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(EgbaYewa Diocese)

Harvest of Souls
(New Converts )
…equipping youths for God’s work










…equipping youths for God’s work

Beloved of God,

Apostle Paul in his charge to us as Christians likened Christianity to a spiritual race. There is an
end point, and a prize attached to the race to heaven is such a serious race that we cannot to
run anyhow, but according to the rules of the game, so that we can win the prize.

I present to you the God’s Methodist youth Fellowship Handbook, which shall guide your study
in the foundation school programmed of the Methodist Youth Fellowship, and ultimately the
kingdom of God. We hope to conduct the study in such a manner to help you understand that
the race has steps and pattern.

I urge you to make something good out of the foundation school programme, so that you can
become a better pilgrim on the way to heaven. Your teacher will require you to solve take
home assignments before the following class, and the fellowship shall conduct a comprehensive
exam at the end of the programme. You will need an exercise book to document your take
home work, and jottings from the teachings in your class.

I welcome you to the company of God’s word.

…equipping youths for God’s work
Salvation is an act of saving or delivering from harm or disaster. Salvation is basically the process of
bringing back to life what was previously dead. In terms of God’s relationship with man, it is a miracle
process invented by God to remove man from the power of sin. This process (Salvation) is a strict
necessity for every believer and must be sought after and carried out with a great deal of caution and


Man was created by God and was given life and the power to dominate, Occupy and Rule over the
earth. This did not sound so good to the Devil who decided to tempt man and to consequently make
him lose that power. This led to a twist of events from that which God originally planned. Man
disobeyed the command of God not to eat of the tree of life. By this singular act of disobedience in the
Garden of Eden, Man Died.

Death here means separation from a destiny and purpose of eternal bliss, man became cursed and as a
result, without any intention, he (Man) was on his ways to eternal separation.

Thus, we bring out the following points of the unsaved man after the fall:

§ Man died .i.e. was separated from life (God). (Gen. 3:22 – 24, Eph.22:1)
§ Man became totally blind and was in darkness. (2Cor.4:4)
§ Man stood condemned. (John3:18)
§ The Devil was lord over his life. (John 8:44)


God invented a plan. He started out on a plan to redeem the image of the man he created. He created a
process by which man would should come back to him; by which man would be spiritually reconciled to
the position he was before the fall. This He (God) did by sending His only begotten son Jesus Christ as a
ransom to die for the sins of the world so that as many who believed in him shall be saved and delivered
from the curse of eternal separation. This is the miraculous gift of salvation that has appeared unto all
men, which all men must ensure they receive to be reconciled to God. (Bible verses Isa 9:2, John3:16


(1).Eternal Dominion: The Kingdom life Adam lost Matt. 25:23-24, Rev.5:10. By accepting Christ as
oursavior, we are automatically translated into the Kingdom of God which exists eternally, and
our reign will also be eternal. Our bodies will be changed as we inherit a kingdom that does not
fade away. We will thus reign as saints with God in His Kingdom.

(2). Adoption as God’s Children(2Cor.6:18, John1:12-13)

The least in the Kingdom is greater than the great in the world Matt.11:11. To be a slave, a
gatekeeper, a servant in the Kingdom of God is better than a great ruler in this world.
…equipping youths for God’s work
However, we are not going to be in the kingdom as slaves, but as heirs of the kingdom Rom8:17,
Gal. 4:6-7. It is therefore a great privilege God has given us; to be a greater inheritance in which
the lord has placed for us as His Sons.(More could be discussed)

(3). Assurance of the Saved Man

By assurance, we refer to the changes that make a Christian certain and guaranteed of this
salvation. By understanding these changes the saved Man is left with a rock solid faith which
unwavering. Note the following points:

§ Your salvation is not something you remain or feel doubtful about. Salvation comes by
faith and not by feelings or goose bumps. It comes by believing Jesus Christ who died
for your sins and not by your personal thoughts or hopes. Your assurance stands in
believing and understanding fully that Jesus Christ actually came down to die for your
sins John 1:12, John2:16
§ When a man is saved, several changes occur. He adopts a character that is not of this
world anymore, but that of God Col. 1:12-13. His behavior is being translated to this of
another kingdom i.e. the kingdom of the Most High. There is Renewed Hope
1Thessalonians 4:13-18.s

Manifestation of the saved Man

The manifestation of light in darkness is super-phenomenal. Darkness disappears at the presence of the
Light. Thus, when a Christian who has been saved walks in the world, there is a difference.

