
that trash offends him and furthermore allows him to escape
causing a calamity to befall upon us!”

Arthur Damian as the clan leader was farsighted and already

sense the tragedy that could befall upon them. Amaysu was
someone who he knew nothing about but after the return of the
heavily injured 5th elder and 11th elder he had been forced to
track him and re-evaluate the youngster in question.

He turned to Luca, who had shrunk down to a tiny speck:

“You will track him down and finish him!” The bellowing rage
couldn’t be hidden, “If you haven’t you will be sacrificed for the
survival of the clan!” There was no mercy in the clan heads

He didn’t care that Luca was his grandson, he had many sons
and grandson if one died he could always nurture another more

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talented heir.

Luca nodded and bowed: “Thank you clan head for granting
me mercy! I will handle this matter with utmost importance!”
After saying this Luca retreated, to plan his next actions.

Walking through the hallway his fear turned into blazing

killing intent which was directed towards the handsome figure
in his mind. When I get my hands on you I’ll chop you into a
thousand pieces and feed you to the dogs.

In the grass plane Amaysu was leaning quietly against a tree,

his scythe was kept to the left of him also leaning against the
tree, while the knife was embedded into the ground at an angle.

On his outstretched legs laid a head that was currently asleep,

around this figure was a silver hue that emanated all around her
body. Amaysu specifically activated the Inherited Legacy with
the intentions of alleviating the burdens carried by her body.

Without realising it he started examining her face, it wasn’t

because of any romantic feelings but more out of curiosity. This
was the first time that he was so close to someone of the

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opposite gender in the past 16 years of his life besides his
mother. Her long hair was scattered around his lap, her
eyelashes were long and beautiful, she was an innocent and pure

Are you interested in her? Shadows voice echoed in his mind.

Amaysu was pulled out of his inspecting gaze, this was the
first time that Shadow had spoken to him since the moment he
lost his conscious.

Ignoring him he asked his own question: Where have you


Nowhere? It took me longer to heal, it’s just that whenever I

possess you I need a very long time to recuperate.

This was the first time he had heard of something like this.

Amaysu nodded and rested the thoughts away. He the raised

his right hand, small specks circulated around his palm,
gathering to form an Ocarina.

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This was the first time Amaysu had played it in a rather long
period of time. He placed it near his lips allowing notes to
stream out of the exit of the Ocarina. When the first notes
echoed through the air scenes of old memories which were
related to each piece played in his mind. Amaysu fell into a
bottomless hole of nostalgia. This nostalgia was not something
he used to escape but rather to refuel the hatred in his heart so
that he would never forget.

The melody was like a stream travelling through the wind and
reached every part of the grass plane, carrying his own
emotions and meanings of the piece through harmonious

Everything in the entire area was silent, it was like the entire
world had silenced itself just to hear him play. Only the two
corpses ruined this picturesque image.

This piece was called Remembrance of a Great Tomorrow. It

was a piece taught to him by his mother, out of everyone in his
family his mother was the only one who played the Ocarina and
she was the one who taught him to play. The Ocarina was an
instrument that reminded him of his mother and the endless
amount of love she gave him.

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Unlike his father, Amaysu’s mother wasn’t from nobility, it
was a big secret that not many people knew about. She was an
orphan that had lost her parents when she was young. Living all
alone she had taught herself to play the Ocarina and created this
piece herself to battle the loneliness.

This piece was a way to assure herself that as long she

promised to herself and tried harder the days on her road would
get brighter. On one day when she played this piece she met a
young adventurer who was hypnotised by her and her musical
talent. This young man was none other than his father, at the
time prince of the Dasecris empire.

This piece brought back the memories of his mum teaching

him this piece, this song was one of hope. However, the longer
he played the more sorrowful he felt and the hatred in his heart
grew exponentially.

While playing Luna awoke from her slumber to the music that
swiftly floated in the air. It was like nectar for her ears, she
could sense the emotion in the piece that was being played.

Slowly opening her eyes the first thing her gaze landed on was
Amaysu’s serene expression as he played the Ocarina with only
his right hand.

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For the next few minutes, all she did was intently stare at him,
while not distinguishing whose lap she was currently laying on.

Amaysu played for a long period of time, reminiscing and

reliving his memories. After a while, the last notes left the
Ocarina and he slowly opened his eyes.

His gaze calmly moved aimlessly, slowly it turned down to

face Luna who was still laying down on him.

At the moment he looked at her, Luna’s gaze locked onto his.

Her hair was tussled and dishevelled laying all across his lap.

“Ah?” She suddenly let out a squeal, her face slowly turned
red as she started blushing. After a long period of time
realisation dawned upon her and she finally understood that she
was lying on Amaysu’s lap.

Without prior notification, she jolted up into a cross-legged

position and covered her face helplessly. In her entire life, she
had never been so close to a person from the opposite gender.

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Looking at her funny reaction a faint smile appeared on
Amaysu’s lips, he didn’t understand why her behaviour was so

But deep within his mind, a small, quiet and knowing laugh

Amaysu stood up, ignoring her, he took the knife and walked
towards the two corpses and started separating the body parts.

An hour later the two were sitting in front of a fire while a

large chunk of Savage beast meat was being cooked. When he
was resting he was only able to fish and vegetables, yet he was
dissatisfied as his stomach was calling for meat.

He couldn’t help but stare at the meat expectantly wanting it

to cook faster.

“Shadow you’re a master at using that instrument I’ve never

seen anyone play so well before. Where did you learn to play
that?” Luna’s spoke while her gaze moved from Amaysu to the
Ocarina laying on the grass beside him.

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He turned and looked at her: “The Ocarina?”

“Hm,” she said while nodding.

Amaysu’s irises blurred slightly, his voice was distant: “It was
taught to me by my mother,” saying this he put on a
melancholic smile.

Luna sensed the sudden change in the atmosphere and didn’t

pursue any longer.

Sometime later they were both eating, the amount that

Amaysu ate made Luna very queasy, yet despite the amount he
ate, his manners were always elegant and very skilful.

At the same time, Amaysu casually glanced at her and noticed

that she excelled in her manners even while eating. From the
moment he had always sensed an aura that was similar to his
but much weaker, however now he was almost certain because
of her talent and proficiency in herbal medicine.

“Are you a runaway noble?”

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Luna’s stopped midway into a bite, her eyes were wide open as
she stared at Amaysu: “Why do you say that?” She asked

“Don’t worry, I can tell from your manners and your natural
disposition. Furthermore, your skills in pharmacy and your
exceptional talent all points to that direction.”

She nodded reluctantly, speaking hesitantly she told Amaysu

a bit about her identity: “Yes, I am from a noble family from one
of the nearby empires.”

“Then why did you leave your home? With the resources you
possessed, you could have become stronger, a great deal faster. “

Luna breathed out a sigh: “It’s because my family has a harsh

elimination process, without status and power we aren’t
provided with the necessary resources to get stronger. Without
strength, we are married off to other noble families. I left to get
stronger, so I could be able to stand on my two feet without
being controlled by the family.”

Amaysu nodded, he knew of many noble families that

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required their descendants to outshine others, this could only
be done through elimination. The useless and those with low
talent were all married off to other families to strengthen ties
with their allies.

The sun was setting, both Amaysu and Luna retreated back to
their cave dwelling.

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Chapter 44 - Mist Sword Style

Three weeks quickly passed by.

Signs of spring beginning were becoming clearer and clearer

as the days went by. The air was still fresh and cool, at this
moment a young lad walked towards the entrance of a cave.

Amaysu stretched his arms, the cast around his arm was now
off, his arms had healed much faster that at first expected by
Luna, and even she was shocked at how rapidly his arms healed.

However, he already came to the conclusion that it had

something to do with his Inherited Legacy.

The feeling his arms gave him felt different, it felt much
stronger and flexible. It seemed as if the Particle Cannon
injuring his arm was a positive, as his bones healed they
reinforced themselves becoming a lot stronger.

Walking out from the cave he noticed that Luna was outside
on the boulder that he was usually meditating on. She had a
small knife in her hand and she kept stabbing the air in front of

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her. The air that she carried around her was a lot fiercer, also
her eyes were exceedingly sharper than before.

She could now take on a Mid Rank 2 Savage beast, but she
hadn’t procured her first kill as of yet but she was very close.
Amaysu had watched her grow; he couldn’t help but be in awe
of her sudden change and her will to change.

He jumped out of the cave away from the pool of water, as

soon as he landed Luna paused to look at him and an exuberant
grin was on her face.

“Luna, come over here!” called Amaysu.

Luna happily complied, walking over to him with a grin on

her face.

“What are you smiling at?”

When Amaysu suddenly questioned her, she realised that she

was in a stupor: “Oh, nothing.”

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Amaysu nodded, he didn’t get this girl for the past few days
she would make a fool of herself, yet when she was fighting she
would become serious, she was a rather eccentric person.

“Follow me!” Amaysu turned and ran into the forest leaving
Luna behind. She followed him, knowing where they were


Using the trunk of a tree as a foothold she pushed off it to leap

into the air. Floating over the Savage beast, the handle of the
knife was held between her thumb and index finger. When she
was right above the Savage beast she threw the knife at it.

Whistling through the air, the knife shot right through the
bloodied Savage beast’s chest, blood gushed out of the wound.

A bloodcurdling roar shook the land, a blood covered Lynx

type Savage beast toppled to the floor. When Luna landed on
the floor, she dropped to her knees and heaved deep breaths.
Her left arm was bloodied, and her face had a scratch on it with
a trace of blood flowing from the wound.

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“Urgh!” With a pale face she started vomiting, this was the
first time she had killed a living being and couldn’t help but
release the nauseous feeling in her.

Only a few metres away, Amaysu was sitting on a branch

leaning against the tree. Leaping down from his seat he
appeared next to Luna and waited until she recollected herself.

“You’ve done well…” He quietly whispered.

After a few moments, Luna wiped her lips and looked at

Amaysu standing above her; even though her face was pale she
responded with a weak smile.

Amaysu sat down and waited for a long time. Killing a living
being for the first time naturally brought psychological trauma,
she required time to stabilise her mental state.

After a long period of time, she finally calmed herself down.

Although she was still slightly pale, she was filled with
excitement because Amaysu had promised her something the
moment she made her first kill.

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Amaysu sighed; her thoughts were brazenly written all over
her face: “What do you want?”

Luna immediately frowned and pouted feeling offended by

Amaysu’s sudden act of forgetfulness: “You promised!”

Sighing once again he walked towards the dead Savage beast

and pulled out the knife that was covered in blood. He didn’t
really mind the blood, once he picked the knife he walked
towards the nearest tree.

“Luna since you’ve finished your first task this will be your
reward. This is a profound sword style created by my ancestor.”
Amaysu spoke in a mysterious manner, but his voice carried

“Ancestor?” Luna repeated questioningly.

“Hm,” he nodded. “But before you learn this style you need to
know its history first. This style was created by my ancestor, a
great swordsman that lived many, many millennia ago. Back in
those days, he was known as the ghost swordsman, a man that
excelled in control and skill in his sword handling, even his

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comprehension on the sword was extremely high.”

“The sword style that he used to suppress the entire continent

was called the Mist Sword Style!”

“Mist Sword Style…” She deeply engraved the name in her


“This sword technique has a single stance and focuses on

smooth and flowing movements with the sword.”

An ancestor that suppressed the entire continent… Every

word that came out of Amaysu caused Luna to become even
more awed, his existence becoming more and more mysterious.

“Let me show you the only stance: Mist.”

Amaysu stood with one arm behind his back; he raised his
right arm while his eyes lost their intense gaze, they were calm
and unperturbed. What he was now focussing on wasn’t just the
tree, his awareness had grown he could see everything in his
vision, meaning each object had the same amount of focus as the

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Not only was Amaysu applying equal concentration to all the
objects he could see, but by using his other senses he was aware
of what was going around his nearest perimeter.

Straight after his wrist movements distorted freely like the

movement of mist that was flowing and loose.

Standing only a few metres away from Amaysu, Luna could

sense that all the guard around Amaysu had disappeared yet at
the same time it felt as if he was aware of what was going on
around him.

In the next moment, Amaysu slashed down at the trunk of the

tree. The knife in his hand cut through the tree, it was like he
was cutting through a piece of paper, his swordsmanship could
only be described as elegant.

Slowly withdrawing the knife Amaysu released a breath that

came out as cold mist. At the same time, Luna ran towards him
with an amazed expression, the sword style that Amaysu had
shown her clearly astounded her, engraving a deep mark in her

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Amaysu looked at her and smiled. He returned the knife to
her: “You have to practise really hard to master this technique.
Furthermore, this sword technique does not have to stop with
one stance; the first stance is merely the foundation to add your
own insights and create your own stance.”

Hearing this she was shocked, a style that could be changed

and strengthened by the user was extremely rare.

“My ancestor had gained profound insights and created many

different stances the stronger he got. Through this he made
many techniques that could easily suppress Body
Transformation and Origin Transformation experts.”

“I hope you practise this sword style with diligence and bring
back this great sword style.” Amaysu asked her with a serious

If what Amaysu said was true he was handing her an

extremely powerful technique, in response she nodded in

“Shadow your ancestor must have been a great and powerful

man.” She couldn’t help but exclaim with excitement.

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Amaysu nodded, with the help of the Emperor Arts manual
the Dasecris clan had produced countless proud geniuses and
this ancestor was one of them.

“Before you practise this sword style, let’s first go find a city
and get you a new sword. This knife is good but for this sword
style it is better if you had an actual sword.”

“Hm,” She nodded in agreement.

“Ah…” Luna smiled as she looked around the wide street full
of people and shops. Right next to her was Amaysu; his eyes lost
their vacant glint that usually existed when he was alone with
Luna and once again became cold.

A scythe was kept on his back right next to a bag. Luna had
her bow over her shoulder which she always kept, Amaysu
wondered why she kept a bow when she was better at using a

“Shadow lets go there!” She pulled Amaysu by the arm to a

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stall. Amaysu being treated this way felt extremely foreign to
him, no one dared to behave in such a carefree manner before
him during the old days.

Many people were insincere when he was a prince, trying to

get closer to him for personal or familial interests. A real friend?
He only had one true and sincere friend, but who knew if he was
still alive.

They both stood in front of many different stores and window

shopped. Earlier that day Amaysu had taken out some money
from his Royalgold card, just enough to buy a new sword for

While walking through the streets the duo bought quite a bit
of attention, both envious yet also curious. Amaysu brought an
aura that wouldn’t allow anyone near him, while Luna was
cheerful only around him.

But unexpectedly they also brought some unwanted attention

that came from different groups of sturdy men that looked to be

Walking through the streets, the frown on Amaysu’s face

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grew deeper and deeper. He could easily sense the gazes on him,
every single one of these pair of eyes had a bloodthirsty aura
leaking from them.

You’re being followed again, how do you get into trouble so

quickly? Shadow asked him knowingly.

Amaysu snorted and ignored him. While walking he passed

the branch building of the Continental Mercenary guild and he
saw quite a few wanted posters on the wall.

The Continental Mercenary guild was a force that had equal

strength to the Royalgold Auction Hall, they might not have the
funding but they were equal in power.

On the wall, there was a poster with a very vivid portrait of

him; it caught nearly all of his features. On his name, there was
a bounty of 2000 Amethyst gold coins, Dead or Alive.

No wonder there are followers… Amaysu now understood

why he was being followed, he also knew who posted this
wanted poster or he would have considered himself foolish if he
didn’t know.

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Damian clan, we cannot exist on the same continent! I will
destroy you! In his heart, Amaysu was burning with rage. They
had forced him into a corner, nearly killed him and they still
wouldn’t give up, Amaysu had an irreconcilable grudge against

Luna curiously looked past him and her eyes landed on the
poster. When she saw Amaysu’s portrait and the amount under
it, she couldn’t help but exclaim in shock.

Amaysu didn’t care much about the poster; instead, he looked

at how Luna’s expressions changed when she saw a wanted
poster of him.

At first, she was shocked which quickly changed to a sour and

annoyed face, she turned to Amaysu her voice contained
annoyance and anger: “There must be a mistake with the

He didn’t say anything, his expressions were still dull, but he

felt elated; from the corner of his eyes he could see people
probing him.

“Luna let’s go!”

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Chapter 45 - ​No Mercy

Walking through the streets the duo slipped through the

crowd and followed the direction of the current of people.

As they were being pushed through the large stream of people,

Luna stayed close with Amaysu clinging onto his black cloak.

Escaping from the crowd Amaysu walked into an alleyway,

walking deeper into the alleyway he came to a turn. Turning in
that direction he carried on walking until they came to a stop
where a wall blocked their route. Luna standing beside him was
slightly confused until she heard sounds of clustered footsteps
from behind.

Turning around she saw at least 10 men standing there with

arrogant expressions, they were all carrying weapons in their
hand. When a few of them caught sight of Luna beside Amaysu
they gave her lascivious glances full of lust.

Luna ignored the lust filled eyes; the glint in her own eyes
grew colder.

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Amaysu finally turned around, his eyes icy cold. In the dark
shade of the alley his eyes shown with an unnatural light. When
he noticed the lascivious eyes of some of the men looking at
Luna his brows furrowed deeper.

From the vibrations in the air he could sense that the weakest
of these men was at the 7th rank of the Fighter stage while the
strongest was at the 9th rank.

He couldn’t help but snort in disgust. These low lives think

they can touch a strand of my hair.

The group of men slowly separated allowing a short, stout

man to walk through the gap. This man clearly had the aura of a
10th ranked Fighter stage expert, from the signs he was clearly
the leader.

When the man looked at Amaysu, all he could see was the
amount that Amaysu’s head was worth.

“Tsk, Tsk, Kid you went and offended the Damian clan.” The
short man said with a sinister smile on his face: “Don’t take this
the wrong way, but you’re worth quite a lot to us! We can take
you dead or alive. We won’t do anything if you leave with us

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and it will reduce the hassle for us so can you follow us.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that girl I’ll take good care of her!”
The man said as he licked his lips.

Amaysu snorted, his disdain was clearly written on his face

causing the short leader to frown.

“If you all don’t want to die here leave your belongings and
get lost!” Said Amaysu, his tone was full of scorn.

“Hmph! You think that we won’t kill you if you hide in the
city! As long as no one sees we’ll never get caught!” the stout
man replied with dead humour.

“Yes… No one will know if there aren’t any survivors!”

Amaysu hooked his arms around Luna’s waist, activating Lunar
Moon Dance he ran towards the men.

This in turn caused the men to be vigilant, raising their

weapons with haste. Amaysu ignored the sight, leaping towards
the alleyway wall he used it as a foothold to rocket past the
group to appear at the other side.

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Now Amaysu trapped the men against the wall, the men were
dumfounded by Amaysu’s speed most of them could only see a
blur while their leader was barely able to follow him with

Letting go Luna a deranged aura that originated from Shadow

appeared around him. His voice even contained some of the
resonance that came from Shadow: “As long as no one sees me
kill you I’ll be fine!” Amaysu’s resonant words caused these men
to shiver.

However, the short man wasn’t impressed: “There are more

of us than him! Let’s kill him!” He roared, at the same time he
rushed towards Amaysu pulling the sword that was kept in his

But before he knew it Amaysu who was nearly a dozen metres

away from him appeared before him in an instant. Suddenly the
world blacked out and his severed head lopped on the floor.

