Atividades de Estudos Monitorados de Língua Inglesa - 2021 1. 9º Ano - 7º Quinzena Santa Terezinha Municipal Elementary School

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Atividades de Estudos Monitorados de Língua Inglesa – 2021 1.

3. In the last box, Garfield demonstrates:

9º ano - 7º Quinzena a) anger.
Santa Terezinha Municipal Elementary School. b) pride.
c) joy.
Name:____________________Class: 20/07 a 18/08 Profª: Tamiris d) irony.
4. A palavra “NOW” indica ideia de:
Querido aluno (a): Sei que não está sendo fácil esta tarefa de estudar a) lugar.
longe do professor e colegas, mas é necessário... b) posse.
c) tempo.
d) intensidade.
5. What activity was Garfiel invited to participate in?
a) Cycling.
b) Running.
c) Football.
d) Swimming.
6. Copy in your notebook this vocabulary: (Copie em seu caderno, este

Read the strip and answer questions: (Leia a tira e responda as questões)
Archery – Arco e flecha
Athletics - Atletismo
Artistic gymnastics - Ginástica artística
Boxing - Boxe
Bowling - Boliche
Cycling - Ciclismo
Canoeing - Canoagem
Fishing - Pescaria
Fencing - Esgrima
1. The symbol that appears in the first box indicates: Golf - Golfe
a) music. Equestrianism/Horseback riding - Hipismo
b) speech. Hang-gliding - Asa delta
c) dialogue. Hiking - caminhada na montanha
d) poem. Motorcycling - Motociclismo
Mountaineering - Alpinismo
2. In the first and second box Jon is: Olympic diving - Salto ornamental
a) eating and drinking. d) singing and eating. Skiing - Esqui
b) whistling and singing. Surfing - Surfe
c) whistling and reading Sailing - Velejar
Skydiving/Parachuting - Paraquedismo Part 2
Swimming - Natação
Table tennis - Tênis de mesa/Pingue-pongue
Bat - Taco
Soccer - Futebol
Basketball - Basquete
Hockey - Hóquei
Volleyball - Vôlei
Tennis - Tênis
Badminton – Badminton
Baseball - Beisebol
Football – Futebol americano
Handball - Handebol
Polo - Polo
Rhythmic gymnastics - Ginástica rítmica
Rugby - Rúgbi
Synchronized swimming - Nado sincronizado
Aerobics - exercícios aeróbicos
Diving – mergulho
Ice hockey - hóquei no gelo
Hand gliding – parada de mão
Water skiing – esqui aquático
Rock climbing – escalada em rocha
Snowboarding – snowboarding
Skateboarding – skateboarding
Windsurfing – surfe à vela
Parachuting – paraquedismo
Rollerblading – patinação
Weight lifting – levantamento de peso
Wrestling – luta livre
Jogging / running – corrida
Ice-skating – patinação no gelo
Leia o texto abaixo - Read the text below.
Football is the most popular Sport in Brazil. The Brazilian national
football team has won the FIFA World Cup tournament a record 5
times, in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002, and is the only team to
succeed in qualifying for every World Cup competition ever held, and
to be among the favorites to win the trophy every time the competition
is scheduled. After Brazil won its 3rd World Cup in 1970, they were
awarded the Jules Rimet Trophy permanently.
Pelé, one of the most recognized Footballers in history, led Brazil to 3
of those championships and is the top scorer of all time in the sport. All
of the contemporary talents in the national team prominent in the
Football World include Neymar, Ronaldinho, and Ganso in the men's
game, as well as Marta in the women's game. Some of these players
can be considered super-stars, achieving celebrity status
internationally and signing sports contracts, as well as advertisement
and endorsement contracts, in the value of millions of euros.
Soccer is taken very seriously in Brazil with anything less than a win
considered practically worthless and a complete waste of time and
effort. During the World Cup workers pause from their duties to watch
their team in action. Banks shut down 3 hours before matches to allow
their workers to prepare for the game. - Wikipedia adaptado.
2. Answer the questions:
A. What is the most popular sport in Brazil?

B. Who is Pelé?

3. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou falso

A. Ronaldo is the top scorer of all time in soccer. (...)
B. Marta is a 45-year-old female soccer player. (...)
C. Football is taken very seriously in Brazil. (...)
D. During the World Cup workers pause from their duties to watch their
team in action. (...)
4. Como se diz "artilheiro" em inglês?

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