Soal Mom Sukma

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Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your

chosen answer!

1. She ___ her dog everyday

a. To feed

b. Feed

c. Feeds

d. Feeding

2. I ___ always ____ to the dentist

a. Do not, go

b. Does not, go

c. Do not, went

d. Does not, went

3. Q: How do you go to school?

A: We ___ the bus to school

a. Rode

b. Ridden

c. Ride

d. Riding

4. Q: When do you do your homework?

A: ___

a. I have did my homework at 6 PM

b. I did my homework at 6 PM

c. I do my homework at 6 PM

d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM

5. Lina ___ the match in Olympic Games. She is so sad.

a. won
b. lost

c. jumped

d. celebrated

6. Rina : I want to wear my white gown to Amanda’s party. What do you think?

Lisa : I think the red one is better.

Rina : Ok. I will ___ the red gown

a. wrap

b. go

c. wear

d. give

7. Katherine didn’t study hard. He didn’t ___ the exam.

a. study

b. give

c. pass

d. break

8. The gardener ___ the grass every Monday and Thursday.

a. cuts

b. plans

c. trains

d. comes

9. Agus : Why do you look sad?

Hasan : Because I ___ my wallet.

a. lost

b. have just lost

c. am just lost

d. just lost
10. Anita : Was Indonesia team as strong as Malaysia?

Yani : No, I think Malaysia was stronger than Indonesia.

Anita : But ___ South Korea, Japan or Indonesia?

Yani : South Korea.

a. Which country is the best

b. Which team is the strongest

c. Which country plays better.

d. Which team is the weakest.

Direction : choose the correct answer from the option a, b, c, or d

11. “Aditya had the oil of his car changed yesterday” means …

A. “Someone asked Aditya to changed the oil of his car”

B. “He changed the oil of his car”

C. “Someone changed the oil of his car”

D. “He had to change the oil of his car”

12. _____ the demands of aerospace, medicine, and agriculture, aengineers, are creating
exotic new metallic substances.

(A) Meet

(B) Being met are

(C) To meet

(D) They are meeting

13. _______ James A. Bland, “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” was adopted is the state song
of Virginia in 1940.

(A) Was written

(B) His writing was

(C) He wrote the

(D) Written by
14. Mary Garden, ______ the early 1900’s was considered one of the best singing actresses
of her time.

(A) a soprano was popular

(B) in a popular soprano

(C) was a popular soprano

(D) a popular soprano in

15. In the realm of psychological theory Margaret F. Washburn was a dualist _____ that
motor phenomena have an essential role in psychology.

(A) who she believed

(B) who believed

(C) believed

(D) who did she believe

16. Most of us……….24 SKS this semester.

a. to take

b. are be taking

c. are taking

d. be taking

17. What are they doing right now?

a. They are doing swimming.

b. They swim right now.

c. They are swimming.

d. They usually go swimming.

18. Mega can’t come to the conference right now because she………. her little baby.

a. taking care of

b. is taking care of

c. is takes care of

d. be taking care of
19. It is still raining now outside. Therefore, the riders ………. their rain coat.

a. are wearing

b. will wearing

c. is wearing

d. have wearing

20. Someone …………. the door now. We are not in the living room.

a. are knocking

b. knock

c. is knocking

d. knocked

Josh: hi, my name is Joshua. But you can call me Josh.

Karin: hai Josh. Nice to meet you. I’m Karin. By the way, where are you come from.

21. Josh: I………….. Bali but I will stay in Jakarta for a while to study. Do you know about Bali?

Karin: No. so can you tell me a little bout Bali? I never once visited Bali.

Josh: sure. You will like it because Bali is so wonderful place.

Karin: I’m excited to hear that!

a. Came from

b. Come from

c. Came for

d. Come form

22. Ridho: I wonder what that noise is.

Zizi: hmmm, it may be a bird.

Ridho: no. it can’t be a bird. It’s running across the roof and birds don’t run across roofs.

Zizi: well, some………. It could be a big bird that’s running fast.

Ridho: No, I think it must be some kind of animal. It might be a mouse. But, mouse is
small so mouse is impossible to make that noise, right?
Zizi: if you curious, just take a look.

Ridho: that’s a good idea.

a. Birds do

b. Birds does

c. Bird do

d. Mouse do

23. Receptionist: I’m sorry sir because we only have twin bedroom on 210 for right now.

Guest: what does it means?