Amaysu’s words were cold as he withdrew his scythe: “I’ve

had enough of being merciful to stupid fools!” He turned
towards the rest of men who had suddenly stopped and stared at

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him with petrified expressions.

“Luna, please turn away!” His voice echoed towards Luna.

As soon as he saw Luna close her eyes, the coldness in Amaysu

reached a shocking height. Bursting with power he shot towards
the nearest man towards him.

Blood splattered across the walls and floor, heads tumbled to

the floor, these men didn’t even have the time to shout for help
before they all died. It took less than a minute before they all lay
headless on the floor.

Amaysu went through the bags of these men and took out any
valuable items. However as he expected there wasn’t much
except for their Royalgold cards.

When he looked at the amount contained in these cards he

was taken aback.

Out of the 11 men, 10 had around twenty to thirty Amethyst

gold coins. While their leader had a wealth over two hundred
Amethyst gold coins.

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He took out his own card and placed each card one by one
above his transferring all their wealth into his own card. After
about a minute the value on his card had increased from around
two Amethyst gold coins to almost 450 Amethyst gold coins.

He walked towards Luna and tapped on her shoulders, the

scythe was once again on his shoulder. When Luna looked at
him the coldness in his eyes disappeared to be replaced by

“Don’t worry, let’s just leave!”

While walking away from the corpses Amaysu spoke once

again: “Do you think they deserved to die?”

Taken aback by his sudden question she didn’t know how to

answer his question, the corner of his lips merely rose slightly.

“Luna you may not know this but countless times I’ve showed
mercy to people like these men, they all carried similar traits.”

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“I saved a village from a massacre; in return their leader
nearly murdered my siblings!” His words caused Luna to be
shocked, this was the first time she had heard these words from

“My mere appearance brings trouble! Do you want to know

why I hide my identity?” Amaysu asked her.

After a brief moment of silence she replied: “…No…”

“I’ll tell you the reason one day, if that day ever comes!”
Amaysu replied with a faint smile. “Let’s leave this place and
buy you a sword.”

Without saying anymore words he walked forward allowing

Luna to follow.

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Chapter 46 - Silent Tempest

“Hmmm… This is the last shop!” Luna grumbled, annoyed.

Even Amaysu was annoyed, most of the previous blade

smith’s and blacksmith’s sold weapons as well, but the prices
were too extravagant. The weapons were decent yet cost far
more than their value.

When he looked at the store in front of him he didn’t have

much hope for it. All the other shops were lavished with
precious materials, but this shop was run down with a sign that
looked as if it was going to break in the next instant.
Furthermore, this shop was deserted unlike the crowded shops
from before.

Being a blacksmith was the next best thing from being a Forge
Master. Only by becoming a blacksmith could one train his way
to become a Forge Master, the wealthiest profession on the
continent. Forge Masters were powerful, had hundreds of
people in their favour, alchemy was also a great profession
following close behind it.

Legend has it that a true master took out an entire country

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that offended him with many experts all using the weapons he
forged. This was a legend from Amaysu’s time; Forge Master’s
have always had exalted status no matter where they went, one
called could beckon countless experts.

Luna and Amaysu both headed into the store, neither hopeful
of seeing anything valuable.


The door bell rang when Amaysu and Luna walked into the
well-lit blade smith’s store. The store was not big nor was it
small, swords were stacked in shelves, glass cases and there
were even a few lying here and there. There were also a few
other weapons kept here and there.

When Amaysu and Luna looked around the place they noticed
that the man behind the glass was snoring, sleeping to his
heart’s content. The man had some spectacles leaning off his
nose, he had a short stubby grey beard and dishevelled grey

“Luna let’s find you a sword,” ignoring the man Amaysu

instructed Luna.

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Unexpectedly Luna ignored Amaysu: “Shadow you stand here
and let me search for a sword.”

Amaysu was abruptly shocked but he nodded, the type of

sword she would use she had to figure it out herself.

He watched her walk away and turned into another aisle full
of stacked swords on sword stands.

With nothing better to do Amaysu also walked around looking

through the countless swords, his eyes moving across the sharp,
reflective surfaces of all the swords in the store.


Amaysu drew a sword from a barrel, his eyes widened in

shock, the skill used to forge this sword was impeccable, the
finishing was extremely skilled yet it was kept in a worn-down
barrel. When he looked at the price written on the barrel he was

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500 gold coins…

Turning around he looked at the snoring old man and

couldn’t help but be in disbelief, this sword could be sold for
more than ten times the price written on the barrel.

Amaysu glanced suspiciously at the elderly man but no matter

how he looked at the man he couldn’t sense anything, he
seemed just like an ordinary human being.

Looking at more swords from many of the different barrels he

was stunned even further all these swords were relatively high
in quality. They were not the best but definitely worth much
higher than written on the barrels.

Compared to the swords from those extravagant shops they

were manifolds better.

The swords ranged many different types: Long swords, broad

swords, short swords, foreign one-sided blades that were called
katana and much more.

Suddenly Luna rushed towards Amaysu, her face red, carrying

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a jubilant expression and in her hand was a sheathed sword.

“Shadow~~ Look at this,” She drew the sword from its sheath
while getting closer.

The blade reflected the light of the room; it was a 3 feet-long,

two-inch wide double-edged sword with a golden guard and a
black handle.

The finish was flawless, the skills used to forge this sword was
many times greater than the one from the barrel.

“Shadow, this sword is a perfect fit! It doesn’t feel foreign in

my hands, it’s not too long nor is it heavy, and it’s perfect!”
Luna couldn’t hide the grin on her face, experimentally
swinging the sword around.

“How much is it?” Amaysu suspiciously inquired.

Luna’s grin widened, she squinted her eyes to make herself

seem mysterious: “You’ll never guess how much it costs? It is
only 5 Amethyst gold coins!”

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“5!!” His suspicion was confirmed yet he couldn’t help but
stare in disbelief, the price was much lower than his estimate.
This sword was comparable to the one that was sold at the
auction a few weeks before.

Out of the blue, an old voice interrupted the two: “That sword
is called Silent Tempest.”

Hearing the voice the two turned their heads to face the
elderly man that was momentarily sound asleep just before.

When Amaysu’s unique eyes and the elderly man’s dark blue
eyes met, he felt as if he was looking at a deep void. Amaysu
realised that the man must be so strong that he cannot sense it
even if he tried.

“It is a lesser version of the Tranquil Tempest sword.”

“…” There was an awkward silence after the elderly man


“Sir did you make the sword yourself?” Luna abruptly asked.

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“Making it is not that impressive.”

The man didn’t affirm or deny it, but Amaysu had this feeling
that he was the one who made it.

“Sir, why sell these impeccable weapons for so cheap? They

are worth so much more than this.” Amaysu asked with a rare
respective tone.

The man was quiet for a moment, he had no reason to respond

to Amaysu but he still took the opportunity to reply: “I have
little to no interest in money; all these weapons were made
casually. But all these weapons deserve an owner, so if you are
destined to own it who am I to stop you.”

Luna stared at the elderly man with respect, this man was
mysterious, neither she nor Amaysu expected to suddenly find a
mysterious expert in a rundown shop.

“Sir, then we would like to buy this sword.”

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The man looked at Amaysu and his eyebrows rose slightly, he
was quiet for a moment. “Take it for free.”

“Sir?!” Amaysu questioned with the intention to reject him.

He had no connections with this elder so he couldn’t
understand his thought process.

“Forget it; I have no use for such a weapon!” The man


Although he was reluctant, Amaysu didn’t bother, he and

Luna walked out of the store with the sword. Luna had a
thrilled expression on her face while Amaysu frowned deep in

As the door shut, the man closed his eyes once again a small
smirk was on his lips: “This is just a small investment. An 8th
rank Fighter at such a young age, he might be useful in the

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Chapter 47 - Deja vu

Within the 1st class city, the doors of a clothes shop opened.

“Aaah!” Luna stretched in bliss; she was wearing a new black

tight long-sleeved t-shirt with black trousers that allowed her to
move easier. Around her waist was a tool belt and hung on it
was her sheathed sword, Silent Tempest. Over her shoulder was
her bow and her hair was pulled into a ponytail.

Amaysu flicked her forehead: “Stop messing around.” He was

also dressed differently. He was dressed in the same colours as
Luna, long black tunic with a tool belt and black linen trousers;
he covered himself with a blackish blue cloak. His bag was over
his shoulders, next to his scythe.

“Yes I know,” She pouted unhappily.

They both looked as if they were about to partake in an

assassination, but they were actually about to return to the

“Shadow, why did you always keep that necklace with you? Is

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it a memento?” Noticing that the necklace was out in the open
she suddenly thought of asking him.

It wasn’t that she had not noticed the necklace before but she
was far too preoccupied in Amaysu’s training regime that she
didn’t have the chance to ask.

Amaysu realised that the necklace was out in the open, right
away he tucked the necklace under his tunic afraid that he
would lose it: “Yes it is a memento.”

“Who gave it to you?”

“Well… This is a memento given to me by my master.”

Amaysu didn’t want to continue this topic so he tried to change
the subject: “Luna, let’s go get some items before we leave.”

Luna realised the change in Amaysu, she wasn’t as oblivious

as he thought, but she hid it under a smile and nodded.

Within a dark, dusty room which was only lit by the sunlight
coming through the window, a man was sitting, staring at a

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candle that was burning with life.

The man had two scars going down his cheeks. He stared at
the candle intently, his eyes were fully focussed on the flame
nothing could distract him.

“Bang!” The door was smashed opened, causing the candle to

fall and the fire to die out.

A man rushed into the room: “Boss he’s about to leave the

The scar-faced man he called boss looked up; his eyes were full
of killing intent. He stood up and walked towards the man that
walked into the room.

Grabbing onto his neck he raised him up, the man was frozen
in fear; he was shivering by the overbearing aura that the man
was releasing: “I’ve warned you never to disturb me when I’m

“This is my last warning! If this ever happens again, I’ll kill

you at the place you stand!!” He roared as he tossed the man

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through the door.

“Bang!” The man crashed against the wall, small pieces of

stone broke from the wall and spider web like cracks appeared
on the wall with the centre being the man’s body.

After a minute the man staggered up with difficulty, his

breathing was raspy, eyes full of fear and body covered in cold

“What happened with the first team led by Carter?”

“B…B..Boss, we found the entire team dead in an alleyway,

even the vice leader was found dead, the cause of death:
Decapitation.” He replied with the most respectful tone he could
muster, in fear of receiving his wrath once again.

Without giving another glance, the man stared through the

window: “2000 Amethyst gold is just enough for it…”

Taking their strides quickly, Amaysu and Luna reached the

gates. Just as they were about to leave through the gates

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Amaysu casually turned around, implying nothing.

This sensation!!… This was a sensation he was used to, he had

encountered it many times before and only a few weeks before
was he nearly crippled by someone carrying the same sensation.
A Body Transformation expert.

He looked forward again but this time, he kept a vigil and

guarded expression. Luna noticed this sudden change, she
didn’t know what had happened but she also kept a vigil
lookout for anything abnormal.

As soon as they stepped out of the gates he warned Luna:

“Luna there’s a Body Transformation after me. Go back to the
city and stay there until I return.” He couldn’t get Luna trapped
in his mess, she had nothing to do with it.

Hearing this Luna was extremely annoyed: “No! I don’t care if

you’re being followed, I will help you. You’ve promised me that
you’ll help me get stronger and I plan to make sure you keep
that promise.”

“This isn’t the time for that, you’re life will be at stake, I
might not be able to protect you.”

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“If you can’t protect me, I’ll do what I can to protect you.”

Amaysu was stunned for a moment, a girl that was as

innocent as a rabbit actually had a sharp tongue. She was able to
come with a response for every one of his reasoning’s, the last
few words especially stunned him

Without waiting for my reply she stormed off, in the direction

of the forest at her highest speed.

The Beast Kings forest was in the south of the continent,

Amaysu only visited cities that were extremely close to the

Amaysu followed her using the Lunar Moon Dance; he

accelerated to his top speed and eventually reached her.

After travelling only a few thousand metres the sight that

Amaysu expected to see came to be. In the distance, a group of
men was rushing towards Amaysu and Luna. The group of men
all carried their own weapons while the one in the lead had a
spear in his hand. The moment he noticed Amaysu and Luna he

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accelerated to his top speed to catch up leaving his men in the

This exact scene made him feel as if it was déjà vu, him being
chased down by a Body Transformation expert.

It took the man only a minute before he reached Amaysu and

Luna. The man was quick but he wasn’t as fast as the elder from
the Damian clan, the only reason the elder was slower was
because he was occupied in carrying Luca and wanted to enjoy
the hunt.

Without warning, Amaysu abruptly turned around; pulling

the scythe off his back he turned and ran towards the scar-faced
man. Taking off his cloak he threw it at the man to block his

He pulled out three needles from his tool; they were silver but
had an unnatural purplish coating.

Just as the cloak was about to flutter away, Amaysu threw his
bag into the air to distract his pursuer. Instantaneously, he
flicked three sharp needles that shot through the cloak.

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The man’s concentration followed the bag that had suddenly
been thrown up. He suddenly felt a sense of danger coming from
behind the cloak: “What!” The man retreated in horror, but
before he could get anywhere the needles scraped his skin.

The paralysis poison immediately took effect dulling the scar-

faced man’s senses. During the moment of confusion Amaysu
took this chance and slashed down with his scythe, but the man
didn’t allow himself to be distracted. Raising his spear he
blocked the scythe, however, what he didn’t expect was
Amaysu’s roundhouse kick.

His feet connected perfectly with the Body Transformation

expert’s ribs causing him to float away into the distance.

He then turned around to see that Luna was standing still.

“What are you doing?! Why aren’t you running away?!!” He


Luna was awoken from her stupor and Amaysu had already
caught up: “Let’s go!”

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Not needing another sign, they traversed into the distance. As
they were running Luna looked back to see the man slowly
standing up, his eyes contained murderous intentions.

“Shadow, why didn’t you finish him off? You were at an

advantage!” She couldn’t understand Amaysu’s behaviour when
he clearly had the front foot in that exchange.

“You think it’s that easy to take care of a Body

Transformation expert. The only reason I was able to even
successfully to land a blow was because it was abrupt. As soon as
he gets himself together, what would I do when he uses his
Combat Artifact? I won’t have a high chance of winning or even

Luna acknowledged his words and carried on running. “We

have to take this chance to retreat further. I’ve momentarily
paralyzed his senses but he’ll quickly recover so we have to use
this chance to escape!”

They immediately headed in the direction of the forest.

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Chapter 48 - Scorpion Spider

Bursting through a few large branches, both Amaysu and

Luna reached clear grassland, but they didn’t stay for a single
moment and carried on retreating.

If worst comes to worst I have to use my Inherited Legacy,

that’s my only chance of surviving. Amaysu’s thoughts were
dwelling on the possibility of fighting against the Body
Transformation expert.

What are you going to do if the girl recognises the Inherited

Legacy? If she learns of your true identity, you already know
what kind of reaction she will have. Shadow replied to his

No! I know she won’t betray me! Amaysu rebuked unwilling

to acknowledge Shadows remark, he didn’t where this feeling
came from, it felt foreign and unfamiliar.

Amaysu, Shadow was absolutely serious: What will you do if

she betrays you? I am the personification of the insanity that
nearly destroyed you; I know far too well what will happen if
she betrays you.

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Silence! Shadow I know she won’t betray us, just wait and see.
Amaysu shouted back unwillingly. After this Shadow remained
quiet while Amaysu’s gaze lay on Luna for a while.

Rushing as fast as possible they both traversed hundreds of

metres at blazing speeds. Just as they were about to leap over a
fallen tree, Amaysu felt intense danger and viciousness that
would make one’s blood cool directed at him and Luna.

Straight away he grabbed Luna into an embrace and leapt into

a different direction barely dodging a green liquid.

Tumbling on the grass, Amaysu detached his hold on Luna

and quickly stood up. Looking at the spot they were just at,
there was a strange green liquid on top of the fallen tree’s trunk.
A sizzling sound came from the trunk as the liquid bubbled and
smoke was produced from the corrosive liquid, creating a cave
in the trees trunk.

Luna was extremely vigilant: “How did they catch up so


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“It’s not them; it’s that thing over there!” Amaysu pointed at
the unsightly figure that was only thirty metres ahead of them.

“What do… AAHH!!” A shriek that could break the hardest of

glasses came from the core of Luna’s very being. She shivered
uncontrollably; she was frozen on the spot, on the verge of

“Th…t…that’s a S..Scorpion spider!!” The fear in her heart

could not be described by the words Amaysu could produce.

The Scorpion spider had 8 hairy long legs that were each a
meter in length. Two sharp claw-like fangs were bared at
Amaysu and Luna, a strange green liquid was leaking from these
claw-like fangs. Each drop caused the boulder underneath it to
melt, also releasing smoke.

Amaysu frowned, he never expected Luna to be frozen in a

nightmarish fear: Scorpion Spider… I’ve read about it before.

These were extremely vicious arachnids that hunted many

different kinds of Savage beasts; they would even go as far as to
devour their own kind. Their claw-like legs had enough force to
tear through tempered steel, while its poison could melt a very

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unlucky person down to his bone.

The entire arachnid was grey in colour and was truly a

horrific sight. To bring more bad news, this Savage beast was a
High Rank 3 Savage beast.

Amaysu could take care of average High Rank 3 Savage beasts.

Yet High Rank 3 Savage beasts had differences in terms of
strength just like the panther type Savage beast that was
abnormally strong for its stage. This Scorpion spider was also a
type of Savage beast that could go beyond its limit.

It was only about half the size of Amaysu but its unsightly
figure intimidated many of its prey.

But unlike the Savage beast, Amaysu was even more violent
when he was truly angered. Shadow, help me quickly take care
of this.

I can’t do that. If it takes too long I will be in a long slumber,

and during my slumber, there is a high chance that you’ll lose
control and go berserk. When that happens you’ll be nothing
more than an insane man or a Savage beast.

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I can take care of it myself, but I can’t waste time here, so I
need you to kill it quickly.

Amay I will release some of your berserk aurae; however, I

won’t help you unless you’re in danger.

Amaysu was annoyed by Shadow, yet he closed his eyes for a

brief moment and then opened it once again. A ferocious aura
enveloped him, rapidly surrounding the area.

This aura wasn’t anything material but what formed from an

encounter or experience. The aura was maniacal, sinister and
unruly. The only word to describe this aura was hatred.
Bottomless hatred. That was deeply engraved into a person’s
very soul.

But unlike any other savage beast that feared Amaysu’s aura,
this arachnid was excited by Amaysu’s aura, the desire to
devour him grew rapidly.

Spinning the scythe with one hand Amaysu rushed towards

the Scorpion spider. From the tool belt, he took three needles
and kept it in between his fingers.

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Even though he was quick, the Scorpion spider’s speed was
beyond what Amaysu thought at first.

Amaysu stood there, in such a fast paced situation he was

cool-headed. All of a sudden he threw the three needles, each
one aiming at three of its eight dark, beady eyes.

The Scorpio spider spat the green liquid from its fangs at the
needles. When the needles came in contact with the green
liquid, they melted without any resistance. The liquid was
extremely corrosive.

Amaysu frowned; he dashed towards the Scorpion spider his

eyes full of hatred, sourcing from his berserk emotions that
were locked away by his body.