People stand in awe at the character that follows salvation. They see the saved man in a different light
because his nature his changed and unlike that of the world. He dominates wherever he goes and
several Kingdom virtues become dominant in Him.

Consequently, we should note the following points, which manifest clearly when a Mans saved:

v The Spirit testifies about Him Rom 8:16.

o The fruit of the Spirit becomes unmistakably obvious Gal 5:22-24.
o The great hunger for the Word and Evangelism.
o (More point should be discussed)

Steps towards being saved

v Realize that you are a sinner Romans 3:23.
v Realize you cannot save yourself John3:3, Titus 3:5, Rom 3:24.
v Recognize the fact that Jesus came to the world to save sinners; to ensure total redemption of
man John 3:16, 1Tim 1:15.
v Believe God wants to save you too Acts 2:39.
v Sincerely confess your sins and make up your mind against them Pro 28:13.
v Renounce your sins and never go back to them.
v Call Jesus by faith to save you John1:12.
v Declare your salvation Romans 10:9-10.
…equipping youths for God’s work

Holy Spirit: is the Spirit of the Living God. He existed in the beginning and was covering over the
surface of the Earth Gen1:2.

Man is also made up of spirit. After God formed man from the dust, He breathed the breathe of life are
requiring to worship and interact with God John4:24b. Just as his five senses touch, smell, sight, hearing
are used to interact with the physical world.

After Adam and Eve sinned, God banished them from his presence. In order for man to adequately
please and worship God, his spirit has to be attuned with God. Just as no man can know what is in the
heart of another man except that person alone, no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own
spirit 1cor 2:11. That is why God’s Spirit into our Spirit that we may be able to do what God requires.

When Jesus was on earth, he was able to do what God required because he had the Holy Spirit without
measure John 3:34.

What He does
1. He was sent to take over from Christ John 16:7
2. He convinces the world of sin
3. He convinces the world of God’s righteousness.
4. He helps believers to pray Rom 8:26, Eph.6:18
5. He teaches believer to believe the truth John 16:13.
6. He tells us the mind of God 1Cor 2:12.
7. He empowers us to do God’s will
8. He helps us top live right before God.

The Holy Spirit has a personality. He is not a force or a mist. The Bible makes us to understand that he
can be:
§ Lied to Acts 5:3-4
§ Grieved Eph.4:30
§ Speaks Acts 13:2
His personality is that of God and Christ as He is sometimes referred to as the spirit of Christ Romans 8:9
1 Peter 1:11.
The Spirit comes having considered the nature and essence of the Holy Spirit.

The reasonable question to ask is how do I receive him into my life? The answer to this is to
realize the need for God in your life. After determining to follow God, ask him to come into your life.
When we ask Christ to come into our lives, he comes by the Holy Spirit because he is the spirit of Christ.
The result of this leaves us with a deposit of certain kingdom traits which have been well highlighted in
Gal 5:22-23. While asking, we have to believe that God desires that we have him and that he is ready to
come into us Mark 11:24.
…equipping youths for God’s work
Baptism is an outward sign of commitment to be effective which has to be accompanied by an inward
change of attitude leading to a changed life Matt 3:4. Baptism unites a believer with Jesus in his or her
death to sin and resurrection to holy life. Baptism symbolizes submission to Christ, a willingness to live
God’s and identify with God’s covenant people 1cor,12:13.
The Bible talks about two main types of baptism Matt 3:11-12.
v Baptism with water
v Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Baptism with water

The baptism with water was the main anchor the ministry of John the baptism it was a call to prepare
the hearts of people for Jesus Act 13:24-25, Acts 19:4.
Today, we receive the baptism of water as a sign to show our repentance from sin and acceptance of

Baptism with the Holy Spirit

After repentance from sins, it is very important that we are baptized with the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38-39,
Acts 8:36. It is an endowment of power for service Act 1:8. This is the essence of baptism that we may
receive power and ability to do the work of God like Christ did.

Baptism is symbolic and it represents changes in our lives as we leave or old nature to accept Christ
nature and walk with his power Gal.2:20.
Baptism is for all believers. Having the Holy Spirit in you without baptism is not sufficient to do God’s
work in the world.