Reception: it means that twin bedroom is the only one which available right now, sir.

Guest: …….

a. You are welcome

b. I’m sorry to hear that

c. It’s okay, I’ll take that

d. Come here, and I will take it

24. Jake: hi, good evening.

Roni: oh hai jake. Good evening.

Jake: where’s john?

Roni: he’s in the kitchen now……. We will have special guest tonight

a. He’s cooking the dinner

b. He’s having breakfast

c. We’re having lunch together

d. We’re eating our meal

25. Chacha: what do you think about my dress?

Agnes: wow…….. I feel like I want to buy a dress like you, chacha.

Chacha: and I tried bob hairstyle to get a better impression.

Agnes: you are so smart in dressing up.

a. Where you change it?

b. Wow, so cool.

c. It’s complicated.

d. You look beautiful.

26. Fia : I experience the sadness my cat is dead, can you help me to bury it?

Recky : Oh no, is he poisoned?

Fia : I don’t know, but there is no foam from his mouth, please help me!

Recky : ….. Calm down.

a. What caused it?

b. We have to contact the hospital.

c. I will try

d. I will help you

27. Helena : When you will come back Anna? …..

Anna : Be patient, i will definitely contact you when i want to go back, but don’t forget
to prepare food for me.

Helena : Don’t worry about that, i have prepared to special food for my beloved sister.

Anna : Oh, i love you so much

a. Im waiting for you.

b. I miss you!

c. Please Come home soon!

d. Don’t be late!

28. Anggun : What do you think of my hair?

Dinda : …. I feel like i want to cut my hair like you Anggun.

Anggun : I tried American Hairstyles to get a better impression

Dinda : You are smart in dressing up.

a. You look beautiful

b. Wow, so cool

c. Where you change it?

d. Its amazing.

29. Rengga : ….. Im hungry i want little some rice with the addition of spicy chicken meat.

Waiters : Our spicy chicken has run of, if its replaced with another menu.

Rengga : Oh no, its my favorite menu. Then please make me one serving of grilled chicken

Waiters : Yes sir.

a. Come here a minute, i call you

b. Go from here please!

c. Come here and please make me a something food

d. What are you doing?

30. Chelya : …. ?

Susanti : Yes, I have.

Chelya: When did you go there?

Susanti : Last year.

a. Have you ever gone to New York?

b. Are you going there?

c. Did you go there?

d. Do you go there?

Questions 1-5 refer to the following passage.

Robert Moog was an American inventor who developed the Moog synthesizer. it was
one of the first synthesizers to gain widespread use as a musical instrument. Moog’s
synthesizers were an important part of musical innovation in rock and jazz music in the
1960s and 1970s. Robert Arthur Moog was born in Queens, a borough of New York City 75
years ago. He became fascinated with electronics as a teenager, particularly an early
electronic musical instrument called the theremin. mood studied physic and electrical
engineering at Queens College and Columbia University both in new york city and later
received a Ph.D. in engineering physic cornel University in Ithaca, New York. in 1954, while
still an undergraduate student, Moog Formed his own company to sell theremins and
theremins kits.

Soon after, Moog began working on a keyboard instrument that could replicate the
sound of any musical instrument electronically. working with American composer Herbert
Deutch. moog introduced the prototype Moog synthesizer at a convention in 1964. the
device represented a significant advance over previous electronic synthesizer because of its
use of new semiconductor technology, which made it smaller and considerably cheaper
than earlier machines. the Moog, as it was known, was soon in demand by musician all over
the world.

In 1964, Moog began a collaboration with American composer and organist Walter
Carlos who released the best selling electronic music album switched-on bach in 1968. Rock
groups such as the Beatles and yes and jazz musician such as Harbie Hancock and Chick
Corea began incorporating Moog synthesizer into their recordings, a trend that increased
when the company introduced the compact and portable Minimoog in 1970. A Moog
synthesizer was also prominently featured on the soundtrack to the movie A Clockwork
Orange in 1971.