In response, the Scorpion spider rushed towards Amaysu with

its front two legs bearing at him. The speed of the Savage beast
was much faster than him using the Lunar Moon Dance;
furthermore, arachnids were extremely nimble and agile, to
begin with.

Luna was frightened sitting in a corner, she wanted to help

but she was petrified to the spot, her eyes glued on Amaysu.

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Swinging the scythe he cut through the air, aiming to cleave
right through its legs. However when the two clashed, a
metallic sound rang through the air.

Taking this opportunity, the Scorpion spider spat out the

green liquid from its fangs. The putrid acidic smell assaulted
Amaysu’s nose, but he jumped into the air, shooting over the
green corrosive liquid.


From out of nowhere, four sharp claws shot towards him,

because his concentration was on dodging the green liquid he
didn’t notice until it was too late.

The four claws were focussed on the exact same spot,

Amaysu’s chest. All of a sudden Amaysu momentarily lost
control of his body, Shadow took over, and his skill with the
scythe was much greater than Amaysu’s. In the last moments,
he managed to raise the scythe so that it blocked the claw

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A ringing sound echoed through the air and Amaysu was sent
shooting through the air but was stopped by the trees.

Dust floated from the ground blurring his image slightly,

looking at his scythe it had broken in half. With an intention,
silver specks floated around the handle mending the scythe.

Although he survived the Scorpion spider’s assaults, he didn’t

survive unscathed, the webbing between his fingers was ripped
and blood was dripping from the wound.

Amaysu didn’t have the benefits of analysing his own wounds

before the corrosive green liquid shot towards him, dodging it
was no problem.

The corrosive liquid melted a large of the trunk of the tree,

smoke formed from the corrosive liquid. Cracking sounds
roared out from the tree before it broke and crashed into the

Large patches of grass were gone due to the continuous use of

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the corrosive poison.

The attacks of the Scorpion spider were relentless and also


From his peripheral vision, he could see the petrified girl.

Sighing, he hardened his heart and bellowed: “LUNA!”

Amaysu’s sudden roar shattered Luna’s frozen gaze and

brought her back to reality.

“How long are you going to sit there?!! Don’t tell me that
you’re going to sit there the entire time?! Do you think that you
can forge your own path if you’re frightened of an oversized
insect?!” Amaysu’s tone was unforgiving constantly questioning
her resolve, relentlessly.

“If that is so, there is no point in me training you any longer!”

Amaysu roared before he shot towards the Scorpion spider.

Amaysu prepared himself for another assault of attacks. An

insignificant silver light was produced from his palm.

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On the bottom of his feet, silver specks coalesced, creating a
membrane on the bottom of his sandals.

In that moment his speed drastically increased many folds,

shooting towards the arachnid.

Once again a stream of exchanges began one scythe versus 4

sharp Lance like legs. Anyone could tell that Amaysu was at an
immense disadvantage.

Unexpectedly a shot of corrosive green liquid shot towards

him. In Amaysu’s position, it was impossible to dodge.

Amaysu stared at the corrosive liquid with a calm head.

Slashing down with full force, a splitting wind formed from the
swing hurled towards the corrosive poison.

The wind cut right through the poison splitting in two.

However, drops of the corrosive liquid still reached him and
landed on his clothes.


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“Argh” Amaysu gritted his teeth but he still couldn’t block the
grunt, the corrosive liquid burned the patch of cloth on his arm.
Amaysu quickly ripped the sleeve and threw it aside.


At this very moment, the nimble Scorpion spider scuttled over

towards him, its 4 legs came crashing towards him. Without
hesitation, Amaysu leapt to dodge the four legs.

Despite this the Scorpion spider expected this, spitting out a

white substance in response. The white substance came in
contact with Amaysu’s legs trapping him, sealing his
movements long enough for it to make its move. Amaysu stared
at his legs in shock, it was now impossible for him to dodge the
full force strike of those long lance-like legs with his movements

I have to use the Inherited Legacy…

Unaware a sudden air splitting sound echoed through the air.

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Chapter 49 - Death Will Be A Blessing

“If that is so, there is no point in me training you any longer!”

His words rang in her ears.

Luna didn’t know why but her entire body trembled, his
constant unforgiving words were relentless, attacking her

Am I really that weak? If I can’t face my own path, when I

meet them again they will all despise me. Must I be shackled by
fate? No, I have to face my fears! I must surpass my limits! As
soon as her resolve strengthened, her willpower also increased.

Taking the bow off her shoulder, her grip softened while she
held the bow. My Inherited Legacy, Meteor Bow.

The bow was simple in its shape, the wood or whatever

material used to make the main body was unrecognisable it was
the same with the bowstring as well.

“ARGH!” A bloodcurdling howl resonated; Luna looked up

and saw Amaysu pulling off his sleeve and his pain stricken face.

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The Scorpion spider was scuttling nimbly through the woods
towards Amaysu, her mind was frantic, panicking she quickly
searched for something to use as ammunition.

In a fast paced battle, never lose your calm, analyse the

situation and follow your instinct, be confident in your
decision. She heard Amaysu’s voice in her mind; it was a tip he
had given her during training.

This time, she looked around searching for a suitable stick,

finally finding one that met her requirements she placed it on
the bowstring.

At this moment the Scorpion spider spat out a white

substance that sealed Amaysu’s movements, trapping him.
However, even in this situation, she didn’t lose her
concentration; she was like a lioness waiting for the perfect
moment to strike her prey.

At the right moment her eyes sharpened and she whispered:

“Inherited Legacy: Whirlwind shot.”

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“TWANG!” Releasing the bow string the twig ripped through
the air, cutting a straight path directly at the Scorpion spider.

A small whirlwind erupted from the tail of the piece of wood.

The Scorpion spider noticed the arrow and immediately

retreated, rather than finishing Amaysu off it valued its life

The arrow shot passed where the Scorpion spider was just at
and flew passed, not even a blur could be seen.

“BOOM!” The arrow shot through the trees without any

resistance, blowing a hole in nearly five trees before finally
losing its momentum and landing aimlessly.

Amaysu caught a glimpse of the ammunition used: What?! A

stick was used as ammunition.

Turning to face Luna, his eyes moved towards the bow in her
hand. It was impossible for a normal bow to have so much
power especially when the arrow used was just a weak piece of

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Only an Inherited Legacy or Combat Artifact had such power,
but no one below the level of a Body Transformation expert
could use a Combat Artifact. Which only left one possibility, the
bow was an Inherited Legacy.

Although the information was shocking, for the moment he

put the thought aside due to a more pressing matter having
greater importance.

“Luna cover me while I take it!”

Luna nodded and quickly picked quite a few sticks preparing

for an assault. Without delay, Amaysu rushed towards the
Scorpion spider.

The scorpion spider spat the white web, towards Amaysu, but
this time, Amaysu dodged it and slashed down at the sharp
lance like legs going for him.

“Bang!” Amaysu was pushed backwards but only a few steps,

not backing down he rushed towards it relentlessly, forcing its
concentration to stay on him.

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“Twang! Twang! Twang! Twang! Twang!” Five consecutive
releases rang through the air, five arrows ripped through the
forest. Because the Scorpion spider was preoccupied with
Amaysu, it spat the green corrosive liquid from its fangs at the

When the two came into contact only two arrows were
stopped, while the rest swirled towards the Scorpion spider’s

The Scorpion spider was forced to split its concentration, why

did it not use its poison or web once again? This was because it
required some time to use again; it had used a lot of fluids to
continuously use it over and over again.

Three of its 8 claws went to meet the three remaining arrows,

which in turn relieved Amaysu of a great burden. Taking
advantage of the opportunity, Amaysu took three needles from
his tool belt, precisely aiming at three of its eyes, he chucked it.

At the same time, he dodged the two legs and slashed

downwards at the Scorpion spiders head.

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Everything happened in a split second.

The scorpion spider used three of its legs to block the arrows;
however, it greatly underestimated the force behind the arrows.
The arrows deflected its limbs but a lot of its energy was used
and it stopped before it could reach its abdomen.

And straight after, three needles stabbed into three of its eight
eyes. The pain it felt was something it had never felt before, a
hair-raising cry of pain that couldn’t be described shocked the
entire perimeter.

To end its misery the scythe stabbed through its head and
came out the other end.

“CRRRRR!” Its cries were nothing like that of a normal Savage

beast, it was muffled. Purple blood leaked from its wounds
before it collapsed to the floor.

Amaysu wasn’t going to take chances, pulling the scythe from

its head, he stabbed its body again and again until he was a
hundred percent sure that it would never move again.

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Just as he jumped off the limp body of the Scorpion spider, he

heard rustling sounds and many voices.

Shit, they’ve already caught up.

“Luna quickly get up, let’s leave!”

Running towards Luna, he quickly grabbed her by the hand,

leading her away as quickly as possible. Luna lost all her mental
strength from that one battle, she allowed herself to be pulled

A few moments later, a dozen shadows appeared on the

ground where the battle had just taken place.

The scar-faced man was in the lead his eyes full of murderous
intent, looking around the first thing he noticed was the dead
body of the Scorpion spider and the wastage of the land.

“So this is where the noise came from… MEN! Split up, if you

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find anybody kill them, show them no mercy! If you find the
one we’re after, send a signal and regroup!!”

Giving out the orders his men rushed in different directions,

to the scar-faced man’s fortune he headed in the same direction
as Amaysu and Luna.

The duo was only a few hundred metres ahead of the other
group, however, Amaysu was already extremely tired. His
movement was visibly slow and sluggish. Sweat was dripping
from his forehead, furthermore, the smell of the corrosive
liquid was starting to take effect making him light headed.

During the fight these problems were minimal, but as soon as

the adrenaline disappeared he could feel the taxing weight on

Skipping over a bush, Amaysu was finally at a clearing. Yet

this clearing was a cliff with an immediate 250 feet drop, at that
height, a person would die under the immense force.

“Tsk…Tsk… You’ve escaped from me and even attacked me,

but I’ve finally caught you!” The scar-faced man walked out of
the bushes with a sinister smile that was also not a smile.

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He had noticed Amaysu a while back and was following him
while maintaining a distance to not get detected.

Amaysu glared at him, naturally, as a prince, he was an

arrogant figure it was something in his blood. Even though he
was an 8th rank Fighter he could sense the aura of someone that
had just reached the Body Transformation stage. Amaysu knew
that he wouldn’t lose against him but he couldn’t win either and
it would be even harder to kill him, but he wouldn’t allow such
a person to look down upon him.

“I know you are here because of the wanted poster on the

Continental Mercenary guild.”

“Oh so you already know, then give yourself up, but before
that, there needs to be retribution.” The scar-faced man said
still remembering Amaysu’s assault, that entire process was a
huge embarrassment to his reputation. “Let me break one of
your arms, give me that woman and beg for forgiveness and
maybe I’ll accept your apology!”

These men were all lustful, they only thought of women as

trophies or properties and nothing else. Amaysu was disgusted,

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in Amaysu’s view; they deserved the same respect as every other
person. In addition he was asking him to allow the scar-faced
man to break his limbs: Are you stupid?

“Scumbag, trash those are the words to describe what you

are,” his remark caused the scar-faced man to look at him with
killing intent. “This is my warning to you and the Damian clan:
When I return, a quick death will be a blessing.”

Without saying anything further Amaysu turned around,

Luna looked at Amaysu and was shocked by his actions:
“Shadow, what are you doing?”

“Trust me,” Amaysu replied calmly.

No hesitation was contained in his eyes, ignoring the scar-

faced man who was rushing towards him, Amaysu jumped off
the cliff.

Falling towards a river from over 200 feet high meant certain
death. The wind roared in his ears, the boulders and rocks
whizzed past him.

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Using his body he embraced Luna, covering her face. He
released his grip on his scythe allowing it to fall, but the light in
his palm glowed brightly.

The scythe dissolved and coalesced around Amaysu and Luna

creating a cocoon, Luna saw the sudden appearance of a silver
shell blocking her view to the outside world.

The cocoon slammed into the water and was dragged away by
the violent currents of the river.

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Chapter 50 - Spatial Estate

The torrents of water pushed the cocoon violently, pressuring

it to slam against the cliff walls, boulders and any obstacle.
Every obstacle that the cocoon rammed into created a
shockwave inside it, causing Amaysu immense pain, yet he
gripped onto his conscious tightly.

Because this cocoon was something new and required

constant attention, the moment that he loses consciousness
would be the moment that the cocoon disappears. That would
be the worst situation. Until they reach calm currents; he had to
keep his grip on reality.

Each crash crumbled his concentration, causing him to

become dizzier and dizzier, his eyes were hazy. However, if you
thought that Amaysu would lose consciousness you have
underestimated him.

The weaker his concentration became the stronger his resolve

to stay awake was. At the same time, with each shockwave he
had to protect Luna’s frail body and she had long lost
consciousness due to the onslaught of violent crashes.

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This went on for over a minute before Amaysu realised that
they weren’t hitting something and that the currents had
calmed down. Creating a small opening, he saw that they were
still surrounded by hills but the water was now extremely calm.

But in the distance he heard sounds of loud crashing water,

this was the calm before the storm, he didn’t believe that his
body could handle another wave of assaults. Especially his
mind, it would crumble before they met calm currents again.

Only moments after while he was deep in thought he saw an

opening in the walls, it was a cave that was burrowed into the
side of the cliff.

He wasn’t sure where the river was going to lead to, but he
also didn’t know what was inside the cave, yet the cave was a lot
more favourable in this situation.

Amaysu controlled the cocoon with his last bit of mental

strength to turn it into a platform that floated on water. The
process was extremely slow but was done.

Taking a deep breath and holding the unconscious Luna

tightly, he pent up the energy in his legs, he had one chance to

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reach the cave and he couldn’t miss it.

“Wait…Wait…NOW!” Amaysu jumped, the built up pressure

in his feet pushed the boat platform into the water creating
splashes. He floated through the air and tumbled into the dark

The moment he landed in the cave, he breathed a sigh of

relief. At the same time, the psychological burdens crashed
down upon him and he lost consciousness right away.

Grumbling Amaysu slowly opened his eyes. The moment that

he opened his eyes completely he was assaulted by a wave of
nausea, it made him feel like shit, extremely uncomfortable in
his own body.

Sitting up Amaysu looked around; he was confused briefly

before realising what happened prior.

“You’re finally awake.”

Turning around he saw Luna leaning against the wall smiling

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at him.

“You know you’re really reckless, you always rush in headfirst

in some situations. You should sometimes use your brain in
those situations.”

Amaysu grunted: “That was the best option so I took it, at

least we’re safe now.”

“In the middle of nowhere,” She replied sarcastically.

Amaysu stayed quiet not bothering to talk anymore.

Inspecting the cave he noticed that they were only at the

entrance of the cave, behind them was darkness. The cave
seemed to lead deeper into the cliff, but he didn’t know how
deep it was.

He was extremely curious as to what was deeper in the cave;

he didn’t have a justifiable reason except that from the moment
his eyes opened his right hand was tingling. This was a
sensation he had never felt before, but he was feeling it now.

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“Have you searched deeper into the cave yet?”

“No, I’ve been waiting until you woke up. Since you’re awake
now we can check what’s deeper inside.” Luna replied.

Sitting up Amaysu noticed the bow that was still by Luna’s

side. Walking towards Luna he sat down beside her and looked
at her bow: “Can I look at it?”

Luna hearing this was slightly hesitant but in the end nodded.

Picking the bow he was surprised by how light it was, but it

didn’t feel fragile either: “This is an Inherited Legacy, isn’t it?”
He asked without looking up.

Luna was shocked and also a lot more on guard. She knew that
Amaysu wasn’t that type of person but an Inherited Legacy
would turn even the kindest person into a murderous killer. Its
appeal was irresistible and she was now slightly worried.

She purposely didn’t use the bow in case such a situation like
the one she was in occurred. Without enough strength, she

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would be killed and her Inherited Legacy would be taken away.
The only way to live would be to state her family name but she
wasn’t willing to do that. She left to get stronger by herself
without the help of her family.

Amaysu sensed the sudden change and couldn’t help but

smile: “Don’t worry; I don’t want your Inherited Legacy.”

Even with Amaysu’s affirmation, she was still on guard.

“We all hold secrets Luna, but the secrets I hold are worth far
more than your Inherited Legacy, so I have no need for it.”

“If you still don’t believe me, I also have an Inherited Legacy.”
Amaysu’s sudden revelation shocked her.

“How is that possible? Not anyone can possess an Inherited

Legacy!” Luna tried explaining, Inherited Legacies were
extremely rare even in nobility.

Creating an Inherited Legacy would cost at least 95% of a

super clans or families entire wealth and assets. It would then
become the most important pillar of the entire organisation.

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However, the harder task was finding a Forge-master that was
skilled enough to create an Inherited Legacy or overnight the
entire super organisation would lose everything.

“Luna let me show you.” Amaysu stretched his hand towards

the exit of the cave.

There was a calm silence, only the splashing of water outside

could be heard. All of a sudden an object floated into the cave
and landed in Amaysu’s hand.

“This scythe is my Inherited Legacy.” He was technically not

lying; the scythe was created from his Inherited Legacy.

There was a difference between his Nanotekro Inherited

Legacy and her Meteor bow, he possessed the original Core of
the legacy while hers was most likely a lesser version of the
original bow.

This revelation was dumbfounding, Luna had her mouth

open, her eyes wide in shock. This information made the
exceptional boy in front of her seem even more mysterious than

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“Now you don’t have to worry!” Amaysu smiled, this made

Luna extremely embarrassed. “Everyone would have a reaction
as you have, so don’t dwell so deeply upon it.”

He wasn’t worried that his revelation might bring him a

calamity, he believed that Luna wouldn’t betray him, he fully
trusted her.

“If you’re fine, let’s go search the cave,” he said as he stood

up. “You have a light stone on you, bring it out.”

It had been twenty minutes since Amaysu and Luna had

started walking deeper and deeper into the cave but they still
hadn’t reached the centre of the cave.

There were many moments that Luna asked him to turn back
but Amaysu was adamant in going deeper and deeper. The
deeper he went, the stronger the tingling feeling in his hand

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He came to the conclusion that something related to his
Inherited Legacy existed deep within the cave.

After only walking for a few minutes longer, the entire cave
expanded into a massive, spacious pocket under the earth.

The place was immense in size, however in the centre, there

was a giant circle.

“A teleportation field!” Amaysu exclaimed.

“This is the entrance of a spatial estate!!” Luna exclaimed at

the same time but louder than Amaysu did.

“Spatial Estate?” Amaysu asked.

Luna looked at him as if he was a countryside bumpkin; he

had an Inherited Legacy and was extremely mysterious: “You
don’t know what a spatial estate is?” In response to her question
Amaysu nodded.

“Well… They are estates of extremely powerful experts that

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died thousands of years ago. These estates contain many
opportunities for anyone that stumbles upon these estates.”

“These estates contain the wealth of the experts, but usually,

these estates are hidden inauspicious places, making them hard
to find. I can’t believe that we were lucky enough to stumble
upon one of the teleportation fields that lead to the estate.”

Amaysu realised that they had just renamed a normal estate

that wasn’t on this planet. These estates that Luna called spatial
estates were just homes of powerful experts who built their
bases on the surface of a different planet. These bases were a
declaration of their wealth and contained much of their
belongings. Even during his time, there was a significant
amount of unexplored estates.

