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Why Are Families Important to Society?

The importance of family in modern society is evident when you examine

research about topics like crime, the economy, and social services. The
important thing to remember is that family type isn't as important as the
stability of the family unit.

Family Ties Help Regulate the Economy

Families who share strong bonds tend to prefer living situations where they
can remain close in proximity. This contributes to more regulated jobs and
wages because families who stay together want a job market with security and
fair wages so they won't have to move away. Labor markets are often dictated
at their core by the workforce in the area.

Bigger Families Mean More Economic Prosperity

Large families are major economic contributors. From insurance to Costco
runs, clans packed with people are by nature big spenders. Furthermore,
families with droves of kids are producing droves of future adults, which will
be needed to sustain the economic balance as aging populations leave the
workforce. Smaller families will result in smaller numbers of economically
contributing adults, while the aging population continues to be large and in
need of economic support, hence tipping the scales of economic balance.

Family Interactions Help Prevent Crime in Society

A recent review of research shows that prisoners who visit with family
members have a 40 percent lower chance of becoming a repeat offender
compared to those with no family visits. Unconditionally supportive
relationships in great times of need or change can help people get through
tough times. Those who have made bad choices and continue to receive
emotional support from family maintain a sense of worth and have something
in life to keep them motivated.
Family Values Influence Voting Behavior
You've heard that kids model the behavior of their parents, and modeling is
one of the strongest tools parents have. But did you know that
childhood family values can last long into adulthood? Political experts
agree that families who take their kids to the polls and discuss why they vote
with their kids likely contribute to voter turnout in the future. Kids who
watched their parents vote in elections were more likely to view this act as a
duty of their citizenship, regardless of their affiliated political party.

Why is family important? While everyone is born to a mom and dad, not everyone is born
into a loving family. The lack of strong, loving families can lead to a downfall of modern
society in so many ways. Being part of a family, or not being part of one, has a trickle-
down effect on the decisions and actions we make. And those decisions and actions
can eventually lead to problems in society if too many people are making poor choices
that don’t benefit the group as a whole.

The role of the family in society is to establish in children a sense of belonging. Through
this primary function of the family, children can learn social skills. This helps them learn
to interact and work together for the betterment of all. With this foundation of caring for
themselves and others, families are also responsible for educating children and
instilling family values. This creates citizens that are working to reach goals in civic

The family is considered as the core of the society because it is the place where its
members are most personally affected. This is the easiest place to instill values and
create change. When families believe they can achieve and help others and lift each
other up to prosper and reach greater heights, the society can do great things. On the
other hand, if the families are held down in an abject state of poverty and despair, the
society will also not prosper. The impact of family on society is small when you speak
of only one family but huge when you speak of families collectively. And because we all
influence each other in our connected communities, we can all make a positive

The Impact Of Family On Society

The family unit plays an important role in making us better people individually as well as
better citizens of our society. The importance of the family in Western Culture has a
long history and it is part of our social identity. Families are a major source of practical
support on a daily basis. The end result of this is greater social stability and less

Family Set Us Up for Future Relationships

As part of a nuclear family, children learn how to interact in an appropriate manner to

their parents and siblings. These are life lessons they later take out into the world and
use in their relationships with employers, friends, significant others, and even strangers.
These familial relationships often form the basis for how people with interact with
society and the relationship they will form as members of the community.

Families Provide a Safe Zone

A strong, loving family structure provides a place where children can feel safe and
comfortable to be who they are and know they’ll be loved and supported. Kids have a
place to go when they’re dealing with a crisis and need help. They feel encouraged and
have more confidence in themselves because they know they’re loved and appreciated.
Young people learn to give and receive emotional support.

When people are functioning out of a level of safety, they will make more civic minded
decisions than when they are functioning out of a level of survival. With the support of
family, individuals can succeed and accomplish greater things for themselves and their
community or country.

Families Teach Us How to Be Part of Something

Through family traditions, connections, and a sense of responsibility, families teach us

to love and support others. Families teach us not to focus solely on ourselves. Being
part of a family group teaches you how to be part of something bigger than yourself and
how to accept people who are different from you.
This is a super important lesson because selfish people do not make good family
members or good members of a society. When they are stuck focusing solely on their
own well-being, they will miss the larger picture of how much more can be
accomplished for everyone as a team.

Good Family Relationships Are Linked to Better Mental Health

Many studies have shown a direct correlation between family time and a child’s mental
wellbeing. The more time a child has with their family, the lower their risk of depression.
Healthy family relations have a positive effect and can encourage mental wellbeing.
However, negative family relationships can trigger mental health issues. Close
relationships provide a stable family life that helps the child’s life feel more safe and

When families help children establish healthy coping mechanisms and healthy practices
such a exercise and mindfulness, they are helping the individuals build resilience.
Furthermore, resilient individuals helps the society have resilience too.

Families Teach Us Values

When children are part of a loving family that teaches discipline and family values, they
learn right from wrong and become ingrained with strong values. These strong family
values become the foundation of their identity. They’re so much a part of who they are.
Our values teach us how to treat other people, respect ourselves, and find our purpose.

For example, if in our own families we teach equality of individuals and responsibility
of individuals, these are also values that we will work to uphold in society. Families
themselves are in fact a social institution that we can chose to value and support for
our greater good. Married couples can usually offer greater financial support and
devote more time to socialization of children.

Families Are the Strength of Our Society

Strong families lead to strong communities and strong communities lead to a strong
society. It’s a domino effect that starts in the home and extends outward into our
communities. When we have strong family support, we are more likely fill our basic
needs. This allows us to be stronger more productive members for the continuation of
As the International Federation for Family Development says, family is the, “environment
where ethical and cultural values are achieved in a natural way.” Further, they state,
“Taking into account the broad experience of our Federation in dealing with families
worldwide, we see every day that family is where the vast majority of people learn the
fundamental skills for life.”

How do families benefit society? Happy, healthy families lead to individuals who are a
contributing part of society. On the other hand, people raised in an unhealthy home
environments struggle to be part of society and find their place in the world. The make
up of the societal family units determines the values and actions of the whole.

Strong, healthy, happy families are a necessity to society. They teach us how to be part of our
community, give back, and be our best selves. When we can do that, we can build a strong
society and civilization. In what ways do you think families have an important influence on
society? Do you think the important functions of the family are clear to the younger generation?

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