1. The word ‘prominently’ in paragraph 3 can easily be replaced by.

a. Significantly

b. Perfectly

c. Accurately

d. Smartly

2. The passage describes theremin as a/an.

a. The prototype of Moog Synthesizer

b. Initial Electronic Music Instrument

c. Musical Instrument to replicate the sound

d. Instrument of electronic tool

3. According to the passage, all of the following are true about the Moog, EXCEPT.

a. It was invented by Robert Moog

b. It was first introduced in 1964

c. Initiated new technology

d. it was the first synthesizer in the world

4. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses.

a. Collaboration between the Moog and other musicians

b. The description of compact and portable mini Moog

c. The improvement of Moog Synthesizer

d. Trend in the music industry about synthesizer

5. The main Idea of paragraph three is …

a. The Moog’s collaboration in music field

b. The Moog in the movie soundtrack

c. The introduction of Minimoog

d. The collaboration of the Moog with music groups

Questions 1-5 refer to the following passage.

We believe the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. At percent, we are forced to look
to other bodies in the solar system for hints as to what the early history of the Earth was
like. Studies of our moon, Mercury, Mars, and the large satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have
provided ample evidence that all these large celestial bodies had formed. This same
bombardment must have affected Earth as well. The lunar record indicates that the rate of
impacts decreased to its present low level about 4 billion years ago. On Earth, subsequent
erosion and crustal motions have obliterated the craters that must have formed during this

Scientists estimate the Earth’s age by measuring the ratios of various radioactive
elements in rocks. The oldest Earth’s rocks tested thus far are about 3 1/3 billion years old.
But no one knows whether these are oldest rocks on Earth. Tests on rocks from the moon
and on meteorites show that these are about 4.6 billion years old. Scientists believe that this
is the true age of the solar system and probably the true age of the Earth.

1. In line 8, the word “obliterated” means.

a. created

b. destroyed

c. changed

d. erosion

2. According to this passage, how do scientists estimate the age of the Earth?.
a. By measuring the ratios of radioactive elements in rocks.

b. By examining fossils

c. By studying sunspots

d. By examining volcanic activity

3. Scientists estimate the age of the Earth as …

a. 4 billion years old.

b. 3 1/3 billion years old.

c. 4.6 billion years old.

d. 6 billion years old.

4. Which of the following processes led to the obliteration of the craters formed by the
bombardment of the Earth by the celestial bodies?

a. Volcanic activity

b. Solar radiation

c. Gravity activity

d. Crustal motions

5. According to the passage, why are scientists forced to look at other bodies in the solar
system to determine the early history of the Earth?

a. Human alteration of the Earth.

b. Erosion and crustal motions.

c. Solar flares.

d. Deforestation and global warming.

Questions 1-10 refer to the following passage.

The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelaion for the cave and
thema for deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalactites and
stalagmites. Stalactites hang downward from the ceiling of the cave and are formed as drop
after drop of water slowly trickles through crack on the cave roof. Stalagmites grow upward
from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water dripping from an overhead
stalactite. A column forms when a stalactite and a stalagmite grow until they join. A
“curtain” or “drapery” begins to form on an inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle
along a slope.

Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes. or swallow
holes. Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the cavern. Rivers
may flow from one mountain to another through a series of caves . Some caverns have
sinkholes in their floors. Water often builds up a rim of dripstone around the edge of the
hole. Dripping water often contains dissolved minerals as well as acid. These minerals too
will be deposited; and they may give rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water
change, layers of different colors may be formed.

1. Stalagmites are formed by …

a. drops of water which enter through cracks in the ceiling.

b. underground rivers which flow through the cave.

c. water dripping from an overhead stalactite.

d. water which trickles down a slope.

2. Sinkholes are …

a. the decorative dripstone features found in caves.

b. natural openings on the surface that lead to caves.

c. colorful layers of mineral deposits.

d. None of the above

3. Which speleothem grows upward from the floor?

a. Stalagmites

b. Stalactites

c. Sinkholes

d. Curtains

4. An “inclined ceiling” is one which …

a. is straight.

b. is crooked.

c. is slanted.

d. is wet.
5. Which of the following are NOT caused by dripping water?

a. Stalactites

b. Stalagmites

c. Slopes

d. Curtains

6. The information in the passage is most relevant to which field of study?

a. Geography

b. Archaeology

c. Physics

d. Geology

7. “ Curtains” can also be called …

a. column.

b. draperies.

c. stalagmites.

d. rims.

8. The word speleothem comes from which language?

a. Latin

b. French

c. Greek

d. English

9. Stalagmites are formed by …

a. drops of water which enter the cave through cracks in the ceiling.

b. underground rivers which flow through the cave.

c. water which seeps through the cave floor.

d. water which trickles down a slope.

10. Which speleothem hangs from the ceiling of a cave?

a. Stalagmites

b. Stalactites

c. Columns

d. Rimstones

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