Usually, when an expert died, their estates would be empty

with countless treasures. Although there were many
opportunities only those that were destined could attain what
was left behind.

“We have to take this opportunity and explore the Spatial


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Luna was extremely enthusiastic and in response Amaysu
nodded, he needed to know what his Inherited Legacy was
attracted to.

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Chapter 51 - Tomb Spatial Estate

“That’s the fifth and last one.”

Amaysu calmly stood in front of the corpse of a bloodied

Savage beast that looked like a wilder beast.

He immediately started cutting the savage beast apart into

different pieces, while he waited for Luna to come back with the
herbs that she needed.

After about 10 minutes Luna finally returned with a pile of

herbs and sat next to Amaysu: “Have you finished taking care of
the rations?”

“Yeah, there’s about 10kg worth of rations in those two bags

combined, if we’re conservative it should last at least a month.”

That’s right they still hadn’t entered the Spatial estate, it was
a foolish move if they entered head first with no preparations.
What would happen if they were trapped in the Spatial estate
for a long period of time? They would starve to death.

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Even though Amaysu had an unfathomable appetite, he could
survive on a small amount of food; this was due to the high
nutritional value in the Savage beast meat.

Luna also started refining the herbs into a more concentrated

paste to apply in case either one of them were wounded.

Inside the cave standing in the dark hall, Luna and Amaysu
were standing in one corner of the teleportation field. There
were large lines that were crisscrossing across the circle, these
were called energy pathways. Energy pathways were extremely
thin strips that conducted energy allowing energy to flow with
no resistance.

“Luna the only way to enter the estate is if we have the key, or
if we’re able to decipher the pathway of the teleportation field
and we have neither.”

Teleportation fields had keys; they were like doorways or

pathways to different places. However, even so, they also had
emergency keys in case there was no time for the original key to
be used. However, these emergency keys could be anything.

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“Even though we have neither, try finding something that
looks like an emergency key.”

Luna nodded and searched in a different direction, while

Amaysu tried finding the place where the tingling feeling was
trying to lead him.

The entire place was dark and he was only able to see a metre
in front of him, but he still couldn’t find anything. The tingling
feeling was very hard to describe, so he couldn’t find the
direction in which the feeling was directing him to.

“Amaysu, come here!” Luna suddenly called out.

When he heard her voice, he quickly ran towards the light,

when he finally reached Luna, the tingling feeling in his hand
felt like small electric currents running through his palm.

In front of Luna was a small pedestal; in the centre of the

pedestal was a place where a hand goes in.

“Did you place your hand on the handprint yet?”

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Luna shook her head in response.

“Okay, go to the centre of the field, I’ll be there in a second,”

Amaysu instructed her.

“What are you about to do?” She didn’t believe that Amaysu
could do anything with that handprint being the key.

“I’m going to activate the teleportation field,” he said it in a

casual manner, causing Luna to be stunned.

“Did you find the emergency key?”

Amaysu nodded, “I didn’t know that it was the emergency key

until you showed me the handprint, now go wait for me.”

Luna was suspicious, she was sure that Amaysu hadn’t spoken
the entire truth. However, she refrained from suspecting him, if
he had a secret it was better not to pry into it.

“Luna trust me.”

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Luna nodded then walked away.

When Luna left Amaysu looked at her figure, he already

guessed that what he stated wasn’t too convincing but he
trusted her. His gaze moved from her to the handprint and then
his own hand. He already had an idea whose estate this was; it
was most likely the home of a Dasecris, someone from his own
family clan. So he already had an idea on what the key was
going to be.

A dim light glowed from the centre of his palm; silver specks
floated around his palm, he then placed his palm on the

“Buzz…Buzz” The moment his palm rested on the palm print

a buzzing sound rang through the air, around his palm white
lines of energy that coated the pedestal flowed out from the

These white lines of energy joined with the energy pathways

making the entire area to be lit by the light being released by the
energy pathways.

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When the last pathways connected with each other Amaysu
ran towards the dumbfounded Luna. She couldn’t count the
amount of times that he had taken her by surprise and this was
another one of the examples.

“Quickly stand in the centre!”

They both stood in the centre, carrying a bag each with their
weapons in hand.

The bright light being released by the teleportation field

caused him to remember the last time he used it, that was the
day when everything turned to hell.

Moments later he threw the thought aside: “Take us to the

estate!” he was more experienced with teleportation fields than
Luna so he knew the process of using it. Furthermore, after
using the key he wouldn’t meet any unwanted problems, like
the problems people would face when they try to decipher the
pathway of the teleportation.

Trying to decipher the pathway was a risky move, in some

cases, the location might completely change due to the simplest
and insignificant changes. This shows how big such a problem

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In response, the light increased in intensity blinding them, in

the next instant the light dimmed and they were gone.

At the moment that the field was activated in another location

a few hundred kilometres in the east, inside the territory of the
Blood Sword Sect a similar teleportation field activated.

There were many guards all wearing different uniforms which

represented their factions standing guard. The second the
teleportation activated every single guard was alerted,
immediately they took out metallic cards that had screens on it,
and started sending messages to their sects.

The news went directly to all the Nine Overlord Sects.

Inside the Blue Moon sect, a man was sleeping on his chair,
but even though he was sleeping no one dared to come near him
in fear of disturbing this usually amiable elder.

The elderly man slowly opened his eyes and yawned, at

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exactly the same time a man came running through the door
and stood a respectful distance away from him.

The man laid there for a moment before he noticed the man
waiting for him.

“Kid, what is it?”

The man that this elder called kid was a few hundred years
old, but it didn’t matter to this elder.

“Grand Elder, the tomb spatial estate has opened once again!”

Even though the messenger was anxious the man took his
time in responding, he wasn’t really interested in Sect matters
even though he was the Grand Elder.

“Yeah, yeah,” he replied waving his hand: “Go and gather the
most talented disciples at the Fighter stage from the Sect and
bring them to the Moon pavilion.”

As soon as the man received his orders he left immediately.

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The man was slightly annoyed, he wasn’t interested in the
tomb spatial estate, it was just an opportunity for those at the
Fighter stage.

“So tiring, that fool of a sect master gives me all the jobs, what
a lazy bastard.” He mumbled to himself while yawning.

His mumbling was loud enough for the guards to hear; they
couldn’t help but reveal complex expressions. No one in the
entire sect had the courage or authority to scold the sect master
like this terrifying man.

In another area, hundreds of miles away inside a mountain a

burly man sat cross-legged. The interior of this mountain cave
was made completely of variant diamond, a much harder form
of diamond.

An elderly man walked in respectfully and waited for the man

to call for him. Only after 10 minutes did the man look at him:
“What is it?”

“Sect master, the tomb spatial estate of a Dasecris clan

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member has opened once again.”

This man was the sect master of the Diamond Mountain

Fortress. His reaction to this news was exactly the same as the
Grand Elder of the Blue Moon sect; he showed no interest at all:
“Gather a group of some talented disciples and tell the 10th
elder to take them there.”

The elderly man respectfully nodded and retreated from the

cave, as soon as he exited the cave his face looked to have been
doused in cold sweat. The aura of the sect master was

Similar scenes occurred in all Nine Overlord Sects; however,

the two Mysterious clans remained silent not affected by the

The major sects all had more information regarding the

spatial estate than both Amaysu and Luna and were able to
make more preparations for it.

While all this was happening across the southern parts of the
continent, Amaysu and Luna arrived at the spatial estate.

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Chapter 52 - Arthur Dasecris

The world was black; the earth was a rusty red colour like
rusted Iron. The stars covered the black velvet sky twinkling
like splendid diamonds, while the burning sun seemed like a
marble sized ball of light, however, its intensity was blinding.

On the surface of this planet was a glass dome, that wouldn’t

break even under the full strength of a peak Origin
Transformation expert. The dome was only a few square
kilometres in size and in the centre of the dome was a beautiful
mansion that was standing alone.

This beautiful mansion was too beautiful to describe, leading

up to the mansion was a pathway and at the end of the pathway
were two teleportation fields on a metre tall platform.

One of these platforms suddenly brightened, a blinding light

was emitted from the energy pathways. Immediately it dimmed
and two figures stood on the platform, they both had pale faces.

Amaysu was stunned by the sight around him, the pathway in

front of him was surrounded by grass and flower beds, yet these
flowers didn’t seem real. How could such a desolate place

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without the right conditions be able to grow such a beautiful
environment without the right care, it was most likely an
illusion made from holograms.

The mansion stood alone in the desolate dome, the

craftsmanship was at another level. The white marble pillars
made the building seem even more desolate and lonely. The
mansion itself took at least a quarter of the land within the

The quietness was eerie, while the darkness outside the dome
emphasised this.

Luna was also stunned by the beauty of this lonely land; she
mindlessly strolled off the platform and walked to the flower
bed by the side of the pathway.

She tried picking up a rose, unexpectedly her hand passed

through the flower causing the air to tremble and the flowers to
blur: “What?!”

Amaysu merely smiled as he walked off the platform as well:

“Luna there’s no point in trying to touch the plants, they are all
illusions. The only real object in this entire dome is that

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mansion over there.”

“Shadow, these illusions are so lifelike, if I hadn’t touched it I

would have believed they were real,” she couldn’t hide her

Amaysu nodded: “Let’s first refuel and calm ourselves before

we enter the mansion.”

At the exact same moment in the centre of the pathway

between the platform and mansion a figure appeared. He wore
imperial garments, his long hair was unbound and his
appearance could only be described as one that could break
countless hearts.

Amaysu noticed the appearance of the man, the moment he

caught sight of the man, his heart skipped a beat. The ocean
known as his conscious was experiencing earthquakes and
tsunamis, his thoughts were chaotic.

Old memories of a man resembling the one before him

appeared in his mind, memories of a man that was prideful and
powerful in front of his men, but had the brightest smile when
he was with his family. Hundreds of different experiences all

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played out in his mind.

“Hello young ones, my name is Arthur Dasecris and welcome

to my abode.”

Arthur… Dasecris… Uncle Arthur? This is his estate!! The

man’s words resonated through his being, his heart tightened
and felt perturbed, his body heated up and started sweating

Luna was shocked by the man’s words she had heard of the
legend of the Dasecris family clan, a super family clan among
super family clans, having countless experts to rule over the
entire continent.

Yet she also knew that this super family clan was the most
villainous clan to appear on the continent. Where did she get
her information from? The legends passed down from previous

“Shadow I never thought that this was the spatial estate of a

Dasecris clan member, the amount of treasures and
opportunities here is countless folds greater than those ordinary
spatial estates.”

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“…” All of Luna’s words weren’t registered by Amaysu.

This was the first Dasecris he had seen since the moment he
woke up, furthermore, it was his uncle, but it was only an image
of him.

“I was the last surviving member of the legendary Dasecris

clan,” the tone of his voice was full of sorrow and sadness.

“I Arthur am the descendant of the first Emperor Lao

Dasecris, the brother of the current Emperor, the uncle of the
Crowned Prince and known as the sword of the imperial clan.”
However even in sadness, his words couldn’t hide the pride he

“I was at the mid-Body Transformation stage when my clan

was destroyed; the day I died I reached the peak of the Origin

Luna was stupefied, this was the tomb of a Peak Origin

Transformation expert, and furthermore, he was the brother of
the emperor. These revelations were far too shocking.

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“Those of you who have entered my tomb are here to gain the
opportunities I have left behind. I trust that one of you will
become my successor and gain my legacy. Enter my mansion
and forge your own path to gain my treasures,” Arthur said
with a mocking tone inviting Amaysu and Luna into the

Arthur’s voice was pre-recorded so it would repeat the same

thing over and over again; Amaysu guessed that it would play
whenever someone entered the estate but everything about this
image was far too real

“Those at the Body Transformation: LEAVE! You have a

minute to leave my estate or you’ll be thrown out into the void!”
Arthur roared, his voice reverberated across the dome,
however, on the contrary, his expression was betraying his
words, he wanted them to stay.

Arthur sighed, he looked into the void but this was merely a
recording so this was how he felt many years ago. “There will be
no killing between participants or you’ll be disqualified, there
will only be one successor for my treasures, however, you must
pass all the trials that I have laid out.”

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“Enter my mansion and gamble on your destiny!” He said
with a laugh as his body disappeared.

Amaysu stood silently, listening to the laugh that carried

despondency, loneliness and deep hatred revived the iciness
that was deep in slumber in his heart that was quelled by time.

How could I forget my purpose the reason why I’ve been

training so hard? I’ve lost my resolve because of this easy life,
I’ve weakened, thousands of clan members sacrificed their lives
to let me survive and what have I been doing? Nothing but run

I’ve run away from so many of my enemies in fear of using my

Inherited Legacy. Will I carry on hiding my Legacy, my
Inheritance, and the combined gift that has been passed on for
countless generations? No! From this moment onwards I will
not cower when I have the ability to kill!

Amaysu burned with unwillingness because of his weakness

and fear; he feared that his inherited legacy would be
discovered, but no more will this hold him down.

If they find out, who gives a shit! I’ll survive; It will be a

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warning that I’m still alive. I’ll carve my hatred into the

His demeanour grew colder at an astonishing rate; Luna could

sense the abrupt changes in Amaysu’s personality: “Shadow are
you alright?”

“I’m fine Luna… Let’s first prepare ourselves and then we’ll
enter the mansion,” Amaysu still spoke in the same way he
usually did, but to Luna, it felt more distant and cold.

Amaysu sat down quietly, he finally felt unrestricted,

revealing his Inherited Legacy might cause his death, but he
would rather die explosively than a quiet one. Finally finding a
resolve to his problem he felt elated and unrestricted.

Uncle, I will inherit your treasures and Legacies.


Only a few minutes had passed by since the moment Amaysu

and Luna had arrived in the tomb spatial estate. Unexpectedly
the second teleportation field suddenly started glowing, the

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intensity grew until it was blinding, before it slowly dimmed
once again.

As the light faded nearly thirty people stood on the platform,

these people were all grouped differently, those that wore the
same clothes stayed together while giving the other groups
deadly stares full of murderous intent.

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Chapter 53 - Geniuses Of The Overlord Sects

As the light faded nearly thirty people stood on the platform,

these people were all grouped differently, those that wore the
same clothes stayed together while giving the other groups
deadly stares full of murderous intent.

These groups of youngsters were all around the age between

15 to 19 years old; they all possessed the vibration of powerful
Fighter stage experts, each one of them having a bone-deep level
of arrogance.

These youths were the talented disciples of the Nine Overlord

Sects, showered with talent that could defy reality.

“Haha Lark I didn’t believe that you’d have the guts to enter
the Tomb spatial estate!” A young lad who looked to be around
16 years old with spiked up blue hair laughed arrogantly, he was
wearing a white martial arts uniform with blood red sword
patterns, and hung on his waist was a sword.

The young man he was talking to, had pitch black hair and a
dignified noble aura, he was wearing a cyan blue robe with
crescent moons on it. He was surrounded by a young man and

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woman a bit older than him: “Cedric, can you keep your mouth
shut for a few seconds!”

The young man called Cedric hearing this was about to

explode with rage, his murderous intent was growing rapidly
when suddenly a bulky man walked between them: “HAHA! It’s
been over a year since we 11 have stood together and the two of
you are already fighting. Didn’t we come here to see what the
tomb of those dead Dasecris’s had to offer?”

“Darius don’t get in my way or I’ll chop you up just like how
I’ll chop that narcissistic piece of shit,” Cedric roared.

Standing on a corner was a blinding fairy-like beauty, looking

at the men: “These boys are always barbaric, when will they
ever learn to behave, so disappointing,” she sighed. Her long
blonde hair flowed silkily towards her perky butt, while she
hugged her impressive chest. She was the leader of the group
from the Floating Cloud Palace; behind her were two women
who could also be described as city destroying beauties.

Each group had one leader and two talented fellow disciples
following them.

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The Blue moon sect was led by the youngster called Lark. The
Blood Moon sect was led by the youngster covered with killing
intent, Cedric. The Diamond Mountain Fortress was led by the
bulky youth. The Floating Cloud Palace was led by that fairy-
like beauty.

The Spring Leaf Sect had a girl wearing loose robes who was
lazily yawning. The Thousand beast tamers had a youth who
was completely covered in a black cloak hiding his entire body.
A youngster with a trident in his hand was from the Ocean
Trident Domain and a fiery red robed youth with sharp
eyebrows and flames on his robes was from the Fallen Flame

“Cedric please control yourself. We’re all here for the

opportunities in the tomb, your sect elders must have already
explained to all of you what opportunities exist here and that we
can’t fight here or we’ll be disqualified.” The youngster that just
spoke caused all the youths on the platform to silence
themselves, the other 8 group leaders also stopped talking.

The youngster was average in appearance and was about the

same age as Amaysu but he had a shockingly powerful aura
around him, he was at the 10th rank of the Fighter stage. They
were all powerful youngsters so they could differentiate the
aura surrounding that youth, but what set this youth apart from

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them was his background.

This youngster was wearing extravagant clothes from head to

toe; he had an air of nobility mixed with unparalleled

“hmph, you Azarlin’s are really too arrogant!” Cedric

mumbled with annoyance. However, he didn’t do anything
more, there was no one foolish enough to offend this titan of a

“Haha, Cedric I can’t believe you’ve just been restrained by

Edward!” The fiery robed youngster laughed. Even though he
and the average looking youth were similar in strength, the
Azarlin clan was the overlords of the continent.

“All 11 of us are here to take the trial here, the last time the
teleportation field opened two seniors were able to
breakthrough from the Fighter stage to the Body
Transformation stage. Even though no one managed to beat the
final trial they all had many gains!” The fiery robed youngster

At the exact moment that the youth laughed an explosive

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killing intent were directed at them, the killing intent caused
every single youth on the platform to subconsciously shiver.

These youths immediately turned towards the killing intent

and for the first time they noticed Amaysu and Luna who were
sitting a few dozen metres away on the pathway.

They ignored Luna and their gazes landed on the seated

Amaysu, his entire body was emanating an ice cold aura that
seemed as if it was about to materialise.

From the moment they arrived these arrogant geniuses didn’t

even notice Amaysu but now they couldn’t ignore him even if
they wanted to.

Cedric looked down at his hand and realised that he was

trembling; he looked back up at the meditating Amaysu and was
filled with excitement.

At this moment Amaysu opened his eyes, his golden and dark
brown eyes were dominating with an overwhelming presence.

When Amaysu looked at the group of geniuses from the Nine

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Overlord Sects, his aura became even more murderous.

Luna standing by Amaysu’s side sensed that Amaysu’s aura

was becoming colder, his killing intent was suffocating. The
hatred she sensed from Amaysu made him even more terrifying
than any Savage beast she had ever seen.

“Which one of you is an Azarlin?!” Amaysu roared, his

heartbeat increasing, his eyes were bloodshot.

Edward looked at Amaysu; he was annoyed by Amaysu’s

arrogance: “What has that got to you?”

Edward and Amaysu made eye contact.

What’s with this killing intent?! Edward could sense the sharp
killing intent hidden in Amaysu’s eyes, every single shred of
hatred was directed at him alone, it was as if he was being
crushed by a mountains weight.

