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 St.

Thomas Aquinas gives a definition of a law which is "an ordinance of reason for the
common good, made by him who has care of the community, and promulgated." It provides
an explanation that law is a manifestation of man's reason, consisting in a sort of reasoned
plan or ordering of things in the direction of the common good. In other words, law is an
ordering founded on reason for the purpose of and guiding the community towards the
common good. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, law is not mainly concerned with
commandments and obligations, but rather with a rational or reasonable principle of order
by which things are guided toward their goals, and in this manner, law serves as a teacher.
For him, law is a set of rules that govern and quantify human behavior. The law directs
people in their actions to ensure that they are upright and ordered to the common good,
and it provides humans with a means of judging their actions and assessing whether or not
they have conformed their actions to the standard of the law.

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