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Understanding the Q12

What does the new scorecard offer?
• The new Q12 scorecard is more detailed and easy to read and understand. It will give
you an enhanced understanding of your scores and helps in determining the areas of
strength and opportunities.

• The scorecard includes a summary of Gallup’s employee engagement model, how the
scores are measured and what are the different percentile ratings.

• The scorecard will show you detailed results for your team and comparison with the
scores for your LOB, BU and overall company.

• As an added feature, you will get to see a summary of your strengths and
opportunities among the Q12 items. For every strength and opportunity, it also
includes suggestions to improve and maintain these areas.

• Towards the end you will find two pages to capture the feedback and actions arising
out of your scores. Discuss your scores with the team and capture the minutes.
Page 1: Cover page

Your name

Your score

Your LOB score

Your BU Score

Company score
Page 2 & 3: Introduction to Employee Engagement

An overview of Gallup’s employee

engagement model and how are the scores
Page 4: Top 2 strengths and opportunities
This page highlights the
top 2 strengths and
opportunities from your
Q12 items.


Questions for which

Strengths you have got lowest
scores among other
Questions for which items
you have got the
highest scores among Suggestions to
other items improve them
Suggestions to
maintain and
improve your scores
for these
Page 5: Summary of Q12 results

Mean score for Median and top

the question score for Gallup
Q12 database
No of responses
to the question

Q12 questions Top quartile

score for the
Question wise Position on
scores for all Gallup Q12
the Q12 items database

satisfaction &
Page 5: Distribution of Q12 results

Distribution of scores
The percentage of the total who answered
at each point on the 5-point scale

No of responses
to the question

NO score displayed
since no. of
responses <5

The percentage of the total who answered at each point on the

5-point scale
Page 6, 7 & 8: Item wise details & benchmarking
Distribution of your scores for all the Q12
items and benchmarking against your LOB;
BU and company

The number of people The percentage of the

who answered the total who answered Score for the
question (may vary) at each point on the last survey
5-point scale

Your score

Your LOB score

Your BU score

Company score
Page 9 to 11: Capture your feedback & actions

This page will help you ask the right

questions to take feedback from the team Format for capturing your action plans
on your scores.
It will help you create a simple and
Capture them here and plan your actions effective impact plan

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