Azarlin… AZARLIN! AZARLIN!! Amaysu bellowed in his

mind. Even though his face hid it, the hatred in his heart was
seeping out slowly; it seemed as if the air surrounding him had

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turned into a quagmire.

Amaysu calm down, calm down you’re losing control! Shadow

roared, even he couldn’t stop the locked intent hidden in him
from seeping out. The moment it was released Amaysu would go


reverberated causing his mind to go through immense pain, it
was like his brain was being stabbed and electrocuted at the
same time.

Slowly rationality returned to him, his face paled, the killing

intent was pulled back into him, but he still didn’t move his
gaze from that youngster.

Sensing the hatred disappearing, the youths on the platform

felt as if a great weight had been cast off their shoulders, they all
had the same thoughts: “Who was this youth?”

“Descendant of the Azarlin clan, what is your name?”

Edward frowned, one moment Amaysu had the intention to

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kill him and the next he was asking his name.

He pondered whether to answer or ignore him: “Who do you

think you are? You don’t have the qualifications to know my
name!” Edward scorned.

He had already noticed that Amaysu was only at the 8th rank
of the Fighter stage, two ranks below him so he had no reason to
fear him; he was a member of the Azarlin clan.

“Yes, I don’t have a reason to know the name of someone who

is worth no more than a pile of shit,” Amaysu rebuked, he
wanted to kill him, shred him to a thousand pieces. Why?
Because he was a descendant of Kronos and Karia, but he did not
want to be disqualified so he restrained himself.

Hearing this all the youths were taken aback, no one in the
Nine Overlord sects had enough guts or was stupid enough to
offend Edward, however, this unknown youth was actually
doing exactly so.

Amaysu closed his eyes and ignored them; if they tried

attacking him they’d also be disqualified.

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Edward was furious, he was an extremely arrogant figure,
how could he allow such insolence? Not once in his life had
anyone showed him such disrespect, there would only exist
showers of praises and gifts.

Just as he was about to reproach with displeasure, a youth

who was also from the Titan’s hall rebuked furiously in his

“Who do you think you are to disrespect Master Edward?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you brain dead or
something? Neither you or your ancestors have the
qualifications to stand near him; you are worth nothing more
than dog shit!”

This young man had the aura of a 9th rank Fighter stage since
he and Edward were both from Titan’s hall he wanted to make a
good impression on Edward so he was being angry for him.

Amaysu opened his eyes: “What did you say?”

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Chapter 54 - Entering The Mansion

Amaysu opened his eyes: “What did you say?”

The youth looked down upon Amaysu with contempt: “Did

you not hear what I said? Are you fucking deaf as well?! You are
not qualified to stand near Master Edward!”

Amaysu stood up and walked towards the youth: “Say that to

my face!”

The youngster happily complied; jumping off the platform he

walked towards Amaysu and stood in front of him. He was a few
years older than Amaysu and was half a head taller than him.

He was a handsome youth but compared to Amaysu they

weren’t on the same level.

“I said…” The youth was in the middle of a sentence when a

crushing mountainous force dropped onto his body. It was like
his weight had been increased over 5 times, his body could
handle it, but this weight also affected his weak inner organs.

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“Kneel,” said Amaysu with a calm tone.

The pressure kept increasing, and at exactly the same instant

Amaysu spoke the youth collapsed onto his knees and coughed
out a mouthful of blood. He couldn’t even raise his head to face
Amaysu, the previous arrogance had disappeared and dread
filled his being.

Amaysu raised his legs and stepped on the youths back

crushing him: “What did you say? I dare you to say that again.”
The tone of his voice was emotionless which made it even more

The youth from the Titan’s hall had a heart full of terror, he
was at a rank higher than Amaysu yet he was being suppressed
so easily. He tried struggling against the pressure but that only
made the pain worse.

Silver specks floated around Amaysu and the youth and an

even more tremendous pressure crushed down on the youth.

Amaysu didn’t care about them noticing the silver specks

floating around his body which was similar to the beautiful

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stars in the black velvet sky. The likelihood of them recognising
his Inherited Legacy was close to zero.

Amaysu stood straight and looked down at the youth who was
bleeding from his mouth and nose, “You will never be on my
level, this is where you’ll forever stand before me!”

All the youths on the platform saw how Amaysu crushed the
other young man without even touching him and they could not
find a word to describe this.

They were all proud geniuses that could fight against warriors
at higher ranks, however, they were all well known across the
southern part of the continent. Amaysu was different nobody
had ever heard of him before and the way he handled things was
dominating hey should have at least heard of him before.

The specks floating around him was a peculiar sight, however,

none of them were able to identify what it was.

All of a sudden the pressure vanished and Amaysu walked

away without turning his back. He sat down once again next to
the stunned Luna.

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The youth felt as if the skies had once again found their
pillars, but this was only momentary bliss before excruciating
pain attacked his nervous system, his organs were heavily
injured. The other youth from the Titan’s hall quickly came and
carried him away.

Around Amaysu, the silver specks were still floating around

him protectively. A speck floated extremely close to Luna,
looking at the small silver speck she had no clue of what it was
or its effect.

She didn’t ask Amaysu because of the unwelcoming aura

around him.

Out of the many youths standing on the platform, two jumped

off the platform and walked towards Amaysu.

One of them was the blue haired youth, Cedric, while the
other was the dignified Lark.

Walking forward they were staring down at each other: “Lark

why are you following me?”

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Lark glanced at him: “You’re the one who keeps appearing in
the places I appear.”

The two were like fire and water, completely incompatible

yet, this rivalry also made them much stronger forcing each
other to use their innate talents to their utmost degrees.

Cedric stood in front of Amaysu; Amaysu’s display was

dominating and straightforward, it went perfectly with his
personality: “Haha, I’d like to know the name of this fellow

Cedric was a straightforward and boisterous person with a

short fuse; Amaysu looked up at him and was able to gain a bit
of understanding from the vague impressions he had displayed.

Hearing this Cedric entered his thoughts, he had already come

to the conclusion that this was possibly not his real name, but
he was not going to delve deeper into the matter.

Lark was the total opposite of Cedric, he was a reclusive and

reserved person, but he respected strength, he never showed it
but he respected Cedric: “Shadow your strength is similar to

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ours; I hope that we could spar sometime?”

Silently watching Lark Amaysu nodded, he had no qualms

with these two so he wasn’t going to create unnecessary

On the Platform the rest of the youths had complex

expressions; they weren’t as straightforward as the duo that
went up to greet Amaysu.

At this moment Edward had a dark expression on his face. He

had been offended so blatantly for the first time in his life and
he had nowhere to release his anger. If he wasn’t inside the
tomb estate he would have personally torn Amaysu apart.

Even though Edward had a calm and tranquil expression and

always wore a smile on his face, he was actually a youth that
would do anything to reach his goals. If he liked a woman he
would take her by killing her man, if he wanted a weapon he’d
pressure them with his clan name, there was no one that could
stop him.

However, Amaysu was the first person that he had no qualms

with, furthermore he could sense the sinister desire to kill him,

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to tear him apart, limb from limb.

Cedric and Lark weren’t scared that they’d offended Edward,

his family clan would not try to kill them for such pitiful
reasons, and so they happily ignored his intense glare.

At this moment a figure appeared at the centre of the

pathway, he was Arthur Dasecris, his robe fluttered even
though there was no wind.

“Hello young ones, my name is Arthur Dasecris and welcome

to my abode.”

“I was the last surviving member of the legendary Dasecris

clan, I Arthur am the descendant of the first Emperor Lao
Dasecris, the brother of the current Emperor, the uncle of the
Crowned Prince and known as the sword of the imperial clan.”
Even in sadness, his words couldn’t hide the pride he felt.

“I was at the mid-Body Transformation stage when my clan

was destroyed; the day I died I reached the peak of the Origin

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Amaysu seated there felt, even more, anger because of his
Uncles words; this was because a descendant of his family’s
murderers was right at his fingertips.

As Arthur was speaking Edward had a prideful smile: “Those

Dasecris’s and their spawns are better off dead. My ancestors
cleansed this continent from these vile creatures!” Edward said
with a narcissistic laugh, his real personality seeping out slowly.

Amaysu frowned, a vein popped out on his forehead, it was as

if he was about to burst from rage, his pure gem like eyes was
increasingly becoming sharper, yet he quietly restrained
himself. Luna who was sitting quietly beside Amaysu heard the
creaking sounds caused by his gritted teeth.

She was the weakest out of all these monstrous geniuses; she
didn’t want to put extra burdens on Amaysu by mistake so she
stayed quiet.

“Enter my mansion and gamble on your destiny!” Arthur said

with a laugh as his body disappeared.

There was silence in the spatial estate, Amaysu abruptly stood

up: “Luna let’s go.”

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Luna stood up next to Amaysu and they both walked towards
the mansion, leaving the youths from the Nine Overlord Sects

Slowly the 27 individuals all coming from the Nine Overlord

Sects followed Amaysu and Luna who were already standing in
front of the large white door that stretched over 5 metres in

The Mansion had a single long staircase that led to a stainless

white door that was purer than white cotton clouds that floated
through a sea of blue skies.

The mansion had many windows with balconies on them. 4

pillars stood tall and strong around the door holding the ceiling,
each pillar had carvings ranging from legendary savage beasts
such as the dragon type savage beasts, tiger type savage beasts.

The door itself had the carvings of a single savage beast; if it

was to be described there were only a few words for it: The
Emperor of Savage beasts, the Lion type Savage beasts.

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Amaysu did not bother to admire the craftsmanship like Luna
and the rest of the youths, pushing the door open Amaysu and
Luna walked into the mansion.

Amaysu had one thought and one thought only: “Uncle I will
inherit your treasures and the legacy you left behind.

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Chapter 55 - The First Trial Begins

The inside of the mansion was as white as the walls outside

the mansion. There were beautiful white tiles that were all put
together perfectly, how the tiles were able to keep its sheen for
so long? Amaysu did not know.

There was nothing that caught one’s eye inside the mansion;
it was just one humongous hall that expanded for nearly a
square kilometre. There was only one thing that was striking
about the mansion; it was the giant pedestals with the images of
individuals standing in the centre of the great pearl-like hall.

Looking at the scene Amaysu fell into a stupor just like the
many youths behind him.

The centre of the group of pedestals was the hologram of a

man that stood tall and proud. His aura was fierce, like that of
an undying flame, both his hands rested on the tip of the sword
which was stabbed into the ground. On his right and left were
two couples, their features were perfectly displayed through the

The man on the right was dressed in a beautiful robe, causing

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him to have the dominance of an emperor; he was an extremely
handsome his hair was the same sandy brown as Amaysu’s. His
appearance was 70% similar to Amaysu; however, his eye colour
was brown. Even if one of the youths noticed that Amaysu and
the appearance of the man were similar, they could not make
this connection just based on this. This was because they were
Thousands of years apart.

On the pedestal were a few words: ‘Emperor Ranel Dasecris,

19th Emperor of the golden age.’

Amaysu felt as if this entire mansion was a resting place

created by his Uncle for his dead family members. Just from
this Amaysu could sense the lonely pain that Arthur had gone
through all these years, where he was being hunted down
without any support from anyone.

Next to his father, stood his mother with a gentle smile that
made Amaysu’s heart to quiver.

The man in the centre was his grandfather; his stature and
appearance were that of a Grand General, who led his warriors
into battle. Under his figure on the pedestal, it said: ‘Emperor
Raisel Dasecris, 18th Emperor of the golden age’.

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Stood on his right were his Uncle Arthur and his wife Lina.

In front of the five pedestals was three more pedestals, the

pedestal in the centre of the three was right in front of his
grandfathers showing that this pedestal had more prominence
and importance than the other pedestals.

The three pedestals were empty; however, they had not only
their names on them but a significant more added on.

“Emperor Amaysu Dasecris, the 1st Emperor of the New

Dasecris Empire and the avenger of the Dasecris clan,” Luna
whispered next to Amaysu.

Amaysu felt a chill run through him, the hair on the back of
his neck stood and there were goose bumps all over his arm.

The many youths felt the overbearing arrogance hidden in

these few words. Many of these youths heard the story of the
prince of the Dasecris clan having escaped and was biding his
time for vengeance. However, most of them believed it as
nothing more than an old legend.

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As expected Edward had a scornful expression.

“The first trial will begin,” Arthur’s voice suddenly rang

through the mansion. In this image he looked many years older,
his black long hair had streaks of white and his face was hollow.
He was standing at an angle and was facing the pedestals
standing in the centre; in his eyes, those images were the
personifications of his memories.

All of a sudden a rumbling sound echoed through the entire

mansion as part of the mansion wall split apart to reveal an
enormous silver door that shone brightly.

The door slid open to reveal a long set of stairs that

disappeared into blackness, but luckily lights on the ceiling of
the mansion came on revealing the distance of the stairs,
however, even then nobody could see how deep the stairs were
going under the mansion.

“Enter to begin the first trial,” Arthur said before his body
faded away.

Without hesitation, Amaysu walked through the door. The

youths from the Sects had astonished expressions however they

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already knew that this would happen they had the experiences
given to them by the previous generation of disciples that
entered the estate.

“Unbelievable…” A youth standing in the back mumbled

subconsciously, but he said the exact words that everyone was

Right in front of them all was a vast underground maze with 5

different entrance passageways. The pathway was wide enough
for 50 people to walk side by side and its walls were at least 30
metres tall, while the ceiling was another twenty metres on top
of that.

Arthur Dasecris’s image appeared once again right next to the

centre passageway.

“Please pick out a bracelet from here!” Arthur instructed and

on his command, a pedestal came out of the ground revealing
nearly 100 silver bracelets that had a dull glow.

All the youths went and picked out a single bracelet.

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Amaysu put on the bracelet and was astounded, the feeling he
got from the bracelet was the same feeling as his Inherited
Legacy. Is this bracelet made from the Inherited Legacy?
Impossible! Any object created by the legacy will disintegrate
the moment the user dies unless Uncle Arthur found a way.

Amaysu was shocked; from his experiences he had never seen

someone from his clan create something that retains its form
even after his death. Even though he had never seen it, it didn’t
mean that it was impossible to do; it might have actually been
done before.

“The first trial is this maze; all of you have exactly 96 hours to
slay as many Combat Golems as possible. These golems will
impede your way and will try to kill you if you are near death
break the bracelet and the golems will no longer target you. Do
not think about taking someone else’s bracelet, the moment you
take it off it will disintegrate.” Said Arthur seriously, putting
down the thoughts of some vicious youths.

“There are three types of golems: The Red Golem, this golem
will have the strength between the 7th rank and 10th Rank of
the Fighter stage. The Grey Golems are the second type, their
strength is at the 1st rank of the Body Transformation and then
lastly; the Black Golems, they are as strong as a 2nd rank Body
Transformation expert.”

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“We’re made to fight golems, so this trial is to test our
strength and perseverance,” Amaysu mumbled. Golems were
basically puppets, depending on the materials, energy core and
Combat skills stored in its memories they can reach certain
strength. They are unyielding opponents with no sense of pain
which made destroying them a tedious task.

Golems came in many different forms and were actually a

weaker form of their robotic counterparts. There were some
that came as weapons, some in the shape of Savage beasts and
some in the form of people, however, they are all controlled by
their owners or programmed to complete a task.

“Every time you destroy a golem a number will appear on

your bracelet, 10 grey golems is the bare minimum to pass this
trial. 5 red golems are worth a single grey golem and a single
Black golem is worth 5 grey golems. As soon as the trial ends,
arrows will appear on the walls to lead you out of the maze.”

Many of the youths were stunned, destroying a grey golem at

the Body Transformation for them was difficult but not
impossible, and furthermore, they had to destroy 10. They were
monstrous geniuses that could beat those at a higher stage.

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“Be warned some golem types will stay together, illusions will
also appear to misguide you, and this trial will test your reliance
on your instincts and your luck.”

“Let the trial begin!”

Immediately all the youths separated and ran through

different pathways, some took the same route and separated at a

Amaysu and Luna did the same and entered the entrance to
the maze at the far right, the same way that the dignified youth
from the Blue Moon Sect picked. During the split, the duo took a
different direction from the youths of the Blue Moon Sect.

“Luna in this test you’ll need to also kill at least 10 golems, I’ll
help you if it gets too dangerous.”

Luna was astonished; Amaysu still wanted her to train here.

“Did you think that I’d forget about your training, here you’re
going to have to display all your strengths, even I will do the

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Turning right and left, they were aimlessly running through
the maze not having a real aim. Abruptly the sounds of gears
grinding were emitted from a nearby place Amaysu could hear
this with his keen hearing.

“Luna this way.”

Turning right twice Amaysu once again slowed down to check

which direction the grinding sound came from, however, the
sound was no longer there.

“Dodge!” he shouted.

Luna was shocked, however, she was used to this routine and
jumped backwards, and Amaysu did the same and retreated.

“Bang!” A figure that was the size of a small willow tree came
crashing down; its weight caused the ground to tremble.

The golem had glowing red blue lights for eyes, its body was
completely red, with lines that separated its many joints with its

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body parts. This golem looked like an oversized human except
for the helmet that hid its face if it even had a face.

Amaysu calmly stared at the red golem: “Luna we’ve found

your first opponent.”

Luna looked at Amaysu and then back at Amaysu: “Shadow

that Golem is at least two ranks ahead of me, how am I meant to
even face it?” She said with an ‘are you serious?’ face.

“Luna in a real battle there will never be a moment where

you’re guaranteed to meet an opponent with the same strength
as you. There’ll be many moments where you’re the weaker
opponent; you have to find a way to survive by thinking very
quickly, picking out the enemies weaknesses and trusting your
own decisions.” Amaysu’s tone was serious and his argument
was realistic.

“There won’t always be someone standing behind you to

protect you.”

“There will always be differences in strength. Even if you

have a 99% chance of beating your opponent, you have to
always be weary for the 1% chance that they have a trump card

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that could overturn the entire fight.”

“Use your Inherited Legacy and attack it from range, when

you’re comfortable move in and attack with your sword.”

“I don’t have any arrows or sticks to use as ammunition,”

Luna replied.

“Sure, I’ll make you an arrow.”

Luna was confused by Amaysu’s solution, how was he going to

make arrows for her without any materials.

Raising his palm in front of her a silver crest appeared on his

palm and it released an insignificant glow.

Silver specks floated around the two like stars; the sight was
breath-taking, magnificent. The silver specks coalesced and
formed an arrow that was little more than a foot long.

Luna looked from the arrow to Amaysu, her mouth opened

and closed not able to find words to describe the spectacle that

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had just taken place.

“This is the real form of my Inherited Legacy,” said Amaysu,

his face had an expression which asked her not to ask anymore.

Amaysu revealed his Inherited Legacy, he was no longer

shackled by fear and he was not going to hide his inherited
legacy anymore.

She could see the complex emotions on Amaysu’s face and

decided not to pursue it any further.

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Chapter 56 - The Azarling Inherited Legacy

Taking the arrow she placed it on the bowstring and calmly

gazed at the still golem that did not make a single movement.

Its metallic red body had a dull sheen, its body was bulky and
huge, one punch by this enormous golem would severely injure
anyone under the 8th rank of the Fighter stage.

Amaysu looked at Luna and decided to help her a bit: “Let me

give you a tip, since you’re weaker don’t try to face it head on,
one punch from it will put you in bed for half a month. Against
this golem use a hit and run tactic, find its weaknesses or
anything unusual about it and strike it.”