Differences between Receiving the Holy Spirit and being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

§ You can receive the Holy Spirit without the Holy Spirit baptism while being baptized in the Holy
Spirit means that you surely have received the Holy Spirit.
§ You can be a Christian without being baptized in the Holy Spirit while you can’t be baptized
without being a Christian.
§ Receiving the Holy Spirit helps you to live a life of holiness while a life of holiness is needed for
us to be baptized of the Holy Spirit.
§ By receiving Holy Spirit, Bible says signs shall follow Mark16:17-18. While in addition to these
signs those baptized in the Holy Spirit manifest the it’s of the Holy Spirit 1Cor. 12

…equipping youths for God’s work
The word Faith is as old as the creation itself. It was the foundation (i.e. the basis of creation). Everyone
who successfully walked with God in the Bible did so by faith. They believed in the existence of a being
they did not see. They communed with him and believe in his existence. (See Enoch Gen 5:22-24).

What is Faith?
Faith in Greek is ‘Pistis’ which means believe, assurance and fidelity. Although we have many people
with various definitions of faith, an element of belief and assurance are emphasized.

Hebrews 11:1, now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We will
then consider the following:

Substance of things:
Even though the word Faith is abstract, it is seen as increate and real. Faith is truly, when it starts from
the abstract ream and ends in fruition (manifestation) Rom 4:17.

This is the bridge between the abstract world and the realm world. Hope comes with great expectation
Rom 4:18, 5:5, 8:25.

Faith is indication, a sign and an assurance (evidence) or a proof that something will happen Heb 11:13.
Note: Trust is faith in action

Why faith?

§ Without faith, we cannot worship (please) God Heb. 11:4-6, Deut.32:20.

§ Without faith, we cannot be saved Eph.2:8, Heb.11:5, Heb11:27.
§ We live by faith as saints Heb.2:4, 2cor5:7, Rom1:17, Gal. 22:1-8, Gen.1:4.
§ Justification comes by Faith Rom 5:1, 14:23, Gal11:9, 11, Gal.3:14.
§ Oppositions are deal with by faith Heb.11:29-30, Matt.17:20, 21:21.
§ Kingdoms and Nations are subdued by Faith Heb.11:32-34.

Levels of faith (Rom12:3 – 6)

1. No faith Mark 4:40. A fearful man is a faithless man Rom 8:15.
2. Little faith Matt. 6:30, 8:26, 14:13, 16:8.
3. Great faith. Matt. 15:28 Act 6:8.
4. Mutual faith Rom 1:12.

Growing in faith (2Thessalonians 1:3)

1. Word of God Rom 10:17.
2. Worshipping (praising) God Rom 4:19-20
3. Confession Rom 10:6-10.
4. Prayer.

…equipping youths for God’s work
Faith without a complementary action will produce no result Jam 2: 17-18. Faith is made perfect by work
Jam 2:22. If you have faith, then step out according to the level of faith you possess.


By implication of our salvation and adoption as sons of God and heir of the kingdom, we are brought
into an eternal conflict with the devil. It is therefore necessary that every effort required must be made
to remain in the grace which saved you from destruction.

You are already clean because of the word you received but if you do no aide and guard jealously that
salvation you have received, you may be cut off John 15:6.


God is committed to us possessing our inheritance Gen.12:1-3, Gal. 3:18.
Men who do not understand the value of their new-birth will end up abusing it Gen 25:29-34. As
Christians who have been saved, you must beat it in mind that the devil is looking for opportunities
whereby he can snatch your birthright from you he the devil sees into the future and knows that
without doubt you would be great thus he tries to veer you from the divine provision in store for you.
He brings to the foreground different temptations. He tries to tempt you off the right path you started
off with. Today, the world is filled with so much pleasures and carefully orchestrated schemes to purge
you of the life that once saved you and delivered you from death.

The devil in all his wisdom cleverly engages Christians today in activities he gives a drive to want to
accomplish things for God. Christians enter positions and flop because they were too busy trying to
fulfill the responsibility of their positions at the expense of their relationship with God that really
matters, but how much closer you have kept him in your heart. Thus, Nurse (God)! For this is more

§ David in the wilderness
§ The life of Jesus
§ The life of Noah


A life without the presence of God is a life without his guidance; a life lived in the flesh. When a man
refuses to allow the spirit of God to dominate in his life, the Devil takes over. He rules in the mind of

In Gen 3, we saw how Adam lost the life-giving spirit of God by disobedience and how consequently the
devil crept into his heart. Nature does not leave room for vacuum. If your life is not filled with the spirit
of God, the spirit of the devil will take over.

