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Name Ndlovu.

Student Number 201924638
Course Code CMP 322
Task Assignment

Ndlovu Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd
108-110 Robert Mugabe Street,
First Floor-Construction House,
Harare, Zimbabwe

01 September 2021

Guard-Alert Security Services

50 Chikafa Road, Willowdale
Harare, Zimbabwe

Dear Sir/Madam


Ndlovu Enterprises is a private firm that specializes in consumer goods at the Harare industrial
site. At the moment, we are looking for security services on our site from a company that
specializes in armed security services.

After hearing about your firm, we contacted you to see if your security services would be
appropriate for our company. For this reason, we would appreciate if you would send us a
brochure that details the services you offer, and any other information we might need to know.

Would you please send us your brochure regarding your services to this email:

Thank you for your consideration. Hopefully, we will receive the information soon.

Yours Faithfully,

Ndlovu Stanely

Operations Manager

Ndlovu Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd

To: All staff

Date: 03 September 2021


This serves to inform you that effective 01 October 2021, the staff required hours of work will be
adjusted based on the new working time approved by the executive following yesterday's
working time assessment meeting.

Our operating hours have been adjusted to address the increasing demand for our services as

From: 0800-1400 hours (Current schedule)

To:   0800-1600 hours (New schedule)

By establishing this new schedule, we hope to make our service more accessible to our clients. In
that regard, we kindly ask all of our staff members to organize in that way, and we hope the new
working schedule will be convenient for each of you.

Any queries in this regard, the operations manager can be contacted.

Yours sincerely,

S Ndlovu

Operations Manager

1 (a). Approximately to 150 clients were aged 20-30 throughout the four years.

1 (b).

The stacked bar graph above visualizes the number of customers served at ABC Technologies
between 2014 and 2017 based on their age groups namely, 20-30,30-40,40-50, and 50+. The
vertical length of each segment represents the number of customers served within each age group
per period. The overall trend changed notably over the four-year period, seeing the demand for
ABC Technologies services from customers aged 50+ dominating. It appears that the number of
customers served by age group has gradually fluctuated over the period. Compared to all
assorted bar heights in 2014, ABC Technologies served fewer aggregate customers across all age
groups. Over the course of 2014-2015, customers aged 50+ grew steadily, declined slightly in
2016, and then rose slightly in 2017. Contrary to customers aged 40-50, whose numbers steadily
increased throughout 2016, and maintained constant into 2017. After declining slightly in 2015,
the number of customers aged 30-40 maintained a constant level into 2016 before dropping in
2017. Comparatively, the number of customers aged 20-30 remained the lowest and remained
below fifty for the entire four-year period. Accordingly, it appears customers age 50+ were the
most likely to use ABC Technologies' services throughout the four-year period.
2 (a).

Table 1: Jordan Printing Press Income for the period January to June 2021

Sources of income Monthly income in rands (R)

January February March April May June
Photocopying 5500 6500 7500 8800 9700 4300
Printing 12500 16500 17500 18800 6700 3000
Laminating 8500 5500 14500 2800 6300 2400
Binding 22200 34500 46500 32200 54400 2210
Total income in rands 48700 63000 86000 62600 77100 11910
(R) per month

Source: Ndlovu (2021)

2 (b).

The table 1 above presents an overview of a six-month monthly income earned by Jordan
Printing Press from services namely, photocopying, printing, laminating, and binding. Overall,
the income earned from all services fell drastically in June and in almost every month, Jordan
Printing Press earned most of its income from binding services. Photocopying services income
increased steadily from January through April, then fell slightly in June. Contrary to printing
services income which grew gradually from January through April, declined sharply in May, and
continued into June. In almost every month, both photocopying and printing services had
similarly maintained a steady rise in income respectively. Binding services income increased at a
decreasing rate between January and March, fell slightly in April, then rose in May, before
declining sharply in June. Compared with other services, laminating services experienced the
greatest fluctuation with the highest income of R14500 earned in March and the lowest income
of R2400 reached in June. Last but not least, binding services were Jordan Printing Press's main
source of income from January through May before it fell drastically in June to be the lowest
source. All things considered; June's figures show that Jordan Printing Press' income for all its
services fell sharply. 

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