Luna gratefully accepted the knowledge, it would be a great

help for her.

Pulling the bowstring she aimed at the golem’s chest, the left
side to be precise, since it looked like a human she
subconsciously aimed for where the heart was placed.

“Twang!” Releasing the arrow, the bowstring created its own

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The arrow soared through the air, in an instant; it was right in

front of the golem. Her aim was splendid if this was a human
this single arrow would have pierced their chest and killed them
in an instant.

The arrow made a dent in the metallic body, but it was not
something she expected. She thought that the arrow would have
at least stabbed into its body; this caused her morale to drop

The golem’s physical body was at the level of the Scorpion

spider; however, these arrows were much weaker in strength.
Luna did not use her Inherited Legacy to increase the strength
of the arrow; this was because she would feel extremely weak
after using her legacy.

As the arrow dropped to the floor, it soared through the air

rapidly, returning to Luna’s side. She couldn’t help but feel
astonished by Amaysu’s Inherited Legacy.

All of a sudden, grinding sounds roared from within the golem

and a muffled, metallic roar was emitted from the golem. The

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blue lights where the golem’s eyes were meant to be intensified,
then it charged towards Luan, each step shaking the ground.

Even with its enormous frame, it was much quicker than she
expected. The golem locked both of its hands and smashed
down at where Luna was standing.

Without delay she quickly retreated, the locked hands

smashed down on the ground causing the ground to tremble
once again.

“Luna take this,” Amaysu shouted as he threw a quiver with

two dozen arrows inside.

Catching it she retreated barely dodging a slap that came

towards her.

Before her feet even landed on the floor, she placed an arrow
on her bow and released it and then took another releasing it
once again.

These rapid shots rocketed through the air like a torrent.

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The golem dodged the first arrow, but Luna had already
expected such a possibility, the rest of the arrows crashed onto
its body creating constant ‘clang’ like sounds.

Luna smirked, within the third wave of arrows a single arrow

was flying a different path compared to the rest.

The golem watched the arrows soaring towards it, casually

dodging the first arrow it suddenly bent backwards dodging the
second arrow and quickly pushed backwards creating a gap
between itself and the third arrow. But from its blind spot an
arrow shot through the air and pierced through the eye gap in
its helmet stabbing into its right eye.

The golem stalled causing the rest of the arrows to slam into
its body.

Taking this chance she sent another torrent of arrows, these

arrows were aimed at the golems joints to paralyse it.

The golem quickly retreated; it pulled the arrow out of its

lightless right eye.

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In the beginning, the golem was not even able to dodge a
single arrow, the second time it could only dodge a single arrow
and during the third wave it nearly dodged three arrows. Each
time Luna would rapidly shoot out ten arrows which were
constantly supplied by Amaysu who would command the
arrows to return to the quiver.

Its eyes brightened and the first arrow was easily dodged,
second, third and fourth arrow missed the golem and only the
fifth arrow was able to skim against the golem’s metallic chest.

Impossible! The golem is actually learning as its fighting, is

that even possible?! Luna’s thoughts were a 100% right, the
golem was slowly learning from its short experiences.

Its mind was not like a human’s, it could analyse to a situation

and quickly adapt, however, this ability was only possible for its
robotic counterparts. For a golem to be able to do such things
was unprecedented, this ability was also one of the biggest
differences between golem’s and robots.

Could these golems be Pseudo-robots? It’s definitely a

possibility. While in thought, the golem struck at her.

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Abruptly she stopped shooting arrows and leapt into the air,
dodging the kick that came from the golem. Using the maze wall
as a foothold she pushed past the golem, floating through the
air, she took this opportunity to properly analyse the entire
body of the golem.

In the few instants that she was in the air she noticed nothing,
unexpectedly a faint sparkle appeared on the nape of the
golem’s neck.

Could that be its power source? Luna quickly drew her bow,
this time; she used her Meteor bow to assist her: Whirlwind
Arrow. Whizzing through the air, the arrow pierced the nape of
the golem’s neck shattering it into a hundred tiny fragments.

Even after this the arrow did not lose momentum and shot
through the golem tearing a fist size hole through its bulky

The grinding gears inside the golem’s body slowed down

momentarily and then completely stopped.

The entire process from her dodging the golem and leaping
past it to destroying its power source was only a few seconds.

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Constantly fighting under Amaysu’s tutelage her split second
decisions were very high, this was extremely beneficial in the

“Did I do it?” She suddenly looked down at her bracelet and

noticed that it now displayed a fragment of the number one; it
seemed that she needed to destroy four more golem’s for it to
fully materialise.

“I did it!” Luna laughed with happiness, even though she was
lucky that she noticed the golem’s power source, she still
defeated the golem by herself.

Amaysu walked towards her, the quiver on her back was

restocked with all the arrows that she shot which all flew back.

“You did really well; let’s find some more golems.”

“This time, you should be the one fighting,” Luna replied.

“Only if it’s at the Body Transformation stage or a 10th rank

Fighter stage golem,” Amaysu replied as he ran off, Luna
watched him run away then hastily followed.

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Somewhere deep in the maze, three youths stood in front of a
grey golem that was about two metres tall, however, it wasn’t to
be underestimated due to its size it was manifolds stronger than
the red golem.

Edward stood in the lead with his two followers standing two
steps behind me.

“I’ll take care of this,” calmly said Edward. Raising his arm in
the air, on the surface of his left hand was a purple crystal that
had a simple glow.

“The Azarlin Inherited Legacy!” The youth on the right


From the surface of his body, purple specks floated in the air,
they were like purple fireflies in the sky.

Edward’s palm moved fluidly, the specks floating around him

forming two swords, one grasped on each palm. The rest of the
specks coalesced to form three purple balls that floated in the

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air behind him.

“Move!” Edward roared.

The two youths from the Titan’s hall retreated leaving only
him and the golem standing 30 feet apart.

Standing alone, Edward body gave off a sinister purplish hue.

If Amaysu was standing here it would only take him a

fragment of a second to realise that Edwards Inherited Legacy
was identical to his Dasecris Inherited Legacy: The Nanotekro
Inherited Legacy. If he saw this, there was no guarantee that
Amaysu wouldn’t go berserk due to rage.

The Inherited Legacy was his family’s possession; a false copy

like this would only desecrate the name of his Inherited Legacy.

At this moment Edward stared coldly at the golem which was

rushing at him. The golem smashed down with a chop, the
weight in its palm was tremendous.

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Edward sneered; crossing his two swords he steadied himself
ready for the impact.

“Bang!” The chop caused the two swords to shake and his
body to tremble slightly, but a cold smile appeared on his lips.

The purple orbs flew, up around the golem.

“Release!” Ordered Edward.

The orbs instantly transformed into three 5 metres long sharp

lances that struck down stabbing straight through the golem
from three different angles.

Edward walked away from the scene as the number one

appeared on the bracelet on his palm.

The golem was frozen in its position only being held up by the
lances. One lance had stabbed it though its right shoulder at an
angle so it protruded out from its left thigh. The other stabbed it
through its left shoulder and protruded out from its right thigh
and pierced the maze ground.

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The third and final lance had struck down straight through its
head shattering the power source that was hidden on the top of
its head under its helmet.

“Senior Edward you truly are amazing,” the youth that was
suppressed by Amaysu flattered Edward.

Edward nonchalantly ignored him: “For the Titan’s hall

reputation we need to destroy the most golems.”

The two nodded.

Edward walked forward, at this moment he was thinking of

Amaysu: I don’t know where you are but I’ll let you live a bit
longer. You insulted me, so this tomb will be the perfect place to
bury you.

Edwards way of thinking was extreme, a small offence against

him deserved only death, this is the mentality that latched onto
him due to his high standing.

From the previous generation’s experience, he already knew

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that the killing rules only applied outside the trial, within the
trial only strength matters. Arthur Dasecris’s words were vague,
he had only stated that he would throw them out if they fought
outside of the trial, but in the trial he said nothing.

The knowledge from the previous generation said that killing

participants were possible within a trial, so now he could take
care of Amaysu.

Edward chuckled coldly with expectation.

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Chapter 57 - High-Class Grey Golem

All the youths from the Nine Overlord sects were in the midst
of their very own battle within the maze. For geniuses at their
level facing any red golem was simple and easy for them because
they were all between the 9th rank and peak 10th rank of the
Fighter stage, only a grey golem gave them a challenge.

In one corner of the maze, the youths from the Blue Moon sect
were walking around slowly.

It had only been five hours since the trial began but
shockingly the number on his bracelet was already on 4.

On the bracelets of his companions, the number three was

visible but not completely formed. Their speed was shockingly

Lark touched the wall to make sure that it was real: “Wasn’t
there a pathway over here just a moment ago?” asked Lark to a
youth next to him.

The youth also had a confused expression, “Yes, I think there

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was a pathway here but a wall is here now… Could it be an

As if something clicked in Lark’s mind he recalled something:

“The previous generation said that the maze had many illusions
but these maze walls occasionally move around randomly.”

“It seems that we’ve been unlucky enough to actually fall into
one of these traps,” Lark sighed; he couldn’t do anything so they
just moved on.


“What the actual fuck!” A loud enraged voice echoed, Lark

frowned he had a despondent feeling because he knew the
owner of this voice.

Around the corner three youths walked out of the corner, all
three of them were wearing martial arts uniforms with a sword
on their waist.

Cedric looked around and spotted Lark and frowned: “Why do

you always end up near me, is this some joke?”

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“… let’s leave,” Lark ignored Cedric and walked a different
path with his group.

Cedric watched Lark ignoring him: “Lark, you’re running

away again?”

“What’s the point in the two of us fighting, in 97 fights I’ve

won 50 of them, if we fight again it’ll only increase the gap,”
Lark calmly replied to Cedric’s intimidation.

“Damn you! You’re still bringing the scores up? Okay then,
the last fight was two months ago and my strength has
increased, I’ll just wipe the floor with you now so that you’ll
forget the score completely.”

For the first time, Lark stopped and stared coldly at Cedric’s
smirk: “If you’re so confident let’s fight now.”

“Haha! That’s what I like to hear!”

The youths from the Blood Sword Sect and Blue Moon Sect

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who came with Cedric and Lark walked to the side and sat
down. They were used to the two fighting all the time and there
was no point in getting in their way anymore.

Since the tow Sects were allies the youths from the two sects
would mingle and socialise so the youth’s weren’t as hostile to
each other as Cedric and Lark.

“With these two fighting, we’ll fall behind the other factions.”

“We can’t interfere when they’re fighting or they’ll just beat

us up. We have to wait for their fight to end before we carry on
trekking our way towards the Body Altering Pond.”

When this youth said the ‘Body Altering Pond’ they all had
yearning expressions. Out of all the opportunities within the
maze part of the trial, the Body Altering Pond had the greatest
benefit. If an early 9th rank Fighter bathed in this pool, their
body would be remodelled and they will shoot into the Body
Transformation stage.

Right now they could only sigh and watch the two youths
fight it out until a winner was decided.

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After five hours, Luna’s bracelet was already at two.

Following the first few fights her efficiency and skill kept
increasing, in one fight she had taken the opportunity to
unsheathe her sword to fight.

These golems only used their fists to fight so Luna had an

advantage because she was able to use her bow and sword.

On the other hand, the bracelet on Amaysu’s hand had barely

formed the number one. Some golems were too powerful for
Luna so he was forced to fight them in her place and were
quickly disposed of.

At this moment Amaysu was standing in front of a grey golem,

however, unlike the many other golems, this was a high-class
golem meaning that it was a grey golem that carried a weapon.

Compared to the golem Edward faced it was much stronger.

“huuuh…” Amaysu closed his eyes and breathed out. “Luna I

hope you’re watching?” Amaysu said without looking back.

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Luna was worried when they were being chased she learnt
from Amaysu that his pursuer was at the Body Transformation
stage and this golem was also at the same level.

Pointing the scythe at the golem he concentrated, activating

his Inherited Legacy. His body produced a silver glow, countless
silver molecules floated in the air like celestial bodies.

With a thought, five daggers appeared around him.

In his right hand was the scythe; around him were five
protective daggers while his body was coated by endless silver

Using his movement technique the Lunar Moon Dance,

Amaysu soared. Each step causing his body to float in the air for
a period of time, his body could only be described as a light
feather while he pressed on towards the golem.

The golem released a heavy muffled roar underneath its


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“Whoosh,” it slashed down at his feathery figure.

Seeing this, Amaysu motioned his left hand causing all five
daggers to roar to life and rip through the air to meet the sword.

“Bang!” the sword was brought to a full stop by the five


Immediately afterwards Amaysu leapt towards the golem like

a panther, he used the base of the scythe’s handle to push at the
golem’s chest disturbing its centre of gravity.

Abruptly it let go of its grip on the huge broadsword and

struck with its left hand.

Amaysu raised his scythe to block the punch, he was shot far
back and his feet skidded on the floor before he came to a
complete stop.

The golem looked at him as it picked up its broadsword, the

blue glow inside the helmet intensified as it once again released
a muffled roar.

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Quickly summoning two more daggers, Amaysu’s face paled
the amount of mental strength used to control everything
caused his mind to feel an aching pain.

Charging towards the golem, the golem also charged towards

Amaysu. On his call, the daggers once again charged forward
however unlike before they all focussed on a single point of the
golem’s sword.

“Bang!” the daggers struck the sword causing the broadsword

to have a crack appear on it.

Realising this, the other two daggers around him pushed

forward supporting the other five daggers. With this immense
force, the golem’s broadsword was not able to contend.
Cracking sounds screamed from the sword and it shattered into
two large pieces.

With nothing stopping the soaring daggers, they pushed forth

and pierced the golem’s chest, abdomen and neck.

The golem paused and crashed to the floor with a bang.

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Breathing heavily, Amaysu wiped the sweat off his forehead;
he felt a stabbing pain in his head and his vision blurred for only
an instant before coming back.

On the bracelet on his hand, the number two was completely


“Shadow, are you alright?” Luna asked with concern while

taking large strides towards him.

She was awed by the power displayed by Amaysu, but this

power would also have a great burden on him, so her concern
for him overtook her curiosity and awe.

Turning towards her Amaysu nodded. Even though his face

was slightly pale and he was breathing quickly, he did his best to
hold himself up with the support of his scythe.

Luna said: “Rest for a bit, you really exhausted yourself,” she
said as she rustled through her bag, she picked out a vial and
passed it to him, “Take this, it’s a stimulant it’ll restore your

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Taking the vial Amaysu drank the green liquid within,
instantly the tiresome feeling disappeared and he felt energised
once again.

This drug is amazing; its effects are instant and visible.

“Let’s stop here for a while, eat something and then we can
continue,” Luna squatted down to take some rations from the

He felt warmed by Luna’s actions, without realising his eyes

locked onto her, he felt an odd feeling rise in his heart. Her long
black hair was silkily lying on her back; he had the urge to
caress it.

She wasn’t the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, but she
was the only person that made him feel odd.

“Shadow, can you…” Luna looked up to notice that Amaysu’s

eyes were locked on her, slightly dazed.

Seeing her face, he noticed some features that he had never

actually realised: Her eyelashes were long, her lips were a

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strawberry red and her skin made her look so fragile even
though she was so strong. Her dark blue eyes were as deep as the
ocean and were enticing to his senses.

“Luna you’re really beautiful…” As soon as he said this Luna

was stunned, in the next instant, her face burned to a cherry red

Slowly it dawned on him, he realised what he had just said

and what that feeling was, immediately his face burned and he
rapidly turned his head. Not now, I can’t preoccupy myself with
such feelings, it’ll only distract me; Amaysu tried suppressing
these foreign feelings.

Without realising he started feeling comfortable when Luna

was around him. It was only natural after spending so long with
her, feelings bloomed within him and Amaysu was a late

Those his age would usually be able to fearlessly say those

words to women they liked, however, Amaysu felt a bit
embarrassed by these words.

Amaysu slowly spoke to break the awkwardness: “Why don’t

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we eat the rations.”

“Hm,” Luna quickly nodded.

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Chapter 58 - Body Altering Pond

Neither Amaysu or Luna knew how long had passed since the
moment they had entered the cave, but the long winding and
endless walls made them feel as though they had spent a few
days in the maze.

The truth was that, including the long rest that they had
taken, only a day passed since they entered the maze. Even in
this short amount of time the two had subtle changes in their
expressions. Luna was even more vigilant than she was at the
start of the trial; furthermore, her decisions mid-fight was more
accurate, due to her fighting stronger beings.

Amaysu, on the other hand, was more focussed on his single

objective: Becoming the Successor.

On his bracelet, he already had the number six while Luna had
an even higher number, eight. It was only a matter of time
before they reach the minimum threshold to pass.

Luna was extremely vigilant at this moment. Only a few hours

prior, finding at least two golems in an hour was fortunate, but
now they would find five or six golems every hour.

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Her ears twitched as a sound that she heard many times
before rumbled through the maze, the roar of a Savage beast

Her thoughts were on point, sounds of feet echoed in the

darkness, however, at this moment Amaysu was alerted.

Luna was able to handle the weak golems all by herself, so

Amaysu would only bother paying attention to those powerful
golems, otherwise, he would keep his hand. Despite this, he
realised from the sounds of steps that these footsteps were
coming from more than one golem.

“Luna there’s more than one, get ready!” He quickly stated.

Amaysu got his scythe ready and activated his Inherited


Just as the last soaring dagger appeared around his body, the
owners of the loud footsteps revealed themselves.

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“Roar!” a unison roar echoed loudly, with an impressive line-
up of golems.

There was a single grey golem and three red golems, all three
red golems were in the shape of a wolf type Savage beast.

“You take that golem over there,” Amaysu pointed at one of

the wolf type golems: “It should be comparable to an 8th rank
Fighter stage expert, it should be within your capabilities, I’ll
take the other three, that should let me catch up to you.”

Luna smirked; there was a hidden competitiveness in his calm

voice. She knocked an arrow on her bow and released it at her
target, drawing its attention.

At the same time Amaysu split his attention between his three
opponents, unleashing his soaring daggers at the red golems as
he went to meet the grey golem.

The soaring daggers clashed against the two savage beast type
golems while he slashed at the grey golem’s right arm.


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“Thud,” the grey golem fell to the ground. Having lost both of
its arms it revealed the metal gears within its body and its body
was missing a head as well.

Furthermore, the two savage beast type golems were already

on the floor with giant holes in their body.

“So you’ve also cleared up your side,” Luna walked over to

him simultaneously sheathing Silent Tempest.

“I expected you to take a bit longer,” Amaysu mumbled his

eyes wandering towards the golem that was on the floor. It had
two arrows embedded deep within its shoulders which reduced
its mobility and many sword slashes all over its body.

Hehe, Amay~~ You’ve found yourself a feisty one~~ A voice

that he hadn’t heard for some time echoed in his mind.

Amaysu wasn’t bothered with him so he heartlessly ignored


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Luna pouted: “Have a little more faith in me; I’m not a
monster like you.”

“That’s why I’m turning you into a monster like me.”

“…” she ignored him and looked at the motionless golems.

“This is the first time a group of golems have attacked together.
Before we’d meet two to three golems every hour, but now
we’re meeting twice as many, yet this is the first time that a
group have attacked us.”

