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Vijay Gupta
Head Corp Comm, WIPRO

What is Wipro's CSR Vision and Mission?

Firstly, we do not have a separate vision and mission for Corporate Social Responsibility. We do not see
our work as a social responsibility. We believe that if we want to have a successful business, then we
must have a successful society around us.

We cannot be an island of excellence. Along with the development of a business, the society around it too
has to be developed. Otherwise, there are bound to be conflicts that will affect everyone. It actually makes
good business sense to work with the society in mind.

We believe that if there is an issue then we must try to solve it. Obviously, if there are 100 issues, we
cannot address all of them. Therefore we have focused on an area of work where we can make a

How are you different from Azim Premji Foundation?

Wipro is a limited company in the private sector with a public holding. Our work in the social sector is
therefore governed and funded by the Company.

Half the funds for Wipro Cares, our wing that looks into voluntary work, comes from the employees, while
the other half comes from the Company. Azim Premji Foundation is funded almost entirely by Mr.Premji in
his personal capacity.

While both the companies work in the field of education, our focus, range and methods of work are

What is your CSR focus area?

At present our focus area is education. We see that education is very fundamental to development. So, if
we work in the field of education, then we feel we have helped people to access whatever opportunities
that are available.

Wipro is seen as a knowledge company, and education fits in well with our work. More and more jobs are
now based on the knowledge industry. Even traditional jobs like trading now require automation and
therefore education has become necessary.

Along with our education initiatives, we also have Wipro Cares. There is a lot of desire among our
employees to volunteer. Many of them want to spend time and money on social causes.

Wipro Cares is a platform through which they can do this. When Wipro Cares came into being three years
ago, we just collected funds for relief operations. For instance, after the Gujarat earthquake, we collected
over Rs.1 crore. We sent clothes and essentials to Gujarat, and also built a hospital. But later we realised
that we must do something in an ongoing manner and not wait for natural calamities to start our voluntary

Our volunteers did a quick survey around urban slums in Bangalore and Hyderabad. identified three
major issues---unemployment, hygiene and sanitation. Now we will start addressing these issues.
What are your initiatives in Education?

Our main initiative is called Wipro Applying Thought in Schools. It contributes towards improving quality of
education in India. Active in 15 cities, the initiative has imparted close to 125,000 hours of training to over
2500 teachers, principals and parents from 100 schools nationally.

Wipro’s work prompted Business world FICCI-SEDF Corporate Social Responsibility Award 2003 to rate
Wipro as one of the top Indian corporates championing the cause of Corporate Social Responsibility and
sustainable development.

The initiative was triggered when Wipro realised that even the best people leaving our education system
do not bring basic life-skills to the workplace. Over the past three years, the initiative has engaged with
various stakeholders – such as teachers, principals, parents, educationists – to enable change. Wipro has
partnered with experts in education to incorporate contemporary international research and the best
teaching practices from across the country to each of the enrolled schools.

Wipro Forum is a collection of organisations who partner us in our effort to improve the quality of
education in the country. Our partners include NEEV, Teacher Foundation, Eklavya, EZ Vidya, iDiscoveri,
Digantar, Education Initiatives, Vikramshila, Sparsh and so on. We are also looking at improving
curriculum. We are reaching out to individuals and organisations who are passionate about quality in

What are your initiatives in Health?

Right now,nothing. We are exploring the need for health services.

We want to cater to what people want because there has to be a social equity is whatever we do.

Health is definitely an area where we hope to do a lot of work through Wipro Cares.

How do you select projects for support?

We are looking at projects on a long-term basis. As I said, Wipro would like to make a difference.

How do you select partner NGOs?

We select people or organisations that share our passion for education. We must have the same

It is not enough if the NGO is working in the same field. For example, an NGO may be working in
education, but unless they are working on the improvement of learning methods, they do not share our

We are not in the business of opening new schools. Our aim is to see whether learning is happening in
schools that already exist. And therefore we partner with NGOs that have the same focus.

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