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SPECIAL REPORT NO. 2 | 8 1980 CENSUS OF POPULATION BY MUNICIPALITY AND BARANGAY AGUSAN DEL SUR REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: NATIONAL CENSUS AND STATISTICS OFFICE MANILA wy. ihe meet REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ramones ® HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT FERDINAND E. MARCOS Chairman Honorable PLACIDO L. MAPA, Jr. Minister of Economic Planning and Director-General of the Authority (Chairman of the National Census Coordinating Board) NATIONAL CENSUS AND STATISTICS OFFICE Honorable TITO A. MIJARES Executive Director and Civil Registrar-General Honorable MARCELO M. ORENSE Assistant Executive Director MALACANANG MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 2170 DECLARING AS OFFICIAL THE 1980 POPULATION COUNT CONDUCTED BY THE NATIONAL CENSUS AND STATISTICS OFFICE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Batas Pambansa Blg. 72, the National Census and Statistics Office (NCSO) is tasked with undertaking a comprehensive census of population every decade, beginning in 1980, on the provincial, city, municipal and barangay levels; WHEREAS, per his Memorandum dated January 12, 1982, the Chairman of the National Census Coordinating Board submits the final results of the 1980 census of population for the Philippines by province, city, municipality and barangay; and WHEREAS under Section 8 of Batas Pambansa Big. 72, the final population count as determined from the processed census retums shail be considered as official for all purposes only upon proclamation by the President. NOW THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by Virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby approve the Final Report of the National Census Coordinating Board on the 1980 Census of Population containing ‘one volume of summary reports which shows a national population as of May 1, 1980 of 48,098,460, and 13 volumes of reports. By Region, Province, City, Municipality and Barangay, as submitted by the National Census and Statistics Office which is appended to this proclamation as annex “A” and made an integral part hereof, and the same is hereby declared as official for all purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. Done in the City of Manila this 12th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-two. 8 the President: JUAN C. TUVERA Presidential Executive Assistant MALACANANG Manila LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS NO. 1175 The National Census and Statistics Office TheMinistry of Local Government The Ministry of Finance The Ministry of the Budget The Ministry of Justice The Commission on Elections, and all Ministries, Bureaus, Offices, Agencies and Government Instrumentalities, including government-owned and controlled corporations WHEREAS, Batas Pambansa Big. 72 provides for the taking of a national census of population by province, city, municipality and barangay; WHEREAS, the NEDA had submitted the preliminary results of the 1980 population census of the Philippines by mu- nictpality, city and province as conducted by the National Census and Statistics Office (NCSO), which results were approved by the President under LOI 1083, for official use by all agencies and instrumentalities of the government in their planning and/or appraisal of development activities relating to population and other population-related matters; WHEREAS, the population count at the barangay level could not as yet be finalized by the NCSO inasmuch as there is no complete official listing of barangays available as of this date and it appears that the NCSO list does not tally with the lists pro- vided by the Ministry of Local Govemments, the Commission on Elections and the Ministry of Finance; WHEREAS, Section 8 of Batas Pambansa Big. 72 provides that “‘the final population count as determined from the pro- s ‘census retums shall be considered official for ail purposes upon proclamation by the President.” (Underscoring supplied) 3° The National Economic and Development Authority NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by do hereby order and direct as follows: t. In order that the results of the 1980 population census may be