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1. Select an organisation that you are familiar with and whose
products or services you use.
2. Before you conduct a PESTLE Analysis you must first
research your selected business.
3. Select the six categories and research each of the categories.
Include relevant information on each of the 6 sections.
4. For each of the categories you must conduct research and
add relevant information in the correct section of the PESTLE

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i. Political Factors – look at rules and regulation – include
relevant ones in your framework. Note any relevant
changes to the regulations. Fiscal policy, Competition
policy, is another area that you should look at. How will
changes in legislation impact on your business?
ii. Economic Factors – research GDP, interest rates etc.
How will changes in Economic factors impact on your
iii. Social Factors – research trends that are relevant for
your selected business. For example, if your selected
business is a supermarket how will healthy eating

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trend impact on your business? Demographic trends
may also be relevant.
iv. Technological Factors – dynamic data, 5G etc
v. Legal Factors - GDPR and other laws are relevant. There
is some overlap between political and legal factors.
vi. Environmental Factors – issues such as climate change
and pollution are relevant here – again it depends on
the type of business you have selected

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Now you have completed your PESTLE Analysis you are required
to analyse the findings and make recommendations.

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