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-Sight: One of the five senses; smell, hear,

-How is it possible that again and again
people ma ke the same mista kes?

-“I told my doctor, I want you to change my touch, taste.

eyes” “My sight is not so good; but my sme ll is”
-“I’ve lived with Germans ”

-Adverbs: perfectly ; well; badly; terribly;

-Rice: “When my mom cooks
“She sings terribly ” paella rice burns a little at the bottom of
the paella maker ”
“Marcos speaks German perfectly ”
-All terrain/SUV: Sport Utility Vehicle: large
-History vs story: sturdy car) “Beatrice went to the car
dealer's to buy an SUV”
“Love story ”

“Romeo and Juliet (story) ”

“The conquest of America ( history)”

-Superlatives: Most of all . The best; the

biggest; the richest; the tallest; the
smallest. “He is the tallest man in the
-To Rot: “I found rotting
-“The king is a v ery educated man” food in the back of the car ”


-Skyscrapers: Tall buildings.

-Gray hair: “Sleeping well helps
“Panama City has many skyscrapers ”
prevent gray hair”

-Wrinkles: “Sleeping well helps

prevent wrinkles”
-Whole: Whole Wheat bread.

-To go off: To activate an alarm. “The alarm

just went off and my wife thinks it ’s my car”

-Atmospheric phenomenon :
a physica l phenomenon associate d with the
-Stream: “Waters in a atmospher e. “The Northern Lights are an
stream don't have as much force as the atmospheric phenomenon ”
ocean waters” -To get old: to change from young to old.

“Sleeping well he lps prevent getting old ”

-to focus: “Sometimes I am focused in some

work but someone interrupts”
-To retire: To stop work. “Jim is sixty-four
and plans to retire next year”

-Last night: “I couldn’t sleep well last


-Hyperopia (formal) ; long-sightedness

(informal) : Hipermetropía .

She needs glasses because since she was a
girl she has suffered from astigmatism.

-Hopefully: “Hopefully, the king will

become president ”

-Law: Rules. “It is against the law to steal”

-“To take the skeletons out of the
cupboard”: Sacar los trapos sucios.

-“Drive safe!”

-Worth it: “Is it worth it to live in Madrid?”

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