This was also a fact that he had noticed as well: “It’s as if they
are denser here, congregating here or maybe… guarding
something,” Luna voiced out his thoughts.

“That’s what I’ve come up with as well, it’s highly possible

that there’s something here. Let’s walk around for a bit and find
a bit more clues.”


Twenty minutes later the duo was once again forced to fight
the golems, furthermore, the line-up was much stronger. There

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were two grey golems and three red golems between the 9th and
10th rank of the Fighter stage.

This line-up was too strong for Luna to handle so it was

Amaysu’s task to fight.

“Bang,” Amaysu skidded backwards, but he didn’t back down

as he once again shot forward to clash against the two grey
golems. The red golem’s you ask? He had already taken care of
them when the fight began.

Five soaring daggers repeatedly struck the golem keeping it at

bay while Luna tried finding an opening to shoot an arrow but it
was futile. Her arrows did not even leave a dent on its metallic

The golem punched at Amaysu, but he expected this and the

silver specks supporting him surrounded the two. Abruptly the
golem’s body sunk as the air surrounding it thickened under
pressure; fortunately, Amaysu was prepared for the sudden
change of gravity.

Grasping this opportunity he finished off the golem with a

strike that severed its head. Now that he was no longer

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preoccupied he wholeheartedly focussed on the second grey

In only a matter of seconds, the second golem crashed to the

ground with five giant holes in its body, a sight that Amaysu
was used to.

“Huh…huh…huh,” Amaysu gasped swallowing air quickly,

sweat trickled down his sheen forehead and fell to the black

Luna arrived quickly: “Sha…”

Just as she uttered the first syllable another set-off roars

shook the ground, when she heard these roars she looked at
Amaysu’s weary figure and a hint of worry appeared on her

“Retreat… quickly!” He said under breath.

They quickly ran away in the direction that they came from,
despite this, they came to an abrupt stop. “There was a path
here, where did it go?” Luna said with confusion.

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He was also confused; there was a pathway here before… he
quickly pushed the thought aside, as of now escaping was the
most important task: “Forget about it, let’s just go that way.”

For the next minute, they did nothing but run as far away
from the group of golems as possible. After a while they finally
came to a stop, Amaysu leant against the stone wall to keep
himself steady.

He took out a vial that Luna gave him and drank the content
in one gulp; he felt nothing for 10 seconds before he felt the
effects kick in.

“The stimulant is losing its effectiveness.”

Luna looked at him and nodded, “After a certain amount of

doses your body builds up a resistance to it, you’ll need stronger
stimulants after that and that just now was your fifth vial.”

He sighed; this was a foreseeable result.

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Out of the blue the duo stopped speaking and sat silently, they
heard loud voices coming from further along the path.

“That’s probably another group of participants,” Luna

whispered, however, Amaysu was pondering on a certain few
words that they had said: ‘Body Altering Pond.’

Moments after a group of youngsters similar to them in age

walked along the pathway in their direction.

They suddenly stopped the moment that they noticed Amaysu

and Luna. From the group there was a young man and young
woman between 17 to 20 years old and leading the group was a
young woman, her robes were loosely fitted attracting the fiery
gazes of many young men.

She had blue phoenix-like eyes that were able to put a spell on
the hearts of many unprepared young men. Her skin was fair
and her complexion was magnificent, her blonde hair cascaded
around her falling to her waist. Overall her appearance was
gorgeous; furthermore, she had a natural noble charm.

She was a very beautiful woman, which caused Luna to

subconsciously compare her looks to the woman, which

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immediately made her regret doing so. She then looked at
Amaysu only to see that he had a deadpan expression as he
looked at the young woman, this made her feel somewhat

The young woman looked at Amaysu with some interest; she

wasn’t too bothered by Amaysu’s otherworldly, aesthetically
pleasing appearance. She merely raised her hand to cover a

“You’re the one that offended Edward, who were you again?”
she said rudely pointing at Amaysu while trying to recall who
Amaysu was. “Ah! You said you were called Shadow.”

In response Amaysu had a deadpan expression, he found her

extremely beautiful but he was only appreciative of it.
Nevertheless, he was shocked by her strength which was at the
peak of the 10th rank.

“You should introduce yourself before you go pointing at

people,” he replied.

The male youth next to her frowned, as he was about to lash

out the young woman raised her palm stopping him.

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The young woman merely smiled, her gaze casually moved
from Amaysu to Luna, and suddenly sharpening when she
noticed the bow on Luna’s shoulder, but just as fast it returned
to normal.

This insignificant change was caught by Amaysu but he acted

like he had seen nothing.

“Where were my manners? My name is Olivia Reichfield of

the Spring Leaf Sect.”

Hearing her name Luna was startled, her expression sunk and
she felt weary: She is Olivia Reichfield? Why did I have to see
her here? Could she have possibly recognised my Inherited

While Luna was in distress, Olivia spoke, her soft heart-

warming voice reaching the both of them: “Our meeting was
only a coincidence and we have other matters at hand so we will
take our leave,” she then turned to leave.


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She stopped; despite this, the male from the group frowned.

“You were talking about the Body Altering Pond, what is it?”
Amaysu questioned.

The male of the groups frown deepened and the young woman
also frowned; however, Olivia’s lazy expression did not change.

The youngster from the group couldn’t hold it in and spoke:

“Body Altering Pond? This has nothing to do with you, just…”
As he got to this point, Olivia raised her hand to stop him.

“What do you want to know?” she said with a smile.

The young man couldn’t help but stop her: “Miss?!”

Olivia turned around, her beautiful face carrying a frown but

the young woman abruptly interjected: “Miss, you can’t just go
tell him,” she advised as she had a better relationship with
Olivia than the young man.

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Olivia frowned: “What’s the big deal? This is no big secret, all
the other factions already possess this information, and as long
as I help him here he’ll owe me a favour.”

Amaysu expected this situation: “What is the Body Altering

Pond and is that the reason that more golems are congregating
around this area?” In the back of his head, he felt that he had
come across the term Body Altering Pond somewhere, but he
was not sure.

“Yes you’re right,” she nodded. “The body altering pond is a

special opportunity that exists within the maze. As long as you
obtain a good amount, you can use it to break into the Body
Transformation stage and furthermore you’ll reach the perfect
Black Tempered Body.”

“The liquid in the pond has a high concentration of two really

important substances. Of these two substances, one will break
down your bones at a cellular level putting you through
unimaginably excruciating pain. This is where the second
substance comes in and reconstructs your bones, increasing
elasticity, strength, resistance, etc, completely altering your

“Even someone like her,” She pointed at Luna. “If she is able

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to bathe in the pond, she’ll skip from the 5th rank to the 10th
rank without losing her foundation and her chances of reaching
the Black Tempered body is nearly 100%.” Even she herself had
a desire to find this pond and breakthrough into the Body
Transformation stage with a Black Tempered Body.

“Those at my level only need a small amount to breakthrough

to the Body Transformation stage so just a few litres are enough
for us.”

Amaysu’s eyes widened, understanding where he had heard

the description before, it was a resource that was promised to
him: So that’s where I heard it from, this is the Body Altering
Liquid. It’s highly possible that it is the substance within the
Body Altering Pond, luckily the names were similar.

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Chapter 59 - Droid Puppet

The Body Altering liquid was made from ultra-rare

ingredients, just making a few litres worth would take at least a
hundred years to make, due to the rarity of the ingredients and
chemicals. The knowledge of brewing this liquid was a hidden
secret only known to the upper echelons of the Dasecris Family
Clan and certain other individuals across the continent.

The bonding process of the ingredients and chemicals were

exceedingly complex, replicating the liquid was close to

As the prince of the Dasecris Empire, he was reserved a large

amount, so that when he reached the peak of the Body
Transformation stage he could immediately breakthrough to
the Body Transformation stage.

This opportunity belongs to me, he thought.

“Do you know where it is?” asked Amaysu his tone

inquisitive, he knew asking was pointless but there was no
difference between asking and not.

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She did not say anything, yet Amaysu understood what she
wanted. “If there ever comes a time in the future, you can ask
me for a favour.”

She nodded then carried on: “You’re a bit naive expecting us

to tell you where it is.” Olivia sighed helplessly: “Even so, we
don’t know where it is, it is not so easy to find and even if you
find it, there’s a horde of golem’s protecting it.”

In response, Amaysu frowned in thought.

“The only ones that know of the location are Edward and his
group from the Titans hall. The last time the tomb opened only
their disciples were lucky enough to stumble upon this rare
pond. Outside this tomb, there is only one person that can
replicate this liquid.”

“Replicate?! Who?!” he suddenly shouted, his eyes were wide

open; to say that he was shocked was an understatement.
There’s actually someone in this backwards times that knows
how to replicate the Body Altering Liquid. From what father
told me it is an exceptionally difficult liquid to create. What
kind of genius is this?

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“He is Forge Grandmaster Richard, but to ask this eccentric
elder to give you some is impossible,” she said with some regret.

Forge Grandmaster… Richard, this was the second time he

had heard of his name, the first being at the auction, he
wondered who this amazing man was.

“If that is so, we’ll be taking our leave. Since you’ve already
met the minimum threshold to pass, we will meet again for the
second trial.”

Olivia turned to leave and a mischievous smirk appeared: “Oh

one more thing to the girl next to you: I didn’t recognise you at
first but now I do. I can understand you, if I was in your
situation I’d also run away, sadly you have no control over your
future. But you’re parents are searching for you, you better go
home because if they find out whom you’re with…” Olivia
didn’t end her sentence and revealed her signature smile.

From the moment that Olivia said her name, Luna was jittery
and feared that there was a possibility that she would be
recognised. Hearing Olivia’s words caused her expression to
sink and a feeling of dread appeared in her heart.

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Amaysu did not understand, but Olivia already left with her

“What was she talking about?”

Luna shivered, seeing her expression he could see her face was
slightly pale and tired: “If you don’t want to talk about it I won’t
ask anymore.”

She nodded in response.


There was an awkward silence in the stale air, which was soon
broken by Luna: “What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to find the Body Altering Pond,” he replied.

“How are we going to do that? We don’t have any leads.”

“I don’t know, but there’s still a chance that we’ll find it, it’s

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not like we have anything to lose.”

Luna sighed; Amaysu was extremely stubborn so she no

longer pursued the matter.

An hour later, in an area close to where Amaysu and Luna

were at, three youths were waiting near a wall, the leader of this
group was none other than Edward.

One of the youth was extremely frustrated by the length of

time that they had to wait for the wall to move: “We’ve been
here for nearly an hour and this wall has not budged, Senior
Edward is this really the pathway that leads to the Body Altering
Pond?” The youth asked Edward, he was older than Edward but
his status was nothing compared to Edwards so he respectfully
called him ‘senior’.

Edward was staring at the wall, then at a hologram that was

on his palm that displayed a vivid map of the course that the
previous generation walked.

“I’m not sure, but we have no choice but to follow the map,”
Edward sighed unwillingly.

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Unexpectedly he sensed something and he was the only
person to notice this from his group of three.

I don’t know who you are but you think you can follow me
without me realising? I’ll let you follow me and then kill you;
Edward smirked with contempt as killing intent appeared
within his eyes.

Edward’s personality was vicious, he was going to let them

follow him and let them enjoy it before he tore them apart. He
knew that everyone’s goal in the first trial was to find the Body
Altering Pond; if he was being followed it meant their goal was
to follow him to the pond.

For his personal enjoyment, he would lead them to the pond

and kill them the moment they set their sights on the pond.
Watching their despair would make it all worth it for him, this
was his personality.


Ten minutes prior, strolling along the long empty pathways

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the two were aimlessly making their way through the maze.

“Shadow, there’s something wrong,” she said with vigilance.

Amaysu nodded, “You noticed as well. Not a single golem has

appeared for nearly forty minutes, there should be at least a red
golem appearing before us.”

They carried on walking forward without direction just

following their intuition. Out of the blue, Amaysu stopped; he
grabbed Luna and pulled her down, covering her mouth with
his palm.

His breathing was very slow and steady, Luna was leaning on
his chest and she could hear his rapid heartbeat.

“Thud!” she was confused when suddenly loud thudding

footsteps shook the ground.

Sweat trickled down Amaysu’s forehead like the beginning of

a drizzle and he subconsciously gulped swallowing the excess
saliva piling up in his mouth. He felt an overwhelming presence
that caused his instincts to dread. It was walking only a few

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metres away from him, he tried to make his aura and body as
small as possible, he couldn’t let his presence be detected by this
overwhelming presence.

Luna was oblivious to the aura but Amaysu could clearly feel
this uncovered presence. Slowly the aura receded and the
sounds of its footsteps moved further and further away.

Even after he was a 100% sure that the presence was no longer
there, he still sat without budging an inch.

“Huuuuh…” Amaysu released an exceedingly heavy breath,

immediately afterwards he started breathing rapidly, he was
sweating profusely which soaked his clothes.

Being released from his grip, Luna still rested on Amaysu

feeling his rapid heartbeat, she let him calm down before she
asked any questions.

After about a minute when Amaysu calmed down, Luna

inquired: “Shadow, why did you do that? And from what did
those footsteps come from?” Her tone was curious and

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Amaysu for a moment felt that being oblivious was a blessing.
“I’m not sure, but I think that was a Black Golem… But its
strength is abnormally powerful, too abnormal; this
overshadows all 2nd rank Body Transformation experts.”

Even though he thought this, his guess was off the mark and
was completely wrong. This golem was even more shocking and
extraordinary than the Black Golem; its power was many,
many, many times stronger than the Black Golem.

This golem was a special golem within the maze; it was silver
in appearance and was only about 1.8 metres tall in height. Its
body was made from an unknown metal and its face, if it
actually had a face was covered by a mask with two eyes. This
golem could no longer be regarded as so, this was its robotic
counterpart a Droid Puppet.

To describe the strength of a Droid Puppet you would have to

scale it with a Black Golem and a Grey Golem.

A Black Golem was at the 2nd rank of the Body

Transformation stage, this strength was equal to five or six 1st
rank Body Transformation expert. The Droid Puppet would be
able to take 3 to four times that amount at the least; its strength
was abnormally terrifying.

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There was something that was bothering Amaysu about this
situation: Did that golem really not notice us? How is that
possible? These thoughts were from the experience of the past
few attacks, all these golems seemed to detect them the moment
that the duo reached a certain range of them. However, this
golem had not.

Yet, the truth was the Droid Puppet had noticed Amaysu even
before Amaysu noticed it, he was as clear as daylight to this
Droid Puppet. Nevertheless, it ignored Amaysu, the reason
being it was programmed to wander through the maze and not
to fight; its status could be described in a few words: It was the
overlord of the first trial.

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Chapter 60 - Hidden Path

“If that really is a Black Golem, do you have any confidence in

facing it?” Luna inquired slowly, if what he said was true they
would have no choice but to retreat the next time they meet

Amaysu also acknowledged that he wouldn’t be able to face a

Black Golem head on, but the question bothering him was: Why
was this Black Golem so strong? Its aura was a bit stronger than
even the Elder from the Damian Family Clan.

He gulped before replying: “I am confident that we can

survive against a Black Golem, but that one… Impossible!”

She was taken aback by Amaysu’s confession, not realising

that in her heart Amaysu had already reached an unparalleled
existence that could sweep away all that stands in his way and
this contradicted her impression of him.

“No matter what, we have to move away from the direction of

that golem,” the silent trace of fear in his voice was difficult to
hide. “We’ll go in the opposite direction.”

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“….” He stepped forward in the deafening silence.

“Are you still aiming for the ‘pond’?” She abruptly asked
hoping that he would give up on such a time wasting task and
rather aim for the inheritance of the estate.

Amaysu nodded stubbornly: “It’ll bring me closer to my goal,”

his tone slowly chilled.

“Nevertheless, we have already reached the minimum

threshold to pass; there is no problem in trying to find it now.”

While saying this he raised his bracelet to show that it had

nearly formed the number eleven. On the other hand, Luna had
managed to reach ten; this meant that they had passed, as long
as they didn’t meet an unfortunate circumstance they would
pass the trial.

Without any further dispute, the two followed a direction that

they both agreed on. Wandering through the many twists and
turns they walked deeper and deeper into the maze.

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The Maze felt endless, Amaysu was amazed by the sheer size
of the maze, even when they were walking for hours they only
met the same endless walls again and again and again.

If I really want to exit the maze, without the help of the

arrows at the end of the trial, I’d be lost for who know how
long, days, weeks maybe even months.

The walls of the maze were dozens of metres tall and the
underground mazes ceiling was even higher. In Amaysu’s
prediction, this underground maze was even bigger than the
area of the estate above, covering several miles worth of land.

The Underground Maze is vast, but what’s even more amazing

than this is the process that the maze was created. How did
Uncle Arthur make this Underground Maze, one man can’t
possibly do this? This one fact made him tremble with awe,
making him feel prideful of his own lineage.

Traversing onwards, Amaysu quickly came to a stop; his

senses were countless times greater than Luna’s because of the
years that he spent surviving in the Savage Kings Forest with
the help of his instincts.

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The area in front of them was extremely quiet, turning
around he signalled Luna to stay quiet. He refrained from
making any noise and sneaked forward, in front of them there
was only a single left turn, yet he could see the ends of the
fading light behind the turn.

The voice behind the wall was unaware of the duo that was
sneaking towards them when they reached a distance where
they could hear everything clearly, the two stopped.

There was complete silence for a few minutes before someone

spoke again: “We’ve been here for nearly an hour and this wall
has not budged, Senior Edward is this really the pathway that
leads to the Body Altering Pond?”

Amaysu’s eyes widened when he heard the words ‘Body

Altering Pond’, he turned towards Luna and saw that she had
the same surprised expression as him.

She mimed a few words to him: “what kind of dumb luck is


Furthermore, it seemed that this group also knew the route

towards the pond.

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The girl, Olivia said that only the disciples of the Titan’s hall
know the route… This means…

“I’m not sure, but we have no choice but to follow the map,”
the speaker replied with a forced and unwilling tone.

Hearing this voice Amaysu frowned because he had printed

the owners face into his mind: Azarlin!! This moment of
carelessness caused his aura to slip, realising his error, he
instantly hid his intentions before it leaked further.

“Tukal, why are you still down about that?” The other
youngster spoke to the youth named Tukal, this youth was the
same youth that Amaysu had completely suppressed.

“Shut up, if I wasn’t caught off guard he would be the one

under my feet!” Tukal growled with annoyance, he was pissed
off; his pride had been stepped on in front of the strongest
youths under the Body Transformation stage. Furthermore, he
was at the 9th rank and was ranked third in the Titan’s hall for
those under the Body Transformation stage giving him the
opportunity to come to the tomb estate.

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“I never even got to use any of my trump cards… Next time I
see him I’ll tear him apart.”

At this moment the other youth was thinking and then spoke
out his thoughts: “Why in the first place did you drop down to
your knees? Someone at your level was crushed for no apparent

Tukal frowned; these words caused him to remember the

embarrassing scenes: “I’m as confused as you are, for an instant,
it felt as if a mountain like pressure pressed down on me forcing
me down… You already know what happened after that.”

“Tukal, what did you just say?” Edward suddenly questioned.


“I’m talking about how you were brought down to your


He felt awkward having to repeat it, despite this he was

resentful at Amaysu for disgracing him: “It felt as if a mountain

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was pressing down on me…”

“How confident are you in resisting that pressure if you were

prepared?” Edward Interrupted with a question as an avaricious
glint crept into his heart.

