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Jennifer Garcia

ABC Community School

October 17, 2021

Technology within our schools should be a necessity not a luxury. Our job as teachers is

to prepare our students, to the best of our abilities, for the future. So that they may succeed in

various aspects of their lives. Whether they decide to go on to University or straight into the

workforce. The lessons they learn in school will follow them throughout their life and along with

their family, school should be a place they can depend on to give them the information they need

to pursue their dreams.

We cannot ignore that technology plays a very important role in our everyday lives.

Technology is all around us. It is in our homes, it is at the grocery store, they use technology at

the doctor and the gym. We can use technology to pay for items, to watch our favorite programs

and we use technology to gain any information that we need at our fingertips. Starting from a

very young age, technology is used in various ways to do the most simple and complex things.

We would be doing an injustice if we do not offer technology based learning in our school.

Based on the way technology has been growing, it will not stop and we must stay at the

forefront of it so that students leave school with the knowledge of up-to-date software and

technology. According to an article in The Journal by Dennis Harper and Rebecca Kemper:

“All of today’s K–12 students were born in the 21st century and are keenly aware

of the urgency of the times, as they have the most to lose if humanity fails to address the

above challenges. They have a pretty good idea of how today’s technologies can help

solve problems and don’t have to be convinced that technology literacy is critical. We see

today’s K–12 students working in powerful ways in their communities and wanting to do

more. K–12 educators are finally beginning to realize that without the energy, expertise,

and passion of their students, reform is not possible.”

If it is a question of whether they will be able to understand this teaching, I believe this

generation is the most capable of learning and applying technology in school. In the same article,

the author suggests that technology is not only for the benefit of the students, but that teachers

should be learning and utilizing the latest technology to save time and help them with tasks. It is

also suggested that since students have the best potential for applying technology that they could

be learning with the teachers and help with any issues that come up. The article offers

suggestions for technology based organizations or clubs that could benefit students, teachers and

the school as a whole.

It is very important that we keep technology in our schools. We are not going to be

preparing the students of the future if we take it away. Sending students off without any

knowledge of the current technology will be doing them a disservice and potentially harming

them from furthering their career or education.

Works Cited

Harper, Dennis and Kember, Rebecca. “Technology Literacy as a Catalyst for Systemic

Change.” The Journal; Transforming Education Through Technology, 20 September 2021,

Identification of Standards

The National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) was created and

put forth by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) to help prepare

students for the constantly changing technology world. There are seven standards for students

and each standard addresses different needs and skills that students need to possess and

demonstrate. Addressing each standard is very important for the student to ensure their readiness

into the technologically driven world.

The Nevada Computer and Technology Standards builds off of the ISTE standards and

creates standards based on grade-level. This is beneficial for students and teachers so that they

are able to complete projects based on the standards starting in elementary schools. The Nevada

Computer and Technology Standards are not content standards but are simply standards that can

be met within any subject matter. Teachers can implement any of the standards throughout any

of the subjects that students are taught.

In the lesson plan provided, students will master the standard 3: Knowledge Constructor

based on the ISTE standards. Within the Nevada Computer and Technology Standards students

are assigned to achieve the following standards based on the grade 5 level:

★ 3.A.5.1 Use digital tools to plan a timeline and track progress for a research project.

★ 3.B.5.1 Use keywords to search, organize, locate, and synthesize information in

multiple sources to create an original product.

★ 3.D.5.1 Collect, organize, analyze and manipulate data using digital tools and report

results in a format appropriate to the task.

Name of Lesson: Four Seasons Slideshow

Grade Level Appropriateness: 3rd - Fifth Grade

Technology Content Standard Addressed: 3: Knowledge Constructor

★ 3.A.5.1 Use digital tools to plan a timeline and track progress for a research project.

★ 3.B.5.1 Use keywords to search, organize, locate, and synthesize information in

multiple sources to create an original product.

★ 3.D.5.1 Collect, organize, analyze and manipulate data using digital tools and report

results in a format appropriate to the task.

Other Content Standard Addressed: Atmospheric Processes and the Water Cycle E2A

Students understand that changes in weather often involve water changing from one state to

another. E5A Students understand the water cycle’s relationship to weather. E8A Students

understand the relationship between the Earth’s atmosphere, topography, weather, and

climate. E12A Students understand heat and energy transfer in and out of the atmosphere and

influence weather and climate.

Objective: Students will be able to use their computer to create a simple powerpoint

presentation. They will navigate through powerpoint to create slides with titles and add

pictures. Students will identify the four seasons and what weather corresponds with the

seasons and clothing and items they need/see throughout those seasons. They will learn to

add pictures by searching the web for clip art and other images.

Materials needed to complete this lesson: Computer with Microsoft Powerpoint and internet


Suggested Group Size: This is an individual project.

Procedures: Ask students to log onto their computers and pull up Microsoft Powerpoint.

Assign them to create a new power point presentation. They will be labeling slides for each

of the four seasons. One slide per season. On each slide students are to title the slide with the

season and add at least 5 images that represent that season. The pictures should include: one

that represents the weather typically associated with the season, one that represents an article

of clothing that is typically worn during the season, and one picture that represents a holiday

that falls in that season. The two or more pictures can be their choice. Anything that they

may see during that season or associate with that season. Their entire presentation should

include five slides:

1. Introduction Slide that includes a title and their name

2. Spring slide with at least five images

3. Summer slide with at least five images

4. Fall slide with at least five images

5. Winter slide with at least five images

Assessment: Students grade will depend if they included all five of the slides with each slide

containing five images. Within the season slides the images should contain one image

representing weather, one representing an article of clothing worn in that season, one

representing a holiday that occurs in that season and the other two or more that are associated

with that season. Points will be deducted if they do not contain the appropriate pictures or

any misspelling.

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