Are Today's Seniors Different From The Past?

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“Are today’s seniors different from the past?

There are only few elderlies in our neighborhood but I get to see and observe them
from time to time. Both of my grandmothers are still young for old age and live separately from
us in fact they are both living independently on their own for quite some time now. As what I
have known to be true, the elderlies nowadays live differently from before because of different
factors affecting it.

It is hard to sum up specific lifestyles of the elderly because as the society grows so does
diversity among people increases with age. People are less to be similar in all areas of old age
than they were as young adults or children (raies et .1., 1981). Elderlies live differently
according to what they are used to or their health limitations. Since then, they have already
adapted to the modern world and the way it works. They live a lifestyle almost similar to our
generation where technology is rampant. They have adjusted to learn how to manipulate
certain technological things especially the mobile phones and the internet. Many of the
elderlies I have associated with find comfort in using their mobile phones for almost anything.
They are more connected with their loved ones through social media and even interested in
mobile games which they spend their free times on. Medical technology has also played a
major role in increasing life expectancy of these old populations where newly discovered
medicines are made to be available for them in maintaining their welfare. Although they have
managed to blend in the new world, they still uphold their beliefs and traditions.

Most of these elderlies are devoted to their belief specifically to their religion where for
example you’ll find most old people at church or prayer meetings and novenas where they are
practicing their devotion to God. They most have self-control which the young people tend to
find it hard to do. This must be an advantage for having lived longer wherein you have
developed characters obtained through experiences. They are more experienced in all aspects
of life which they tend to be more resilient and the ability to balance stress. They have good
self-esteem for having reached the point of truly knowing oneself but they can be stubborn in a
lot of things. They sometimes like things to be according their way or what they’ve known to be
what is right as they define themselves as having lived longer as well as experienced more than
the younger population.

A community is important for elderlies to be a part of to be able to continue their social

life and sense of purpose. In most cases, elderlies step down from their position especially at
work to give it out and let the younger ones do their part. They don’t aim to be on top rather
they guide and give advices. As the world grows, the older population has become a priority
where they are given the utmost respect and care.
Elderlies have lived a time when values are strictly practiced in order to be a good
person and one of them is giving respect to someone older than us by calling them politely and
asking for their blessings by doing an honoring gesture as practiced specifically by Filipinos. The
older population find it disrespectful if the younger ones are not practicing this by heart. When
you do these simple gestures, it gives a good feeling to our elderlies making them feel as a
respected part of the community.

Elderlies today are more connected than ever thanks to social media and all its perks.
They are more active in social gatherings even when done online. They can voice out their
opinions without being discriminated by the younger population. They have endless options for
fun and creativity which is an essential part of their aging process. There are also a lot of
medical interventions which are proven to make old age much comfortable to live until they
die. Most countries are making the elderly group an important part of their community unlike
before where the elderly are being poorly treated and discriminated.

We all reach an end and it is a great blessing to be able to live longer and grow old
where you can be able to see and experience the new era. Being old is not something to look
down for in fact it is something to acknowledge on how well you lived your life for having
reached that age loaded with experiences and knowledge. Young people should learn how to
give importance to these people time will eventually come when it is their turn to be one if they
get lucky enough.

“The way you see and treat elderlies today, will be reflected tomorrow.” - Bilbao

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