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Name : Risma Aulia Rahman

NIM : 2001940
Class : 2B

1. How is your current condition?

2. Do you have any complaints and feel pain?
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how painful is the pain?
4. How long has this been going on?
5. Have you previously had a history of illness?
6. What foods and drinks do you usually consume?
7. Do you take drugs too?
8. What about the pattern of your daily activities?
9. Now what do you feel?
10. Have you consulted a doctor?

Nurse : "Hello, good morning sir."

Patient : "Good morning ma'am."
Nurse : "Okay sir, introduce me nurse Risma, here I will help you."
Patient : "Oh yes, fine ma'am."
Nurse : "Before, how is your condition now?"
Patient : "I feel dizzy, nauseous like I want to vomit."
Nurse : "Are there any other complaints?"
Patient : "Chest pain and shortness of breath, sometimes nosebleeds and impaired vision."
Nurse : "How long has it been going on?"
Patient : "Approximately for 2 months."
Nurse : "Did you previously have a history of illness?"
Patient : "No, at least it's just a mild illness."
Nurse : "What about your daily habit pattern?"
Patient : "I have a habit of smoking and consuming caffeinated drinks every day."
Nurse : "Have you checked with the doctor?"
Patient : "Not yet ma'am, this is the first time I have checked myself."
Nurse : "Okay sir, then for a moment, I will study first from what you just said."
Patient : "Okay ma'am, please"

Based on the results of the conversation with the patient, it can be concluded that the patient
has signs and symptoms of hypertension. For further examination, blood pressure
measurements, blood tests, urine tests, EKG, and CT scans can be carried out.

For advice on treatment and prevention, you can adopt a healthy lifestyle, consume healthy
and nutritious foods, stop smoking, reduce caffeine intake, increase physical activity and
exercise regularly.

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