proclaimed as provided under Batas Pambansa Big. 72, and pending the issuance by the Ministry of Local Governments (MLG) of an integrated listing of barangays which shall be con- sidered official for all purposes, the NCSO is hereby directed to finalize the population census at the barangay level by including therein the population counts in all barangays recognized by the Ministry of Local Governments and/or the Commission on Election (COMELEC). —_— 2. Population counts of (a) barangays in existence in 1970 or 1972 which may not be found in either MLG or COMELEC lists, shall be included, and, (b) those barangays created (after the ratification of the Constitution in January 16, 1973) pursuant to Presidential Decree 86 or P.D. 86-A which concern mainly poblaciones, and in the case of Metro Manila, wards, shall be separa- tely indicated and properly noted for formal creation in conformity with the Constitution. 3. Population counts of al! other barangays which do not fall into categories (a) and (b) above shall be credited to the, corresponding barangays of origin. This Letter of Instructions shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of Manila this 19th day of November, in the Year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-one. FERDINAND E, MARCOS President of the Philippines FOREWORD Presented in Special Report No. 2 is the final population count classified by sex and the number of private households for each barangay, municipality and province in the region based on the data collected during the 1980 Census of Population in 12, 1982, has declared official for all purposes the population count by barangay, by city/municipality and by province. This provincial report is just one of the series of reports being prepared from the result of the 1980 Census, in addition to the volumes being published traditionally in every population census, Volume 1 is a provincial repost for each of the 73 provinces, containing demographic and other characteristics of the population and housing characteristics, while Volume H is a National Summary and will present statistics for each region and province of the country. A special volume for the National Capital Region wil also be published. Hopefully, the statistics presented in this report will help government agencies in their development planning and program such as those for the Kitusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran (KKK), Biyaya ng Dagat, Samahang Nayon, etc. The National Census and Statistics Office is thankful to His Excellency, the President of the Philippines, and to the Batasang Pambansa for authorizing the taking of the census. We are also grateful to the National Census Coordinating Board (NCCB) for coordinating a systematized involvement of government agencies and instrumentalities in the census taking. Our gratitude is alsa due to the different ministries and other national offices, the local governments and the mass media for their active participation uring the field opesation. Special mention is made of the assistance and cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Culture whose teachers acted as census supervisors and enumerators during the field enumeration. se FN “* ex A\ «Chg ~ TITO A. MUJARES Executive Director Manila April 1982 ‘TOTAL AND PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD FOPULATION BY SEX AND NUMBER OP PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS ‘BY PROVINCE, MUNICIPALITY AND BARANGAY: 1960 (Total population inoludes the population of private household and collective households. ) TuTaAl POrutaTio;l MUNICIPALITY ANC QayalibaY AGUSAN DEL SUR 265.636 BAYUgAN See367 CALAITAN asbue MARCELIMA SANTA. IRENE TAGLATARAN vero VALLANGIT bib BUNAW AN las 6.975 eytan LeeeSs eebTe wr128 24264 TOTAL AND PRIVATE HOUSSHOLD POPULATION BY SEX AND NUNBHA OP PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS BY PROVINCE, MUNICIPALITY AND BARANGAY; 1960 - CONTINUED (Total population includes the population of private households and collective households, ) CCNSUELC 293 336 193 aT 386 14e CIBERTAL 21 Ba s25 ey Be 1.515, 1s 525 51S ESPERANLA, £54257 Larios L2sk3 255255 134153 12, le? 4416 MAAS IN ear 47S Ale oe? 47S, 416 Leg La pag 14385 THB Rare Las 305 Tesly Tore 2e4e