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1. Experts believe, it is going to be one of the main drivers of the fourth Industrial
Revolution, and it has the potential not to transform the tech sector only but also
the way we live our lives.
What is meant by the pronoun “it” in the quote above?

2. What was Zuckerberg’s idea about AI which was quoted in the talk? “AI will

help humanity reach its full potential.” – Mark Zuckerberg

3. What did Bill Gates and Elon Musk say about AI? “AI is the biggest existential

threat to mankind.” – Elon Musk

4. According to David Timis, what is the main feature of the technological

An opportunity to work together.

5. What is necessary for AI and other technologies to start functioning?

They need data and human.

6. What are the three main ideas highlighted in the first part of the talk? AI is not

morally good or bad in itself; widespread automation is unavoidable; humans will

need to work alongside robots.

7. What is the main threat to people in the future because of new technologies such
as AI and robotics? Why?
Shortage of knowledge to perform these jobs.

8. What did the speaker say about new jobs and careers that tend to appear in the
technological era? What example did he give?

9. According to the speaker, what will be the key to face all the challenges and
uncertainty in terms of advanced technologies?


10. What approach to education is considered essential in the future? What should
the curriculum focus on?
Project based approach
11.What is the focus of the Finnish educational system? Communication,

collaboration, creativity, critical thinking.

12. What are other crucial skills to be successful in the 21st century?

Adaptability, resilience, continuous learning.

13. Summarize the talk in one sentence.

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