…equipping youths for God’s work
Thus, the fall of a man is tantamount to his rejection of the spirit of God. Every weakness is a man needs
to be addressed before it enlarges uncontrollably. E.g. lust of the flesh, gluttony e.t.c.

§ Gehazi’s drive for riches
§ King Solomon’s lust for women

These illustrations all portray how the devil can manipulate a man and to make him deviate from Gods
ordained restoration plan. These characters are inevitable in a man who is living a life without the
constant presence of God.


§ Studying in the word of God
§ Praying
§ Retreating to fend off distractions
Studying the word of God
This gives an indication of ones desire to walk with God. If you desire to have any relationship with
anyone, one thing you want to do is to know more about them; to know what pleases them and what
they are like. The same thing applies to our wanting to walk with God. A major way in this case of
getting acquainted with his was is through study of the bible, which contains God’s words and gives us
an indication of his nature which he cannot deviates from Num 23:19.
(Discuss further).

This is a means of communicating with God. A major way of maintaining a relationship with anyone is
through verbal interaction. Prayer time is a time when we speak to God from the bottom of the heart
and poor out our hearts concerns and desires to him.

This simply entails is ensuring there are regular periods set aside for us to have our focus on God and
keeping ourselves from having any distractions. Prayer, study of the Bible, and meditating on God are
what generally characterize this period.
(Discuss further)

Bearing Fruits
Another way of abiding in the presence of God everyday of your life is to continue to bear fruits. Fruit
Bearing is an intuitive act of every genuine believer. This is because a believer is innately moved with
compassion and love. Thus, he (the believer) cannot see his fellow man moving in the wrong direction
and not stop him completely.


A word is a medium by which thoughts are expressed and the application of the term to the eternal Son
leads us to believe that self-expression is inherent in the God head, that God is forever seeking to speak
himself out and to his creation (Heb 1:1-2). The word of God which brought the world to being (Heb11
…equipping youths for God’s work
:3) cannot be understood to the mean the bible, for it is not a written or printed word at all, but the
expression of the will of God is the breath of God filling the world with living potentiality.

How did we get the bible?

The bible did not fall from heaven neither is it a collection of stories, fables, myths or human
ideas about God. Through the Holy Spirit; God reveal his person and plan to certain believers, who
wrote down his message for his people. Many of the writers never met or spoke to one another. In fact,
the period they lived spanned close to 2 millennia – about 60 generations but the consistency of the
message in the book shows that it had only one author – God.

The early church offer careful consideration recognized and received certain writing based on the
obvious God –breathed inspiration of those writings as the canon of the bible which consists of the
books of the Old and New Testament.

Though the bible includes many things, it actually has only one main idea; God’s loving plan to bring
mankind into a full relationship with him and his plan for how to live daily as a maturing son or daughter
of God.

Inspiration behind the bible – 2Peter 1:19-21, 2Tim.3:16-17

There is no part of the scriptures whether prophetic or historical, narrative or instructive that was frame
op or contrived by the whims or wit of men. God revealed his person and plan to certain believers who
wrote down his message for his people.

This is known as inspiration.

The books of the Bible were written by at least 40 different writers who were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The writers wrote from their personal, historical and cultural contexts. Although, each one used his own
mind, talent, language and style, he wrote what God wanted him to write.

The Bible is divided into two major sections: Book of the old Testament (covenant) and Books of the
New Testament – Hebrews 8:6-10, 18. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the
New Testament, for a total of 66 books in the Bible.
The books of the Old Testament are divided into three major sections.

A. The Law
These are also referred to as the books of Moses. Reveals how after creation and fall of man, God
conceived a people through whom he will reveal himself closely followed by his pattern for the conduct
of their lives and how to worship him after years of years of sojourn in Egypt.

The books of the prophets delivered God’s commands and promises, judgment and rebuke, and his
living to the communities and nations who had been living on god-fantasies and lies. They presented
the reality of God and woke people up to the sovereign presence of God in their lives. They yelled, wept,
rebuked, soothed and comforted.
Books Former:Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
…equipping youths for God’s work
Latter: Major: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
Minor: Hosea, Joel’s Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
Although some of these books are poetical while others are historical, their inspiration makes them to
be unavoidably included as part of the canon of the Bible.
Poetical: Psalms, Proverbs and Job
Five Rolls: Songs of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther and Ecclesiastes
Historical: Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah and Chronicles

The New Testament is divided into 4 sections

A. The Gospels
The Gospels documents eyewitnesses accounts of events shortly before the advent of Christ, his life and
ministry on earth including his teachings, prophecies death and resurrection – Luke 1:2.
Books: Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

B. The Acts of the Apostles

This book records the birth, spread and growth of the church with high its most influential leaders.

