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Directions: With a partner, you will find various objects around the classroom that measure
specific amounts using rulers and nontraditional units. You will be asked to explain your answer
and draw the object! Good Luck!
BEFORE you ,tart: Predict which ob·ect you think will be the longest ex I

Find an object that measures Find an object that measures

Find an Object in the room
3 Among us characters. 10 cm.
that measures 1 inch.
Explain how you know
Explain how you know:

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Find an object that is 6 cm Find an object that is 2
Find an object that is the
size of 5 slices of pizza long. long. inches.
Explain how you know.

CO t LL/fl PJ's
Py[ ~r

Find an object that is 2

inches long.

long. B~of
Find an object that is 4 dogs Find an object that is 8
centimeters long.


2. Compare your 1 inch object with your among us object. What is similar and what is
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Challenge Question

from centimeters to inches. What

Convert one of the objects you f~und from the front page
did you notice?
J- l (\ u l\ Le;


Directions: With a partner, you will find various objects around the classroom that measure
specific amounts using rulers and nontraditional units. You will be asked to explain your answer
and draw the object! Good Luck!
~E you sta~ Predict w~ you t ~ will be the longest\ explain your reasoning.

Find an Object in the room Find an object that measures Find an object that measures
that measures 1 inch . 3 Among us characters. 10 cm .
Explain how you know : Explain how you know

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l'l\ v1. J ahv\\ 01' .
Find an object that is the Find an object that is 6 cm Find an object that is 2
size of\slices of pizza long. long . inches.
Explain how you know.
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Find an object that is 2 Find an object that is 4 dogs Find an object that is 8 ,,--
inches long . long . centimeters long .

m 6\ \I \J hi+-e, Mrs .
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1.How are centimeters and inches different?
·1 cA1J',s iq Ye.- t ,J ,:13 er

2 .Compare your 1 inch object with your among us object. What is similar and what is

different? ( ed UJ v..d 6 ·, s s: yyJ i2 \I e, r ~V7e,n +-n e,e,

aVV] 0 V7 3 \!S GS,(;~ t- c V:

Challenge Question

Convert one of the objects you found from the front page from centimeters to inches. What
did you notice?
Directions: With a partner, you will find various objects around the classroom that measure
specific amounts using rulers and nontraditional units. You will be asked to explain your answer
and draw the object! Good Luck!
BEFORE you start: Predict which object you think will be the longest e?(plain your reasoning.
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'-'Y J \ I ~Q ti,, c !oh~ c 5±:- •

Find an Object in the room Find an object that measures Find an object that measures
that measures 1 inch . 3 Among us characters. 10 cm .
Explain how you know : Explain how you know

~o\ h d Jdlnd
M o\/\5( 8° +-+- -{l
Find an object that is the Find an object that is 6 cm Find an object that is 2
size of 5 slices of pizza long. long. inches .
Explain how you know .

s(50 f)
Find an object that is 2 Find an object that is 4 dogs Find an object that is 8

crO\c~ r
inches long . long. centimeters long.

Po l fA
1.How are centimeters and inches different?
(f' f11if""e , c,n /J\ r e_ 5 fVl(J\
I /,C r

2.Compare your 1 inch object with your among us object. What is similar and what is

different? t r\ °" v °'- r r 8 u +V\ ! 1nr h 1

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Challenge Question

Convert one of the objects you found from the front page from centimeters to inches . What
did you notice?

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