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1 in every 4 in male and 1 in every 5 in female

Screening any 18 or older every year or 3 year without RF

If there’s RF twice per year

Incidental finding so then home reading 5 readings for 10 days

If stablished Dx  educate the pt abput everything about HTN life long and complications
and it’s silent

Discuss with pt about Risk factors

1. Nonmodifiable risk factors: Positive family history, Ethnicity, Advanced age

2. Modifiable risk factors: Obesity, Diabetes, Smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine
intake, Diet high in sodium, low in potassium, Physical inactivity, Psychological stress

Then baseline labs CBC, RFT, ECG, Electrolytes,

When to suspect 2nd causes? Sudden readings, age (young pt with high BP), features of 2 nd

Give non pharma advise

Start the pharma drugs all acceptable in non-black to start with

The classes and 2 examples with doses and ARDs for each class

If pt resistant to take drugs so deal with the pt by do contract so start by lifestyle

modification and after 1 month check if it is still high then start the the drugs

Referral criteria

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