C. Personal letters
These include the teachings and doctrines of the Apostles. The letters addressed issues as they arose in
the church. They present the gospel of Christ and were geared towards building the church on nothing
but the truth; they were not concocted in the human heart but were written under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit. These letters are further divided into two sections:

Epistles of Paul
Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy,
Titus, Philemon.
General Epistles
Hebrews, James, 1 & 2ndPeter, 1st, 2nd & 3rd John, Jude.

The Book of Revelation

This book written by John the Apostle while on the island of Patmos reveals the message of Christ to the
church to remain faithful and to encourage believers to remain steadfast. It also foretells the judgment
coming upon this word, the end of this age and the eternal reign of the believers with Christ. Indeed, it is

Prayer is a lifestyle not just an act. God commands us to pray and not doing so is active disobedience.
More so, we are to pay continually 1thess: 5:17. There is no prayer life without a relationship with God.
A prayer life without relationship is a religion, which is what a lot of people do today. In essence, we
must learn to pray every day as often as we can, not in a mechanical or routinely manner but by being

…equipping youths for God’s work
very sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Jesus taught on the basics of prayer; He gave not a pattern of prayer or
a set of rules but rather, illustration that prayer reflects relationship; an act of love.

One pre-requisite to an effective prayer life is you must know the Holy Spirit no matter the depth of
your Christian walk, you still get to situations in your prayer life where you would need help in the place
of prayer. The picture is well discussed in Rom.8:26-27. This is where the Holy Spirit comes in as he help
in time of need especially in the place of prayer.

Jesus taught extensively on the person of the Holy Spirit, how he is to help us in our walk with the
father. He helps us in the place of prayer by praying for and with us. One very important criteria is that
they must consistent with the will of God. It is only when our prayers are in line with the will of God that
they will be heard, and when they are heard, we can be sure they will answered in the very way it
pleases God, who alone knows what is best for us. The question thus is ‘How do we know what the will
of God is so we can begin to pray in line with his will?

‘The only way we can know God’s will is by:

§ Increasing your quest to know more about God.
§ Studying the word diligently
§ Spending more time with God

There are some basic points to note about prayers:

§ Being a child of God, you have direct and express access to Him John 16:24.

§ God longs to hear your prayer, he longs to hear you calling out to him Matt 7:7-11. In praying,
you must open your mouths, there is no place for silent prayers or mind – talking, you must
believe God hears you as you speak though he is not physically there with you Rom. 10:10-11

§ Remember that God sees the heart sop you must keep your motives and intentions pure in the
place of prayer Jam 4:2-3. One of the most challenging tasks of Man is to equate the feelings of
the heart with what comes out of our mouths.

§ Your prayers should include intercession. Pray for others, our country missionaries and the
work of God all over the world. 1Tim.2:1-4.

Types of Prayer
Ate with him in prayers. Our prayers line up with his will and finally when we pray let’s believe that’s
when we stand a chance of receiving. Expectation is the Biblical wisdom for supernatural manifestation.
Elijah was a man like you and me, and prayers where effective and fervent; they were directed and
orchestrated by the living God. Thus, if we continue diligently in the place of prayers, there is telling
what God can do through us.

…equipping youths for God’s work

Fellowship can be defines as an emotional experience of friendship between people who do things
together or share common interests. It means coming and staying together to achieve a purpose.

Figuratively, it can be depicted as a pack of coals which when well-arranged produces the much needed
illumination for cooking while one isolated coal dies gradually without producing enough light needed.

Thus, the fellowship of the brethren is to strengthen and fortify each member of the group to improve
productivity in their Christian walk with God.

Fellowship is an act instituted by God. It was one of the principal reasons God created man. Given this
fact, it is thus a responsibility for every Christian to have continuous, unfading relationship with the
Most High God.

Being an act instituted by God, it is quite difficult to fully grasp the importance of fellowship in a
Christian gathering/setting. It’s truly a mystery of some sorts however, the following points stand
glaring of the benefits and importance of the fellowship of the Brethren.