TOTAL AND PRIVATS HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY SUX AND NUMBER OF PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS BY PROVINCE, MUNICIPALITY AND BARANGAY: 1960 ~ CONTINUED (Totat population inclutes the population of private nousenclds and collective households.) PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD ‘MAGA=UD WS 426 965 4T9 420 is? AURORA 1,460 71g ebL 1 4uc TLg ool 249 LA SUERTE 478 239 239 478 239 239 a2 CIBER TAC 428 238 190 428 238 iso ey ‘TOTAL AND PRIVATE HOUSRHOLD POPULATION BY Srx AND NUMBER OP PRIVATE HoUSAHOLDS ‘BY PROVINCE, MUNICIPALITY AMD BARANGAY: 1980 = COWPISUED (Total population includes the population of private househalds and collective households.) PRIVATE MOUSEROLD POPULATION MUNICIPALITY ANG BaanaGAY 9% LATE HOUSEROLUS Les ances 530 439 S30 530 1a cUce wa sec 531 >of Sh RagUAaY ze 2or ze 267 NAGSAYSAY 400 Sel fee aut NaPAoA oot 354 331 350 UG 462 435 462 436 0 ter 163 107 163 PATIN-ay 833 ar 222 739 SALINEOGANGN 2 1ac ait 130 SALYALICN 554 586 594 596 SAN JOKGUIN ess, oot 95 oun San JOSE $20 BT 526 807 SAN Lo Enz 598 469 594 409 SAN MARTIN 735 653 735 053 SAN PEORU 135 Ise 139 we SAN RAFAEL 646 ela o46 oi3 SAN SAL VACOR, ack 336 3a 336 Sau VICENTE 756 esy 75 259 SANTA, IRENE 1383 1287 14383 1207 SANTA MARIA 38 592 oa 532 ecsaKlo 126443 64343 5130 1343 Brae SAYULAN 3 arise 4945 Te trias Tote Gaga itac ozs 349 285 343 285 CABAWAN 674 335 321 353 32i RaARFIL 1,655 woe a7 w92 aT WOVELE 1y165 615 559 es 550 POULACI CN rede 14336 1,272 14336 14272 SANTR CRUZ Lazy e2e 507 622 5u7 TAGUAYA GAN 975, ast ana 497 378 ASEAN 14406 Be ero 136 en 4 SAN FRANCESCO 274153 13,50 134193 27 i4e 134953 134199 ‘TOTAL AND PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD POPULAMION BY SUX AND NUMBER OP PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS ‘x PROVENCE, WONICIPALITY aND BARANGAY: 1960 = COWPINUED (Tota population includes the population of private houeaholds and collective householda.) PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD NUMBER oF ALEGRIA dy 3S 33h MATIC we 6 ce Fe a POBLACION BARANGAY | 2 eeF POOLACICN BARANGAY & Feud 246 TAGAP UK 54) Ly ANISLAGAN erleg tahle Lauds. but ‘TOTAL AND PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD POPULMPLON BY SEX AND MUMBER OP PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS ‘BY PROVINCE, MUICEPALITY AND BARANGAY: 1960 = CONTIRUED (Total population includes the population of private households and collective households.) PRIVATE HOUSEHOLY UME TAPAL 458 250 208 abe 208 PATROCINIG 879 458, aan 79, 421 Les POBLACION 17 Bue 473 O74 ati lee SAN JOSE 813 $29 34 els 308 Lae SThe ISABEL 641 333 368 oa 308 a> SaYON 47e 255 a 4m an 17 TaLacacoy 11+4dzZ 5435 i387 Lhe gay S18 ob byBS2 2571 BUENA GRACIA 25 370 Bar 725 378 347 13 CAUSWAGAN KS 420 425 ia te 425 163 cuLr 535 2az 257 23s 262 257 97 DEL MONTE Bnlel — Tyeed Libee Beles 1yeed 1,500 549 DESANPARADOS 87 432 296 17 424 393 431 LAUNIG 162 553 524 Loos pe 54 a3 SABANG CIBONG 776 aye 368 wy 402 308 134 SAN AGUSTIN. {PObLAG.UN) $32 453 47g son 453 47s 146, SAN IS10KO (POBLACL JN? 3e5 173 ise Be 17s 190 oo SAN NICCLAS {POBLACA IND 11034 54 53k diboe Des 520 Ve ZAMORA 655 pon a eos, 251 a4 122 ziavia 359 244 25 abe ohm 2a 92 TRENTO, 199257 Ww eeae, arz15 lyvese deyeey e212 39265 BASA 1604 51s Pt 1S 912 Ts m2 CUEVAS piers 592 546 Ly t30 bse 544 is? APATUNGAN 16945 1918 9et A94> lable s2t ale LANGK IL AAT 14035 563 392 LS3e 24e aes ine NEw VISAYAS 229 177 152 Bey a7 152 49 PCBLACICN 61513 3 y34u aeht3 oS 1> 31346 30173 69s, PULANG LUPA Be 382 348 1 282 348 126 SALVACICH B47 439 408 Bar 439 ae ibs SAN IGNAC IC as 240 Sey 265 au 8 SAN ISTCRO 14506 432 734 1508 332 134 208 ‘SAN KOQUE eae 33 3a2 he, 236 312 in ‘TOTAL AND FRIVATE HOUSEAOLD POPULATION BY SEX AND NUMBER OP PRIVATE HOUSBHULUS BY PROVINCE, MURICLPALI(Y AND BARANGAY: 1980 = COMPINUED (Total popWlation includes the population of private households and collective households.) PRIVATE HJUSEHOLD NUMBER PRIVATE CN AAT EG 431 rats 213 cle 213 16 LIaoT 1,603 B35 Tos 635 78 B26 SANTA EMIUTA 542 29 223 299 233 9% EES > ESTIMATED. ye UNINFABITEC as FOR FCAMAL CHUATION La CONFORMITY WITH TRE GCHSTATUTION 8 see OPSPUTED

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