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e) Afrikaans is a language used all over the

EDUCANDO DE NO African continent.

FUTURO 03) Marque a alternativa que se encontra
a) I’m considering living abroad next year.
PROFESSOR(A): Francimar de Oliveira
b) I can’t avoid eating junk food
SÉRIE: 3º ano EM BIMESTRE: 4º Bim. c) I can’t avoid eat junk food.
DATA DA APLICAÇÃO:_________________ e) I saw Mary taking pictures of the museum.
e) I saw Mary take pictures of the museum.
Read the text below and answer the questions
1 and 2.
04) Analyze the sentences below.
South Africa has eleven official languages, a measure
that was included in the 1994 constitution to equalize I – You are sick. You should ______ a medicine.
the status of Bantu languages with Afrikaans, which
under the white minority government had been the II – She is famous for ________ on a talent show.
official language along with English. Afrikaans is still
the most widely used language in everyday III – I can’t ___________ fast food.
conversation, while English dominates in commerce,
education, law, government, formal communication, We can complete them using the verbs like this:
and the media. English is becoming a lingua franca of
the country, but strong attachments to ethnic, regional, a) to taking / sang / avoiding eating
and community linguistic traditions remain, supported
by radio and television programming in all the nation's b) to take / to sing / to avoid eating
languages. Linguistic subnationalism among ethnic
groups such as the Afrikaners remains an important c) take / singing / avoid eating
feature of political life.
d) taking / sing / avoid to eat
01) Baseado no texto acima, afirmamos que:
05) ____________ is a good exercise, but I
a) Afrikaans is no longer spoken in South Africa. prefer __________ volleyball.
b) Nowadays, English is not used so much in
South Africa. a) To swim / playing d) Swimming / to play
c) Under the white minority government, the
b) To swim / to play e) Swimming / play
Bantu languages were used in commerce and
conversation. c) Swim / playing
d) There are eleven official languages in South
Africa, according to its 1994 constitution. 06) Assinale a alternativa que preenche
e) The 1994 South African constitution corretamente a sentença a seguir: Most people
eliminated the Bantu languages. cannot learn verbs without _________ them.
a) studied b) studies
02) Ainda sobre o texto acima, inferimos que: c) study d) to study
e) studying
a) The use of English is slowly being reduced in
South Africa. 07) Analyze the sentences below.
b) In South Africa, both radio and television are a
means of expression for ethnic languages. I – My mom needs _______________soda.
c) In South Africa, television still refuses to
include programming in the languages of II – My friends want ______ Math this weekend.
d) Linguistic subnationalism among ethnic groups III – I can’t _________ a horse.
is no longer a political issue.
We can complete them using the verbs like this: 10) “Knowing the physical and psychological
needs of cats and dogs helps us to treat them
a) stopping drinking / studies / riding better.” Neste período, o verbo em destaque exerce
b) to stop to drink / studying / to ride a função de:

c) stop drink / study / riding a) Substantivo b) Pronome

d) to stop drinking / to study / ride c) Sujeito d) Verbo

08) Watch out the two sentences below. e) n.d.a.

- Carla will have a test tomorrow. So she is

supposed to __________ a lot.

- My uncle Tom can’t help ______________.

a) studied / to stop to smoking

b) to study / stop smoking

c) studying / stopping to smoke

d) study / stopping smoking

09) Sobre o uso do “Gerúndio” x Infinitivo,

analise as sentenças abaixo.

I - O “gerúndio” é sempre usado depois de


II - Verbos seguidos de “need”, “want”, “prefer”

são usados no infinitivo com o “to”.

III – Verbos seguidos de verbos modais, como

“can”, “may”, “should” são usados no infinitivo
sem o “to”

IV- Verbos seguidos de “need”, prefer” são

usados no infinitivo sem o “to”.

V - Verbos de percepção podem ser usados tanto

no “gerúndio” quanto no infinitivo (sem o “to”).

Concluímos que:

a) As sentenças I, II e V não estão corretas.

b) As sentenças I, III, IV e V não estão erradas.

c) As sentenças I, III e IV estão corretas. As II e

V estão erradas.

d) As sentenças I, II, IV e V estão certas.

e) Somente a sentença IV está errada.

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