Essence of Fellowship of the Brethren

To worship God together thus encouraging the spirit of unity Psalm 135 worship is act God is not
unfamiliar with. Even the devil understands worship being a total submission. This is the principal
reason why God declared in the law that only him must be revered and accorded worship.

When Brethren come together to fellowship, and worship God, God glorified in their midst. As seen into
the verse above, It brings everyone to the same spiritual level because the spirit of unity is in their midst.
Sharing & Caring for each other when the spirit of unity is in the midst the Brethren, they would not find
it difficult sharing things with each other; they wouldn’t find it difficult sharing personal problems with
each other because the early Christians displaying this fully shared everything they had and no one was
regarded to have more or show superiority over the other.

§ To fulfill the divine counsel of God Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:1-4, Luke 24:29.
§ To commune together as one family with our risen Lord Mark 16:4.
§ To experience the fullness of God Psalm 133:3.
§ To spur one another on towards Love and God deeds Heb. 10:24-25.

What Happens when the Brethren don’t fellowship

· There will be lukewarmness in the lives of individual Christians
· There will be lack in the body of Christ.
· The devil prevails when there is disunity amongst Christians. He uses to cause a break in a
believer’s relationship with God.
· God is not happy.

…equipping youths for God’s work
Methodist Youth Fellowship (Mark 16:15)

Methodist Youth Fellowship (M.Y.F.) is an autonomous organ under the auspices of Methodist Church
Nigeria to foster the communion of Methodist Youths in the Church and ensure that the gospel of Christ
Jesus and Holiness is ensured as the old Holy Club.

The motto of the Fellowship is taken from Mark 16:15 “…Go ye into all the world and preach the
gospel…” This shows that the emphasis of preaching Christ must be seen in all our activities.

Our Vision
§ To Seek the Kingdom of God and trusting Him that all other things would be added unto us
(Matt. 6:33)

Mission & Goals

§ To lead young people to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior.
§ To propagate the gospel throughout the world.
§ To help youths of the church in attainment of academic excellence through the acts of career
and entrepreneurship development useful for God and humanity.
§ To help maintain a quality personal relationship with God, fellow youths, family members and
adopt a culture of healthy recreational life.
§ To provide sound biblical base for guidance into pre and post marital relationship.
§ To labour together by the help of God to accomplish the help much – needed revival in
Methodist Church Nigeria and to work hand – in – hand with as many as are of like vision.

Methodist or non-Methodists
What is the place of a Methodist Youth or non - Methodist youth in the above listed tasks?

A Methodist Youth is having a responsibility to contribute his quota towards the revival of Methodist
Church Nigeria by being part of the Church activities and Youth Fellowship.

A Non-Methodist Youth has the opportunity to learn from the heritage of the Wesleyans and build
himself for the revival of the body of Christ. Any contribution of a Non-Methodist Youth to Methodist
revival should be seen as a contribution to the body of Christ, since there is no denomination in heaven.

…equipping youths for God’s work

“A Methodist is one who has the love of God shed abroad in his life by the Holy Ghost given unto him.
One who loves the Lord His God with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with his entire mind, and
with his strength. God is the joy of his heart and desire of his soul.” John Wesley

Methodism began in 1739 when Benjamin John Wesley, an Anglican minister Church of England)
pulled out of the Anglican Communion. He had no intention to start a denomination, but had passion
for scriptural holiness, and heartfelt worship.

Methodist Church is currently spread round the continents of the world, and still converges under
Methodist World Council seated at Nashville, U.S.A.

Methodist Doctrines

Methodist believe in trinity, assurance of salvation, (salvation by grace), sacrament (Sacrament of

Baptism and communion), and Christian Perfection.

Methodism is hinged to the bible, and it attaches value to deeds not creed. Methodist church allows
democratic system of church, such that every confirmed member of the church has a say. Methodists
believe in the priesthood of all believers. (1Pet2:9)

Sacrament of Baptism is not only a sign of profession and mark of difference whereby Christians are
distinguished from others that are not baptized: but it is also a sign of regeneration or the new birth.
Sacrament of Communion refers to Methodist’s believe that Christ is present in a spiritual form in
communion and not in a bodily form also. An article of the United Methodist Church says “We believe
the Lord’s Supper is a representation of our redemption, a memorial of the suffering and death of Christ,
and a token of love and union which Christians have with Christ one another. Those who rightly,
worthily and in faith eat the broken bread and drink the blessed cup partake of the body and blood and
blood of Christ in a spiritual manner until he comes.”

…equipping youths for God’s work

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