“I’m not sure, but I am 50 to 60% confident that I can resist

the pressure,” he replied awkwardly.

“Haha, how lucky we are! He might have a treasure that

creates a region that increases the gravity if we obtain it; the
usage is extensive and broad.”

Wasting a few minutes to kill him will now be worth it,

Edward thought, not for a moment did he think that the
increase in gravity was caused by an Inherited Legacy. Because
there was only a single Family Clan that possessed an Inherited
Legacy that affected gravity and none of their descendants was
in the Tomb Spatial Estate.

“Creak!” out of the blue, a shrieking, grating sound rumbled

near them.

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The trio quickly turned to see the wall creaking and grating,
moving aside to block the long pathway to reveal another path,
the wall and floor on this pathway were more reflective and
different compared to the other pathways.

Furthermore, the temperature had suddenly decreased

bringing in a refreshing change in atmosphere.

“Let’s go!”

The two did not need any further explanation, following

Edward’s orders they followed him into the pathway.

They charged into the pathway and disappeared at the only

turn. After half a minute two figures walked towards the
pathway, these two were not noticed by Tukal and the other
youth, but Edward noticed, even though he did not know of
their identities. These two figures were Amaysu and Luna.

Luna looked at the path and then at Amaysu: “What kind of

luck do you have to get such a fortuitous coincidence?”

Amaysu shrugged and ignored her: “I didn’t expect that the

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route to the Body Altering Pond was in a Hidden path.” Amaysu
felt that if he wasn’t so fortunate he would have never found the
route to the Body Altering Pond.

“Luna, from here on out be prepared, the dangers here are all
hidden, keep your guard up no matter what.” He said seriously
with a grave tone, even if they find the pond they had to be alive
to obtain its advantages.

Luna nodded and the two walked onwards disappearing at the

only turn. After only a few minutes the wall made a grating
sound as it moved back into place hiding the pathway, making it
seem as if it never existed, leaving behind an ordinary, empty
path to nowhere significant.

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Chapter 61 - Illusion (1)

The path in front of them was very quiet which made Amaysu
exceedingly uncomfortable. The air was cold, cold enough for
the respired air to form a second lasting mist but was easily
ignored by their body.

Every step taken forward was taken with vigilance, when

there was a turn they made sure that it was safe before moving
ahead. These actions were overly exaggerated; nevertheless, if
he didn’t do this which in turn put them in danger, he would
regret not having been overly cautious.

Walking onwards Amaysu’s ears twitched and his nose

wrinkled: What’s this smell and sound? It was subtle, but it was
certainly there in the air. The subtle melody was calm and fluid
like that of a flute while the smell was sweet and satisfying.

“Can you also smell that?” He asked Luna.

She nodded and replied: “Yeah, there’s also a subtle melody in

the air, what do you think is happening?”

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“I don’t know but it’s very uncomfortable,” he was confused,
these subtle presences in the air made him feel uncomfortable;
it made his skin crawl.

Even though he felt something was wrong they carried on

walking forward. The path was extremely dull and silent,
nothing out of the ordinary happened which made Amaysu feel
even more on guard, as they say: There is a calm before the

This storm came only half a minute later. The whistling

melody grew in noise until it was painful while the sweet smell
was numbing.

“What’s happening?” Amaysu’s face went pale; his thoughts

were in disarray, muddled by the strong effects on his senses.

All of a sudden, both sound and smell disappeared in an

instant without leaving a single trace. At the exact same
moment, waves of nausea rushed through his head, his vision
blurred for a few seconds before it returned.

Reflexively he turned around to check on Luna, but he was

left dumbfounded as there was no one beside him except for the

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empty air.

“Luna?” he called.

He was full of vigilance but contrary to this his instincts were

utterly calm, meaning there was no danger nearby.

“Oi, Luna come out, stop hiding… Luna?”

There was no reply, in an instant he felt anxious, worried:

Where did she disappear to? He asked himself.

He turned around and walked backwards, tracing his previous

steps, when he came to a place where there was meant to be a
turn in the path, there was no turn.

He felt even more uneasy, without another second of delay he

ran through the empty dark pathway in search of Luna.

He went further and further backwards, quickly noticing that

something was wrong, “I’ve been moving in a straight line for
nearly a minute, there should have been at least a few turns by

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Coming to an abrupt stop he looked around at the lusterless

walls that were once reflective with a small shine.

All of a sudden an unexplainable sight took place before his

eyes: The walls melted around him, not just the wall everything
around him dissolved into darkness.

Everything around him was black until another wave of

nausea attacked him; it was like a hammer striking his head
causing his brain to shake endlessly.

This hammering pain lasted for a few seconds before it slowly

receded and his blurred vision smoothed out allowing him to see
clearly. However, the scene that unfolded before him pulled
him into a daze while his heart thumped uncontrollably.

The hall was bright, lit by a magnificent chandelier on the

ceiling. The entire hall was glowing, it almost seemed ethereal.
The ceiling was held by large pearl gold pillars, these pillars
were thick and sturdy like a tree’s trunk, and were rooted to the

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Paintings were hung on the walls containing breathtaking
scenes; the brush strokes were those of a true artist. No matter
how long a person spends contemplating on the image they
would never get bored, they would just feel even more amazed.
The worth of these painting could only be stated as priceless.

In the centre of the hall was a lonely dining table.

He would never forget this place, a place he knew from the

back of his palm, which held thousands of memories.

“Where am I?” He mumbled knowing all too well where he

was. He could the beat of his heart in his ears, his pupils were as
tiny as the head of a needle and his breathing was heavy,
coming out in short gasps.

Amaysu lost the strength in his knees and dropped to the

floor, he couldn’t control his emotions and he weakly mumbled:
“This isn’t real; it’s fake, get out of my head!!” Amaysu grasped
onto his head, shutting his eyes tightly as he roared.

He felt no real pain; it was a psychological attack which

brought back extremely painful memories.

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“Amay, what are you doing here?” Out of the blue, a soft,
calm and concerned voice spoke out. Hearing this person’s
voice, the torment in his heart disappeared in one fell swoop.

Amaysu looked up only to be met by a worried face. The

woman had big, golden copper eyes that were just like his and
were able to see through his troubled heart, her hair cascaded
around her and she was concerned.

“Mother?!” Amaysu’s heart jumped to his throat and his mind

went blank.


“Shoot!” A man with a stern expression dressed in a long

white coat roared; on his chest was an emblem with a
magnificent bow crossed perpendicular by an arrow.

“Twang! Twang! Twang!…”

The sounds of countless bow strings vibrating were heard

throughout the field, several arrows soared through the air like
rockets, ripping the wind apart. In the next instant, these

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arrows slammed into their respective targets.

The man dressed in the long white coat frowned: “What was
that? Hit the centre! Try Again!”

Eighteen youths, a mixture of boys and girls were standing

over 100 meters away from their target, they all carried the
same serious expression as they picked out an arrow from their
quiver once again.

Within the group of youths, there was a young girl; her

clothes were much more extravagant than the other youths, this
girl was Luna.

She strung the arrow on her bow and released the arrow. The
arrow hurled through the air, splitting the air in its path,
however, the arrow missed the target and flew further away.

The instructor caught sight of this, he was about to scold her,

but he retracted the thought while putting on a forced smile.

“Miss… That was great… Try again at your own pace.” The
man said with a forced smile which seemed unnatural on his

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stern face, Luna seeing this sighed helplessly.

At the same time, the man turned to the other youths and
shouted: “All of you! Another round!”

The other youths twitched, they all looked at Luna with

unfriendly gazes that were able to devour her in an instant.

If this was before, she would have absorbed all these piercing
stares and would feel ashamed; she would even hear some of
their cruel and hateful remarks when they did not know she was

“Just because of her status she is treated better than us, we’ve
put over a hundred folds more effort than her.”

“All she does is relaxes and resources are handed to her on a

plate, while we’re forced to drown in our sweat before we’re
given a fraction of what she gets.”

“She’s only at the 4th rank, even with all the resources; she is
nothing more than dead weight.”

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“Even when she possesses a seed of the great Inherited Legacy,
she still can’t even bring out its vast potential.”

These were the bitter thoughts of all the youths, they felt the
injustice but couldn’t speak out, and so they spoke behind her
back and would wear a fabricated smile when they met her.
However, she was sensitive and could tell the difference in the
way she was being treated.

They were all still distant relatives, part of the same Family
clan, but Luna was the niece of the current head of the clan.
This meant even if she had mediocre talent she would receive
utmost care, this caused jealousy to arouse in the other disciples
causing her to be isolated from everyone.

Even her closest family members disregarded her and thought

of her as nothing more than dead weight.

At this moment, however, she had little care for these

unfriendly and threatening gazes, she was deep in her own
thoughts: I’ve been here for a few hours, but now I’m certain,
this is an illusion.

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Her guess wasn’t baseless, due to her background she had
some contact with illusions before. Only illusions could force a
person to experience dreams, memories, nightmares, etc.

Luna looked at the scenes of youths shooting arrows again and

again and sighed.

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Chapter 62 - Illusion (2)

“Mother?!” Amaysu’s heart jumped to his throat and his mind

went blank.

In the next instant hundreds if not thousands of thoughts

rushed into his mind like a torrential flood, memories of being
taught the Ocarina, being scolded, being loved and many other
memories flashed in his mind.

Tears slowly formed on the corners of his eyes, this was his
mother, his mother who he watched helplessly as she was

“Mother…” Teardrops rolled down slowly before forming a

stream of tears.

When Amaysu’s mother Elisa noticed his tears she was

stunned for a moment, to her it was much unexpected.

“Amay, you’re already 16, you’ll soon be taking your father’s

place, you have to show a strong front.”

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He sat quietly slowly swallowing the sight before him,
rubbing the tears from his face he nodded quickly.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you but you can talk to me
about it,” she said with concern.

“Mother, don’t worry about me,” he replied warmly.

“Okay then let’s go see your father.”

Hearing Elisa say that Amaysu froze for an instant before

rushing forward to follow her, his thoughts were slowly
calming down.

After following her for a while, he slowly realised what was

actually happening and he felt a pang of pain in his heart.

This is nothing more than an illusion; he had a complex

expression on his face while his heart was deep in turmoil:
However, it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy this even if it will only
last for a short amount of time.

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Amaysu was like Luna; he had experienced some illusions
when he was younger. In the era that he was from, creating
illusions were a simple task because of the existing technology
and knowledge. Furthermore, he was conscious of the fact that
even though everything looked real, travelling through time to
an old era was impossible, even in his time.

Amaysu followed his mother through the long hallway of the

Imperial palace. The walls of the hallway reflected the radiant
lights from the ceiling, creating an extravagant splendour,
countless sculptures created by grandmasters stood on their
pedestals between each arch along with a wall light. The palace
was exactly the way he had remembered them to be.

They took a turn and passed a large doorway which led to a

long spiralling staircase that went down into the mountain that
the palace was built on.

Descending the long flights of steps, Amaysu’s gaze was

plastered on his mother. Before he realised they came to a stop
in front of an enormous door that stretched several meters high
and wide.

“Mother, why are we in father’s personal training chamber?”

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“He has something to say to you, so let’s go in.” Without
further ado, Elisa opened the door with a simple push.

The door swiftly opened without making a single sound,

revealing the insides of the training chamber. The training
chamber itself was completely white and stretched a few
hundred square meters. The air in the chamber was heavy,
suffocating and visible to the naked eye as it trembled

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

In the centre of the chamber, a man in white training apparels

was swiftly dancing passed ten droid puppets.

Amaysu easily recognised his movement method, the Lunar

Moon Dance.

These ten droid puppets were extraordinarily powerful,

possessing an immense strength that completely overshadowed

Amaysu gasped, each one was terrifying alone and would be

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able to suppress him with utmost ease, but the man was fighting
them all with a single sword in hand.

He immediately pulled away from the Droid Puppets, in the

instant his body emitted a black shine and with the blood red
sword in hand, he struck the nearest droid puppet.

The air around his sword thickened which then was released
as a ray of vibrations that soared through the air to the droid
puppet, directly smashing into it with a loud bang.

Straight after, he blurred and appeared between two droids,

he placed his left palm on the hilt of his sword and then pulled
with both hands. Shockingly, the single sword split into two
identical swords which he used to slice both golems.

Countless explosions rang through the white chamber,

moments after the shirtless man walked away from a pile of
broken parts, the sword dissolved into blood red specks that
floated around him.

Amaysu was dazed, he subconsciously murmured: “Father…”

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Countless memories of a stern cold man immediately played
out in his mind, he would guide him strictly and would always
appear cold in front of his son. However, there was always
warmth and boundless fatherly love in his gaze when he looked
at Amaysu and he always gained a sense of pride from him.

This scene in front of him of his father training used a

memory as the base to create this illusion and this memory was
from the time when his father had shown him the second stage
of the Inherited Legacy and it was now replaying in the illusion.

The man heard Amaysu and he turned around which

portrayed his facial features more clearly and it was similar to
Amaysu’s. He had a lean muscular frame, long sandy brown
hair, deep dark brown eyes, he was more mature and aged,
there was also a more powerful aura surrounding him.

“Amay, I did not expect you to come so early,” Ranel calmly


“Artificial gravity, off.” On his instructions, the pressured air

in the training chamber disappeared completely.

Ranel walked over to him and his mother, his expression

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indifferent as he inspected Amaysu: “You’ve reached the 8th
rank of the Fighter stage? Well done,” A rare smile appeared on
his face.

“I expect in two years you’ll be able to reach the Body

Transformation stage, and then you’ll ascend the throne, taking
my place as the Emperor.”

Amaysu calmly listened to his father’s words, while the

feelings in his heart were in chaos.

In recent years the Thrown would be passed down the

moment the crowned prince reached the Body Transformation
stage and Amaysu was just about to reach that stage. He
wondered if this was how it would have been if the Empire had
not fallen, which made him feel isolated and lonely.

Father, mother, I swear there’ll come a day when I get

revenge for you, I’ll raise the Dasecris Empire back to its former
glory so that Raymond and Arisa can live a peaceful life. His
words rippled in his mind never making it out; however, it
reminded him of his task.

He sighed and quietly stared at his parents, this was a rare

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chance for him feel at peace. However, Amaysu was naïve to
think that the illusion was going to be so simple, it was not only
going to show what his heart desired but also his worst

These illusions were created by Arthur Dasecris to impede

anyone from attaining the fortune in the maze and to also
temper the individual because that individual could also become
his successor.

All of a sudden the setting changed and he felt pain in his head
once again. When the pain receded he noticed that the entire
scene had changed from his father’s training chamber to the
study of that night. There was no one in the enormous study
besides him and the endless shelves full of books.

“Why am I here?” he mumbled his intuitions told him that

something was wrong.

The moment he blinked, two figures appeared in the centre of

the study, standing without an expression on their face.

Amaysu’s heart went cold, a sound similar to glass shattering

echoed in his mind leaving it completely blank.

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Both figures had a bloody hole in their chests where a hand

appeared, each hand was holding a heart, which was soaked in a
large amount of blood as the wound was bleeding profusely.
From their mouth and nose blood poured down to their chin
and stained their clothes. These two figures in front of him were
his mother and father.

All of a sudden a heavy deep voice full of malice came from

behind the two dead figures: “Greetings, Crowned Prince.”

Amaysu didn’t respond at first, it was as if his soul had

completely frozen while his eyes were wide open, he even forgot
to breathe. The change in settings was too fast for him to
comprehend, he didn’t have the ability to understand the
situation or it was that he did not want to believe the scene
before him.

An exceedingly uncomfortable sound echoed as the two

figures pulled their hands from Ranel and Elisa’s chest. The two
slumped to the floor and blood rolled out to stain the floor.

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The two moved forward so that the light would reveal their
appearance. The man had a cold expression which was
exemplified by his thin lips, brown eyes, bronze skin, black hair
and the scar below his eyes that stretched towards his lips. As
for the woman she had black hair, brown eyes and pale white

The two gloated with a mocking smile on their faces as they

stared at Amaysu who was looking back at them lifelessly.

Instantaneously a deep sinister and demented emotion

exploded from his heart, it was raw, berserk and ferocious. His
mind was on the verge of breaking, boundless hatred appeared
from the very core of his being that was etched deep within his
soul. This savagery caused his eyes to turn bloodshot and his
face to twist; his groans were heavy and deep like that of a
mindless, insane savage beast.


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Table of Contents




Chapter 1 - End Of An Empire

Chapter 2 - Sorrow Upon Awakening

Chapter 3 - New Beginning

Chapter 4 - Raza Averice

Chapter 5 - Thirteen VS One

Chapter 6 - Emperor Art

Chapter 7 - Insights Of The Dasecris Emperor

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Chapter 8 - Home For The Lost

Chapter 9 - Joseph Averice

Chapter 10 - Brownwood Forest

Chapter 11 - Whiteback Bear

Chapter 12 - Thirteenth Emperor’s Insights

Chapter 13 - Amaysu’s Plan

Chapter 14 - The Return Journey Begins

Chapter 15 - Horror Upon Returning

Chapter 16 - Hope Returns

Chapter 17 - Battle Against The Wolves (1)

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Chapter 18 - Battle Against The Wolves (2)

Chapter 19 - Second Personality Awakens, Amaysu’s Alter


Chapter 20 - Overwhelming Power

Chapter 21 - Before The Banquet

Chapter 22 - Amaysu Faces Joseph

Chapter 23 - Inherited Legacy Bloodtekros

Chapter 24 - Goodbye Raymond, Arisa

Chapter 25 - Two Years Pass

Chapter 26 - Brawl In An Inn

Chapter 27 - Iron Grip Erikson

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Chapter 28 - Central Library

Chapter 29 - Mysterious Masked Elder

Chapter 30 - The Auction

Chapter 31 - Luca Damian

Chapter 32 - Particle Cannon

Chapter 33 - Amaysu Vs Iron Fist Ren (1)

Chapter 34 - Amaysu Vs Iron Fist Ren (2)

Chapter 35 - The Return Of Amaysu’s Alter Ego

Chapter 36 - Pursuit

Chapter 37 - ​Amaysu’s Vow

Chapter 38 - Getting Into Trouble

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Chapter 39 - Call Me Shadow

Chapter 40 - Luna

Chapter 41 - Training Resolve (1)

Chapter 42 - Training Resolve (2)

Chapter 43 - Remembrance Of A Great Tomorrow

Chapter 44 - Mist Sword Style

Chapter 45 - ​No Mercy

Chapter 46 - Silent Tempest

Chapter 47 - Deja vu

Chapter 48 - Scorpion Spider

Chapter 49 - Death Will Be A Blessing

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Chapter 50 - Spatial Estate

Chapter 51 - Tomb Spatial Estate

Chapter 52 - Arthur Dasecris

Chapter 53 - Geniuses Of The Overlord Sects

Chapter 54 - Entering The Mansion

Chapter 55 - The First Trial Begins

Chapter 56 - The Azarling Inherited Legacy

Chapter 57 - High-Class Grey Golem

Chapter 58 - Body Altering Pond

Chapter 59 - Droid Puppet

Chapter 60 - Hidden Path

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Chapter 61 - Illusion (1)

Chapter 62 - Illusion (2)

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