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‘GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ‘ABSTRACT Public Works — Reforms in Pubic Works Department - e-procurement in Irigaton, R&B and other Engineering Departments - Constution of Commitee to examine the appeals fied by Contractors — orders ised IRRIGATION & CAD (PW: REFORMS) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No, 216 Dated the 27th November 2006 Read the following: 4. GO.MsNo.6 | & CAD dated 11.1.2005 2. G.O.Ms1No.245 1 & CAD dated 30.12.2006. ‘ORDER In G.0.2" read above orders wer issued tothe effect that not watstancing any existing provisions of the AP.Public Works Department Code as wel as other ‘orders and executve instuctons in fores, tf any tenderer fals to submit the hard ‘copies of DDIBG for EMD, DD for ransacion fee, hard copies of uploaded doouments within the stipulated tm, the tenderer wil be suspendedcisquaied from partcpating in the tenders on ‘e-procurement platform for @ period of 12 months from the deta of bid submission. The suspension of tenderer shall be automaticaly enforced by the & ‘Procurement syste 2, The above penal provision was induded inthe Goverment order to prevent post bidding formation of cartalsisynccates by contractors that was observed in some instances. It is brought to the note of Goverment tht so fer 272 numbers of conrecors are dsqualfed in the e-procurement system based on the recarmendations of tender authorty in complance withthe orders 2° read above ‘The Government is ikl fo receive representations from the contactors on diferent reasons who have been dsquaiied on aocount of non-suomission of Demand Drafts and otter documents in future. AS at now ther is no formal mechanism to exaine such cases. 3. __Inview ofthe above iis et hat there is a noad to examine the grievances cf ‘affected contracters, wo could not submit the hard copies due to reasons beyond their control lke natural calamities ete. Aer careful examination, the Government hereby constitutes the Committee wth the folowing members to examine the representations from dsqualfied contactors on e-procurement platform, 41, Prindpal Secretary to Government, IT &C Department Chairman 2. Secretary to Government (Projets) 1& CAD Department 3. Secretary to Government MA & UD Department Mertber 4. Add, Seoratary to Government (@-Gov) TT &C Deparment. Memtber-Convener 4. The Memberconvener shal reoalve af such cases and refered to the Commitee for taking @ decision. The Committee wl nol entertain routine cases of

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