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Homework 4

Risk Management Guidelines

It is of great importance to eliminate or mitigate safety hazards upon their occurrence from

sources. This is one of the effective procedures to achieve effective management of safety

risks. So, priority should be given risk mitigation. Risk management needs some steps; the

first is risk identification, the second is risk assessment, and finally risk mitigation or

elimination, when this is possible.

Risk Area Risk Risk Assessment Risk Mitigation

Technical Weak internet Probability : low  To make sure that there is a

– internet cut strong Wi-Fi and there is a

Impact: Medium proper internet connection

Security They share Probability: Low  On-device security settings

similar risks  Block unauthorized pairing

with many Impact: Medium  Password protection on the

other similar lock screen
risks as well as

many other

smart as well

as IoT device.

It could a

fraudster a lot

about a person
Health Excessive Probability: Low  To avoid excessive use of the

and safety Nausea or Impact: medium watch all the time ( especially

headache: during sleep)


In conclusion, the smart watch is a highly needed product that will help so many elderly and

Alzheimer's to help them live a better life. It helps these segments to take their medicine on

time as it has a reminder feature to remind them of the proper times of taking their medicine.

Moreover, the smart watch reminds them of the proper times of visiting their respective

clinics or hospital so that they will not miss their appointments with the doctors. So, it is of

crucial importance for them.

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